Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 29, 1890, Image 5

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——Read the Cush Bazaar ad-
vertisement in this weck’s issue. New
novelties in Hair pins, Belts, &e.
——W. F. Reber, Esq., of this place,
left for Philadelphia last Saturday to do
duty during the campaign as stenog-
rapher for the Democratic State Central
——E. B. Weaver, the railroad station
agent who was published a few weeks
ago as having departed suddenly and
discreditably from Osceola, has returned
to that place. 5
——On Tuesday evening of last week
William S. Musser, station agent at
Spring Mills, was married at the Luth-
eran parsonage at Centre Hall, to Miss
Clara Hettinger, of Penn Hall.
——The corner room in the remodled
building on the northeast corner of the
Diamond will be oecupied by the je wel-
ry store of W. T.A:henbach who came
to Bellefonte from Willia msport this
——The Philipsburg Journal has the
iollowing :—Mr. Wm. Lehman has
brought his family from Bellefonte and
occupy the house lately vacated by H.
U. Hoffer, on Ninth street, the property
of Simon Nolan. We gladly welcome
the Lehman family to our town again.
In this case Bellefonte’s loss is Philips-
burg’s gain.
In the Gazetre of Aug. 15th is
the charge that Mr. Schofield is insisting
on a6 mill poor tax, and that Mr, J.
I. McClure, the other overseer for the
borough, is in favor of a 5 mill tax. Mr.
Schofield requests us to say that in the
early future he will explain the entire
matter to the satisfaction of the tax-
payers of the borough, and that it is en-
tirely too early for the Gazette to boost it
over seer for re-election next Spring.
The Veteran Club of Centre
County will hold its annual Reunion
and Basket Picnic at Philipsburg, Pa.,
on Saturday September 6th next, D. F.
Fortney, Xsq., will deliver the annual
address. Governor Beaver, Hon. James
Kerr, M. C. of Washington D. C., Hon. |
A. G. Curtin, Ex-War Governor, and
Major R. W. McClaaghry of Hunting-
don, Pa., with other prominent speakers |
will be present and address the meeting.
This is expected to be the largest and
best picnic the Club has ever held. A
cordial welcome is extended to the entire
community at large.
See large posters for low excursion
rates for the round trip &e.
Mrs. Turner, widow of James Turner,
died at her residence on Bishop street, |
in this place, on Friday morning, in the |
ninetieth year of her age. This vener-
able lady had always been a resident of
Centre county. She was the daughter
of Thomas McClellan and was born in
this piace in 1801, her parents at that
time residing in a house that was locat-
ed on the site on Allegheny street that
is now occupied by the Parrish drug
store in the McAlister stone building:
Bellefonte had then been settled but a
shert time and the surrounding country |
was but little better than a wilderness. |
The family afterwards lived in a build-
ing that occupied the site of Lyon &
Co’s store on Allegheny street.
husband died in 1870, since which time
she lived in the house on Bishop street |
in which she died.
She was the mother of six children,
all but one of whom are living. Thom-
as who is a resident of Chicago, came on |
to attend the funeral; Mrs. Matilda O’-
Bryan, who lives in Michigan, was
with her mother at the time of her death; |
William is a resident of St. Louis ;
Mrs. Debora Thompson resides in Chi-
cazo; Mrs. Charles Cooke, who was
with her mother when she died, lives in
Johnstown, and James died in New
Mexico many years ago. It is seldom
that a family of children are so widely
scattered. Mrs. Turner was a lifelong
and devoted Presbyterian, and was
the oldest member of the Presbyterian
church of this place.
the oldest and most worthy of the resi-
dents of Bellefonte.
tranquil existence in this world. in
which she acted the part of a true Chris. |
tian and good neighbor, her many vir-
A eT : 9
tues will gain their reward in the next
world. Her funeral, at which Rev.
Mr. Laurie officiated, took place on
Monday afternoon.
Pine Grove Mentions.
Mr. William Marl is is conveleseing from an
attack of typhoid fever.
Isaac Harper recently purchased the Isaac
Merryman property, also an adjoining lot of
the Alexander Semple estate.
W. E. Meek and daughter, W. J, ana Henry
Meyers and wives will be among the Williams
Grove picnickers, next week. We wish them
a merry good time,
Rev. George Elliot is spending his summer
vacation in New York City as the guest of his
friend Arbuckle. Rev. Aikens and wife
Rev. Black delivered his harvest home ser-
mon last Sunday a week to a well fil.ed house.
