Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 29, 1890, Image 4

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    Terms $2.00 A Year,in Advance.
Bellefonte, Pa., August 29, 1890
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Ebprrtor
For Governor,
Of Philadelphia.
For Lieutenant Governor,
Of York County.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
Of Pittsburgh.
‘Subject to action of District Conference.
Subject to action of District Conference.
Representatives $ oN MCCORMICK.
Treasurer —JAMES J. GRAMLEY.
Register.—JOHN A. RUPP.
Auditors. Joon B. MITCHELL,
——The Republicans of this county
may very properly be regarded as hav-
ing ajug-handle ticket, not only be-
cause of its one-sidedness in regard to
locality, but also for the reason
that the convention that made 1t was
largely under the fluence of the stuff
that is usually kept in jugs.
——While the Democrats of the
county are getting nicely together in
the support of their county ticket, there
being no substantial cause of complaint
to keep them separated, the Republi-
cans are getting wider apart jbecause
they know that their best men were
discarded to suit the purposes of
scheming machine managers.
Have you a Son?
Did your son vote on age last
fall? If so he must be registered
or he cannot vote under any cir-
cumstance. Democratic fathers,
see that your son’s name as well as
your own is upon the registry list.
This must be attended to on or
before the 4th of September.
Bring @n Your Testimony!
Last week the Gazette, the organ of
the Republican ring in this place,
that Mr.
IsHLER's nomination for Sheriff was
purchased for $300. Every body who
knows Mr. IsHLEer, or is acquainted
charged by implication
with the circumstaaces connected with
his nomination, knows this to be a willful,
malicious, unfounded LIE.
Bat, as the Gazette's object is to de”
feat Mr. ISHLER, we can assur: it that
the shortest cut to that point is to pro-
duce its evidence. is
needed to do just what the Gazette, and
the ring it ‘represents want,
Nothing now
produce the facts corroborating this charge.
There is no use of fighting almost three
months, and spending money and time
without stint, as the Republican bosses
of Bellefonte will do to defeat Mr. Ism-"
LER, if this charge is true. They can
save all this time, trouble and expense
of the campaign, by simply furnishing
the facts to show that their organ is
not lying when it makes this charge.
We xxow they are lying,— that
they have not an iota of evidence—not
even a suspicious circumstance to base
this dirty falsehood upon ; and right
here, at the opening of the campaign,
we defy them to furnish ANY evidence
whatever that will go to corroborate
this most infamous and unfounded lie.
cause they KNOW it is a lie. Mark
this last prediction, Democrats.
——"“A vote for PaTrisoN is a vote
for impoverished labor, ruined farms
and ultimate free trade.” This is said
by the Philadelphia Inquirer, and is a
sample of the imbecile Republican
journalism of which CrarksoN com-
plained in his Pittsburgh speech.
——McDoweLr, the boodle Republi-
can candidate for Congress in the Bea-
ver district ie determined not to with.
draw from the contest. What surpris-
es him is that there should be any fuss
about his getting the nomination by
bribery, which was in conformity with
Jong established custom 1n that district.
Give the Farmers a Share.
Why shouldn't something be done
for the farmers in framing tariff’ bills?
As those economic devices are usually
gotten up their benefits go chiefly to
money invested in manufactures, while
the only effect they have
the farmers is in the increased price
they: must pay for the manufactured
goods they use.
Senator Vance wants to remedy this
one-sided character of tariff benefits.
He proposes to give the farmers a share
of the blessings of protection by an
amendment to the McKinley bill which
shall provide that when American
farm products are exchanged for for-
eign merchandise there shall be a re-
duction of duty amounting to one half
when the imports so exchanged are
iron,"steel and earthenware, and 60, 70
and 75 per cent. when they are woolen
and cotton goods, fertilizers, jute bag-
ging and binder twine.
This equitable arrangement would
not only encourage foreign countries to
take more of our farm products, but its
other beneficial effect would be in its
cheapening the commodities used by
the agricultural population. It will be
interesting to see how the Republican
congress whose chief object is to pet
the monopolies will take this proposi-
tion to extend the tariff benefits so as to
include the farmers.
——There isn’t much to admire in
Col, S. A. Losca of Schuylkill county,
who forlyears was the creature of such
bosses as CaMeRON and Quay, always
ready to do the dirty work which is a
part of the duty of such henchmen.
