SRT Bellefonte, Pa., May 30, 1890. BE TRUE TO ONE. By Mgzs. M. A. Kipper. . al Flirt not, little beauty, Though many have said, “Your face is your fortune ; Choose well ere you wed.” Remember this, maiden. So Rumor asserts : A man seldom marries The woman who flirts, Don't say its a pastime, A Joke, or mere fun; A woman’s white soul Is like snow in the sun. Love’s pure rays will melt it To tears or to smiles ; But dust from the highway And by way defiles. When once yon have chosen The man of all men, Who loves you most dearly— And you love—why. then, Look out, and not trifle, Or let your thoughts rove To other admirers— S50 sacred is love, With hands clasped together, And heart meeting heart, Oh, what is there like it In nature or art ? The angels beholding, The sight would not miss, “Of two thus united In conjugal bliss Stoop not, little maiden, From heights where you stand ; You hold a high place In our beautiful land— A fair maiden now, Sweet, true wife by and by ; And mother, perhaps; What queen stands so high ? A Poor Woman’s Lnck. The Good Luck that Befell a Deserving Widow. From the Washington Post. It was a chilly November day 1n the year , early in the '70’s, when Father Tom O’Flatherty knocked at the door of the little wooden house in Southeast ‘Washington, where lived the widow of Jimmie O'Connor. The good priest had married the couple years ago in County Kerry on the other side, had christened their children, and said the last rites ov- er poor Jimmie when he was killed in an ugly railroad accident a year or two before the time I speak of. “An’ how 1s it with ye, Mrs. O’Connor ?” asked the good man, as he patted little Norah on the head, and watched Jimmy, a sturdy child of 3 or 4, who was tying a bit of greenish paper with a long string to the tail of the sleeping cat that was taking a comfortable nap near thestove. “I'm doing very well, thanks be to God,” angwered the comely Irish woman testing her smoothing-iron to see ifit was hot enough. “I’ve plenty of wash- ing, and the ladies ye recommended me are very kind, and are giving me all their fine work.” Just then there was a yell, The cat, suddenly disturbed, had retalinted by giving Jimmy a scratch with her strong claws for his in- sult to her diginity and tail. ‘Ah there me little man, it’s nothing,” said Father Tom. “But what's that you've got tied to your string, Jimmy?’ ¢Faith, its only some old papers the childher were finding in one of the drawers of the old chist I bought at the auction last week.” ‘Was there ever an old Irish woman who could ever call a bureau anything but a “chist of drawers?” “And lit’s see what it is there, Jimmy,” said tbe priest taking the lad upon his knee. “Where did you buy this chist of drawers ?”’ he suddenly asked. “Oh, I just bought it at an auction,” the woman answered. “I naded something more to kape the children’s cloth in, and I bid it in chape.” ‘Are there any more of these papers in the drawers, Mrs. O’Connor ?” Father Tom carelessly asked a minute or two afterwards. ‘‘Yis, there is,” said little Norah, “for me and Jimmy took out a lot of them to-day.” “Let me see them, Norah, dear,” said the priest. So the child brought them, and there were thirteen. “Let me keep these papers a day or two, Mrs. O'Connor,” the priest saidas he carefully folded them up ; ‘‘the engravings are good, and I'd like to look at them more carefully.” “I'm sure you're. welcome to them’ Mrs. O'Connor answered. “The childer’ll only be tearing them.” Sot after learn- ing where the bureau had been bought, Father Tom took his leave. “Do you happen to know where the bureau you sold Mrs. O'Connor last week came from 7?” asked a priest as he entered one of the cheap auction houses devoted aginly to the sale of furniture in South- east Washington. No, I don’t answer- ed the proprietor shortly. “We don’t guarantee anything ; people must take things as they come. I won't undertake to make anything right if we did ; there'd be no profit in the business ’’ “But don’t you know where you got it?” “No, I don’t!” was the proprietors answer. “We bought it of an old nig- gar ons day. that’s all L know about it.”” The man was disposed to be insol- ent, and Father Tom left without ask- ing any more questions. “Yes, they are 5-20 bonds,” said the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, “and only two of the coupons have been paid. Coupons and all, they are worth about $20,000.” “Yes, ye’ll be a comparatively rich wo- man, Mrs. O'Connor,” concluded the priest, as he explained to the excited woman what the “green pictures’ the children'had been playing with really were. “I suppose,” he proceeded, + “that some one hid them away in that iittle drawer and covered them up with that old rubbish and then died. Any- Row the money is legally yours, and I will invest it for you and the little ones. Let us thank Him who works in so many strange ways.” To TAKE STAINS FroM GLAss.—All persons who have had new windows to wash, will be sure to recollect the both- eration caused by the streaks of putty-oil and drops of paint. More than half the labor of removing these may be saved by taking a wet cloth, dripping it into ordinary baking soda, and rubbing the paste thus made thinly over the glass. After this has been suffered to remain about fifteen minutes, it can be casily removed by washing in warm, soft water, without soap, bringing oil and stains with it. If the glass is then rubbed dry, and afterwards polished with dry whiting and chamois skin, the most fastidious eye can discover no blemish, CaN A MAN Swarrow A CANNON- BALL ?— Well, “that depends.” Heecan if his throat is large enough and the cannon-ball not too large. The ques- tion really seems worthy of some con- sideration in view of the size of some of the pills that are prescribed for suffering humanity. "Why not throw tLem ‘to the dog,” and take Dr. Pierce,s Pleasant Purgative Pellets? Small, sugar coat- ed, purely vegetable, perfectly harm- lass, in glass, and always fresh. |, Prine oF StATION.—Mr. Forundred (proudly)—Note this magnificient busi- ness block. I own every foot of the ground on which it stands, and its from this that I derive my money. Old Gent—Ah, yes ; I remember this locality very well; it was here your grandfather had his junk shop. Vigor and vitality are quickly ‘| given to every part of the body by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. That tired feeling is entirely overcome. The blood is pur- ified, enriched, and vitalized, and car- ries health instead of desease to every organ. The stomach is toned and strengthened, the appetite restored. The kidneys and liver are roused and invig- orated. The brain is refreshed, the mind made clear and ready for work. Try it. BRT AT I ——— ART INTERPRETATION IN CHICAGO. — “What does it represent ?”’ inquired the visitor, as he stood before the gorgeous- ly colored canvas in the parlor of Mr. Gaswell and strove to decipher its mean- ing. “That there paintin’,” said the mil- lionaire proudly, “frame and all, repre- | sents nigh onto $750, b’ George.”’—Ci- cago Tribune. Io C———— ——- Pain and dread attend the use cf most catarrh remedies. Liquids and snuffs are unpleasant as well as danger- ous. Ely’s Cream Balm is safe, pleas- and easily applied into the nostrils, and a sure cure. It cleanses the nasal pas- sages and heals the inflamed membrane, giving relief at once. Price 50c. ——The following remedy for burns comes from Germany, and is said to be an extra good one: It consists of fifteen ounces of the best white glue, broken into small pieces in two pints of water, and allowed to become soft; then disolve it by means of a water bath, and add two ounces of glycerine and six drams of carbolic acid ; continue the heat until thoroughly dissolved. On cooling this hardens to an elastic mass and may be kept for any length of time. When required for use it is placed in a water bath until sufficently liquid, and applied by means of a brush. It forms a shinning smooth, flexible and nearly transparent coating over the surface. ——T¢t is universally admitted that a mother should, if she is able, nurse her child. If she can not, or if for good reasons it is not advisable, then Mellin’s Food, which has been proven to corres- pond physiologically with mother’s milk, should be used. New Advertisements. M OWERS & REAPERS. —L AWN MOWERS— The latest improved rock bottom prices. o-THE McCORMICK MOWERS, REAPERS-0 And self Binding Harvester? attract the atten- tion of all farmers who prefer to se- cure the best Harvesting Machin- ery on earth. The Self Bind- ing Harvester is nearly all steel, light running and long lived. BINDER TWINEA SPECIALTY McCALMONT & CO. Business Managers. 35 20 2m. Wit. SHORTLIDGE, Ropr. McCALMONT, REASURER'S SALE OF TUN- SEATED lands for taxes for 1888 and 1889.—Agreeable to the provisions of law re- lating to the sale of unseated tracts of land for the non payment of taxes, notice is hereby given that there wiil be exposed at public sale or outery, the following tracts of unseated lands in county of Centre, for taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the bor- ough of Bellefonte, on MONDAY, THE 9TH DAY OF JUNE, 1890, - at 1 o'clock p. Mm. BENNER TWP. Acres, Per. Warrantee Name. €8. 120 Haled M...cceconnnn. 144 50 Lingle J J 369 100 Unknown... 4 90 BOGGS TWP. 50 Brooks Jesse.... 5 86 3.8 2 of 22 82 397 145 Carscadden D. 46 15 179 70 Curtin John 12 55 108 Curtin Jame 745 63 6 Curtin Austin. 4 41 45 21 Cartin BR... 12 50 12 63 Curtin Roland 84 12 63 ae Teer 28 400 Carscadden D. 9 40 426 100 Evans Jesse 15 02 36 94 Fetzer A... 83 34 54 Gregg And 2 38 433 163 Godfrey Jara. 15 25 433 163 igbey Jose of. 5 14 BB Cs 25 73 100 Kelso Joseph.. 4 61 150 Kelso Rebecca 6 99 43 153 Lewis David 10 17 100 Lane Wm., 4 61 150 “ Mary. 6 99 100 “ Sarah. 5 81 50 Ham... 2 34 337 Livergood M 15 67 150 Lane Sarah,. 10 51 150 4 fl 3 63 100 80 McClure Jo 4 99 339 8 oe vs 15 61 146 Packer & Lucas. 16 76 50 “ “ Gril] 4 91 100 Reese Daniel. 4 61 300 i Susan... 13 61 150 5) Daniel.. 6 0 50 Unknown..... 118 200 Wilson Wm.. 9 30 150 Yarnell & McAllister... 10 64 BURNSIDE TWP. 415 Barron Jorn 721 415 Black James 14 54 433 163 Brady Robert.. 15 16 433 103 xe Wm P 25 58 453 163 #0 John, 15 16 433 163 Bell Alexander 25 88 415 Boyd John... 14 54 433 163 Bell William, 7 60 415 Candy Eli..... Nel 433 163 Cook William.. 25 58 433 163 Cowden John ‘ 25 58 10 22 Cox Paul... 28 00 433 163 Davidson Wm J, 15 16 433 163 Dewart Wiiliam, 15 16 433 163 Si John. .cur 15 16 433 163 Donnelly Henry 15 18 433 © 163 Ewing John.. 15 16 455 163". ¢ Hannah. 17 433 163 Fox Samuel M. 15 18 433 163 Gray Robert. 15 16 433 163 0 William... 15 16 New Advertisemernts, New Advertisements New Advertisements. 163 163 163 133 163 163 120 131 31 120 80 163 93 93 44 48 126 31 15 - 150 99 + Lamborn Jos 89 76 68 48 48 104 63 134 Grant 'Thos........ Gobin Chas...... Gray William 4 of. Hali Charles...., “ .' Nane, H amilton Thos s ¢ ons! John.... a enry 1 of. # Washington 57 5 Jackson Jeremiah 14 of Kiad John.......... Levy Nathaniel Lewis Davis... Lyon John. Heap Miller William. Pancoast Samuel. Parker Jeremiah Rugg Joho... Shatter Henry Stewart Walter. Scott Samuel. Shym John. Stewart Ann Tallman Sarah Towers John.. Thomas Joseph... Vaughn John 24 of. Wallace Joseph S. Wallace Joseph. Wetzel John.. Weidner Jacob.. Wheeler Henry Withington Martin. Wallace Joseph J.... COLLEGE TWP. Johmson-Ross......onii. CURTIN TWP. Atwood NL. Brooks Jesse.. “ « Bruce Charles Carskadden D. “ « Curtin Roland Eddy Esther.... God(rey Martha. Furst John S Hall Charles Hollowell Ed.. Irwin James “ Robert Morgan Benj R. Mitchell N J... Miles Jonathan. Packer Job Ww [0 Willis John..... Wister Casper.. Miller James... FERGUSON TWP. Burchfield Wm Bates Daniel... Glasgow Silas.. Hall John..... Hill Henry... Hicks Abram “ “ Miles Samuel.. Mitchell David Moore Thos L.. Patton John..... Rainy Robert.. Risk Chas..... Smith Thoma Thompson Moses Unknown........... GREGG TWP. Antis Henry Anderson Jacob.. Asken Robert... Barber James..... Bishop Cornelius Cowden John Carson John. Carson Andre Duncan David. Gray Robt........ Hepburn William Hubby Bernard Hahn Wm.... Hepburn Wm Logan Wm.... Mosby Jacob, Markley Jacob. Mercer John.. Painter John. Reese Daniel ... Richardson Is Reed Daniel.. Taggart Wm.. Taggart David.. Tower James... Unknown... Unknown. Zeigler Michael... HAINES TWP. Bolinder John Bolinder Henry... Bolinder Frederick Bolinder Adam Barr Thomas Barr James. Barr Mary.. Black Peter......... Dudbridge’ Hannah. Gratz Michael... Levy Aaron ... Mosby William. McElroth Robert. Metzger Daniel. Motz John... Princeton Jo Phillips Levi ... Rhoades Daniel....... Swineford Albright. Snyder Simon... Seidell Phillip. Seidell Peter... Snyder Catherine. 1 Seidell Stophel ................. HALF MOON TWP, Anshultz George... Butes Daniel... Beck Jacob.. Carr John..... Cross James Hill Henry, Keith Jacob. Thompson John Unknown. HARRIS TWP. Andre Absolom.. Bell John........ Connelly Adam.. Edmiston Samue Fisher J C....... Henry Stophel. Irvin John. McCandless Wm Mitchell John.. Parker Richard Patterson Robert. Reed James..... Reynolds John Sample Robert. Sankey Thomas.. Sankey Jeremiah Steele Robert... Steele George. Simpson Nathan. Smith John...... Wilson Samuel. io David.... “ William. « Edward. $ Peter .. Work David... “ Joseph Yonng Samuel. HOWARD TWP, Brown Samuel... Bonham Sarah.. Brady John...... Crawford John.. Curtin Roland... Custin Samuel.. Custin Paul...... : Evans Jesse, Green James. « “ Grayshurg Joseph. Green Joseph... Godfrey John. - hs) Martha......c...oeicv 92 151 70 63 63 163 163 163 120 120 80 120 18 55 00 60 42 134 134 53 146 10 31 110 1 — 83 153 116 10 153 361 163 163 153 163 153 643 153 156 153 163 153 ‘Brady John Lingle J J. Parker Wm.. Pletcher Rudolph. Taylor Joseph, Turner Hannah.. Leathers Samuel. White and Nestlerode Brady John........ Bonham Sarah HUSTON TWP. Baxter Samuel...... Moore Price John...... Rollington John. Williams John.... LIBERTY TWP. Benham Ebenezer Dunwoody John. Gorrel Wi............ Hays Robert & James. Hays Wm 1 of. Irwin Robt.... Irwin Robt. Irwin Robert Jackson John.. Krouse Daniel. Lytle Peter Lytle Pete Nestlerode St. Potter John..... Packer Job W. Stevenson Peter. Smith Christian.. MARION TWP. Curtin Constance............... Corman John... Harris Jas D.. Harris Jas.. irwin John Lamb David. Lingle J J.... MeKinney David. McCoy & Linn. Miles James. Rorher Christ.. Schenck John. Shoemaker Benj. Shugart J D... Unknown... Young Robt.. Wilson Margaret. + Weight Wm.........coeveeceinn MILES TWP. Brady William P.... ad William... Black James. Barton Willia Brooks Jesse.... Barton William Brady William. Antig Henry.. “ Frederic Carothers Jame: hid Thoin Cowden John... Cooper William... Deering Christopher. Dewart William.. Derr S and J Sts Gray Robert Gratz 8...... - Hepburn James « « Housel John.. Hall Charles... Hepburn James Haines Josiah Jackson Jere.. Lake Richard Levy Rachael... Miles William 9 16 of. had £ 7-16 of. Parker William. Princeton Jacob. Reese John....... Swineford Peter. Shaffer Michael. Siedell Stophel.. Unknown.......... Williams Daniel Young Benj PATTON TWP. Burton Robert. Diehl Nicholas « & Adam... A John.... Ellis William.. Gover Robert.. Gross Henry Kline John..... McKane Robert. Newport James.. O'Brian John.. White John.. West Thos Wilson Wil PENN TWP. Armstrong JOS Cook William.. Cowden John “ ‘ Cook William.. Hamilton Thos Hepburn Jas... Kreamer Peter Kennedy John i James... William. McDonald Alex...... Swineford Peter.. Unknowna.....i..iis.e, Bond Mary... Brady Williar Cameron Alex.. Cowgell David.. Deering Christ. Frick John Jr... Fullmer H. B... Forkes James.. Garrigus Edward iy William. Hubler Bernard.. Hunter Alexander. Harrison William...... Hoffman William 4 of. Livingston — Moore James... McClellan Georg Patterson Benjamin.. Parker Peck Joseph.. Rapp Jabob. Smith Daniel.. Scott Samuel. ¢ . Abraham.. Unknown... Vanderslice Henry. RUSH TWP, Allison John.. f James . # © Andrew, . “ A.and John Lilly... Armstrong And w............ Arthur Ann...... Allison Jame 4 Andrew Beverage David Bruntzman Peter. Brachbill John..... Chestnut Samuel., Copenhaver John... “ “* “ and Whitecom Delaney Sharp...... Dentler William Edwards Thomas. Ehler Daniel..... Eberman Philip. Fitzgerald Daniel. Funk John......... Grant Thomas... Glentworth Jas Groe Elizabeth... Groe and McKeon Gray Robert...... Graves Thomas Gray Wiiliam Hair Christian, Haines Casper... Hamilton Thomas. Haines Reuben Jr Iryin Robt fechsvniis “ “ Lucas Charles... td ° ES BO CO ~T 00 wa OO C0 bt m3 4 1S =T [2 [73 x Yt — pt bt OO 8 60 0 CL Ho S8L8ES 153 Lewis David 11 07 433 163 Lattimore Georg 15 95 433 163 # William & 4 93 15 Lawrence Casper.. 3 61 433 153 Lowden Richard... 62 38 433 153 bi John..... 113 71 433 153 Lee Jobn........... 5b 21 34 163 Mayston Edward 575 200 McPherson Willia 73 433 153 Malone Richard. 11 07 433 133 * v 11 07 433 153 o* a i“ 11 07 433 153 MeCommon John.. 11 07 270 McEntire Hugh . 6 89 433 153 Meyers Jacob.. 48 33 433 163 Miller Jacob.... 31 2: 433 163 McConley Mariah.. 15 92 433 153 Morgan B R 24 of.. es 1:0. 10 100 McCord J R and A Campbel 13 13 433 153 Musser Johon 1 of. wir: 1871 433 153 Musser John 34 of. 55 10 433 153 Morgan B Rf of... 18 71 433 153 Peters Richard 34 of. 86 10 433 163 Pinkerton Henry... 62 38 433 163 Peters Richard 14 of. 18 71 430 9 ° Ramsey James 15 of. 10 74 433 153 Reese Thomas.... 208 85 433 153 Rudisili Jadob.. 40 47 405 47 Rush Jacob... 97 18 433 153 Rush Benjamin.. 113 80 38 Robinson William H. 4 85 36 he * .r 4 59 216 Rainy Robert, 551 433 163 Reigart A... 11 07 433 163 Spear John. 11 07 433 153 Slough, George. 36 72 433 153 Spear Robert.... 40 09 433 153 Siddens Elanor 84 46 33 153 Toner Jas...... . 11 04 153 153 4 8 et 3 83 196 Vandyke Henry 5 10 193 Witmer Henry 18 54 433 153 Welsh Joseph... 11 07 122 44 Weidman John 31 21 402 115 i Jaco . 96 73 12 Williams J C.... 2 05 5 Wilson William. 29 26 33 153 Wallace J J.... 41 59 450 Witmer H... 593 433 153 Wetzel Jacob. 11 07 SPRING TWP. 40 Curtin R 238 15 Kurtz John L 21 20 Long John..... 1 59 100 McClure Willial ni 96 62 Toole Henry 3 08 10 6 a 33 14 Thornburg Thos 64 250 Toole Henry.. 3 39 200 Wilson William... 11 90 SNOW SHOE TWP. 412 Carscadden D.... . 11 33 400 bed oY 11 00 300 Devling Joseph, 31 20 300 * Bola 31 20 433 Davis Abijah 14 ot. 18 04 433 163 Fisher Samuel W. 72 97 433 163 “ JamesC... 82 29 433 153 Greaves 'homas 72 97 162 Jones Richard... 425 300 Long J. Z.... 14 70 200 4 Me 970 353 Liggett Joh 17 31 300 Lewis Lewis 8 25 189 28 Mithchell Willis . 19 67 450 MecLanahan Sarah... ; 40 Mitchell William P. 216 83 Parker Jeremiah.. 433 Parker Gvorge... 1191 433 153 Spear Margaret.. 21 23 162 Tompkins Joseph 16 86 433 163 Waln Phebe 21 23 433 Walters Robert. 23 82 433 153 Wharton Kearney... £3 82 415 « Sarah... 43 16 415 Waln Richard... 11 44 433 153 Wharton Kearney. 11 91 TAYLOR TWP. 150 Armes & Shafter... 735 76 Anshultz George 178 400 Beli Willliam.. 9 40 60 Beckwith Clem 6 64 60 4] “ 2 41 62 48 $f 8 93 71 Bell William...... 3 68 150 Baldwin Samuel. 7 05 100 4 Joshua.. 4 70 50 Clark Joseph... “ 72 100 Cowher James. 378 200 Carr James......... . 4 70 163 Hootman Elizabeth 971 91 53 Kunes Isaac ......... 335 25 Lowden Charles. 118 300 22 Lamb John......... 14 35 433 163 McCommon Thos 10 17 424 McEwen Polly. 9 96 424 * Henry 9 96 100 Masdeon Tho 12 00 216 156 McEwen Pol 10 20 484 Montgomery John. 20 84 72 Merryman Thos. 169 15 46 fro. 36 100 Moore James... 235 158 Ridgeway Budd & Co., N 12 07 141 4 o* #6 17 271 100 Ralston David........ 7 30 128 Thomas John W 3 06 428 46 i avs 10 28 100 Yu 235 119 3) a 279 90 Van Pool C... 433 125 4 * Joh 10 70 20 hii 8. 292 200 Whitehead Ri 19 20 433 153 Williams Joshua.. 10 17 100 Weidner Michael 235 100 i pi 235 100 Wilson William 2 35 92 Wallace Thomas.. 2 16 UNION TWP. 68 Benson Peter... 2 53 100 Carlisle Wm.. 7 85 52 Fisher Wm P. 141 100 id J ae 5 20 200 RuhnP R...... 520 100 Phipps Sam’l.. 2 60 47 Unknown....... vhedad 6 12 WALKER TWP. 92 94 22 143 11 180 40 100 212 10 a 7 33 162 Brooks Ruth 321 247 65 Baker Robt.... 5 21 280 129 Currier Mary.. 6 88 60 a BE PR 147 40 Decker Abam.... 99 41 Dunwoody John.. 10 25 111 42 Dougherty Margaret.. 147 94 98 tn 125 69 39 Evans Jesse... 245 100 39 te * 169 92 26 Eckert Wm. 227 80 Fry Geo 2 00 243 55 Gilbert W 5 98 31 129 * 78 211 88 § 271 211 72 Hahn Peter.. 519 65 40 i] Wn... oT 1.59 29! 1 BRI Ebenezer, 28 59 40 Johnson David.. 1 46 560 McEwen Mary. 7 00 327 160 Mansell Wm... 8 04 9 94 Mercer John... 223 327 100 $6 David 8 04 384 36 Miller Wm... 9 43 438 107 Miles James 15 78 145 “ Samuel 10 68 50 McKee Samuel. 4 125 10 33 MecC€Calmont Thos : 98 443 59 Osman Capt.... : 7 85 20°) “« 2 2 50 200 Parker Richard.. 370 86 40 Packer Job...... 213 89 “ Jas Jr. 223 92 Parker Jeremiah.. 2 23 91 4 Richard. 223 50 Piles Benj & Co.. 51 100 Pardon John...... 2 4° 65 Robison Richard 1 A9 239 Singer Abraham. 59 75 80 Smith John & H........o.e... 1 00 169 Shoemaker Benj. curve yA 25 150 Scott Alexander 37.50 16 hi 46 4 00 242 88 Suiler James 11 90 201 133 * ils 5 00 382 138 “ Daniel... 9 41 192 Warden Jeremiah.. 470 4 22 Wickersham Amos 10 30 « « 77 12 Wilson Robt..... 15 49 Zantzinger Paul.. 515 159 oJ sities 23 90 WORTH TWP. 33 Clymer Henry.. 6 81 200 Hawthorne Thos. . 7 84 119 83 Kuhns Abram. , 3 04 315 “John... 49 00 287 Lawman Geo. 230 Mayland Faspe 274 Miles Samuel 39 Ross Juhn.. 107 Unknown. 144 ET: 100 "a 25 Swanswick John, 6 Singer John 88 Shippen Wm Jr 237 Wister Wm. 25 ¢# Dank ve Nore.—In accordance with the Aet of June 6th 1887, interest will be added to the amount of all taxes assessed against unseated lands above advertised, CYRUS GOSS, Coynty Treasurer. ovam W. MILLER, WITH . WOOD, BROWN & CO., Dealers in HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, &C. 429 Market Street: 15 1 PHILADELPHIA, PA. Railway Guide. Pian RAILROA AND BRANCHES. May 12th, 1890. VIA TYRONE—WESTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone, 6.55 a. m., at Altoona, 7.45 a. m., at Pitts- burg, 12.45 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Altoona, 1.45 p. m., at Pitts- burg, 6.50 p: m. Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.40, at Altoona at 7.50, at Pittsburg at 11.55. VIA TYRONE—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.55, at Harrisburg, 10.30 a. m., at Philadel phia, 1.25 p. m. Leave Bellefonte 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 Pm at Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m. ? Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone 6..40at Harrisburg at 10.45 p. m., at Phila. delphia, 4.25 a. m.. VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORTHWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ven, 5.30 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven, 11.00 a. m. Leave Bellefonte at 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven at 10.10 p. m. VIA LOCK HAVEN—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m.: arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 5.30. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.25 p. m., at Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 11.00, leave Williamsport, 12.20 p.m, at Harrisburg, 3.13 p. m., at Philadelphia at 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 10.10 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.25 m.,- leave Harrisburg, 3.45 a. m.,, arrive at Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m. VIA LEWISBURG. Leave Bellefonte at 6.00 a. m., arrive at Lewis- bis at 9.00 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m., Philadelphia, 3.15 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 230 p. m., arrive at Lewis- burg, 5.35, at Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m., Phila- delphia at 4.25 a. m. BALD EAGLE VALLEY. WESTWARD. | EASTWARD. gill 2 x 15 | 8 EEE) 2 | Mag i2, z 38 3 = o . fox PER] EB 127 B P.M. A.M. (A. M. (ATE. Lv. A. M. (p.m | p.m. 6.40 11 55| 6 55... Tyrone...| 810310| 7 15 6 33| 11 48 6 48/.E.Tyrone., 817317, 7 22 6 201 11 43] 6 44,...... Vail......| 8203 20| 7 28 6 25| 11 38] 6 40 Bald Eagle! 8 25/3 24| 7 33 6 19 11 32 .Dix.....| 8301330] 739 6 15) 11 29 Fowler...| 832/333 742 5 50 6 28... Hannah... 8 36/3 87] T 46 6 06/ 11 17| 6 21(Pt. Matilda., 8 43!3 44] 7 55 5590 11 09] 6 13|..Martha....| 8 51/3 52 8 05 5 501 10 59) 6 05!....Julian....| 8 59/4 01| 8 15 5 41/ 10 48 5 55.Unionville., 9 10/4 10| 8 25 6 33| 10 38] 5 48/..8.8. Int...| 918/418] 8 35 5 30 10 35| 5 45.Milesburg.| 9 22/4 20/ 8 ag 520 10 25{ 5 I.Bellefonte.| 9 32/4 30) 8 49 5 10| 10 12/5 25.Milesburg.| 9 47/4 40| 9 01 5 02| 10 01| 5 18|....Curtin....| 10 01/4 47/ 9 11 4 556| 956] 5 14.Mt. Eagle..| 10 064 55 917 449| 948 4 .Howard...| 10 16/5 02] 9 27 4 40{ 937 4 59 ..EBagleville., 10 30,5 10] 9 40 438) 924 4 56 Beh. Creek.| 10 35/5 13] 9 45 4 26{ 922 4 46/.Miil HallZ.| 10 5015 24| 10 01 423 919 4 43 Flemin'ton.| 10 54/5 27| 10 05 420 915 4 40 Lek. Haven 11 00/5 30 10 10 Pula nla om} | A.M. {An p.m. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD. NORTHWARD. SOUTHWARD. Bie T's 5 IEE) 8 | Mr | 2 23|F Z 7 2 | 2 P.M.| P. M. | A. M. [Lv Ara. Mam |p um 725 315] 8 20/(..Tyrone...| 6 50] 11 45/6 17 732 322 827|.E. Tyrone. 6 43| 11 38/6 10 7.38] 8:27) 8.81}.....Vail..... 6 37| 11 34/6 04 7 48| 3 36] 8 41|.Vanscoyoc.| 6 27] 11 25/5 55 7 55) 342] 8 45|.Gardners..| 6 25! 11 21/5 52 8 02/ 3 50| 8 55{Mt.Pleasant! 6 16| 11 12/5 46 8 10, 3 58 9 05|...Summit...| 6 09! 11 05/5 40 8 14| 4 03] 9 10/Sand.Ridge| 6 05] 11 00/5 34 8 16] 4 05] 9 12|... Retort..... 6 03] 10 55/5 31 8 19| 4 06] 9 15/..Powelton 6 01] 10 52/5 30 8 25) 4 14| 9 24|...0sceola 5 52] 10 45/5 20 8 35| 4 20| 9 32|..Boynton 5 46] 10 39 5 14 8 40! 4 24| 9 37|..Steiners...| 5 43] 10 35/5 09 8 42| 4 30/ 9 40 Phili shu’g| 5 41] 10 32/5 07 8 46 4 34| 9 44|..Graham...| 5 37| 10 26/4 59 8 52| 4 40, 9 52|..Blue Ball..| 5 33| 10 22/4 55 8 58| 4 49) 9 59|Wallaceton.| 5 28] 10 15/4 49 9 05] 4 57) 10 07|....Bigler.....| 5 22| 10 07/4 41 9 12| 5 02) 10 14/.Woodland..| 5 17| 10 00/4 36 9 19| 5 08} 10 22|...Barrett....| 5 12| 9 52/4 30 9 23] 512] 10 27|..Leonard...| 509] 9 48/4 25 9 30| 5 18| 10 34|..Clearfield..| 5 04] 9 40/4 17 9 38| 6 20| 10 44|..Riverview.| 4 58 9 31/4 10 9 42| 5 26| 10 49 Sus. Bridge| 4 54 9 26/4 00 9 50{ 5 35) 10 55 Curwensv’e| 4 50 9 20/4 06 P.M.| P. M. | A. M. A.M. | ALM (PY BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after : May 32, 1890. Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday......6 45 a. m. 3 00 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday.....10 30 a. m. a I 525 p.m. BELLEFONTE, NITTANY & LEMONT R.R To take effect May 12, 1890. WESTWARD, EASTWARD. 111 103 : 114 | 112 STATIONS. Fair Ground. vs 226 615 ....Bieh 5 26 2.32 30 5 20 2 43 5 08 2 58 4 53 3 08 443 333 748) 416 355 721 355 413 710 335 4 28) 82 6 52] 320 4 35" 8 3° 643] 313 443 842 «| 636] 305 4.48 848 «| 636] 300 4 52| 8 52,..........Lemont..........| 625 255 4 57, 8 59]. 6 20{ 2 50 506] 9 09].....Pleasant Gap......[ 6 10/ 2 40 5 15 9 20.........Bellefonte......... 6 00) 230 P.M. | A M A.M. | P.M. Trains No. 111 and 103 connect at Montandon with Erie Mail West; 112 and 114 with Sea Shore Express East. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAIROAD. WESTWARD. Upper End. EASTWARD 2 8 May 12, 2 2 2 i 1890. X EA 2 a a a A.M. | P.M A.M | PM | 9 51 5 35|....Scotia..... 9 21) 457. 10 21] 5 55. Fairbrook.| 9 09{ 4 37. 10 28/ 6 O7/Pa.Furnace| 8 56| 4 25, 10 34| 6 14|..Hostler...[ 8 50, 4 I8 10 46; 6 20|...Marengo..| 8 43] 4 11 10 52| 6 27..Loveville... 837 405 10 58| 6 34 FurnaceRd| 8 31] 3 59 11 02 6 38 Dungarvin.| 8 27| 3 56 11 10| 6 -8/..W.Mark..| 819] 348!...... 11 20| 6 58 Pennington) 8 10, 3 40....... 11 32| 7 10{...Stover..... 738 398... 11 40; 7 20....Tyrone...., ‘7 50; 3 20|.. ELLEFONTE, BUFFALO RUN AND BALD EAGLE RAILROAD. To take effect May 12, 1890. EASTWARD. WESTWARD. 8 2 TT] 38 | STATIONS. { P.M. | A. A.M. PN 620 9 Bellefonte....Lv| 6 00 3 00 613 9 03/.........Scales... .| 607] 309 6 08 8 b9/.. «..Morris., 611 313 6 03 8 bd. .Whitmer.........| 6 16/ 319 559 851 .. Linus. .. 619 323 5 2 8 48/.. Hunters... 622 82 5 53 8 44 .Fillmore.. 6 26, 330 5 47| 8| 6 32 3 86 5 43] 8 36/.........Waddles . 638 343 5 39 8 33|...Mattern Junction | 646] 345 8 25|...u.0...Matterns, | | 853 | 8 19] 3 59 | 8... Red Bank.. 49 5 24/ 7 25|....... Krumrine. « T00] 4659 5 20] 7 20 Lv.State College.. 704 504 Thos. A. SHOEMAKER, Supt. on