Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 12, 1890, Image 1
Demorralic i Ink Slings. —Kexxepy's indictment of Quay may be excluded from the records of congress, but it can’t be erased from the minds of the people. —Probably DELAMATER’S object in coming to Dellefunte was to get to a nice quiet piace where he wouldn't be disturbed by visitors. —It would be really a pity if the amusement of the campaign should be interrupted by the withdrawal of QuAaY’s candidate for Governor, —“Raum”’ is the German for cream, His knowing how to use Raum may account for LEMONS getting tke creamn of the pension busin iss. —1If the Scranton 7Yuth hadn't talked out about DELAMATER as it has, it wouldn't have deserved its name. There is only one side on which truth can hold up its head in this contest. —They are having a Hicu old time in Reading over the post office question. One of the contending factions declares that it would tea low piece of political Lusiness to make HicH post master. —DELAMATER’S promise to drop QUAY after the election will fail to have the intended effect. The people have made up their minds that the most effec- tual way of dropping the Boss is to “drop his candidate. —KEeNNEDY, the incisive excoriator of MAT Quay, thinks there has been “too much billing and cooing.” Evi- dently this bold Ohio man doesn’t want any turtle dove business in handling the great corruptionist. — Lightning from a clear sky was a phenomenon that startled the people of Altoona the other day. The Quay people will be subjected to a similar surprise later on in the season-—say about the first week in November. ~The heads of some of the Republi- can county nominees, which became swel‘ed at the time of the county con- ventivn, and continned in an enlarged condition for several weeks, are being gradually reduced to their normal size, —FIEDLER wants to know how he ould hae known anything about the $900 charge against Mr. TsHLER if some Demoerat hadn't told him? What a question toube "asked by a fellow who Has su rkable talen} in inventing campaign ? —The Harrisburg Telegraph cays ‘there are no evidences of a landslide to ParrisoN.” Its confidence equals that of the contemporary of Noam who eouldn’t see anything more than a passing shower in the downpour that’ produced the Deluge. —If Vermont could have been hauled over to the sea-coast where a choice se- lection of old naval hulks could have been made available for political use on her sacred soil, there is no question that the size of her Republican majority would have been gloriously maintained, —Even if Joux L. BUTLER wasn’t so inconsequential a character his revolt against PATTISON would nevertheless be a laughable affair from the circumstance that his only connection with the Demo- cratic party was through an office for which he was indebted ta the mistaken kindness of Senator WALLACE. —The reduction in the tsx rate in this county by the present Republican board of county commissioners 1s as invisible as is the surplus which was left in the tréasury by their Democratic predecesssors. A glimpse’ of either of them is impossible even with the assist- ance of a binocular microscope. —The River and Harbor bill has been sent to Cresson for the signature of the President. At that point his Excellency has almost within sight an object lesson in the far-famed Kiskiminitas, demon- strating the necessity of using the pub- lic funds for the improvement of the navigable waters of the country. — When candidate Worr’s military record is boasted of by his supporters it might be well enough to remind them that there are other kinds of records that are of some account in estimating the worthiness of a candidate. Mr. IsHLER has not only a record for mili- tary service but also for sobriety. —The lying dispatches to the Press about outrages at the Arkansas election were copied with scrupulous fidelity by the country organs and will never be contradicted in their columns. In the meantime their deluded readers are firmly convinced that the Democrats of the South employ the heft of their time in gunning for niggers. —The Philadelpma Inquirer is quite sure that protection and free trade are “battling together” on the soil of Penn- sylvania in this gubernatorial contest. They have had heretofore equally ex- citing skrimmages in battling for the municipal offices of Philadelphia. It js wonderful how they can be made to square off and hit out from the shoulder at each other when the Republicans want to carry an election. i STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 35. BELLEFON T Bewildered Tariffites, The average Republican intellect must be in a somewhat bewildered state on the subject of protection. Two years ago, when Grover CLEVELAND recommended the reduction of exces. sive tariff rates, which were admitted to be too high by even Republican au- thorities, a howl was raised all along Presidents object was free trade. He was explicit in stating in his message that care should be taken to preserve such a measure of protection as was in this country and in Europe, and that reduced in order to prevent the trusts and monopolies from robbing the con- sumers, There was no free trade what- ever in this proposition. Ite merely suggested the equalization of the tariff benefits. But the howl of “free trade’ was raised nevertheless, and there wasn’t a tariff