Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 25, 1890, Image 1

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    Ink Slings.
—The Grangers are preparing to run
a pretty big farrow through the politi-
cal field of the boundless West.
—The dog-days are upon us, and the
absolute rule of the Speaker, which was
said to be intended to facilitate business,
doesn’t seem to facilitate “worth a
—The Senate hesitates about consum-
mating the Force Bill iniquity. It would
be well for the reputation of that body
if its hesitation should end in re-
—If Mr. BLAINE should ever again
have occasion to cable from Europe about
the tariff, the tenor of his dispatch would
most likely be different from what it
was two years ago.
—The Quay machine will be run to
its full capacity in this campaign, but
the farmers are coming to the conclusion
that it is a kind of machinery that isn’t
best adapted to agricultural interests.
—Some Republican papers object to
ParrisoN for the reason that he was
born in Maryland. Probably these sec-
tional journals think the less of Wasn-
INGTON because he was a native of Vir-
—Pennsylvania isn’t going to be fav-
ored with a fruit crop this year, but
there will be an unusually large crop of
independent Republican voters, which
will benefit the State more than a big
yield of apples.
—Governor CAMPBELL, of Ohio, looks
for a Democratic majority of seventy-
five in the next House. If the Force
Bill should pass, the Governor would
come nearer the correct figure by put-
ting it at a hundred.
—The Indians belonging to Buffalo
Bill's show complain of bad treatment
while illustrating aboriginal life before
the crown-heads of Europe. The con-
dition of poor Lo isn’t improved much
by his joining a circus.
— What a pity that Representative
HarMER’s dislike for the Force Bill
didn’t materialize in his voting. against
it. It is an unfavorable commentary
on his independence that the Speaker’s
lash overcame his aversion to this iniqui-
tous measure.
—The alleged discovery of a tin mine
in California is a public calamity, inas-
much as it will furnish an excuse for
clapping a heavier duty on tinplate and
putting every kitchen in the country
under tribute to the syndicate that will
work that mine.
—The Press has discovered that Gro-
vER CLEVELAND is private counsel for
the Louisiana Lottery Company. So
rich a development as this has not been
made by any Republican paper since the
time of the alleged discovery that
CLEVELAND beat his wife.
— Although the McKinley bill kindly
furnishes the farmer with protection to
his beans and cabbages, it doesn’t con-
tain “a line or a section that will open a
market for another bushel of wheat or
barrel of pork.” We have Mn.
Braine’s word for this and he ought to
—Considering the fact that the Uni-
on Pacific Railroad company owes the
United States government a large
amount of money which it doesn’t in-
tend to pay, the recent granting of gov-
ernment land to that corporation by
Secretary NoBLE looks very much like
a case of surperfluous liberality.
—Isn’t it about time for ANNIE
RooNEY to take her summer vacation?
Should she repair to some ocean retreat
where the wild waves tell their melan-
choly tale, and, In imitation of McGIN-
TY, plunge to the bottom of the sea,
there would be a general sigh of relief.
In short, Miss RoONEY is getting to be
a bore.
—There couldn’t be better evidence
that the surplus is pretty nearly used up
than the fact that the River and Harbor
bill, that time honored absorber of the
public funds, will likely be dropped for
this session. The financial condition is
certainly at a low ebb when the River
and Harbor patriots can’t have their an-
nual whack at the treasury.
—The Iron and Steel Institute of
Great Britain, together with the most
prominent iron and steel manufacturers
of England, France, Belgium and Ger-
many, will visit this country in a few
weeks. Are these fellows coming over
to spirit away the McKinley bill?
Speaker Regn should keep the precious
-document under lock and key while
they are in this country.
—The Chinese authorities are mad
about their countrymen being excluded
from this country and threaten to retali-
ate by keeping Americans out of the
Flowery Kingdom. But the almond-
eyed gentlemen ought to know that the
situations are different. The Yankee
doesn’t want to occupy China to the ex-
tent that Ah Sin wants {o overflow the
United States.
VOL. 35.
we ©
Presidential Land Speculation.
The Harrison appetite for real estate
has been sharpened by the gift of the
Cape May cottage, and visions of profit-
able speculation in that line are ran-
ning through the heads of the family.
