Terms $2.00 A Year,in Advance. Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 5, 1890 P. GRAY MEEK, z 41 7 STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Governor, ROBERT E. PATTISON, Of Philadelpbia. For Lieutenant Governor, CHAUNCEY F. BLACK, Of York County. For Secretary of Internal Affairs, WM. H. BARCLAY, Of Pittsburgh. For CoNGRESS. J. L. SPANGLER, Esq. Subject to action of District Conference. For SENATOR. P. GRAY MEEK. Subject to action of District Conference. J. H. HOLT, JOHN T. MCCORMICK. Sherif —WILLTAM A. JSHLER. Treasurer —~JAMES J. GRAMLEY. Register.—JOHN A. RUPP. Recorder—~W. GAYLOR MORRISON. Commissioners. { 8 Eoakyaoomias T, Auditors, {Zon B. MITCHELL, Representatives ! Dirty Curs, Nothing else could have been expect- ed than that the brutality with which REED has been controlling the House of Representatives should produce a crop of blackguards and ruffians in that body. This showed itself last week when Representative CAxNoN used lan- guage upon the floor that was eo filthy that the ladies in the gallery were fore- ed to leave. Cannon is the leading Member from Illinois and is ambitious of being Reed's successor in the Speak- er's chair. His dirty demonstration was followed by a display of ruffianism in a free fight between Republican members in which blows were exchang- ed, oaths were uttered and the opprobri- ous term of s— of a b— was freely in- dulged in. In all the history of the House there was never before so dis- graceful a scene, Probably the charge of canine maternity which these fel- Jows brought against each others was sot inapplicable. They seem to be a set of dirty curs. The Green Mountains Shaken. Politics assumed a bad complexion for “the grand old party” in Vermont last Tuesday where the State election resulted in a greatly reduced majority dor the Republicans. The attendance at the polls was not up to the usuaj number, but the falling off was much greater on the Republican than on the Democratic side, showing that the monopoly bill and the bayonet bill, in stead of firing the Republican heart in the Green Mountain State, has rather thrown a wet blanket on it in that guarter. In addition to the majorities jor State officers and congressmen be. ing much reduced, the Democrats elect; el members of the legislature and other officers in places where they nev- er before met with such success When even the steadfast Republican- ism of Vermont begins to be shaken, | Affidavit, and Clinched by the State- Nipped in the Bud. That $900 Lic Nailed by Mr. Ishler's ment of one of Centre County's Most Prominent and Respected Republicans. Last week we referred to the false- ; hood put in circulation by the Gazette, ( to the effect that Mr. IsHLEr's nomin- | ation for sheriff had been secured by | the payment or promise of $900 to (some one whom that paper imagined carried the Democratic party of the county in his pocket,as does * IH asTINGS, i Brow & Co.,” the party for which the | Gazette circulated its lies. We stated then that if there was any ground for these charges, the Gazette | and the ring that backs it could defeat | Mr. IsuLer before the campaign start- ed by simply producing evidence to prove them. ZT%is it could not do, and in last week's issue, in place of furnish- ing some evidence to convince the vot. ers of the truth of its allegations, it | simply repeats and emphasizes its own falsehoods—kNowiNG them 10 be such— and having a full knowledge of the fact that they were originated without a particle of foundation, and simply out of pure malice towards the gentleman they were intended to wrong. With those who know Mr. IsHLER and the high moral character he has always sustained, such a story could have no possible Weight ; but such was the in- dignation of decent citizens of all par- ties, who respect honesty and truth ful- ness and despise the disreputable meth- ods that would blacken the character of an hono:able, upright citizen for political purposes, at the infamy at- tempted, that they concluded to fasten the lie to the forehead of the dirty tool who was circulating it, and to allow him and his paper to go through the campaign branded as a WILLING, MALI CIOUS, INTENTIONAL FALSIFIER. This, the statement and affidavit of Mr. IsuLEr, and the letter of Mr. Ro- BERT VALENTINE, one of the most hon- orable, upright and best known Re- publicans in the county, which we give in connection herewith, effectually ac- complishes. They leave Mr. FiepLER, his paper and the ring that backs him, in a position that no one will envy, They brand him the liar that he is, and leave it for the honest, reputable, de- cent people of the county to say wheth- er such methods as the Gazette and its ring have resorted to shall succeed. BeLLerontTe, Aug. 27, 1890, My attention was called to an article in the Keystone Gazette, of the 15th inst., and reiterated in the issue of the same paper, Aug. 22, chargiag that I had secured my nomination at the Democratic convention for the office of Sheriff, by an agreement or deal with others, whereby I was to pay nine hundred dollars. It may therefore be due to those of my friends with whom I am not personally acquainted and who are not familiar with the extrava- gant and untruthful utterances of that paper, to say that there is not a word of trath in it, and to emphasize my denial of the charge I have appended my af- fidavit: CenTrE COUNTY, 8. 8: Before me, a Notary there is reason for the force and mon. opoly leaders to become alarmed. TE Mr Ea. It Won’t Be Allowed. The re-election of Rrep must be made at any cost. There is danger that he may be defeated without the employment of extraordinary means to elect him, and those means are being furnished. Fat, fresh fried from the tariff beneficiaries, is being poured into his district. Several old naval hulks, which had been found useful before ia such emergencies, have been put on the stocks in the Kittery navy yard and will give employment to some 800 Republican voters until after the elec- tion, and to make the thing sure 500 vaturalized Democratic voters have been stricken from the registration list under the pretense that they were ir- regularly naturalized. We guess it will be managed to squeeze REED through. His defeat would be such a slur on the sacred cause of protection that it will not be allowed even should it take every drop of fat that can be fried out of the bene- fited manufacturers to prevent it. EE ——————— As McKINLEY is going to have a hard time to secure a re-election he needs all the outside help he can get and no doubt with a view to such ex- traneous assistance he got Secretary BraINE to telegraph to his convention endorsing his nomination. But while the Secretary could be induced to give such endorsement, he won't endorse McKiNLEY's tariff bill of which he Public, of the Commonwealth of Peno- sylvania, personally appeared Wm. A. sworn according to law, doth depose and say, that he pip Not AGREE TO PAY NOR HAD HE MADE ANY ARRANGEMENT OR PROMISE WITH ANY ONE PERSO N, OR COMBINATION OF PERSONS, for money or place, whereby his nomination was secur- ed or his electionis to be advanced, nor was he asked to do so by any one. WM. A. ISHLER. Sworn and subscribed before me this 27th day of Aug., 1890. E. M. BraNcnaRrb, Notary Public. BrrLEFONTE, Sept. 2, 1890. 1 have read the statement and affi- davit of Wm. A. Ishler, above. He has been farming for me for the past twenty-two years, and I have found him perfectly truthful, honest and reliable in all respects, and I would not believe that he could be induced to engage in any disreputable method to enhance his personal interests in busi- ness transactions, or for his political preferment ; and if elected, I have the tainly do not believe the allegation of partisan newspapers that Mr. Ishler payment of money, or the promise of | knowing that he is a man of rigid in- tegrity and excellent character. ROBERT VALENTINE. | A PIAS. | says, ‘there is not a section or a line in the entire bill that will open a market | for another bushel of wheat or another ! barrel of pork.” ——The Daily News, an old and! well established Republican journal of Philadelphia,having repudiated Dg- LAMATER and his boss, has come out for PArT1s0N., | A Matter of Interest to County Tax- payers. The business county for the last three years by Re- publican commissioners has not been such that the people have reason to want it prolonced. Great promises were made of reforms that wonld be brought about. Pledges were made that taxation would be substantial re- duced and that a new leaf would be turned over in the financial affairs of the county. The tax-payers have seen how these pledges have been kept. ihere has been a pretense of tax re- duction, but it has been merely a pre- It having never been intended management of the tense. to be anything more than a juggle to get votes, the people can see nothing substartial in the alleged reduction of the tax rates. But they have seen the large surplus left in the treasury by a Democratic board gradually dis- appear with nothing to show as a good reason for its disappearance. Ishler, who being by me first duly, | : a : | most implicit confidence in the honest, | honorable and capable management of Sagan of he onaretie. ig in the trust committed to his care. I cer- | Ar Johnson—I reckon if they would find some tin-mines in this country, tinware would be still cheaper than what it is now. Brown—No ; the probabilities are that it would be higher. Johnson—How is that ? Brown—Because the owners