HELE, Friday Morning, July 18, 1890. : To CorrEsroNDENTS. — No communications ' published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. Mr. M. H. Guisr, of Penn Hall, is the duly uthorized agent of the Warcamax for Gregg swnship. B— THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY. ——About forty dollars were cleared by the ladies of the M. E. church at their sociable on Thursday evening ot last week. ——Prof. D. M. Lieb and County Superintendent Etters meeting of the Teachers’ Association at Mauch Chunk lest week. ——A two year-old boy of Wm. Slay, near Philipsburg, was burned to death last week by his dress taking fire from a match with which he was playing. ——To-morrow, the 19th, Co., B, of this place, will leave for the annual en- campment of the P. N. G. which will be held this year at Mt. Gretna, in Lebanon county. ——Rev. Daniel Hartman, of Mill Hall, the noted and venerable Metho- -dist preacher, has reached the 80th year of his age and celebrated that memor- able event last week. ——1In the death of Col. Henry Royer | which happened last week of dropsy and ‘old age, in his ninty-fifth vear, Rebers- burg lost one of its most respected and venerable citizens. ~——Mr. William Shortlidge and wife, Mrs. C. T. Alexander and Misses. Agnes and Jennie Alexander, all of Bellefonte, have heen enjoying the sea breezes at Atlantic City. According to the Clearfield Re- publican, butter is so plenty there that one of the merchants dumped 200 lbs. of it into the river recently, to make room for the choice product. ——We understand that Mr. Thomas Shoemaker, Superintendent of the Buffalo Run railroad, contradicts the report that preparations are being made for the extension of the railroad. ——Mrs. D. H. Hastings, Miss Jen- nie Saltsman and her mother, Miss Hellen Hastings and Miss Bella Rankin will visit the encampment at Mt. Gret- na after spending a week at Avon, N.d. : ——Misses Rosa Baum and Jennie and Blanche Fauble, three pretty maids of Bellefonte, who have been visiting Miss Fannie Schimdt, returned to their homes on Tuesday.—Philipsbury Led- ger. ——Miss Catharine Harris, of this place, and grand-daughter of ex-Gov. Curtin, graduated with high honors at the Gabriel school, Peekskill, N. Y., at the recent commencement of that in- stitution. ——Captain W. P. Doucal died in Milton last week of heart failure. He was a son of the eminent physician, Dr. James Dougal, deceased, and one of Miiton’s most prominent citizens. He was aged 66. ——The board of directors of the American Axe and Tool Company, in- cludes, among others, James H. Mann, J. Fearon Mann, Thomas R. Mann and A. C. Mann. The board is certain- ly well Manned. : ——Herbert Bartley, an employee of this office, had the second finger of his right hand badly crushed on Tuesday morning last while fixing the driving shaft of the large press, his finger hav- ing been caught in a flying pulley. ——1It is surprising, indeed. to note the amount of travel there is on the three early morning trains leaving this place. Owing to the exceptional con- nections made by them they have be- come very popular with our citizens. — It is reported that Mat Quay’s candidate for Governor will visit Belle- fonte in the near future and exert his persuasive powers on the large number of recalcitrant Republicans who are averseto supporting the favorite of the Boss. ~——Charles Lloyd, ot Houtzdale, at- tempted to celebrate the Fourth by ex- ploding dynamite. He succeeded in badly injuring his face, blowing off an ear and shattering his right arm to such an extent that amputation was ne- cessary. ——1In the tennis tournament played on the court on East Linn street, the winners of the first prizes were J. R. Hughes and George Jackson, jr., which were a belt and sash. The second best players were Thomas Mitchell and E. ‘Blanchard, jr. Halfmoon township has 187 ‘dwellings houses and a population of 746. There are 25 soldiers and widows of soldiers at present residing in the ‘township. The oldest citizen in the township is James Ebs who is now in ‘his 95th year. It is reported that Major Wolf, of Philipsburg, is going to undertake the hopeless task of being elected Sheriff on the Republican ticket, and that C. IL. Fryberger, of the same place would like to try his luck again for Legislature on ithe-same ticket. attended the i Licar WugAT CRrOP IN CLINTON County.—Farmers who are in the city “to-day stated that the wheat crop is not ! == | near as good as it was expected it would { be a few weeks ago. The crop did not ; head well, and the grain is of poor i quality as a general thing. = Ona tarmer i said he ‘believed the crop in Clinton , county would not average eight bushels to the acre. — Lock Haven Express. A Goop BEAR STorRY.—At Dry Run | (near Fort Bend) a sow, with a goodly i litter of pig, strayed off into the moun- ; tains, where her family was attacked | and destroyed by a bear. While dead | pigs were strewn all around and some | had been eaten, the brave sow made a gallant fight for her family and bruin had more than he could manage. The sow was in a terrible fury and would | have gotten the better of the bear had the latter not been frightened off by the i appearance of Mr. Goodman upon the 1 ' scene.— Lock Haven Democrat. A Goop Gurss—M. S. Falck, of Ber- lin’s drug store on Juniata street, Ty- rone, on the first of June inawburated a guessing contest. as to the population | of Tyrone, With every soda water sold the purchaser was given an oppor- tunity make a guess. Nos. 14 and 261 | were held by Claude Jones of the Her- ald,and J. Van Wilson, who each es- | timated the population at 4,697—being within five of the actual number. Cuts were drawn and J. Van Wilson came out first best, Claude Jones taking the ; second. | A Case SETTLED.--The William- | sport Sun and Banner of last Friday -says : Sheriff Cooke, of Centre county, | came down from Bellefonte this morn- | ing to see our county officials about the releasing of Ben Fulton, a member of the Undine Hose Company, of Belle- fonte; who celebrated a little too much on the Fourth and got into the county jail on the charge of taking some pro- perty from his hotel proprietor. The sheriff says that Ben never was guilty of anything like that before, and hi® friends feel that he ought to be released. He couldn't stand the great crack and whack of our big display of fireworks without taking too much liquid refresh- ments, and it was an unintentional error. The sheriff stated that the pros- ecutor was perfectly willing to settle the case and let Mr. Fulton go home to his family. The case wus settled this after- noon. DxATH CAUSED BY ICE WATER. — Last Monday forenoon Howard McClel- lan, a 23 year-old son of farmer Jo- seph McClellan, living near Tussey- ville, died from the effects of drinking ice water while heated. He came off the mow, where he had been receiving sheaves from the wagon, and while dripping with perspiration drank. about a half-pint of ice-water. In a few min- utes afterwards he fell over dead. He was an exemplary young man. A drink of whisky, under tke circum- stances, would have been less injurious to him than ice-water, but neither of them should be used in harvest. A peculiarly sad incident of this case consisted in the circumstance that the young man had intended to start for school that morning, but, at the solicita- tion of his father, who had been engag- ed to dig a grave, he remained and as- sisted in hauling in grain. His father was in the graveyard when the news of his son’s death was brought him,and the shock was so great that the old gentle- man was completely prostrated and it was at first thought he would have to be carried home. How SuHiNTOWN Gor ITs NAME. —A correspondent of the Renovo Record, writing from Shintown, Clinton county, says: ‘About the year 1837, when Gov- ernor Ritrer held the reins of the State government, it appeared the proper thing to build a canal from Philadelphia to Erie, and to this end, sections vary- ing in length were let to contractors, to build along the Susquehanna, and else- where. The money to pay these con- tractors was furnished by the State, ard in currency called shinplasters. The Hon. Thaddeus Stevens was the State's paymaster, and came from Harrisburg every month to Shintown and other places on horseback, carrying the money in the old fashioned saddle bags to pay off the contractors. He came so often to the work, at or near the town now called Shintown, that the name soon or- iginated. ‘It is alsosaid, but we don’t believe it, that Mr. Stevens was an ex- pert poker player, and that when he came to Shintown on Saturday night he would win the money playing poker and carry it back to Harrisburg.” The facts in the above history may be substantially correct, but there is evidently a mistake in the statement that Mr. Stevens got his money back by the game of poker. That great Ameri- can game had not yet been developed in Ritner’s time. If old Thad relieved the Shintowners of their money it was done through the instrumentality of the more venerable game of old sledge. ——The ladies may be benefited by reading the Cash Bazaal’s new ad. con- , cerning Muslin Underwear. < ——Mr. James Milliken, of our town, who travels a great deal, recently visit- ed Dakota, looking after some valuable mines in that region in whizh he is in- terested. The Deadwood Pioneer, of the 27th ult., speaks of him as follows : “Mr. Milliken’s home is in Pennsylva- nia, and be bas an intimate acquaintance with the politicians and public men, not only of his own state, but of the na- tion, is deeply interested in public af- fairs and a most interesting and fluent conversationalist, He has sufficient wealth to permit indulgence of his taste for literature and politics, and as he has no personal ambitions to gratify thor- oughly enjoys it.” —--The excursion party to Snow Shee which Judge Furst gave some days ago in honor of Miss Edith Furst and her friend Miss Pillsburg, of Lawrence, Mass., was a very merry and pleasant one. Among the guests were Miss Van Gaasbeek, of Albany, N. Y., Miss Busiel, of Lacona, N. H., Miss Pills. bury, of Lawrence, Mass., Miss Scott, of Kittaning, Miss Sandford, of Knox- ville, Tenn., Misses Kistler, Reichard, Mellick and - Adams, and Mrs. Furst, Messrs. Furst, Stebbins, Fredericks and Simpson, of Lock Haven, and some twenty-four young people of Belle- fonte. —— Taylor township has 107 dwellings and a population of 597. This township has 30 soldiers and widows of soldiers, still living in it. One of 1ts citizens,John Shively, served four years and a halfin the late war; was in 26 battles, never received a wound and was not off duty a single day during that time. After he was discharged he served five years in the regular army, and has since that been quietly farming among the foot- hills of the Alleghenies. He is about 50 years of age and a Democrat. ——J. A. McClain and Bro. have purchased 500 acres of timber land on the mountain facing Centre Hall, from Gordons, and will at once put a steam saw mill at the north end of town, near the water works, and begin the manu- facture of lumber. The Walker Bros. of Milesburg will manage the opera- tion and employ about 25 hands, with headquarters at Centre Hall. The mill will be entirely new, and is already in course of erection. The corner stone of the new United Brethren church, corner of High and Thomas streets, this place, will be laid next Sunday, 20th inst. The ser- vices will be held at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The Rev. G. B. McKee, of Tyrone, will officiate on the occasion and also preach the sermon. Other prominent ministers of that church will be present. Everybody, and especially all the resident ministers, are ‘cordially invited to attend. ——1It should be stated in justice to the Undine Hose company of this place that Ben Fulton, who was arrested on the 4th of July and held in Williams- port on a charge preferred by the hotel keeper where he stopped, does not now, nor ever did, belong to the Undine Hose company, and at the time of his arrest was not wearing a uniform of said com- pany, or inany other way connected. with it. ——The DuBois Courier makes the announcement thata “well-known Du- ,Bois Republican says that he has $400 to wager on the defeat of Delamater in November.” It looks very much as if that would be a safe bet. It would be hard to find a Centre county friend of Gener- al Hastings who would venture to take that bet. ——Mr. Wilbur Harris, recently a clerk in the Bellefonte post-office, has secured a §J00 position in the census bureau at Washington. As the census work is going t. bean interminable job, Wilbur may expect to have a long tenure of office, but he won’t object, as he has a keen scent for official snaps. ——A colored camp meeting at Pine Station began last Saturday and will continue until the 20th. Rev. J. M Palmer, of Philadelphia, who has go away up in colored religious circles and is quite a preacher, and who was the Prohibition candidate for congressman at large, preached last Sunday. ——1It is reported that Coleville, an outlying suburb of Bellefonte, has be- tween 300 and 400 inhabitants. If it and the other suburbs, which are prac- tically parts of Bellefonte, were added to the latter’s population, it would make quite 8 formidable showing in the cen- sus reports. ~——While James Peters, of Point Lookout, near Philipsburg, {was work- ing in the Derby mine Thursday of last week, a block of coal fell on him, crush- ing him. It took twe men to remove it, and he was injured to such an extent that his death occurred in a few hours after. Johr F. Magiuness, ex-editor of the Williamsport Gazette § Bulletin, has been appointed by Superintendent Porter a special agent to collect statistics of manufactures at Lock Haven and Williamsport. A Laree HAUL oF Bucoric BoopLE. —We mentioned some weeks ago how Mr. Michael Grove, of College township, came near being swindled out of a large amount of money by two ro- guish adventurers who tried the three card monte game on him and pretty nearly succeeded. Scampsin this line of business operate in the rural districts all over the country and occasionally pick up big prizes, The same rascals who nearly victimized farmer Grove may be operating in the western part of the State, as a special from Beaver Falls says that Joseph Shannon, a wealthy farmer, aged 63 years, was swindle out of $9,000 on Thursday by two sharpers. The game piayed was the time-worn one with cards. A man calling himself Har- per and a confederate induced Shannon to pick out a card and then told him he had won $9,000, but before this money would be paid over he must produce that amount to prove that he could have paid if he had lost. Shannon went to the bank, drew the money, and returr- ed with it. The sharpers then took the cash from him ard skipped out. The victimized farmer has offered $5,000 for the apprehension of the two men. He thinks he was mesmerized. The game played in this case appears wonderfully like the one that came very near mak- ing Mr. Grove $3,000 short in his cash account. THE CANADA THISTLE NUISANCE. — As much complaint is heard of the spread of Canada thistles in this section, the following law on the subject should be generally known: “It shall be the duty of land owners to prevent Canada thistles from going to seed, and the seed of the same from ripening. Penalty for neglect, a fine of $15, one half to the County Treasurer, and the other to the proceeding inform- er. Parties (i. ey neighbors) aggri ved, may give five days notice, and on con- tinued neglect it shall be lawful for the former to enter the premises and cut down said thistles, or hire others to do so, and such aggrieved persons so doing may sue and recover {rom the landhold- ers $2.00 per diem for so doing.” ELEcrIoN oF K. G. E. OFFICERS. — Port Matilda Castle, No. 219, K. G. E. have elected the following officers for the ensuing six months’ term: Past Chief, A. J. Johnson; N. C.— Martin Cowpher; V. C.—A.S. Wil- liams; H. P.—W. G. L. Crain; V. H. —A. E. Price; M. of R.—R. D. Ar- dery ; C. of B.—R. D. Ardery; K. of E.—A. Y. Williams; Sir Herald— Ad- am Cowpher; W. B..—F. D. Young; W. C.—W. J. Wiser; E.—H. E. Wood- ring; Es:q.—William Daughenbaugh ; F. G.—G. J. Woodring ; S. G.—R. D. Shay; Trustees—Adam Cowpher; R. to the G. C.—S. U. Harshberger. The membership ot the Castle is 70 ; admissions during the past six months, 12; amount paid for relief in that time, $45.50; amount in treasury, $352.46, THE LAuTE GOLDEN WEDDING. — About 200 guests attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lauth, of Howard, to which we briefly alluded last week, Among the distin- guiskod guests present were Bishop Me- Govern, of Harrisburg, together with Rev. Fathers Brennan, of Driftwood, Sheridan, of Clearfield, Koch, of Sham- okin, Gormley, of Renovo, Power and Seibert, of Lock Haven. High mass was celebrated by Father Brennan and the benediction pronounced by the Bis- hop. Rev. Father Seibert was master of ceremonies and the singing was rendered by a choir from Lock Haven. A num- ber of toasts were offered, two of which were replied to by Bishop McGovern and ex-Gov, Curtin. New Granees.—The following indi- cates the growth of the granger organ- ization in this State : On June 4th ‘Worthy Deputy Geary C- Bell organized Grange No. 751, Wayne county, Pa., with 13 members. On June 16th Worthy Deputy Geary C. Bell organized a Grange in Salem township, Wayne county, Pa., with 23 charter members. On June 25th Worthy Deputy George Searle Mackey organized a Grange at Great Bend in Susquehanna county, Pa., with 24 charter members. On July 1st Worthy State Overseer S F. Maxwell organized a Grange in Der- ry township, Westmoreland county, Pa., with 27 charter members. HoURS FOR SPRINKLING THE STREETS. —The Bellefonte Water Committee has set the following hours as the only al- lowable times wghen persons can sprinkle their lawns, gardens, orthe street : From 7 to 8 in the morning, from 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 in the evening. This allows three hours a day for sprinkling purposes, and owing to the continual pumping now required to keep up the water supply, it is all that can be allowed or should be expected. As it is,there are some of the higher places in Bellefonte that do not have water more than two thirds the of time. —— While Mr. Ephraim Keller, of near Axe Mann, one day last week was cuttinging grain with a self-binder, his horses became frightened and ran away, making a complete wreck of the ma- chine. ——The population of Lewisburg is 3067, a decrease of two hundred and six- ty-four since 1880. ——Mr. and Mrs. Adam Baum, of Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Kester, of Jersey Shore, were visiting freiends in Bellefonte this week. ——We learn that Prof. Huston, of the Pennsylvania State Ooliege, will soon discontinue his connection with tat institution and accept the princi- palship of a school at Seattle, in the ly of Bellefonte, died at Elmira, N. Y., this week, and his remains were brought to this place on Thursday af- ternoon and buried in Union cemetery. He leaves a wife and several child- ren. ——The carrier delivery door that has been put in the post office is intend- ed for the convenience of ‘persons who may want to get their mail matter be- fore the carriers have gone out or after the last delivery has been made. Itisa great accommodation. ——Mr. Wm. Whippo, foreman of the Freedom Rolling Mills at Logan, Mifflin county, spent a few days with us recently. We fouud Bill, as he pre- fers being called, a whole souled, con- genial fellow whom any one might be pleased to meet. The next time you come Mr. Whippo, make your sojourn longer. ——The Brockerhoff boys are not content with the recent improvements made to their hotel, but have decided to make it a four story building by adding a handsome Mansard roof with three or- namental towers. This, with the full plate glass fronts and windows, will make it one of Beilefonte's finest buildings. —Prof. D. M. Wolf, recently su- perintendent of Centre county’s public schools, Kas accepted the position of as- si:tant principal of the Bellefonte High school made vacant by the election of Mr. Etters as County Superintendent. The two gentlemen have thus exchang- ed places. The High school has been fortunate in getting the services of Mr. Wolf. ——Mirs. Jos. L. Mitchell, of State College, died from the effects of a para— lytic stroke on Monday evening last at eight o’clock. The deceased had been confined to her bed since early in the spring but her friends had strong hopes of her recovery up to the time she had the first stroke of paralysis, after that all hope was despaired of. Mrs. Mitchell was formerly Eliza IL. Thompson, a daughter of Mr. William Thompson, of Milroy and was sixty-one years old last June. She was a woman of much cul- ture and refinement and interested her- self in charitable and church work, Among the students of the college Mrs. Mitchell was looked upon as a mother, and her loss to them will cause a vacan- cy which can never be filled. Her sweet temper and kindly disposi- tion caused all who met her to love her. A husband, three sons and two daugh- ters mourn the loss of a devoted wife and loving mother. ——The death of Miss Margaret Pru- ner, at her late home on east Spring St., on Thursday evening ‘last, was very sud- den indeed, and a great shock to the community. Miss Pruner was one of the oldest and best known residents of our town and with her death came sor- row to many of Bellefonte’s poor whom she was always careful to help. The deceased was a daughter of Squire David L. Pruner, well known in this section, who died many years ago, and a sister of Hon. Ed. Pruner of Tyrone, She was sixty-three years of age at the time of her death. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon at four o’clock. Mr. Hauck, of the Methodist Church, of which she was a devout member, officiated, assisted by Dr. Laurie and Rev. Miles Noll. Thre pall-bearers were Jno. P. Harris, Capt. Geo. Bayard, F. Crider, Jno. Meese, Chas. Shuey and Wilbur Twitmyer. —-A very unostentatious but'neverthe- less pretty and impressive wedding, took place at the Bellefonte Academy build- ing last evening at seven-thirty o'clock, the occasion being the union of Mr. Frank P. Bassett, of Upsalanta, Mich., and Miss Marion F. Hughes, the third dayghter of Rev. Jas. P. Hughes, of this place. The ceremony was perform- ed by the Rev. Dr. Laurie of the Pres- byterian Church in the presence of the immediate friends of the young couple, no one outside of the near relatives hav- ing been invited. The marriage was with the ring, and a3 the groom placed it on the finger of his bride, declaring eternal love and honor,the pair certainly looked splendid. Mr, Bassett is head chemist at the Bellefonte Furnace Co’s works and is a young man of excellent habits. Among the relatives from a dis- tance were Rev. Daniel Hughes of) Petersburg, Luther S. Roberts and daughter, Orange, N. J., and Mrs. Al- bert Dunseth of Chicago. The couple left at 8,65 fora short trip east. They have our best wishes, a i TuE CENSUS OF CENTRE COUNTY. — Capt. Bricker, Census Superintendent for this District, furnishes the following returns which, with the exception of a few townships and precincts are substantially correct. It will be observed that the enumerators, in reporting, have consoli- dated some of the townships. The re- sult, although not entirely perfect, shows a gratifying increase in the population of the county. Bellefonte, North Ward,... re - South “ £ West ke Centre Hall, Boro.,............. Howard ew Milesburg Miltheim ag Philipsburg, 1st Wa “ 2d “ Unionville Boro., & twp... Benner twp.,..........oc nim Boggs twp East Precinet,.... “ “ West “ fo North © rir Burnside twp. & West Pre Snow Shoe twp., College twp.,.. Ferguson twp.,.. Gregg “ 1659 Haines “* ..1425 Ralt Moon & Tay 1261 arris twp,,....... 864 Huston & Worth 223 Liberty twp.,.. 24% Marion + .. . 590 Miles “ .1425 Patton * 1045 Potter. : **: «ui. Fok ..1116 Rush “* N. Preci 1856 Snow Shoe twp., E.Precine Spring twp., N. &W.Precinet Walker BPD, tots te Total 51 365 Official in 1880 37.922 Increase 13443 A Foorisu FEMALE FASTER. —Mack- eyville has a woman who is making a record of herself as a faster which prom- ises to equal that of Tanner, if her strength does not fail too soon. The lady is Mrs. Daniel Snyder, who, with her husband, resides in the prosperous village of Mackeyville in Nittany Val- ley. Mrs. Snyder commenced her fast on Sunday, June 10th, consequently yesterday was her thirty fourth day since food passed her lips, so far as it is known. During the thirty-four days Mrs. Snyder positively refused to cat food of any kind, and occasionly took a little water. For the past five days not even water has passed her lips and she has become very much emaciated, being reduced to a mere skeleton. No cause is known for the woman’s singular action in refusing to take food. She has no disease and is apparently of sound mind. Her condition at present is similar to that of a person greatly reduced by fever or other wasting disease and she is un- alle to speak owing to her weakness. About two years ago a Philadelphia doctor performed an operation on Mrs. Snyder for the removal of an ovari tumor, but physicians say her rine fast is no way a result of the operation. This is said to be the third time she has fasted for long periods of time, although in neither of the previous instances did ber fast continue so long. Mrs. Snyders death is likely to result in a few days as she is now thought by physicians to be in too low a condition to revive.—ZLock Haven Express. ——Mr. Font Crider has leased the old Hale property on the north-east cor- ner of the Diamond for ten years and is tearing out the first floor with the inten- tion of making a handsome store room for Will Achenbach, formerly of this place, but lately a resident of Williams- port, who will open a fine jewelry and watch store. OUR SPRING WOOLENS HAVE ARRIV- ED.—Leave your order for a suit now at a special discount. All the new shapes in spring styles of Hats—We are agents for the sale of the ‘“Mother’s Friend’’ Shirt Waist. MoNTGOMERY & Co. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co: The following are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper gos to press : hite wheat, per bushel Read wheat, per bushe Rye, per bushel........... Corn, ears, per bushel.. Corn, shelled, per bushel. Oats-—new, per bushel..... Barley, per bushel....... Buckwheat per bushel Cloverseed, per bushel. Gronnd Plaster, per ton, mn ————— Bellefente Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes per bushel Eggs, per dozen........ Lard, per pound. CountryShould SSEHEELERS fold Sia © Sevesesieiiistessratrtntreanns && St 8 00 00 ao oot Rake Hams. Tallow, per pound Butter, per pound... Onions, per bushel... Turnips, per bushel...... &3 The Democratic Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Belle- fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not. be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. _A liberal discount is made to persons adver- Hsing by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol OWS : SPACE OCCUPIED, One inch (12 lines this type Two inches......... [sm |6m |1y Three inches...... 10/15 20 Sunes Column (434 inches),......| 12 | 20 30 alf Column ( 9 inches)... 20 | 85 | 55 One Column (19 inches)..... 35 | 55 | 100 Advertisements in special column, 25 per cent. additional. Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cts. Each additional insertion, per line.. Local notices, per line.... Business notices, per lin - Job Printing of every ki: ith neat ness and Jispsten, The Warcuman office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be axecuted in the most artistic mannerand at the lowest, rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers