Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 30, 1890, Image 4

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    Terms 82.00 Ai Year,in Advance.
“Bellefanie, Pa., May 30, 1890.
P. GRAY MEEK, - == Evimp
A Correct Forecast.
It is the opinion of dispassionate
political.observers that the Democrat-
ic chance of defeeting the Repub licans
in this State at the next election de-
pends upon:the action of Quay. If
“Quay shall -succeed in enforcing his
will in the-making of the Republican
ticket the result will likely be Repub-
lican defeat. This view was expressed
the in an interview with ex-
‘Governor Curyin in New York, who,
when questioned as to the political sit-
uation in Pennsylvania, said :
“It looks to me as though Boss Quay would
-succeed in forcingiDelamater on his party.”
“And if he does?
“If he does he would be beaten, that’s all;
that is, if the Demoeratic party makes a wise
nomination. It is my’opinion that about the only
hope the Democrats have of carrying Pennsyl-
vania is in the stupidity of Republicans and
=the aggressiveness of Quay.”
“Governor, how about the recent attacks up-
on Mr. Quay’s private character ?”
The Governor was emphatic in reply. “Quay
has not answered them. Why does he not an-
-awer ? No man can afferd to be silent under
-such a stigma.”
This is unquestionably a correct
view of how the political land lays in
Pennsylvania at this time. Results
depend greatly npon Quay’saction. If aggressive in the making of the
State ticket thousands of Republicans
will decline to give it their support.
And there is every appearance of his
determination to be aggressive.
:It:Should be Investigated.
«Congressman Kerr, of this District,
deserves. credit for introdueing into the
House a resolution asking for an in-
‘vestigation of the charge that James!
CamprELL imported English glass blow-
ers into Pennsylvania in violation of
the law prohibiting the importation of
contract laborers into this country.
CamprriL is tbe fellow whose name
figured in the recent controversy in the
House ‘between Democratic members
Bynum and Wirson and Republican
member Bay~xe. He is one of the tar-
iff shriekers that clamor for high tariff
duties to protect American labor, yet
he is direetly charged with subjecting
that labor to the competition of cheap
European workmen whom he was in-
strumental in bringing into the country.
It is well that he should be ventilated,
but it is not likely that a congress that
is being run in the interest of monopo-
ly will be disposed to investigate Cayp-
BELL'S case, and in all probability Mr,
KERR'S resolution wiil be tabled.
In explaining the recent shut
down of the Tiffin woolen mills, one of
the largest establishments of the kind
in northern Ohio, Superintendent
WavuGH can give no other reason for it
than the effects of the prevailing tariff
which compels woolen manufacturers to
stand the expense of paying heavy du-
ties on a class of foreign wool which is
necessary in the maoutacture of high-
grade woolens, and which is not and
cannot be produced in this country.
“I have been a life-long Republican,”
said Mr. Wavcn. “I tell you thous.
ands of woolen mill operatives in this
couniry, myself among the number,
are having their eyes opened to this
tariff question.”
——1It is charged that W. H. Ax-
DREWS, chairman of the Republican
State cOmunittee, is laying wires to de-
feat Dox CAMERON'S re-election to the
United States Senate. The specific
charge is made that the chairman re-
cently tried to get A. A. Porter and H.
Warrace Broww, Republican candi-
dates for re-election to the Legislature,
to promise that they would vote for
some other candidate than CaMeroN
for United States Senator, if they
should be re-elected to the Legis-
lature—he (Andrews) to name the
man when the time came for action.
The men thus attempted to be influene-
ed declined to put themselves under A~-
DREW’s control, but didn’t obligate
themselves to keen quiet about the at-
tempt that had been made to control
——The delegate elections that oc-
curred this week have disappointed
the expectations of some of the leaders.
DevLamaTer got a decided set-back in
Franklin county, where the delegates
elected will vote in the State conven-
tion for anybody but Quay’s candidate.
At least such is their declaration, but
their present intention may be chang:
ed when influence is brought to bear !
upon them. The delegates from Bed-
ford were 1nstructed for StoNEg, and he
will also get the Elk county dele-
gate who is uninstructed. On the
Democratic side the Huntingdon dele-
tes elected on Monday will vote for
pe and those ot Columbia and
Mercer for Parison.
Farmers and the Censas.
The census year began June 1, 1889,
and ends May 31, 1890. Each state
has from one to eleven supervisors’ dis-
tricts. There are :175 supervisors in
all. There are 42000 enumerators,
who in all parts of the country will be-
gin their work Monday morning, June
2,1890. Every farm will be visited be-
‘fore June 30, and the following ques-
tions will be asked, keeping in mind
that the figures you are to give nearly
all pertain to the crops ot 1889, and
‘not to the growing crops of 1890 :
Your name as occupant of the farm.
Are you owner, renter ‘for money, or for
-share of the crops of the farm?
Are you white or black ?
Number of acres of land, improved and un-
Acres irrigated.
Number of artesian wells flowing.
Value of farm, buildings, implements, ma-
<hinery, and live stock.
*Cost of building and repairing.
Cost of fertilizers.
Amounts paid for labor, including board ;
weeks of hired labor, white or biack.
Estimated value of all farm productions sold,
consumed, or on hand for 1889,
Amount of wood cut, and value of all forest
products sold.
Acres of all kind of grassland cut for hay or
pastured ; tons of hay and straw sold: clover
and grass seeds produced and sold ; silos and
their capacity
Cane, sorghum, maple, and beet sugar and
molasses ; acres, product and value of each.
Castor Beans—Acres. Barley, buckwheat,
Indian corn, oats, rye, tvheat; aeres, crop,
amount of each sold and consumed, and value.
Rice—Acres, crop, and value.
Tobacco—Acres, crop, amount seld, and
Peas and Beans—Bushels, and value @f crop
Peanuts—Acres, bushels, and value.
Hops—Acres, pounds, and value.
Cotton, flax, and hemp; acres,crop, and value.
Broom Corn—Acres, pounds, and value.
Horses, mules, and asses; number on hand
June 1,1890 ; number foaled in 1889; number
sold in 1889; number died in 1889.
Sheep—Number on hand June 1, 1890, of
“fine wool,” “long wool,” and “all other;”
number of lambs dropped in 1889; “spring
lambs” sold in 1889 ; sold in 1889 other than
“spring lambs ;” slaughtered for use on farm
in 1889; killed by dogs in 1889 ; died from other
causes in 1889.
Wool—Shorn spring of 1890 and fall of 1889.
Goats—Number of Angora and common.
Dogs—On farm June 1, 1890.
Working oxen, milch cows, and other cattle
on hand June 1, 1890; number of pure bred,
grade and cornmon ; calves dropped in 1889;
cattle sold in 1839, slaughtered for use on the
farm, and died in 1889.
Milk—total gallons produced on farm; sold
for use in families; sent to creamery or factory;
used on farm, including for butter or cheese ;
used on farm in raising cream for sale, includ-
ing for creamery or factory.
Butter—pounds made on farm and sold in
Cream—quarts sent to creamery or factory ;
sold other than to creamery or factory.
Cheese—pounds made on farm and sold in
Swine—number on hand June 1, 189¢, sold
in 1889 ; consumed on farm and died in 1889.
Number each of chickens, turkey, geese,
and ducks on hand June 1, 1889; value of all
poultry products sold; eggs produced, sold,
and value in 1889.
Bees—Number of stands, pounds of honey
and wax produced, and value.
Onions—Field crop—number of acres, bush-
els produced and sold, and value.
Potatoes—Sweet and Irish, bushels produced
and sold.
Number of acres in vegetables, blackberries,
and other small fruits, and total value of pro-
duets in 1889.
Number of acres, and products, in bushels,
of peas and beans, green corn, tomatoes, other
vegetables fruits for canning.
Apples, apricots, cherries, peaches, pears,
piums, and prunes, and other orchard fruits ;
in each the number of acres, crop in 1889, num-
ber of acres, crop in 1839, number of bearing
trees, number of young trees, not bearing, and
value of all orchard products sold.
Number of acres in vines bearing and in
young vines not bearing; products of grapes
and raisins, and value in 1889.
nr —————
——There are significant surface in-
dications in the Senate that the Tariff
billis in danger of running against a
snag in that body. In the vote on the
question to consider the bill in full,
committee Senators SHERMAN and
MorriLL voted with the Democrats
who carried that measure, thereby in-
suring a hearing to all important in-
terests, and a full and free discussion
which was prevented by Reep’s gag in
the House.
OS —————
Patison a Candiate.
Formal Announcement of the Ex-Gov-
ernor’s Position.
PuiLapeLpaIA, May 23.—-A formal an-
nouncemont ot the candidacy Robert E.
Pattison for the Democratic nomination
for Governor was made to-day through
ex-Postmaster William F. ~ Harrity.
While speaking on the Demceratic out-
look Mr. Hrrrity said. :
“It has been stated in some localities
that Mr. Pattison is not a candidate for
Governor, and that if nominated he will
not make an active campaign to win.
This is a ‘mistake. Ihappen to know
authoritatively, and [ speak advisedly
when I say that Governor Pattison is a
candidate, and will be to the end ; that
he will very much appreciate the honor
of the nomination for Governor, and that
when nominated he will promptly begin
an active, energetic and aggressive cam-
paign to lead the party to victory as he
did in 1882.”
How tuEY CouLp TELL.—“I can
, always tell when my husband has been
| drinking,” said a young wife.
*‘Yes ?’” said another young wife.
“Yes, I know it the moment he kisses
1 me.’
i “I can always tell when my husband
has been drinking,” said the other.
“Yes 2"
“Yes. Then he doesn’t kiss me.”’—
Indianapolis Journal.
W. C. T, U. Convention.
Some years ago, when the oreat Web-
ster made light of the abolition move-
ment as the work of a few women and
clergymen, Calhoun replied that the
danger lay in that very fact ; that wom-
en were the agitators, To-day a far
greater and wider spread evil than ever
slavery meant to the African, a bordage
which recognizes no color line, nor di-
vision of Mason and Dixon to protect it,
an evil which annually numbers its vie-
tims by tens of thousa.ds, is threatened,
and the death kuell of the liquor traffic
is being rung from the Atlantic to the
Pacific. ‘Who is doing 1t? The agita-
tors; ‘the women, who, to-day, are more
feared by the liquor sellers than even
the “Prince of Darkness 7” himself. He
never troubles them ; they are doing his
work well and faithfully, and he can
safely trust them. The magic letters,
‘W. C. T. U., have been aptly interpret-
ed, “women continually trouble us ;”
and not only have the dear ladies of
Bellefonte been accused of painting
green the beautiful bronze angel which
continually refreshes both man and
beast, and which wns presented to the |
City Fathers by the W. C. T. U., and
bence is no longer theirs to adorn, but re-
cently, when a number of young gentle-
men applied to the Court for a charter
to open a club room, the Court, seeing
fit to deny it, one of our young editors,
in criticising the action of the Court,
politely (?) spoke of us as “the old wom-
en,” and gave us credit for far more in-
fluence with the Court than we ever
dreamed we possessed. However, these
little incidents, trivial in themselves, go |
to prove that the man of to-day differs
but little from the first man—Adam—
in one respect. “The woman whom
thou gavest me,” as of old, must hear
the censure,
‘We have this year merged our county
Convent n i110“ A Sci.ool of Methods.’
We cannot take up all of the different
departments of work, but we will dis-
cuss those most needed in our own coun-
ty. ‘We most earnestly ask you to join
in these discussions. That we ure here
to help,as well as to be helped,should be
the feeling of each member. None of
us feel that in the past year we have
done what we could. We did faithful
work for the Amendment, and doubtless
the large majority the county gave in
its favor was due to our previous years
work. as well as during the campaign;
but “Ye did run well, who hath hinder-
ed you ?” might be justly said of us
since. The discouragement of the de-
feat of June 18th, followed by the—we
cannot but feel—uncalled for withdraw-
al of some of onr faithful workers, to
form a new organizatiin in the State,
has been hard to rally from; but the
loyal responses from every Union in our |
county are to-day a great encourage-
ment, and old Centre presents an un-
broken front in the ranks of the W. (.
T. U. Wethank our Heavenly Father
that He has preserved this peace and
harmony among our members ; and
though we may not all see with one eye,
let us all “Strive to live with an eye sin-
gle to God’s glory.”
Let me urge upon you a more thor-
ough consecration and a more determin-
ed effort to increase our membership.
| We do not doubt that the Lord has? laid
the werk upon us, nor that as He hath
led in the past, so He will continue to
lead. We believe thatout of the defeats,
and apparently adverse decisions of
higher and lower courts, He is overrul-
ing all to ring about His own plans.
Our eyes are only holden for a little sea-
son. The recent decisions of the Na-
tional Supreme Court, in the Kansas
ligour case, namely : that any State has
a right to ship liquor into u Prohibition
State without molestation, or seizure,
but proves that Prohibition, to be effec-
tive, must be made a National issue.
Mr. Lincoln said of slavery that “the
public mind must rest in the belief. that
1t is in the process of extinction.” So
we believe that all these current events
are God’s answers to the cries of Iis
Last year our work suffered from lack
of system. This year let me urge upon
officers and superintendents of local Un-
ions, when appointed to at once com-
municate with County officers and sup-
erintendents in regard to their wor,
thereby “stirring up the pure minds” of
County superintendents and increasing
their diligence in the work. Our State
has made scientific temperance instruc-
tion the work of the year. Let every
Union see that a capable, intelligent
woman, whose heart isin the work, fills
the office of superintendent, and those
who are neither officers nor superintend-
ents should be the Aarons and Hurs,
holding up the hands of the workers,
both with words of encouragement and
liberal pocket books. Weare =o happy
ourselves in having a iarge-liearted Mrs,
Aaron as one of our members, that it we
tell it, it may be suggestive to others.
A few days ago our treasurer received a
check from this generous member for
$30, not her first either, for last year she
gave us $20, and has for several years
given us these pleasant surprises, never
binding the gift with any suggestions or
limitations; thus showing her confi-
dence in the honesty and faithfulness of
our efficient treasurer. No good cause
can be carried on successfully unless
those who are interested learn to give
towards it. Money is needed, and
money should be supplied to carry on
the Juvenile and Sunday school work
in every local Union. Papers, cards,
prizes fof essays on alcohol, tobacco and
kindred topics, should be in the hands
of our workers to attract and educate
children. Literature should be scatter-
ed freely and good temperance papers
be in the homes of gur ministers, school
superintendents and day-school teachers.
Dear sisters,do not forget that the little
bow of white ribbon is itselt an educu-
tor; keep it for every day use, not pinn-
ed on the dress or coat ‘aleve that you
wear to the meeting. Remember it
means, “I am pledged to do all in my
power to promote the cause of temper-
ance.” Let it be so much a part of you
that when your busy hands ure peace-
fully folded, loving hands will pin the
little bow in its place, for you wonld
not lock like mother or sister with-
out it.
I close with the advice of our beloved
Francis Willard, “Never speak a dis-
couraging word of the work or the work-
ers’. And whate’er thou findest to do,
do that thy best.”
“Think not of self, nor what will be thy
gain ; .
Relinquish not one whit of toil, whatever be
thy pain.”
ree me svar —
Senator Wallace Speaks.
James R. Tyson, of Reading, a mem-
ber of the county agricultural society, a
few days ago asked William A. Wallace
this, by letter: “Upon what grounds
can the farmers of Berks or any other
counties of Pennsylvania claim that
your nomination and election as Gover-
nor of this state would condict with the
interests of the farmers? Is there any
known reason for this assertion ?”
In his reply, promptly given, Mr. -
Wallace says: “In my record as Sena-
tor, both at Harrisburg and at Washing- |
ton, neither speech nor vote of nine can
be found upon which to base such an
opinion. It was and is my constant
effort as a public man to be just toevery
important interest in the state, and I
never by vote orspeech have discriminat-
ed against the agricultural interest, for a
long lease of production and prosperity
in that field are vital to prosperity in
every other. I have repeatedly written
and spoken against the system of double
taxation that now oppresses it. In my
professional life I have never been what
is commonly known as a corporation at-
torney. Since retiring from legal prac-
tice I have aided in building railroads to
develop the mineral resources of the sec-
tion of the state in which I live, and un-
til September, 1889, I acted for four
years, without salary, as the president of
one of those railroads. In the history of
my public and professional life, which is
open to all, I believe it will be found
that I have tried to do my duty toward
all of the people. I awn very sure that
sich has been my aim, and such it will
continue to be whether in official life or
in that of private citizen.”
Republican Papers on Quay.
Unless Senator Quay takes some no-
tice of the charges of the New York
World and the Evening Post, the general
public will take it for granted that he is
a scoundrel. Does the Senator think
these specific indictments are child’s
play ?—Topeka. Capital.
Should the Pennsylvania Senator be
ambitious to hold hereafter some higher
positior. than he has yet held,and should
these same charges then be preferred
against aim, he would have to meet and
refute them, else they might seriously
interfere with the realization of that
ambition.—Columbus State Journal.
A United States Senator, the manager
of the Republican party’s campaign, an
active man in the high councils of the
nation, the obligation of Quay to weet
the charges is more than a personal one,
and, if he fails to do so,the party has but
the one thing to do, to repudiate utterly
the man and his methods. — Greenfield
(Mass.) Gazette.
Senator Quay is putting the wrong in-
terpretation on the adage “Silence is
golden.” Perhaps he means to stick to
his own axiom. “Addition, division and
silence.” If so, either the Repubiican
party or Mr. Quay must pay the penal-
ty. Which shall it be ?—Minneapolis
Senator Quay is deservedly praised
for his habit of reticence, but there are
times in the lives of all men when they
need to say something, and he is just
now facing a situation of that sort.—
Missouri Globe-Democrat.
Now, Mr. Quay is not only active in
the management of party uffairs, but he
represents the great State of Pennsyl-
vanian in the United States Senate. If
these charges are true he should be com-
pelled to seek the obscurity which alone
can shelter such a criminal record. If
they are false he owes it to himself, to
his State and to his party,to demand an
investigation, and to punish as they de-
serve the men who make defamation of
private character the instrument of polit-
ical hate. Too long time has already
elapsed since these things were published
without any move to inquire into or re-
fute them. Mr. Quay cannot afford to
maintain silence a day longer.—Se. Paul
Pioneer Press.
Paid High for His Revenge.
dn Dwa Farmer Charged $700 for a
Tar and Feather Exploit.
It costs just $700 to tar and feather a
man in Iowa. C. A. Chambers,a wealthy
farmer near Thurman, was assessed that
amount by a jury recently. In Novem-
ber last he sent his wife to Hot Springs,
Ark., for treatment for some nervous
affection. While she was absent some
suspicion was aroused that all wasn’t
right between her and a school teacher
named Wolfenberger, who had come
from Monroe county. After the wife
started for home a long letter from
Wolfenberger was picked up in the
room she had vacated at Hot Springs
and forwarded to the husband.
It began with the warmest protesta-
tions of love, and showed in exact
terms that numerous letters of a simi-
lar kind had passed between them.
As soon as the husband received the
letter he consulted his brother and
some of the neighbors, and they con-
cluded that a coat of tar and feathers
would be appropriate punishment. On
the evening of December 16, after
schocl hours, the outraged husband
and his brother and the brother of
his wife met at the school-house, and
after reading the letter to Wolfenberger,
and after his confession that he wrote
and sent it, they applied a coat of tar
An Experiment in Preventing the In- |
juries of Potato Rot.
The graduating exercises of the class
The experiment was undertaken to | Of 90, of the Bellefonte High
determine what effect the application of | School, came off in the Court
a solution of sulphate of copper and House on Thursday afternoon.
lime (known as the Bordeaux mixture)
to the foliage of the potatoes would have
in preventing the injuries of the potato | W
rot, and was conducted on the grounds | A
of the Ohio Agreultural Experiment
Fifteen feet at the end of each of
twenty rows of potatoes were sprayed
with the Bordeaux mixture four times,
viz., May 28, June 6, June 29, and
July 16. Four varieties were included
in the experiment, viz., Early Ohio,
Early Oxford, Puritan, and Lee's
The season proved favorable for the A
development of the blight, which a
peared in the experimental field about
programme which consisted of essays
and orations by Harry G. De Silvia,
Laura K. Hafer, Mable A. Woodring,
Carrie R. Shirk, Emma L. Yerger, John
‘W. Morgan, Lillie M. Smith, Florence
‘W. Potter, Carrie M. Gross, Bridgie
They were conducted with spirit and
ere interesting in every particular
n invocation by Rev. W. L. Hayden
an excellently rendered
Longacre, Anna J. Stott, Geo.
. Curry, Millie F. Smith, Charles A.
Rowan, Myra Holliday, and Boyed A.
the middle of June, and did serious ! Musser. Addresses were delivered by
damage for the next six weeks. Dr. D. J. Waller, State Superintendent
The sprayed vines showed much less | of
injury than their unsprayed compan-
ions, remaining green after the others
were dead,
The crop was harvested August 22,
and the product of 12} feet of the
sprayed part of each row was com-
pared with the product of an equal dis-
were awarded :
Harry De Silvia, copy of Robertson's
Charles the Fifth; for Literary work,
Public Instruction, and D. F. Fort -
ney, Esq.
In the evening the following prizes
For Natural Sciences,
tance of the unsprayed portion of the | Miss Myra Holliday, copies cf Byron's,
same row. The results have been sum-
marized as follows: M
The treated portions of the twenty | or
rows yielded a grand total of 2,471
potatoes, weighing 820 pounds 7 ounces,
and 1,128 of theses were of marketable
size, and weighed 244 pounds 2 ounces, | f,
while the untreated portions of the same
rows yielded a grand total of 2,771
potatoes, weighing 274 pounds 4 ounces,
of which 948 were of marketable size,
and weighed 180 pounds 1 ounce. There
was, consequently, a grand total increase
in favor of the treated hills of 46 pounds
3 ounces total product, and 64 pounds 1
ounce marketable product; or an in-
crease from the treatment of 62.2 bush-
els to the acre.
There was in nearly every case a
marked difference in the amount of scab
on the treated and untreated tubers, the
former being much more free from the
So far as a single experiment can be
relied upon, the results here reported | p)
Special mention was
Lillie M. Smith and Bridgie A. Curry
Longfellow’s and Moore’s poems; for
athematics, Boyd Musser, Knight's
alf Hour With the Best Authors.
made of Misses
r general exceliencein all studies.
100 different styles of challies,
from 6e to the finest, at Lyon & Co.
County.—The work of taking the cen-
sus will commence next Monday, June
2nd. The following are the enumerators
appointed to take itin Centre county :
Bellefonte North ward—Thomas R. Benner,
of Bellefonte.
South ward—Amos Mullen, of Bellefonte.
West ward—Samuel A. Bell, of Bellefonte,
Centre Hall borough and north precinct of
Potter twp—James Gregg of Centre Hall.
Howard borough and Howard twp—Reuben
eteher, of Howard. !
seem to indicate the correctness of Hilesiirg borough,—Philip H. Haupt, of
the followi isi ions: Milesburg.
ving provisional conelusions Millheim horongh the Penn twp. Geo.
1. That a large proportion of the in-
jury done by the potato rot can be
prevented by spraying the vines with
Ulrich. of Millheim.
Philipsburg 1st ward and south precinet of
Rush twp—Robt. H. Duncan of Philipsburg.
Philipsburg 2nd & 3rd wards—Geo. Walter
the Bordeaux mixture. Wythe, of Philipsburg.
2. That tbis treatment apparently
diminishes the amount of scab affecting | C-
Union twp. and Unionville borongh—Waldo
VanValin, of Fleming.
Benner twp-Christian Dale, Jr., of Belle-
the tubers. fonte.
3. That by adding London purple to
the mixture the same treatment may be
made effective in preventing the injuries lor, of Milesbur
of both the rot and Colorado potato
Boggs twp. east precinct—Austin Curtin of
Boggs township, west precinct—George Tay-
Curtin and North precinct of Boggs twp—
beetle. —Jousr. of Mycology. William M. Packer, of Romola.
EAR ——
“Do you think your sister likes
me, Tommy 9 «Yes. She stood up
for you at dinner.” “Was anybody
saying anything against me?” “No,
Burnside twp. and west precinct of Snow
Shoe—D. G: Stewart of Moshannon.
College twp.—John C. Bathgate, of Lemont.
Ferguson twp—Jjohn G. Bailey, of Fairbrook.
Gregg twp—Wm. B. Krape, of Spring Mills.
Haines twp—Absalom Musser, of Aarons-
Half Moon and Taylor iwps—Cyrus W. Hunt-
nothing much. Father said he thought | er, of Stormstown,
you were a good deal of an ass,but sister
stood right up and said you wasn’t and
told father
than judge a man by his looks, ”’
r———— BE
e ought to know better | of J
Harris township—James T. Stewart, of
Hagen and Worth township—Ira E. Davis,
livery township—Wm. Singer, of Blanch-
Marion township—Samuel Aley, of Walker.
Miles township—Winfield S. Burd, of Wol{’s
Patton twp—Jacob B. Moore, of Buffalo Run.
Potter twp.South precinct—Geo. W. Spangler
HavEN.-—The meeting of the Grand of Tusseyville.
Commandery of Knights Templar of of
Pennsylvania at Lock Haven this week,
was a great event in the history of that
place and will long be remembered by
its citizens and the many visitors. | oi
‘The commanderies that participated in
the pageant and parade represented
all parts of the State. The grand purade
came off on Tuesday, the procession
starting at 11 o’clock, headed by Most
Eminent Commander, Sir Torrence C,
Hipple. The following commanderies
were in line : :
Hospitaller commandery, of Lock
Haven, sixty men, with Altoona City
band ; St. John’s commandery, of Car- th
lisle, thirty men, with G. A. R. band of
Gettysburg ; Mountain commandery, of
Altoona, forty men ; Pilgrim command-
ery, of Harrisburg, fifty men, with
Paxton military band; Lancaster com-
mandery, fifty men, with Iroquois band th
of Lancaster; Hugh De Payens com- fo
mandery, of Easton, forty men with
Repaz band, of Williamsport; Allen
commandery, of Allentown, twenty-five th
men, with Allentown band; Baldwin
commandery, of Williamsport, seventy- It
five men, with Fisk’s military band ,
Tyogaghton commandery, of Wellsbo-
ro, twenty men ; Kadosh commandery, LL
of Philadelphia, thirty men,
Moshannon and Penns creeks.
possibly not known
of ‘any kind in any of the streams of
Rush twp. north precinet—James A. Dubbs,
Snow Shoe twp. east precinct—John W. Boy-
ert, of Snow Shoe.
Spring twp. north and west precint—John
H. Oliger, of Bellefonte.
Spring twp. south precinct—John C. Rote,
Axe Mann.
Walker twp.—Nelson Robb, of Zion.
No Ner Fisuine:—Scarcely a day
passes that we do not see persons fishing
with nets of different kinds in the waters
of Spring creek and Logan’s branch.
Weare told that dip and set-net fish-
g are common in the Bald-Eagle,
It is
that net fishing
is State is illegal and punishable
with a fine of $100, or six months
imprisonement,or both, For the benefit
of those who, since the passage of the
‘act making net fishing unlawful, have
been violiting the law, possibly because
ey are unaware of its provisions,and
r the the information of the Constables:
Sheriff, and Policemen of the county,
we publish the principal provision of
e act referred to, and which was
approved the 22nd day of May, 1880¢
will be found on page 267 of the
pamphlet laws of that year :
“Be it enacted, &e., That hereafter no person
persons shall cast, draw, fasten or ‘other-
with | wise make use of any seine, drift net, fyke
t, or net or nets of any other description, or
Renovo band ; Mt. Olivet commandery, | use any other appliance for catching fish, ex-
of Erie, fifty men, with Massassauvau
band of Erie ; Hutchinson commandery, | of
of Norristown, with Jersey Shore band; | fis
Constans commandery, of Bellefonte,
sixty men, with Zion band; Knapp
cept rod, hook and line, at any time, in ary
streams or waters,
in any rivers
Provided, That this
this Commonwealth 3
shall not extend to Shad, Herring or Sturgeon
“It Shall be unlawful for any person or per-
fish baskets, gill nets, pound nets, fyke nets,
to place, build, erect, fasten or use any
and feathers.
He brought an action for damages
inthe sum of $2,500 for assault and |
his disgrace and humiliation. The
fence to the assdult, but hoped to re-
duce the amount of damages. The |
principal defendant, C. A. Chambers,
filed a statutory plea in mitigation of
feelings from the discovery of the
clandestine correspondence. The jury | The crowd
was out for eight hours, and came to
the conclusion that $700 would pay
Wolfenberger for his suffering by the
tar and feathers. Counsel for the de-
fence did not dare to put any of the de-
fendants on the witne s stand, and all
they had to rely upon was what the
single letter referred to. They feel that
they have won a famous victory in get-
ting the verdict down to $700.
commaudery, of Ridgeway, fifteen men ;
of Philadelphia,
forty men, with Sunbury band ; Calvary
commandery, of Danville, forty men,
with citizen's band of Danville ; Read-
ing commandery, fifty men, with Ger-
mania band, of Reading; St. Albans
commandery, of Philadelphia, forty
men, with Juvenile band of Renovo ;
Kensington commandery, of Canton,
forty-five men, with Morris Run band;
Huntingdon Commandery, of Hunt-
thirteen defendants had no legal de: |ingdon, seventeen men; Corinthian
Chasseur commandery, of Philadelphia,
Mary commandery
twenty-six men.
On account of the muddy condition of
damages, alleging the outrage of his | the streets the Knights were compelled
to take the pavements for their parade.
in attendance was ver
great and everybody seemed to be de-
eel weirs, kiddles, brush or facine nets, or any
permanently set means tor taking fish; nor
shall any person or persons erect, build or
place, or cause to be erected, built. or placed,
any wing walls, or walls of stone or any other
substance or material, in any of the streams,
waters or rivers of this Commonwealth. Pro-
vided, That this section shall not apply to fish-
ing with gill nets below Trenton, in the Del-
aware river. 4
Any Fish Commissioner, Fish Warden, De-
puty Warden, Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Consta-
ble, Pollceman or any special officer of this
Commonwealth is hereby authorized to destroy
any fish basket, eel-weir, fyke net, pound net,
shore net, drift net, dip net, wing walls, or any
illegal device named in any section of this
act, and they are hereby authorized to arrest
forthwith, any person or persons placing,
erecting, using or fastening them, or any
person or persons interfering with any of the:
above officers in the discharge of their duties.
Any of the above named officers are hereby
authorized to apprehend, arrest and immed-
iately take any person who may be guilty of
the violation of any of the provisions or sec-
tions of this act, or the violation of any of the
laws of this Commonwealth, in reference to
illegal fishing, before any Justice of the Peace,
Magistrate, or other legally constituted author-
ity, &c. (Extract Sections 1, 2,7 P. L. 1889, p.
267, ete,)
Penalty for infractions of any above laws, one
hundred dollars fine, or six months imprison-
lighted with the pageant. A reception : ment or both, one half of the fine shail be for
was given in the evening, and the in-
stallation and investiture of the officers
of the Grand commandery of Pennsyl-
vania took place in the opera house
on Wednesday afternoon.
——Embroideries 1} yds wide, from
50c up to the finest, at Lyon & Co.
the benefit of the prosecutor and balance shall
be paid to the treasurer of the County, ete.
(Extract Section 9 P. L., 1889, p. 270.)
It shall not be lawful to catch or kill by any
means whatever, any. Rock Bass, Wall Eved
Pike, (otherwise called Susquehanna Salmon,)
within two years from the passage of this Act
under a penalty of ten dollars for every such
fish caught or had in possession. (Section 5
P. L., 1889, p. 262.)