To ComrresroNDENTS. — No communications pablished unless accompanied by the reai name of the writer. Mr. M. H. Guisg, of Penn Hall, is the duly uthorized agent of the Warcumax for Gregg swnehip. TEA ——The brick works of the Garman opera house is completed. ——To-day (Friday) will be the sec- ond day of the W. C. T. U. convention in this place. Ex-Governor Curtin recently at- tended a Pennsylvania Reserve reunion at Columbia, —Bellefonte’s lively groceryman, J. D. Sourbeck, is doing a- wholesale business in bananas. ——D. H. Hastings last Saturday car= ried the York county delegates to the Republican State convention. ——The new residences of Dr Seibert, and Mr. Wilkinson on Allegheney street are making rapid progress. You can save from 20 to 80 per cent by buying your clothing at the new store, Union Clothing store. You are invited to come and see the special Teduetion of prices at the new store, Union Clothing store. ——=See advertisement of Cash Bazar this week. It is of interest to all who expect to be in town to-morrow. The Democrats of Blair county have intructed their delegates for Wal- lace, and those of Lackawanna for Pattison. A public meeting has been called to make arrangements for a brilliant celebration of the 4th of July in Philips- burg. ——1TIn some parts of Union county many horses are troubled with a lung disease, which has carried off a number of valuable animals. » ——Last Sunday evening, Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Lutheran minister at Millheim, preached his farewell sermon to his congregation. The Pomona Grange of the Pa- : trons of Husbandry will meet in the G. A. R. hall in Milesburg, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of June. The old Judge Hoy residence on High street has been greatly remodeled and improved previous to its being oc- cupied by Dr. Hoy. —— The Lock Haven base bail team has engaged for the season the service of Frank J. Musser, the recent short stop of the State College team. C. G. McMillen, recently of the Brockerhoff House, of this place, has been elected Adjutant of the Thirteenth regiment of the Ohio National Guard. ——Ex-Senator Peale recently return- ed from a trip through the South and laid the Louisiana State Lottery out in great shape in a letter to the Clinton Democrat. ——D. Hoy & Son, propritors of the creamery at Millheim, intend to make improvements to their plant that will enable them to turn out two thousand ‘pounds of butter a day. Two Philipsburg: lads, Harry Caster and Ben Hancock, some days ago caught two trout in Cold stream— one each—which measured respectively 113 inches and 14 inches. — Mrs, Martha Eckert died at her residence at the Snow Shoe Intersection last Saturday at the age of 72 years. She was buried in the cemetery near [Inicnville on Monday afternoon. ——Mrs. T. J. Moore, sister of the late J. Lenn Smith who was recently killed on the railroad, and of A. V. Smith, of Bellefonte, died &«t Howard last Sunday night, at the age of about 45 yeurs. ——The McClellan circus met with an accident at Lock Haven on Saturday afterncon in having its tents blown down by a passing storm. There was something of a panie, but nobody was hurt, and the canvas was put up again for the evening performance. —— Ward Leathers, the little Wil- liamsport orator, made a great hit last Thursday night at Clearfield. He is advertising for H. C. &J. A. Olmstead, of Williamsport, for Dr. Meeker’s medi- cine. They will have a fine wagon and team in our WL ITorY. —— The fire that consumed the sta- ble of A. G. Morris, at Tyrone Forge, last week, also destroyed six horses and four mules. The animals were quite valuable and some of them had just | ben purchased. The loss was a total one, as there was no insurance on either building or stock. ——Tuesday evening next, the 27th inst., the Hope Hose Company, of Lock CLEARY To HAVE A NEW TRIAL. — Last Monday the Supreme Court at Philadelphia reversed the action of the Clinton county Court and rendered a decision granting a new trial to Charles Cleary, who was convicted of murder in the first degree in the Oyer and Term- iner of Clinton county, tor the killing of a police offizer in the town of Renova, at the close of an evening of hard drink- ing. Chief Justice Paxson said that there was no doubt that Cleary was the man who killed the officer, and his de- fence consisted almost wholly of evidence of intoxication at the time ard of pre- vious good character. In charging the jury the judge told them that ‘“gocd character is always of importance, and is evidence to be duly considered by the jury, and may turn the scale where there is a reasonable doubt as to the degree or grade of the crime.” The jury found the defendant guilty in the first degree, and the Supreme Court reverses the judgement and orders a new trial on the ground that this instruction gave the jury no right to infer that the evidence of good character might create the rea- sonable doubt which entitles a prisoner to a safe deliverance. Couxcrrn PROCEEDINGS.—At a meet- ing of borough council on Monday evening the water committee reported all the pipe laid on Heward street and the water works and spring put in good and presentable condition, and that the water examiner had completed the per- formance of his duties. The old water tax assessors were reappointed as fol- lows: Ex-Sheriff Kline, W. F. Reeder and Isaac Mitchel . The nuisance committee reported that the McCafferty property recently com- plained of, was a nuisance, and recom- mended that it be abated ; and also re- commended the abatement of the nuis- ance caused by the sewer running from Allegheny street through the Munson and Sands property. The street committee reported a gen- eral cleaning up of the streets and re- commended the repairing of pavements on various streets, and also several new sidewalks. It was voted that parties whe are required fo repair and build said pavements and walks be notified to have it done by the 15th of June. It was ordered that two lights be put up for the benefit of residents on the east end of Beaver street. The 1st ot June was fixed as the day for the reopening of the public market. The Finance Committee was ordered to have the outside of the Hose house paint- appeared before Council and asked that the street leading from Bishop to East High be put in better condition. It was referred to the street committee. An ordinance handed in, all ready made by a citizen, forbidding the erection of steps, porches, buildings, &c., on the pavements, was unanimously laid on the table. Tarr WILLIAMSPORT INFANTICIDE. —The mother of the infant whose dead body was found along the river shore at ‘Williamsport some weeks ago, and up- on which two rival inquests were held, has been discovered,and she has confessed that she killed it. The Republican of that city,speaking of the discovery says: The self-confessed murderess is Mrs. Emma Beck, aged about twenty-four years. Her home is near Warrensville, but of late years she has resided in Ful- ton county, Ohio, and for the past nine months lived here in Williamsport. Shortly after the finding of the body of the infant on the river bank Chief Rus- sell secured a number of clues, which being ferreted out, pointed conclusively to this woman Beck as the mother of the child, and for it she must account. For some time the Chief was unable to learn of her whereabouts, but a few days ago found that she was living with a family on East Jefferson street. Going betore Alderman Stead information was made against her by the Chief, and a warrant for her arrest was issued. Sat- urday morning, after procuring a horse and buggy, the officer went to the house designated and arrested the woman. A preliminary hearing was given her be- tore Alderman Stead, after which she was committed to the county prison. She tells the following pitiful tale of her wrong, her tronbles and her dis- grace: “Two years ago she went to live with relatives at Fulton, Ohio, where her troubles began. She claims to have been married to a young man named Beck. Finding herself in an unpleasant condition she had Beck arrested. The matter was compromisad by an agree- ment to pay $300, of which sum she re- ceived $100 and left Ohio for her Penn- sylvania home. Her father turned her off, and she returned to Ohio, and finally came back to Williamsport, seeking re- fuge in the hospital. | On the evening of street, in a condition of mind bordering on distraction. The child was a burden for which she could find no refuge. With it she could not hope for anything. A momentary impulse seized her, and before realizing the enormity of her Haven, will give their 9th Annual Ball ay Scotts Bazar. * It promises to bea vory pleasant affair, and will no doubt | it to its watery grave. crime, she rushed up the railroad em- bankment, stripped theinfantand tossed 1» liherally patronized. We acknowl- ; her instantly, and she endeavored to res- that circumstances with prevent i 'attendance. iha'’ edge the receipt of aninvitation, and are | cue the child but it was too late, it was dead and beyond the unhappy mother’s reach.” Remorse seized | ——One night last week a distressing accident happened to a party of Wil- liamsport trout fishers in Clearfield coun- ty. The party was composed of Walter Shooter, Frank Warfield and Frank Sherwood, of Williamsport; Arthur Pierson, of Lock Haven; Charles R. Hubbard, of Lyons, N. Y.; James Akers, Jr., Frenk Kennedy and Fred Baker, of Philadelphia. About 10 o'clock at night Pierson, Akers and Kennedy went out of the tent while the others were asleep, taking with them a revolver, and in lowering the weapon it was accidentally discharged, the ball striking Akers in the neck and passing between the jugular vein and the wind- pipe, after which it lodged in the left shoulder. Akers was taken to Clearfield where the ball was extracted, and the doctors say that the accident will not be fatal. The Journal publishes the follow- ing item of interest to the water drinkers of Philipsburg: The report is in circu- lation to-day that a dead calf was taken out of the reservoir yesterday after hav- ing remained there for eight or ten days. As might be expected this rumor lacks foundation. Ithad its origin from the fact that a calf belonging to D. W. Holt was chased by a mule yesterday into the reservoir and drowned before assis- tance could be rendered. Charley Bent- ley, who works for Mr. Holt and lives near the reservoir, says that it could not possibly have been in the water more than twenty minutes, as he had seen it in the field shortly before the mishap occurred. No contamination of the wa- ter, therefore, need be feared. ——At a meeting of the Juniata Valley Editorial association, held at Altoona on Friday last, H. C. Dern was re-elected president; Dr. A. B. Brum- baugh, vice president; E. Conrad, sec- retary and treasurer, and George Shrom, G. B. Goodlander and 'W. M. Allison, executive committee. Winchester, Va., was selected as the objective point for the next annual sum- mer excursion, and from August 26 to 80th as the date. All arrangements were left in the hands of the executivecommittee. There betng no other business the association adjourned, ——At the funeral of Mrs. Sarah Jane Leathers, wife of Mr. R. C. Leathers, ot Mount Eagle, this county, ‘ remarks appropriate to the solemn oc- ed. Mr. Cooney, of Hast High street, | casion were made by Revs. G. W, Head- ley, W. L. Heyden, M. S. Blair and G. E. King. The deceased, who was a member of the Church of Christ, had been a great sufferer for more than two years from cancer and had been treated atthe best hospitals in Philadelphia and Joliet, ¥llinois. An excellent wife and mother, and a good Christian woman, she died at the age of 45 years, leaving a husband and seven children to mourn their irreparable loss. ——The enterprise of manufacturing chains is now in operation ‘at the iron works of Linn and McCoy between: this place and Milesburg,the alterations and additions to the machinery for that pur- pose having in a large measure been completed. Fourteen welding forges are being worked, but it is intended to operate twenty-five. Chains of the smaller size will be made at the rate of about two tonsa day. When work is commenced on the larger size a grester amount will be manufactured. About 20 men are employed, with Mr. George ‘Walker, recently of Pittsburg, as super- intendent. ——By the reeent fire at Jones! mill on Ford Run 200,000 feet of lumber and a large section of tramway were consum- ed. The Philipsburg Ledger says that the fire originated from the slab burner. Jones’ mill is about 12 miles from Phil- ipsburg and the Beech Creek railroad placed an engine and flat cars at the service of the fire department, the run being made in 13 minutes. The lumber yard was well protected against fire by a system of iron water pipes distributed through the yard, but they had become rusty from disuse, and gave way under the water pressure. For the accommodation of visitors to Bellefonte on the 24th inst the Penn- sylvania Railroad Co. will run a special return train from Bellefonte to Coburn, leaving Bellefonte after the evening per formance, 10.30 P. M., stopping at intermediate stations. Exeursion tickets will be sold to Bellefonte and return, including admission coupon to the show, at the following rates: Coburn $1.73, Linden Hall $1.01, Oak Hall 93 cents, April 12th she was walking down Front | Lemont 86 cents. ——Young Fred Hines has confessed that he and an accomplice robbed the safe in the Kelley hotel at Williamsport, | The name of the accomplice is George Meredith, who had been for a short | time in charge of the pool room of the ! hotel. The two had been arranging for the robbery for several weeks. A tele- gram was sent to Philadelphia for the arrest of Meredith, on the information furnished by Hines, who was locked up on Saturday in default ot $1000 bail. Rising Spring $1.46, Centre Hall $1.23, | Miners’ STRIKE.—In regard to the contemplated strike in the Clearfield and Centre bituminous coal regions, the Philipsburg Wag-Earner’s Journal, of Saturday, said: The latest information we have from adjoining regions ordered out on strike since the first of May, is as foblows : At DuBois several meetings have been held, the men finally agreeing not to quit work, and all are now at work. At Reynoldsville, and other points, where the men struck for, the Columbus seale, work has been resumed, the men resolving to continue work until all the bituminous coal regions were called out, and until they were better organized. been resumed except in Tioga county. What effect the refusal the DuBois men to come out, and the return to work of the Reynoldsville men, will have on Tioga county men, we are not of Clearfield and Centre courties, be not rash. Take no decided step until those who are recognized as leaders have taken counsel together, and have re- liable information of what is going on elsewhere. It is easy to make a mistake just now—much easier than to correct it after it is made. Where 1t may be thought necessary to suspend operations at a bank for any cause, consult the officers of the Excutive Board before throwing the bank idle. All kinds of reports are flying— many of them down- right lies. Be not hasty, intemperate, unwise. Just at this time coolness is most required of the miners. FATAL AcciDENT TO A MIFFLIN County FARMER. —A terrible accident recently occurred at the grade crossing on the line of the Pennsylvania railroad at McVeytown station Wednesday. Its victim was G. S. Ruble, of Oliver town- ship, Mifflin county. Mr. Ruble was in the act of driving a four horse team across the tracks with a load of wheat, preparatory to taking the grain to the | warehouse on thesouth side of the tracks, when a fast freight, east bound, came along. Before he could get out of the way the engine struck the wagon and the two horses next to it. The force was terrific. The two horses were killed outright and the wagon was reduced to fragments. Mr. Ruble was hurled a long distance and received: in- juries of such a character as to render his recovery impossible and he died shortly afterward. The accident is the first of its kind to occur at the eross- ing named. Its unfortunate victim was a well to do farmer who owned a farm in the township about three miles from whers the accident occurred. He was about 45 years of age, a member of the Dunkard church and a Christian gentle: man. A Great CHICKEN StorY.—The Philipsburg Ledger is responsible for the following : Mr. Frank Flegal owns a hen, which, six weeks ago, hatched eight chicks. Six of them died. When the survivors were four weeks old the hen began laying again, and for the past five days she has been laying wo eggs a day, and they are honest, fair, genuine eggs. There is no deception about it, for theraare no other chickens in the pen besides the hen and her hus- band and the two: chicks. In faet Mr. Flegal has no otker chickens. Thathen- is a free trader. She can compete with the pauper hens of Europe and knock ‘em gallery west. This is a pretty stiff egg story, but you all know Mr. Flegal, “An honest man—my neighbor—there he stands,” and he won’t tell a lie under any consideration. : William ¥, Boyer was killed on the railroad at Ramey, Clearfield county, last Monday morning. The rear wheels passenger train passed over him, killing him instantly. His neck was broken,his chest and abdomen crushed, bis right leg and! left arm broken and his left hand mashed. The deceased was 28 vears of age and was a young man of excellent character. He leaves a wife and two smal} ebildren. ——The parties who are inte rested in boring for oil at Philipsburg are J. Clark, Esq., of Plainfield, MN. Y ; L. D. Collier, of Hudson, N. Y., owners of what is known as the New York Land and Coal Co., and L. T. Munson, Esq., of Bellefonte, one of the proprietors of the Glass Co., of this place, who has had the management, sale and leasing of the property which lies in close proxim- ity to the Munson Coal Co.’s mines at Coal Stream and consists of about 3,800 acres. The well will be sunk to the depth of 2,200 feet, which will cost about $5,000. ——The Farmers’ Alliance of Porter township, Blair eounty, at a recent maet- | ing declared that in view of the fact that | legislative bodies have made unjust dis- crimination against the farmers by sev- eral acts of legislation in favor of eor- porations, they deem it necessary to take steps to assist each other. For the pur- pose of establishing confidence in each other, they will meet at the Loop school- house, on Saturday, June 7, and will be addressed by the Rev. A. H. Jolly. They agree that when the farmers put a candidate in the field for either a legis- lative, senatorial or presidential posi- tion they will support the candidate. Of all the places on strike, work has: advised, but we will say to the miners | of the baggage car attached to the | ——The date for the commencement of the Bellefonte High School has - been fixed for the 29th of May. Dr. D. J. Waller, State Superintendent of ' Public Instruction, has been secured | to deliver the lecture in the graduat- (ing exercises, in place of Governor i Beaver who will not be able to attend. ——TLast Friday Mr. Henry Barnes, while driving in a wagon near Philips- | burg, was thrown over the splash-board land the wheels passing over him inflict- | ed such injory to his stomach and chest "that death resuligd ‘soon after. Ie was : a native of England, about 50 years of age, and much esteemed in the com- | munity in which he lived. | ——The use of spray pumps is now | one of the necessities to protect the fruit i from destruction by insects. Itis a very | easy matter to spray ths trees with in- | sect poison, which will kill the insects | if attended to in time, that is before the | insects shall have destroyed the germs ‘or pollen of the blossoms, &c. These pumps are forsale by McCalmont & Co. , Machinery Hall,Hale building. ——Mr. A. Walker, of this place, has | returned from Indiana county, where he has discovered an eight foot vein of iron ore, of excellent quality; a six and a half foot vein of first class coal, and |'a seven foot vein of fire elay; also a quarry of good building stone. Parties wishing to form a company for the ‘working of these mines would do well ito call on him, He has received a { lease of one thousand acres of land. —The class that will graduate at the Bellefonte High School on the 29th inst. will be unusually large, 16 in number, consisting of the following young gentle- men and ladies : Bridge A. Curry, Boyd A. Musser, Anna J. Stott, Lillie M. Smith, Carrie R. Shirk, Mabel Wood- ring, Myra Holliday, Laura XK. Hafer, Milly F. Smith, Geo. M. Potter, Carrie MM. Gross, Chas. A. Rowan, Emma Yer- ger, Florence R. Longacre, John M. Morgan and Harry G. DeSilvia. ——While Jonathan Gramley, of Loganton, was serving on a jury at Lock Haven Tast week, he received in- telligence of the death of his sister, Mrs. Hannah Royer, wife of Jefferson Royer, at Rebersburg, Centre county. He in- formed the court of the circumstance and asked if there was any way in which he could be excused, but Judge Mayer seemed to think that it would not be subserving the ends of justice to permit his ahsence at that time. So Mr, Gram- lev remained. Mrs. Royer was a little over 75 vears old. — The funeral of the late Robert Richey Bridgens, of Lock Haven, took place last Saturday, the remains of the deceased having been viewed by many previous to the interment. The coffin, which was solid’ cedar, was covered with many beautiful floral designs, the prinei- pal one being a handsome combination of cross and anchor from Mrs: W. P. Harper, of New York, who when a child had been a member of Mr. B’s family. The services at the house were conducted by Rev. Dr. Nesbitt, of the Presbyterian church. The funeral pro- cession was large, and the pall bearers were Thomas B. Loveland, Charles Corse, J. W. Harris, G. Kintzing, Jacob Brown and J. A. Wilson. ——Speaking of coal improvements in the Philipsburg region, the Journal of that place says: The branch line from Munson’s eoal mine to the Mor- risd ale branch of the P. R. R. is nearing’ eompletion. The difficulty that arose with respect to passing through the field owned by Doyle has been at last overcome, by paying the $240" which was deemed by the appraisers at Court equivalent to the damage done to it. The log track is nearly completed and during the week the ties wilt be down and shortly we shall hear the puffing of the iron horse at Cold Stream. The prospects of Munson Coal Co. are ex- ceedingly encouraging ; it is now boom- ing under the able management of Mes- srs. Bd and James Munson, and the fu- ture success of the output anticipated with these added facilities gives hope of a busy time. The busy little town of Farrands- ville, says the Lo:k Haven Express, was last week the scene of a successful strike which began with the moulders, pressers and other men etrployed in the fire brick works, and extended until up- wards of one hundred and fifty men in the employ of Messers. Fredericks, Munro & Co. were involved and the | business of manufacturing and shipping fire brick was paralyzed. About sixty men are employed in the brick yard as moulders, pressers and general laborers, and the demand made by the men was for eight hours instead of ten for a day's labor. The demand was not acceded to by the firm and as a result all the men employed in the manufacture of fire brick at that place quit their work i and refused to labor until the strikers’ | troubles were satisfactorily adjusted. { The matter was finally arranged by the firm giving the strikers an increase in wages of from 8 to 10 per cent. and all hands resumed their work. Arn THE RaGE—Misses’ black Hats, only 50 and T7bcts, and the splendid assortment of fine goods, at Mrs. D. P. McKiany’s, Howard, Pa. ——The following letters remain uncalled for in the Bellefonte P. O. May 19—%0 : Mr. Geo. Bushman ; Mr. H. 8, Griffith ; Mr Frank Cambell ; Mrs. Sadie Graden ; James J. Crotzer; Mrs. Catharine Glosser; Hugh Cleveland ; Miss Ellie Miller ; Mrs. Domenick Aenere 2; Mrs, Catharine Mullen ; Miss Elen Parey ; Mrs. Clara Robb ; Mr. B. P. Eyler ; Miss Emma Ross; Mr. H. D. Fettertoff ; Rob- bins Jokup; Mr, John Garden ; Mrs. Jerry Solen ; Miss Pheobe Tresler. When called for please say advertised. J. A. FeipLER, P. M MeyorraL Dav.—The request for flowers this year is general and urgent. All friends who have flowers please send them to Gregg Post Room in the Harris Block near the High St. bridge, as early us convenient,May 30th. Children will ask you for flowers, give them some, their mission is to get them. De- signs in flowers save trouble and waste, and beautify much the offering to the dead, and if they are kindly prepared for the occasion, will be carefully placed on a soldier's grave. All favors thankfully received. By CoMMITTEE ON DECORATION, « OUR SprING WOULENS HAVE ARRIV- ED.—Leave your order for a suit now at a special discount. All the new shapes in spring styles of Hats=— We are agents for the sale of the “Mother's Friend’” Shirt Waist. MoxtcomErY & Co. Married. MINER—STITZER.—May 20th, 1890, at Lock. Haven,Pa., by the Rev. S. J. Taylor, Marius Miner and Mary J. Stitzer. Announcements. The following are the prices charged for announce= ments in this paper. Congress, $10.00 ; State Senator, $10.00; Assembly, $3.00; Sheriff, $8.00 ; Treasurer,$8.00 ; Register, 36.00; all other offices $5.00. All comdidates are required to pledge themselves to abide the decision of the Democratic County Convention. ASSEMBLY, We sre authorized to announce J. H. Horr of Snow Shoe, as a candidate for Legislature, sub- ject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce Andrew Ocker of Miles township, as a candidate for Sheriff. Subjeet to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. * We are authorized to announee the name of John P. Condo, of Gregg township, as a candi- date for Sheriff. Subject to the deeision of the Demoecratig County Convention. We are authorized to announce George E. Parker, of Philipsburg,ias a candidate for Sher. iff. Subject to the decision of she Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce W. A. Ishler, of Benner twp. as a candidate for Sheriff. Sub- ject to the decision of the Democratic County Convension. * We are authorized to announce A. M. Bur- LER, of Milesburg, as a candidat tor Sheriff, subject to the decision ofi the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce Wu. A. Tax- vER of Ferguson township as a candidate for Sherifit Subject to the decision of the Demo- cratic County Convention. COMMISSIONER, We are authorized toannounce the name of Daniel Heckman, of Benner found: as a condidate for County Commissioner. Subject to the decision of the Democratic County Con- vention. We are authorized to announce the name of Daniel C.Grove,of Marion township, as a can- didate for County Commissioner. Subject to the decision of the Demoeratic County Con- vention. We are authorized to announce Geo. L. Goopmart of Pottertwp. as a candidate for County Commissioner. Subject tothe decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to:announce @. F. Yearick of Marion township, as-a candidate for County Commissioner. Subjeet to the deeision of the Demoeratic county Convention. * We are authorized to announce T. Frank Adams, of Boggs township, as a candidate for Couaty Commissioner: Subject to the decis- ion ef the DemocraticCounty Convention. RECORDER. Weare authorized. to snnounce W. Gayler Morrison,of Worth township,as a candidate for Recorder. Subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce Joux S. GRAY of Philipsburg, as a candidate for Recorder, subject to the decision of the Democratic Con- vention. ——— Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co: The following aze the quotations up to six olclock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes to press : White wheat, per bushel.. 75 Read wheat, per bushel 8 Rye, per bushel... 45 ' Corn, ears, per bushel. 20 Corn, shelled, per bus 35 Oats—new, per bushel... 25 Barley, per bushel.. 45 Buckwheat per bushel. vores p00 Cloverseed, per bushel... $4 00 to $6 00 &ronnd Plaster, per ton........ a 9:02 Bellefonte Produce Markets. Correctad weekly by Sechjer & Co Potatoes per bushel 50 Eggs, per doaen 20 Lard, per pound.. 8 CountryShoulders 10 Sides... 10 Hams.. 14 Lallow, perpound. 3 Butter, pex pound. 2 Onions, per bushel.. 75 Turnips, per bushel.... —— 28 De maamhiait— The Democratic Watchmen. Published every ¥riday Horning: in Belle- fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons adver- tising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol lows : i I SPACE OCCUPIED. {3m 6m | ly One inch (12 lines this type.. 8588 [8 12 Two INCHES ..ecceiirsirrnins J 7110.15 Three inches... 10156 20 Some Column (4% 12 | 20 | 30 Half Column ( 9 inches 20 | 35 | 8B One Column (19 inches 35 | 55 | 100 Advertisements in special column, 25 per cent, additional. Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 ets. Each additional insertion, per line. 5 cts. Local notices, per line... Business notices, per line. Job Printing of every k ness and dispateh. The Warcuman office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be executed in the most artistic mannerand at the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor,