Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 19, 1890, Image 1

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    Demon tna
oT Ink Slings.
—The odor of freshly fried fat will
soon pervade the political atmosphere.
—When challenged to back his
charge against candidate ISHLER with
proof, the Keystone Gazette man adopts
the silent policy of MAT Quay.
—DELAMATER killed the farmers’ tax
bill legislatively. As a matter of just
retaliation why shouldn’t the farmers
kill DELAMATER politically ?
—It may pain them to disoblige the
Boss, but the people have made up their
minds that his ardent desire to own a
real live Governor shall not be grati-
—If the people want PATTISON to
battle successfully with corporate abuses
and monopoly extortions they must give
him the assistance of a Democratic Le-
—BoB KENNEDY'S speech goes down
on the congresssional Record somewhat
shorn of its offensiveness, but still
sufficiently indicative of Bom’s belief
that QUAY is a rascal.
—1It cost a pretty penny to vindicate
REED’s high-handed proceedings in
congress by his re-election, but the re-
sources of the fat-friers were abundantly
sufficient for the expense.
—Isn’t it a little Singular that a Re-
publican candidate for Governor in a
State whose Republican majority runs
close on to 100,000, should find it nec-
essary to go around button-holing the
voters ?
—In abusing the Democrats the Re-
publican speakers at Pittsburg forgot to
say anything about DELAMATER.
However, it made no difference as
QUAY’s candidate is of no account in
the contest.
-——When a gang of political corrup-
tionists and public spoilsmen are
brought before the tribunal of the peo-
ple for trial, the introduction of the
tariff into the proceedings is entirely ir-
relevant to the case.
—When Has1INGS gave it as his
opinion that a Republican leader who
steals from the public treasury is better
than the best Democrat, he furnished a
fair sample of the political ethics that
prevails among the henchmen of the
—Two hours allowed in the House
for the discussion of the Senate's amend-
ments to the Tariff Bill was the extent
of Dictator REED’s tribute to the free-
dom of debate. He has got the right of
free speech nicely under his heel in
that body.
—I1f the new tariff is to be such a
good thing why should its originators
postpone the beginning of its operation
to so late a date as the first of next
February ? Why should there be de-
lay in giving the people the advantage
of such a blessing ?
—With a loss of four State Senators
and eighteen Representatives in the Le-
gislature, and a large decrease in their
general vote, the Republicans find their
ingenuity greatly exercised in making
much of a victory out of the Maine
—The Standard, the most influential
Republican paper in Somerset county,
in saying that Republicans are justified
in revolting this year, is entirely correct
in its opinion that there couldn’t be a
better year for the honest and decent
men if the party to assert themselves.
—The “hero of Johnstown’ hardly
did himself credit when he said that a
treasury raiding Republican is better
than the best Demorat. Such an opin-
ion needs considerable revision before he
can be accepted as a safe man to take
charge of the World's Fair.
—Berks county has always been the
favorite locality of unterrified Democra-
cy, but never was the old county so full
of the spirit of JEFrERsoN and Jackson
as it was this week when the Democra-
tic Societies of Pennsylvania held their
general assembly in Reading.
—The quinine monopolists have a
grievance in not being accorded the
same right to pillage the public that
is given to other monopolies by the
McKinley bill. Quay, who offered
an amendment to restore the tax
on quinine, came to their assis-
tance a little too late in the game of
plunder played by the present congress.
—BoB PORTER, who is an English-
nan, you know, is interspersing his du-
ties as head census taker with the little
job of apportioning the congressional re-
presentatives of the American people.
He has been assigned the work of get-
ting up an apportionment bill that
will keep the Republican party in
pow er.
—--“If a man is a Democrat, in God’s
nawe let him be a Democrat. He that
is filtky let him be filthy still,” exclaim-
ed INGALLS in his Pittsburg speech.
This Kansas jayhawker who talks so glib-
ly about filth, was brought into the State
to harangue in the interest of a political
desperado and treasury raider whose rot-
ten record is a stench in the nostrils of
the nation.
