Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 15, 1890, Image 2

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    it in the waste basket.
She paused a moment in the parlor.
There, on the scene of her recent social
success, she was softened. Her anger
melted away, and curiosity led her to
Bellefonte, Pa.,
0. | open the paper, probably the iampoon
- of some envious person who had boldly
tacked it on her door. As she ran her
eyes over the page the text began to
When the blossom’s on the tater and the tas- | crow confused, and she could scarcely
sel’s on the corn, ee
An’ the ripenin’ tomaytesses a biushin’ like
the morn;
read it. She was able, however, to
learn from it that her household goods
When the pole bean’s young an’ tender an’ the | were for sale, having been seized by
ingen an’ the beet, :
An’ the cowcumber an’ cabbage’s ’bout big
enough to eat; : ’
When the yaller leg spring chicken, fried in t
butter “to a turn,”
the sheriff, -
“John I" she impulsively called, and
hen she remembered that be had gone
An’ corn pone’s hot an’ buttermilk’s jest emp- | Over the mouatains to gurvey a tract of
tied from the churn, ns
Oh, it’s then I love the music of the tootin’ din-
ner horn,
land. She sank on the sofa and tried
to think. Her lips were drawn and
When the blossom’s on the tater and the tas | her teeth showed their tips as she re-
sel’s on the corn.
called the shadow that had been on
When the scorchin’ sun of summer pours his brow growing blackszr daily, and
down a feller’s back,
the paper in her hand made clear the
An' him »-workin® fit to kill a-pillin’ up the canse oft. She lifted the legal native
With the dusty sweat-a-pourin’ down his face | ana read it carefully. ?
mark of genuineuess, and advertised
into his eyes, La
An’ the thresher keeps a-buzzin’ like a pantry {
full of flies;
It bore every
or sale all the personal property of
Whenlhe feels about as holler as the everlastin’ | John Patterson. To the bill was an-
siy vexed a partial list of the articles seiz-
’ .
Then he gets a sens 0’ goneness nothing else
can satisfy ed.
Dragging herself to the hall door
Like the appetizin’ music of the tootin’ dinner | osha oalled a servant.
When the blossom’s on the tater and the tas-
sel’s on the corn.
Milk and honey, ham an’ eggs and, biscuits hot
and light, ;
Buckwheat cakes an’ tree merlasses a mighty
luscious sight,
An’ roast spar rib an’ sweet pataters baked
with sassidge meat,
“Who put this paper on the door,
Mar. aret ?"’
“The sheriff, ma'am ; and he wouldn’t
mind me tellin’ him not to.”
“That is all, Margaret.”
The servant went back to the kitch-
en and Mrs. Patterson hastened to her
But buttermilk and g.rding sass is mighty | .oo pn. Sitting down at her desk, she
hard to beat;
An’ when a feller's empty from his buzzum to | Wrote a letter to John and enclosed the
his boots, : a
There's a sight of hallylooyer in the satisfyin’
handbill. Two or three days before
the time appointed for the sale she re-
foots . " :
Of the wimmen folks a-blowin’ on the old tin | ceived a note from John, who promis-
dinner, horn,
sels on the corn. a
— Edwin S, Hopkins, in Judge.
A True Story of Actual Life.
When the blossom’s on the tater an’ the tas’ 2 fix up everything when he came
She showed the note to the
sheriff and was surprised when he did
not heed it.
A mob invaded her parlor, surged
into her dining room and stormed
through her bed chambers.
— while the auctioneer clamored, talking
as if he had consulted a dictionary for
— adjectives with which to descritie the
All the
From a peak in the Alleghenies, ene | articles under his hammer. The bidders
can see the town of Harburg, built | were eager and prices ran high. Be-
upon a hill, and almost surrounded by | fore her eyes her furniture was sold
a river that is famous in song.
In the [and taken away from Mrs. Patterson,
days when a canal connected these | whose only remark to each buyer was:
with a railroad which crossed the
“Be careful of that. Mr. Patterson
mountains, Harburg was a place of | wiil come back soon and fix everything;
importance. .
