TP TT TE Ee ER EU i ER Tm ree Dewortaiic Bellefonte, Pa., May 23, 1890. WAITING. A crocus slept under the snowdrift,— Impatient was she. : She longed for the springtime to call her Once more to be free. But the little bells chime, “Not time !;Tnot time I” And the icicles hang on the tree. The crocus dreamed still of the summer, And pushed out her head. But the snow fairies tucked her up warmly To sleep in her bed. And the little birds trill, “Lie still! lie still! And wait for the Spring's light tread !” So the crocus her little head nodded, And slept where'she lay, Till the sun warmed the earth all around her, The soft-footed May. And the little brooks sing, “Tis Spring! ’tis Spring!” So the crocus came out to stay! [Agnes L. Mitchill. An Open Letter. To the Tourists and Hunters of Miami and Surrounding Counties. St. PAvuL, Mi~NN., March 24th, 90. It is a source of gratification to me that the Great Northern Railway has been enabled to furnish a pleasing and profitable trip to the hunters and tour- ists of Miami and the surrounding counties for the past two years, and no less gratifying to know that our freinds now propose a tour for the coming autumn on a far grander and more com- prehensive scale than the two preceeding ones. It shall be my effort in the future as in the past, to personally see that the comfort and convenience of your hun- ters and tourists is secured in the con- templated trip. The facilities of this railway are greatly increased even over those of the past two years, and of course the question as to the hunting opportunities in Dakoto, Minnesota and Montana along the lines of the Great Northern is now definitely settled in the affirmitive by the experience of those of your hunters who have made trips to these sections. For the information of those who have not yet taken this trip I will state that in North Minnesota are found moose, elk and deer in the woods east and northeast of Stephen’s Station. In North Dakota the lakes and streams are frequented by millions of geese, ducks, cranes and wild swans during Septem- ber and October. Devil's Lake has the finest pickerel fishing in the Union. In the timber along the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers in the yicinity of Fort Buford, your hunters have had great success in shooting deer during the season of 1888 and 1890. Further west on the Big Dry tribu- tary to the Missouri, in remote and unfrequented parts of the country are known to be thousands of black and white tail deer, antelope and an oceasion- al elk. The valley of this stream is deep below the surface of the surround- ing country, and it is known to possess a greater variety of interesting fossil re- mains than any other part of this region. Further westward we reach the Rocky Mountains, and a tributary range of the Rockies, the Little Belt Mountains, southeast of Great Falls affords excellent hunting of the silver tipped bear and white and black tail deer. This sec- tion will be reached with ease from Great Falls by the new Neihart branch and the scenery is magnificent; the most impressive of mountain, forest and canyon on the continent. Belt and other creeks contain mountain trout in abundanca. At Great Falls the snow capped summits of the Rockies are in full view to the westward and it is in this direction that experienced hunters know are the largest variety and “the greatest number of our large game still remaining in the United States. It was in the vicinity of St. Mary's Lake that Mr. C. E. Francis, of the Troy, (N. Y.,) Times, found the following varieties of game: Elk, moose, caribou, moun- tain goats, mountain sheep, bear and two varieties of deer. A branch line is now under construc- tion from Great Falls northwest, along the eastern base of the Rockies which will make this grand region easy of ac- cess to hunters and tourists. Those of you who have made the trip to the famous Helmena Hot Springs and Hotel Broadwater will bear witness to the beauty of the surrounding mountain scenery and their attractions and virtues as pleasure and health resorts. Space forbids that I should further describe the magnificent and unapproach- able scenic beauties of the Gates of the Mountains, the Great Falls of Missouri, and the Rockies, the backbone of the Continent. It shall be my endeavor to furnish a solid train of Tourists, Sleepers to leave some convenient point in Miami County and run through, solid, on a fast time schedule to destination. After leaving St. Paul the different parties of tourists and hunters can use their pleas- ure as to the different points at which to stop—Devil’s Lake, the Upper Missouri Valley, the Rocky Mountains or other points of interest. The Milk River Valley, Great Falls and the surrounding country is now attracting the greater share of interest among home-seekers looking for govern- ment land suitable for stock and grain raising. It will no doubt be a motive with many of your party to avail them- selves not only of the pleasure off the hunt and beautiful scenery along our road, but also of an opportunity to look up the alvantages and inspect the rescources that country offers to land-seekers who wish to attain health and wealth under the shadow of the mighty Rockies. F. 1. Wnrewey, G3. P.& T. A. Great Northern Railway. Boys Ar Two Dornars Eacu.— Children must be cheap in Italy. The authorities were recently notified that the parents of five little boys had sold their offspring for a bottle of olive oil and $2 apiece. The purchaser took them to Hamburg, whence he intended to ship then abroad to peddle plaster images. The police were informed, however, and the children were returned to their un- + najural parents. Reduced Rates to German Baptists at North Manchester, Ind., via., Penn- sylvama Railroad. eet ing of the Old German Baptists at North Manchester, Ind., the Pennsyl- vania Railroad Compay will sell tickets to North Manchester at one fare and a third for the round trip. Tickets will be sold May 20th to 25th, valid for return until June 25th, 1890, inclusive. forded by the Pennsylvania’s through trains to the West, commend this route most strongly to the patronage of vis- itors to this meeting. The specific round-trip rate from Ty- rone, Pa., to North Manchester is $19 51. Further information will be given by ticket agents or upon application to Thos. J. Watt, Passenger Agent West- ern Division, 110 Fifth Avenue, Pitts- burgh: —— A Philadelphia paper, in an ar- ticle on household economy, asked : “Is there a wife in this city to-day that makes her husband’s shirts? The fol- lowing answer was received by return mail : “I do but he won’t wear em.’ ——The strongest endorsement of Mellin’s Food is the multitude of healthy, active children who have been reared upon it. It has been thoroughly and successfully tried for years by thous- ands of mothers. ’ EE TI ——A man named Catoni, a giant above seven feet high and proportionate- ly stout, with an enormous head, has just died in Italy. Before his death he sold his skeleton to the Anatomical Museum at Rome for $2000. ——Impurities of the blood often cause great annoyance at this season ; Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and cures all such affections. Twins THAT CouLD SLEEP IN A HAT. — Charles Orton, a one-legged man who sells cough drops on Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, is the happy father of the smallest twins on record. They are a week old, have been named Jackson and Jennie, and now weigh 16 and 12 ounces respectively. The head of each is about the size of a teacup and the body no larger than a five cent package of cough drops. Both could be readily stowed in the proud father’s overcoat pocket. The parents have six other children, all of ordinary size. The midgets are bright and healthy. Facrs Wort Kyowineg.