The pulpit was tastefully decorated with cere”
als and flowers, which added much to the il
lustration of God’s handy work.
Her |
The whole of her |
long life was spent in this immediite vi-
cinity and she was recognized as one of |
After a long and
are |
rusticating among friends at Hanover and Get-
Silence prevaiis among the g. o. p. here
abouts since the convention which met at
Bellefonte Tuesday week. Some one suggested.
that it should have been held at Philipsburg
where so much available political timber was
supplied. ;
On Thursday of last week quite a cyclone
passed over a section north of this place. Its
track was about six rods wide, taking every”
thing in its way, such as fences, trees, &c.
Fifteen persons of our town are among
the picnic goers and sight seers at Williams
Grove this week. After their return hay seeds
will likely be found in their thin locks. How"
ever, we wish thein a royal good time.
The Geo. Meyer farm was offered at public
sale on Saturday last. The highest bid was $30
per acre, when the sale was adjourned. Asale
will likely be effected privately. Several bid®
have since been made to the amount of $4,000
which will likely be accepted.
Mrs. Ella Fryate, of Lockport, Ills., (formerly
Ella Shiffer of our town) is now visiting her
Centre county friends accompanied by three
bright little children.
Mr. William Musser, a veteran of the war
and a former Centre countian, but for the last
twenty years an influential and successful
farmer of Stephenson county, Illinois, is now
visiting his Centre county friends, not looking
much older than when he carried a musket
in the war, though his locks are sprinkled
with gray.
Our baseball team accepted an invitation to
Pleasant Gap where they went last Saturday
a week. Afterreceiving the hospitality of the
clever people of the Gap a base ball game was
played which resulted 17 to 47 in favor of our
players,who returned home in the small hours
of next morning in a better mood than when
they returned from Greenwcod some time
County Superintendent Etters was greeted
by a large class for examination at this place.
Everything passed off smoothly, though the
class was an unusually large one. So the entire
day was taken up with the exercises which
were witnessed by a large number of visitors,
Certificates were granted with but a few ex-
ceptions. The School Board convened in the
eveningand elected the following teachers for
the schools of this district: Pine Grove gram”
mar school, Prof. Jacob Roan; P. G. Primary,
| Miss Sue Darnley; Branch, Miss Nannie
Thomas; Pine Hall, Miss Annie McWilliams:
Kumrine’s, J. B. Krebs; Oak Grove, A. G.
Archey: White Hall, Miss Mattie Ewing; Centre:
Miss! Hannah Meek; Tadpole, Miss Carrie
Miller; Penna, Furnace, Miss Osman;Maringo,
J. A. Miller; Gatesburg, Jacob Harpster; Bailey-
ville,W.H.Roush; Glade,Miss Clara Walker; Kip
ler, Cooper Miller. Some changes may be made
n the above named districts and teachers.
pleasant duty to pen the marriage of one of
| our most estimable young ladies, in the person
| of Esther Ewing. The event was a most bril®
! liant one at the home of her father, Hezekiah
| Ewing and wife. Itis now our sad duty to
| chronicle the death of the husband of the es-
timable young lady, Mr. John H. Gripp, who
I suddenly and unexpectedly died at his home
"in Tyrone at an early hour last Friday morn
ing, of congestion of the brain, after a short
| illness of but one day and night. May God
comfort his young widow and aged mother,
whom he left on the old homeetead in Olden-
dorf, Germany, about five years ago, full of
youthful vigor, in search of empioyment at
better wages, which he found at Tyrone Forge
as a puddler, A twin brother and two sisters
also survive him. He was a quiet, rescrved,
young man whom all learned to honor and re-
spect more and more as they h&d opportunity to
i know him better, Ire having the friendship and
confidence of his féllow workmen with whom
| he was daily engaged. His age was 32 years
! 10 months and 26 days. Religiously he was a
| Lutheran,but since his marriage attended with
| his wife at the Presbyterian church which he
was about to join. The a. m. train on the Ty"
| rone and Lewisburg Branch brought his re-
| mains to the Pennsylvania Furnace on the
| morning of the 25th, where a large concourse
of people awaited to accompany the remains
to Graysville cemetery where almost the en-
| tire community bore testimony of their feel,
ings in the large attendance and expression of
real sorrow ‘manifested at the services con-
ducted by Rev. J.C. Kelley. Mr. Gripp was
a member of Tyrone Lodge, I. 0. of O. F., of
which the pallbearers were members. We
| ean but say in the language of another, plant
the resurrection flower on his grave and say
farewell, husband and brother.
i scr
| a i IEA
i Corner Stone Laying.
