Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 13, 1890, Image 8

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    Friday Morning, June 13, 1850.
To CorrespoNpeNts. — No communications
pablished unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
Mr. M. H. Guise, of Penn Hall, is the duly
uthorized agent of the Warcamax for Gregg
swnship. :
WaxtED.—Corn and Oats, for cash
by Hoover & Miller adjoining Bush
House. :
——50,000 pounds of wool wanted:
Lyon & Co., 22 t4
——Court crier Galbraith, of the
Centre county courts, has passed his
80th birthday.
—Mr. J. W. McCormick, of Cen-
tre Hall, is going into the undertaking
business in Tyrone.
1t is reported that the Chief Bur-
gess hasjlaid an embargo on the sale of
toy pistols in this borough.
—— Preparations are being made for
an old fashioned Fourth of July cele-
bration at Scotia, this county.
Money is being raised for the
erection of a church for the Evangeli-
cal congregation in Curtin township.
——Prof. G. P. Bible has under con-
sideration the establishing of a school of
elocution in Lock Haven this summer.
The Reliance Fire Company of
Philipsburg will participate in the
Williamsport Fourth of July celebra-
——The Clinton county delegates to
the Democratic State convention have
been instructed for Senator Wallace for
Governor. >
—— Professor D. O. Etters was form-
ally installed as superintendent of pub-
lic schools of Centre county on last Fri-
day, June 6th.
-——The census enumerators of Belle-
fonte are making goed progress in their
work and have had no difficulty in the
performance of their duty.
Lounging and loafing on the
pavements and sidewalks of this bor-
ough are forbidden by an order issued by
the Chief Burgess on Monday.
——Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Aikens, and
Miss Jennie Strickland, of this place,
attended the commencement of the
Mountain Seminary at Birmingham
this week.
——The Undine and Logan Hose
companies of this place are going to
accept the invitations to participate in
in the Fourth of July celebration at
——The festival inthe Y. ‘M. C. A.
rooms last week, wasa success in every
respect notwithstanding a heavy
thunderstorm prevailed on one of
the evenings.
-—Capt. Jacob Creps, of Indiana
county, has been nominated for Govern-
or, and T. P. Rynder, of Centre county,
for Lieutenant Governor, by the Labor
party of Erie county.
——Tyrone will open a First Nation-
al Bank on or about the first of August,
The capital stock will be $75,000. Mr.
D. Shelly Kloss, of Mifflin, will be ‘the
cashier, and G. S. Morrison, President
——The “Women’s Exchange’ of the
ladies of the Episcopal church of this
place, held last week in the stone build-
Ing on the north-east corner of the
Diamond, was a profitable enterprize.
——During commencement week at
the State College a special train will run
from Bellefonte to Lemont at 10:30,
Wednesday morning, June 25, on the
arrival of the train from Lock Haven.
The boss oats of the season were
brought to our office on Monday by
Mr. John Rishel, of Benner township.
It was 42 inches in height and was ful-
ly headed. It grew inone of is wheat
——The dweiling house of Mr. V. J.
Baur, on Bishop street, which was
partly destroyed by fire some months
ago, is being repaired, and when fin-
ished will be a better looking building
than it was before.
——The Central Pennsylvania Asso-
ciation of Patriotic Sons of America will
meet in Tyrone on the Fourth of July.
They expect to have 5,000 members in
the parade which will take place at 9
o’clock the morning of the Fourth.
James Gates, who died near Snow
Shoe, on the 29th ult, was born at
Gatesburg in 1813 and was married to
Elizabeth A. Way in 1858. Five chil-
dren survive him. Ha was a member
of the Methodist church and met death
with resignation.
——Mr. F. C. Richards, who spent
the past week in New York, is home
safe and sound and is now busy opening
the finest display of clocks, watches, &e.,
ever brought to Bellefonte. It is a real
treat to see the many pretty things he
has in his show cases.
General Hastings’ Bellefonte
friends and supporters intend to go to
the State Convention at Harrisburg on
the 25th in force, and have hired special
cars for that purpose. The Bellefonte
band has been engaged to go along and
make music for them.
supreme Court last week made the long
looked for decision in the Gaines and
Brockerhoff case. The decision of Judge
Krebs, of Clearfield, was affirmed. The
following is the record of the case :
Isaac Gainesvs. Margaret Brockerhoff,
widow ; Andrew J. Brockerhoff, Henry
‘W. Brockerhoff, Mary C. Brockerhoff,
heirs; and Margaret Brockerhoff and
Andrew J. Brockerhoff, Administrators
of Henry Brockerhoff, deceased. Bill
in Equity praying the court that de-
fendants be restrained by injunction
from selling certain lands in Burnside
township, Centre county, and Bradford
township, Clearfield county, in all five
tracts, and requiring defendants to
make and deliver to plaintiff good and
sufficient deeds for same. In June,1884,
Joseph W. Parker, Esq., was appoint-
ed Master and Examiner in the case
by the Court. In February, 1884, Mas-
ter’s report was filed in favor of de-
fendants. June 12, 1888, exceptions
to Master’s report were filed by plaintiff
and argued before Judge Krebs, August
9th, 1888. Judge Krebs filed his da
cree, in substance as follows: That on
or before 30 days defendants deliver a
good and sufficient deed for certain
tracts of land in Bradford township,
Clearfield county, containing 25 acres-
Also one-half of certain tract in Burn-
side township, Centre county, contain-
ing 388 acres. Also another piece in
Burnside township, Centre county, con-
taining 396 acres. And that defend-
ants pay or cause to be paid to Isaac
Gaines the sum of $602.82, with inter-
est from June Ist, 1888, together with
complainant’s legal and reasonable costs,
printing of bill and amendments, and
costs of subpoenaing witnesses, Master's
fees,&c. The defendants took an appeal
from the decree August 26th, 1888, and
carried the case to the Supreme Court,
where it was argued in 1889. Ever
Since that time both sides have anxious-
ly awaited the decision, which came
down on Monday affirming Judge Krebs’
decree. The amount involved is about
Daily News was somewhat mistaken in
saying that McCalmont & Co. have en-
tered into the manufacture of fertilizers,
but it is true that they are having high-
grade fertilizers made for them under
their own special brand. This firm has
for years been known all over this and
adjoining counties as one of the most re-
liable firms, in all its dealings, that
could be found in a month’s travel.
This is because the men connected * with
the firm are all mer. of practical expe-
rience and good judgment and they use
their knowledge to the interest of their
Mr. Shortlidge is a student of the best
methods of agriculture, always studying
the needs of the farmer and the demands
of the soil 1n various localities, hence he
runs his business with intelligence
and success, When he sells a
man a wagon or any piece of ag-
ricultural machinery he sells it to him
as the best that can be had and the one
best suited to these localities. When
he sells seed, he sells it as good, ‘clean
seed because he has given it personal ex-
amination and knows; when he sells
lime or coal he knows just’ what he is
selling and the purchaser always finds it
as represented.
And now he is bringing his practical
knowledge into play in supplying a
fertilizer that he guarantees to be
superior to any sold in Central Penn-
sylvania, and when he says so it can be
depended on that itis, too, and at a
price very reasonable compared with
that of fertilizers of an inferior grade.
The firm will also keep salt which they
recommend as a good fertilizer and
which they sell at a very low figure.
When in need of a fertilizer or salt call
on this firm and see what they have.
man with several aliases arrived in
Philipsburg, one day last week, with a
horse and buggy and put up at the
Passmore House, representing himself
to be a horse trader.
wards Gen. Woodring, of Port Matilda,
putin an appearance, claiming the horse
and vehicle, having loaned it to the
scamp. A warrant was issued for De,
Tozier alias Haley, and after a hear-
ing he was taken to jail by officer Simler.
Dory Adams loses $5.00 on the horse
Pier and Mr. Passmore lost shout
——Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morrison,
of Williamsport, suffered a sad afilic-
tion in the recent death of a bright little
daughter, Mary Debora, who was taken
off in the beauty and innocence of her
childhood by one of those virulent
throat diseases that are so destructive to
children. The remains were brought to
this place for interment. Mr. Morrison
is the son of Capt. John H. Morrison,
lately decensed, and | of the venerable
Mrs. Morrison, of Spring street. His
wife was Miss Méese, sister of merchant
John Meese of this place. When the
parents returned to their stricken home
at Williamsport, they had the heartfelt
sympathy of their Bellefonte friends. |
—~—The Cash Bazar has something of
interest for you. Read the new adver-
tisement in to-day’s issue,
Centre county.
A few days after- |
‘you $1.