fanatic in the Republi can ranks who wasn’t worked up to the belief that the President of the United States and Lie whole Democratic party had entered into a conspiracy to destroy the manufacturing industries of the country. The victims of this delusion must be considerably surprised just now to hear that two of the leading lights of Re- publicanism are advocating measures which are absolutely free trada in their character compared with anything CLEVELAND recommended concerning the tariff. Bramxg wants to establish a state of trade with South America which will allow the productions of that region to come into our ports free of duty. He calls its reciprocity, but a change of name does not alter the fact that in effect it would be free trade. As if ambitious of not being outdone in a progressive movement by a rival whom he has not much love for, Joux SHERMAN sees GuUAINE and goes him one better in the reciprocity business by proposing such free and easy com- mercial relations with Canada as would allow the coal, lumber, and agricaltu- ral productions of the Dominion to come across the border without paying a cent of duty. Of course these pro- positions involve the taking of our productions in return by South Ameri- ca and Canada, but what is that but free trade? With such a change of base on the tariff question by two of the party's most trusted leaders, in ties of the regular old-line Republican be in but that of bewilderment ? The people of Pennsylvania were not thrilled with indignation by the at- tack which ‘congressman KeNNEDY made upou’ their most prominent Unit- ed States Senator and conspicuous po- litical leader. His assailant called him a criminal—a self-confessed criminal —yet the anger of the old Keystone State was not aroused to any perceptible extent. It is strange that this indiffer- ence should exist under such an ag- gravating assault on the great Pennsyl- vania statesman, particularly after the convention of the dominant party in the State had vouched for his being a very exemplary public character. Burning the Marks Into His Hide. Congressman KEeNNEDY, of Ohio, a virulent Republican partisan, became 8) enraged at QuaY’s choking off the Force Bill in the Senate that he lost control of his feelings last week and allowed himself to express’ his’ true opinion of the great Republican cor- ruptionist in language whose force was equalled only by its truth, On the floor of the House and under the eye of a. Republican presiding of ficer, the indignant Ohio man compar- ed the chairman of the Republican Na- tional Committee to Jupas Isoarior, and denounced him as a self-convicted criminal whose silence under charges inculpating his public character was an admission of his guilt. This onslaught on the man who sup- plies the Republicans of Pennsylvania with their candidate: for state officers, evoked no dissent from the Republican members who heard it, and no reproot from the presiding officer in whose presence it was made. Coming as it did from a Republican member, it cau- terized the tattoo marks into the pachy- dermal hide of Pennsylvania's Repub- lican Boss. the party line that the Democratic | pari) i required by the relative rates of wages | only the duties beyond this should be | what condition can the reflective facul-. 1 { | The conduct of some of the Repub- ican organs in regard to the recent "Arkansas election was extremely rep- .rehensible. They did not hesitate to ! resort to the most outrageous lying in "attributing the increased Democratic The Outrage Mill and Tts Usual Grist. majority to outrages committed upon | the Republicans, The day after the election the col- | uns of these papers contained special telegrams from Arkansas representing { that a veritable hell had been in ope- ration in that state on the day of the election, of which the Republican vo- victims, It Democrats had murdered their oppo- | bents, that ballot boxes had been stuff: ed or destroyed, and the usual grist of the outrage mill was embodied in the terrible details. lt is quite evident that the parties employed to send these dispatches had been instructed as to the kind of elec- tion news that was wanted from that quarter, and had faithfully carried out their instructions. It now appears that there is not the slightest evidence to sustain these reports of political outrages in Arkan- sas. The Associated Press dispatches, which may be considered reliable and responsible, make no mention of irreg- ularities in which Democrats were engaged. They did, however, mention the circumstance of ove man being killed in a political row, and that he was a Democrat, a brother of a Democratic candidate for Sheriff, the supposition being that the Republican candidate was his slayer. It also transpired that on the day after the election the Governor of the state found it necessary todisband a negro military company at Little Rock whose mem- bers were making threats against the whites. Beyond these instances of violence there is no evidence that the election in Arkansas was different in its incidents from elections held in northern states. ; But 1t suited the purpose of those who want the bayonet to Le used at ‘southern elections to represent that such a state of affairs exists in Arkan- sas as requires the employment of that military implement. The Democratic majority in that state went up from 15,000 last year to nearly 40,000 this year, Here was presented a fine chance to put the old outrage mill in operation, in utter disregard of the fact | i ye i ters, white and black, had been the 1 y { 1 i was reported that the the Republican majority in Vermont are almost obliterating the vot? of that party in the Southern States. ——The English ' authoritiés’ are making preparations to take the cen- ‘sus of the United Kingdom which will be done next year, the enumeration of the British people being taken every ten years, and always the year after the Americans have been enumerated. This, work is done in Great Britain with great accuracy and celerity, it never requiring more than one day to complete it. They do not attempt to overload their census with matters of information that are of no practical account, and, as it is never intended for political use, there is no temptation to doctor it. EN —— ' A Natural Sequence. There can sion concerning the refusal of the Law. rence county grand jury to indict the four delegates who at the congressional conference sold their votes to the managers of MocDowerL's candidacy. It is not unreasonable to conclude that that jury was “fixed.” There was am- ple evidence that the offense had been committed. In fact the delegates con- fessed their guilt. That they had sold out was a matter of notoriety. Yet the grand jury not only ignored the bill against them, but gave their offense additional sanction my making the prosecutor pay the costs. Meanwhile MoDoweLt, who obtained his nomina- tion by such means as he would em- ploy to secure the ownership of a bullock in the shambles, continues to be the nominee of the party and will receive its support. In a region like Lawrence and Beaver counties, pervad- | ed by the Quay style of politics, a cor- | rupted jury may be considered the nat- { ural sequence of a corrupted political ' conference, if it be necessary to sustain the latter by the former, that the same influences which reduced be but one conclu- | BE, PA., SEPTEMBER 12, Blackguards of Different Kinds. In successive issues of his paper, Daxa, of the New York Sun, has printed a mutilated picture of Canvox the Dirty, with the object of focussing public attention upon the Illinois blackgrard. Such an attempt to pillo- ry the foul fellow who drove the ladies from the gallery of the Ifouse by his obscene talk, would be appreciated by the public 1t it were made by some one else than the editor of the New York Sun. The sense of fitness that belongs to the generality of readers fails to dis- cern in DANA a proper censor of black- guardism, Iis persistent vilification of Grover CLEvELAND shows him to be a more reprehensible blackgnard than the man who inadvertently let glipa dirty remark in the heat of de- bate. There are different kinds of black- guardism, Dana's differs from Cax- NON's In that it is more brutal if not as dirty. Can any one form a conception of anything more atrocious than the continued hounding of Mr. CLEVELAND after his retirement from public office has removed every excuse for a decent enemy to attack him, and his private position should shield him against even his most malicious foe. The unremitting blackguardism with which Dana continues his attacks on CLEVELAND in private hfe has no par- allel in journalism, and it is the more obnoxious to the public sense of de- cency forthe reason that it is known to receive its inspiration from so igno- ble a source as personal malice, Brutal Dana is not the proper per- son to pillory dirty Cannon for being a blaekzuard. ee — A Poor Showing. Zhe census has made a poor showing for the farmers of Ohio. There isa marked decline in the value of farm lands, yet the conditions in that State are such’ that if there is any benefit for farmers in a high tariff it ought to make its appearence there. Ohio. is full of protected maunufactories. centers of manufacturing industry are numerous and large. It should be the the ideal locality for the profitable home market that is said to be produc- ed by protection. Yet in the face of all this there has been a wide-spread decrease in farm values, showing a depressed condition of agricultural interests. ‘The Ohio farm- er is losing money in the decline of the value of his land. For example, in Wayne county, one of the richest agricultural districts in the State, the value of farm land has degreased 14} per cent in the last ten years. In Franklin county, where the population has increased 70 per cent since 1880 on account of the activity of manufactures, the census shows ag- ricultural land to be worth $1,138,386 less than it was ten years ago. The same depreciation has taken place in all parts of the State, while the mort- gage indebtedness has by no means de- creased in proportion. As far as an estimate may be made from the census reports already returned, there has been a decrease of at least $80,000,000 in the value of land in the State in the last decade. i "In these facts it is difficult to discern where the benefits of protection to the agriculturists have been coming in, Stranger Things Have Happened, It would be a miracle it Allegheny county should go Democratic this year, but miracles sometimes happen and it looks as if thisis going to be a favora- ble year for their occurrence in politics. The revolt against DeLaMATER showed its first and strongest symptoms