Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 08, 1890, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—-There doesn’t seem force enough to
force the Force Bill through the Sen-
—The White House is too big a build.
ing for a man of HARRISON'S caliber. A
gift cottage better suits his size.
—The way Brumm bobs up serenely
for congress again in Schuylkill county
is sufficient evidence of the perennial
nature of his demagogy.
—The last number of the Forum con-
tains an article entitled ‘The salvation
of the Farmer.”” We thought that the
tariff was doing that thing for him.
—Alabama and Kentucky - reply to
the Force Bill by largely increased
Democratic majorities. ‘Tis ever thus
when freemen are threatened with the
—The erack of the Speaker's whip as
it echoes through the corridors of the
capitol, is heard in the Senate, but itis
not obeyed as readily as Rep would
like to have it.
—4“CLEVELAND and Hog” is a
Presidential ticket recommended by
the New York Sun. The editor's
malice toward CLEVELAND is reducing
that once bright paper to a condition of
—The Central American delegates
could hardly wait till they got home
from the Pan-American congress to re-
new the old unpleasantness which has
enlivened their relations ever since they
set up for themselves as separate govern-
ments. !
—~Senator CAMERON is taking interest
enough in the tariff question to listen to
the speeches on that subject that are
being made in the Senate. This is the
nearest approach to senatorial duty that
he has given any evidence of in a long
—Coddling the soldier vote for the
benefit of a particular party is an ex-
pensive thing for the country. It will
take at least a hundred millions annual-
lyin the way of pensions to keep the
bulk of the veterans in line with the G.
©. DP.
—The Cape May cottage is such a
snug, cozy retreat that it even atiract-
ed Brother BLAINE. And just to think,
it wouldn’t have cost Mr. HARRISON a
cent if the meddlesome newspapers
hadn’t made such a fuss about his taking
it as a gift.
—The manufacturers are backward in
rendering the fat required for the State
campaign, on account of QUAY’s ineffi-
cient service as a Senator in the tariff in-
terest, but the lubricating material is
being fried from DELAMATER’S corpora-
tions most beautifully.
—DELAMATER attended a Methodist
campmeeting in Westmorland county
this week. If he didn’t make more of
an impression there than he did upon
the soldiers at Mt. Gretna, his religious
racket will not amount to more than did
his military maneuver.
—A man who knows the benefit of
advertising as well as JoHN WANAMAK-
ER does, made a singular error in prohib-
iting the passage of Tolstoi’s indecent
novel through the mails, if he really
wanted to interfere with its circulation.
No other form of advertisement could
have given it greater notoriety.
—As the adjournment of the Illinois
Legislature the other day the Speaker
of the House of Representatives
closed his valedictory remarks with
the very unusual wish that the mem-
bers might meet ata brighter and more
congenial place where ‘they would
havean opportunity to clasp hands on
the golden shore.” To the average
state legislator there isn’t any shore
more golden than the one on which he
exercises his legislative functions when
there are bills with money in them.
——DMaster Workman PowbErLY'S
opinion of the Force Bill is one of the
most incisive and forcible criticisms of
that tyranical measure that has yet
been given to the people. We ask a
careful reading of it as it appears in
full in the inside columns of this issue
of the WarcHMAN.
——Hon. W. A. WALLACE has been
heard from across the sea. In a letter
to a friend he writes that he will be
home in good time to render effective
service upon the stump for Mr. Parri-
soN. This corresponds with what he
said prior to his departure for Europe:
“I shall be absent from the conntry
until the latter part of August or the
Ist of September,” said he, “and on my
return will do my part toward the sue-
cess of the ticket. My friends will not
be backward in giving it their support.
The Democratic State ticket is com-
posed of worthy men, who are entitled
to the support of the Democracy and
the fact is quite sufficient to secure
their support by old time Democrats
like myself.
£ RO
VOL. 35.
A Lesson Taught by the Census.
