Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 01, 1890, Image 8
—_———— Friday Morning, August 1, 1890. acu: a ES ——— To CorrEsroNDENTS. — No communications pablished unless accompanied by the real anime of the writer. Mr. M. H. Guisk, of Penn Hall, is the duly authorized agent of the Warcnman for Gregg swnship. f———im THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY. —Thursday evening of last week iwo Polanders in the mines at Hastings were killed by a quantity of coal fall- ing on them. ——The ladies of the Aaronsburg Lutheran church will hold a festival on Saturday afternoon and evening, August 2rd. Rev. Mr. Laurie is enjoying bis summer vacation along the Jersey coast and at other points. It will continue about four weeks. ——TIn Philipsburg peaches are quo- ted at 40 cents a dozen. In this market they have not yet made their appear- ance at any price. A large number of “fresh air” children from Philadelphia have been entertained for the past two weeks in the Penn’s Valley district. ——Seventy-four persons were omit- ted in the census enumeration of New- port, Perry county. This is a large per centage for a small town. ——Hay at $5 a ton strikes us as be- ing extremely cheap, yet the Philips- burg Ledger says that it is selling for that pricein a neighboring county. ——DProf. H. H. Weber, of Empor- jum, has been elected Superintendent of the public schools of Philipsburg in place of Prof. J. B. Richey, resigned. —Two young men named Hassen- plug, of Philadelphia, arrived at Mill- heim the other day, having traveled the entire distance from Philadelphia on bicycles, ——Charles Lee, a well known color- ed man of this neighborhood, died at Scotia last week, and his remains were brought to this place last Saturday morning for interment. ——The population of Perry county it unofficially reported at 26,189, a de- crease of 1,333 in ten years. It is some- thing unusual for a Pennsylvania coun- ty to decrease in population. ——There will be a festival for the benefit of M. E. Church at Filmore, Saturday evening, August 9. Special excursion train will leave Bellefonte at 7 o’clock, returning the same evening. The’ population of Tyrone is quoted at 4,692. What has Bellefonte been about that she has allowed her up the country neighbor to get ahead of her in population ?— Lock Haven Dem- ocrat. ——A lodge of the Knights of Malta is going to be started in Lock Haven. Those fellows evidently want some fun. A good laugh wouldn’t be out of place in Bellefonte which is now extremely dull. ——John Arney and S. W. Smith, id the neighborhood of Centre Hall, have had several fields of barley com- pletely destroyed by grasshoppers this season. They are unusually plenty in that section this summer. ——Miles Walker and the boy Jones were tried at the U. S. Court at Erie last week for pilfering the mail box- et at Philipsburg. Walker was con- victed, but the boy was acquitted, as there was no evidence against him. ~——The fruit crop in this part of the State is reported to be an entire failure. Apples, pears, peaches and plums are rare luxuries in market. A dealer in fruit yesterday said that he had the first pear to see yet this year.— Williamsport Gf B ——During a recent forest fire on Forge Run, Bilger’s Artic Spring Park stood in danger of being destroyed, as the fire swept up the ravine in that di- rection. By the combined efforts of all the men in the neighborhood the park ~was saved. ——The Centre county population be- ing over 50,000, as is said to be shown by the census,the county will be entitled to a separate president judge, and will dispense with associate judges after the terms of the present incumbents shall have expired. ——The State College and Fillmore base ball clubs played a spirited game at the Fillmore M. E. Sunday School picnic last Saturday, victory going with the State College players in a score of 22 to 2. The pic-nie in every respect was a pleasant one. ~——One of the Bellefonte Hunga- rims sent up to the U. S. court at Erie on a charge of refusing to answer cen- U8 questions, was convicted last Friday und will receive the punishment provid- ed for such cases. His offense was en- tirely the result of ignorance. ——A firm of furniture dealers of Lock Haven offer the prize of a cham- ber set to the lady teacher of that place who shall be voted the most popular. The balloting is being spiritedly con- | A Bic RATTLER. —Henry D. Fargus, | { of Dunnstown, while after huckleberries ago killed a rattlesnake which had four- teen rattles. The snake was 42 inches long. Tue CONFLAGRATION OF A Har.— The danger of wearing too many ‘hifa- lutins’’ on a lady’s hat or bonnet, was instanced on Saturday night when one of the fair creatures wentinto a grocery in Williamsport to make a purchase. While she was bending over the coun- ter the feathers in her hat caught fire from a cigar lighter and the hat was ruined, to say nothing of the damage done to the hair and complexion. A MISTAKE SOMEWHERE.— Parties who have figured up the census returns of Centre county, as given out by Su- perintendent Bricker several weeks ago, which he represented as amounting to a total of 51,450, say that the amount is but 43,182, or 7,068less than his total, and that the increase in population since 1880 has been but 5,442 instead of nearer correct than he is represented to be, and that he hasn’t added to the list of blunders connected with this census. RoBBERY OF A WooDsMAN.—Alex- ander McMillan, who has lately been staying between Eagleville and this place, and who is a woodsman, came to this city yesterday and during the even- ing got full of bug-juice while running around the various places with a fellow that he clairred to know. This morn. ing he found himself lying on the bank of the canal, about 5 o’clock, minus $135 in cash, a silver watch and a gold- plated chain, and his suspicion is that the man who fellowshiped with him last night committed the robbery. He is taking steps to if possible recover his lost valuables.— Lock Haven Democrat. THE CANADA THISTLE NUISANCE. — Do the farmers and land owners of this county know that there is a penalty of $15 for allowing the Canada thistle to seed upon their premises? From near- ly every section of the county we hear complaints of the spread of this weed. For the information of those interested we publish the law intended to obliter- ate this great nuisance : “It shall be the duty of land owners to prevent Canada thistles from going to seed, and the seed of the same from ripening. Penalty for neglect, a fine of $15, one half to the county treasurer, and the other to the proceeding inform- er. Parties (i. e. neighbors) ageravated may give five days notice, and on con- tinued neglect it shall be lawful for the former to enter the premises and cut down said thistles, or hire others to do 80, and such aggrieved persons so doing may sue and recover from the landhold- ers $2.00 per diem for so doing.’ A Goop Work QUICKLY DoNE.— They made short work of a cowardly ruffian at Jersey Shore the other day. A fellow of the name of Bill Sherman attacked and knocked down a cripple named Walter Oakes, after which he walked across the street and threat- ened to do the same thing for Thomas H. Pursell, who knocked him down and gave him the thrashing he richly mer- ited. Sherman then made threats that he would kill Pursell with an axe be- fore morning. Two warrants were then issued for the arrest of Sherman—one for assault and battery on Oakes, and the other for assault and threats to kill Pursell. The ruffian resisted the con- stable in making the arrest, but to the lockup he went, after which he was taken before Justice of the Peace John E. Potter, who sent him to Wil- liamsport for trial at the next term of criminal court. After his arrival at the jail he cornmenced to blubber like a whipped child, as all such cowardly wretches do when they find themselves in theclutches of the law. He is evident- ly booked for a residence in the Eastern Penitentiary. More WARNING.—The victims of traveling sharpers who go about the country practicing the tricks of the bunco man and three card monte deal- er, continue to multiply. Another case of “a wealthy farmer,” near Clyde, N. Y., being buncoed outof his money by sharpers is reported. Last week it was a retired New York builder, living at a New Jersey seaside resort, who lost $5000 to the same class of people. The week before it was a Pennsylvania farm- er. Ile dropped $9000. Then it was a granger in the neighborhood of Mil- ton who was saved from being robbed of several thousands by the card sharps only by the superior sagacity of his wife. These are but a few of the cases that come to light. The number that are never heard of outside the immediate neighborhood of the victims must be many. That people will continue to be entrapped by the artifices of designing strangers would excite no wonder if there were no newspapers to chronicle the events. But each case of the kind, when of sufficient importance, or when it becomes known, 1s duly published, both as news to the world and as a warn- ing to others who may be tempted by the promise of large gains to put them- selves and their money in the power of strangers. But it seems that the lesson these on the Bald Eagle Mountain a few days | 13,628. ‘We hope that Capt. Bricker is . frequently published swindles | The School of Methods for Tem- : perance Workers will be held on the grounds of the Juniata Valley Camp | Meeting Association, commencing ! ‘Wednesday , August 6th, 1890, contin- uing three days, and will be under the auspices of the Woman’s Christian Tem- perance Unions of Huntingdon and Mifflin counties, conducted by Mrs. Caroline E. Buel, corresponding Secre- tary of the National Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union. This will be the week before the regular camp meet- ing opens. The camp grounds are at Newton Hamilton, on the line of the Pennsylvania railroad. All members of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and other temperance workers are cordially invited to be present. Ex- cursion tickets will be issued on the Pennsylvania Railroad from all points along the road from and after August 1st, good to return until August 23d. ——Charles McGirk, son of Dr. Mec- Girk, of Philipsburg, made a narrow es- cape from being poisoned some days ago. He went into Neil Davis’ jewelry store to get a drink of water. In the back room beside the sink sata large sup posing it to be ice water, Charlie dipped a tumbler full and put it to his lips. He only took a small swallow, when he discovered by the smell and taste that it was not pure water. He went to the front room and asked the clerk, Tom McCausland, what was in the crock, and was told that it was a so- lution of cyanide of potassium, used for cleaning watch cases and works. Cy- anide of potash is a deadly poison, and young MecGirk immediately secured medical aid by which the poison was ejected from his system and his life was saved. ——The population of the rural dis- tricts of Pennsylvania do not seem to have increased during the past ten year. In some sections there appearsto have been a decrease. Perry county has fallen off in the number of its inhabi- tants. Armstrong county has lost 2860 in population since the census of 1880. The county is largely a farming com- munity. In1880 the population was 46,641, now it is 44,781. Kittaning, the county seat, has increased from 2624 to 3114, Apollo borcugh from 1156 to 2154, Freeport borough from 1614 to 1928. The falling oft has been in the country districts, Brady’s Bend town- ship falling from 2340 to 1243, Mahon- ing from 1930 to 1281, and other dis- ! tricts in proportion. ——A dog belonging to Mr. Jeremiah Riden, of Pleasant Gap, showed signs of rabbies on Sunday of last week, and was dispatched as soon as possible, He acted strangely the day before, but was not suspected of having hydrophobia un- til he was noticed frothing at the mouth, snapping at everything around, and showing such unmistakable signs of this terrible disease, that there could be no mistake about it. ‘Whether he had been bitten by some other animal is not known, and it might be well for those owning dogs in that neighborhood to keep a pretty close watch on them. ——Some days ago a boy named Dan- iel Daywalt, who was working at the Shoemaker mines, fell between the bumpers of the cars and the calf of his leg was badly crushed. It was burst open for four inches and the flesh pro- truded ; he bleed profusely. Dr. To- bens, of Stormstown, sewed up and dress- ed the wound, The boy stood the operation nobly. He is about 15 years of age and the only support of an aged grandfather and sister. Fortunate. ly no bones were broken. The boy is very industrious and he complains only of the loss of {ime from work. ’ ——The industries of Philipsburg has been enlarged by the establishment of an overall factory in that place. It starts with fire machines, but will add half a dozen more within the next two weeks, and will continue adding as the business increases. A number of young women have been employed to operate the machines under the direction of Miss Josephine McDermott, of Belle- fonte, who has had experience in the business. Aaron Lehman, of Belle- fonte, whose father is interested in the factory, is acting as book-keeper of the establishment. ——The Ladies Mite Society of the Evangelical Church of Howard will hold an Ice Cream festival, for the bene- fit of their church, in the school house yard, August 9th 1890, afternoon and evening. A special feature will be a fine Guess Cake, at 6c a guess; also other choice refreshments. The Miles- burg Cornet Band will be present and entertain the public with choice music. All are cordially invited to come from far and near. ——A festival will be given in the rink at DMillheim, on Saturday after- noon and evening, August 9th, by the Knights of the Golden Eagle, of that piace. Refreshments will be served and a number of valuable articles will be chanced off. Centre Castle, of conducted, Miss Annie Fisher leading | should teach is thrown away in a major- ; Spring Miils, and Madisonburg Castle, the poll by a large majority. | ity of cases. Read the newspapars. ! have been invited to attend. stone crock with a close fitting lid, and’ 1832, Leechburg borough from 1123 to. ——James Harris & Co., of this place are arranging for the erection of a their hardware store. ~The festival of the United Broth- ren at Marsh Creek last Saturday even- $102 clear of all expenzes. ——The Republican primzry elections have been culled to take place on Satur- day, August 16th, and the convention ——The fresco painters are making rapid progress on the walls of the Gar- man opera house, and the scenery has been put in place. Itis going to bea very handsome establishment and a credit to the town. ——The remains of Mrs. Boggs, o Altoona, formerly of Milesburg, and mother of Thomas Boggs, were brought to Unionville on Saturday evening and interred Sunday morning at 9 o'clock in the Unionville cemetery. ——The Methodist Sunday School of this place, accompanied by its friends and the Bellefonte Band, picnicked at Linden Hall yesterday. It required a train of nine coaches and one provis- ion car to carry the merry party over, "and all who attended report having had an excellent time. ——A barn belonging to Jonathan Auman, of Miles township; was burned on Tuesday last. Mr. Auman was lucky enough to have his crops mostly in a new barn which he had just com- pleted, and which was not affected by the fire; otherwise his loss would have been much heavier. ——The largest family group that was ever photographed in Bellefonte was taken on Thursday morning by photographer Shaffer, it consisting of the family of Mr. Abraham Baum, in- cluding himself, Mrs. Baum and their thirteen children. It was a picture of which the head of any family could have reason to be proud. ——Mrs. John Garling, of Centre township, Perry county, recently dis- covered a black snake in her kitchen and attempted to kill it, but the reptile made such a vigorous fight that the lady was obliged to retreat. A man came to her assistance and killed the snake which measured 6 feet in length and 8 inches in circumference. AvcrioN.—J. C. Derr, auctioneer, will offer at public sale at Dorworth’s Grocery, on Saturday, August 2nd, commencing at 1 o'clock, p. m., a lot of Glassware, Crockeryware, a lot of Canned Goods, such as Blackberries, Peaches, Strawberries, and other articles too numerous to mention, ——A furniture dealer in Lock Hav- en is offering a handsome, easy and large upholstered smoking chair to the most popular gentleman teacher in Clinton county, the popularity to be de- termined by the number of votes re- ceived by September 20th. Whoever has the highest number of ballots will get the chair, ——1It is said that a young woman of Huntingdon county, 17 years old, with a self-binder harvested ninety acres of wheat this summer. This, in the light of the old style harvesting, looks like an immense task for a woman, but with the modern improvements it means that she merely sat on the seat of the reaper and drove the horses over ninety acres. ——Company B, of this place, return- ed home from Camp Hartranft last Sat- urday afternoon, after an absence of just a week, and in excellent condition, looking well considering the close- ness with which they had applied them- selves to military duty. We venture to say that there was not a finer looking body of men at that big gathering of citizen soldiers. —The barn of Mr. Benjamin Frank- enberger, two miles west of Millheim, on the old Dreibelbeis farm, was de- stroyed by fire last Monday morning about 3 o’clock,it being supposed that it was set on fire. The barn had just been repaired, with a new roof, and re- painted. It was filled with grain and hay which were consumed, with a horse and several head of cattle. The stockholders of the Eureka Car Coupler company, of Huntingdon, met in the arbitration room at the court house Monday afternoon and elected the followed directors: T.H. Adams and Isaac Taylor, of Mt. Union ; M. 1. Rex and James Heims, of Mapleton; M. McCann, of Bellefonte; R. S. Seeds, and W. H. Daughenbaugh, of Tyrone, and E. O. Rodgers, of Huntingdon. ——The Methodist Sunday School at Fillmore will held another of their delightful festivals on Saturday evening, August 9th. Refreshments of all kinds will be in abundance and all who attend can be gure of having an excellent time, as the people of that community always exert every effort to make their friends enjoy themselves. Arrangements have been made for a special train, which will leave Bellefonte at seven o'clock and return before Sunday morning. Let everybody go, as it will be an opportunity that should not be missed. large ware house in connecticn with ! Be Assessed. September 4 will be the last day {on which citizens can be lawfully assessed for the purpose of voting at the November election. Asses- ing resulted in the handsome sum of sors are required to post their lists at the proper polling places not later than the first Monday in Au- gust. Examine this list and see to it that you are registered and assessed not later than Septem- ber 4. I EE TEE I ——Itsan ugly charge that Charley Rine meskes against Jacob Lucas, of Wallace's Run. Mr. Rine is totally blind, and keeps a little tobacco store near the depot in this place. He has the respect and good wishes of all who know him, and among all his customers { no one heretofore has been tound mean enough to take advantage of him in paying for purchases. On Monday last so Mr. Rine says, Lucas bought a few cigars and handed him a bill in pay- ment therefor. He was asked the amount of the bill and answered $2. Rine gave him the change and just as he was leav- ing some one standing at the counter called attention to the fact that the bill was a $1 bill in place of a $2. Lucas was called to, but in place of correct- ing the wrong,beran off and has not been seen in town since. Thisis Mr. Rine’s verion of the affair, and if true we have only to say that there are meaner peo- plein this county than we ever imagin- ed there were. The Snow Shoe Base Ball Club visited Pleasant Gap on last Saturday and played a game ot ball with the club at that place. The game was rath- er unevenly contested up to the seventh inning when the Snow Shoe boys, being behind, wanted to stop playing. But the captain of the Gap team, anxious to make the defeat as bad as possible, decided that the game should be finished, whereupon the visitors, with blood in their eyes, went at them and before the game ended had turned the tables on their opponents and made the score : Snow Shoe 18, Pleasant Gap 14. There is a good little moral in the result of this game and the boys from the Gap woulddo well to observe it. Miller and Toner occupied the points for the home team and Mr. Armstrong umpired. A little daughter of Mr. W. Mus- ser, employed at Rhoads’ coal yard, met with a sad accident on ‘Wednesday af- ternoon. Some children were playing on the green with fire which her mother sent her to extinguish. ‘While doing so her clothes caught and before help could reach her she was so badly burned about the body and limbs that her life was dispaired of. She is improving rapidly and her physician now has every hope of her recovery. ——The following is the number of marriage licenses issued in Centre coun- ty for the year running from June 30th, 1889, to June 30th, 1890 :—July, 1889, 25; August, 30; September, 39; Oc- tober, 48; November, 24; December, 37; January, 1890, 26; February, 29; March, 22; April, 834; May, 15; June, 35, making a total for the year of 341. The first marriage license issued in the county was dated October 9th, 1885, and since then 1572 have been issued. ——The old Catholic church on Bish- op street, whose usefulness as a house of worship has been supplanted by the splendid structure adjoining, is being repaired and repainted inside and out. It is said that the old building will be used asa school for Catholic children and two sisters will take charge of it about the 1st of September. ——One of the most gentlemanly men you run across in Philipsburg is Col. M. Cochran who has charge of the office at the Coal Exghange Hotel. His entire time is devoted to the comfort of its patrons and making their stay agree- able, and the indivdual he fails to please is hard indeed to satisfy. ——Mr. Shoemaker, the popular Su- perintendent of the Baffalo Run railroad, gave a picnic party to a few of his many friends at some pointup the road on Tuesday afternoon. A most enjoyable time is reported by those who were lucky enough to be in attendance. ——Miss Mary Vanzant, a most agreeable and entertaining young lady of Annapolis, Md., is visiting the fami- ly of Mr. A. J. Cruse on Linn street. BirTEN BY A DoG.—Last Monday a little girl living with Mr. J. P. Seiber- ling, at Centre Line, Halfmoon Valley, was seriously bitten by a large collie dog owned by that gentleman, The dog, of which she was very fond, 'attack- ; ed her and badly lacerated one of her | arms from the shoulder to the elbow. | Dr. Tobin was immediately sent for and cauterized the wound, and it is hoped that the dog, which was killed, was not affected by rabbies. — Notice the cash Bazaar’s advertis- ment in to-days issue. Lea BroxeN.—On Wednesday af- ternoon Mr. Edward Herring slipped and fell while trying to get on a mov- ing locomotive at the Centre Iron Com- pany’s works, and one of his legs was broken by being struck by the cow- catcher. Dr. Hayes set the limb. The injured man has a family of five chil- dren. Lost A Lr. — Robert Wikon, a young man from Renovo, lost a leg on Tuesday afternoon by trying to jump on a fast moving West bound freight, oppo- site the P. & BE. freight depot in Lock Haven. His leg was so badly mangled that it had to be amputated He was taken to the residence of W. J. Curns, near the basin, where Dr. Watson, as- sisted by Dr. Ball, performed the oper- ation. THE GrANGER ProNic.—Speaking of the improvements the Grangers are making on the grounds at Centre Hall intended for their exhibitions and pic- nics, the Centre Reporter says : They are clearing out the bushes and tearing away the fence. In a few days they will commence staking off the the ground and begin the erection of buildings. It is not positively decided whether the railroad company will agree to erect the main auditorium as pre- viously report was their intention. The many trees planted in the spring are thriving and looking promising, but it will be several years before they will be of any benefit. During the picnic an efficient police force will be detailed to watch them and any one mutilating them will be made an example of. Tribute to the Memory of Elmer Lutz, Elmer Lutz, whose sad death by the break- ing of a hay-fork pulley, on the Major Rey- nolds farm near Fillmore, has already been mentioned in the columns of the Warcuyax, was the son of John and Margaret Lutz, born on the farm of James Henderson, snd he spent in Benner township the short life which was brought to so untimely an end. His age was twenty-three years, ten months and one day. How young you may exclaim. But God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to pertorm. In this case we may use the lines Oh, where is our brother we have loved so well And why did he leave us so soon ? He has gone up there to his home in Heaven, And he will never come back any more. * He left father and mother, four sisters and seven brothers, all of whom but one brother were permitted to follow him to his last rest- ing place at the Shiloh grave yard on a beauti- ful Sunday afternoon, where the funeral ser- vices were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Black, pastor of the Reformed church. The words of his text were, “Prepare to meet thy God.” All present thought it an excellent discourse for the occasion. Oh, that all when called to leave this sinful world could pray as he did and die saying the Lord's Prayer, the prayer our Saviour taught his disciples whilst on earth with them, He said he had found peace with God and pardon for his sins. Well can we say,as the hymn tells us: Weep not for our brother who is gone, Our loss is his infinite gain ; With songs let us follow his flight, And mount with his spirit above And lodged in the Iden of love. Our brother the heaven hath gained, Out flying the tempest and wind ; His rest he hath sooner obtained, And left his companions behind. Hard toiling to make the blest shore, Where all is assurance and peace, And sorrow and sin are no more, May we all meet in heaven above. By mis Sisters. S———— The foilowing letters remain in the Belle- fonte P. O. unclaimed July 28, 90. Mr. John N. Buchley, Miss Kate Brickley. Mrs. Eliza Davis, Mrs. Mollie Grey, Mrs. Esther Griffith, Miss Sarah E. Glove, Mrs. C., P. Isaacs, Miss Nanny Jackson, Annie Pricee Mrs. Clara Roads, Mr. N. A. Ryan, Miss Sadic E. Stover, Miss Jennie Lubidy, Mrs. Isaaa Womer, Miss Mary A. Wilson, Miss Emm Walker, Mrs. Annie Wren, Miss Mary Yarnell. When called for please say advertised. J. A. FIEDLER, P. M. OUR SPRING WOOLENS HAVE ARRIV- ED.—Leave your order for a suit now at a special discount. All the new shapes in spring styles of Hats—We are agents for the sale of the “Mother’s Friend’ Shirt Waist. MoxraoMeERY & Co. Bellefonte Grain ] Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co: The following are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes to press : White wheat, per bushel I 80 Read wheat, per bushel 85 Rye, per bushel...... 45 Corn, ears, per bush 20 Corn, shelled, per bushel... 40 Oats—new, per bushel... 35 Barley, per bushel......... 45 Buckwheat per.busheli.....cccccceesrrrersrss 50 Cloverseed, per bushel... $4 00 to $6 00 Gronna Plaster, Per t0N...uuesssscercerseesses 9 Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes: per bushel ..........ic.ocninic ines 65 Eggs, per dozen.,..... oii 15 Lard, per pound... . 8 CountryShoulders i 8 Sides...... oe 8 Hams... . 123 Tallow, per pound. 3 Butter, per pound. 1215 Onions, per bushe 75 Turnips, per bush 28 The Democratic Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Belle- fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the publisher. . Papers will not he sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. . A liberal discount is made to persons adver- eine by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol OWS : 1 SPACE OCCUPIED. |3m |6m | 1y One inch (12 lines this type......... $568 (812 TWO INCHES vrirrersrirsnsine 710} 18 Three inches.......eccesennin «1015 20 Quarter Column (4}4 inches).......| 12 | 20 | 30 Half Column ( 9 inches). 20 (35 | 5B One Column (19 inches)... .1 35 | 55 | 100 Advertisements in special column, 25 per cent. additional. Transient advs. per line, 8 insertions...... 20 cts. Each additional insertion, per line......... Local notices, per line..... ire Business notices, per line Job Printing of every d ness and dispatch. The Warcuman office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be executed in the most artistic mannerand af the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. . All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor. —— A AL