—In all diseases of the nasal mucous membrane the remedy used must be non-irritating. The medical profession has been slow to learn this. Nothing satisfactory can be accomplished with douches, snuffs, pow- ders or syringes because they are irritat- ing, do not thoroughly reach the effect- ed surfaces and should be abandoned as worse than failures. A multitude of of persons who had for years borne all the worry and pain that catarrh can inflict testify to radical cures wrought by Ely’s Cream Balm. New Advertisements. M OWERS & REAPERS. —LA WN MOWERS— The latest improved rock bottom prices. o-THE McCORMICK MOWERS, REAPERS-o And self Binding Harvester] attract the atten- tion of all farmers who prefer to se- cure the best Harvesting Machin- ery on earth. The Self Bind- ing Harvester is nearly all steel, light ranning and long lived. BINDER TWINEA SPECIALTY ! McCALMONT & CO. Business Managers. REASURER'S SALE OF UN- SEATED lands for taxes for 1883 and 1839.—Agreeable to the provisions of law re- lating to the sale of unseated tracts of land for the non payment of taxes, notice is hereby given that there will be exposed at public sale or outery, the following tracts of unseated lands in county of Centre, for taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the bor- ough of Bellefonte, on MONDAY, THE 9TH DAY OF JUNE, 1890, at 1 o'clock pr. mM. Wn. SHORTLIDGE, Ror. McCaLmont, 35 20 2m. BENNER TWP. Acres, Per. Warrantee Name. Taxes. 120 Hale J M.. 14 50 Lingle J J 2 69 100 Unknown... oe 4 90 BOGGS TWP. 50 Brooks Jesse 5 86 B28 £4 2B 22 82 307 145 Carscadden 46 15 179 70 Curtin John.. 12 55 108 Curtin James 745 63 26 Curtin Austin 4 41 45 21 Curtin R........ 12 50 12 63 Curtin Roland. 84 12 63 t * 28 400 9 40 426 100 15 02 35 94 83 3 54 Cregg Andrew. 238 433 163 Godfrey Martha.. 15 25 433 163 Higbey Joseph }4of.. 5 14 308 3 Holt John........ 25 73 100 Kelso Joseph 4 61 150 Kelso Rebecca. 6 99 43 153 Lewis David.. 10 17 100 Lane Wm 4 61 150 ¢ Mary. 6 99 100 ¢ sarah.. 5 81 50 om, 2 5 33 Livergood M. 15 67 150 Lane Sarah 10 51 150 8 Sit. 3 53 100 80 McClure John.. 4 99 339 78 5 $M escins 15 61 146 Packer & Lucas 16 76 50 4 el, 4 91 100 Reese Daniel 4 61 300 $ Susan. 13 61 150 £ Daniel 6 80 50 Unknown... 118 200 Wilson Wm.. " 9 30 150 Yarnell & MeAllister.......... 10 64 BURNSIDE TWP. 415 Barron Job... 727 415 Black James 14 54 433 163 Brady Robert.. 15 16 433 163 $ Wm P. 25 58 433 163 * John... 15 16 433 163 Bell Alexande 25 83 415 Boyd John... 14 54 433 163 Bell William 7 60 415 Candy Eli... ay 1433 163 Cook William, 25 5 : 163 Cowden John. 2 22 . Cox Paul........ £ 163 Davidson Win J 15 16 163 Dewart Wiiliam 15 16 163 wr ldonn..... 15 16 163 Donnelly Henry.. 15 16 163 Ewing John...... 15 16 we © Hannah 17) 163 Fox Samuel M.. 15 1s 163 Gray Robert. 