Of its gay society Sallie Donnelly
then I shall want that back.”
No one Jaughed at her, but when
was the belle, She was tall and slen- | the sale was over and ail her house-
der. Her bright eyes, rich complex- | hold goods, save the necessary things
100, ready wit and graceful manners | exempt by law for the debtor, were
made her the most attractive young | carried off by the purchasers, she was
woman of the town.
Her teeth were | no longer Mrs. Patterson to the resi-
very white, and she, being a brunette, | dents of Harburg. They spoke of her
used them in smile and laugh with very | as Sallie Patterson, but neither envi-
startling effect.
ously nor admiringly, as they had once
One evening at a ball, John Patter- | done of Sallie Dovnelly. She, ignorant
son was introduced to her. He was a | of the loss of her position in society,
civil engineer, stationed at Harburg, | wrote a full account of the sale to her
and he was handsome, and his ability | husband. Among other things she
to master a difficult problem in mathe- | said :
matics was wonderful ; but he could no
“I know just who bought everything,
more have figured to a nicety on an [and I asked them not to injure any-
estimate of a woman than he could | thing, so we could have our furniture
have told what the moon's back is and china back when you returned and
made of. Like all men of his kind, he | settled the debt.”
fell in love without calculation. Salllie
In a few weeks, thé sheriff came
Donnelly simply bewitched him. He | again, and sold the house in which she
loved her with such devotion that his | still lived. Then she was dispossessed
wooing was irresistible, aad to the as- | and her scanty furniture set out on the
tonishment of the gossips of Harburg, | street.
She was an outcast. Her
it was soon announced that John and | father and mother were dead, and she
Sallie were engaged
had no relatives to whom she could
Gossips would not believe she would | appeal for aid. Going to a hotel, she
marry him. Sallie Donnelly had led | asked for shelter until Mr, Patterson
society to regard her as a person with- | came back, but it was refused her; and
out a heart, and no one thought her se- ! as for those who had once courted her,
rious in engaging herseif to John Pat- | they made excuses :
terson. However, they were soon mar-
“She is crazy. It would not he safe
ried and moved into a brick house at | to house her.”
the foot of Main street. From his
When night fell, a man, who was
porch John could see the packets come | reputed brutal and coarse, swore at the
on the canal and the trains go out on | people of Harburg—cursed them for
the railroad.
In his residence, cailed | their inhumanity. Alone he went to
by the people of Harburg “the big | thesidwalk where Sallie’s furniture sat,
brick,” Sallie entertained lavishly. Her | and carried it on his shoulder to a little
receptions were the grandest Harburg | house on some lots of his.
had seen, and she was courted by
“Stay here, Mrs. Patterson, till your
Her extravagance was | husband comes back,” he said, when
freely commented upon, but herresonr- | he had put things to rights.
ces were suppossed to be great, for
She thanked him and took posses-
John Patterson was believed to be | sion of the low, two-roomed house. Her
rich. landlord never called upon her for rent
Some happy years passed, and then | while the years passed, as she waited
come a cloud upon John Patterson’s | for John’s return.
His house was big, his wife | her fire curled up to the sky, and the
The smoke from
beautiful, and he was seemingly suc- | soot seemed to settle on her face, for it
cessful in his business, but the voices | grew darker until it was almost black.
that sounded in his dwelling were | Her teeth shone more brightly than
alien. He wished that children of hig, | t
hey d d in the days of her social emi-
born in his house, shouted in its halls, uence and her eyes lost none of their
frolicked in its parlors and gladdened | brilliance.
the feast in its dining room. It would
A crook came in her hack, yet her
have made him laugh to see a child of | heart was not bowed down, for it was
his break a piece of the china that all { held up by hope. Her abiding faith in
the housewives in Harburg coveted. | John’s promise to fix everything when
But his wish was not gratified, and the | he got back, and her treasuring of the
cloud on his brow grew blacker.
note, which was evidence of it, led peo-
And in the shadow on his brow | ple to say she was crazy.
