"Bellefonte, Pa., Juue 6, 1890. THE OLD CRADLE. I'm banished to the garret now; My busy days are o'er; Within my sheltering embrace The babies sleep no more. Nolmore, as in the bygone hours, My drowsy beat keeps time In patient, sleepy monotone With the old nursery rhyme, “Rock-a-by, baby, on the tree top ; Whee, the wind blows the cradle will rock.” The last rays of tne setting sun Slant through the windows small ; They light the garret’s dusky gloom, And on ny head they fall. Along their level bars of gold Old pictures come and go ; Again I hear the mother’s voice Singing so soft and low, “Reck-a-by, baby, on the tree top ; « When the wind blows the cradle will rock.” Ah me! where once the baby heads The downy pillows prest, Within my ample oaken hood The spider has her nest. Empty, forgotten and alone, A useless thingam I; The last words of her quaint old sori Fall like a parting sigh, “When the bough breaks tne cradle will fali; Down will go baby gn cradle and all.” Es » “ riffith in Harper's Bazar. m— Keeping Moses Down. The colored people in a small town in Georgia bad gathered at their church to hold funeral services over the remains of a woman who died a couple of days before, and the ceremonies were about to begin when the bereaved husband, who was a large corpulent man,beckon- ed to one of the men standing in the vestibule to follow him to the horse shed in the rear of the church. When they had arrived there the bereaved turned on him with: ‘See, heah, Moses, I wants an un- derstandin’ wid yo’ befo’ dis funeral goes any furder.” «What is it, Julius ?”’ asked the other. «Tas week, when we buried Henry Carter's wife yo’ was right at hand. You crowded yo’self up to de front. When de weepin’ begun yo’ set yo'- self to work an’ moaned an’ took on until Henry hadn’t no show ‘tall. Some of de white folks reckoned yo’ was de bereaved yo’self.” “T dun couldn’t help it, Julius. “Yo couldn’t ? Well, now, let me give yo' a pinter. Lucinda was my wife an’ nobody else’s. She libed wid me, an’ died with me. T’ze got to foot all de’ spenses. Now den, when de sad- ness begins I’ze number one from start to finish. 1'ze de bereaved, while yo' is only en’ outsider who feels sad cause I'ze left all alone in dis cold world. Yo’ has got to keep shet. If yo’ go to taken’ on like yo’ did last week Ize gwine to forgit my great loss jist long ‘nuff to turn around an’ gin yo’ such a lift under the ear dat you'll reckon yo’ is de subjek of de funeral. Do yo’ h'ar me, Moses?” «7 does.” “Den cum along, and recomember what T’ze bin sayin.” Better take a seat in de back row an’ hole yo’self down, fur at de werry fust whdop of sorrow 1'ze gwine to light on yo’ wid a fo'ce of fo’teen hoss power.” I SE AHPC Destructive Worms in the Hay Fields. Farmers in various parts of the State are complaming that a peculiar worm has made its appearance in their hay fields. The worm resembles the ‘army worm’ in appearance, and its methods of operation are nearly similar. They are about three eighths of an inch in length, very slender, of a light gray col- or, and are not covered with hair as are caterpillars. They go into the ground at night and when itis cold, but emerge as soun as the sun warms up the ground. Then they crawl to within a quarter of an inch of the top of the blade of grass, twine themselves arouud it and stay there all day. They attack nothing but timothy grass, so far as the farmers have been able to observe. None have yet been found on the grain or clover. When they get into a field they appear by the millions and cover the whole of it. On an average there are four worms to every five blades of grass, and seldom more than one worm on a stock. Malicious or Crazy. «Jack, the Ink Slinger,” whose prop- er name is John Conners, and who has ruined the elegant bright silk dresses of Mrs. James Bennett, Miss Tillie Horn and other New York ladies on their way home in full dress from evening parties, was captured on Friday night by Police- man Stafford at West Forty-ninth street and Ninth avenue, while trying to ink another lady’s beautiful light-colored dress. In his pockets, which were all stained and damp with the leakings, were a bottle and three old corked-up clay pipe bowls, filled with aniline ink. These he claimed to have taken away from his children, as playthings improp- er for them to handle. But his wife told in the Police Court that the children had no such toys, and that her husband had behaved strangely, almost insanely, for some time. He has been held. —— Baked potatoes are more nutri- tious than those cooked in any other way, but they must be properly baked to be good. They hy be washed clean but not soaked, and baked as soon as possible without burning. As soon as they are done each potato should be placed ina cloth to crack the skin and permit the escape of steam ; this makes them mealy. Serve immediately with the skins on, and in a napkin, and sea- soned as they are eaten, with salt, paper and a bit of butter, put into a hole in the top. They have a flavor that they lack when otherwise prepared. ——IN bottling catchup or pickles boil the corks, and while hot you can press them into the bottles, and wken «cold they are tightly sealed. Use the tin foil from compressed yeast to cov- er the corks. TE SEATS. ——MAcARONI,— Break the macaroni in pieces an inch long. Boil one-half hour and drain ; add one pint of cream, one well-beaten egg, season with butter, salt and a little pepper. Stir over a clear fire until it thickens, and serve hot — ——BorLep MurroN CHops.—Cut the steaks, season with pepper and sait. Broil on hot coals, baste with butter and sprinkle with grated bread crumbs. Serve with stewed onions. ——A Rouxp piece cut from worn out cashmere hose, and cat-stiched to the wrong side of the knee of children’s | hose with strong cottor, will strength- en them greatly. ——There should be a small table, about the height of the range or stove for use as a resting-place for utensils when omelet, gridle cakes, etc., are made. It should be covered with zine. ——NoTHING so quickly restores tone to exhausted nerves and strenght to a weary body as a bath containing an ounce of aqua ammonia to each pailful of water. It makes the flesh firm and smooth as marble, and renders the body purs and free from odors. ——Tt is said that the annual income of John D. Rockfeller, the founder of the Standard Oil Cempanp, is six mil- lion dollars. If this statement is correct six hundred and eighty-four dollars roll in upon him every hour, night ard day. TTA ENS, Fareer Harp To TracH.—“Do you think,” he asked in hesitating accents, “that you could learn to love me ?”’ “Yes,” she replied coyly, “I could learn, but I’m afraid you’ll have a good deal of trouble teaching father.— [ Washington Post. CouLDN'T BE DENIED.