15 16 163 « William...........: 15 16 For the benefit of visitors to the meet- [43 The exceptionally good facilities af-| New Advertisements 106 130 125 136 200 52 190 116 344 385 3256 313 121 125 129 144 406 405 209 150 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 133 163 163 151 163 19 138 120 131 31 120 163 93 93 44 48 126 31 15 16 60 60 60 28 89 "Grove Wende 150 99 89 T6 68 48 48 104 63 134 200 250 Vil 203 | 20% 415 * Wallace Joseph S Grant Thos......... Gobin Chas.... Gray William 4 of., Hall Charles..... $... Naney. Hamilton Thos i John.. all Henry 14 of.. $e Washington 5; of. Jackson Jeremiah 14 of. Xiad John......... Levy Nathaniel Lewis Davis Lyon John.. Long JZ. ‘ ‘ Miller William. Pancoast Samuel. Parker Jeremiah Rugg John....... Shatter Henry.. Stewart Walter. Scott Samuel. Shym John. Stewart Ann.. Tallman Sarah} Towers John Thomas Joseph.. Vaughn John 4 of. Wallace Joseph Wetzel John.... Weidner Jacob. Wheeler Henry Withington Ma . Wallace Joseph J........ COLLEGE TWP. Johnson Ross..........0ns nies CURTIN TWP. Atwood NL... Brooks Jess .“ “ Bruce Charles. Carskadden D.. “ ‘ Curtin Roland. Hall Charles. Hollowell Ed. Irwin Jame 4 Robert. LongJ E.. “ “ 5 Mitchell N J.... Miles Jonathan.. Packer Job Ww, Wister Casper.. Miller James... FERGUSON TWP. Burchfield Wm.. Bates Daniel... Glasgow Silas.. Hall John Miles Samuel Mitchell David Moore Thos L.. Patton John... Rainy Robert.. Risk Chas... Smith Thoms Thompson Mos Unknown GREGG TWP. Antis Henry Anderson Jacob.. Asken Robert. Barber James.. Bishop Cornelius Cowden John.. Carson John. Carson Andrew Duncan David. Gray Robt..... Hepburn William. Hubby Bernard.. Hahn Wm. Hepburn Wm.. Logan Wm... Mosby Jacob. Markley Jacob Mercer John.... >ainter John... Reese Daniel .. Richardson Isaac.. Reed Daniel... Taggart Wm. Taggart Davi Tower James.. Unknown... Unknown Welsh C B.. Zeigler Michael. HAINES TWP. Bolinder John Bolinder Henr; Bolinder Frede Bolinder Adam... Barr Thomas.. Barr James.. Barr Mary... Black Peter.... Dudbridge’Hannah. Gratz Michael. Gratz Simon Hayes Calvin M. Links Mary... Levy Aaron . Mosby William. McElroth Robert. Metzger Daniel.. Motz John.... Princeton John. Phillips Levi ... Rhoades Daniel. Sw.neford Albright. Snyder Simon... Seidell Phillip. Seidell Peter... Snyder Catherine. Seidell Stophel ... HALF MOON TWP. Anshultz George Bates Daniel... Beck Jacob.. Carr John....... Curtin Roland & Son. Cross James... Hill Henry.. Keith Jacob. Lamborn Josiah.. Moore Thomas L Pyle Jacob........... Thompson John.. Unknown « HARRIS TWP. Andre Absolom... Bell John Connelly Adam Edmiston Samuel Fisher J C........ Henry Stophel.. Irvin John.. wie SRL “ Irvin William Irvin John........ Johnson Thomas MeCandless Wm. Mitchell John Parker Richar Patterson Robert. Reed James...... Reynolds John. Sample Robert. Sankey Thomas Sankey Jeremiah Steele Robert. Steele James Steele Allen Steele George. Simpson Nathan. Smith John... Wilson Samuel. £3 David.... William, Edward. Peter .. Work David £6 Jose Young Samuel. “ HOWARD TWP, Brown Samuel. Bonham Sarah. Brady John...... Crawford John. Curtin Roland.. Custin Samuel. Custin Paul... Evans Jesse. Gireen Jame “ “ Graysburg Joseph.. Gireen Joseph... Godfrey John.. “ Martha... — v @® S Ram —tomww % 1 = 10 — -— New Advertisements. 36 92 Harris Jas D.. . 6 83 | 43 5 J J fi 33 151 Holter Jacoo 292 | 433 163 Lattimore George. 15 95 87 Hale Jas T,,. 212 » 163 r Wiliam G.. 2 i 50 Harris A I) 133 .awrence Lasper.. : 130 Lingle J J 345 1433 153 Lowden Richard 62 38 1.10 Parker Wm....... 524 (433 153 Son John. - 713 a : ¢ 433 153 Lee John........ 5b 2 ao Dalkey inom 530] 31 168 Mayston Edwan 575 150 70 Turner Hannah. 8 46 | 200 McPherson William 7 35 49 Leathers Samuel. 106 | 433 153 Malone Richard... 11 07 50 White and Nestler 133 i in > > 4 i % 104 63 Brady John......... 2 65 . 217 Bonham Sarah 530 (433 153 Yotommod gop : i z 217 & “ 5 30 | 270 cEntire Hug 104 63 Brady John 265 | 433 153 Meyers Jacob.. 48 33 SSTON TWP 433 163 Miller Jacob. 31 2: BUFO} : | 433 163 McConley Mariah. 15 92 433 163 Baxter Samuel.. 