One of the effects of the census of
1890 will be the proof it will furnish
that a high protective tariff does not
benefit the farmer. No mailer how
much partisan Superintendents and
Supervisors may pervent and misrep-
resent figures, the fact will remain in
its ugly nakedness that the war taz is
a fraud upon the people and especially
an injury to the farmers.
The Doylestown Democrat, in pub-
lishing an article on the population of
Bucks county, according to the census
just taken, gives an exposition of the
decline of the population in the rural
districts of that county, which it says
the Bucks county farmer should cut
out and paste on the beam of his forty-
five per cent. tariff-taxed plow, so that
he may not forget them. ¢ They will
“remind him while he is turning to
“the sun's rays the finest mould on
“ God’s footstool, that the population,
“in the agricultural districts of his fair
“ county, is decreasing rapidly. They
“ghow that he and his neighbors are
“going slowly but surely backward,
“backward, backward.”
The Democrat thinks that it is not
necessary to repeat to the farmer the
oft-told warning that his farm land is
depreciating in value ; that he gets low
prices for crops and produce ; that his
disheartened fellow-workers are aband-
oning their farms for other business,
and all the while he has been ‘‘protec-
ted” by a tariff tax averaging 43 per
cent. The farmer's own experience is
the best witness to these facts. There is
something wrong and the farmer knows
it; it only remains for him to supply
the remedy. His condition will never
be improved as long as he sends politi-
cal demagogues to congress who are
more inclined to serve the monopolies
than to promote the welfare of the
agricultural population. The Demo-
crat cites dn instance in the cuse of
the Republican congressman from
the Bucks district. In 1888 he bawl-
ed ‘protection’ for potatoes and beans
from the hotel porches in every agri-
cultural township in the county. The
farmers gulped down the baitand elected
him, but his service in the present con-
gress has been of no benefit to that por-
tion of his constituency whose business
is on the farms. He has given his
support to the Force Bill, a revolution-
ary piece of legislation, as odious to the
American people as King George's
Stamp Act. He voted for the McKin-
ley tariff bill, which instead of lessen-
ing ihe farmer's burdens increases the
average tax from 43 to 52 per cent.,
and which, as declared by dames G.
Braine.does not contain a section that
will furnish for the American farmer
a market for another bushel of grain or
barrel of pork.
It is on account of the action of such
congressmen, who betray the farmers
in order to help the monopolies, that
the census reports show a decline of
population in the agricultural districts.
Money for the Campaign.
A large amount of funds will be
needed to carry on the Delamater cam-
paign. On account of the difficulties
and obstacles that have sprung up,
which will bave to be overcome, if
possible, by the smoothing effect of
boodle,a larger amount than usual will
be found necessary. To meet this ne-
cessity QUAY is about to issue a beg-
ging circular, designed as a blind to
conceal the enormous campaign contri-
bution expected from Dox CAMERON and
the corporations desring DELAMATER'S
election. It will be addressed to Penn-
sylvania Republicans, especially manu-
facturers, merchants and bankers, and
will appeal in eloquent language for
money to fill the campaign chest,
which will be represented as empty.
It will not, of course, matter to Quay
whether this appeal brings favorable
responses or not, since the purpose is to
attribute the money from the great sub-
scriptions already received to the men
to whom it is to be sent. An assess
ment will also be levied on the Penn-
sylvania clerks in the departments at
Washington through the Penngylvania
Republican Asgociation.
The fat will be fried in quantity to
suit the emergency, but, however
large the amount may be,there will not
be sufficient to conteract the determina-
tion of the people to change the charac-
ter of the government with which the
‘State has so long been afflicted.
They Want to Retire Him.
According to the Washington Star,
which is usually very cautious in its
assertions, “the indignation of the Re-
publican leaders of Congress over Mr.
BraiNe's interference’ has reached the
point where they are holding conferen-
ces to devise plans to force him out of
the Cabinet and back into ‘private life.
The interference alluded to is his sug-
gestion of a tariff policy different from
that of the leaders who are managing
the McKinley tariff bill.
The Star goes on to say that “the
“ opinion is strangely unanimous that
“he has done an irreparable injury to
“the party by his criticism. Though
“there are many Republicans in the
“ House who believe that Mr. BraiNe
“ is right, Mr. Reep and Mr. McKiN-
“LEY are confident that the policy of
“the majority can be shaped by the
“same bands that have shaped it here-
“ tofore.”
This is a pice programme devised
for the crushing of the man who has a
larger share of the sympathy of the par-
ty than any other individual leader in
it. The “plumed knight” may be
compelled to lower his crest before the
array of enemies who are springing up
in his party against him, but it would
be like the surrender of Gulliver to
the Liliputians.
It may be true that the Penn-
sylvania Boss hasn't a warm place in
Benxsamivy Harrison's affections, and
that the President would like to see
him brought to grief by the defeat of
of his candidate for Governor, but such
a inisfortune to Quay would be some-
thing that could not be divested of the
appearance of being also a rebuke to
Harrison, which ought to be apparent
to even so dull a politician as he seems
to be.
Reed's Self-Condemnation.
Speaker Reep's change of view as
to “the functions of a legislative body
in a free country’ is the most complete
going back on a previously expressed
opinion that can be found in the career
of any public man. He is now suc-
ceeding to the fullest extent of his de-
sign in gagging the United States
House of Representatives, Under his
autocratic sway not only the minority,
but members on his own side whom he
has occasion to bring under discipline,
must depend upon his will for the
privilege of speaking, and there is no
hesitation in his construction as to
what constitutes a quorum of the
Who would think that a presiding of-
ficer who so readily assumes the role ot
a dictator, at one time denounced the
bare suggestion of the methods by
which he now rules the House of Rep-
resentatives with a rod of ron? In
1886 it was proposed to adopt rules that
would in some measure curtail the
right of debate in the House, but not
near to the extent that is now being
practiced in the suppression of that
right. The proposition was wrong and
eutirely indefensible, and it was much
to the credit of the Democratic majori-
ty that they rejected 1t. It was very
properly opposed by this same TmoM-
as B. Reep who is now cracking his
whip over a gagged legislative body.
In his remarks defending the right of
free speech in Congress he said :
Whoever thinks that the function of a legis-
lative body in a free country is fully perform-
ed by the mere passage of bills, good or bad;
has little comprehension of the real scope and
usefulness of such a body. A full, free and
frank discussion is the very life of intelligent
action. .
The tendency to suppress discussion in Con-
gress by those who have the power has reach-
ed a point where there ought to be a reaction
in favor of free discussion. In no other coun-
try in the world is the power of shutting off
debate lodged in the majority. The previous
question has been employed without mercy.
The hesitancy with which so slight a meas-
ure of suppression was adopted in England
(the cloture) strikes with a shade of surprise
the American legislator accustomed in Con-
gress to see discussion drowned with as little
remorse as if’ it wire a sightless kitten. But
the English are right. Unreasonable and
capricious suppression of discussion is tyranny,
even if done by a majority.
By comparing such a declaration in
behalf of free speech with the brazen
tyranny which makes debate in the
House dependent upon the will of the
Speaker, the extremity to which the
revolutionary designs of the Republi-
can leaders have driven them is expos-
ed in all its repulsive enormity.
The Deception of a False Issue.
It would be amusing,if it were not so
contemptible as a matter of deception,
to see the managers of the Republican
State campaign pushing the tariff
question to the front with the old in-
tention of forcing a sham issue into the
contest. The people are to pass judg-
ment upon the conduct of corrupt ma-
chine politicians who for years have
been prostituting the state government
to their seifish and dishonest uses, and
to determine whether they shall be al-
lowed to remain in official places
whose duties and opportunities they
have so long abused. They are to de-
cide whether a reckless and disreputa-
ble political adventurer, who is unable
to defend himself against charges of
a criminal character, shall or ghall not
continue to select the chief state offi-
cers and control them as a master con-
trols his servants. Another point to
be decided is whether the policy of the
state government shall be for the bene-
of the citizens generally, or for the ad-
vantage of the corporate interests
which under Republican administra-
tion have for years prevented the en-
forcement of constitutional provisions
affecting them. These are the only
points involved in this State contest.
Nothing else can be suitably, intelli-
gently or honestly introduced.
When the people are to determine
whether or not MarTHEW STANBEY
Quay has the right to furnish them
with their governor and other State
officers ; whether or not he shall con-
trol the machinery of their state gov-
ernment ; whether or not the welfare
as well as the reputation of the State
shall continue to be the prey of a set
of machine politicians headed by a
criminal leader; whether or not the
State constitution shall remain inopera-
tive in some of its most important
provisicns in order that the interests
awd purposes of railroad companies and
other corporations may bc served;
whether or not taxation shall continue
to be unequal, bearing oppressively on
classes that are least able to stand
it while capital and corporate wealth
are comparatively exempted from the
burden—when these are the issues of
the campaign the introduction of so
extraneous and irrelevant a question as
the tariff is but a scheme of tricky
politicians to turn the attention of the
people from the only points that ean
be reached or affected by the result of
the campaign.
Under ordinary circumstances it
isn’t well to multiply public officers,
but the delay in attending to the pension
claims of the old soldiers would seem
to justify an increase of assistant of-
ficials in the pension department.
There is no lack of patriotic Republi-
can office-seekers who are ready to fill
those places.
A Liberal Treatment of Labor.
Trouble hassprung up in the Illinois
legislature which last week acted upon
a special bill granting state bonds to
the amount of $2,000,000 for the as-
sistance of the World's Fair at Chica-
go. The majority of the committee
which had the bill in charge determin-
ed that it should provide for the en-
forcement of the eight hour law among
the workmen employed upon the
building and in other labor connected
with the fair, and that any violation of
the eight hour section by directors or
officers of the exposition should be
held to be a misdemeanor punishable by
a fine of not more than a thousand dol-
This was certainly a laudable con-
cession to the labor element of the
country upon which s0 much
will depend not only for the ar-
ticles that will furnish the ma-
terial of the exposition, but in faet
for every thing that will contribute to
its success. And yet this liberal and
just acknowledgement of the impor-
tance of labor, and of its claim to re-
cognition in this enterprise so closely
connected with the people, met with
strong opposition from parties on the
specious ground that it was class legis:
lation, a subterfuge intended to cover
their aversion to a liberal treatment of
the working people. The eight hour
clause, however, was carried by a large
——Kgemyvrer died on Wednesday
with the distinction of heing the first
victim of electrocution.
INO. 31.
[For the Warcnman]
The sounds of glad summer-life sink into
And low murmured lullabys float on the air,
Nature waits reverential the day’s benediction
And joins her Amen to its softly breathed
Night's fairy-winged zephyrs,with clover scent
Fan furrows from faces not sat there by ease,
While odorous pines from their heights on the
Waft balm as of Gilead on each passing
breeze. .
The rivulet’s ripple in fancy we follow,
Where timothy stately bows low to the
And bounding, there meets us with silvery
A springlet’s sweet offering from each shady
We follow till shadows so thickly have gath~-
ered, -
That no sight and ne sounds reach our soli
tude deep,
And time weaves new- hours from fast-flying
While life works her wonders with health-
giving sleep.
A Momenteus: Duty.
in dawn ah
The calling of a State convention at
Jackson, Mississippi, to meet on the
12th inst., for the purpose of deter-
mining upon a line of action with re-
ference to the Force Bill, is a natural
sequence of the project of partisan
politicians to control the elections of
the South by military means. The
convention will comprise the leading
Democrats of the State and also some
In view of the determination of the
Republican congressional leaders to in-
troduce such a disturbing and revolu-
tionary factor into the politics of that
section, the men of the South have im-
posed upon them a duty of unusual
gravity in taking action for the defence
of their liberties andthe maintenance
of their constitutional rights. The
Force Bill is a measure that would
bring them under the domination of an
ignorant and inferior race. It would
place their material welfare and "politi-
cal destiny entirely at the mercy of a
set of reckless and irresponsible adven-
turers who would use that mass of ig-
norance as the instrument of their par-
tisan designs. In short it would re-
store all the abuses and iniquities of
the carpet-bag period.
As citizens no more imperious duty
could he imposed upon them than that
of averting such a calamity. A num-
ber of plans for meeting this emergen-
cy will be brought before this conven?
tion. In the presence of an impending
danger which threatens their liberty
and the sovereign rights of their State,
it may be trusted that this convention
will meet it with calm deliberation and
a patriotic determination to maintain
the sovereignty of their citizenship
against the military usurpation intend-
ed to be enforced by a bayonet election
Chairman Kerr's Increasing Confidence.
State Chairman Kgrr this week
opened the headquarters of the Demo-
cratic State Central Committee 1n
Philadelphia. He is a shrewd politician,
entertaining practical views, and his
faith in the success of the Democratic
ticket is strengthening as the work pro.
gresses. A complete examination of
the mail which had accumulated dur-
ing his few days’ absence from the city,
has convinced him that the Democrats
have this year the best chance of win-
ning that has been oftered them in 15
years. “And we intend to improve
the opportunity,” he added. “We will
make a great fight, and I think we
have the people with us. The senti-
ment for a change is stronger than I
had supposed was possible, and I am
satisfied that there are at least 100,000
Republicans who, from one reason or
another, are so dissatisfied that they
will scratch the Republican ticket. If
these men remain in the same frame
of mind until November, and are not
whipped into line by the pressure, Re-
publican defeat is certain. In 1886
there were only 26,000 grangers in
Pennsylvania. Now there are 50,000.
In 1886 they favored protection, but
since then they find that protection has
not helped them. They are organized,
and though perhaps 30,000 of the 50,
000 are Republicans the fecling among
them is of such a character as to justi-
fy the belief that there is going to be a
great revolt.”
Spawls from the Keystone,
—The first of the tobacco crop is being cut in
Lancaster county.
—Grand Army week at Gettysburg will be
observed early in September.
—Barbers of Pittsburg talk of raising the
hair-cutting price 25 cents.
—A gang of burglars is working the small
post offices of Chester county.
—Mrs. Ellen Wuchter, of Whitehall, has
completed the 121st day of her fast.
—With three bullets in his body and one in
his head a Columbia dog still lives.
—Rats ina York stable grew so bold that
they nearly gnawed the hoofs off a horse.
—A new truss company just established at
Williamsport will make 60,000 trusses a year,
—A “journalistic pennant” is being contest.
ed for by rival newspaper nines at Norristown,
—A fatal epidemic is raging among the ehile
dren of Allentown. The deaths average six
per day.
~In her efforts to save a drowning boy Miss
Laura Metzgar, of Lackawaxen, was herself
—An Allentown school teacher is being in~
vestigated for calling a child “Pennsylvania
—Many citizens are claiming damages for
the brevking of vehicles by the rough streets:
of Reading.
—Cigarette smoking was the cause of a
stroke of nervous paralysis from which a York
youth suffers,
—A Jefterson county man has lost his sight,
the result of overindulgence in ice water
while overheated.
—In Chester county the number of judg-
ments entered in the Prothonotary’s office in
ten years was 17,150.
—Calvin White, 7 yearsold, was killed at
Lancaster on Saturday night by a runaway
team trampling him.
= —Charles Sterner has thus far picked 20,000
quarts of huckleberries from his 900 acres of
land in Monroe county.
—Thomas Walk, a miner, who,, while berry-
ing near Freeland a week ago, was bitten by a
rattlesnake, died on Sunday.
—During the row which followed a. Hunga.
rian christening at Middletown the newly-
christened child was killed.
—A practical jokerat York spoiled the please
ure of a Sunday-school picnic by sending word
that the town was burning down.
—Kate Malone, aged 20, living at Reinhold’s
Station, fell into a fire on an open hearth and
was horribly burned on Saturday.
—The organized workmen of Reading have
gone into politics, and will make an effort to
capture both branches of Council. 3
—A West Chester man named his four kit.
tens Pattison, Wallace, Delamater and Haste
ings, and “Pattison” alone survives,
—In preparing supper a Reading woman
mistook a poisonous preparation for brown su.
gar and poisoned her whole family.
—Five generations of one family sat for
their photographs in a single group at Spring.
fieid, Chester county, a few days ago.
—During Friday evening’s storm lightning
entered the house of Benjamin Huber,. at
Marticville, and scorched his son’s leg.
—Hail on Friday evening did much ‘damage
in the vicinity of Safe Harborand Turkey Hill,
Lancaster county, to tobacco and corn.
—James Logue, of Williamsport, is the owns
er of a feline monstrosity in the shape of six
kittens joined together Siamese twins fashion,
—The number of fish cranes in the State is
said to have increased greatly since the Fish
Commission commenced stocking the streams,
—Persons refuse to walk in front of Christ
Episcopal Church, Reading, because of the
alleged unsafe condition of the spire and ture
—The body of Alfred Koons, a.demented
man, of near Freemansburg, was found on Sat-
urday night in the Lehigh river at Willow
Eddy. :
—By the falling of an electric light wire on
the roof of a street car at Reading on Friday
night several of the passengers received; a
slight sheek.
—An Oil City picnic party hid their lunch
baskets in the bushes and went. for a walk,
When they returned the food. had. been des
voured by hogs.
—By the falling of a floor of a two-story
shanty at Monongahela City forty sleeping
men were precipitated on forty others, and
many were hurt.
— Official census returns give Allentown a
population of 25,173, an in crease of. 7110 since
1880. Lehigh county’s official count is 77,1€0,
an increase of 11,281.
—Henry Fryberger, a young man of Salis.
bury township, while shooting snakes on Fri.
day, accidentally shot his 8-year-old sister kill.
ing her instantly.
—All the employes of the Carbon Iron Com
pany, of Pittsburg, struck on Saturday because
an attempt was made to start the puddling de-
partment with negroes.
—Murs. William 3wartley, of Norristown, on
Saturday knocked over a kettle of boiling wa-
ter, and both herself and a baby playing on the
floor were terribly scalded.
—A. Warnegeris, the deposed Polish priest
of Plymouth, has filed a claim against his old
congregation for $5875 for back. salary and lossy
of personal property by robbery.
— James Jarrett, of Trumbaursville, is plan«
ning one of the largest cigar factories in Bucks:
county. The third story will be used for &
public hall and for society meetings. :
—A 6-year-old son of Mary Walsh, of Norris
town, was terribly lacerated about the head,
arms and breast by an angry S pitzdog Satur.
day. Many think he was afflicted with rabies.
—The services of the 100 water boys at the’
Bethlehem Iron Works will be dispensed with,
and the water furnished to the men from
tanks supplied from a spring cn the grounds,
_A treo on the farm of Colonel Du Pont,
about six miles south of Kennett, was struck
by lightning on Saturday, and Martin. Turner,
who had taken shelter under it, was. instantly
—Solomon Moyer, a car inspector of the
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company,
at Pinegrove, crawled under a car to adjust a
bolt, when an engine backed against the car
and Moyer was killed.
—At Royer’s Ford a runaway horse belong-
ing to W.8. Gellar struck a telegraph pole,
killing the animal. So great was its momen-
tum that the shoes of the horse flew off its feet,
one of them striking John Wiand,a bystander,
in the head.
—Two sons of John Martin, of Easton, aged
respectively 8 and 6 years, Sunday took a dog
to the canal to give him a drink, holding him
by a chain wrapped around the elder boy's leg,
The dog leaped into the canal and dragged the
boy after him. The younger boy became
alarmed and ran home, and his brother drown.
ed before help came,