of the newly discovered tin mines would get congress to puta 650 or 60 per cent duty on foreign tin for the purpose of excluding it {rom the American market, go they could control the tin business in this country. The result would be to advance the price of tin plate to about what the foreign article with dus Sl lS EET ty added would cost. This advance in ihe price of tinners’ stock would neces- sarily make tinware considerably high- erin price’ than itis now. Your tin bucket would then cost you probably 25 cents more than you have just paid for it. Johnson—You think, then, that the discovery of tin ore in this country weuld be a misfortune instead of a blessing. Brown—It would certainly result in the price of tinware being higher than it is now, and this would certainly be un- fortunate for those who had to buy it. The only person who would be benefit- ed would be the owner of the tin mines. Johnson--Yes, that’s so. I see now Low this so-called protection works. It protects the rich at the expense of the poor, It benefits the tew by injuring the many. Kaxawna, ee — ——The quinine manufactures are beginning to move upon Congress with a demand that their product be removed from the free list. In view of the numerous outrages upon consumers in the McKinley bill they have no reason o be discourag ed,— Record. —The Tyrone ball club wili play our team this (Friday) afternoon on the Bellefonte grounds. Col. J. L. Spangler will make the inaugural address at the opening of new Opera House. —Quite a number of teachers were examined by county Supt. Etters, in Snow Shoe, on Tuesday. ~——The seats tor the opening nights of the Opera House are going fast. If you want one you had better secure it soon. ——Thos. Murray, one of Clearfield’s most prominent lawyers, and ex-Senator Peale, of Lock Haven, are attending court here this week. ——Labor day out at Snow Shoe was observed by the presence of several bands. John Uzzle, the whole-sow. led proprietor of the Washington-House,en- tertained the visitors in royal style. —If any person desires to at- tend the State Firemen’s convention, which will be held on September 18th, continuing for three days, they can pro- cure round trip excursion tickets from Will Hillibush. ——The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union of this place intend having a coffee tent and cart at the Granger's picnic from which the most delicious coffee will be served at fivecents per cup. ——Dave Crotty, one of Bellefonte’s most robust looking young men, has been ill for the past month and was taken to the Altoona hospital on Mon- day. ——1If you miss the opening of the new Garman Opera House you will miss one of the chances of your lifeto see a really first class actor appear in a role which has won him world wide fame. ——Senator Delamater will probably spend Sunday next with Gen. Hastings, at his home, in this place. The Senator is coming up here to talk to some of our Republicans who like Mr. Pattison better than they do him. ——Arthur Musser, of Pittsburg and his brother Frank, who has been play- ing ball with the Demorest club of Wil- liamsport are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Musser, near State College this week. ——The rate of fare from Lock Ha- ven and intermediate points to Philips- burg to attend the Centre County Vete- ran Club’s Picnic to-morrow,September 6th, will be 2 cents per mile for distance traveled. Persons to go on early morn- ing train and to return on the late even- ing train. ——The color of the angel that sur- mounts the fountain in front of the Court House square has been changed from green to white, by a coat of paint. A green angel was rather off color, but it is questionable whether as white a one as the painter has made that angelic figure isn’t a little too dazzling. ——The Louisa Arnot company will be the second to perform in the Garman opera house, arrangements having al- ready been made for their appearance before a Bellefonte audience to follow shortly after the Frank Mayo company, which will be here next week. ——Our distinguished fellow towns- man, James Schofield, was present, and made one of the addresses, at the cele- bration of Labor day by the Knights of Labor of Osceola. The papers of that town speak very highly of Mr. Schofield’s eloquence and sound logic. When a good speech is wanted a Bellefonter is nearly always called upon to make it. ——His honor, Judge Krebs, Clear- field’s impartial president Judge, has been filling Judge Furst’s place on the bench here during the past week. Judge KREBS has many warm friends here who are always glad to welcome him to town, and he never holds court here that he does not add to his list of admirers, by the impartial, fair and gentlemanly manner in which he conducts the court.