124 85 | 433 153 Morgan B R 34 of. 56 10 281 Moore - 460 | 109 McCord J R and A 13 13 433 163 Price John..... 14 85 | 433 153 Musser Johon 4 of... 18 71 433 163 Rollington John.. 14 85 | 433 153 Musser John #; of. 55 10 102 Williams John..................0. 235 | 433 153 Morgan B Rj of. 18 TL LIBERTY TWP. 433 153 i Richary %4 2% 10 A Ls 433 163 Pinkerton Henry... 2 38 10 1 ene 179143 163 Peters Richard If of 18 71 305 120 Dunwoody John 13 53 { S “’. Gorrel Win 4 04 | 430 9 Ramsey James 14 10 74 0 esas =i 1433 153 Reese Thomas... 208 85 166 Hays Robert & James.. 7.70 bio 120 SP 8734 Hays Wm 14 of 155 | 433 53 Buds Jain 40 47 52 : = 391 | 405 47 Rush Jacob... 97 18 2 Irwin Robt... 3211435 153 Rush Benjamin. 113 80 598 80 Irwin Robt.. 28 07 53 Robinson Willi 2 - 125 Irwin Robert. 428] = Hojinson iii i 260 groltson Jon. S88 ot Rainy Robert.. 5.51 Z0 Lroyy Daniel. Ls 1433 163 Reigart A... 11 07 180 Lytle Peter 855% , g 433 163 Spear John.. 11 07 150 Lytle Peter.. 26313 ’ J a 4 9 1a | 43 153 Slough, George.. 36 72 60 Nestlerode Christ 212 093 153 Spear Rober 0 09 100 Potter John...... 8 26.4 20 I ent $9 100 Packer Job W.. 198 {100 a0 Hodens aner 2 . 433 153 Toner Jas. 11 04 406 120 Stevenson Peter.. 14 i 153 153 1s : 3 319 Smith Christian... 1219 196 Vandyke Tons > 10 MARION TWP. 193 itmar Henry 18 5 159 68 Curtin Constance... 446 | 433 153 Welsh Joseph... 11 07 a a Corman John... 72 (122 44 Weidman John. 31 21 86 Harris Jas D. 176 192 115 Wibi Spoon " 2 1 Harris A D 2 71 2 iltiams J C.. 5 ” Ror Jos 2254) 75 Wilson William. TT 29 26 58 1rwin John. si} 33 153 Wallace JJ. 41 £9 18 120 Lamb David.. 2 (02 | 450 Jiern. 5 93 41 Lingle J J..... 28 | 433 153 etzel Jac 107 37 100 YE eney David. 6 25 SEnING Sh 400 McCoy & Linn. 2 8 ’ B " ; 448 17 Miles James.. 0 20 | 40 Curtin R. 2 38 70 Rorher Christ 588 15 Enya john L. i gl 70 ¢ 44 5 88 20 Long John..... He 60 Schenck John.. 4 90 | 100 McClure William. 11 12 129 Shoemaker Benj. 10 50 | 96 62 Toole Henry 3 08 55 18 Shugart J D... 36 | 10 of . 38 100 Unknown... 140 | 14 Thornburg Thos 64 200 55 Young Robt... 4 90 | 250 Toole Henry..... 3 39 60 55 Wilson Margaret. 7 70 | 200 Wilson William 11 90 8 Weight Wm 17 SNOW SHOE TWP. MILES TWP. na Carscadden D... il a illi i 649 | 2 3 : # wwii 2s | 8 Degling Joseph. 31 20 230 Books Tomes... wins Davis Abijah 34 of 18 04 i Taoton Ylliam T1433 163 Fisher Samuel W. 72 97 100 Brooks Jesse.... 1950 To « : 273 Barton William BA IE A ves per aa Ss a 9 3 162 Jones Richer) 2 25 ie. ot 1 300 Leng J. Z.... 4 70 200 ¢ Frederick. e 19° Jy 4 4! Hh : 7 83 | £90 ! i 9 70 2 Oxrathor Somes. ~~ Ii Liggett Join. 17 3) . PWis vis 4 463 Cowden John... 1 To 23 Mithohell William B 19 67 — Cooper William 12 01 450 MecLanahan Sarah. 12 38 201 Deering Christopher 9 49 40 Mitchell William P 110 - IH 2 re 427 Dewart William... 16 22 2s 83 Jarker Jpn % i 156 60 DerrS and J Stahl. 1431 053 153 Spear Margaret. 21 23 200 Gray Robert. 7601 162 Tompkins Joseph. 16 86 1 oS 150 [457 165 Wain Phase... a 23 amps 2 ead ‘alters Rober 3 82 EL Honiel John 2 3 433 153 Wharton Lowney. £3 52 : ae 3 ~z | 415 Sarah. 3 16 1% Hall Charles 181s Waln Richard 11 44 — Yepharn dames. 45 | 433 153 Wharton Kearn 11 91 250 Juckson Jere... 1 90 TAYLOR TWP. 2 400 Lake Richard.. 19 20 | 150 Armes & Shafter.. . 7 35 100 Levy Rachael.. 9 | 76 Anshultz George. . 178 502 134 Miles William 916 o 12 61 | 400 Beli Willliam.... . 9 40 402 134 © % 7-16 of. 10 72 | 60 Beckwith Clement.. i 6 G4 27 Parker William..... 1021 60 * # . 2 41 200 Princeton Jacobr. 960 62 « “« 8 93 419 Reese John..... 192) mm Bell William... 3 68 277 Swineford Peter. 2 14 | 150 Baldwin Samuel.. 7 05 2 Shaffer Michael.. 1 41 | 100 Joshua 470 415 Siedell Stophel. 19.93 | 50 Clark Joseph. 725 44 Unknown......... 3 15 | 100 Cowher James.. 378 365 Williams Daniel. T 12 | 200 Carr Jarses....... 470 158 Young Benj 3 06 | 163 Hootman Elizabeth 9 71 PATTON TWP. al 53 Kunes Isaac a 335 A s; T Ny les 18 17 20 Burton Robert, Lowden Charle 118 201 Diehl Nicholas, 22 Lamb John..... 14 35 5 « « 163 MecCommon Thos 10 17 i «Adam. Mefwen Pally, 9 96 150 « John. > enty 9 96 a Bilis Willi Masdeon Thos 12 00 0 Tis Wii 156 McEwen Polly 10 20 65 Gover Robert 10) Gross Henry. Mnntoamets io n.. 20 3% 85 Bilge Sonu. Merryman iy uS.. i 1 4 20 Yas poner 7 93 | 100 Moore James... ig Qa 9 Bri 1 158 Ridgeway Budd & Co, No.1 12 07 211 O'Brian John... 41 17 2 165 hi 32 20 | 141 a % * No.8 17 21 165 White John 32 20 4 : 121 53 West Thos... 23 62 | 100 Ralston David.. 7 30 55 Wilson William. 8 65 bi Thomas John 1 2 PENN TWP. 100 “« « 2 35 150 Armstrong JOSururemriinninnes Sh 119 v oe? : . in 119 3 y . 27] 90 an Poot C...... 3 160 146 Cook William.. 307125 £6 “ John 10 70 150 10 Cowden John 645 | 20 “ “« © 2 92 nz 0 * Gs 4 48 | 200 Whitehead Richard 19 20 100 Cook William 2 50 | 433 153 Williams Joshua. 10 17 102 20 Hamilton Thos 194 | 100 Weidner Michael 235 150 5 se 6 45 | 100 “ oo, 235 150 Hepburn Jas. g 45 | 100 Wilson William... 2 35 6 1 i & 651 92 Wallace Thomas. x 16 us 2 Kreamer Pojee % ° UNION TWP. 1% Kennedy John, 6 45 | 68 Benson Peter... 2 53 104 89 “* Andrew 3 61 9 73 108 131 £ John. 428) or 113 8 « James 4 46 | 100 5 20 20) Lyon Robert. 8 60 | 200 5 2 2.0 “ Ezekiel. 8 60 | 100 2 6 0 200 “ Benjamin 8.60 | 47 6 12 200 McCally John. 8 60 ATR = 200 « “william... 8 60 Raa TY 100 Montgomery Daniel 430] 92 94 Askers Robt. 2a 10 “ William 4:0 | 143 11 Ackert Wm 1 80 169 110 McDonald Alex 8p 40 Baker John 1 00 7 ineford Peter. 6 30 | 212 wo - 733 170 Swinefor . 46 Unknown 817 | 162 Jroohshah 3 2 247 65 Baker Robt..... 52 POTTER TWP. 280 1¢9 Currier Mary 6 88 288 Bond Mary 12 24 | 60 x $a 147 100 Brady William P.. 1507 | 40 Decker Abam.. 99 81 111 Cameron AleX... 215 | 41 Dunwoody John... 10 25 400 Cowgell David 420 | 111 42 Dougherty Margaret 147 133 Deering Chris 5 66 is is Fras Tos I 1 2 Prick . J5. 37 Hf . 8 S$8€.... 0 8¢ Frick John J 2 o Fd 2 i eo Ya 196 Tole B.. 13 oa OS Eokert Win Io 400 Forkes James... 20] 9+ 2 4 .- jarrigus I J 1700 | 80 Fry Geo... 2 00 0 Ganjens Boe. to leis 5s Gilbert W 5 98 125 Hubler Bernard... 561 | 31 129 goal 8 100 Hunter Alexander. 4521211 88 2171 400 Harrison William... 17 00 | 2il 72 Hahn Peter 519 400 Hoffman William 4 of.. 2h es 0 = m. 159 40 Livingston s 56] 22 46 Ebenezer. 28 42 Moore James..... 17s | 59 40 Johnson David 1 14 106 McClellan George 3 32 | 560 McEwen Mary 7 00 ¢ Patter: Fan 4 327 160 Mansell Wm, 8 04 0 Patterson Benjamin. 08 447 Parker —..... 1407; 94 Mercer John. 293 70 Peck Joseph 3 00: | 327 100 it = David 8 id 9 2 Jabob.. 2 54 | 984 36 iller Wm... 9 4: 10 3 Sapp iy 17 oh 438 107 Miles James. 15 78 100 Smith Dani 5 ig Her ame ia 0 Soi nile 4 2 50 McKee Samuel. 12 a0 Unknown a 24 | 10 33 McCalmont Thos 98 ; 2 i 447 $ R v a i$ FL i % i 5% Osman i : i 88 Vanderslice Henry. 3 64 20 » Daner Yona 2 Li RUSH TWP. Yn es 2 93 433 153 Allison John..... 148 92 | a2 arker Jeremiah. 223 328 $8 James. 127027 MN * Richard. 22 250 o Andrew ....... 100 13 | 50 Piles Benj & Co.. 51 3 00 $e A. and John Lilly TTT | 100 Purdon John... 2 7 Armstrong And Ww 13231 65 Robison Richard 1 390 116 Arthur Ann.. 25 52 | 239 Singer Ahraham 59 3 10 Allison Jie 48] 80 Smith John & H 1 153 st Andrew 9 69 | 169 Shoemaker Benj 42 25 361 Beverage David 16 05 | 150 Scott Alexander 37 i 163 Bruntzman Peter «i 1680204 16 ¢ Sh 4 00 Brachbill John... 11 63 | 242 88 Sutler James 11 90 Chestnut Samuel, 7801201 133 - 8 5 00 Copenhaver John... 6581982 138 © Daniel.. 