Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 15, 1890, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—ZElectricity has been very useful for
the purposes of civilization, but as a sub
stitute for the hangman’s rope it seems
to be a failure.
The harmony that prevailed in the
Democratic convention lastTuesday was
entitled to the distinction of being spelt
with an H of the largest size.
—MuxsoxN presided over the conven-
tion last Tuesday with a dignity that
was only equalled by the fairness with
which we eonducted its deliberations.
--The Democrats of Centre county
know a good ticket when they see it ;
and when they get their eyes on such a
one, as they do this year, they usually
give it a thousand majority.
—Commissioner LymAN is of the
opinion that one head is enough for the
Civil Service Commission. Would it
be much of a loss to the country if the
Commission were entirely decapitated ?
Scotland, first suggested the use of
adhesive postage stamps. It was so
good a scheme that it immediately
stuck and has been sticking ever since.
—The disaffection in the British ar-
my, as shown by recent cases of insub-
ordination, would seem to indicate that
Tommy Atkins, as a military character,
is in a decidedly demoralized condition.
—DELAMATER has been indulging in
8 ome queer antics among the woolen
men, but as is usually the case with
those who engage in wool-gathering,
the Re publican candidate for Governor
will be left.
—After all, it will be for Mrs, GRANT
to determine where the remains of
the great general shall rest. On that
subject her word will have more
weight than the resolutions of half a
dozen United States Senates.
—When the “green goods” men tried
to rope RUSSELL B. HARrisox into a
speculation in counterfeit money, they
were evidently influenced by the impres-
Sion which generally prevails that the
HARRISONS are “on the make.”
—In expressing his disapproval of the
Force Bill the Pennsylvania Boss show
that on some subjects he doesn’t consider
it necessary to be silent. It must be an
extremely bad measure thatcan’t come
up to even the low plane of Quays ap- |
pro bation.
—Chairman McKINLEY says that
congress will not adjourn before the mid-
dle of September, and yet Speaker REED
introduced the brutality of his iron-clad
rules and the party whip into the pro-
ceedings of the House for the alleged
purpose of facilitating business.
—Foreign nations owe to England
over $15,000,000,000. Old free-trade
JonxN BuLrL, whose pockets are bulging
out with superfluous wealth,hasadvanced
much of this immense amount of moneay
for the assistance of nations that have
been impoverished by high tariffs.
—The decision of the Judges in the
Lycoming Judicial contest has inereas-
ed Judge Metzger’s majority. Bat this
increase doesn’t begin to equal the in-
crease of the county expenses brought
about by an unnecessary and unwarrant-
ed contest of Judge Metzger’s election.
—Some one who watches such things
closely, thinks he detects something in-
consistent in President HARRISON issuing
a message against the Louisiana lottery
that fleeces a comparatively small num-
ber of victims, while, at the same time,
he favors a monopoly tariff that pillages
the public generally.
—!“Take half of a good cantaloup,
fill it with ice-cream, and eat it, and
you will think you are in heaven.”
This is the Georgia idea of celestial bliss,
as stated in an Atlanta paper. In
Kentucky it wouldn’t be considered
complete without a little fine old Bour-
bon as a terminal embellishment.
—The American people have but
little reason to indulge in merry-mak-
ing over the birth of an infant industry
for experience has taught them what to
expect of the insatiable appetite of the
voracious suckling. Its nursing period
is usually protracted until both the pa-
‘tience and the pockets of the good-na-
tured nurse are exhausted,
—MarrHEW S. QUAY spent last Sab-
bath with WiLrLiam H. Kemsre at
the latter’s country residence near Phil-
adelphia. It isn’t likely that religious |
subjects engeged their attention, al
though it was Sunday. In their con-
genial converse did they revert to the
. . . . |
Interesting incident that occurred some |
years ago when MATT'S kind influence
with the Pardon Board snatched Brrr
from the jaws of the penitentiary ; or |
was MATT'S narrow escape from the pe-
nal institution which justly claimed him
on account of his raid on the State treas-
ury, the subject of their reminiscence ?
It is more likely that these two worthies
got together to devise plans for the
election of the Republican candidate for
‘Governor, and didn’t allow their con-
versation to go back to the penitentiary
inciden‘s of their public careers.
_VOL. 35.
Sham Reciprocity.
The reciprocity scheme of Mr.
BraiNe has greatly complicated the
work of the politicians who have un-
dertaken the job of fixing up a tariff to
suit the monopolists. Things were go-
ing on with satisfactory smoothness un
til BraiNe got hold of Harrison at
Cape May and induced him to believe
that a little free trade of the reciprocal
variety injected into the bill would be
an improvement,
It is reported that the Secretary got
a promise from the President that he
would send in a message reeommend-
ing the engrafting of his reciprocity
idea upon the bill and this reported in-
tention of Mr. Harrison has great-
ly disturbed the Reed and Me-
Kinley gang of political econo
mists whose intention is said to be to
badger the President into throwing the
Blaine proposition overboard, or, if it
is to be recognized, then 1t is intended
to convert reciprocity into a sham by
empowering the Executive to determine
the conditions upon which reciprocal
trade may be carried on with other na-
tions. If, in the judgment of the Presi-
dent it should not appear to be expedi-
ent or advantageous to establish re-
ciprocal relations with another nation,
or, if once established,he should deem it
proper to discontinue them, the matter
would be entirely left to his discretion.
Under such regulations a high tariff
President wouldn’t be likely to give
reciprocity much of a show. Under
any circumstances the power given an
Executive to impose or remit duties in
| adjusting the tariff to the action of
other nations would be conferring an
unprecedented authority over the
question of taxation. It would be giv-
ing him a power unknown to the
A Muddled Benator.
Senator CAMERON, of Pennsylvania,
did not act as intelligently on the ques-
tion of reducing the duty on Bessemer
iron - ores as did Senator Dawgs, of
Massachusetts. On the question of mak-
ing the tariff tax less heavy upon such
ores the Massachusetts Senator, who
is as good a Republican as the Penn
sylvania Senator, voted for a reduction
because he believed that cheaper Besse-
mer ore would benefit the steel manu-
facturing industry of his section. In
this belief he was unquestionably cor-
rect. If the steel manufacturers can
get their ore at a lower cost it will beto
that extent a benefit ‘to them and
advance the interest of a very impor-
tant industry.
Senator CAMERON took an opposite
view and supported it with so unusual
a thing on his part as a speech. It is
true it wasn’t much of a speech, but
in it he managed to say that the work-
ers in the iron mines need the protec-
tion afforded by the maintenance of
the duty on Bessemer ore, enforcing
his argument by the statement that
even with the present rate of duty the
workers in the Lehigh iron mines are
getting but 80 cents a day. The Sena-
tor seemed to be ignorant of the fact
that the ore produced by the Eehigh
miners is not of the Bessemer kind
and that therefore the Lehigh miners
could not be affected in the least by
the reduction of the duty in
question ; that Pennsylvania does not
produce a pound of such ore. On the
other hand, the steel works of this
State annually use millions of tons of
Bessemer ore, most of which is import-
ed; consequently the tariff on itis a
burden to their industry, without being
in any degree a benefit to the iron
miners of the State. Major Be~r,
President of the steel works at Steel
| ton, who favors free Bessemer ore, says
| that his works use a million tons of it
| every year imported from foreign coun-
| tries, and that if the unnecessary and
| senseless tariff tax were removed from
| this raw material, steel of Penpsylva-
nia manufacture could be sold in Eng-
land at a lower price than the English
~ production.
No doubt. Senator Cayrronx thinks
that the object of his supporting a
high tariff is the promotion of Ameri.
can industry. In this matter he does
not show as much discrimination as is
shown by his Massachusetts colleague.
He is willing toimpose a heavy burden
upon the Pennsylvania steel manufac:
turers by iucreasing the cost of their
ore without doing the least bit of good
to the Pennsylvania ore miners.
The Public Roads.