CHORAL SERVICES.—Instead of the
regular service next Sunday evening
the Reformed choir, under the direction
of Wm. L. Meyer, will render a num-
ber of choice sacred selections interspers-
ed with a few of the good old stand"
ard hymns prefaced with suitable re
marks by the pastor, Rev. M. O
Noll, regarding the origin, time and
circumstances connected with the writ-
ing of said hymns. The service will
be one that can be enjoyed by all loverg
of good music, as the reputation of
Mr: Meyer is sufficient gaurantee that
the music will be fine. An invitation
is extended to all. The services will be-
gin promptly at 7. p. m.
J. M. Meyers, of Rochester, N. Y.; in-
ventor of the Meyers’ Ballot Machine, |
has made a nice thing of his invention.
A company to manufacture the ma-
chines has been formed under the title
of the “The Meyers American Ballot
Machine Company.”
The directors named in the certificate
of incorporation are George C. Buell,
Sr., Edward Harris, H. 8. Greenleaf, I.
P. Ross, Henry C. Brewster, Charles R.
King, George F. Yeomans, Harvey D.
Gordon and J. H. Meyers. The remain-
ing stockholders include a number of
prominent wealthy men, among whom
are H. A. Strong, E.S. Curtis, Chauncey
B. Woodworth, Henry Michaels, W. C,
Barry, George Ellwanger and A. S.
Hamilton. The new company pays to
Mr. Myers $250,000 for his patent, and
heis also one of the Directore of the
Horse SToLEN.—A horse was stolen
on Monday at Howard, Centre county,
from one Thomas Butler by one Samuel
Watkins, who gave his name as Walker
and who had been working tor Butler
for a couple of days. Watkins brought
the horse to this city and traded it to
Julius Wiedener for another horse and
some boot money, Mr. W., of course,
never even dreaming that the horse was
astolen one. Watkins then sold the
Wiedener horse to Bernau, the butcher,
for $3.00. The thief was arrested by
officers Keller and Myers in Bellefonte
and was given a hearing before Justice
of the Peace, John B. Linn, and in de-
fault of bail ‘was committed to jail for
Court. Butler is now happy in the re-
possession of his horse, as is likewise Mr.
Wiedener, who had to pay three dollars,
however, to get his horse back from
Bernau. Wiedener is therefore out of
the boot money and the three dollars
paid to Bernau for the return of his
“eritter.”’— Lock Haven Democrat.
Harper, an old resident of Warriorsmark
valley, formerly of Centre county, died
last Friday morning from the effects
of heart disease. He had been in poor
health for the last year. The deceased
was born at Pine Grove, Centre county,
July 24, 1810, and was consequently
79 years, 10 months and 13 days old-
As a young mun he drove team at
Curtin’s iron works, being engaged for
a long time in hauling metal from that
place to Pittsburg. He afterwards was
teamster at Pennsylvania and Hunting-
don Furnaces. For the past twenty
years, however, he had been farming,
on the property which he held until the
time of his death. :
In May, 1885, Mr. Harper was united
in marriage to Miss Sarah Knoll, of
His aged wife survives
him. They had but one child, Mus.
Balser Rumberger, who died about
twenty years ago. The deceased was
a consistent member of the M. E. church
and died in the glorious hope of a blessed
future life. He was also a member of
Tyrone Lodge No. 152, I. 0. O. F.
MonumeNT.—The Pittsburg Times of
Saturday contained the following :
Mrs. Mary Boggs, of Monongahela
City, has written the 7imes concern-
ing the Clara Price monument fund.
Miss Price was murdered some months
ago by Alfred = Andrews. Mrs. Boggs
says :
Ido think Clara Price is as deserv.
ing of a monument as any one who bas
sacrificed life for any great cause. She
gave her life in defense of her honor
What more could she do? I will inclose
Please forward it to those who
have charge of the fund; or, if you
think it would be a success, why not
start a fund for this purpose? You have
done so much in other ways,
To quote the words of Miss Smith,
who wrote the Zimes some weeks ago,
I, too, can say: “It is a sal but well
known fact that there is scarcely a town
or village, however sm..l, but has at
least one ‘poor unfortunate’ outcast, who
must forever bear the cold world’s
scorn, and 1 feel that some befitting
memorial to this poor murdered gir]
might be the means of saving many
feet from straying into the paths of sin,
rather than enter that to prevent which
Clara Price gave up her young life.”
The contribution of Mrs. Boggs has
been forwarded to W. B. Potter, Karth-
aus, Pa., who is secretary of the monu,_
ment fund, and to whom all money
should be sent. Mr. Potter writes the
Times that the fund is still less than
$300, but it has been decided to go ahead
and contract for a monument.
——Philipsburg is to have an overall
factory. In spesking of it the Jour-
ual says: “It will be started on a
smaller scale than some now in opera
tion in the hope of building up a trade
that will warrant the stockholders in
branching out. We are not at liberty
to-day to give full details respecting
the enterprise, and to publish the name
ot those who are interested in the
project. Two of the gentlemen who
will likely be connected with it are
from a distance, and a couple others
are residents of Philipsburg. We cer-
tainly hope that the affair may prove
a big thing to the stockholders and to
the community.”
——The body of Simon Broch, the
peddler, who, with George Langer, was
drowned in the river at Keating on the
24th ult, was found at Westport on
Thursday of last week. We have al-
ready mentioned this case of drowing
aad add the statement of the Renovo,
Record that when the boat capsized
Broch held on to his pack for several
minutes. It was thought at one time
that it would save his life, but in his ef-
forts to get astride of i* he lost his life.
Laniger struggled hard for his life, but
not being able to swim, soon sank be-
neath the water’s surface and was seen
no more. His body has not yet been
——Company B. Fifth Regiment, N.
G. P., of this place, held a very im-
portant meeting in their armory F'ri-
day evening, June the 6th, in which
they accepted the invitation tendered
them to go to Williamsport on July the
4th. The company also fixed on the
week beginning July 7th, as the time
when they will encamp on Buffalo Run
for the purpose of qualifying the different
members of the company as marksmen
and 1n this way Captain Reber hopes to
have Company B in first place as marks-
men in the Second Brigade instead of
being in second place, as they were last
——One of the nicest and most quie;
weddings that over took place in Phil-
ipsburg occurred on Thursday of last
week at 8:30 p. m. Miss Myra Hen-
shey,"daughter of Rev.B. B. Henshey, re-
cently pastor of the Baptist church, was
wedded to Mr. Robert L. Scott, the sec-
ond son of Mr. Samuel J. Scott,assistant
to Mr. J. Childs at the large tannery at
that place. The ceremony was perform-
ed by the father of the bride, in the pres-
ence of members of the respective fami-
lies only.
Last week Rev. N. C. Cleaver
was married at Birmingham, Pa., to
Miss Minnie Roop, formerly of State
College, but now of Birmingham. Rev.
Cleaver 1s a late graduate of Dickinson
College, Carlisle, and at present a stu-
dent at the Drew Theological Seminary,
New Jersey. The bride is the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roop
who are well known through the upper
end of Centre county.
Dr. A. W. Hafer and daughter
Laura K., have been off on a pleasure
trip to PLiladelphia and Atlantic city.
The Doctor has returned to his profes-
sional duties, but Miss Laura will go to
Ridgely, Maryland, on Monday, where
she will spend some time previous to re-
turuing to Philadelphia and from, there
home. ‘
Quite a number of interested par-
ties were in Bellefonte obo Monday to at-
tend the sale of unseated lands, Some
of the tracts brought quite good. prices.
One tract went for over one thousand
dollars ; one for five hundred, and a
number for smaller sums. Some was
held over until a later date when it will
again be put up.
——Aftera long period of suffering
from an incurable disease, Mrs. Swavely,
wife of BE. G. Swavely, died at her resi-
dence on Bishop street on Tuesday
morning, leaving a husband and three
children. to mourn her loss. Her re-
mains were taken to Milton for inter-
——At a public meeting held in
Philipsburg last week it was determined
to have a first-class celebration of the
next Fourth of July in that place, and
committees were appointed to make ar-
rangements. About a hundred dollars
was subscribed to make a start with.
~ ——Mr. John F. Meginness, the late
veteran editor of the ‘Williamsport Ga-
zette and Bulletin, is having a good
time since he laid aside the toils and trib-
ulations of editorial life. He is now
njoying a trip to Denver and other
parts of the tar west.
——William Allison, son of Ex.
Judge Allison, of Lock Haven, was
drowned at Clintondale on Thursday af-
ternoon of last week. He took an epil-
etic fit while washing a buggy, and fall-
ing face downward into the water was
drowned before help could arrive.
David * Parsons, ‘a well’ known
citizen, died at his residence in this
place last. Wednesday after an illness
that lasted for several months: He was
about 40 years of age and lea ves a ‘wife
and one child.
CurriNg Dowy A Frag PoLe.—The
{ following item has been sent us for pub-
lieation :
Much excitement was caused at Port
Matilda last week by Geo. T. Jones, de-
| Spite the protestations of eitizens, cutting
down a flag pole which was not endan-
gering persons on the highway or in
anyway affording any excuse for this
act of vandalism, except for personal
spite toward a neighbor who has attend-
some years on all public occasions.
During the Cleveland and Blaine cam-
paign this pole was erected by Jones
and some few others to prevent the Dem-
ocrats from putting up one in honor of
Cleveland. On the opposite corner a
large Blaine pole was erected and dedi-
cated with appropriate ceremonies, af-
ter which this one was put up by a small
number of Republicans headed By
Jones. The other corners of the public
square being owned by Repulicans, of
course this magnanimous act prevented
the Democrats from putting up a pole,
As the party feeling passed away the
Blaine pole was cut down and it was Ce-
cided to allow the other one to remain
as a flag pole, and a fine flag was pur.
chased by the citizens for the purpose of
display. Tmagine their surprise when
Jones, who is a great G. A. R. man, a
howling, rip roaring Republican, and all
that, began to grumble on Decoration
day when his neighbor brought out
the flag and unfurled it to the breeze as
usual. They knew of his petty hate of
this neighbor, but were more than in-
dignant when a few days after he ap-
peared with an ax and felled it to the
ground. Out on such patriotism. No
wonder his G. A. R.2comrades and the
old soldiers are boiling with indignation.
TERIAN SuNDAY ScrHooL.—The chil-
dren of the Presbyterian Sunday Schoo]
of Bellefonte had their day last Sunday,
and it was a very pleasant, entertaining
and instructive one. The ehurch in
which the exercises took place was pre-
pared for the occasion with beautiful
floral decorations, the pulpit and other
parts of the interior of the church being
greens. In the morning Rev. Dr. Lau-
rie preached a sermon especially intend-
ed for the children, which received the
close attention not only of the little ones
but of alliwho were present.
The services that gave the day its ecs-
pecial character as Childrend’ Day,
came off in the afternoon and were di-
rected in excellent style by J. W. Gep-
hart, esq., the superintendent. He was
assisted by Mr. Isaac Mitchell, who in a
short address spoke of the work of for-
eign missions ; D. F. Fortney, esq., who
described the rapid progress of Sunday.
school work in the West, and Mr. J. C
Weaver, who spoke of the Sunday
School in connection with the colored
men of the South. Mr. Laurie made
some practical remarks on the necessity
of funds to advance the work of the
church and the Sunday school. The
music was dehghtful. The large choir
that furnished the musical feature of the
occasion was composed of some of the
best singers of the town, and its singing
was charmingly supplemented by the
silvery tones of the cornet played by Mr
Lenodore Zane, of theglass works. Miss
Mary Blanchard’s infant class, consist.
ing of about sixty little ones, also took
part in the exercises, singing in a man-
ner that was creditable to themselves and
to the teacher who had charge of them.
There was a song service in the even-
ing, the choir, among other music, ren-
dering three voluntaries which were
greatly enjoyed by those who heard
them. Mr. Laurie closed the evening
with an entertaining and instructive ad-
His Wire.—The reported misunder-
standing between the base ball expert,
John M. Ward, and his wife, formerly
Helen Dauvray, the actress, has been of
some interest to the people of Bellefonte,
as Ward was born and raised in this
place and has relatives living here
According to the latest accounts of the
difficulty, it was not caused by Mus.
‘Ward's determination to return to the
but had its origin in the attentions
which he paid to & Mm. Jessie CO. Me
Dermott, a married woman of New
York city. Its alleged that his irregu
{ larities in this respect not only brough-
hin into collision with Mrs. MecDer-
mott’s husband, but caused his wife to
separate from him.
publication the following licenses were
issued by Register Rupp :
Joseph Volesick and Mary Marseskie,
both of Snow. Shoe,
H. D. Comisel, of Blanchard, and HY
M. Walker, of Milesburg.
John E. Rishel, of Spring Mills, and
Fannie E. Meyer, of Coburn.
George M. Walk, and Leona May
Price, both of Fowler.
Chas. W. Watson, of Snow Shoe, and
Sarah Bland, of Bellefonte.
Leon Froncois and Juliet Weland,
both of Asheroft, Clearfield Co., Pa.
Joseph Szoroksi and Mary Krizilik,
both of Snow Shoe.
ed to the vnfurling of a beautiful fiag for”
adorned with flowers, ferns and ever-:
: Barley, per bushel....
| Eggs, per dozen..
: . : | ConntryShoulders..
stage against the wishes of her husband, | i
| Butter, per pound...
i The Union Labor convention held at
Petrolia, on the 10th, unanimously en-
dorsed the action of the Erie County
United Labor party in placing in nom-
ination the names of Captain Jacob
Creps, of Indiana County, for Gover-
nor, and T. P. Rynder, of Centre Coun-
ty, for Lieutenant Governor. The con-
vention pledged them their hearty sup-
A Post Orrice Ropsep.—Thursday
night of last week the Hughesville post
office was entered and robbed, but the
thieves got but little to reward them for
their pains. Entrance effected by fore
ing in a back door, and the tools with
which this was done were found lying
around. Eight or ten dollars worth of
stamps and money was taken, and sev-
eral hundred dollars worth of stamps
were overlooked, or the thieves were
seared off before they had time to com-
plete their job.
Mrs. Cook.—Last Tues-
day evening Mrs. Margaret Abigail
Cook, wife of Mrs. Charles F. Cook,
of the Centre County Bank, died at her
resi dence on Spring sireet of consum p-
tion The progress of the disease which
terminated her life was remarkably 1ap-
id, as it first made its appearance in a
serious form not mueh more than six
weeks ago. Her age was about 40
years. She was a daughter of the late
Joseph A. Rankin. Five children, two
gitls and three boys, the youngest but
eight months old, are left, with herjhus-
band, to experience the irreparable loss
of a most excellent mother and wife.
She was an exemplary member of the
Presbyterian church and in her every
day walk and conversation furnished
ORED BRETHREN.—The Childrens’ Day
exercises last Sunday at the A. M. E.
church in this place were more than us-
ually successful and interesting. By
2.30 p. m. the church was filled by the
children and their parents, and by visitors
who had come to witness the exercises.
The programme was made up of sing-
ing, the reading of essays and the dis-
cussion of subjects pertinent to the oc-
casion. The decorations were in good
taste, the singing was fine and those who
participated in the exereises acquitted
themselves very creditably. Many
white ladies and gentlemen were pres-
ent. A collection amourttng to $10
was taken up which will ‘be used in
helping to pay the debt on the building
of the A. M. E. Sabbath School Union
in Nashville, Tennessee.
——-Mr. C. I. Lose has added two
splendid animals, a bay and a black, to
his well stocked livery establishment,
and put them to good use on Tuesday
in driving over to Lewistown with Mrs
Morris, Mrs. Norris and other Philadel?
phia ladies who had been visiting the
family of Evan Blanchard, esq.
Lapies—For fashionable and ar-
tistic millinery visit Strehle’s new
store in the Brockerhoff Block. Largest
stock— Latest styles—Lowest Prices.
Also a complete line of Notions, Fan-
cy goods, Silk mitts, Laces, Ribbons,
Ruching, ete., ete.
A handsome Souvenir Fan presented
to each purchaser. 23 2t
ED.— Leave your order for a suit now at
a special discount. All the new shapes
in spring styles of Hata—We are agents
{for the sale of the ‘Mother's Friend”
Shirt Waist.
Montgomery & Co.
Rellefonte Grain Market,
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
goes to press :
White wheat, per bughel..........eecverveee ws 08
Read wheat, per bushel..
Rye, per bushe
Corn, ears, per bushel.....
' Corn, shelled, per bushel
Oats—new, per bushel
Buckwheat per bush
Cloverseed, per bushel,
Ground Plaster, per ton...
A ——————————)
| Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler &Co
Potatoes per bushel +
© Ii
Lard, per pound.
l'allow, per pound..
bot fo
NX ro
N00 00
i Onions, per bushel....
Turnips, per bushel..
The Democratic Watchman,
Published every Friday morning, in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strietly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
| #3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
i year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
| all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
| publisher.
P Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
| unless paid for in advance.
{A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
| tising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol
| lows:
| One ineh (12 lines this type.
| Two inches
Three lobes i ;
Quarter Column (434 inches).......
| AT Column ( 9 inches)..
One Column (19 inches). i
Advertisements in special column, 25 per
cent. additional.
1 Transient advs. per line, 3 ingsertions......20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line.... 5 ots.
| Local notices, per line... 25 cts
Business notices, per lin€.......cceecrveennann.n 10 cts.
Job Printing of every kind dene with neat-
ness and dispatch. The Warcaman office has
{ been vefitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and Svsryiing in the Printing line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand at
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
| All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor.
an example of all the womanly virtues.
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