For some reason or other Quay got
tired of his service, probably because
it was no longer worth - anything, and
cast him aside. LoscH, after the man-
ner of the worm that is tread upon,
turns upon the Boas and lets out some
ugly secrets about his treachery to his
party associates. He charges Quay
with having defeated the Republican
ticket in 1877 to promote his own per-
sonal interests, and also with having
intended to betray the ticket in 1883
when his intention was restrained only
by the promise that he should have a
part of the spoils of victory. As Loscn
at that time was one of Quax’s tools he
knew all about his treachery.
——Protection is really the great is-
sue in the present campaign, but it is
protection against the abuses which
boss rule has intrcduced into the gov-
ernment of the State.
Transparent Deception.
Whatever may be candidate DEra-
MATER'S deficiencies he is surely not
devoid of cheek. In a speech made
at Hazleton one evening last week he
said : “I am proud to be the represent-
“ative of the Republican party, because
“its platform to-day advocates purity
“of elections,a free vote and a fair count,
“and I am proud to be here as its rep»
“resentative, because it is in favor of a
“new and better system of voting in
“this great Commonwealth.”
The party which this candidate says
he is proud to represent, had an oppor-
tunity of expressing its real sen timents
and intentions in regard to ballot reform
when an Australian ballot bill was
presented to it for its action at its last
session and was contemptuously re.
Their present professions concerning
ballot reform are mere campaign decep’
tion. The almost unanimous vote of
the Republican legislature in the ses-
sion of 1888 against the Australian sys-
tem was more expressive than any-
thing that DELAMATER may promise in
his quest for votes.
The Williamsport Gazette and
Bulletin gives notice that the men who
shall be nominated by the Lycoming
county Republican convention must be
entirely free of the offense of having
had a part in inflicting the odious
judgeship contest upon the county.
Already that ill-favored fowl is coming
home to roost.
Don’t Forget.
Democrats don’t forget that
Thursday next, Sept. 4th, is the
last day you can be registered. See
to it that your name. is upon the
registry list, and save trouble when
you come to vote.
——IfJounNy Decker was one of
the Commissioners who did such , great
things for the finances of the county and
reduced taxation to the merely nominal
sum of two mills, his party convention
displayed great disregard for the public
good in not giving him a renomination.
They were equally reckless of the wel.
fare of the county in not putting Hen-
{ DERSON up for another term.
bosses didn’t want a Prohibitionist like
the rich capitalists who have their , °° edttrery Yo their intentions, they
on DY using him for trading purposes.
——1It is natural that the Bellefonte
Ed. Tyson on the ticket. That he
should be one of the nominees wasn't
on their programme. But since he is
will make what they can out of him
The Bellefonte bosses are likely
to find that the discarding of a consis.
tent and unfaltering party worker like
MontcoMERY for a candidate who
didn’t hesitate to cut party uominees
when self-interest or personal feeling
dictated such a course, was a piece of
political management that is not calcu-
lated to produce harmony in the party
An Honest Republican’s Opinion of the
late Republican County Convention.
‘We have the following from a highly
respected and intelligent Republican of
College township, who evidently sees a
great deal that was inconsistent and
disgraceful in the recent Republican
County Convention, and who, like hun-
dreds of other honest and respectable
members of thai party, will labor to give
the “ring” ticket a complete and over-
whelming defeat.
State COLLEGE, Aug. 25, 1890.
Mr. Epiror:—According to what
our Republican papers say, there never
was such good and efficient men as ilen-
derson and Decker, while acting as
County Commissioners. They are both
lauded to the skies. It seems difficult
for these papers to find words to express
The Appeal of the State Dembcratic
’ —
The Need of Reform in Politics and the
Many Wrongs of the Workingmen.
We make the following extract from
the circular issued by Hon. Chauncey
F. Black; President of the Democratic
Society of Pennsylvania :
The political situation in Pennsylva-
nia to-day, more than ever before, in-
vites, if, in truth, it does not require,
the voluntary organization of the peo-
ple for self-detense in the form which
descends to us from our forefathers along
with the principles of free government
which they employed it to protect. If
ever there was a tine when every good
citizens owed it to himself, his state,
his country and his posterity, to repair
to the Demccratic societies and to enroll
himself among the organized defenders
of popular liberty, that timeis now up-
on us.
Systems of taxations, State and {eder-
al, grossly unequal in their operation,
almost avowedly designed to pillage the
many and enrich the faw, to grasp the
hard earnings of thescattered and unor-
ganized masses and turn them over to
the incorporated, or otherwise closely
associated, classes, are not only boldly
maintained by the party in power, but
we are threatened with specific agg rava-
tions of them. At Harrisburg, as at
Washington, the rights and the needs of
the great multitude of wage-earners and
land tillers are disregarded. The same
political rings, which have pushed aside
our State constitution, denied every peti-
tion ot land and labor, strangled every
measure of reform, promoted every
scheme of oppression and corruption,
and inflicted upon this commonwealth
every wrong and shame it has endured
' for more than a quarter of a century, is
again seeking, under circumstances of
special and wanton insult, a farther
lease of power. It is expected and be-
lieved that the great concourse of inde-
pendent citizens and deputies at Read-
ing, on September 16 and 17, will pre-
sent the unt istakable answer of the
their great merit. Now, there is some-
thing very mysterious about this that
the most learned men can’t fully com-
prebend. If Mr. Deckor has proven
himself to be such an eflicient officer and |
did so much in the way of reducing the
tax rate from five mills to two, and
many other meritorious things for the
general good of his constituents, then |
why have him so shamefully slaughter. |
ed? Mr. Decker wasn’t asking more |
than both parties have been in the habit |
of granting ; that is,a second term. We |
would just say so those who saw so much |
glory in Mr. Decker’s official career that |
there can’t be two straight lines drawn |
between two points, and any attempt to |
do so would result in crookedness. If
Mr. Decker is the man he is represented
to be, then the convention was at fault
in not renominating him. There is no
difficulty for any person of ordinary in-
telligence to see through the whole
thing,although some people think every
person a fool but themselves. The
truth of it is, Mr. Decker is no drunkard
and of course couldn’t expect to receive
much recognition from a drunken ‘con-
vention, because there is too great an
antagonism between the two. When
men are so brutishly drunk that they are
perfectly insane, assome of the delegates |
were, of course they can’t see merit in
any one. The greatest number of votes
went where there was tlie most whiskey, |
and the least went where the least
whiskey was. One candidate at least
says he feels greatly honored because he
came out nine hundred per cent below
par on the whiskey question. It cer-
tainly wasn’t much credit to the conven-
tion to nominate an ignorant, profane,
rum guzzling blackguard, and an in-
fidel besides, who purchased his nomi-
ration with rot-gut whiskey. The well
meaning peopie of Centre county still
cherish the fond hope that whiskey is
not king, and that there are a few Dan-
iels who will refuse to bow to Baal or
the scepter of king alcohol. It is hoped
that the whole ticket will meet with
more than a Waterloo defeat, and the
rum fiend will be sent howling into
the bottomless p't,and the seal of indizna-
tion be placed upon the door that he
may never escape again to set up such a
howl as when the last nomination was
made, when the air looked fairly blue
with the fumes of rot-gut whiskey.
Attention Voters.
The November election will be held
on Tuesday, the 4th day of the month.
Citizens who are not assessed must
have their names added to the assessors
list on or before Thursday, the 4th of
September, as the constitution requires
assessments to be made two months be-
fore the election.
Citizens who have not paid a State or
county tax within two years must pay a
State or county tax, or a poll tax, on or
before Saturday, the 4th of October, as
the constitution requires taxes to be paid
within two years of election day. A
merchantile or license tax is notsuch as |
qualifies a voter.
The registry list is required to be ex-
posed at the polling places not later than |
the first Monday in August and
every voter should examine the book to |
make sure that he has been assessed. |
Persons who have moved recently, or
contemplate moving before September |
4 should visit the assessor and have their
names put upon the list.
Persons intending to vote upon age, |
that is 22 years,must likewise be assessed, |
although the payment of poll tax is not |
necessary. ;
Every citizen not a real estate owner
must have paid such poll tax within
two years preceding the election in
order to be a qualified voter,
' here?
body of the people to this remarkable as-
sumption on the part of the common
While elections are free the people
i retain the power of defense and redress
in their own hands. But are they free
Is he a freeman who approaches
the polls in fear of arother at the su-
i preme moment in the year when his
will is to be made potential by his vote ?
Ishe a freeman, who when he comes to
depesite his ballot must pause to con-
sider whether or not an honest vote will
cost him bread and home, and, casting
his family into the road, make him, in-
stead of a respectable laborer, a wander-
er in search of work ?
Many thousands of Pennsylvania
electors vote under this dreadful appre-
hension at every recurring election, and
it is upon this power that monopoly and
bossism principally rely in their strug-
gles to maintain themselves, with their
special privileges, against the true inter-
ests of the people, Shall this continue ?
From every quarter of the State we hear
the stern demand of labor, organized
and unorganized—the multitudinous
victims of this shameful coercion—that
it shall not continue. They ask to be
enfranchised, that the right to a free
vote shall be restored, with ample safe-
guards, so that every man in Pennsyl-
vania shall be as independent as every
other in the exercise of the sacred right
of suffrage. To be free, the ballot must
be secret, and to that end the odious
marked ballot provision of our existing
constitution must be removed. While
it remains, while we have permanently
incorporated in our system of voting a
plan expressly designed for the identi-
fication of ballots —the very principle of
| exposure as against the principle of
secrecy—there can be no such thing as
elections, pure or free, in the State of
This is necessarily the great issue of
the day. The bosses, realizing its tre-
mendous force ard the irresistible appeal
which it makes to the better instincts of
our race, confess the adsolute necessity
of the remedy, and, in the same breath,
ask us to forego it and to submit meekly
to the wrong for a further period of at
least five years, when they vaguely en-
gage that the Republican machine and
the legislature may possibly grant some
But the wrong being
the ren edy obvious, the cause nothing
less than the restoration of the whole
people to their right of self-government,
with free choice of pubiic servants, shall
we abide the grace of the boss and the
pleasure of monopoly, or will we take
and enjoy our rights at once? The
road is open and straight. No one can
mistake it, and no one dees mistake it.
The election of the reform candidates
for state offices and of a majority of the
reform candidate for the legislature will
produce a call foran immediate consti-
tutional convention to eliminate the
marked ballot provision from our con-
stitution, and to establish the Austra-
lian system of s cret voting, making
every man his own master at the polls.
With this free and secret ballot we
need bave no fear for the future.
‘Whether Pennsylvania thereafter shall
be Democratic or Republican, or neith-
er, it will, at least, be a free state, and
the Democratic societies, inspired by the
faith of their forefathers, may look for-
ward with confidenze to the completion
of their self-imposed mission, when there
shall be no longer either a political or
an industrial slave within the broad
limits of our commonwealth.
Pattison Accepts.
The Text of His Letter of Acceptance
of the Nomunation.
PairLaprLpHIA, August 22.-—Mr.
Pattison to day sent to the committee
appointed by the democratic stale con-
veution to inform him of his nomination
for the governorshipthe following letter
of acceptauce :
PHILADELPHIA, August 22, 1890.
Gentlemen : I have received your let-
ter conveying the formal notice of my
nomination by the democratic state con-
vention for the office of governor. The
custom which calls for such interchange
of correspondence has lost much of its
significance by reason of the changed
condition and usage surrounding the
conventions of political parties at the
present day. Iaving appeared in per-
son before the body whose committee
you are and accepted its nomination, I
took occasion to point out what, in my
view, was the all-pervading issue in the
campaign then inaugurated. An ex-
tended letter of acceptance now would,
therefore, be little more than a reitera-
tion of what was then proposed. It is
questionable, moreover, whether any-
thing can now said that would give
greater clearness and emphasis to the
thought dominating the contest between
the two parties in Pennsylvania. The
platforms of the respective conventions,
the controlling influence by which their
deliberations and actions were shaped,
and the exhaustive discussion of the
proceedings and the candidates by the
newpaper press of the entire country,un-
mistakably show that not only is the is-
sue of the campaign universally made
up, but that itis clearly apprehended
and will be directly met and decided
by the people at the polls. In this con-
nection I may venture the . suggestion
that we should not permit the contest to
be diverted from its legitimate and true
lines. All attempts to impart issues
from the field of national polities will
be but an effort by those now on trial in
Pennsylvania to distract public atten-
tion from themselves and their records
to more remote subjects of party contro-
troversy and self-government. Home
rule is now on trial in this common-
wealth. On one side stand the people
with their constitution and general in-
terests, on the otherstands a selfish and
an arrogant political leadership, self-
constituted and {defiant and resolved
to use the offices and treasure of the peo-
ple as personal spoil. Between these
must the voters choose. Confident that
the democratic party, its principles and
candidates represent the right and just
side of the controversy, I have no doubt
of the popular verdict. We offer deeds,
not vacant words, as the guarrantee of
our fidelity. With the assurance of pre-
found appreciation of the honor. confer-
red by the democracy in chosing me as
their candidate, I am respectfulle yours,
To Hons. 'W. H. Souden, Charles
Broadhead, Pearson Church, P. Foley
and George Ross.