In no other
came a wrinkle, but bis wife heeded | way did she manifest symptons of in-
neither wrinkle nor cloud. She was |s
anity. She was harmless and wan-
engrossed with the preparations for a | dered about alone, chattering to her-
reception that was to be magnificent. | self.
None, except, perhaps, now and
At midnight she lay awake designing | then an impish child, annoyed her.
her toilet, which she meant should be | The community pitied her and in an
a marvel. She asked her husband to apologetic way provided for her; even
draw a curve for the drapery of the | allowed her to attend the church in
skirt of her dress, and he obligingly | which she once rented a pew.
made one of sharp declivity., She
thanked him, but did not use it.
“It is too precipitous,’ she said.
“Perhaps not, he replied.
It was not, if considered a prophecy, | 0
that is startling. Like the “presto” of a
Although living alone, she preserved |
the purity of her English. Her words
were distinctly. enunciater, but her
voice gradually became hoarse. Her
nce shapely hands became crooked !
for there is a swiftness in law process | and soiled in gathering cozl and wood.
. The coarse man who was her land-
magician, it works its changes sudden- | lord was offered a fair price for all his
ly. lots one day, but he refused to sell the
A week or more after her reception lo
Mrs. Patterson was returning some
ne on which Sallie's little house stood.
“Sallie believes I'll leave her there
calls. She learned that her reception | till her husband turns up, and I don't
bad been a great success ; it had taught | mean to drive her out.”
Harburg society the value of flowers in
house decoration,
was pronounced a miracle. From list-
The would-be buyer said rather
As for her toilet, it | scornfully :
“I hope you're not looking for John
€ning to such flattery, Mrs. Patterson | Patterson to return ?”
returned home with radiant face and
“I'm not, but his wife is, and she
sparkling eves. She alighted from her | can wait for him right where she is.”
carriage nimbly as a bird, and looking
After awhile McDonough sold the
at the steps, ran up them likea yonng | lots east of the one on which her house
girl. When she grasped the door | stood to the county authorities, who
knob she noticed a handbill tacked on | pnichased them for the site of the new '
the panel. Angrily she tore it down, | jail. He did not think it nceessary to
and without looking at it, crumpled it | tell her of the sale, and the first knowl-
in her hand to throw it on |edge she had of il was fro the break-
the pavement. Then her sense of neat- | ing of the ground for the foundations
ness prevailed npon her to take the [ofthe jail. She was frightened, and
sheet of paper into the house to throw ' yet could not believe that Bill would
break his word to her.
“Never fear, Mrs. Patterson,” he
said, kindly, wheu she came to him for
information. “I said you could stay
in that house until John came back ;
by you cau!”
“0, Mr. McDonough I" she exclaim-
ed. I tempted you to swear. It was
wrong of me to come. I am so sorry.”
As she stood before him she was al-
most a caricature of a woman. Her
dress was torn, her face was dirty, but
her gentle rebuke went to his heart and
made him very uneasy. Lifting a
bony hand, upon which glistened her
wedding ring, worn to a thin strip of
gold, she pushed her disordered hair
from her face, and looked in mute sup-
plication fo him not to repeat the pro-
fanity. For a moment his eyes rested
upon her, saw the leaden face, noted
the supplicating air, commented upon
the figure that age had not robbed of
grace, dwelt for a second on the torn
dress, fantastic with its patches of va-
rious colors, and paused upon the feet,
shod with shoes which a maa had once
worn and thrown into the street. Then
he smiled.
“I am sorry I done it, Mrs. Patter-
“I am glad you are, Mr. McDon-
ough ; and I hope you will not swear
again.” ?
“I wont, Mrs. Patterson.”
Pleased with his promise, and be-
lieving he would keep it, as he had the
other one he had made to her, she
went back to her home to watch with-
out fear the building of the jail.
One day, seized with an idea, he
went to Sallie's house and knocked on
the door. She invited him to come 1n,
but he declined to enter.
“I only came to ask, if I send you
some new clothes, you would wear
them, Mrs. Patterson 2?’
“I would, Mr. McDonough, if vou
will allow John to pay for them when
he comes back.”
This was not the reply he had hoped
for. It had dawned upon him that if
he improved Sallie's surroundings she
would become her owr self again, and
then he could ask her to marry him,
without creating a sensation among the
gossips of Harburgh. At onetime in
his life he had not cared what was said
of him, so long as he kept ont of the
clutches of the law ; but now he de-
sired to appear decorous, in an endeav-
or to link himsel; with respectability
by making Sallie his wife. She was
gentle, kind and refined, despite the
the many years of her poverty, and
with her as a companion in his old age
might be fall of happiness. The wish
might be slow in forming in him. It
was born of his loneliness and for a
long time was not formulated in his
mind, but suddenly it made itself clear
and immediately he actedin a diplo-
matic manner to accomplish its fulfill-
ment. He was not taken aback, how-
ever, by her wish to have the benefits
he meant to confer upon her charged
to John. .
“I've long been intendin’ to tell you,
Mrs. Pattison, that I owe John money,
and as he doesn’t come to settle, I'll
spend it upou you.” i
“How long have you known that
you owed my husband money 2” Sal-
lie asked rather sharply.
Bill began to feel uncomfortable
over the lie he was telling, but he de-
termined to maintain it.
“Ever since he went away, but there
was no settlement, as I said, and I don’t
know how much it is.”
“I suppose therent IT owe you has
reduced it very much,” Sallie said with
“Some, but there's enough owin’ to
him yet to make you comfortable--buy
you new clothes and furniture. I'll
fix up the house as I ought to do, bein’
your landlord.”
“What woke your conscience?” ask-
ed Sallie who was skeptical of his hon-
He was ready with an answer.
“You did by rebukin' me tor swear-
in’ that day. My conscience has been
hurtin’ me ever since, and I have quit
swearin’ |”
Sallie clasped her hands and ex-
claimed : “I am glad, so glad! John
never swore !"
Bill delayed to learn what repairs
the house needed, and then left, saying
be would send the carpenters the next
Harburg was astonished when Sal-
lie appeared on the street in a new
dress of the latest cut. It was on a Sun-
day and she went to church, as'usual,
happily conscious that all eyes were
fastened upon her when she passed
through the crowd of loungers who
were waiting outside for the ringing of
the second bell.
In her repaired and furnished house
she took great pleasure, and kept it in
good order. Pride in personal appear-
ance led her to stand many minutes
before the mirror every day, looking
for traces of her former beauty. Her
hair was as black as ever, her eyes
were sitill brilliant, but her lips would
curl and expose her teeth. Only by
effort could she make her lips meet—
left to themselves they separated.
Society began to marvel and praise
Bill for his humanity in rescuing the
poor woman from insanity. He was
modest, accepted the flattery with be-
coming hawility, and waited for the
the time when he could tell her the
the wish of his heart. When that
time came he trembllingly put on his
best suit of clothes and called upon
Mrs. Patterson. Ina few words he
asked her to marry him. She looked
at him in pity.
“I could, Mr. McDonough, if | were
not still young and looking for John to
return. He has not been gone long,
and will soon be back.”
“Well I can wait,” said Bill, and
went away heavy hearted.
That day he journeyed westward.
He soon got on the track of John Pat-
terson, and traced him to the end. It
was a sad story, ending with suicide,
and when Bill stood on the grave oi
the man for whom a hopeful woman
was waiting patiently, his eyes filled
with tears and choked him. And be
Buscar TE AE TE Er thr wn
or again asking her to be his wife.
He died before she did, and made pro-
vision for her in his will, but her grati-
tude to him did not win her from the
memory of John.
Stinging Letters to Quay and Dela-
A Republican Offers to Pay Expenses
if Quay Will Sue for Libel.
Mr. Rudolph Blankenburg, well
known as a prominent Republican of
Philadelphia, has sent the following
letters to Quay and Delamater.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., August 5.—
Hon. Matthew S. Quay—Dear Sir:
The charges of embezzlement while
State Treasurer of Pennsylvania,
brought against you by the New York
World, Evening Post, Nation, Puck
and other papers of responsibility, have
so far met neithet reply or denial at your
It is and has been very irritating to
many earnest Republicans to have you
ignore these grave accusations, made
most poir.ted and emphatic in last week’s
Pnck, which undoubtedly you have
seen. You are there depicted in a felon’s
garh, plainly called a felon, holding the
whip and compelling the respectable
leaders of the “Grand Old Party” to
march at the command of a felon over-
As you perhaps shun suit for libel
against any or all of your accusers on
account of the great expense therein in-
volved, it has been suggested by some
of those Republicans who are indirectly
smarting under these accusations, to
raise a fund of sufficient amount to in-
stitute and push suits for civil and erim-
inal libel against your open accusers.
Please let me know if this plan of vin-
dicating your honor as Chairman of the
Republican National Committee and
United States Senator meets with your
approval, and oblige yours, respectfully,
Senator Delamater called down the
storm upon his own head by visiting
Mr. Blankenburg at the latter’s office to
ask his support. The visit was made
in the course of Senator Delamater’s
calls upon all the old members of the
Committee cf the One Hundred. It is
said that in none of these calls has the
Senator attempted to make answer to
the charges, contenting himself with
making a general denial of the whole
story. The letter of Mr. Blankenburg
is as follows :
PHILADELPHIA, August 5, 1890.—
Hon. George W. Delamater —Dear Sir:
Absence from my office when you call-
ed last week prevented my giving you
personally the reasons why I cannot sup-
port and vote for you for Governor of
Pennsylvania, and I now do in writing.
You were openly and directly charg-
ed in April last by ex-Senator Emery,
a reputable and responsible citizens
with’one of the gravest crimes against
our free institutions—¢purchasing your
election and bribing citizens to vote for
you,” ete.—and you were challenged by
Mr. Emery to bring an action at law
against him so he could set his proof be-
fore the people oath bound.
Had you been charged with embez-
zling money, robbing a widow or or-
phan, you would as an innocent man
not have allowed one day to pass before
bringing suit for civil and criminal li-
bel against your accuser; yet here,
charged with a crime much more seri-
ous and far-reaching in its consequences
you have rested silent for months,
whether because you have no defense,
or do not consider the charge of ‘brib-
ing voters and purchasing your elec-
tion’ a serious ene, I know not.
Crimes against individuals, such as
larceny, embezzlement, forgery, are in-
significant compared with crimes aoainst
the sacred rights of citizensh#p and the
elective franchise, which is the bulwark
and foundation of our liberties. Lot
every thoughtful man, partisan though
he may be, pause, reflect, and take to
beart the earnest call made upon you in
April last by one of the leading Repub-
lican papers of the country, the Phila-
delphia Press, to meet the charges
against you fully and completely.
Had you the right appreciation of the
gravity of the accusation against you
you would not have let four months
elapse without even as much as a mnr-
mur, and were you at this late day to
bring an action against your accuser it
would lack force and weight, as the
law’s delay could easily be invoked by
your counsel to defer trial until after the
election, and then, as is generally done
in such cases, have the suit withdrawn.
The nomination of ex-Governor Rob-
ert Hi. Pattison fortunately makes it
easy for Repulicans who own themselves
to exercise their better judgment by
casting their ballots for him. ~ His per-
sonal character is without blemish ; his
record whenever the rights of the peo-
ple were jeopardized by arrogant and
powerful corporations is enviable ; his
political career has won the admiration
of even his political opponents, as ex-
pressed in the editorial remarks of the
most partisan Republican papers when
he relinquished the Gubernatarial office
tour years ago.
I regret that T cannot support the
nomination of the Republican Conven-
tion at Harrisburg, for reasons above
stated, aside from the important one
that the will and choice of the vast ma-
jority of the Republican party, who de-
sire the nomination of the gallant sol-
dier, General Hastings, were stifled
through the one-man power and politi-
cal machinations of Senator Matthew S.
Your, respectfully.
rm ————————
#234,000 Spent in Three Years.
Boston, July 831.—Mrs. Kate H. An-
drews, who has applied here for sep-
arate support from her husband, Charles
Andrews, son of one ot the proprietors
of the Boston Herald, says that her
husband was nineteen when they were
married three years ago ; that his father
gave him a furnished house and $200,-
000 in cash, and the money is all gone
and her husband is $34,000 in debt.
She says her husband is jealous and gets
drunk, and he replies that she also gets
drunk and dirts, and that he spent the
$200,000 in “society and bad business
ventures.” Mrs. Andrewsis a danchter
made a vow to care for her until she {of Medical Director Jackson, of the
died, without speaking to her of John ' navy.
Fat Men and Intelled.
it Is a Mistake to Think that Corpu-
lency and Genius are Antagonistic.
To certain slender people the assccia-
tion of intellect with fat will be received
with discredit, perhaps ridicyle. They
have visited the dime museums of the
country and have seen the obese ladies |
and the fat men there displaying their
superabundant collection of adipose tis-
sue, and have gone away with the
idea that fat people, merely Lecuuse they
are fat, are more stupid and more de-
ficient in intelligence than people of
average avoirdupois. And they have
extended their opinion on this subject
formed in this way, outside of the
dime museums and applied it to fat
people generally. i
. Probably therefore, it will be surpris-
ing to those entertaining this idea to
learn that some of the finest intellects
the world has ever known have been
encased in fleshly caskets plump even
to obesity. Napoleon, notwithstanding |
his active career, was decidely plump.
Dr. Johnson was stout even to flabbi-
ness. So was his biographical shadow,
Boswell. Balzac, the great French
novelist, was so large that it was a
pretty bit of exercise to walk around
him. Rossini, the composer, was a re-
gular jumbo, since for six years he |
never saw his knees. Jules Janin, the
prince of critics, broke every sofa he
ever sat upon; his cheeks and chin
protruded beyond his beard and whisk-
ers. Lablanche, the Italian singer,
was charged three fares when he travel-
ed. Dumds pere was stout, and Saint
Beuve was provided with the stomach
of a Falstaff. Eugene Sue had such
aversion to his growing corpulency that
he drank vinegar to keep it down, and
yet he wrote the “Wandering Jew.’
With these illustrious examples be-
fore them the fat men of the land
may reassure their minds and reply to
the jibes of their friends while proceed-
jing contentedly to lay on successive
layers of adipose
But it is not necessary to look to hi:-
tory to furnish notable examples of
illustrious fat men. Here in our own
day are plenty occupying conspicuous
positions and assisting inthe formation
of new states and making of new laws.
In the national congress of the Un-
ited States there are some thirty or
forty men whose combined weights
would amount to four or five tons, or
at an average of about 250 pounds ger
man. And they are all jolly and
good natured, too, besides being all
men of intellect, which could seldom
be said of an equal gross weight of lean
men. Truly, fat has its victories as well
as lean.— Exchange.
The Texan Cow-Boy.
His Daily Routine, Bravery and a Fond-
ness for fine Boots.
Cow-boy life has in the last few years
lost much of its roughness. The cattle
barons have discharged most of the men
who drank, and have frowned so
persistently upon gambling that little
of it is done. Cards and whiskey be-
ing put away, there is small temptation
to disorderly conduct; so it is only
when they reach some: large city, and
are not on duty, that they indulge in a
genuine spree. On the ranches kept
under fence they have little to ko when
not on the drive or in branding-time,
tha cattle being ail safely enclosed.
But they must take their turns at line
riding, which means a close inspection
of the fences, and the repair of all
breaks and damages. Where night
overtakes them, there they sleep, stak-
ing their horses, and rolling themselves
in their blankets. These rides of in-
spection take days to accomplish, for
there are ranches in Texas which ex-
tend in a straight line over seventy-
five miles. Those ranches which are
not under fence necessitate more work.
The boys must keep their cattle in
sight, and while allowing them to
graze in every direction, must see that
none ‘in the many thousands stray be-
yond the limits of their own particular
pastures. They go then in parties,
scattering over the territory, for they
must cover hundreds of thousands of
acres in a day.
It is not a life of hardship, and pays
well enough. Everything is furnished
to them free of the very best, and they
are paid besides thirty dollars per month.
Each party stays out from two to three
weeks at a time ; but they take with
them the finest of camp wagons, with
beds and bedding, cooking utensils, the
best of groceries of all kinds, and as ex-
cellent a cook as money can employ.
The prairies are full of game, and their
rifles are ever handy. The life is free,
fascinating and peculiarly healthy.
These men are excecdingly chivalrous
to all women ; this seems to be a trait
born in them, us mucha part of their
moral nature as it is of their physical to
have small feet, for itis seldom that a
genuine Texas cowboy can be fourd
who has not the distinguished mark of a
handsome foot, and his boots are to him
all that tha sombrero is to a Mexican.
He will deny himself many pleasures,
he will zo without a coat, and be seen in
most dilapidated attire, but his boots
must be of the best and most beautiful
nuke that the country can afford ; high
of heel and curved of instep, a fine up-
per and thin sole, fitting like a glove,
and showing the handsome foot to per-
Take the cow-boys as a class, they are
bold, fearless, and generous, a warm-
hearted and manly set, with nothing
small, vicious, nor mean about them,
and Texas need not be ashamed of the
brave and skilful riders who traverse the
length and breadth of her expansive
prairies.——Harper's Magizine.
ar aT as——
Fish of the Lakes.
What Cur Inland Seas Yield and How
They Yield It.
Buffalo Correspondence New York Sun.
This city is the most important lake
fish distributing market on the entire
chain of the great lakes, although a
very small proportion of the fish that
are daily sent from here to the Eastern
cities are taken from waters contiguous
to Buffalo. They are brought from
Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron,
the near-by waters of Lake Erie and
Ontario furnishing a comparatively
small supply of fish for shipment. The
fish are transported in refrigerator cars,
{and the supply is so larga that the pre-
sent demand is not only fully supplied.
but there is surplus enough to keep the
, winter demand for lake fish amply cared
for. The trade in lake fish with sea-
boards markets has increased so of late:
| years that it would now be impossible
| to supply it during the winter season if
winter fishing had to be depended on
for the material. The surplus of tha
summer and fall catches is frozen and
stored in refrigerators for the winter
trade, so that a whitefish, lake trout,
yellow pike or lake bass served on a
| New Yorker's table in midwinter may
; bave been caught the previous July or
{ August. Whether the flavor of the fich
is frozen in with the fish itself so that it
will be the same as it is in the fish tak-
"en from the water is a question.
Lake Superior is considerad the best
| of the lakes for fish. Its water is more
[ like that of springs than the others.
: Whitefish and trout taken from Super-
| ior command better prices than similar
| fish taken from any of the other lakes.
| They like deep water, and are found at
their best in water 300 feet deep. Yel-
low pike come chiefly from lakes Huron
and Ontario. Lake Erie excels in blue
pike and black bass. Immense num-
bers of whitefish and lake trout ave tak-
{ en from Lake Erie and Lake Michigan,
but the best come from the colder,
clearer waters of Superior. Gill nets are
used almost entirely in capturing lake
fish for market, although tons of pike
and bass are taken with hook and line.