Mg. Eprror :—The Corner Stone of the new
| Presbyterian church of Milesburg Pa. will be
laid on next Sabbath afternoon, Aug 31, 1890.
Rev. Dr. Laurie will preach the sermon in the
Baptist church at half past 2 o’clock, after
which the stone will be laid. We cordially in-
vite our Bellefonte friends and all others to be
present. Respectfully yours,
Mileshurg, Aug. 25, 1890. W. O. WRIGHT.
ro ECT rar Cr
——The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Bellefonte P. O., Aug. 25,1860.
Harry A. Roup; Dunken Laidle; Mr. Col
| ling Baumgarduer: Miss Beckie Parker; Mr.
Joh C. Bolinger ; Mr. Samuel Rigling ; Miss
Clara Dean ; Mr. Robert Tate ; Miss Louisa G.
Harper; Mr, John H. Williams ; Mr. William
A. Logan ; Miss Josephine Womber ; Mrs. Olie
Mayes ; H. Wright.
When called for please say advertised.
JA: YEoLeEs, P.M.
om ar mA
SELLERS.—On the 18th inst. after a linger-
ing illn at the residence of her son, P. A.
i Sellers,in Patton township, Mrs. Sarah Sellers,
i relict of Thomas Szders, aged about 75 years.
ALEXANDER—At their home near Bellefonte,
after a long and painfai iliness, on the morn-
ing of Aug., 26th, Mrs. Mary Alexander, wife
of James Alexander her 61st year.
—About the only tree in Bucks county
having any fruit upou it stands in the rear of
, the Doylestown Democrat office. The editor
| states that he has placed four ball-dogs and
| a howitzer loaded with rock salt, under the
tare at— a]
Found Aiter Forty Years.
i A Charley Ross Romance That Ended
in a Happy Reunion.
Morning, Ill, Aug. 20.—Over forty
years ago there vecurred at Elmira, N.
t Y., an abduction that in matter of local
interest fairly rivaled the famous case of
{ Charley Ross. The victim of this out-
, rage was Hiram, the eight-year old son
, of Mr. Rolert Gregg.
An old gypsy-like hag named Debby
Blood met some men in the road near
¢ where the little boy was stinding one
day, and for some trivial reason gave
them a round cursing. The child re-
proved her for ber wickedness, whereup-
on she turned upon him and told him
that he would either kill him or break
On the sixth day of last February it was our |
more agreeable.
bis heart. Soon after thisshe stole him
and, with a vicious character named
Lockery, fled to Hudson, Wis. Thence
they went to Catfish Bay, and afterward
to Richmond, in the same State. Par
of the time they led a shiftless, nomadic
life, and prr of it they farmed on a mis-
erable lit 1 ¢'earing,
The boy was made to believe that
Debby Blood was his mother and Lock-
ery his stepfather, and that his own
name was Gage. Gradually his recol-
lection of the old home and his family
faded away and he accepted the tales
told him as the truth. He was cruelly
used. Hard work and maltreatment
were his lot, and several times the vira-
go who stole him tried to poison him,
but he lived through it all, and finally,
about fifteen years years ago, he was
married to an estimable young woman
and made his home at Richardson, Oak
county , Wis. Upon this Debby Blood
disappeared, vowing she would never be
seen or heard from any more, and so far
has kept her word.
After years of fruitless search for their
lost child the Greggs moved to the West,
settling pear this place. No tidings
came from the lost one, and all hope of
seeing him again was abandoned. A
short time ago, however, accident led
persons living here to believe that
Hiram Gregg was still alive. Investi-
gation led to certainty, and to-day the
lost boy, now a man with gray hair, was
restored to the mother who has mourn-
ed for him till the grave had almost
opened at her feet. It was an affecting
For Ladies with Bald Heads.
Baldness is a rare infirmity among
ladies. Doubtless one reason is hecause
they are their own hair-dresserss. Oc-
casionally the hair falls out from severe
fevers, as typhoid, but it is usually re-
stored without treatment. Some ladies
seem to have inherited a tendency to
baldness. Thinning out of the hair also
occasionally occurs in consequence of
constitutional ill health. Probably no
better ‘hair restorer’” has been found
than cactharides. A simple, and per-
haps as good as any other application,
is made with one ounce of the tincture
of cantharides, four ounces of bay rum
and ten ounces of water. This should
be well rubbed into the sealp every day.
Quinine has some repute as a hair tonic.
The usual proportions are two drachms
to a pint of water. Common water may
be used. The mixture may be made up
by a draggist, who will need to add a
little diluted sulphuric acid, and a few
drops of some perfume oil will render it
It would be well, also,
to add to each pint of the mixture
two or three ounces of glycerine. Apply
this tonic once or twice a day. A rapid
gain must never be expected from the
use of any hair restorative. Even the
best of them are not likely to have any
noticeable cffect until after they have
been persisted in for several months.—
Boston Herald. -~
Essay—By a Husband.
I hate door-mats. Always stumbling
over them. Had a glorious rain last
night; and when I came in the house
this noon with the five dogs at my heels,
Jane called out, “wipe your feet,Joseph,
Ann has just wiped the floor.” What
do we keep a girl for ? Does Jane think
for an instant I would care to track up a
dirty floor? Goodness no. Give me
the floor just mopped and I wiil pring
my coat of arms from one end of it to
the other, and let the dogs fill up the
chincks. Bless dogs, anyway; with
their playful little diggigs and scratch-
ings and frisky bowwows. Such com-
pany for a man. Jane hates dogs.
Flies ? Why, I often leave the din-
ing-room door open on purpose to let
the little creatures come in. Itis a fal-
lacy that flies love heated better than
pleasantly cool rooms. No such thing.
When I open the door you should see
them swarm in; cuddle . among the
portiere curtisn, playing tag on the
new ceiling, dancing upon the sugar
bowl—happy little things. One lit on
my nose at the dinner table, and rather
than disturb him I kept perfectly still,
not daring to chew the beef stake I held
in my mouth. Tears fairly rolled down
my cheeks. By and by he, supposing
Jane and I were one, no doubt,
lit on the nose of us; and when I called
my wife a goose for slapping at him, she
said something real pert and lett the
table. Jane can’t abide flies.
Next thing she was brushing up little
heaps of cigar ashes and burnt matches
I had carefully scattered over the carpet
the evening before. Good for moths, |
you know. Jane says there are no
moths in the house, and the ashes make
the carpet grimy. Poor Jane !
I took the cat upstairs yesterday and
laid her on the spare bed. Dear little
kit-kat. She did so enjoy Jane’s satin
quilt. Cats like neat, soft places where
they can lie and sleep. It did my soul |
good to hear her purr, and see her claw |
at the quilt, just as though she was
kneading bread. Jane drove her off.
She don’t even like cats.
Poor Jane! She is quite a bore at
The Prohibition Platform.
The appended extrast is a synopsis of
the platform of the Prohibition party
adopted at Harrisburg last week. It
deals with a number of things outside of
prohibition, among which are the fol-
lowing. It recognizes God as the
source of all power and authority in
human government; declares that the
drink trafficis a menace to American
institutions and should be prohibited by
laws faithfully enforced ; 1s opposed to
any legalization of the traffic in intoxi-
cating liquors as a beverage; demands
the preservation of the Sabbath and the
enforcement of laws for its observance;
endorses the national platform of 1888;
favors a pure ballet and the Australian
system of voting; suggests an edu-
cational qualification of voting; re-
commends the amendment of the natur-
alization laws with a view to increasing
the number of years’ residence of for-
eigners before giving them the right to
vote; declares against foreign pauper
labor ; opposes trusts and unlawful com-
binations ; favors protection as embed-
ied in the principle of reciprocity as a
means of relieving agricultural depres-
sion ; favors equal taxation on all classes
of property producing revenue to the
owner; declares arbitration the true
method for adjusting differences between
capital and lato:,and prohibition the sur-
est preventive of strikes and lockouts ;
points with pride to the public schools ;
declares that the suppression of the
applications to
liquor traffic ‘is the dominant political
issue in State and Nation, and invite all
who agree on this issue to vote with the
Probibition party for the complete de-
struction of the liquor traffic.”
Trading With Labor.
Philadelphia Times.
Of course Quay will trade with the
organizations of the State to elect Dela-
mater. He has always traded with
them ; he has sustained labor newspa-
pers; paid labor leaders, and always
bad a commercial labor contingent |
ready for every emergency, and he won't ,
be without it this year, only it will
probably have more leaders and fewer
tollowers than usual.
The rumor «f an attempted deal with
the Knights of Labor by giving them
the whole nine Factory Inspectors au-
thorized by the last Legislature won’t
wash. The law was a transparent
fraud practiced upon the labor organ-
izations, The party leaders, fearing
the workingmen, passed the bill creating
Factory Inspectors; then, fearing the
factory owners, and knowing that la-
ber could be more easily’ cheated than
employers, they made the law nugatory
by refusing to make appropriations for
the salaries of the Inspectors.
William H. Martin, of Chesier, was
one of the square men in the move-
ment and he was finally appointed
Chief Factory Inspector (agreeing to
serve without pay until the next Legis-
lature meets), to quiet the labor erup-
tion that surged against the party lead-
ers when the cheat was discovered ; and
it is purposed to retire Martin as a
special Custom House officer and trade
the whole nine Factory Inspectors to
the Knights of Labor as the price of the
labor vote for Delamater.
There are several serious if not in-
superable obstacles to this proposed
deal. First, the Knights of Labor are
not likely to trade with leaders who so
basely cheated them once ; second, the
workingmen of the State are not in the
political market for boodle or promises
this year ; and third, nobody nor any
combination of people could transfer the
labor vote of the State to any candidate
or party.
There will be plenty of labor trading,
and a number of off-color labor traders
will get their boodle, but the great mass
of the industry voters of the State, in
field, in shop, in mine and in forest,
will vote to smite the taxbreeders who
are now crushing labor to pay the con-
tract price of monopoly greed.
New Advertisements,
Joseph Brothers & Co.
ANTED.—In Taylor township,
. Two male teachers, with experience
in teaching and good recommendations. One
for Hannah school and one for Bellhollow.
Wages $30 per months, Please address your
35.34 Hannah, Pa.
STRAY COW.—A large red cow
came to the premises of the under:
signed in Bellefonte about two weeks ago.
She is dry and has no hair on her tail. The
owner will pleases call and take her away after
piying charges.
ARM TO RENT.—That large
_and productive farm in Ferguson
township, Centre county, on the White Hall
Road, near Pennsylvania Furnace Railroad
Station, from April next. Apply to Frank Bow-
ersox tenant on the premises or to
No. 805 North 17th St,
35-32-3m Philadelphia.
‘We GUARANTEE TO CURE eyery case of
Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh and female dis-
can treat you by mail. Our terms are lower
Send for particulars.
218 W. 9th St.
35 326m Philadelphia, Pa.
ANTED.—Educated ladies and
gentlemen to sell Mark Twain's
new and remarkable book “A Connecticut Yan-
kee in King Arthur's Court” sold by subserip-
tion only. 300 striking illustrations by Dan
Beard. One agent sold 35 books in five days;
another sold 31 in three days and another
took 25 orders in making thirty ealls. 30,000
already sold. Choice territory still unoccu-
pied. Address Chas. L. Webster & Co., 3 East
14th St., New York. 32-34-3t—2,0,w.
hereby given that the Auditor ap
pointed by the Orphans’ Court of Centre coun-
ty to make distribution of the fund in the
hands of the Administrator (of the estate of
Martha Samuels,deceased, to and among those
legally entitled thereto, will attend to the du-
ties of his appointment at his office in Belle-
fonte, on Friday the 19th day of September,
1890, at ten o'clock, a. m., when and where all
parties interested can attend, present their
claims or be forever debarred, from claiming
against said fund.
35 33 3t Auditor
1859 1883
Geo. W. JAcKsoN Gro. W. JACKSON
|W. Frep REyNoLDs,
The firm of W. F. Reynolds & Co., Bankers,is |
this day dissolved by mutual censent, W. F.
Reynolds and W. Fred Reynolds retiring. 1
The business will be continued by Geo. W.
Jackson who has associated with him F. 'W.
Crider and D H. Hastings, both of this place,
under the firm name of Jackson, Crider & Has-
tings. We desire to return thanks to our cus-
tomers for the long and liberal patronage ex-
tended to us and ask the continuance of the
same to our successors.
35-34-3¢ W. FRED REYNOLDS.
Bellefonte, September 1st 180C.
the nice display of faney hair
pins, buckles, belts, lace pins &
at the Cash Bazaar ?
All the latest ncvelties just re-
Also a new line of beads, black
and colored. .
Silk, worsted, canvas and
leather belts.
For the latest new novelties
call ai the
No. 9,Spring Street,
35 21 1y
Bellefonte, Pa
By virtue of an order issued out of the Or-
phan’s Court of Centre county, there will : be
exposed to public sale on the premises, 234
miles east of Boalsburg, on
t 1.20 p. m., the following valuable!real estate,
Sin fie property of the late Henry Meyer,
deceased. . Tad
VALUABLE FARM containing 190 ACRES
MORE OF LESS, on which is erected A GOOD
STONE HOUSE, BANK BARN and all neces
sary out buildings. Plenty of running water,
and well atdoor. Good fruit, excellently fen-
ced. Soil in excellent condition. Near
churches and schools. A most desirable home
and will be sold on the following easy terms.
Terms: One third purchase money to be
paid on confirmation of sale ; one third in ona
vearand the balance in two years with interest.
Deferred payments tobe secured by bond and
) emises.
ore. Baer: J. H. MEYER,
Surviving Admin. Estate of H. Meyer, dec’d.
Pianos and Organs,
At all prices from $25 to $1,500. We sell the best Pianos
from six different factories, all of which have a standard
enough to suit ev
of excellence that is unsurpassed. Our stock is large
cottage to the White Hcuse at Washington.
various colors and designs of cases to please every eye.
There is the widest variety of tone, from the soft and pa-
thetic to the sharp and brilliant. The prices are low
enough and the terms of payment easy enough to suit
We take special pride in catering to Organ customers.
ment and our reputation for selling good Organs is beyone
reproach. We have ail styles, of course, at various prices,
instrument for you. It is a splendid Instrument, resemb-
ling a full Orchestra, and it can be easily vlayed, by any
ery home, from the poor man’s humble
There are
We desire to place pianos within the
1f you want a Piano, please call on us
We sell a great many pianos
given careful attention to this Depart-
Please call or write to us and we will
PLAY, then the Aeolian Organ is the
minutes. instruction. Send for special
BARGAINS We always havea number of
good second-hand Pianos and Organs for care-
lists of them asithe stock is always changing.
Prices range from $25 to $300, on easy monthly
payments when desired. Please write us and
we will mail a list of those now in stock.
READ THIS You can soon learn to play
by using Heppe’s Music Chart.
arrangement that fits on the keyboard of any
Piano or Organ, and you can learn more
from it in five minutes than you can from
a hundred instruction books.
address on receipt of one dollar.
and economical buyers. We cannot print
) —()—
It is a simple
Mailed to any
ANOS! every customer.
PIANOS! reach yl
5 o or write us fuil particulars.
PIANOS! through RR
0 0
ORGANS! We have always
4 from $25 to $500.
ORGANS! cheerfully reply.
TG child, after five
{. P. HEPPE & SON,
35 30 6m
YY ovpearuL STORES.
The Largest amount of Floor Space Occup
The Largest Stock of Goods! The
Most Complete Assortment of Every-
thing! And the LOWEST PRI-
CES of any establishment
Owing to the continuous and rapid increase.o
our business, which is now larger than that of
any other Mercantile House in Central Penn
3y/7anis ve have been compelled to Secure the
ntire Building formerly occupied by S. &
A. Loeb, and connect it with
Giving us
And more floor space than is occupied by any
four stores in Centre county. :
These are literally packed
with goods purchased after
the decline in Spring pri-
Thus securing the benefit of LARGE D§S
COUNTS, which enables us to offer th
Is stocked with over $75,000 So
of the very LATEST STYLES OF
DRESS GOODS, in every conceijv-
able material. NONE FINERTFO
In this line we have car loads of
goods and can offer unheard of bar-
gains, and defy competitions, eith-
er in quantity, quality or price.
Is in the large room, formely oc-
cupied by the Messrs Loeb, and ec-
cupies the entire first floor. In
this line we are just now having an
opening, and will hereafter make
it a specialty. It is the LARGEST
in Central Pennsylvania, and go
Nosed with over $32,000 worth 8f
People in this section have never
seen such a stock and in faet it is
not equaled by half the wholesale
houses in the cities. It has all been
COUNTS, and will be sold AT
in itself and covers eve,
grade of foot wear that is
known or used.
Is large and-complete ely y
Shows goods in this line of all grades
and consists of a full assortment,
running from the cheapest Ingrains,
to the nnest Velvet, &e. We have
Rugs, Oil Cloth, Mattings and
everthing of the kind in larger
abundance than any store in the
country, and will sell them cheap-
er than any competitor.
In addition to these departments we have
rooms full of
And in fact more Goods in every line than
you have ever seen in our establishment
and all of which we offer Cheaper
We want you to come and see us, We kuow
that we can accommodate you and give you
bargains, away ahead of all competitors. Come
abil see our immense stores and unequalled
Puiraperruia, Pa.
36 21 3m