‘I'rust No One.
Don’t depend on any one else to
sec that you are registered. Attend
to this matter for yourself and
know that it is done. Thursday,
September 4th, is the last day.
An Exciting Time at Mechanicsburg.
M ECHANICSBURG, Aug. 26.—A sen-
sation was sprung at the Cumberland
Valley railroad depot last evening when
Mrs. Messick, a pretty, fair complexion-
ed woman, assaulted Miss Clara Speidel,
a girl of 19 summers. The women
fought from the station up the railroad
to North Frederick street and out to
Main street, where Policeman Colonel
Kimmel parted them. Mrs. Messick
alleges that Miss Speidel has alienated
the affections of her husband and charg-
ed the girl publicly with being unduly,
intimate with » Messick, ber husband.
Durire the combat the tears flowed
freely from the eyes of the injured wife,
while the maiden only smiled as the
blows fell thick upon her face and neck.
Mrs. Messick left for her home, West-
field, Mass., this morning.
Killed 22 Rattlesnakes in One Day.
Adventures of a Party of Pennsylva-
nians on Youngwoman's Creek.
» Weilshoro Agitator.
Last week Messrs. Eben B. Campbell,
of Williamsport; A. B. OCarnett,’ of
Ansonia, and D. L. Deane,of this place,
were exploring the timber lands of the
Pennsylvania Joint Lumber and Land
Company on the head waters of Slate
Run and the branches of Young-
woman’s creek rising near the line be-
tween Lycoming and Clinton counties.
While so engaged on Wednesday last
an episode somewhat thrilling in char-
acter occurred to them.
While passing over the point of a hill
on the north side of Baldwin run, a
branch of Youngwoman’s creek, they
suddenly came upon a large detached
rock about which numercus rattlesnakes
were congregated. Mr. Carnett was in
advance, and on observing the snakes
he uttered an exclamation of surprise
and abruptly halted. The other gen-
tlemen coming up, they concluded to
give battle to the “varmits’”’ and forth—
with pitched in, and with tho aid of
stout sticks which they carried for canes
speedily dispatched eight of the rattlers
which they found basking in the sun on
the ground around the rock. This done
they discovered that there were numer -
ous reptiles hidden under a smaller rock
which lay on top of the first mentioned.
This smaller rock was supported above
the larger one by small stones in such a
way that a person could look under it,
and the space between the two seemed
to be pretty much filled with snakes.
How to get them out one or two at a
time so as to dispatch thers without al-
lowing any to get away was a quandary.
After studying the situation, Mr. Car-
nett concluded that with the aid of a
forked stick operating from one edge,
of the rock, he could shoot them out
one or two at a time from the other edge
if the other gentlemen could whack them
when they came out. I'he plan proved
u success, and they persevered pntil they
had slain twelve more. Still there was
at least one heard rattling under the top
rock, which they could not see, and so a
hand spike was called into play, the
rock was moved, and then one more rep-
tile was dispatched, making a total of
twenty-one killed at this one spot.
The snakes ranged in length from
three and a half to five feet, and when
they wer2 laid out together on the rocks
they were a sight to behold. There
were both black and yellow ones, and as
they had just shed their old skins, many
of which were seen lying around, their
colors were very bright and attractive in
appearance. After the slaughter, when
the party were about ready to move on,
still another snake was heard to rattle.
This one was discovered to be hidden
under the large rock and could not be
gol at, so at least one escaped. As the
party bad killed a rattler at another
place the same day, and had killed two
on each of the two days preceding,
their record for the three days was
twenty-six, which makes a pretty good
Young Men.
If you voted on age last fall you
must be registered this fall or you
cannot VOTE AT ALL. There is no
way by which a person voting on
age a year ago can vote at the com-
ing election, unless he is REGISTER-
ED. Young Democrats, remember
this and see to it that your names
day, September 4th, is the last day
are upon the registry list.
to register.
Arrangements for the Patrons’ Exhibi-
To Be Held at Centre Hall by the P. of
H. of Central Pennsylvania, Sep-
tember 15th to 21st.