VOL. 35.
Hasting’s Remarkable Speech,
There was a Delamater meeting in
Pittsburg last Saturday night at which
General Hastings made a speech.
He advocated the election of the Re-
publican State ticket,not for the reason
that it would be in the interest of good
government, but because its defeat
would give the Democrats “the man-
agement of the greatest Republican
State in the Union.” The people will
fail to see, under present circumstances
and conditions, the cogency of this
reason why the Quay ticket should be
elected. The present political man-
agement of the State is alike disgrace-
ful and injurious, and surely the peo-
ple have no interest in maintaining it
merely that Pennsylvania may contiu-
ue to be “the greatest Republican State
in the Union.” Ifthe General could
show that the election of DeLamarer
would furnish the people with purer
government ; would pat an end to a de-
grading system of bossism, and would
make the interest of the corporations
and monopolies subordinate to. that of
the general class of citizens, he would
give a reason worth listening to. But
when he tells Republicans that by go-
ing against the candidate of a treasury
raiding boss they will go hack on their
principles, he presents very nice prin-
ciples, indeed, for them to stick to.
The General hardly satisfied the
political ethics and moral sentiment of
the best men of bis party when he said
“even if it was true that a Republican
leader had stolen money from the
State treasury he would consider him
better than the best Democrat.” This
is an insult to every decent, self-re-
specting Republican whom he asks to
condone the offense of a rogue because
he is a Republican rogue. If the Gen-
eral expects to rally his party by such
sentiments he will find that their ut-
terance will be foilowed by over-
whelming defeat instead of the victory
which the usual big majority encour-
ages him to look for in defiance of the
respect which the people have for
honesty and decency.
——The Cleveland Leader, which is
a Republican paper, publishes extracts
from some fifty letters and dispatches
which congressman KENNEDY received
from person in all parts of the country,
including Republicans as well as Dem-
ocrats, giving him credit for speaking
of QUAY in terms that were so suitable
to that notorious character. However
solicitous the party managers may be
to keep KENNEDY'S speech out of the
Record, the people don’t seem to be so
anxious to have it hushed up.
A —————
The Senate, which co-operated with
the House in passing the McKinley
tariff bill, ventured upon ticklish
ground when it recommended the ap-
pointment of a Tariff Commission to
overhaul the legislation which has
created our present tariff laws. This
indicates a doubt on the part of that
august body as to the effect
of the highest tariff rates which
any congress ever imposed upon the
There can be butlittle doubt as to the
result of submitting the tariff laws to
the overhauling of a commission, if one
may judge from what occurred in the
past on that subject. In [883 when
the general tariff rates were not as ex-
tortionate as they are now,a tariff com-
mission, appointed upon the advice of:
President ARTHUR, recommended a
general reduction of 20 per cent.
A similar commission, composed of
intelligent and conscientious persons
who would have no other object than
to get at the facts and merits of the
question, would make a similar recom-
mendation. Isn't it an act of self-stul-
tification for the Senate to advise
the overhauling of the tariff laws
by commissioners who would be
pretty sure to recommend the reduc-
tion of the high tariff it bad assisted in
enacting ?
er ————
———Could it be possible that the
of this place have so much to say, and
others cf Snow Shoe to vote against
gress, four years ago?
1890. NO. 37.
Naturally Opposed to Pattison.
It 18 entirely natural that the trust,
syndicate and monopoly interests
should be opposed to the election of
Roserr E. Partrison to the guberna-
torial position. He can’t be put to the
use which they require and look for
in a governor. For their purpose
there had better be no governor than
to have ParrisoN in that office.
. Look how shabbily he treated Frick,
the great coke baron. When Frick’s
men were so presumptuous as to be troue
blesome because he didn’t pay them
fair wages, and he telegraphed to Parri-
soN,who was then Governor,to send on
a regiment of State militia to put down
he rebellious strikers, what did Parri-
soxdo? Did he show the alacrity that
HARTRANFT, or BEAVER, or any other
Republican governor would have
shown in maintaining the rights of
capital and upholding the privileges
that belong to the industrial nobility ?
Not a bit of it. He was so lost to
every sense of duty to the rich employ-
ers and powerful syndicates thai he
actually refused to allow the militia to
be used in suppressing the servile in-
surrection of the coke-burners, and had
the face to telegraph to baron Frick
that if he would pay his men decent
wages they wouldn't strike.
What use have the coke barons, and
the coal and iron lords, and the big
corporation magnates, for such a gov-
ernor? No wonder they are all down
on him, and will liberally contribute
their money to help DEraMAter, who
would serve their purpose a good deal
better. .
~ A
More Humbug for the Farmers.
The monopoly supporters who had
set their faces against every proposi-
tion to reduce tariff duties, which they
stigmatized as free trade, are now en-
deavoring to secure some credit for the
Senate's putting binder twine on ihe
free list, contrary to the original inten-
tion of the McKinley bill,which main-
tained the monopolist’s tax on that
article so necessary to the farmers.
The bill, as passed by the House, ex-
pressed the preference of the party
leaders for the monopoly interests and advantage of the noble Britons, and
their true feeling in the issue between
the farmers and the trusts. The House
was faithful to its monopolistic in-
stincts in refusing to drop the iniqui-
tuous tax on the farmers’ twine, the bill
being disfigured by that iniquity when
it came to the Senate.
It was only because some of the
western Republican Senators had heard
from their constituents in a way which
alarmed them about the tenure of their
seats, that they were frightened into
putting binder twine on the free list,
and now the organs are calling the at-
tion of the farmers to the great solici-
tude of this Republican congress to
supply them with cheap twine for
their harvests. The fact is that if
the Senate hadn't been scared by the
threats of the western farmers the
twine monopoly would have been
maintained with the other extortions of
the McKinley tariff bill.
The Later Aspect of the Maine Election.
The Republican organs are not point-
ing with as much pride to the Maine
victory and the vindication of Czar
REED as they did immediately after the
result in that state was announced.
An analysis of the figures has had a
wonderful effect on the significance of
the victory, It shows that the Repub-
lican vote which brought about the
triumph over which such a great fuss
has been made, was some thousands
less than any vote the party polled in
that state since 1880.
The Democrats, having no hope of
carrying the state, stayed at home
in unusual numbers. They saw that
BraiNe and Reep would use all the
power that money and political posi-
tion gave them to carry the state,
against which it was useless to contend,
and therefore they made no organized
opposition. Under such favoring cir-
cumstances of course there was a big
majority, but it was shorn of its signifi-
$900 of which the Republican papers | cance by the fact that the Repablican
| vote was 4,500 less than in any year of
which they are now trying to get out | the last decade.
of, had reference to the money Major
Worr, the Republican nominee for endorsement which Reep and his ty-
Sheriff, offered to Squire Brown and
“ceived at the hands of his constituents.
; | :
ParroN when he was running for con- ' But what is to be thought of an en-
There was much exultation over the
ranical methods in the House had re-
dorsement made by 2,200 less than
the number that voted for him two
years ago? Is it too much to infer
that more than two thousand Republi-
cans didn’t consider his course worthy
of their approval? His increased ma-
Jority was not in consequence of his
having the full endorsement of his par-
ty, for it failed him by over two thous-
and, but it came rather from the dis-
couragement of the Democrats of the
district who believed that it was useless
to contend against the influences which
they knew would be exerted for the
re-election of REED, they therefore
staying away in much larger number
than the Republicans did, although
the absentees of the latter were unusu-
ally numerous.
A victory to which a large per cent-
age of the victorious party declined to
contribute, as shown in the shrinkage
of the Republican vote, can hardly be
considered much of a party triumph,
notwithstanding the size of the majori-
ty. The Maine election didn’t signify
half as much as did the election in
——Mr. WiLLian Brookig, the dis-
tinguished Philadelphia business man
who died suddenly the other day in
that city, and whose death is the sub-
ject of public regret, was one of the
prominent and honorable Philadelphia
Republicans who signed the protest
against the election of DELAMATER and
the appeal to their fellow Republicans
to resist the corrupt and odious per-
sonal rule of M. S. Quay. Mr. Brook-
IE was a leader in the business move-
ments of the city, a member of the
Union League, and never affiliated
with any other than the Republican
ss ———
Contrasted Nobility,
Mr. AnxpreEw CarNEcIE is said to
have sorely offended the British nobili-
ty by a specch he made some days ago
in Dundee, Scotland, in which he drew
a comparison between the hereditary
lords of Great Britain and the industri-
(al lords of the United States, who owe
their nobility to the favor of tariff
laws. The comparison was to the dis-
hence the offense.
Mr. CarnNeGiE is able to speak for
the American aristocracy whose claim
to distinction is founded altogether upon
their money. He has reason to look
down upon the effete nobles of the old
country as a slow set, who have been
dukes and barons and earls for cen-
turies and can’t begin to equal in
ready cash the iron and steel barons
and other American nobles who were
impecunious nobodies before a war tar:
iff afforded them an opportunity of rob-
bing consumers, but who now, through
the favoring influence of discriminating
tariff laws, can discount the British
nobility on the question of dollars every
There is CARNEGIE himself, for ex-
ample. See what a high tariff has
done in the way of ennobling him.
Were Great Britain to be scraped with
a fine tooth comb very few dukes or
earls could be found with as much
money as he has, all of which came to
him through the fostering which his
infant steel industry received from a
beneficent monopoly tariff.
America 1s rapidly acquiring a class
of nobles. It isn’t old; its blood isn’t
any of the bluest, but in the vulgar
quality of money it has already sur
passed the wealth of the English no-
——PorTER, the Englishman who
was given the job of superintending
the American census, has now been
entrusted with the duty of reappor-
tioning the congressional representatives
of the American people. A reappor-
tionment bill was presented in the
House last week which was drawn up
after consultation with Porter on fig-
ures furnished by him trom the census
office. The managers think that the
bill will do, as under Porter's manip-
ulation it is so arranged that the Dem-
ocrats will gain but six representatives
while the Republicans will gain sixteen.
It is by such management, and the un-
seating of Democratic congressmen
when opportunities are presented, that
the “grand old party” proposes to
maintain her supremacy in congress.
——That was a grand vindication
which Hastings gave the treasury
thieving Boss at Pittsburg.
A Democratic Legislature is Necessary.
The farmer voters who are going to
vote for RoBert E. Pattison as a step
towards an equalization of the tax
burden ; the toilers in the mines and
factories who will support the Demo-
cratic candidate for governor because
he will assist in protecting them.
against the oppression of greedy em-
ployers, the robbery of pluck-me stores
and the outrages of Pinkertons thugs ;
the men of business who will vote for
him because they know that he will
exert his official influence, as he did in
his former term, to restrain railroad
discrimination and other
abuses by which they have been injur-
ed and public prosperity im paired—all
these well meaning voters should bear
in mind that the objects they wish to
accomplish by the election of Roser
E. Parriso¥ can not be fully secured
without a legislature that will back
him in bringing about the reforms so
greatly needed in the state government.
No other than a Democratic legisla-
turewould assist him in eradicating the
evils of bad government that have for
years afflicted our commonwealth and
in enacting the laws that are required to
enforce the long neglected and despised
provisions of the constitution relative
to railroads and other corporations.
A Republican legislature, controlled
by boss influence and dominated by
corporate power, would be a hindrance
to an honest and well-intendingZexecu-
Gov. Parrisox will need the help of
a Democratic legislature.
Therefore, not only the Democrats
of this county, but the Republicans
who are going ta vote for Parrisox for
the good they expect of his adminis
tration, will also vote for Messrs. Hot
and McCormick.
' SS ———
——The Keystone Gazette is as silent
as a clam when challenged to produce
evidence to support the $900 charge it
made against Mr. IsaLer. The halt
called on that lie was so sudden that
| it entirely took away the breath of the
A ———
Why Don’t They Give Names?
The Delamater organs make an
attempt to off-set the landslide ot
Republicans from their candidate for
Governor, by setting up the claim that
the bolters from ParrisoN are more
numerous than those who are cutting
the Republican candidate. But why
don’t they give names? What delica-
cy do they labor under that prevents
their specifying who those Democratic
bolters are? It is easy enough to say
that ParrisoN is losing the support of
Democrats, but who are they? What
are their names? Fifty-eight of the
most prominent Republicans of Phila-
delphia have declared their intention
of opposing Deramater, and they
have signed their names to the decla-
ration. In all parts of the State lead-
ing Republicans have wade similar
announcements. Why don’t the Dela-
mater organs specify the Democrats
who they say are offsetting these Re-
publican bolters ? That they don’t give
names is because they cannot.
Reacting on Its Circulators.
The $900 lie that was so flippantly
heralded by the Republican ring organ
immediately after the Democratic coun-
ty convention, has returned to plague
and demoralize its inventor. The paper
that first started the story is now trying
to crawl out of the dirty hole it got
iato by declaring that it was a Demo-
crat who originated the lie. It doesn’t
matter now who originated it. The
party who circulated the foul slander
has found out that such stories only
aid the individuals whom they
are intended to injure, and that in
place of any body being induced to
vote against Mr, Isurer through that
kind of abuse, it has only solidified his
party in his support, and insures him
the assistance of hundreds of decent
Republicans who are disgusted with the
efforts of the ring to blacken the char-
acter of an honorable, upright citizen,
simply because he is the nominee of an
opposing party.
I —
Protective reciprocity is one of
the latest political humbugs. It is
equivalent to such an inconsistency as a
free trade high tariff. It is another
instance of BraiNm's deceptive inge-
nuity in politics.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Franklin county has 12,597 voters..
—dDysentery and diptheria prevail at Strouds
—Pennsylvania potatoes are being shipped
into Ohio.
—A Pottsville man has assumed the office of
public dog poisoner.
—A woman has been appointed an officer of
the Luzerne county Court.
—DMore cigarettes are sold in Pittsburg than
any other kind of “smokers,”
—A Tockton man has been arrested for cute
ting his horse’s throat in a drunken fury.
—One hundred fire companies will partici.
pate in Chester’s Convention this week.
—Porter Devinney, of Concord, has been are
rested for stealing a whole drove of sheep.
—A Doylestown barber has customers whom
he has shaved regularly for the past forty
—A hog lost by a Lehigh county farmer was
found after a month lodged tight in a hollow
log. ‘
—George Bennett, of Reading, took an in=
voluntary bath in a vat of coal tar a few days
—The Allegheny Club has lost its 100th
game, and a local paper says ic is hot after the
“jay” record.
—Grave robbers have carried. off the skull
of Henry S. Wise, who was hanged in Lebanon
ten years ago.
~The Western Pennsylvania Historical So.
ciety is trying to determine the origin. of the
American tribes.
—The Lebanon Valley has been flooded
for forty-eight hours, and much damage has
been done.
—John Fleming, aged 8 years, was cut in two
by a Lehigh Valley fast train at South Easty
ton on Monday.
—Anenterprising Che-ter tailor offers a $40
suit of clothes to the handsomest fireman in
in Thursday’s parade.
| —Nearly 2000 people attended the funeral of
the eminent physician, Dr. William T. Potts,
at Bristol, Pa., on Sunday.
—A bold Chester man is seeking a Co~Operas
tion of capital in establishing an independent
daily newspaper in that city.
—Three hundred Knights of the Golden Ea-
gle paraded Bristol's street. on Saturday night, -
many of whom were visiting lodgemen. :
—Two Italians wer killed on the Erie Railroad
at Germantown, near Susquehanna,on Sunday
They were run down by a pusher engine,
—The forty-ninth annual session of the East
Pennsylvania Synod of the Lutheran Church
at Columbia, Pa., began on Wednesday.
—Colonel A. J. Whittier died of dropsy on
Sunday at Nazareth. Hebelonged to a Massas
chusetts regiment and was a member of Meade
Post. :
—Fourteen prisoners tried to escape from
the Uniontown jail a few days ago, but they
stopped short in front of the revolvers of the
—William Hall, aged 12 years, a barefooted
lad, sneaked into the jewelry, store of David
Seifert, of Easton, and stole two watches worth
$150 each.
—While the driver ofa York “dinkey” cap
was changing his horse from one end to the
other a thief snatched the money box and
made off with it.
—A wagon-shed on the farm of James Kis.
sling, near Robesovnian, was struck by lights
ning on Saturday night and itand a large barn
were burned.
—In a runaway accident at Altoona on Sun.
day James Brenaman, his wife, Miss Margaret
Hamilton and Mrs. Arnold Phelps were seri
ously injured.
—Thomas Doyle, of Doylestown, who has
been on trial charged with the burning of hig
house to defraud an insurance company, has
been acquitted.
—A Carlisle jury, in deciding a very trifling
case which should never have gone to Court,
directed that the fees of the Constable and Jug»
tice be disallowed.
—The surviving members of the Washing.
ton Cornet Band, of Bristol, Pa., which did
such excellent service during the late war,
have reorganized,
—Two veterans, Charles Gordon and Martin
Keckel, of Sullivan county, have started to
walk ninety miles to Susquehanna to attend a
reunion of war comrades.
—An old-time canal boat was drawn through
the streets of Leechburg recently upon the
occasion of the annual gathering of the assoe
ciation of canal boatmen.
—Two Allentown women joined forces the
other night and drove two young girls out of
town. The girls had been flirting with the
husbands of the other women.
—The Philadelphia and Reading station at
Annville was blown up by burglars on Friday
night and the building wrecked. The only
plunder was some railroad tickets.
—Thowmas Pendergast,of Pottstown,converted
all his property into money and started for
Europe, but at New York he fell in the hands
of sharpers and was relieved of it all.
—Thirteen Clydesdale colts belonging to
Isaac Pfautz got out of his stable and going
to the railroad track near Littiz, were struck
by an engine and all killed, on Saturday
—Grand Army Posts from Reading, West
Chester, Coatesville, York, Lebanon and Hare
risburg will take part in the reunion of Grand
Army Posts at Lancaster on October 23.
—Mrs Harriet Ward, the old colored lady
who was buried in Bristol on Saturday, was
one of a group of little girls who strewed the
path of General Lafayette with flowers on his
entry into Bristol in 1824.
—Mrs. Mary Ann Kepler, wife of Tilghman
Kepler, a prominent miller at Easton, wag
found dead in bed Saturday morning at the
family residence in the Bushkill Valley. She
had spoken to her husband at 4 o'clock in the
morning about family affairs for the day.
—The German Lutheran Church was dedis
cated at Altoona on Sunday, Rev. G. A. Wen-
zel, of Washington, Pa.,and Rev.J. C Kunss
mann, of Greensburg, officiating. Sermons
were preached in the English and German
languages. The building cost $28,450.
—The spire of the Lutheran Church at Eliza.
bethtown was struck by lightning in Friday
night's storm and one of the stone "pillars of
the cupola was wrecked and all the slate torn
from the roof. This is the third time this year
this building has been struck by lightning.
—Orson Clark, Pineville, Bucks county, had
a large quota of his teeth knocked out by g
horse's heels. Henry Hartley, of the same
town, received a dislocated jaw in. shooting,
He immediately put a stick of wood betweep
his teeth to prevent the jaws from locking,
and the doctor had some trouble in getting ouf
the stick.