in Al- legheny county, and instead of “blow- ing over,” as was confidently expected by the machine men, the revolt is ex- tending, and the symptoms of disaffec- tion are really dismaying the mana- gers. The difficulty does not spring from personal grievances or factional misunderstanding, but it comes from an uprising of the decency and self-re- spect of the party against the intoler able personal rule of the bosses. Five of the Republican newspapers of Pittsburg are making war on Dgra- MATER, giving reasons for their opposi- tion which can’t fail to have s power- ful effect upon the result. From being one ofthe strongest Republican counties in the State Allegheny this year has been converted into debatable ground. The | 1890. NO. 36. Replete With Significance. The declaration of the Lincoln In- dependendent Republican Committee of Philadelphia against the Quay domi- nation and the Delamater candidacy is a most significant deliverance. It is not the petulent expression of disgrunt- led politicians, nor the flighty address of cranky doctrinaires, but the earnest appeal pf intelligent, conscientious and substantial Republicans for the assis tance of their party brethren in retriev- 1g the old commonwealth from he low political condition to which long subserviency to the personal rule of corrupt political bosses has reduced it. The fifty-eight reputable citizens and high minded men who sign this ad- dress and in plain language declare that the good name of the State, and its redemption from the disgrace afd injury of corrupt political domination, require the defeat of Quay’s candidate tor Governor, include some of Phila- delphia’s leading clergymen, physi- cians, professors, lawyers, manufactur ers and merchants—all of them Repub- licans and all moved by a determina- tion to do what is in their power to rescue their party in the State from the evil influences which have so long con- trolled it. Among them are the pro- prietors of the Baldwin locomotive works, and’ such other conspicuous manufacturers as Epwarp T, STEEL, Joux T. BaiLey, Georce C. Brapoy and Georce D. Brourey, who brush aside the deception that is attempted to be practiced by the machine managers in representing that the tariffis involv.* ed in a contest for better state govern- ment, The declaration of the Lincoln eom- mittee against Duragater and in favor of ParrisoN furnishes the most | striking exemplification of the spirit | of reyol that prevails among that class | of Rephiblicans who care more for the { honor and good governmeat of their . State tlian they do for uninterrupted | party success attended by uninterrupt- “ed boss rule. : er ———— ——~Gireat disgust prevails in con- ‘ gressman CanNoN’s district on account of his having shot off his mouth on the floor of the House in such a dirty style. The discovery that they have a very low sort of a fellow to represent them has aroused a determination among the decent people of the district to supply his place with a gentleman. As the Republicans are more directly concerned, they being responsible for the presence of Canyox’s foul mouth in congress, this feeling is more pro- nounced among them than among the Democrats, and for that reason no.less in his district are clamoring for the party to drop him and nominate some- body who will not deem it necessary to intrude obscenity into the discussion of public questions. : EE —————— : ——When President 'Creveranp went out of the Presidential office his administration left a surplus of nearly a hundred millions of dollars in the treasury of the government... Where is that surplus now? Speaker Regp, in his speech at Boston, with a frankness that looked as if he regarded lavish expenditure of the public funds as something to be proud of, admitted that the surplus had disappeared. The lican congress to scatter the money wrung from the people by oppressive taxation, was made the subject of com- placent comment by the Speaker, who proposes to replenish the exhausted treasury by giving the tariff serew another twist. I — ——Probably because Republican congressman MILLIKEN, of the Third Mainedistrict,had been elected two years ago by a majority of 6,531, he thought his party so strong in the district that the certainty of his re-election would not be impaired by his appearing at the Republican meeting in Waterville last Friday so drunk that he had to be led from the platform by his friends. With such a majority no doubt he considered it entirely safe to appear before his constituents in a state of beastly intoxication, It wasn’t to be expected that he would sufier defeat in consequence, butina prohibition state like Maine there ought to have been a shrinkage of MILLIKEN'S majority on account of the disgraceful spectacle he made of himself. "Unfortunately, how- ever, he got there just the same. than.a dozen Republican newspapers | numerous ways adopted by the Repub- | ISITE rere Spawls from the Keystone, —York has 5337 voters. —Couples at Coalton do their courting on the curbstone. —Ducks bid fair to be plentiful along the Susquehanna. ~The Norristown post office yields a month. ly profit of $8000. —Two Venango county White Caps have been sent to jail. —A Lancaster restaurateur sold 1500 sand. wichies on Labor Day. —Twenty-two farms will be sold at Sheriffy sale in Montgomery coun ty soon. —Box cars on the Pennsylvania Railroad will hereafter be fitted out with air-brakes. —Thousands of bushels of potatoes are re. ported as having rotted in the fields of Schuyl- kill county. —Eugene J. Sharadin,a Reading bank clerk, has traveled 50,000 miles in collecting 16,000 Indian relies. —The registration of voters of the city of Lancaster shows 8206 voters, a large increase over last year. —Four countles «f this State are free from bonded debt—Erie, Mercer, Forest snd Law. rence. —An Altoona’ policeman has distinguished himself by arresting a child for stealing § banana, —Pittsburg natural gas supply companies maintain that they will be able to fulfill their contracts. —Henry Fink, aged 50 years, droppedd ead of heart disease at Catasauqua on, Monday while digging a well. —Joseph Lump, a half-witted lad at Towan- da, has confessed to firing a number of mills where he was refused work. —Wahile attempting to jumpa fence a horse at Salisbury became impaled, and remained in its painful posiiion all night. —A noisy intruder at an Allentown Salvation Army meeting was set upon by the entire bate talion and taken to the lock-up. —The Board of Charities will aid the Trus. tees of the Norristown Asylum to secure State aid to enlarge the institution. —The registration of voters in Lancaster county shows 39,620 names on the list, a gain of 506 over the registration of 1889. —Both the High and anti-High factions claim to have carried the Republican primary election in Berks county on Saturday. —A storm passed over Quarryville on Sature day night, and lightning killed three horses of Charles W. Pusey in a pasture field. —Complaint is heard at Reading because President Nagle, of the School Board, runs the meetings in true “Speaker Reed style.” —Seven colored men, a colored woman, and ‘a white man were arrested in South Chestep on the charge of keeping speak-easies. —Hog cholera has within a few days dis- patched sixty hogs in Heidelberg and Marion, Berks county, and attacked many animals, —A dispute as {to the ownership of some ducks at York was settled by freeing the birds and allowing them to take their own course, —Peter Meitzler, an eccentric person q Lock Haven, is having a life sized statue of himself made to be placed in his cemetery lot, —David Robinson, a. colored resident of West Chester, has been nearly blinded by a handful of red pepper thrown by a love-lorn female. —Jeremiah K. Grant, ex-District Attorney, of Reading, is to be tried at once on four charges of bribery, extortion and taking illes gal fees. —On Monday almost an acre of land over an { abandoned part of the Gap nickel mines, own. ed by Joseph Wharton, caved in. —William Ellis, a lad caught stealing from his employer, a Norristown jeweler, invested all his stealings in perfumery and. musical instruments. : of Philadelphia, —Joseph R. Wood, aged 75 years, one of (the oldest coal operators aad residents of Schuyl- kill county, died at Pottsville on Monday of’ internal hemorrhages. —David Hopter, of Pottstown, picked up a rattlesnake afew days ago to examine it, when the reptile bit him. Hopter sucked the wound and experiened no bad results. ! —Fifty Hungarians, employed at Shenans doah, left last week to return to their native country. They have accumulated money enough to live without work. —Doylestown ducks are addicted to dissipas tion. They eat the tomato refuse from a seed establishment which has undergone fermentgs tion, and get beastly drunk. —Rev. Dr.. Ambrose Rondthaler, pastor emeritus of the Moravian church at Bethles hem, died this week, aged 78 years. He was the oldest Mason in the Lehigh Valley. —Miss Lenhart, of Philadelphia, now visite ing at Lehiguton, killed three copperhead snakes, one after the other, one day last week, When a fourth appeared. she screamed and . fled. --Mrs. Charles Crowther, of Upland, expired suddenly on Tuesday evening while at supper, Five minutes previous she had gone to the street and bought a watermelon from a huck- ster. —At Chambersburg John Rhodes was ac» | guitted of the charge of murdering William Rhodes, his nephew,whom he shot and Killed last April, the jury believing he did it in self defense. —J. H. Spangler, of Fontana, Lebanon coun. ty, three years ago brought a sprout of a ban” ana tree from Florida and planted it. It has grown to a height of twelve feet and has leaves five feet long. —(. Frank Miller is believed to have caused the congestion of brain of which he died re. cently by overexerting himself rescuing the wounded from the late disaster on the Mount Pleasant Gravity Railroad. —The office of the General Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Altoona was struck by lightning from a clear sky on Mon day,causing a loss by fire of from $2000 to $3000 and delaying trains for a little while. —While a five year old son of Alban Bucks ingham, of Mount Pleasant, near Kennett, was drawing his father’s loaded gun across the floor on Saturday, it went off and entered the child’s stomach, and before medical assistance could be rendered the child was dead. —All the jurors drawn by the Cameron county authorities from which to select a pane el to try Albert Miller for the murder of Chris- tian Prum were dismissed by Judge Mayer on the motion of the defense, upon the ground that they had been irregularly and illegally drawn. This is the second postponement of the trial npon technicalities,