‘We invite public attention to the 17th
Annual Picnic and Exhibition of the
Patrons of Husbandry of Central Penn-
svlvania to be held on the 15th, 16th,
17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th of September
in Grange Park at Centre Hall station,
on the Lewisburg and Tyrone Railroad.
It is easy of access from the south and
east, via., Montandon on the Philadel-
phia and Erie and Northern Central
Railways, from the north, via., Lock
Haven and Bellefonte, and the west, via.
Tyrone and Bellefonte.
Over 15,000 people were in attendance
last year. There are good accommoda-
tions either by hotels or tents with good
boarding houses.
A rare opportunity is offered to manu-
facturers and farmers to exhibit stock
and machinery ; complete buildings and
railroad accommodations for visitors and
exhibitors. The railroad passes through
the grounds with proper platforms and
unloading facilities. Telegraph and
Telephone offices are on the ground.
Under an arrangement with E. B.
Weostfall, Supt., P.&E & L. &T. R.
R., shipments for the exhibition to be
held in Grange Park will be charged
regular current rates to Centre Hall, but
all such shipments after the exhibition,
if unsold and reshipped, will be returned
free to the original point of shipment,
over any of the lines of the Pennsylva-
nig railroad system by which they came.
This free return will only be granted up-
on presentation of the original paid
freight bill and a certificate signed by
the proper officer of the exhibition to the
effect that the exhibits are unsold. In
addition to the above mentioned privil-
eges granted, arrangements have been
made by which all camp equipage will
be carried free.
Articles for exhibition must be con-
signed to the owner at Centre Hall Sta-
tion, Centre county, Pa., on the Lewis-
burg and Tyrone Railroad. The freight
must be prepaid
All articles for exhibition should be
shipped in good timeso that they may
reach Centre Hall the week before the
picnic. Upon receiving autho:ity from
exhibitors we will have goods unloaded
on the grounds. A reasonable charge
of course will be made for unloading
While the picnic management will not
be responsible for breakage that may oc-
cur in unloading or reloading goods in
the Park, yet the greatest care will be
faker to prevent any damage to exhi-
The Adams Express Company have
an office at the Railroad station; also
there is a telegraph office and telephene
communications direct to pienic grounds.
Machinery will be allowed to bedriv-
en by steam power and belting, but ex-
hibitors must find their own belting
and arrange for stem power.
Iixhibitors will be charged a small
entrance fee, which will entitle them to
the free use of the telephone at the fol-
lowing rates for exhibition:
Class '1 articles, retail price $10, or
less, entry fee 50 cents.
Class 2, retail price $10 to $25, entry
fee $1.00.
Class 8, retail price $25 to $50, entry
fee $1.25.
Class 4, retail price $50 to $100, entry
fee §1 50.
Class 5, retail price over $100, accord-
ing to character of exhibit ar.d space oc-
Class 6, pianos and organs and arti-
cles requiring to be placed under cover
will be charged according to space ce-
cupied. 2
No exhibitor will be charged a Jess
sum than 50 cents.
Parties having a number of articles on
exhibition will be allowed a reasonable
reduction from the above entry fees.
These nominal charges are only made
to cover necessary expenses for the prop-
er accommodation of exhibitors and pro-
viding necessary telephone arrangements.
There will be a delivery post office on
the grounds and all mail matter should
be directed to Grange Park, Centre Hall
Pa. All exhibitors and others desiring
tents for shelter and lodging can be sup-
plied at $2.50 size 9x20 feet for the week.
All parties tenting must find their own
blankets and bedding; those desiring
tents should order early.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell tickets on ticket orders at one fare
for the round trip,good from Friday, the
12th of September, until Monday the
23d. The Lewisburg and Tyrone, the
P. and E. and the Bald Eagle Valley
Railroads will sell tickets to the public
without ticket orders during the entire
week of the picnic.
Exhibitors of larg: machinery should
be on hand on Saturday. Exhibitors
will be allowed to bring their own tents
if preferred.
xhibitors of live stock will be charg.
ed a nominal price for hay and straw.
Those coming from the south and east
should ship via Montandon; those .rom
the west via Tyrone and Bellefonte;
those from the north via Lock Haven.
Trains will be run to and from the pic-
nic grounds every few hours, all trains
stopping in the Park.
Any number of ticket orders can be
had by applying to the chairman in
time. Admission free.
For any further information address,
Centre Hall, Pa,