— Mrs. Brown —What made you make a face behind my back ? Little Johnnie—Why, Ma, you didn’t think I was fool enough to do it before your face, did you? Hap Work To Do.—Young Brown (who has just left home for the first time)—I would like to be called at three o'clock to-morrow morning. Hotel Clerk—What? Do you wish to catch an early train, sir ? Young Brown—No ; I have a but- ton to sew on my trousers. — The most obstinate cases of ca- tarrh are cured by the use of Ely’s Cream Balm, the only agreeable remedy. It is not a liquid or snuff, is easily ap- plied into the nostrils. For cold in the head it is magical. It gives relief at once. Price 50 cents. ER TTA ——Admbergris, from which many perfumes are made, and which is some- times used to flavor wine, is merely the morbid secretion of the liver of a sick spermaceti whale. It is a fatty, waxy substance, disagreeable t) sight or touch, but even in its crude state exhaling a pleasant odor. ——Are you weak and weary, over- worked and tired ? Hood’s Sarsaparilla | is just the medicine to purify your blood and give you strength. New Advertisements. NJ eas & REAPERS. —LAWN MOWERS— The latest improved rock bottom prices. o-THE McCORMICK MOWERS, REAPERS-0 And self Binding Harvester; attract the atten- tion of all farmers who prefer to se- cure the best Harvesting Machin- oy on earth. The Self Bind- ng Harvester is nearly all steel, light running and long lived. BINDER TWINEA SPECIALTY McCALMONT & CO. Wa. SHORTLIDGE, | Business Roger. McCaLMONT, § Managers. 35 20 2m. J lian SALE OF UN- SEATED lands for taxes for 1888 and 1889.—Agreeable to the provisions of law re- lating to the sale of unseated tracts of land for the non payment of taxes, notice is hereby given that there will be exposed at public sale or outery, the following tracts of unseated lands in county of Centre, for taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the bor- ough of Bellefonte, on MONDAY, THE 9TH DAY OF JUNE, 1890, at 1 o'clock p. Mm. BENNER TWP. Acres, Per. Warrantee Name. Taxes. 120 ale J M at 14 50 Lingle J J 3 69 100 Unknown... 4 90 BOGGS TWP. 50 Brooks Jesse........cerveseren 5 86 3.8 € bE 22 82 397 145 Carscadden D 46 156 179 70 Curtin John.. 12 55 108 Curtin James ‘7456 63 #6 Curtin Austin 4 41 45 21 Curtin Ru. 12 50 12 63 Curtin Roland.. 84 12 63 “ 4% ave ve 28 400 Carscadden D 9 40 426 100 Evans Jesse.. 15 02 36 94 Fetzer A 83 34 54 Gregg Andr 2358 433 163 Godfrey Martha 15 25 433 163 Higbey Joseph 5 14 308 3 Holt John... 25 73 100 Kelso Josep 4 61 150 Kelso Rebecca. 6 99 43 153 Lewis David.. 10 17 100 Lane Wm... 4 61 150 ¢ . Mary.. 6 99 100 & Sarah.. 5 81 50 ® Wm, 2 34 337 Livergood VN 15 67 150 Lane Sarah 10 51 150 hie uimm stb 3 53 100 80 McClure John.. . 499 339 8 i: HE iets . 15 61 146 Packer & Lucas. «166 50 * $2 ne 4 91 100 Reese Daniel 4 61 300 e Susan 13 61 150 # Daniel 60 50 Unknown...... 118 200 Wilson Wm ii . 9 30 150 Yarnell & McAllister.......... 10 64 BURNSIDE TWP. 415 Barron Jobn........ Ferriss 7 415 Black James 14 54 433 163 Brady Rober 15 16 433 163 €¢ Wm 25 58 433 163 £6 John 15 16 433 163 Bell Alexand 25 88 415 Boyd John 14 54 433 163 Bell Willia 7 60 415 Candy Eli.. ie 433 163 Cook Willia 25 58 433 163 Cowden John, 25 58 10. 22 Cox Paul... 28 00 33 163 Davidson Wm J. 15.16 433 163 Dewart William. ‘15 16 433 163 “or John hn 15 16 433 163 Donnelly Henry 15 16 433 163 EwingJohn.... 15 16 433 163 Hannah 1.75 433 163 Fox Samuel M 1516 433 163 Gray Robert... + 15716 433 163 WHHL. vinnie os 15 16 New Advertisements New Advertisements. New Advertisements. Philadelphia Card. Steele George..... Grant 'ihos.. Hall Henry 4 of... “ Washington 24 o Jackson Jeremiah !4 of. Kiad John........ Levy Nathaniel. Lewis Davis... Miller William... Pancoast Samuel. Parker Jeremiah. Rugg John........ Shaffer Henry... Stewart Walter. Scott Samuel. Shym John.... Stewart Ann... Tallman Sarah M. Towers John........ Thomas Joseph... Yaghe John 4 o Wallace Joseph S. Wallace Joseph. Wetzel John... Weidner Jacob. Wheeler Henry... Withington Martin Wallace Joseph J COLLEGE TWP. Johnson RoOSS......ceeeeersininne CURTIN TWP. Atwood N'Li “ “ Brooks Jesse. “ “ Bruce Charles. Carskadden D.. Curtin Roland. Edy Esther... Godirey Martha.. Furst John S... Hall Charles. Hollowell Ed Irwin James. 4% Robert. LongJ E. “ “ Morgan B Mitchell N J. Miles Jonath Packer Job w “Jesse. Wharton Mollie.. Willis John..... Wister Casper. Miller James FERGUSON TWP. Burchfield Wm Bates Daniel... Glasgow Silas.. Hall John..... Hill Henry... Hicks Abram Patton John.. Rainy Robert.. Risk Chas....... Thompson Mose Unknowa.......... GREGG TWP. Antis Henry.......covviviiniinens Anderson Jacob. . Asken Robert... Barber James.... Bishop Cornelius. Cowden John.... Carson John... Carson Andrew. Duncan David Gray Robt...... Hepburn William. Hubby Bernard. Habn Wm..... Hepburn Wm. Logan Wm..... Mosby Jacob.. Markley Jacob. Mercer John.. Painter Joh Reese Danie Richardson Is Reed Daniel Taggart Wm Taggart Dav Tower James Unknown... Unknown. Welsh CB...... Zeigler Micha HAINES TWP. Bolinder John..... w.ovveuneene Bolinder Henry.. toi Bolinder Frederic Bolinder Adam...... Barr Thomas... Barr Jafies... Barr Mary. Black Peter........ Dudbridge Hannah Gratz Michael..... Gratz Simon.... Grove Wendell Hayes Calvin M.. Links Mary.. 1 Aaron... Mosby William McElroth Rober Metzger Daniel Motz John....... Princeton John Phillips Levi ... . Rhoades Daniel.. Swineford Albrigh Snyder Simon. Seidell Phillip.. Seidell Peter... Snyder Catherine.. Seidell Stophel HALF MOON TWP. Anshultz George............... Bates Daniel 5 Beck Jacot Carr John.. Curtin Rola Cross James Hill Henry Keith Jacob... Lamborn Josia Moore Thomas L.. Pyle Jacob......... Thompson John Unknown resteer HARRIS TWP. Andre Absolom Bell John....... Connelly Adam. Edmiston Samuel. Fisher J C......... Henry Stophel Irvin John beees “ “ i Irvin William Irvin John........ Johnson Thomas. McCandless Wm.. Mitchell John... Parker Richard. Patterson Robert.. Reed James......... Reynolds John. Sample Robert.. Sankey Thomas... Sankey Jeremiah. Steele Robert... Steele James.. Steele Allen... Simpson Nathan.. Smith John...... Wilson Samuel. te “"David.... ee William. fe Edward.. Ld Peter .. Work David... “ Joseph ~ Young Samuel.....c...conne. - HOWARD TWP. Brown Samuel Bonham Sarah. Custin Samue Custin Paul Evans Jesse Green Jame Graysburg J Green Joseph Godfrey John * Martha.. Hale Jas T.. Lingle J J.. Parker Wm... Pletcher Rudolph Taylor Joseph..... Turner Hannah Leathers Samuel. White and Nestlerode Bonham Sarah. Brady John... Moore Williams John Benham Ebenezer. Gorrel Wi............ Hays Robert & James.. Jackson John.. Pt EB Zoa-tan — gi on RRO =I ~T aT oF On PURVES WR AN HARSIENEEE PX Ce dO CIRO WRONIIO® 8 cree «ow Pt pd pd CGN wo &as &@ = or w Hepburn Jam Jackson Jere.... r Unknown......... — £0 BO BO BO b= BO 10 BO 10 pmb = =I 2 BO © +4 LO BO I= Ot 1D = TD Wo OO = fe ODO Hd pd CO HR ND HORNS Funk John........ © He bo Or 5S DOT oe SRS 8RE28em Harris Jas D........ccconrrrnnens Holter Jacoo. Harris A D. Brady John... HUSTON TWP. Baxter Samuel. Price John.... Rollington John. LIBERTY TWP. Dunwoody John, Hays Wm 34 of... Irwin Robt... Irwin Robt... Irwin Robert Krouse Daniel Lytle Peter.. Lytle Peter... Nestlerode Christ. Potter John.. Packer Job Stevenson Pet Smith Christian MARION TWP, Curtin Constance.. Corman John. Harris Jas D Harris A D... Harris Jas.... irwin John. Lamb David Lingle J J.. McKinney I: McCoy & Linn Miles James Rorher Chri bn . Schenck John... Shoemaker Benj.. Shugart J D.... Unknown.... Young Robt... Wilson Margaret. Weight Wm MILES TWP. Brady William P i William. Black James..... Barton William. Brooks Jesse. Barton William. Brady William.. Antis Henry..... “ Frederick.. Carothers James.. A Thomas Cowden John... Cooper William... Deering Christopher. Dewart William..... Derr S and J Stahl. Housel John.. Hall Charles.. Haines Josiah... Lake Richard.. Levy Rachael... Miles William 9 & te 7-16 of. Parker William...... Princeton Jacob. Siedell Stophel. Williams Daniel. Young Benj PATTON TWP. Burton Robert. Diehl Nichol « “ ee Adam tr John.. Ellis William Gover Robert Gross Henry Kline Johun.. McKane Robert. Newport James.. O'Brian John.. White John.. West Thos... Wilson William. PENN TWP. Armstron g J 08 Cook William. Cowden John.. Cook William. Hepburn Jas... “ “ Kreamer Peter.. Kennedy John... % James.. * Andrew & John... & James.. Lyon Robert... « Ezekiel.. “ Benjamin MecCally John. «William. Montgomery Daniel & William. McDonald Alex... Swineford Peter. Unknown.......... POTTER TWP. Fullmer H. B. Forkes James.. Garrigus Edward. “7° William. Hubler Bernard.. Hunter Alexander. Harrison William... wht Hoffman William 4 of.. Livingston —.... Moore James.... McClellan George... Patterson Benjamin. Parker aries Peck Joseph.. Rapp Jabob... Smith Daniel. Scott Samuel... ¢« Abraham. RUSH TWP. Allison John.... s James... bo Andrew « A.and John Lilly Armstrong Aad Ww Arthur Ann Allison Jam % Andrew. Beverage David.. Bruntzman Pete: Brachbill John Chestnut Samu Copenhaver John.. “ “ “ and Whitecomb.. Delaney Sharp....... Dentler William. Edwards Thomas.. Ehler Daniel...... Eberman Philip. Fitzgerald Daniel.. Groe Elizabeth... Groe and McKeon Gray Robert...... Graves Thomas. Gray William.. Hair Christian. Haines Casper... Hamiltorr Thomas. Haines Reuben Jr Irvin Robt... “ “ 3 of. auilol wi aRok Jorlon Owen.. King Robert. “ 1 " Lucas Charles. Lawrence Casper. " Lowden Richard.. : ‘0d John. Mayston Edward... * McPherson William ARD W. MILLER, WOOD, BROWN & CO., Dealers in HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, &C. 429 Market Street: PHILADELPHIA, PA. SSC Malone Richard... BO bd ed G0 CO We sme 3 Sg 0 Railway Guide. McCommon John. McEntire Hugh MecConley Mariah Morgan B R 34 of... d J R and A Camp Musser Johon 4 of. 5 Musser John %4 of. Pinkerton Hepry.... Petars Richard 24 o Rarasey James 15 of.. Reese Thomas... Rudisili Jadob.. Rush Benjamin Robinson William H. pt McClure William — Thornburg Thos. Wilson William Davis Abijah 4 of. Fisher Samuel W.. “IIVR *SSAMIXE Greaves 'homas ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND BRANCHES. May 12th, 1890. VIA TYRONE—WESTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone, 6.55 a. m., at Altoona, 7.45 a. m., at Pitts- burg, 12.45 p. m. : ellefonte, 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Altoona, 1.45 p. m., at Pitts- burg, 6.50 p: m. ellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.40, at Altoona at 7.50, at Pittsburg at 11.55. VIA TYRONE—EASTWARD, Leave Betlefonte, 5.35 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.55, at Harrisburg, 10.30 a. m., at Philadel- phia, 1.25 p. m. Leave Bellefonte 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6..40 at Harrisburg at 10.45 p. m., at Phila- delphia, 4.25 a. 1. VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORTHWARD, Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m. ellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven, 11.00 a. m. Leave Bellefonte at 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven at 10.10 p. m. VIA LOCK HAVEN—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, ven, 5.30. p. m.; Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 11.00, leave Williamsport, 12.20 p, m., at Harrisburg, 3.13 p. m., at Philadelphia at Pp. Leave Bellefonte, 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha- 5 m., leave Williamsport, 12.25 arri 4.30 25s m.: arrive at Lock Ha- illiamsport, 6.25 p. m., at sburg, 3.45 a. m., arrive at Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m. VIA LEWISBURG. Leave Bellefonte at 6.00 a. m., arrive at Lewis- burg at 9.00 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m,, Philadelphia, 3.15 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 2.30 p. m., arrive at Lewis- burg, 5.35, at Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m., Phila- delphia at 4.25 a. m. BALD EAGLE VALLEY. EASTWARD. > > BRR RRR NNRRORCERERS SD” Boba on Lewis Lewis....... Mithchell William P. MecLanahan Sarah.... Mitchell William P.. Parker Jeremiah... Parker George... Spear Margaret.. Tompkins Joseph a ASE ENREE TS RRRRRER ES Swan o Armes & Shaffer... Anshultz George — bd pd SOON © RD 1S Q Beckwith Clement NR AR RR TOOTS ARR REDD ERR Es REE RII IR oR BRER = May 12, Eg By 5 1800. | RB 5% i ? 3 a Arr. Lv.| A. a | P.M ...Tyrone....| 8 10 .E.Tyrone.., 8 17| Hine Vail......| 8 20| Bald Eagle| 8 25 Fahy Dix. ...}-'8§80 Fowler 8 32 .Unionville.; 9 10 .8. Int...{ 918 .Milesburg.| 9 22 .Bellefonte.| 9 32 .Milesburg.! 9 47 ...Curtin....| 10 01 Mt. Eagle..| 10 06 ...Howard...| 10 16 .Eagleville.| 10 30 Beh. Creek.! 10 35 .Mill Hall...| 10 50 Flemin’ton.| 10 54 Leck. Haven 11 00 BC OF On OF OF Ot He oe Hn le HoH Ee G9 C9 08 00 G0 05 09 00 0 19 ow BO rd et © OV w hd Co ed fd TO pd pd pd " SESW D 000000000000 TTT J JIT J Bo E & CLEARFIELD. WORWTRJLRNDO ~~ Lowden Charles OW WITT ODD -~1 00 SRB oRIIARIERREREIE ht © MecCommon Thos. McEwen Polly.. <o Qo «* McEwen Polly.... Montgomery John Merryman Thos. Moore James... Ridgeway Budd & Co., Ralston David......... Thomas John w Whitehead Richard Williams Joshua... Weidner Michael Wilson William... Wallace Thomas kK: SOUTHWARD. = 5 = May 12, Rr |%e lk 2 1890 Elgar i £ tol Bg P.M. . M. |Lv. Ara. MAM P.M T25 8 20|...Tyrone....| 6 50| 11 45(6 17 7 32 8 27/.E. Tyrone. 6 43] 11 38/6 10 7 38 8:31|...... Valil...... 6 37] 11 34/6 04 7 48 8 41{.Vanscoyoc.| 6 27| 11 25/5 65 7 55 8 45/..Gardners...| 6 25] 11 21/5 52 8 02 8 55|Mt.Pleasant| 6 16| 11 12/5 46 8.10 9 05|...Summit...| 6 09] 11 05/5 40 8 14 9 10/Sand. Ridge| 6 05| 11 00/5 34 8 16 9 12|... Retort.....;| 6 03] 10 55/5 31 819 9 15|..Powelton...| 6 01| 10 52/6 30 825 9 24|...0sceola...| 5 52| 10 45/5 20 8 35| 4 20| 9 32|..Boynton...| 5 46] 10 39/5 14 8 40| 4 24| 9 387|..Steiners...| 5 43| 10 35/56 09 8 42| 4 30, 9 40|Philipshu’g| 5 41| 10 325 07 8 46/ 4 34) 9 44|..Graham...| 5 37] 10 26/4 59 8 52| 4 40| 9 52|.Blue Ball..| 5 33| 10 22/4 55 8 58) 4 49| 9 59/Wallaceton.| 5 28| 10 15/4 49 9 05) 457 ....Bigler..... 5 22} 10 07/4 41 912 502 .Woodland..| 5 17| 10 00,4 36 919, 508 2!...Barrett....| 5 12] 9 52/4 30 923 512 ..Leonard...| 509] 9 484 25 9 30] 618 .Clearfield..| 504] 9 40417 938) 520 .Riverview.| 4 58 9 31/410 9 421 526 Sus. Bridge| 4 54] 9 26/4 00 950 6535 Curwensv’e| 4 50) 9 204 06 P.M.| P. M. A.M. | A. M. [PM Benson Peter.........cceoennnas w= BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday......6 45 a. m. vents 3 00 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday.....10 30 Ly m. funasD 28 Pm, Time Table in effect on and after May 32, 1890. BELLEFONTE, NITTANY & LEMONT R.R To take effect May 12, 1890. 00 © Co Hs Hh 00 00 00 00 00 1a 1a CO OD C3 4a Ha OO Ob 4 1D HR © SO 10 OB Are ODD DO HID COW ODD HH © CDH © lA fat tobe a ao ops ha DOC ~T pd = BD — om 8 OOo Wo =n Johnson David... © CTC He DD wo ® 1 o Eee Ww OPN Foodie hises 8 SSEER eenabendi Coburn... at 27 ....Rising Springs.. .....Centre Hall. 6 52 6 43 6 36 6 30 6 25 6 20 ......Pleasant Gap 6 10 ervisge Bellefonte.........| 6 00 A MPM > 2 EASTWARD. 114 | 112 STATIONS. A Mir NM .Montandon........| 9 10| 5 45 eesa .Lewisburg........, 9 00] 5 35 FairGround. cu. seciccsisersens . ..Biehl.... 8 51 Vicksbur, ..| 845 .Mitflinburg.......|- 8 35 can Mimontis. cot 8 22 ousiti Laurelton.........| 813 - — < COME woL - HOO Ot FusgggRuies = 58888 0 = St MeCalmont Thos «0 SBS oo Parker Richard. Trains No. 111 and 103 connect at Montandon with Erie Mail West; 112 and 114 with Sea Shore Express East. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAIROAD. dd mw - pn > ED OF bd wT TD ©n = DO ° 00 IO 10 0 oN BREINER INS SRSERARERBIRESTE I Parker Jeremiah. Piles Benj & Co. —-= pd et HE) NON RNT HONDO -Tr HOR CURR ND TARO SSS Z Robison Richard.. Singer Abraham... Smith John & H.. Shoemaker Benj.. “Scott Alexander 3 i. or 0 Warden Jeremiah Wickersham Amo Upper End. EASTWARD ! i | 8 May 12, = 2 a 1890. pe 7 & BP 2 P. M. A.M. | PM 5 85|....8cotia...., 9 21| 457 5 55. Fairbrook.| 9 09| 4 37 6 07, Pa. Furnace, 8 56] 4 25 6 14|...Hostler...| 8 50! 4 B 6 20 Marengo. 843 411 6 27|.Loveville.., 8 37\ 405 6 34 FurnaceRd| 831} 3 59 6 33/Dungarvin.| 8 27} 3 56] 6 48[..W.Mark..., 819] 348 ¢ 58 Pennington| 8 10{ 3 40| 7 10|...8tover..... | 7 58] 3 28) 7 20|...Tyrone....| 7 50} 3 20| Hawthorne Thos. ELLEFONTE, BUFFALO RUN AND BALD EAGLE RAILROAD. To take effect May 12, 1890. Swanswick John, Shippen Wm Jr Nore.—In accordance with the 6th 1887, interest will be added to the amount of all taxes assessed against nnseated lands above advertised. WESTWARD. 1 5 STATIONS. sa. m'P NM Ar....Bellefonte....Lv| 6 00 3 00 . —-] 607 309 8 591. 611 313 8 541. 616 319 8 51. 619 323 | 8 48]. 6 22 328 8 441, 6 26/ 3 30 8 40 6 32] 336 8 36|. 638 343 8 33|. 646 3845 8 25. 3 563 819 3 59 8 LS . 4 (9 T 2 Krumrine........| 700 489 7 20 State College. Ar| 7 04 5 04 County Treasurer. Tros. A. SHOEMAKER, Supt. i Te
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers