Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 30, 1890, Image 1
Denoraiig Walden BY P. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —Par Forp says that MAT QUAY is an honest man. That settles it. —Let’s take a “sit”’ is now the invita- tion heard in the Boston bar-rooms. —Judging trom the confident tone of the Pittsburg authorities, they evidently believe that it will be an easy thing to suppress the “‘speak-easies.” — Assistant Postmaster General CLARK- soN should be talked to by the Republi- can leaders for persisting in showing up the illiteracy of ‘‘the grand old party.” —The confederate flag displayed at the unveiling of the Lee monument is giving the Republican press much tribu- lation. Even that old discarded rag has its use. —The Anti-Trust bill still hangs in committee of conference between the two houses of congress No doubt it is intended to hang there until the life is choked out of it. —1Tt is expected that the tariff bill will be greatly altered in the Serate; but there will be still enough of the monopo- ly earmarks left for McKINLEY to re- cognize his progeny. —If Senator PLuMB shall carry out his determination to know the reason for every clause in the McKinley tariff bill, he will make himself as inquisitive as a census enumerator. —=Senator BLAIR’S proposition that England be asked to withdraw her arma- ments from this continent is likely to strike the British lion as a choice bit of presumptuous nonsense. —The farmers just now are more inter- ested in the benefit to be derived from good corn-planting weather than in the advantage promised by the McKinley t‘cabbage-head’’ tariff bill. --The question ‘are you white or black ?”’ put by the census man, will strike the citizen of Caucasian descent as being altogether superfluous, to say nothing about its impertinence. —The certificates of the Whisky Trust are not paying satisfactory divi- dends. This must be aggraving to the holders, partizularly when they see how the tariff protected trusts are flourishing. —STANLEY is unnecessarily exercised by the fear that England will get left in the division of Africa. When there is any wholesale land stealing going on John Bull never fails to get his | tull share. —The elephant that fell off the cars coming from Johnstown to Bellefonte lost none of his baggage, as he had his trunk with him when he dropped from the train and kept it right under his eyes. —Spain is going to have a Columbus ‘World’s Fair in 1892. Fortunately on account of the postponement of the American demonstration of the same kind, the Dons will not conflict with Chicago. —DxLAMATER will be nominated be- cause the Republicans think they have 80,000 majority to go and come on. They may find this year that there will be more ‘‘go’” then ‘come’ in their calculations. —The Iriah World comes to the as- sistance of MATTHEW STANLEY QUAY. This is but gratitude, for in a pecuniary way, as chairman of the Republican National Committee, MATTHEW STAN- LEY QUAY came to the assistance of the Irish World. —The new Boston drinking law, which requires that drinks shall be tak- en in a sitting posture,is found to be ob. jectionable for the reason that the sitter usually becomes so heavily loaded that he is unable to get up. —The dogs in the rural districts are having their tecth sharpened for thejpur- pose of giving a lively welcome to the census inquisitors who next month will be prying into the financial embarrass- ments of the agricultural population. —A Republican exchange thinks that the McKinley tariff is fully justi- fied by the fact that “it will make more work for American workmen.” But unfortunately for this assumption, the pauper laborers that are being crowded in from Europe are getting too big a share of the work. —The appropriation for the League Island navy yard at Philadelphia came nearly being overlooked in the River and Harbor bill on account of the ab- sence of the two Pennsylvania Senators from the capitol. It would seem that Messrs. QUAY and CAMERON in their senatorial capacity are neither ornamen- tal nor useful. —The remark made by General Hast- STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. aclman; VOL. 35. NO. 22. BELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 30, 1890. Where the Intelligence Is. It will be remembered that CLarEsON at the Pittsburg banquet lamented that the weight of the newspaper and mag- azine talent of the country was on the side of the Democratic party. He dis- liked to make the acknowledgment, but candor compelled him to do it. His lament on the same subject was continued in a recent speech he made in Boston in which he went into details showing that in all parts of the coun- try the Democrats had 320 daily news: papers with an aggregate circulation of 2,500,000, while the Republicans had the smaller number of 255 dailies, with the much less aggregate circula- tion of 1,500,000. Of weeklies he said there were 1346 Democratic and 889 Republican, and the Democratic mag- azines had a circulation of nearly 500, 000 against a circulation of 100,000 for Republican magazines. Mr. CLARKSON, a8 a newspaperman and an officer of the Postoffice Depart ment, is capable of forming a correct estimate on this subject, and his poli- tics precludes the charge that he is in- fluenced by partiality or prejudice in making it. But there is no reason for any one to be surprised that the mediums of in- telligence preponderate so largely on the Democratic side. The Republi cans have long ago dispensed with in- telligence in running their party, de