hacia Menrocealic MEEK. BY P. GRAY Ink Slings. —Reciprocity is a enphemistic term employed by James G. BLAINE to ex- press a free trade idea. —Maybe the Press was only in fun when it told DELAMATER that he had better refute EMER Y’S charges. —What has Jim BLAINE to be jealous of in such a pack as BEN HARRI- soN, Tom REED and BiLL McKINLEY ? —Between the. bunco sharpers and the tariff-fattened monopolies much of his hard earnings is slip sing away from the rural citizen. —The “dignified silence’ that prevails among the g. 0. p. leaders in Pennsyl- vania will be broken after the election by some vigorous swearing. —Silence in QuAY’s case hasn’t help- ed him any, but it would have been of great service to Mrs. HARRISON in the matter of the Cape May cottage. —BLAINE’S undutiful behavior about reciprocity is imbittering the declining years of the G. O. P. and may bring its gray hairs in sorrow to the grave. —The English free traders have grown so rich that they want to buy up the business of other nations, and they have the spot cash with which to do it, too. ; ~—1In being reviewed by the President the soldiers at Mt. Gretna marched by in company front. They passed in blocks-of-fifty, as it were. What a sight it would have been for DUDLEY. —The Ohio Republicans did all they could in endorsing ForRAKER’S for- gery, but they fell far behind the Penn- sylvania Republicans’ certified approval of the way their Boss looted the State treasury. —Tke certificate of character given DELAMATER by good Dr. WHEELER would have more .of an effect upon the public mind if the Republican can- didate didn’t also have a certificate from bad Boss QUAY. —The perspiration will run in big drops from the manly brows of the hon- est editors who are going to toil for the benefit of the workingmen in publish- ing MAT QUAY’s labor journals during the campaign, —The Argentine politicians introduced the bayonet into their polities with too much vigor. JOHNNY DEVENPORT could have taught them how to do it with less fuss but with equal effect by means of a Force Bill. —Uncle Sam has an undisputed claim to the American eagle, but when he assumes to be’the owner of all the seals in Behring sea he extends his claim possibly over too large a portion of the animal kingdom. — With the strain of official duty at Saratoga, followed by the wear and tear of public service at Bar Harbor, Vice President MorToN is positively sacrificing himself to the exacting 're- quirements of his official station. —There would be a louder and more general demand for the punishment ot Turkish brutality in Armenia if it wasn’t so well understood that it would be chiefly to the advantage of a nation that is equally brutal in Siberia, —If the Senate should extract the bayonet from the Federal Election bili the measure would be less obnoxious merely to the extent of its being shorn of the brute force necessary to zarry out its oppressive and revolutionary purpose. —The way Dick QuAy orders peo- ple out of the capitol at Washington does not admit of a doubt that the Quay family owns that large piece of property on which the people of the United States have expended a good many millions of dollars. —The Prohibitionists of Pennsylva- nia will take two days for the holding of their State convention, as most of the first day will be spent in praying. Something resembling this in name is done at QUAY’s conventions, but it is spelt with an e, and the people are the victims. —CARNEGIE surpassed all the crown- ed-heads in the value of the jewels he presented to STANLEY'S bride, The half paid labor of horny-hands in the Braddock steel-mills should have the - credit of having furnished the costliest gems that glitter on Mrs. STANLEY’S dainty fingers. —Republican Senator PLums aptly calls the proposed increase of duties on imported agricultural products, “a pyr- amid of fraud and humbug.” He might have added that it is a pyramid stand- ing on its peaked end which the com- mon sense of the farmers will topple over at the next election. —Daxa’s implacable enmity will not admit of his giving CLEVELAND the credit of having opened the tariff re- form school, which he says belongs to Braine whose reciprocity doctrine has | started "an educational campaign that puts CLEVELAND'S in the shade. It must be confessed that on the line of free trade Jim goes much beyond any- thing that has been taught by Grover. &® \ 3 a . ee ed = p hi STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. © % » VOL. 35. BELLEFONTE, PA., AUGUST 1, 1890. INO. 30. Delamater and the ‘ Press.” Some time last April, when appear- ances began to point strongly to Quay’s intention of forcing the nomination of Groree W. DELAMATER, a vigorous pro test against such a consummation was made by ex-Senator LEwis EMERY, jr., of McKean county, who considered it his duty to warn his party against al- lowing such a nomination to be made, telling them in plain terms what he knew about Mr. DeLaMaTER as a pub- lic man, which consisted of charges of a very grave character. Upon the ap- pearance of ex-Senator EMERY’s ar- raignment of the gentleman who is now the Repablican nominee for Gov- ernor, the Philadelpeia Press express- ed itself as follows : On Friday evening, April 14, at a public meeting in Bradford, ex-Senator Lewis Emery, Jr., made the following charges against Sena- tor George W. Delamater: I charge that he purchased his election to the Senate of this State in 1886, that he direct- ly bribed citizens of Crawford county to vote for him at the general election, and that when a memorial had been contemplated to prevent him from taking the oath of office he paid large sums of money for the suppression of the said memorial. : 1 charge that he did take the oath of office, thereby committing the crime against the good name and statutes of the Commonwealth. I charge also, that during his service in the Senate he attempted to alter a public record by framing a conference reporton a bill before it had been Jropeny considered, contrary to all rules and practice, and signing or having had signed the names of the committee, and in so doing offended the dignity of the Legisla- ture and the law of the Commonwealth. I make these charges without fear of contra- diction, and court an action at law whereby I- may set my proof before the people oath-botuind Coming from a Republican and a responsible citizen, these charges have been printed in the newspapers of the State and have naturally at- tracted a good deal of attention and wide dis- cussion. They ure very serious allegations to bring against any man, and so far no answer has been made. We are not prepared to believe that such charges can successfully stand against Senator Delamater. He is a young man of concededly high ability and honorable ambition,and at this time a leading candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor of the State. He can- not afford to remain silent under accusations such as these,and coming with the emphasis and frem tbe source that these do. Senator Delamater owes it not merely to himself, but to the Rep ublican party, whose candidate for the great office of Governor he expects to be, to meet these charges fully and completely and sh strangle them that there shall never again be a chance for anybody either inside or autside the party to use them. This is due the Republican people, who are now in possession of but one side of the story, and who may wrongly construe absolute si, lence. Delay or failure to make convincing answer cannot but prove unfortunate. The Press makes this request of Senator Delamater in bekalf of the Republicans of the State. It has taken no sides in the canvass for the Gubernatorial nomination ; its candidate for Governor will be the nominee of the con- vention. The party requires, however, that the nominee, whoever he may be, shall be one against whose character no charges can be successfully made. Senator Delamater can doubtless refute ex-Senator Emery’s allega- tions and he ought to satisfy the whole Repub- lican party of that fact. They are of too seri- ous a nature ro go unanswered. The Press's advice to Mr, Derama- TER that he should meet these charges fully and squarely, is good advice, for they are of a character that impugns his official reputation, and of so se rious a nature that they will not ad- mit of being passed over in silence. But Mr. DiLaMATER has so far tailed lo take the advice ot the Press. He makes no answer to ex-Senator Ew- REY'S indicment, and what is most remarkable, the Press supports him as if he had vindicated himself against imputations that present him to the public as being guilty of bribery, perju- ry and forgery. Queitionable Character. Great str¢ss is being laid upon the excellence of DELAMATER'S private character. Granting it to be of num- ber one qudity, it didn’t prevent him from beingthe tool of the Standard Oil Company vhile he was in the State Senate. OF what practical good to the public is a1 excellent private character if it doesn’tprevent a public officer from sacrificing the people's interests for the benefit of nonopolies and playing into the hands ¢f the corporations and the money pover ? The present State administration isn’t any sbuch in the way of private character—in fact it is ornamented, in its chief, vith most of the Christian virtues—add yet on questions in which the interest of ordinary people,such as farmers an( other workingmen, were at variance wih the interests of the fellows who manag the big corporations and the rich #ndicates, its service has been at the command of the latter. DrLamaTers excellent private charac- ter in a gibernatorial field of action would panput about the same way. He Should Have Stayed Away. Mr. DErpamater’s visit to Camp Hartranft, at Mt. Gretna, last week, with the object of making votes, was not fav orably regarded either by the soldiers or by his political confreres who thought that he was poaching belong to him. DEerayMaTeEr among the soldiers certainly presented an objection- able figure. His presence had the ap- pearance of currying favor under the wing of General Hastings whom he had euchred out of the nomination by Boss Quay’s stocking the cards. His visit to the camp was a flat fail- ure so far as political effect was con- cerned. The object was apparent, and it defeated itself. He made the round shake hands with the soldiers, but the only effect it had was to excite unfav- orable remarks about it as a breach of propriety. The coolness of his recep- tion was in strong contrast to the warm feeling that was shown by the members of the Guard for his rival whose place on the ticket he had been enabled to usurp by Quay’s assistance. The Mt. Gretna incident shows that DeLaMaTer has mapped out a cam- paign of personal solicitation. He is going to coax the dissatisfied Republi- cans to stick to the ticket. This will be found to be uphill work. More would be gained in the way of recon- ciling them to the Boss's nominee if he should terminate the silence he main- tains under the charges made by Ex-Senator ExEery, and prove that his record is not as rotten as the Ex-Sena- tor, a member of his own party, repre- sents it to be. Emery challenges him to bring an action for libel in defense of his reputation ag a public man, and the Press says that if he does not vin- dicate himself against those charges he must stand condemned. They Don’t Want It. The best Republican opinion of the South is against the Bayonet Force Bill. White citizens of intelligence and respectability belonging to that party look upon the measure with a fear of its consequences, while reputa- ble blacks regard it as a factor of dis- turbance that will do them more in- jury than good. Dr. ALBerT, a lead- ing colored clergyman, and editor of the New Orleans Christian Advocate, one of the organs of Southern Methodism, “ sees nothing in the bill but more trou- “ble to colored people, and wishes to “know where 100 signatures could be “secured to comply with the letter of “ the proposed law.” Every appear- ance indicates that in the section where the bayonet is chiefly intended to operate at the elections, this revo- lutionary expedient is not wanted by the people for whose protection it is represented to be necessary. EL EAA IRAAEL A False Issue . The Quay campaigners will en- deavor to make the tariff the prominent issue of the State campaign. It will exactly suit them to have public atten- tion directed entirely to the tariff. By keeping the gaze of the people intently fixed upon that object they won’t be as likely to see the abuses in the State government which need correction. The money power and the influence of the corporations have been doing pretty much as they pleased with the executive and legislative branches, and this evil may be corrected by the elec tion of a governor and legislature that will not be under the control of such influences. Nothing could better serve the purpose of those who want to main- tain these abuses than the bringing of the tariff prominently to the front and making the voters believe that it is the thing in which they are most interest ed at this particular time. The question whether there shall be high duties or low duties in the tariff schedule can in no way be affect- ed by the State contest, which involves no other issue than that which has arisen as to whether the State govern ment shall be honestly administered for the benefit of the people, or shall con- tinue to be corruptly managed by a dis- honest and unscrupulous Boss for the benefit of his political dependents and the advantage of the corporations that contribute to the party funds. This is the only issue in this contest. The tariff will be used to draw the at- tention of the people from the real point in controversy. It will be in- troduced with no other than a fraudu- tlent intent. upon a domain that didn’t properly | of the camp, going into the tents to | | ’ Badly Bungled Work. | An astonishing case of negligence "in the taking of the census has been ' brought to light in Delaware county, | this State. It appears that Radnor township in that county was entirely | overlooked by the-enumerators,causing | an omission of 2500 names from the | number that should represent the pop- | ulation of the State. This omission included the flourishing town of Wayne whose people had been priding themselves upon the growth of their place, and that they were not consider- ed worth counting was an indignity that has caused them to resort to some exceedingly strong language. This careless piece of work was brought about by a misunderstanding between two enumerators, one of whom got hold of Radnor township and counted part of its inhabitants before he discovered that he was doing work outside of his district. The enumera- tor to whom the township belonged took offense at this and declined to have anything to do with the count. As a consequence of this blunder the larger part of the inhabitants of Radnor did net get in the enumeration and have ‘been very emphatic in expressing themselves about the slight to which they were subjected. A new enumer- ator has since been appointed and he is now completing the work of his bungling predecessors. This is but a single instance of the indifferent and slovenly manner in which the work of this census has been conducted. Almost every county can furnish cases of defective enumer- ation. In Clinton county there is a settlement of some twenty-five families that are reported to have been entirely overlooked. Some of these defects wien brought to the attention of the census officers may have been reme- died afterwards, but the fact that they occurred leads the people to regard the census as imperfect and unreliable, nme —— ——There is no probability that the scheme of making a new apportion- ment of congressmen on the basis of a doctored census will be carried out at this session of congress. With every ef- fort made to put the returns in shape forsuch a job, there would still not be time enough at this session to consum- mate it. With the Tariff Bill, the Bayonet Bill and the unfinished ap- propriation bills on their hands, the congressional managers will find but little of the session left for fixing up an advantageous apportionment, rr ————— Not a Personal Feeling. A Republican contemporary of some prominence makes the following remark : It is somewhat amusing to notice the warmth with which the Democratic newspa- pers are praising some recent utterances of Mr. Blaine. They don’t love Mr. Blaine any better now than they did in 1884 , when he was a candidate for the presidency, but they hate the McKinley bill and all other proposed tariff legislation that doesn’t squint at free trade, ete. The paper that says this mistakes the feeling that prompts Democratic newspapers to speak favorably of Mr. BLAINE'S recent letters in which he advises commercial reciprocity with South American states. Their hostil. ity to Mr, BLAINE never was personal, but arose from their opposition to the measures he advocated, which they be- lieved to be injurious to the interests of the country. When he begins to approach the policy which they re- gard as the best to promote our com- mercial and industrial prosperity, as a matter of course they give him credit for the improvement he is making in his economic views. The Democrats do not ask for free trade as that term is understood in ite general sense. Representation of that kind indulged in by Republican news. papers is misrepresentation, intend- ed to deceive the thoughtless and ignorant. But Mr. BrLaiNe goes be- yond the Democratic demand for free raw materials, He wants absolute free trade with South American nations that will take our productions, and in assuming this position he comes in di rect conflict with the restrictive pro- visions of the McKinley bill. There is no personal antipathy to Mr. Braine that prevents Democrats from appland- ing him when he shows a liberal and progressive disposition in his tariff policy. An Imperious Youth. If M.S. Quay should be removed from the scene of his earthly and polit- ical activity the Republican party of Pennsylvania would not be deprived of a competent Boss, as his son Dick would succeed to his rightful inheri- tance, for the management of which he is displaying qualifications of the highest order. That he has the true boss spirit was evidenced the other day in a little affair that came off at Washington between him aad the re- nowned Say Loscu of Schuylkill county. Say hasn't been standing well with the old Boss for some time past, hav- ing shown a disposition to rebel against his imperial sway. But he recently became inspired with the ambition to run for Congress in the Schuylkill dis- trict, and, knowing that he couldn’ do it without Quay’s consent, he pro- ceeded to Washington to renew his al- legiance to Pennsylvania’s Republi- can emperor and secure his favor. He went to Quay’s committee room in the capitol where he didn’t find the old man, but Dick was there, and that imperious youth, after giving Sam a vigorous damning, told him that if he didn’t leave the room instantly he would be forcibly ejected. This was pretty big talk for a young man who didn’t own the capitol, notwithstand- ing his large share in the fee-simple ownership of the Republican party of Pennsylvania by right of inheritance, Say, however, didn’t waste any time in questioning Dick’s right to put him out of an apartment of the capitol that belongs to the people of the United States, but left immediately, allowing the young dictator to reign as supreme in that part of the big national build- ing as. he did at the cofvention that nominated DELAMATER. Young Quay has the big-head to an unusual extent, but it is altogether probable that the next election will take most of the swelling out of it. census of 1890 to require ten years for its completion, on which a large force of clerks will be employed. Much of the data collected will be of no use, and a large part is s0 inaccurate and unreliable that if used it will be a source of misinformation. Even the enumera- tion of the population can not be ac- cepted with any degree of confidence. Taking it as a whole,this census will be a fearful and wonderful misrepresenta- tion of statistical facts. A A rR RSET A. Cyclones in’ the Kast. Destructive cyclones have heretofore confined their devastations principally to the Mississippi valley, but they are beginning to leap over the Alleghanies and invade the country east of that barrier. In the earlier part of the summer western Pennsylvania was visited by storms which in their fury and destructiveness bore a family resem.- blaace to the regular prairie cyclone, Similar visitations occurred in other parts of the eastern states, and now we have to chronicle the invasion of New England by a storm which had the characteristics of the Wild West, with much the appearance of having jump- ed directly from the Mississippt Valley, landing with both feet on the his- toric soil of Massachusetts. It ripped through South Lawrence and North Andover as if they were nothing more than Swedish settlements in Dakota, and took liberties which no well be- haved storm would take in a state which contains Bunker Hill Monu- ment and Plymouth Rock, to say noth- ing about the Hub itself. Scores of homes were blown down and thousands of trees uprooted in the pathway of the whirling wind, which was 300 feet in width and fully a mile long. Its conduct was exactly like that of a prairie cyclone in that it made its appearance in a dark swirl of copper colored clouds which played havoc with every thing it could get hold of, and then, mount- ing upward, spent its fury in mid- air. In addition to the destruction of property, eight people were killed outright and a much larger number were injured, These atmospheric demonstrations are becoming unpleasantly frequent, and their coming east is a circum- stance more alarming than interesting to eastern people. Spawls from the Keystone, ~There is a servant girl's home at Alleghany City. —Several veins of coal have been found near York. : —Since the begining of the year 160 child. ren have died in Reading. —An old resident of Upper Ed dys carriesan umbrella 82 years old. —A force of men at Johnstown is still engage ed in searching for the dead. —Four hundred pounds of butter is the year= ly yield of a cow at Three Tuns. —A canal boatman near Easton had his jaw entirely kicked away by a mule. —Cumberland county farmers are annoyed by the great number of rabbits. —A flying bird has been frozen in the centre of a cake of artificial ice at Lancaster. —The soldiers’ orphans of the State will hold a reunion at Williamsport on August 19. —Unclaimed valuables recovered at Johns- town will be sold by auction at Pittsburg. —A careless McKeesport boy going to bank allowed $130 in notes to blow away from him. —Jacob Moyer, of Sellersville, who was kiciz- ed in the stomach by a colt,;has died from the shock. —A little settlement near Iogelsville is named Bull Frog, because of its great frog population. —Lock Haven calithumpian serenaders got at the wrong house and received a hot water reception. —Daniel Webster was arrested for selling liguor from a hand-bag at a Pittsburg Sunday- school pienie. —Mrs. Adam Wuchter, of Whitehall, near Allentown, has passed her 119th consecutive day without tood. —People at New Holland, Lancaster county, are hunting a naked man who is roaming in the woods of their vicinity. —The great numbers of toads which fel] up= on Williamsport recently in a storm seem to be migrating northward. —A Chester county butcher keeps his ice. house in operation by the use of great snow= balls gathered in place of ice. —Barney McGuire, of Scranton, imagines that the members of his family are all dead, and his wailing annoys the neighborhood. —A 2-year-old child at Blanco, Armstrong county, playing around a carriage, had its head caught between the spokes and was strangled, --Max Berndt, a Norristown tailor, 33 years old, whose wife left him some weeks ago be- cause of his dissipation, committed suicide by shooting. —A father, in a gibbering state of intoxica- tion at his child's faneral, was the sight tha aroused the ire of some Schwenksville people. —A Pittsburg couple went to Youngstown, Ohio, to get married. In twenty minutes after their arrival they had joined, and had caught a return train, —Otto D. Miller, a Cumberland county farmer, has twelve acres of wheat which he has raised from a single grain found in 1883 in a bag of coffee. —All the conductors of the Reading service have relinquished their membership in tha Conductor's Brotherhood except three, wha have left the company. —A final dividend of two mills on the dollar was paid the fifteen creditors of 8. B. W. Gill, who absconded from Pittsburg in 1874 leaving a deficit of $400,000, —A Schuylkill county Magistrate says that calathumpian parties are nuisances, and he has directed the constables of his township to arrest all such offenders. —Henry Geib, of Lebanon, for thirty-five years sexton of the First Reformed Church at that place, died the other day after having made graves for over 150¢ persons. —A cow owned by Edward Brown,of West Chester, died suddenly a few days ago, and a post-mortem examination showed a nail work- ing its way through the animal's heart. —Samuel Leaman, one of the oldest farmers in Lancaster county, died Satur day, aged 95 years. Grief at the death of a brother in April, 93 years old, was the cause of death. —While Jacob Keller, aged 18 years, was driving across the Reading Railroad near Mertztown, Berks county, Saturday, he was struck by a locomotive and instantly killed, ag were also his two horses. —Farmer Nelson Decker, of Damascus Township, Wayne County, was robbed of $3000 by two men who induced him to draw the money from bank on pretense of making an engagement to buy his property. —Bernard Fitzpatrick, a newsboy at Glendon, while searching for a bird’s nest on a tree near his home on Wednesday evening, fell head foremost to the ground, a distance of sevens teen feet, and fractured his skull. —John Landis was found dead seated in an upright position in the Sheridan depot, Le~ banon, on Wednesday night. On the body was found a ticket for Ephrata, Lancaster county, Death was due to paralysis of the heart. —Under the impression that opposition to their announced marriage would be made at the church an Easton couple slipped away to New Jersey and were married while the invite ed guests sat waiting in the church for their appearance. —The funeral services of Miss Jennie Wel. den, who committed suicide at Danbore, Bueks county, on Monday, were held at her parents’ residence Wednesday. Between 200 and 300 carriages followed the re mains to the grave in Hope Cemetery, Doylestown. —Frank Gerade, of Allegheny, who beat out the brains of his 9-year old daughter in Allegheny, on March 15 last, was placed on trial for murder in Pittsburg. His counsel] pleaded present insanity, but the jury found Gerade sane. The trlal will now be proceeded with. = Two additional deaths from typhoid fever of employees of an umbrella manufacturing firm in Lancaster makes a total of five deaths thus far. The disease originated from a well the water of which the employees used for drinking purposes. This water was contamine ated with poisonous substances. —Henry Lauer was arrested at Pcttsville on the charge of being one of the three men who enticed John “Culberi from a hotel in Reading, one the 19th inst. robbed him of g gold watch worth $125, and several hundred dollars, and then beat him till he was une conscious. —Oswald Uhlhorn, who was committed to Jail at Pottsville, on charge of beating his wife, took his quart jar of molasses and poured its contents overhis head and naked body, and then tore open the chaff bag of his bed and rolled in it. He became violent when an ate tempt was made to wash him, and it was neas essary to manele him,