Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 11, 1890, Image 1

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Ink Stinger, : oe)
—When a census is made a party job | = yy yy Vibe
it can’t help but be a monumental piece | o
of botch-work. he
—1It appears that Tammany is not’ > = & :
going to beso fortunate asto have © STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION.
‘WHITNEY forits boss.
—Son Dick is likely to find that the
people do not share his anxiety for the
vindication of the old man.
— With such a drop of the tempera-
ture as there was on Wednesday it was
no wonder that the backbone of the |
heated term was broken.
—The American Congress is making
a kind of history that would astonish
the founders of the Republic if they
were in a situation to read it.
—Republicans are going to spell inde-
pendence with’ an unusually big I this
year, without the assistance of an Inde-
pendent Republican State ticket.
— With a Force Bill pending in con-
gress the Declaration of Independence
that was read on the Fourth of July
sounded like an ironical production.
-—With an Englishman at the head
of it, and party “strikers and heelers”
doing most of the work, a very pretty
mess has been made of tha census of
—Even the New York Tribune calls
a halt og the pension grabbers. When
that thorough-going old organ sounds
the alarm, “the pork in the barrel’ must
be getting very low.
Ifthe Tariff Bill should collide
with the Force Bill and knock it off the
track, it would have to be admitted that
even so obnoxious a monopoly measure
was of some service to the country.
—Since PowDERLY has come out
against QUAY the Republican papers
are calling him a socialist. Probably
that is intended to offset his saying that
the Boss is no better than an anarchist.
—The people next November will re-
fer the Boss to the courts as the proper
resort for a public character who wants
to vindicate himself against criminal
charges. The law for libel has not been
— Manufacturing establishments that
have been in operation for two centuries
in Massachusetts are still classed among
the “infant industries” and are as clam-
orous as babies for the tariff sucking
—Mrs. Harrison displayed a ques-
tionable sense of propriety in assuming
that the Harrison acceptance of the gift
of a Cape May cottage was a more pro-
per act than CLEVELAND’s purchase of
Oak View.
—DELAMATER has announced his in-
tention of personally soliciting the sup.
port of every Independent Republican
reported to be against him. In other
words, he intends to make his campaign
a protracted coax.
—The Silver Bill, the Force Bill and
the Tariff Bill have gotten into a sort of
triangular tussle and there is no telling
which one will be landed on its back.
It wouldn’t hurt the country any if all
of them should be tumbled.
—1TIt is alleged that Dox CAMERON,
are cognizant of the facts connected
with QUAYS raid on the State treasury.
If this is not true, how serviceable they
would be to the plaintiff as witnesses in
an action for libel.
—1TIt is represented that the Farmer's
Friend, the state organ of the Patrons of
Husbandry, is much pleased with that
part of the Republican platform which
treats of the equalization of taxes. If
this is so, the Farmer's Friend shows a
remarkable capacity for being gulled.
—When QUAY was asked the other
day upon what ground he claimed that
DELAMATER would be elected by the
largest majority ever given in Pennsyl-
vania, he replied that he felt it in the
air. Such an airy assumption on the
part of the Boss is to be regarded as
mere campaign wind.
— Poisoned ice-cream has become an
alarming adjunct to the list of summer
luxuries. The thrifty young man who
could impress his best girl with a pro-
per sense of the danger involved in this
fact would find the balance of cash in
his pocket greatly increased at the close
of the ice-cream season.
—The Standard Oil Company is pre-
paring to run a pipe line through Penn-
sylvania to carry its West Virginia oil
to New York. Ttis a note-worthy co-
incidence that the great monopoly pro-
_VOL. 85.
The Work of the Democratic State
i | Convention.
The Demperatic State Convention
which met at Scranton on the 2nd inst.
did its work harmoniously and well.
' Tt was not 1 boss-ridden convention,
but was composed of delegates who as-
sembled {o represent the preferences
of independant constituencies in the
choice of a ticket for the Demo-
cratic party of the State. They were pot
there to obey the command of a politi-
cal dictator, Of the candidates for the
high office ¢f Governor, the two lead-
ing onesappared to be so nearly alike
in strength that the friends of either of
them had reason to expect his nomina-
tion until a ballot determined which
was the stronger. The result was a
fair and honest expression of the choice
of the majority of the party, and was
acknowledged as such by the ready
and enthusiastic concurrence of all the
The ticketthus furnished to the par.
ty by the free and untrammeled ac-
tion of its representatives enters the
campaign under the most favorable au-
spices. The gentleman who heads 1t
has won the respect, confidence and
good will ofthe peopie of the State by
honorable and useful service and un-
impeachable conduct in the office for
which he has been again nominated.
Mr. Parrison’s record as Governor is
one of the best in the history of our
commonwealth. It has no taint of cor-
ruption. He held himself entirely
above the influence of the money pow-
er which under other administrations
has been allowed to exert too great a
control over the executive and legisla-
tive branches of the State government.
He strove to bring the corporations
within the restraints of the constitu-
tion, doing his best to secure the en-
forcement of the constitutional provi-
sions which were intended to shield
public rights and interests against
corporate encroachment and usurpa-
tion. The object of his official policy
was the welfare of the many and not
the preferment of the few, and there-
fore he was found on the side of the
people whenever he was required in
his executive capacity to discriminate
between their rights and the assump-
tions of incorporated capital. He was
emphatically the people’s governor,
and they will serve their best interests
by recalling him to a station in which
he may perfect the work he had under-
taken of bringing into full force every
for the equal benefit and protection of
all classes of citizens.
In nominating the other members of
the ticket the convention made a judi-
cious and fortunate selection. Hon.
Cuauncey F. Brack, who has been
named for Lieutenant Governor, is the
very embodiment of Democratic princi-
ples and oue of the finest specimens of
old Jeffersonian Democracy that can
be found anywhere in the country. He
was the associate of ex-Governor Par-
TIsoN on the successful ticket in 1882,
and will contribute to the influences
which again will bring victory to the
Democratic banner in Pennsylvania.
Mr. WirLiaym H. Barcray, of Alleghe-
ny county, the nominee for Secretary
of Internal Affairs, has gained an hon-
orable reputation both as a private citi-
zen and as a soldier during the war of
the rebellion. He comes from a section
of the State where the influence of his
good name and honorable record will
gain many votes for the ticket.
The Democrats have every reason to
be satisfied with the work of their State
convention. It has given them nomi-
nees whose reputations contribute large-
ly to the elements of Democratic suc-
cess that are visible on every hand in
this campaign. The character of the
ticket tends to unite the party, and a
united party, aided by the votes of
thousands of Republicans who have
determined that the one-man power of
a dishonest and unscrupulous Boss
jects this line immediately after the gu- |
bernatorial nomination of the man who
was chiefly instrumental in
the Billingsly free pipe line bill.
--+Tt depends largely upon our Dem-
orcratic friends,” says a Republican
journal, “whether this is to be a cam-
paign of defamation or one of argu-
ment.”” Do our Republican friends think
that so disreputable a character as Mar
Quay can attempt to furnish the State
with without such an of-
fense to public decency being severely
criticised ?
a Governor
defeating |
must be brought to an end, can elect
"that ticket and rescue the State from a
corrupt and disgraceful personal domi-
——New Jersey is a great State in
some respects, although it is the cus.
tom to subject her to good natured ridi-
cule, Her latest claim to distinction
lies in the fact that she is the only
northern state that furnished a Repub-
lican member of congress with manli-
ness and patriotism enough to vote
agamst the force bill by which his
party proposes to carry the elections in
the South.
safe-guard of the coustitution designed |
BELLEFONTE, PA., JULY 11, 1890../
NO. 27.
“Dummy” Candidates.
After his easy nomination of DEra-
MATER the Pennsylvania Boss finds
himself confronted by difficulties which
he scarcely expected to encounter so
early in the season. There are such
evidences of dissatisfaction in his own
party that the outlook as presented at
the opening of the campaign is not as
favorable as he could wish and im-
presses him with the necessity of adopt-
ing extraordinary measures fo improve
the situation. The condition of the
campaign in its early stage is decided-
ly rattled, and something desperate
must be done. The obvious disaffec-
tion among Republicans being the
chiet danger, its threatening aspect
suggests to the Boss the expediency of
getting out a sham Independent Re-
publican candidate for Governor. If
such a “dummy” should beable to catch
a portion of the disaffected Republican
votes it would be better for Quay than
that they should go to the Democrats.
The getting out of a Labor ticket would
answer a similar purpose with respect
to the working people who show a dis-
position, to flock to Parison under the
lead of PowpErLY. QUAY may be ex-
pected to do his utmost to secure a bo-
gus labor candidate upon whom may
lodge a part of this vote which is float-
ing toward the Democratic nominee.
The Grangers being almost unanimous-
ly 2gaiast his corporation candidate,
he fully understands the advantage it
would be to his man if this vote could
be drawn to a Granger candidate for
Ae tricky a politician as Quay,
playing the desperate game upon which
his political life depends, will natural-
ly resort to such tactics and will spare
no effort to supply the campaign with
a variety of side-shows intended to
draw votes that would otherwise go to
ParrisoN. As his boodle resources
will be unlimited 1t is to be expected
that pecuniary influences will be used
to set up “daommy” candidates for the
decoying ot Independent Republicans,
grangers and labor voters who cannot
be induced to vote for his man. If they
shall not vote for DELAMATER some-
thing will be gained, or at least some-
thing saved, by keeping them from
voting for the Democratic candidate.
This is the scheme to which there
Boss is now applying his attention and
will exert his ingenuity to make it suc-
ceed. But it will not work. The peo-
ple who have made up their minds to |
put an end to personal bossism and |
rescue the State from disgraceful politi-
cal servitude,! will look upon side-1ssue
candidates this year as puppets in-
tended for no other purpose than to
help Quay elect his candidate and
maintain his political control of the
Congressman Kerr and the Contract
Labor Law.
Nothwithstanding the delay it has
been subjected to, Congressman KERR
of this district is determined to push
his resolution which calls upon the
Secretary of the Treasury to produce
all the papers and opinions which were
filed at the Department before the suits
were commenced against Jaymes Camp-
BELL, W. H. SLickER, and others, for
bringing foreign contract glassworkers
to Jeannette in violation of the contract
labor law. Mr. Kerr is prepared to
go ahead and he intends to ask for
more than the papers in the case, his
resolution being preliminary to a de-
mand for a general investigation. In
addition to his own inclination in the
matter he is being prompted by resolu-
tions recently passed by the Window
Glass Blowers’ Association asking that
an investigation be set on foot. Mr.
Kerr will produce these resolutions,
and in the name of the Association, as
well as of the thousands of miners and
laborers in his District, will ask for a
favorable report of his resolution, and
also of another one asking for the ap-
pointment of an investigating com-
Mr. Kerr indignantly denies the
imputation that his resolution is in-
tended merely for buncombe and to
make political capital. Since the im-
portation of foreign glassblowers to
Jeanette his constituents have taken
hold of the matter with much vigor
and insist that the present alien con-
tract labor law shall he enforced, or
that, if it is defective, the defects shall
be remedied.
is every assurance that the Republican |
The Delights of Summer Travel.
We have received an extremely in-
teresting publication from the Penn-
sylvania Railroad company,which usu-
ally comes to our office at this season
when a much needed summer vacation
is wished for by even the printer and
his thoughts™ are inclined toward the
summer resorts along the sea-shore or
among the mountains, during the
sweltering days of July and August.
The publication alluded to 1s a good-
sized and handsomely gotten up vol-
ume, with abundant illustrations, giv-
ing in full detail the various routes
connected with the Pennsylvania sys-
tem that provide the traveling public
with the easiest, most direct and most
interesting access to the leading sum-
mer retreats where the hot term may
be delightfully and profitably spent
either along the breezy beach of the
ocean, on the shady declivities of the
Alleghanies, or at some popular
Springs whose medicinal waters re-
cuperate the jaded system.
This volume details all these pleas
ant places, and the Company offers to
take you to them at the most reason-
able rates of fare and in the most ex-
peditious and comfortable manner.
But what boots this liberal offer to the
busy newspaper man whose unremit-
ting duties in sanctum, composing
room and job office keep him down to
business even while the mercury in
his thermometer is coquetting with
the 90's ?
But although the editor is at all
times a busy man, and not ordinarily
overburdened with the lucre that
is so highly prized by sordid characters,
he is still a man of generous senti-
ment, and while he turns the pages of
thé Pennsylvania Railroad Company’s
Summer Excursion book and looks at
the enticing illustrations of the many
romantic, cool and restful resorts by the
sea-side, on the mountain slope, along
the murmuring river, or beside the
silvery lake, he may sich that he is
not one of the fortunate mortals to
| whom these summer pleasures are
| vouchsafed, yet the generosity of his
| disposition prompts him to rejoice that
: t here are thousands so situated as to
i be able to indulge in the pleasures of
| travel which are made so accessible
| through the instrumentality of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
The platform alopted at Secran-
ton is a clear-cut declaration of honest
intentions and enunciation of Demo-
| cratic principles. There is nothing
evasive or deceptive about it. The peo-
ple can trust it, for it means exactly
what it says. On the other hand the
Quay platform isa tissue of evasive
and delusive verbiage which has no
other object than to deceive the voters.
There is uo intention whatever to ful-
fill its promises. In fact it is so word"
ed that it is difficult to] tell what its
promises are.
His Increasing Popularity.
Wherever Democrats have met in con-
vention within the past year they have
not failed to endorse the administra-
tion of President CLEVELAND, and such
endorsement has invariably met with
the enthusiastic response of those in
attendance. The mention of CLEVE-
LAND'S name has been good for a
round of cheers in every instance.
This has been the case whether the oc-
casion was the meeting of a reform
club or the assembling of a State con-
vention. This indicates the abiding
confidence and esteem which the
Democratic masses and most of the
party leaders entertain for the Ex-
There is no similar case to be found
in recent political history, as ex-Presi-
dents have usaally been very defunct
political corpses. Who, in any party,
will think of cheeringor making any
demonstrations of enthusiasm over the
small character who now occupies the
Presidency after he shall have retired
from the great office which he had
been so incapable of filling? But the
difference that is seen in Mr. CLEVE-
LAND's case has been caused by the
conviction, both of his party and of the
people generally, that the principles
which governed his official action were
based upon honest intentions, a cor-
rect policy, and a determination to
make his official action contribute to
the greatest good of the greatest num-
ber of the people.
Quay’s Certificate of Character.
There was something comically im-
pudent in the certificate of character
which Quay’s convention attempted to
give the man who owned it, directed its
action and dictated its expression. It
was something like a gang of offenders
against the law appearing before a
court of justice and swearing to the
good reputation of their leader, Noth-
ing could be better calculated to excite
the contempt and derision of the people
than that convention's assuming to
clear its owner of charges against which
he is afraid to attempt a vindication by
regular legal process.
The individual who has furnished
the Republicans with their State ticket
and assumes the personal ownership of
their party, is specifically and circum-
stantially charged with the commission
of crimes which would be properly
punished by a term in the penitentiary.
While he has nothing but silence to
offer in rebuttal of such accusations,
the impudent and officious vindication
essayed by his henchmen—creatures
who draw their political breath by his
permission—is an insult to the sense
and decency of the people, its offensive-
ness, however, not being devoid of ludi-
crous features.
Harper's Weekly, commenting upon
the brazen action of Quay’s conven-
tion in this matter, speaks of his si-
lence under the serious charges brought
against him, which he maintains al-
though “invited and defied to sue for
litel and taunted in terms as a thief.”
Enlarging upon this extraordinary
case, the Weelly goes on to say :
No honorable public man in our history, not
Washington himself, would have allowed such
charges so made to pass absolutely unnoticed.
When a whisper of suspicion of official malfeas-
ance was breathed against Alexander Hamil-
ton, then secretary of the treasury, he met it
instantly and silenced it forever, but at an un-
speakable cost of private feeling. But Mr.
Quay preserves an unbroken silence, and the
Republicans of Pennsylvania in their conven-
tion,with entire unanimity and without debate,
declare their lasting gratitude, respect, and
confidence for him as a citizen and a public
officer, specifying particularly his service in
the office in which his dishonesty is alleged.
This abject abasement of a convention to a
man under such circumstances is entirely
without precedent. Itasks and receives no
explanation, and does the will of a party lead-
er as passively and ignobly as a Siamese cour-
tier crawls upon his stomach toward his king.
The declarations of such a body upon public
questions are of no importance whatever, be-
cause if Mr. Quay, under existing circum-
stances, is its type of a public officerto be trust-
ed and applauded, it is indifferent to honest
The New York Independent, the lead-
ing politico-religious paper of the coun-
try, which usually takes the Republi-
can side, has also something to say
about Quay’s silent submission to the
eharges against him which any inno-
cent man would refute in a court of
justice. It says:
It is known to everybody in the United
States who belongs to the reading public that
the gravest charges have been publicly made
and strongly supported against Senator Quay.
These charges involve the commission of
crime. Itis alleged that when he was State
treasurer, on {wo difierent occasions, he took
large amounts of money from tne State treas-
ury aud invested it for his own purposes. On
one of these occasions the investment was
successful, and the money was returned. On
the other oceasion the investment was not
successful, and certain wealthy men, itis said,
were appealed to to help him out of the diffi-
culty. To save a party seandal they advanced
him the money, and it was restored to the State
These are, in substance, the charges, and
they are given with such particularity of de-
tails, with names, dates, places and circum-
stances, that if they were not true it would
have been an easy matter to expose their false-
hood. They have not been specifically denied.
Toward them Senator Quay has observed the
policy of utter silence. The fact that the alleged
crime was committed years ago does not make
it less shameful or shocking, nor less indefen-
sible that such a man, unpurged, should con-
tinue to be recognized as a party leader.
The fool attempt of Quay’s vassals
to whitewash him in his State conven-
tion, together with their nominating his
man for Governor, makes the offenses
which he himself does not deny a pro-
minent issue in the campaign. That
convention virtually calls upon the
people to vindicate a dishonest
and corrupt leader who is incul-
pated by his own silence. The
election of DELAMATER would be such
a vindication. Are the honest and de-
cent people of Pennsylvania prepared
to give the treasury-raiding Boss a cer-
tificate of gio character ?
$300, 000 i isa WIE sum, and the
Standard Oil Compeny was very liberal
in contributing it to M. S. Quay’s
cam paign fund, but the Boss will find
it too smail an amount of boodle to be
of any effect in stemming the tide of
popular disfavor that has set against
his candidate for Governor.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Croquet was played by lantern light on 2
‘West Chester lawn.
—A Masonville hen has laid an egg every
day for 157 consecutive days.
—A home for crippled boys is to be erected
at Hulmerville, Bucks county.
—A hen at Hanover is sittingon a nest of
eggs in the top of a willow tree.
—The population of the Norristown Insane
Asylum is 2200 exclusive of attendants.
—A Hatboro miller will test the question
whether millers are liable to a mercantile tax
—The census enumerator for Windsor
township, Berks county, was 71 years of age.
—Two men and their respective daughters
were drowned together at Pittsburg recently.
—A Scranton brewery was burglarized and
' several kegs of the foaming beverage carried
—A copperhead snake 214 feet long was re-
cently killed inthe parlor of N. P. Body, at
—A large tree was blown on the roof of Wil-
liam Kue's residence near Bristol and crush-
ed itin,
—A little girl in Scranton woke up to find
her sister, with whom she had been sleeping,
a corpse.
—Two girls in male attire have tramped
from Kansas City to their former home in Lu-
zerne county.
—The valedictorian of the Scranton High
School convinced her hearers that “all men
are liars.”
—A drowning boy was rescued by a woman
on a Sunday-school excursion at Brandywine
—A hungry horse tied in front of a dry goods
store at Norristown, devoured part of a box of
cheap straw hats.
—The proprietor of a merry-go-round in
Chester county offers prizes for the most
graceful lady rider.
—Ncrristown physicians and under-takers
recently held a conference in view of a sum-
mer business boom,
—The house of William Allen, near €old
Spring, was struck by lightning recently and
the family all stunned.
—Owen Langston, arailroad watchman at
Lancaster, receives a daily visit from a sparrow
which eats from his hand.
—Seventy-eight applicants for pensions nn-
der the Dependent Pension bill’ made affida-
vits in Reading last week.
—On the Fourth of July ice-water was dis-
tributed to Pittsburg’s crowds at the city’s ex-
pense from great tank wagons.
—The Pittsburg public school term wag end-
ed with a grand closing-day jubilee in which
the school children participated.
—A Berks county census enumerator has
publicly thanked the people of his district for
the uniform courtesy he experienced.
— While attempting to board a train on Fri-
day at York,C. W. Wilson, a prominent in-
surance agent, fell and had a foot cut off.
—Editor Church, of the Newtown Enterprise,
is iying te drive the equestriennes from the
town. e says they are reckless riders.
—In its last issue the Allentown Democrat
printed the Declaration of Independence from
type that had been standing forty years.
—R. H. Baiiy, of New Castle, has a botanical
curiosity in the shape of a full blown rose out
of the centre of which a bud is springing.
—The United States reeruiting station in
Reading has been closed, but three accepta-
ble recruits having been obtained in a
—William Kuhl, a Reading expressman,
went to sleep in a eemetery, and upon awaking
found two snakes basking in the sun beside
—The Bucks county lawyers are going to
have on old-frshioned picnic soon, to which
every member of the Bar in the county will
be invited.
—A monument is to be erected over the re-
mains of an old Continental soldier, which
were dug up from the farm of Eli Harvey, near
Chadd’s Ford.
—The thirty-sixth annual meeting of the
Pennsylvania State Teacher's Association will
be held at Mauch Chunk on the 8th, 9th, and
10th of July.
—The 105 tobacco factories in the first reve
nue district, comprising parts of Bucks, Ches-
ter and Montgomery counties, manufactured
13,697,540 cigars.
—Governor Beaver daily receives letters
from a crank who thinks he owns the earth
and who wants to collect the rent due from
the State of Pennsylvania.
—The eccentric “Dr.” Teagle, of West
Chester, has a stepping-stone in front of his
house inscribed : “Herb physician, Born
March 7,1813,Dr. Teagle.”
—On the property of Jesse Taylor, at West
Goshen, Chester eounty, a five pound cannon
ball hus been dug up that is thought to have
been buried there during the revolution.
—The Lancaster revenue aistrict manufact-
ured during the past year, 515,871,000 cigars,
which a local paper claims is one-eighth of
all the cigars manufactured in the United
—Charles McCartney, who claimed Philadel -
phia as his home, employed on the farm
of Jacob Rex, near Amblet, Montgomery
county, committed suicide on Wednesday by
taking a dose of strychnine.
—The discovery has been made that many
properties in Reading have not been assessed
for years, and have consequently not been tax-
ed. These discrepancies will be rectified by
the new Board of Assessors.
—The cannon which exploded at Kutztown,
Berks county, on Friday, while a salute was
being fired, did considerable damage to the
residence of Charles Liby aud the wags-
on shed of Peier F, Mentzel.
—David Neuser’s barn near Llewellyn was
struck by lightning on Friday night and de-
stroyed, together with three head of cattle,
twenty tons of hay, and all the farming imple-
ments. The loss is about $2000.
—The stone barn of David Heinly, near
Kempton, Pa., was struck by lightning on
Wednesday night and completely destroyed*
A wagon-shed and ice-house were also burned.
The loss is $2500, partly insured.
—Patrick Welsh, 2 young man, was arrested
in Reading, on the charge of stealing the
watch of Engineer Lewis Heller who was
killed in the recent wreck at Tuckerton, on
the Philadelphia and Readin g Railroad.
~The large barn of Michael Boylan, near
Wilkesbarre, together with all the con-
tents, including three head of horses, was de-
stroyed by fire Monday. A frame dwelling
adjoining, occupied by a Hungarian, was also
burned to the ground. Loss $5000.