pending upon the excitement of the greed, prejudice and sectional animosi- ty of their party supporters. On the other hand there is not a principle of the Democratic party that does not de- pend upon intelligent sentiment for its support. This is particularly the case in the tariff controversy. When the college professors are ranging them- selves on the Democratic side, it is nat- ural that the best newspaper and mag- azine efforts and productions'should go along with thers. The Question of Revision. There was never a church movement in this country that attracted so much attention as that of the Presbyterians to revise there confession of faith, and it is believed that the General Assem- bly in dealing with the question reach- ed a very satisfactory conclusion. Al though the rules adopted are in the nature of a compromise, all parties concerned appear to be satisfied. Under the plan adopted for future action the General Assembly may pro- pose any amendments or alterations of matters, not touching questioas of be- lief, to the presbyteries, and a majority of them consenting, they shall be bind- ing on the church. In matters of faith and belief the General Assembly may propose amendments or attentions to the presbyteries, but they shall on- ly be binding when two-thirds of all the presbyteries shall agree to them. But the assembly must overture on any question demanded by one-third of the presbyteries. 1tis further provided that before the General Assembly sends down such propositions in regard to matters of faith and belief the same shall be re- ferred to a committee of ministers and} ruling elders,at least fifteen in number, and vo two form any one synod, who must report the from of questions atthe next General Assembly. This insures a couservative course and may, per- haps, to the more radical members of the church seem a useless waste of time, but there is not much likelihood that two years’ delay will work any hardship. The confession has stood for more than two hundred years, and the church can afford to take due de- liberation on changing it. This new method does not set aside the rights of the j@esbyteries to act under the pres- ent method. The result of the matter is that at least three years must elapse before any change is made, but the adoption of new rules to simplify such action will be the issue of the coming year. Upon this vote will rest the question of (ultimate revision. INGS to the Bryn Mawr Republican | club on Monday evening, that ‘‘whoever shall be nowinated by our party for Governor he will be elected as sure as there comes election day,” displayed a degree of resignation to the power of the Boss that did not evoke a compliant response from the President of the club who declared himself a kicker against the ‘one man power.” The “ona man” of course meant QUAY. Thé Presbyterian chureh is to be congratulated on find- ing a way out of its difficulties without loss of dignity or the slightest chance of any schism resulting, -——The “original package’ decis- ion of the United States Supreme court has thrown such obstacles in the way of the enforcement of state liquor laws that it is proposed that Congress shall enact some legislation that will remove the difficulty. Waste Fuel to be Utilized. That there has been too much waste in the process of coal mining in this state has long been admitted and de- precated by those who apprehend a too speedy exhaustion of our natural re- sources. In no way is the coal wasted to so large an extent as it is in prepar- ing 1t for market, requiring a process which causes a loss of about 12 per in culm. In putting anthracite coal into marketable shape at least 5,000, 000 tons go annually on the culm banks, and it is estimated that there are 600,000,000 tons of this material heaped up in the anthracite coal region. fo devise some way to utilize this waste matter is to be the business of a committee appointed by the Legislature, consisting of Col. A. Price, presi- dent of tlie Scranton board of trade, P. W. SHEAFFER, a mining engineer, and Hon. Eckrey B. Cox, well known and prominent as a coal operator. They are now attending to the duty of their commission and will report to the next legislature, Enough has already been done to show that this waste coal, piled up all over the anthracite coal region, can be utilized. In many sections it is now used for fuel. Compressed into the shape of bricks it is being used in the locomotives on the Reading railroad. Tt is also used for the same purpose on the Delaware and Hudson railroad, and the Sc:anton steel works and other factories use it. It is of great interest to the State that this waste fuel should be put into useful shape,and it is to be hoped that the commissioners may re- commend measures that will help to extend the uses to which it may be put. ——The ballot reform which the Democrats of Maryland have establish- ed in that State by the adoption of the Australian system, had its first trial in a municipal election in the city of Cam- berland last week, with very satisfactory results. The honest election it se- cared enabled the Democrats to elect a Mayor for the first time in six years: The singular fear entertained by some that the Democrats would suffer in consequence of absolutely secret voting was not realized. There was no trouble or delay whatever in either polling or counting the vote, and in eyery respect the first trial of the reformed system was a great success. The Democratic Gubernatorial Nomi- nation. The question of the Democratic nomination for Governor is interesting without being acrimonious. The two prominent personages whose claims are being pushed for first place on the State ticket are Hon. WiLLiam A. WarLace and ex-Governor PATTISON. The friends of the latter claim the larger portion of the delegates from Philadel phia and also practically solid delega- tions from Allegheny, Bedford, Brad- ford, Berks, Chester, Delaware, Car- bon, Columbia, Crawford, Franklin, Erie, Lackawanna, Mercer, McKean, Montour, Pike, Potter, Susque- hanna, Montgomery, Tioga, Venan- go, Warren, Westinoreland and Jef: ferson counties. In addition to these scattering votes for the ex-Governor are expected from counties claimed as solid for WALLACE. On the other hand ex-Senator War- LACE is represented as making a vigor- ous canvass of the State, and the exer- tion of his personal influence will go a great way. His friends will not admit that the delegation from Philadelphia will be solid for Parison, but claim at least fourteen of the delegates for WaL- race. Of the 131 delegates elected, at time of writing, outside of Philadel- phia, 106 are either instructed for or claimed to be favorable to WaLracg. The counties yet to elect will send 171 delegates, and of these the ex-Senator expects to get 129, leaving 42 for Par- r1soN. This includes the counties whose first choice will be some other candidate than either of the two promi- | nent ones, and whose delegates, after ' a few ballots, will drift to WALLACE or PATTISON. There will be 366 delegates in a full , convention, and 184 will be necessary to nominate, If Mr. WaLLACE's friends “are correct in their claims, including 14 from Philadelphia, he will have 249 votes, or nearly two-thirds of the convention. The Census Gone Mad. Expressions of dissatisfaction with many of the questions that will be ask- ed by the census enumerators are heard from all quarters, and the answers that will be received from those to whom the objectionable questions will be put are likely to be very indefinite and un- satisfactory. Some ot the lawyers of Philadelphia have been canvassed by a reporter of the Philadelphia Record in regard to these census interrogatories and gave the following views concerning them : Said: ex Postmaster William F. Harrity : “While I might answer all the questions truth- fully inthe negative I think they are imper- tinent, and would refuse to answer them both in regard to myself and the members of my family.. Ithink, too, people generally will look upon these questions in the same way, and defy the fine rather than answer them. “The question relating .to 1arm mortgages is also:impertinent. The statististies are use- less.” John G. Johnson, the well-know lawyer, was just as-emphatic in his condemnation of these features of the census. He looked at the question concerning mortgages a moment, and then said, “The Government has a constitu tional right to collect information upon certain subjects so as to be able to levy taxes intel- ligently and equitably, and for purposes of ap- portioning legislative representation. Ques- tions which, if answered, will in any way help the Government it has a right to compel peo- ple to answer. But there are many things which do not concern the government. These questions about mortgages and personal afflic- tions can not, if answered correctly, enable ' the government to perform its functions any | better. I do not propose to answer them for | that reason. and do not see why anybody else should. They are decidedly impertinent, and should have no place in national enumeration.” Lawyer S. 8. Hollingsworth leaned lazily back in his chair; glanced over the schedules quickly and said : “It is pretty difficult to draw the line between legitimate and illegiti- mate questions. If those under discussion will help the people if answered no one should refuse to contribute his share of information for the public weal. Yet I cannot see in what way the country could be benefited if it were known just how many mortgaged farms there are in the Western Reserve. I do not think they will be answered correctly, and no one will be ek le to rely upon the reports when pub- lished. Iknowa great many men who will not even presume to give correct answers. You ean judge for yourselfof how much value such census statistics will be to the public.” Another Plundering Trust. That the supplying of the public schools with books is in the hands of a grasping and soullesss trust was indi- cated the other day by a certain com- bine paying a New York school book publishing firm in the neighborhood of $800,000 to go out of the business. The object of this was to get rid of competition and to make the schools of the country dependent upon one source of supply. The immense sum paid to accomplish this purpose will in time be made up out of the pockets of the people, and it will not be a long time, either. It is, indeed, an outrage that the source of knowledge should be made the subject of monopolistic plun- der, and it is wonderful that the peo- ple submit to it with such docility; but tariffs and such like legalized methods of plunder have accustomed them to being robbed through the medium of trusts. Unequal Treatment. According to Republican ideas what is sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander. Thus when a leiter from a person who was not a member was read in the House by congressman BAYNE, abusing three Democratic mems bers, a demand was made from the Democratic side that “the words be taken down,” or the letter be exeluded from the Record. Notwithstanding that there was a clear right to make such a demand, the chairman of the committee of the whole ignored it, and to this decision not a Republican ob- jected in behalf of the honor and digni- ty of the House. But when Mr. BynuM, one of the Democrats abused in this letter, de- nounce the author in vigorous terms and said that if Bay~Ne assumed the responsibility for the letter he was no better than its lying author, great in- dignation was excited among the Re- publicans who immediately demanded in behalf of the honer and dignity of the House that the “offensive” words be taken down, and the same chairman of the committee of the whole who couldn't hear the Democratic protest againstthe lying letter, was alert in deciding that Mr. By~xum had offended in the words applied to Bayye for introducing the vile thing, It is such justice as this that prevails in the House of Represen- tatives under the present domination. The Tariff In the Senate. The McKinley bill will probably have less smooth sailing in the Senate than 1t had in the House. Senator Prums, of Kansas, has already given notice that he will demand the reason for every change in the present law. If this is insisted upon it will lead to wide discussion. Even Senator Cawm- ERON, who has alway been one of the most strenuous of protectionists,says that the bill will be subjected to radical changes. The Republican House, with the ob- ject of fulfilling the promises made to the mauufacturers for their contribu- tions of election funds, rushed the bill without allowing proper consideration or discussion. But there are indica- tions that this will net be allowed in the Senate, and although 1t is not like- ly that a tariff bill will be defeated there’ itis almost sure that the Me- Kinley project will be so altered that its originators will not be able to rec- ognize it. ——The eulogy of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers by Cuauncey M. Depew the other day at New Ha- ven, was a well deserved tribute to a worthy and honorable organization. This Brotherhood is indeed an example to laboring men generally, and particu- larly to other labor organizations. Its management has been in the interest of these by whom-it was organized, and: it was kept clear of politicians and agitators. It is therefore as greatly respected as it has been eminently sue- cessful, Increasing Pauper Labor. Emigration statistice show that dur- ing the ten months ending the 30th of April, 1890, there was something of: a falling off in the number of immigrants from Europe as compared with the cor- responding. months of the previous year. There was, however, a great in- crease in the least desirable class of im- migrants {from Italy and Hungary, while the decrease has occurred in the influx from Great Britain, Ireland, Germany and Scandinavia. The number from Italy went up from 15,846 to 34,310, and from Hungary there was an in- crease to 40,508 from 25,385 of the pre- vious year. This would indicate that those who find it an advantage to em- ploy cheap labor are enlarging their supply from Europe. The employ- ment of this kind of working people in- creases with the increased benefit which our tariff laws give the protected class that are at the head of the manu- facturing and mining industries of the country. A Check on the Census Inguisition. The indignation excited all over the country by the character of some ot the questions which the census enum- erators were directed: to put to the peo- ple, has had its effect upon the Census Superintendent who on Tuesday issued a circular to the Supervisors of the Census directing them to instruct the enumerators that they should not in- sist upon receiving answers to the im- pertinent questions concerning the physical condition and personal and private affairs. of the citizens, but that where the persons interrogated refuse to give information concerning their physical and mental disabilities or their mortgage liabilities,'the enumera- tors shall mark in the proper column, “Refused to answer.” It is gratifying to see that popular protest against 1n- quisitorial proceedings has checked the intrusive and impertinent design of the Englishman who has been put at the head of an American census. ——There wes quite an exciting time in Philadelphia last Saturday evening in the election of a Colonel for the Third Regiment of the N. G. P. More than a dozen years have passed since the organization of the National Guard in this State and up until that evening the election of its officers was practically free from politi- cal manipulation. But in electing ex- Mayor SyitH to the eolonelcy of the Third regiment there wasareturn to the political methods that formerly pre- vailed. It is believed that this marks the beginning of the degeneracy of the National Guard, and it is charged that Governor BEaVER's conductin the mat- ter of the succession to the late General HARTRANFT is responsible for the intro- duction of politics in the organization of our citizen soldiery. Spawls from the Keystone. —A pet dog in Quakertown istroubled with the chicken-pox. —Hellertown,B ucks county, is 150 years old, . and a celebration is talked of. : —4 storm at Bedford and in the:vieinity did great damage to crops and property. 5 —Mrs. Mary Anheiser, aged 93: years, was found dead in her bed at Wilkesbarre on Mon- day. —An insane Hungarian inmate of the Schuyl- kill Haven, asyium escaped and: then hanged himself. —William Cuff, eolored, of Franklin .county, was instantly killed on Friday. by a bolt of lightning. ——8ix divorces were granted: at: Lancaster, last Saturday. This is an unusual number for that staid community. —A number of farmers in Berks county are said to have been ruined by speculating inthe shares of a silver mine in Colcrado. —Lizzie Long, the girl who. sued Addison Baumgardener at Lebanon for. $3000 for the loss of an arm, got a verdict for-8168s. —The strike at the Glendon. Iron Works, Easton, continues, and the plages of the strik- ers axe being filled by men from.Copley. —Two German carp, weighing between them thirteen pounds, almost dragged two fisher- men. into the eanal at Bristol the other day. —Rev. Dr. 8. A. Repass, of St+John’s Luther- an Church, Allentown, declined a call. to a professorship in a South Carolina Theological Seminary. —The “White Caps” who. disfigured Miss, Annie Fischer and shot herintemded husband at Erie,have warned the ladys: father to leave the country. —C. F. Kinnear, cashier of", the Pennsylva- nia Gas Company's office at Warren, has been arrested, charged with being. a. defawlter in the sum of $10,000. —The boiler makers employed imthe Phila- delphia and Reading Railroad shops at Read- ing have made a demand for. an. imcrease of 15.per cent. in wages. —The farmer’s convention: at. Doylestown passed a resolution urging farmers to support candidates for the Legislature whe are known to favor the farming indusiry.. —The body of Mrs. Beckie” Gilmore; who . jumped from a train inte. the: Lackawanna . River while on the way to jail, was recovered. : in the water opposite Pittston. —At the Great Council of the Improved Or- der of Red Men of Pennsylvenin, in Scranton, officers were elected for the-corning year and. . reports of committees were: heard. —Henry Swindell, a wealthy contractor of | Allegheney City, attempted suieide by cutting his throat from ear to ear: with a razor. His | physicians say he cannot recover. —The inquest at Ashley: Mine disaster--re- sulted in a verdict that. the victims cama to their death by a gas explosion caused by John Allen who lighted his naked lamp. —DMaggie Nevlin, charged with larceny of valuables from the residence of her employer, Howard Fillman, Reading, was arrested in Philadelphia and taken te Reading. —James Loughrany, & prominent business ‘aan of Hazleton, received a dangerous wound in the right side Saturday from the careless handling os revolver by a gunsmithe —John Kleck was, fatally injured «by. the tilting of a porch on. which he was. standing last Friday at Lebanon. He was thrown on the back of his head and sustained coneussion of the brain. —Edward Yankdon, a son of Spctted Horse, a Dakota chief, who had run away from the Carlisle Indian School, was arrested in Har- rishurg, and while confined in a cell tried to commit suicide. —Lizzie Long, of Lebanon, has sued Addie. son Baumgardener for 83000 damages for the loss of her right arm in a threshing machine, The defense is contributary negligence on the part of the plaintiff. —John 8S. Hostetter, a well-known distiller, died at Lancaster on Tuesday. He was at one time very wealthy, but lost his estate through troubles with the Government on ac- count of irregularities. —The barn of Robert McFadden, at Mount Joy, was destroyed by an incendiary fire on Tuesday night. The flames spread to other buildings, and half a dozen. stables were de- stroyed or damaged. —The store of M. J. Kline, of Belfast, was sold by the Sheriff of Northampton county on Saturday to satisfy claims of 86000. The Sher- iff has been quite busy lasely selling: out farms. and othar real estate. —The body of the.woman which was. found inthe Lackawanma River uear Pittston. and which was thought to be that of Mrs. Beckie Gilmore, was identified as that of Mrs. Peter Julius from West Pittston. —Suit was brought? against the city of Phila. delphia & Reading Reilroad Company for $50,-. 000- damages for the six children of John. Quinn, of Locust Gap, who were killed by a dynamite explosion on a train in 1880. —Bertha Moore, a. 12-year-old girl, living near Kennett Square, has confessed to the starting of the fire causing the destruction of her uncle's barn about a, week ago. She has been sent to her home near Philadelphia. . —J. M, Shellenberger, the defaulting and forging lawyer, who was.sentenced by. Judge Yerkes in the Bucks County Court to twenty- two years solitary confinement in the. Eastern Pennitentiary, bade his four boys good-bye last Friday. —George Schauman, a well-known peddler, dropped dead at his hotel in Mount Joy en Sunday. He was attacked with heart disease which was the cause of his death. He served in the Union army, and drew a large pension for wounds received. —An Investigation has been ordered in the case of Benjamin Defrain, who disappeared from Boyertown, Berks county, several months ago An important clew as to his mysterious disappearance is said to have peen discovered, which leads to the belief that he was mur- dered. —The resumption of mining in a number of collieries in the Schuylkill region, after a long period of idleness, has occasioned much rejoicing among the miners. Otto colliery started on full time on Friday, Bear Run and Glendower colleries will start on Monday and a number are promised by June 1. —The recent heavy rains have caused great washouts in the corn-fields of Berks county, and many farmers have been obliged to replant their corn. The wheat has also lodged in a number of localities, and is report- ed to be rotting in the ground. To mak® amends, it is said that the hay crop will be the most bountiful in many years.