It is announced that the Presidential
connection, including Mrs. HARRISON,
father-in-law Scorr, Mrs. McKEg,moth-
er of the celebrated Baby, Private Sec-
tary Havrorp and Typewriter ALICE
Sancur,all inmates of the White House,
have lent their names to the booming
of a speculation in real estate in the
neighborhood of Washington in which
they are represented to have purchased
an interest, hut more likely have been
taken into a syndicate, without price,
for the sake of the prestige they would
impart to the operation. The President,
with an exalted regard for the dignity
of his office, holds aloof from the deal,
but, of course, couldn’t be expected to
restrain his thrifty wife from making a
little money in a speculation that will
be boomed by its connection with the
Presidential family.
There is every appearance that the
lady of the White House is ‘on the
make.” It is said of her that she re-
cently remarked that BexjamiN would
save the larger part of his salary, and
her frugal mind strongly inclines her to
devote every hour of Presidential sun-
shine to the making of hay that will
be useful to the family after the head
of it shall have become a private—a
very private—gentleman.
Speculating in real estate by a Presi-
dential family isnot asbad as receiving
it as a gift, and yet in a recent inter-
view Mrs. HArrisoN condemned such
a method of Presidential thrift, in the
following language :
There have been suggestions from various
sources about the President's purchasing a
summer home in the suburbs of Washington,
which, at the end of his official term, might be
sold at a considerable advance. We have had
an example of this, but the President will not
use his official rank as a means of making
money, even to the'extent of purchasing a
home for his summer use and selling it when
he retires from office. The President has de-
cided scruples about that.
This was intended as a hit at Presi-
dent CLEVELAND for buying Oak View
and selling it for more than he paid
for it, which she then assumed to re-
gard as being a good deal more repre-
hensible than the acceptance of a gift
cottage ; but now the distinguished la-
dy, as a partner in the Glen Echo
Heights speculation, engages in the
kind of real estate operation for which
she infereniially condemned Mr.
Mr. Harrison's delicate sense of
what becomes his official position pre-
cludes his name from being connected
with the speculation that is to be boom-
ed by its connection with the White
House, but the profits accruing from it
aud going into the family will nicely
supplement the large saving of salary
Ly which the circumstances of the
Harrisons will be made comfor-
table after they shall have gone back
to Indianapolis.
-—Judge, the pictorial organ of the
President, is foolish in making fun of
James G. BraiNe. To picture him as
“Jealous Jim” may be considered
smart by those who get up the pictures
for that sheet, but there is nothing con-
nected with Mr. Harrison or his po-
litical fortunes that can make BLAINE
Agricultural Politics.
There are signs of unusual political
activity among the farmers. The “Al-
liance” threatens to shake the politics
of some portions of the South as if by
an earthquake. In Minnesota the
people who till the soil have placed a
State ticket in the field and their lead:
ers declare * this means the beginning
of anew political party.” Their platform
is well intended, but it comprehends
some things that are visionary and im-
practical, as well as others that would
serve a good purpose. It calls for
governmental control of railroads, free
and open markets for grain, proper fa-
cilities of transportation, the deduction
of mortgage indebtedness from the tax
on realty, lower interest, an increase in
the volume of money, free coinage of
silver, and the election of United States
Senators and railroad commissioners by
the people. From this miscellaneous
assortment of demands the Minnesota
farmers ought to be able to get some-
thing that will benefit them.
Warning from a Laber Source.
The Labor Union, of Pittsburg,which
is entitled to the distinetion of being the
ablest and most extensively circulated
labor organ in the country, employs
some plain and forcible language in
speaking of the work of the present
congress aad the control which the
spoilsmen and the boodlers are allowed
to exert over the Republican party.
It attributes Republican degenera-
cy to the fact of the party's being too
long in power, which has had the ef
fect of drawing to it the political vul-
tures whose subsistence is derived
from party spoils. Oue of its recent
articles,from which the following is an
extract, will no donbt make an impres-
sion upon its numerous readers :
The fact is the Republican party has been
going the way of a party long in power forade-
cade. Spoilsmen have been coming to the
front until they are so numerous as to insist
upon the arbitrary and hypocritical legislation
proposed at the present session of congress
under the impression that they can win under
the party name and gather in the boodle
without end, which latter is their object in
In stating the matter this way we are not
swayed by party politics. This congress has
done much that is bad-the house particularly-
with remarkably little that is good. At the rate
Speaker Reed’s gang has been rushing, except
there shall be a marked intervention of provi-
dence or the defeat of the crowd by the people
at the polls, this country may expect panic,
politically and commercially, within a few
Nothing could be truer than the as-
sertion that the proceedings of the pres-
ent congress have a tendency to politi-
cal and commercial panic.
There is a good account from
Perry county. It is reported upon reli
able authority that from ten to twenty
Republicans in each of the thirty elec-
tion districts have declared their inten-
tion to not only vote for Roserr E.
ParTison, but to labor for his success.
Thus far the desertiovs from the Repub-
lican camp are principally by far-
mers and they belong to a class
whose change indicates a political
revolution. The movement for Parti
sox is likely to carry along with it all
the Prohibition voters in Perry county.
Complaint from a High Quarter.
Mr. BLAINE, in his letter to Senator
Fry, makes the following doleful
complaint : |
Our foreign market for breadstuffs grows
narrower. Great Britain is exerting every
nerve to secure her bread supply from India,
and the rapid expansion of the wheat area in
Russis gives usa powerful competitor in the
markets of Europe.
This state of affairs in a great meas-
ure has been brought about by our war
tariff, and it will be made worse by the
passage of the McKinley bill of which
Mr. BraiNg, in the same letter, says
“ there is not a section or a line in the
“ entire bill that will open a market for
“ another bushel of wheat or another
“ barrel of pork.”
But it does not look consistent for
him to indulge in complaint about this
situation. Two years ago, when Grov-
ER CLEVELAND told the people that
a war tariff was baving this very effect,
the message which the Maine states.
man cabled across from Europe was:
“Don’t touch that tariff; keep your
hands off that sacred instrument of
protection.” ;
It is encouraging to see that Mr.
Braing is changing his views on this
subject, at the time,too, when the leath-
er-headed advocates of a high tariff
think they see a great triumph of
American policy in the circumstance
of foreign nations protesting against
the McKinley bill, which they are
moved to do because they want to buy
our agricultural productions but will
be absolutely prevented from doing so
by the increased illiberality of our
tariff regulations.
——The club composed of Pennsyl-
nia Republican office-holders at
Washington, of which Joan I. Rank.
iN, of Bellefonte, a brother-in-law of
General Hastings, is President, held
an ‘‘enthusiastic” meeting the other
night in ratification of Quay’s State
ticket. Concerning these Republican
officials at the seat of government it
may be pertinently asked, what are
they there for if not to ratify the Boss's
nominations ?
——Speaker Rego has failed to bull-
doze the Senate, which displays a pre-
ference for a Force Bill of its own. It
may be less tyranical and brutal than
the measure which the ITouse has been
forced to pass, and it may not materi-
alize at all.
The National Guard Encampment.
The State militia of Pennsylvania,
known as the National Guard, during
the past week have had a pleasant,
and no doubt, in a military sense, a
profitable time in camp at Mt. Gretna.
Unusual preparations and arrange
ments were made to insure the success
of this gathering of citizen soldiers.
The ranks of the various companies
were well filled: with the best speci-
mens of the young manhood of the
State. The soldierly spirit pervading
them was at its highest pitch. The
officers, from the commander-in-chief
down to the corporals, were animated
by thre sentiment which among military
people is called esprit de corps. A de-
tachment of the regular army, with
regular army officers in command, ad-
ded to the soldierly character of the en-
campment and imparted instruction to
the less experienced guardsmen by
their superior drill and tactics: In all
its arrangements and appeintments,
and in its general purpose, ‘it appears
to have surpassed any previous encamp-
ment of the State militia.
The State has reason to bet proud of
its citizen soldiers. They are*a fine
body of young men who will be of" ger-
vice to their country in the hour of
danger, and they are of a character
that will cause no danger to their coun-
try. A large standing army, hired to
do military duty, is a manace to the
liberty of a people. But where the
military force is composed of citizens,
voluntarily doing service and at the
same time continuing their personal as-
sociation and civil relations with the
general mass of the people,.such a sol-
diery strengthens rather than menaces
the liberties of a repablie.
mma Gos TSEC aa.
——There is something so evidently
crooked in the pension bureau that the
resolution to investigate certain charges
against Commissioner Raum should
not bave been dropped. The reason
given for dropping it was that an
investigation would be too expensive.
This is a poor excuse and should
not be advanced under any circumstan-
ces where wrong is to be unearthed.
If an investigation would stop an
improper use of the public money in
the pension department it would be
good economy to institute it.
A Curious Statement.
The following curioas bit of political
information appeared in a recent num-
ber of the New York Sun :
One of the singular features of the ‘recent
campaign for delegates to the Republican Con-
vention fo nominate a candidate for Governor
in Pennsylvania was that the city of Johnstown,
to whos¢ assistance Gen. D. H. Hastings rode
sixty es over the mountains "as soon as he
heard ofthe great flood, and where he remain-
ed in charge of the relief work for six weeks
until the State work was finished, elected dele-
gates fof the other fellow. The explanation is
said to lejthat Johnstown people have the frail-
ties of a'dinary humanity, and every one of
them wlo got a smaller slice off the relief
fund thi some neighbor, blamed §Gen. Hast-
ings forthe difference.
Thek has been a good deal of non-
sense yritten in relation to General
Hastings’ connection with the John-
stown food, but the above ‘takes the
cake.”| The General did not lose the
Cambrh county delegates because the
party wters in Johnstown ungratefully
preferrid “the other fellow,” but be.
cause tie county convention was jug
gled inp way that gave the delegates
to DejAMATER against the decided
prefereice of a great majority of the
peoplebf Johnstown and, in fact, of
Cambra county, for Hasrinas. The
result ¢ the general election in that
countys likely to show how the peo-
ple of he Conemaugh valley regard
the tric by which the General was de-
prived ff the county delegates. In all
probablity “the other fellow” will be
badly at in that region at the Novem-
ber elecion.
—loor old Philadelphia is numer-,
ously Pn by Republican mem-
hers inhe House, but fails to get any
of the teasury plunder which congress
is so lvishly distributing. Millions
are beig' squandered, but the four
Philad(phiajg. o. p. congressmen, who
have lat such ready assistance to the
many themes for the depletion of the
treasur, have been unable to secure
an appbpriation for the League Island
navy yrd. Philadelphia isn’t suffi-
cientlylewarded for her unwavering
NO. 29.
Not the Best Reason, But It Will Do.
One Republican Senator at least,
Pabpock, of Nebraska, has independ.
ence and courage enough to announce
his. opposition to the outrageous
Force Bill. His reason for opposing
it is not of the highest kind, but still it
will answer its purpose. The iniqui-
tous measure should be opposed be:
cause it is wrong—politically and mor-
ally wrong. Pappock says he will not
support it for the reason that the outrage
upon the southern people, of which it
will be the medium, will so exasperate
them that they will cease to be custo-
mers of northern manufacturers and
producers by boycotting their goods.
This stand is not taken on very high
ground, it being prompted by motives
of self-interest, but in effect 1t will do
as well as if the Nebraska Senator ob-
jected to the Force Bill because it
would conflict with the principle of free
elections and thereby impair the basis
of republican government.
principal of the Standard Oil monopo-
lists, has contributed $6,500 to assist
in defraying the current expenses of a
western Baptist Theological Seminary,
and $50,000 to its endowment fund.
This-1s paraded in a telegraphic head-
line as “Jory D. RocKEFELLER's Gen-
erosity,”” The wealth of this petro-
leum vampire is estimated at one hun-
dred and fifty millions of dollars, all
of which Kags been accumulated in the
comparatively, short period that has
elapsed since the war, by methods that
have secured an vnequal and unjust
share of one of nasurds great produc-
tions. A little of this 1] gotten wealth
given in an elemosynary vay can hard-
ly be classed under the head of gener-
osity.. It is a perversion of the term.
This: Reckless Congress.
A more appropriate term could aot
have been applied to the present con-
gress than that used bg. the cons fwa-
tive and respectable Philadelphia
Ledger,which,. in speaking of the course
it is pursuing, calls it “This Reckless
Congress.” In consequence of its ae-
tion “the federal treasury,” says the
Ledger, “has been drifting from af-
fluence to bankruptcy.” It asks
Could this have happened if the appropria-
tion bills at this session had all been obliged
to pass the ordeal of one committee charged
with the entire jurisdiction of that subject, as
was the practice when Samuel J. Randall was
a power in the house—when he was at the
head of the appropriation committee—or when
he was in the speaker’s chair and made up the
membership of that committee ? It would have
been impossible.
Nothing could have brought out in
bolder relief the recklessness of which
the Ledger speaks than the fact that the
treasury which was overflowing with a
surplus when: this congress convened,
will show a deficit by the time its
measures of expenditure are in full
operation, notwithstanding there is be-
ing poured into it from every hand the
proceeds of unnecessary and oppres-
sive taxation.
The conservative Philadelphta jour-
nal indulges in further reprobation of
“this reckless congress,” as follows :
And now in this republican congress we are
having the exigencies of party politics—plus
Mr. Speaker Reed’s personal ambition and
spirit of individual domination-leading to their
logical results. The speaker's rules were
adopted upon the plea that they facilitate
business. How have they facilitated business
in any other sense than in facilitating bad busi-
ness? They were adopted in order to place
the business of the house under control of the
majority of the house—that is,'the majority as
counted by the Speaker, Well, now that that
consummation has been brought about, and
the business is under that control, has the
house achieved anything to which the republi-
can party will point with pride in 1892, or even
in the year "91 ?
The tyranical measures of the Speak-
er, which have subverted the long es-
tablished customs of the House, were
adopted for the alleged reason that
they were needed to facilitate business
but, as the Ledger remarks, the busi-
ness that has been facilitated is bad
business which has depleted the treas-
ury, while congress is stuck, in the
midst of the dog-days, on the measures
in which the business of the country
and the interest of the people are most
involved. Truly it is a “Reckless
—Chairman KERR, who, as a Repre-
sentative in congress, is after the viola-
tors of the contract labor law with a
very sharp stick, is well calculated to
lead in a campaign in which labor is
going to assert itself against the kind of
government which too long in this
State has favored the employing interest
at the expense of the working people,
loyaltylo the blessed tariff,
-— dd
Spawls from the Keystone.
epee re
per month.
—Johnstown’s population is greater than
be fore the flood.
—A pair of white robins with pink eyes were
| caught at West Goshen last week.
—The hail-storm near Norristown a few days
ago killed sparrows by the hundreds.
—A poll of Pottsville’s newspaper men would
give Pattison an overwhelming majority.
—Some Schuylkill county census enumera-
tors have refused to finish their work,
—Samuel Gardon, a Welsh Mountain farmer,
killed a 13-foot black snake a few days ago.
—Matthias Berger, the murdered hermit of
the Blue Mountains, was buried at Reading.
| —Abonquet of flowers frozen in the centro
of a cake of ice is on exhibition at Lancaster,
—As he slept on the grass a snake crawled
into the pocket of Charles Bearton, of Ames’
TA German negro who cannot speak Eng-
lish was nearly killed by being run over at
—Lancaster’s independent military company
has made application to be mustered into the
National Guard.
—A4 big dog dancing in front of a reaper near
Norristown came in contact with the knives,
and had its four legs cut off.
= A sparr ow at Colestown built a nest in the
running-gear of a farmer's wagon, and makes
a'trip to market every week.
—Bristol police are kept busy in preventing
small boys from bathingin the canal opposite
the mills.
—Andrew J. Kirschner, a leading lawyer of
Allegheny, - committed suicide by shooting
hi mself through the heart.
—Hettie Byers, of Grapeville, was attacked
by a huge rat while engaged in feeding ehick-
ens and was terribly bitten.
—Reuben Hunter, of Spring City, had part of
his tongue torn away by a dentist who was en«
deavoring to extract a tooth.
—Copper pennies and lath nails are the diet
of a dog at Norristown, and, strange enough,
he belongs to a hardware man.
—At the Reading Iron Company’s tube
works on Monday 100 tons of six-inch oil-ling
pipe was made in twenty hours.
—Mrs. Adam ‘Wuchter,. of White Hall, has
passed the 112th day without food and her con
dition is no more critical than a week ago.
—During a gust of wind a horse blanket
was lifted from the animal’s back at Plymouth
and, carried to the top ofa neighboring tree,
—Tbomas: Evans,. of Lancaster, drove
through a toll-gate without paying toll, was ar-
rested and his effort to save 3 cents toll cost
him £8.50.
—A Doylestown: miss visiting Norristown
got up to look out’of the window a few nights
ago and poked her head through a pane of
plate- glass.
—Chief of Police Charles Dimmick, of Tos
Wanda, while pursuing tramps across a bridge
at Wilkesbarre, fell through the structure and
was killed.
—The parts ofa harvesting machine on the
farm of Samuel Geil, at New Brittain, became
heated and burst out into flames, destroying
the machine,
—Willie Brewster, son ‘of - John . Brewster,
a Chester labever, slipped off a. rock intq
Chester Creek while fishing on Monday, and
was drowned.
“Peter Egolf,Sr., aged 93 years, who hag
been an active farmer, for eighty-three years,
is probly the senior agriculturist of the
Schuylky) valley.
—Duringq heated spell a few days aga
workmen retgyed a street rail at Reading,
and it expandetyo much that it could not be
put back in its phae,
—For several Wwnings daring the past
week the temperature wound Norristown has
ranged at 53 degress. SNe frost was notices
able at several piaces.
—A baby near Doylestown. wag found ta
have lost a finger in a very my®erious way a
few days ago. The member was Cu, completes
ly off, but no ene knows how. :
—A bunch of human hair oa the cow-sgtcher
of an engine at Lancaster an invesjga-
tion which revealed the mangled body of ga
man on the track a few miles back.
— Pittsburg brewers, who pay .a Government
license, a State license and acity business tax»
will resist the collection of the mercantile tax
which they are now called on to pay.
—The Board of Health at Lancaster closed
the umbrella factory of Rose Bros. & Hartman,
forty of whese employes are down with tys
phoid fever; the result of bad drainage.
—Pittsburg police officials have made an on,
slaught on the eanine population, but made no
provisions for the removal of their carcasses,
and the streets are reeking with stench.
A mysterious prisonerat Lancaster desper-
ately resisted when an attempt was made to
photograph him, and finally gained his point
temporarily by demolishing the eamera.
—Reports from the storm-swept district of
the State, show that the crops were badly ine
jured. The property. loss at Allentown is:
placed at $15,000 and at:Hellertown at $25,000.
—Michael Gibbons, a. National Guardsman,
26 years old, was mangled to death under &
train near Wilkesbarre on Thursday night,
He had just attended drill, and met death in
—A Citizen’s Committeehas been formed in
Chester to secure the arrest and conviction of
all persons attempting to bribe voters or other«
wise nse money illegally at the coming elec
—A pair of runaway horses at Poecopson
township became entangled ina barbed wire
fence, and during their struggles they disturbs
ed a wasps’ nest, and both were covered with
gomery county, has five men in his employ,
tour of whom are named George. He also hag
a girl named Georgiana and two horses called
—Elias Harlocher, of Friedensville, was bits
ten by a copperhead snake and counteracted
whiskey. He then went back to the spot and
killed the snake. |
—Miss Jennie McDonald, of Pitts burg, who
was to have been married on August 8, coms
mitted suicide by jumping into the Monongas
hela River. She had been told by a fortunes
teller that her bridal dress would be her
shroud. i
—Charles Chambers and Millard = Bentley
fought over a game of cards on Thursday
night at Altoona, and when they met again
Bentley fired three bullets into Chambers
body, and then surrendered himself to await
the result of Chambers’ injuries.
—Joshua W. Paxson, of Upper Dublin, Mont.
the poison by drinking a quart and a pint of
—The Cornwall ore hills yields 70,600 tons.