9 41 2 “ 5310 | 192 Warden Jeremiah. 4 70 bi “ 10 20 4 22 Wickersham Amok. 10 “ and Whitecomb.. 1979 ( 30 £ “ 7 £ 163 Delaney Sharp....... se 1595} 12 Wilson Robt... 15 25: Dentler William. . 5262 49 Zantzinger Paul. 5 15 133 153 Edwards Thomas . 168 92] 159 * fs 23 90 3 163 Ehler Daniel... . 62 38 ln 3 153 Eberman Philip - 10 07 WORTH TWP. 33 643 Fitzgerald Daniel . 6233] og Cymer Henry... . 6 81 433 153 Funk John..... 20 81 | oy Tiawihorne Thos. " 84 Grant Thom 84 33 | 119 83 Kuiins Abram 3 04 . atih J 13 80 1 345 «it John... 49 00 Glentwort 3; 2%, 5 95 | og7 Lawman Geo.. 9 T0 Groe Eisaneth. b 38 | 030 Mayland Jasper. 16 28 gr Aid 3 ic Keon. i > 274 Miles Samue 50 44 TROY RODOE eure 39 Ross John... 9 02 Graves Thomas 94 45 | 147 op 18 24 Gray William. 2 of | 14a : i ¢ liam. ‘ 3 Hair Chyistian.. at 77 110 Sy rs Haines asper.. 55 23 § Singer John...... 1 90 Hamilton Thou 81 H 1 gg Shippen Win Jr. 719 Haines Bonbon Jr. 42 42 | Han Wister Wm.... 34 84 Irvin Robt.. 168 91 | “oj A) 5 00 ‘“ “ HR 11 et och “og dias *- 5 $ 18 70 Nore.—In accordance with the Act of June Jordon Owen. 36 72 | 6th 1887, interest will be added to the amount King Robert. 128 | of all taxes assessed against nnseated lands = “0 | above advertised. . t $e a 39 00 CYRUS GOSS, Lucas Charles 11 07 County Treasurer, a] Philadelphia Card. Ean W. MILLER, WITH WOOD, BROWN & CO., Dealers in HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, &C. 429 Market Street: 151 PHILADELPHIA, PA. Railway Guide. AND BRANCHES. May 12th, 1890. ProTaans RAILROAD VIA TYRONE—WESTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone, 6.55 a. m., at Altoona, 7.45 a. m., at Pitts- burg, 12.45 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Altoona, 1.45 p. m., at Pitts- burg, 6.50 p: m. Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.10, at Altoona at 7.50, at Pittsburg at 11.55. VIA TYRONE—EASTWARD., Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.55, at Harrisburg, 10.30 a. m., at Philadel- phia, 1.25 p. m. Leave Bellefonte 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6..40 at Harrisburg at 10.45 p. m., at Phila- delphia, 4.25 a. m.. VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORTHWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ven, 5.30 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven, 11.00 a. m. Leave Bellefonte at 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven at 10.10 p. m. VIA LOCK HAVEN—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m.: arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 5.30. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.25 p. m., a$ Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 11.00, leave Williamsport, 12.20 p. m., 92 Harrishurg, o.48 p.m, at Philadelphia at .50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 2010 be m., leave Williamsport, 12.25 m.,- leave Harrisburg, 3.45 a. m., arrive at Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m. VIA LEWISBURG. Leave Bellefonte at 6.00 a. m., arrive at Lewis- burg at 9.00 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m., Philadelphia, 3.15 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 2.30 p. m., arrive at Lewis- burg, 5.35, at Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m., Phila- delphia at 4.25 a. m. BALD EAGLE VALLEY. WESTWARD, | EASTWARD. Boi E | = |B | B Pier Siva E Bul | ope 0 ~ 2] = "1 |B & PMLA. ML | AL MLO ATT Lv. A. Mm. [p.m P. M. 6 40; 11 55| 6 55 ...Tyrone. 8103100 715 6 33] 11 48) 6 48.E.Tyrone..| 8173 17| 7 22 629 1143) 644... Vail... 8203 20 7 28 6 25! 11 38) 6 40 Bald Eagle| 8 253 24| 7 33 6.19 11 32! 6 38(....Dix...... 8303 30 7 39 615 11 29! 6 30... Fowler...| 8 321333 742 6 13! 11 26] 6 28...Hannah...| 8 36/3 %7| 7 46 606} 11 17) 6 21 Pt. Matilda., 8 43/3 44| 7 55 5 59! 11 09] 6 13|...Martha... 851352 805 5 50|'10 59; 6 05|....Julian..... 8 59|4 01| 8 15 5 41] 10 48) 5 55.Unionville. 9 10/4 10, 8 25 533] 10 38 5 48!..8.8.Int...] 918/418 8 35 5 30] 10 85 5 45 .Milesburg.| 9 22/4 20! 8 39 5201 10°25) 5 .Bellefonte. | ‘9 32/4 30] 8 49 15 100 10 12| 5 25 .Milesburg. 9 474 40, 9 01 502/10 01) 5 18...Curtin...| 10 0114 47 9 11 455 956 5 14.Mt. Eagle..| 10 06/4 55| 9 17 449, 948 4 07..Howard...| 10 16/5 02| 9 27 440, 9 37 4 59 .Eagleville., 10 30/5 10{ 9 40 438 93% 4 56 Beh. Creek. 10 35/5 13] 9 45 426] 922 4 46/.Mill Hall...| 10 50/5 24| 10 01 423] 919 4 43 Flemin’ton.| 10 54/5 27| 10 05 420, 915 4 40Lek. Haven) 11 00/5 30, 10 10 P.M. A. M. {A M.| 1A. M. {A.M.| P. M. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD. NORTHWARD. SOUTHWARD. gra Tg 16x) 3 mr FEE EJB]? i |Z P.OL| P. M. | A. M. Lv. Ar. A.M. (A.M. [P.M 725 315 8 20/..Tyrone....| 650 11 45/6 17 7322 322 827.E. Tyrone. 6 43| 11 38/6 10 T 38 3 27] 8 Sli... Vail...... 6 37! 11 34/6 04 7 48! 3 36] 8 41/.Vanseoyoc.| 6 27! 11 255 55 7 55 342 8 45|.Gardners..| 6 2b! 11 21/5 52 8 02 350, 8 55/Mt.Pleasant| 6 16, 11 12/5 46 $ 10| 358 9 05..Summit..., 6 09 11 05,5 40 8 14| 4 03] 9 10 Sand.Ridge| 6 05 11 00/5 34 8 16| 405 9 12|...Retort....] 6 03} 10 555 31 819! 4 08! 9 15.Powelton...| 6 01] 10 52/5 30 825 414] 9 24|..0sceola...; 5 52! 10 45/5 20 8 35] 4 20] 9 32.Boynton...| 5 46| 10 395 14 8 40, 4 24| 9 37|..Steiners...| 5 43| 10 35/5 09 8 42| 4 30, 9 40 Philipshu’g| 5 41| 10 32/5 07 8 46] 4 34| 9 44|..Graham...| 5 37| 10 26/4 59 8 52| 4 40, 9 52|.Blue Ball..| 5 33] 10 22/4 55 8 58 4 49, 9 59 Wallaceton.| 5 28] 10 15/4 49 9 05 4 57| 10 07|....Bigler.....| 5 22] 10 07(4 41 9 12, 5 02) 10 14.Woodland..| 5 17 4 36 919] 5 08] 10 22!...Barrett....| 5 12 4,30 9 23| 5 12| 10 27|..Leonard...| 5 09] 4 25 9 30/ 5 18] 10 34|.Clearfield..| 5 04! 4 17 9 38) 5 20] 10 44|..Riverview.| 4 58 410 9 42, 5 26] 10 49 Sus. Bridge| 4 54 14 00 9 50| 5 35| 10 55 Curwensv’e| 4 50 06 P.M.|P. M. [| A. M. | A.M [A MPM BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after May :2, 1890. Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday......6 45 a. m. «ees 00 DP. OO, Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday.....10 30 a. m. seers 5 p.m. BELLEFONTE, NITTANY & LEMONT R.R Totakooffecs May 10,0800: 2 WESTWARD. EASTWARD. 1 | 103 | 14 | 112 | STATIONS. 2 i 1 5 08 R| 5 oh 2! 4 53 3 08} 7 05.......Laurelton... 813 443 { 3 33) 7 3 i Cherry Run....... 416 355 7 52..........Coburn.... 3 55 413 8 Rising Sprir 335 4 28) 8: Centre Hall. 3 20 435 83 Gregg... 313 4 43) 8 42 .....Linden Hall. 3 05 448 8 ..Oak Hall. 3 00 4 52) 8 5 ...Lemont. 2 55 4517 8 Dale Summit 2 50 506 9 ..Pleasant Gap 2 40 9 Bellefonte... 2 30 | 8 Trains No. 111 and 103 connect at Montandon with Erie Mail West; 112 and 114 with Sea Shore Express East. Upper End. | i | | May 12, | 1890. i PIXII 55|..F | 07 Pa. Furnace 5 14|...Hostler... 3 20!...Marengo.. 27!..Loveville.. 3 34) FurnaceRd| 5 38 Durgarvin, | 8 .W. Mark... 58 Pennington | 10....8tover..... | 20... Tyrone.. ~NEW PXXPLBVELLT" AC onsen OE S ELLEFONTE, BUFFALO RUN AND BALD EAGLE RAILROAD. To take effect May 12, 1890. EASTWARD. 6 | 2 | | STATIONS. = P. M.| AM | | 6200 9 dl 6 13 9 0 608 8: 603) 8 5 B89; 81 551 8 553 8 547 8 543 8: 53 8 8 2 3 br -i 8 1¢ Stormstown., . 3 be | Sib .Red Bank.........| | 48 524 72 Krumrine, 700 4569 5 ¢ 7 20 e College .Ar| 7 04] 5 ( Tos. A. SHOEMAKER, Supt.