The Commission created by the
State Legislature to consider the
condition of the public roads in
the State and to devise a plan for
their general improvement, has for
some months been engaged in the
performance of its duty, it having held
ten meetings in various parts of the
State at which they received the views
and opinions of citizens on the subject
of a better system of road making. It
held its final meeting at Pittsburg on
the 8th imst., and from the various
sources of information and enlighten-
ment it had the advantage of, it is now
prepared to make a report to the Leg-
islature concerning a matter of great
material importance to the people.
At the meeting at Pittsburg it ap-
peared from the statements of competent
observers that the large majority of
country people favor road taxes and
State aid, yet they object to the matter
being taken out of the hands of the
townships. As to each township's
ability to pay under the present law
there is no provision for the townships
borrowing money. It was alleged that
at present the road supervisors are un-
fit for their duties, and the suggestion
was made that the counties should ap-
point some man or men who are prac-
tical engineers and wonld do this work
as county officials. The State should
help in this matter and distribute the
money appropriated in the same man-
ner as the school money is distributed
now. The State should help only those
townships which help themselves.
The point was made before the com-
mission thatthe road supervisor,as now
empowered, 1s too much of an auto-
crat; that, in fact, he is the only man
in the United States who can levy
taxes and spend the money without
giving any more account than can be
shown on the face of the receipt. The
township aaditor ought to make the
assessments, or else a local commis-
sion should be appointed for the par-
pose. A strong argument was made
townships. The money should be ap-
propriated not so much in proportion to
road mileage as to the actual work
The Cowmission at its various
meetings in different parts of the State
has obtained much important informa-
tion and many valuable suggestions,
and, no doubt, many that were not so
valuable, and it is to be hoped that it
may be able to frame a bill that will
assist in solving the problem of good
roads in this State. The object should
be to secure efficiency without involv-
ing oppressive expense.
rr —————
—The preference expressed by the
Democratic convention of Towa for Mr.
CLEVELAND as the next Democratic
candidate for President indicates the
( impression that taviffreform has made
upon the north-western mind. The
farmers out there are yearning for a
policy that will lift the mortgages from
their farms.
a ————————
Too Strong for the Workingmen.
The great strike which some days
ago caused the suspension of travel on
the New York Central Railroad ran its
course and proved a failure in the re-
sults that were intended to be accom-
plished by the strikers. It was a crisis
brought on by the Knights. of Labor
in an effort for self-preservation. The
New York Central Company had made
deliberate war on labor jorganizations,
having practically determined at the
beginning of this year to follow the ex-
ample of the Reading company in wag-
ing hostilities against the fraternities
into which its employes had formed
themselves, and there is every appear-
ance that the management precipitated
the strike with a view to bringing a
epeedy conclusion to their plans. Mr.
Powperry says that the Central Com,
pany has, since last April, been carry-
ing out this policy by suspending or
discharging every man who took a
prominent part in the Knights of La:
bor, or any organization intended for
the betterment of the condition of the
workingmen. The Knights took up
the gauntlet, but unfortunately there is
every appearance that the corporation
is too strong for the workmen.
against the system of working ont the |
taxes, and that State aid for road pur-
poses should be given to the counties
through * which it should go to the
A Singular Sort of Independent Re-
Mr. Pair C. GARRETT, a former
Independent Republican who comes
out in a letter in defence of DELaMATER
and Quayism, makes a rather abject
exhibit of himself. In 1882 he oppos-
ed the Republican nominee for Gover-
nor because CameroN had dictated the
nomination, but this year he fails to
see that DELAMATER was nominated at
QuaY’s dictation. He admits to being
blind to what is plainly visible to every"
body else. What influence has ob-
secured his vision is not apparent.
Heassumes the responsibility of deny-
ng the charges against candidate Dara-
MATER, kindly doing for that gentleman
what he has not the assurance or the
courage to do for himself. His assertion
that the clergy and best citizens of
Crawford county. “indignantly deny
their truth,” will not answer as a sub-
stitute for Mr. DELAMATER'S fajlure to
deny or disprove them. What do
the good people of DELAMATER'S
county know about the subject matter
of his arraignment by ex-Senator
Every? How were they situated that
they should be abie to know that
QUAY'S nominee has been falsely ac-
cused? When a candidate does some
fine work in effecting his election by
bribery, or a Senator resorts to crimi-
nal means of securing desired legisla-
vion—both of which is charged against
Mr. Derasarer—he doesn’t take the
clergy and best citizens of his neigh-
borhood into his confidence, nor have
they any means of knowing what he
bas been doing,
Mr. GARRETT'S definition of an Inde-
pendent as one who is not always in
revolt, but a wan of independent
thought, who thinks and decides for
himself, does not suit his case. In the
matter of his candidate for Governor
M.S. Quay has thought and decided
for hits
——It was a good county Conven-
tion. It has given us a good ticket,
and every good Democrat in the coun-
ty will take off his coat and go to work
for it.
The Lesson of the Alabama Election.
The result of the State election in
“Alabama last week clearly showed that
the Force Bill, although not yet pass-
ed, is having the effect of making the
solid South more solid, The Republi-
can vote was almost obliterated, the
Democratic majority being larger than
it was ever known to be before, amount-
ing to more than a hundred thousand.
This was brought about not by the in-
timidation of voters—not by forcible
means employed to keep any from
the polls—bat by thousands of Repub-
lican uniting in opinion with the Dem"
crats that the pending Force Bill, if
enacted into a law, would be the cause
of trouble and distraction to the South-
ern States, without any advantage to
compensate for the injury it would do,
and that the most direct and effectual
way of expressing disapprobation of
such a disturbing measure would be to
increase the Democratic majority. A
large number of negro voters stayed
away from the polls upon the advice of
white Republicans whose * guidance
they have been sccustomed to follow.
A most significant feature of the re-
sult was the large increase of the
Democratic vote in those centers of in
dustry which since the war have been
the scenes of the great industrial de-
velopment of the State, These points
are largely populated by men from the
North who have gone south to engage
in manufactures in that section. Tn
Birmingham, for instance, the chief
centre of the Alabama iron industry,
where millions of Northern capital are
invested, the vote last week was 4,500
Democratic and 120 Republican, and
the county in which Birmingham
is. located gave 10,000 Democratic ma-
jority. heading Republican manufac-
turers made n2 opposition to the Dem-
ocratic ticket, while most of the few
blacks who voted openly voted with
the Democrats. At Sheffield and
Florence, two other manufacturing
centers, the same thing occurred.
This state of facts clearly demon
strated that those who were interested in
the peace, progress and industrial de.
velopment of the South, without re-
spect to party, were determined to
show at the polls their disapprobation
of a measure that would bring to their
section the disturbance and disorder of
the carpet-bag period.
NO. 32.
The Western Revolt Against the Mec-
Kinley Bill. J
Senator PLunp’s revolt against the
kind of tariff revision which has been
adopted by the Reps and the McKix-
LEYS, is evoking a hearty response
from the Republicans of the!fwestern
states. The party out in that section
has all along wanted a reduction of the
war tariff, and they have for some
years been kept in line by the promise
of tariff revision which they were led
to believe would greatly reduce the
burden of tariff taxation. That is the
way they understood the platform
pledge that the tariff would be revised.
Naturally, the determination of the
party managers to fulfill theirjcam.
paign obligations to the manufac-
turers and monopolists by increasing the
tariff taxes, instead of reducing them
as was impliedly promised, hascreated
a feeling of disappointment and chagrin
among western Republicans which is
mapifesting itself by their approval of
Senator PLuMs’s opposition to the Me-
Kinley bill. Speaking of the Sena-
tor’s hostility to the maintenance of
the war taxes, the St. Paul Pioneer
Press, the leading Republican organ of
Minnesota, says :
The McKinley bill is full of faults from be-
ginning to end. What it needs is not revision
by the senate committee, but an entire recon
Concerning the Republican revolt
against war duties started by Senator
Prums, the St. Louis Globe Democrat,
the most influential Republican journal
of Missouri, has this to say :
The attitude of the Republicans of the West
toward the tariff may be outlined in a few
words. Revision of the duties to which the party
pledged itself in 1888 they interpreted to mean
reduction. This is the construction which has
been placed on the phrase in this section.
Moreover, it is the only construction which is
in harmony with either logic or propriety-
Every Republican stump speaker who appear
ed in the West during the canvass of 1888,
and every representative Republican news-
paper of the West, understood and proelaimed
that by revision reduction was indicated. The
West insists that, when duties are touched,
they shall be lowered.
Kansas is the State where the Re.
publican farmers are in most complete
revolt against the continuance of the
high tariff burden, and this sentiment
has prompted the Atchison Champion,
the leading Republican paper of the
State, to break out in the following
Strain, which sounds very much a like
free trade tirade :
The Western farmer has no interest what-
ever in aprotective tariff. His interest rather
lies in the direction of free trade—of access to
all markels—wherever his products may be
in demand.
Free trade will give the West the markets
of the world, and an opportunity to buy whet
it requires at less than half it now pays for
these same articles.
Lumber, hardware, furniture, clothing, gro-
ceries and agricultural implements—these the
Wess needs principally. Free trade will bring
these things to us at figures far below protec-
tive prices.
The East has grown dangerously rich by
means of a protective tariff; now let the West
assert itself and use the means at its com-
mand to change its economic policy to one
more conducive to sectional welfare.
The question is broader than party lines. Tt
is more vital than mere formal political or-
ganizations, and more essential than the dom-
inance of any particular set of politicians, for
ijt touches on life and is indissolubly inter-
woven with our existence.
This expression is a true reflex of Re.
publican sentiment in Kansas, and
thereis no reason to be surprised that
with such a stimulus Prums kicks at
the McKinley bill and even INGALLs
hesitates about supporting a measure
intended for the exclusive benefit of
Eastern monopolists,
The Omaha Bee, which stands at
the head of Republican journalism in
Nebraska, adds its voice to the western
revolt against the McKinley bill, in
the following words :
It is of vital importance at this juncture that
congress should be clearly advised as to the
wishes of the farmers respecting the tarjff,
and we are entirely confident that the Repub
lican convention could have directly stated
the desire of a very large majority of the far®
mers of Nebraska if it had made an unquali-
fied demand for free sugar, lumber, wool
woolen goods, salt, coal and iron, with perhaps
other goods in com mon use.
There are other western Republican
papers which habicually oppose high
tariffs, the most prominent and influ-
ential among which is, hy all odds, the
Chicago Tribune. All of these are out-
spoken in their demand that the plat
form promise of tariff revision shall be
and that the welfare of the western
farmers shall not be sacrificed in order
that the manufacturer may be reim.
bursed for the fat that was fried out of
them in the campaign of 1888,
fulfilled by measures of tariff reduction,
Spawls from the Keystone,
—White Caps have broken out anew at Lan.
—A whole drove of cattle was stolen from an
Erie county farm.
—A four-pound stone was found in the intes-
tines of a horse at Allentown.
—A 22-year-old husband has been arrested
for wife desertion at Sharon.
—A farmer near Allentown is raising a litter
of orphaned pigs on a bottle.
—Over 1600 dogs have been registered at
Chester under a new licensing act.
—A Pittsburg millionaire is looking for his
father’s grave in the Potter's field there.
—Fred McConnell, of Washington, makes a
living by eating lamp chimneys on wagers.
—Reading workmen have organized and will
try to elect their own candidates to Councils,
—vohn George, of West Chester, has the first
sewing machine ever brought into this county,
—Mrs. Sarah Foster, of Shimersville,® has a
rose-bush bearing two distinct species of
—A swarm of bees entered the cab of a loco-
motive at Allentown and ,drove the engineer
—The “Heavenly Recruits,” anew denomi-
nation, are holding nightly services at Read
—Roughs attacked a party of picnickers near
Lebanon and brutally beat them, ladies and
all. :
~William Smith, of Delano, Butler county,
who assisted in sinking the first oil well, has
just died.
—The Prohibitionists of Delaware county
held an all-day meeting near Linwood on
—A Chester lady dresses her children in
their bathing suits and tuyns the hose on them
on her front lawn.
—During a quarrel over a woman a Hunga-
rian, near Latrobe, pushed a crowbar through
his opponent's body.
—Original-package dealers in Washington
county are invariably arrested as soon as
they commence business.
—James Sullivan has been jailed at Wilt
liamsport for distributing liquor with lavish
hand to women and children.
—While delirious from a fever Charles Ben-
nett, of Williamsport, left his bed and boarded
a passenger train in the depot.
—The Pittsburg City Councils have been
asked to permit only native labor to be ems
ployed on the streets of the eity.
—A bolt of lightning shattered a bed in a
Bedford house, but no trace could be found of
the entrance of the bolt into the house.
—Ex-Senator John J. Patterson was congrats.
ulated by the citizens of Mifflintown the other
night, the 60th anniversary of his birth.
—The Sheriff has taken possession of the
store of C. 8. Bares, of Orbisonia, Huntingdon
county, on executions smounting to $7000.
—The figure caller ata Manch Chunk ball
had so loved a voice that persons living within
two squares were prevented from sleeping.
—A 38-year-old child of John 3peieber, of
Lebanon, ate a box of pills on We dnesday and
died yesterday of spasms and exhaustion,
—Clara Gable and Mary Delp, aged 14 and 15
respectively , of Reading, have been arrested
for robbing several rooms in the City Hotel.
—Easton has a scamp who finds pleasure in
soiling white dresses by throwing licorice
juice on them. He soiled six in one evening.
—“Look for my remains in the river” was
written on a card found by a MeKeesport po,
liceman lying on the river bank near a suit of
—Six priscners escaped from the Norristown
jail last week by tearing boards from the floor
and battering a hole through the nine-inch
stone wall.
—Levi Steffy’s farm house at Brecknock was
destroyed by a fire started by one of his littla
daughters, who used coil oil to ‘light a fire in
the kitchen stove.
—Some thrifty Mercersburg boys prepared
a sirup which they sold to their companions in
bottles. The companions who purchased are
now deathly sick.
—A mysterious malady has attacked the cate
tle of Job Hayes, of Marlborough, Chester
county. After suffering a few minutes the
animals drop dead.
—At her wedding a few days ago Lillie Mann
of Columbus wore a shawl over 100 years old,
and which was worn by her gr andmother at
her wedding fifty years ago.
—Mrs. Kendall, mother of Maude Kendall,
who was accidentally shot at a picnic recently,
has died of a broken heart at Bea ver Falls over
her girl’s untimely end.
—While sleeping in the Pittsburg Railroad
station a traveler dreamed that his father was
drowning before his eyes, and his pitiful ap.
peals for help almost created a panie.
—Daniel Batz, a farmer, living near Doug»
lassville, while attempting to rescue a child
from an infuriated mastiff, the other day, was
dangerously bitten, as was also the child.
—At Centreville, Dauphin county, lives g
mule 47 years of age, which did service in both
the Mexican war and the Rebellion, and sery-
ed in both the Confederate and Union ranks,
—Becoming frightened ai some object inthe
road the horse of Harry Hallander, of York,
started to back, and Hallander and all the
members of his family were run into a canal,
—The funeral of Hettie Bertolet, of Fried-
ensburg, the biggest woman in Berks county,
took place last Friday. She weighed 423
pounds. The seat of her favorite chair was
three feet wide.
—Ira Lutz and William Fry surprised burg-
lars while in the act of pillaging Miller's hard-
ware store, at Kutztown, on Wednesday night
The burglars escapod with $200 worth of plun-
der, although Fry wounded one of the thieves
with a rifle.
—A horse belonging to Davis Strough, a
Norristown truck dealer, was poisoned on Sat-
urday night by paris green, mixed with its
feed by some person unknown. The poison
was placed in the animals feed trough during
the night. The horse died.
~The Pennsylvania Railroad officials order-
ed that their lines west of Pittsburg shall re.
fuse to carry liquors in originrl packages, on
the ground that such traffic would amount to a
connivance at the infraction of law, even if
the new Original Package law had not been
passed by Congress.
—Elijah Sursher, accompanied by his wife
and child, narrowly escaped death on Eatup-
day night near Bloomsburg. They were rer
turning from Millardsville at a late hour. The
horse which he was driving became unman-
ageable and plunged over a thirty-foot embanl.
ment, precipitating them to the bottom. They
were but slightly injured when found,