It is a singular fact that blue pike are
rarely, if ever, found in any of the lakes
except Erie. The fishermen on these
lakes follow a perilious calling, and
many lose their lives in the violent
storms that sweep over the lakes almost
without warning.
It has long been noted as a curious
es are found in nearly all the great lakes
with the exception of Lake Erie. This
can be accounted for only by the theory
that a subterranean river connects Lake
Ontario with the upper lakes. The beds
ot Lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan
and Ontario lies at about the same depth
below the sea level—from 250 to 260:
feet—the upper lakes’ beds being the
highest. The bed of Lake Erie is 350 feet.
above the sea level. The theory is that.
ariver running beneath Lake Erie ex-
tends fro Lake Superior to Lake On-
tario and that the fish from the St.
Lawrence and Ontario follow the course.
of that river and find the waters of the.
upper lakes.
Fingers and Forks.
Did you know that Queen Elizabeth
ate with her fingers? You may have
known that she loved show and style,
that she was so fond of fine clothes that.
when she died she left three thousand
dresses and any quantity of jewels; but.
did you imagire that such a great lady
could be so1nelegant as to eat with her
fingers ? But she did, and so did Shake-
peare, and Chaucer, and William the
Conqueror, and King Alfred, and ev-
erybody else who lived before her time.
These last were more excusable than she
-—they had no forks ; but even she was
not without excuse, for though she had
several they had been given her as cur-
iosities, which I suppose nobcdy expect-
ed her to use. There was one of crystal
tarnished with gold, with two little
rubies and two pendant pearls, and stil
other of zoral. 1
Why didn’t she use them ? you ask.
Well, because she had never seen or
known anybody that used one, and they
were something new ; and, besides, there
was a prejudice against this invention
just from Italy. But you must must
not think because there were no forks
that the old-fashioned dinner made no
pretensions to elegance or refinement.
The guests had knives and they had
fingers, and with these two implements
they managed nicely. From their
old books of etiquette welearn how
they did it. In the first place, the fin-
gers must be publicly washed before be-
ginning the meal ; even if this had just
been done privately, it must be repeated
at the table, that no one might feel un-
easy in eating after his neigbor’s fingers
bad been in the dish. To aid further,
the meat was prepared as far as possible
before it was brought on the table. If
in a stew, as was usually the case, it
was cut by a carver, and passed in large
plates with a knife.
As to the way of helping himself,
each guest must choose and keep a par-
ticular part of the dish for hisown. He
must help himself daintily from this
plate, using only three fingers; after-
ward, in carrying the food to the mouth
which of course, was done with the
band, these same three fingers must be
used, taking care, however. not to
touch the nose with them, to do which
was extremely inelegant, and showed a
lack of good breeding.
Of course all this soiled the hands,
and in refined households at various
intervals bowls of perfumed water and
different napkins were passed, and no
one must refuse to wash. This old
fashion of handing round a silver bowl
or dish of rose-water is still sometimes
seen in Europe,
After a while man found out that he
needed forks, or, rather, woman did,
for it was she who first used them.
Great dauies kept them in their rooms
to eat comfits with and to toast bread ;
and, in course of time, they brought
them to the table.
As T have said there was a prejudice
against them ; and the first few persons
who were brave enough to use them
were laughed at and called effeminate ;
a preacher even went as far as to say
that for any one to refuse to touch his
meat with his finge:s was an insult to
Nevertheless they spread; in Eng-
land slowly, even after Italy, the home
of their birth, was full of them. Those
who knew their value, however, found
them so convenient that up to 150 years
ago—since which it has been no longer
necessary —gentlemen travelling from
place to place, and knowing how poorly
supplied were the inns, carried ona
with them in a case with a knife.
Since that time the old two pronged
fork, or fourchette (little pitchfork), as
the French called it—and really they
were only tiny pitchforks—bas given
way to the more convenient three and
four pronged forks in use in our own
| homes.— Mary M. Winston in Harper's
Young People.
fact that all the St. Lawrence river fish-