Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 16, 1890, Image 6

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    Bellefonte, Pa., May i6, 1890.
The Wolverine.
A Ferccious Animal That Lives Only in
the North Woods of Michigan.
“Michigan is called the Wolverine
state, but I don’t believe there are two
dozen persons outside of that state that
know what a wolverine is,” said a native
of the Green bay region. ‘For that
matter, the people in Michigan itself
who can tell you what a wolverine is are
mighty scarce. Why this animal should
be particularly a resident of the Michi-
gan wilderness I do not know; butI
never heard of it being seen or heard of
elsewhere The wolf is a common animal
all over the west, or at least it was be-
forejcivilization limited its habit, at and
the black bear is also found everywhere
in greater or less numbers. Then why
should the wolveriue only have made its
:appearance in Michigan, where it was in
the pioneer days as plenty almost as the
wolf, and even now is a dreaded frequen-
ter of the woods of the northern part of
the state ? The wolverine is an animal
that has some of characteristics of the
wolf, and partakes in other ways of the
‘nature of the bear. The old settlers of
Michigan always insisted that the ani-
‘mal was a cross between those two
‘beasts, and that is the opinion of North
Michigan woodsmen to-day. When
Michigan woodsmen was admitted into
the Union the wolverine was still com-
mon, in fact infested all the forests of
the state, and the state was named after
him, owing to some of the character-
istics of the animal admired by the bar-
dy pioneers who hewed a commonwealth
out of the great wilderness they found
about their inland seas.
«It is a singular fact that no museum
or zoological garden has ever yet had a
specimen of this unique member of the
animal kingdom. I say it is singular,
and I do not know that it is either, for
the reason why they have never exhibit-
ed the wolverine is ithe great difficulty,
not to say impossibility, of capturing it
alive, or of keeping it alive after it is
captured. They are the most savage of
beasts. They have tbe ugly temper of
the wolf, which they resemble in appear-
ance, but in size and savageness they re-
semble the bear of the western fastness-
es. But whilehaving the size and sav-
ageness of the bear, they excel him in
aggressiveness and ferocity. They do
not have his ciumsiness. Their wolfish
appearance makes the fact that they are
expert and agile tree climbers seem odd.
In lying in wait for their prey they also
resemble the panther, for they will
crouch closely in the branches or forks
of a tree and drop down upon their vie-
tim like one of those great members of
the cat family.
They will attack a man in this way as
readily as they would a fawn, and many
an unwary hunter in the Michigan
woods has fallen a victim to some hun-
gry and undiscriminating wolverine.
The claws of this strange animal are
much longer and sharper than the bear’s
and their teeth biggar and more pointed
and curved. Their wariness issaid by
hunters to exceed that of any animal on
the continent, and they are seldom hunt-
ed for the sport of the thing, the danger
being too great. It is only when a wol-
verine has made his presenceso destruc-
tive to the pastures and sheepfolds of
the backwoods farmers that the entire
loss of their stock is feared that the far-
mers organize for a raid on the wolve-
rines, usually employing a number of
expert and daring woodsmen to direct
the hunt. Lcan’t sea for myself what
the pioneer of Michigan saw in this ani-
mal to perpetuate its memory by nick-
naming their state after it, but the name
is there, and Michigan will remain the
Wolverine statelong after the wolverine
is extinet.”’--New York Sun.
Pharaoh Broke Through the Ice.
A gentleman who has just returned
from a visit to Washington, says the
New York Commercial Advertiser,
brings back a very good story which
has recently become current there
~about one of the Justices of the Su-
.preme Court. In his early days he
lived in Southern Kentucky, and as
it was just about the time of the
Campellite excitement the future jurist
became one of the local preachers of the
denomination when little more than a
mere boy. In one of his sermons it
became necessary to explain in some
way the miracle of the march of the
Israelites across the Red Sea. He began
by saying that the miracle presented no
difficulties whatever ; that it was really
one of the easiest things in the world.
“The truth is,” he said, ‘‘the Israelites,
being the pursued, were on foot, many
of them illy shod, without baggage or
equipment. and consequently very light
of tread. The Red Sea was frozen over,
and these people, thus equipped, simply
walked acrossand were out of the way.”
Then warming up to his subject he felt,
of course, that it was necessary to ex-
plain why Pharaoh and his accompany-
ing Egyptians were in hot pursuit of the
fleeting. Israelites. = “They had their
horses and their chariots and their
heavy arms and armor, and it was only
natural when they came driving upon
the ice over the Red Sea they should fall
through. They did so, and this is the
simple explanation of the whole mat-
ter.” Among the congregation was one
of those skeptical persons to be found al-
most everywhere; so he arose in his
place and said: ‘Well, but does the
brother who has entertained us so elo-
quently with this explanation not know
that the Red Sea is near the equator
and that it never freezes there?’’ The
incipient jurist raised himself to his
greatest height and replied : “I suppose
my brother thinks now that he has put
to me a question which is absolutely in-
capable of answer.
simple as the orignal explanation.
But this is quite as |
The |
brother speaks about the Red Sea being |
under the equator ; but he must remem-
iher that there was no equator in theée
AR S——
~ <)Mire. Ciabbley—¢Did you hear the
Wiggins dog howl last night 2" Crabb-
toy —1 did, and I believe it to be a sure
of w death in this neighborhood.”
Crabblev—*Do you really ?
to die?”
pig ld
Murs. | x
W ho do you think is going
} ): { Nn
Crabbley— That dog.
Three Stylish Spring Bonnets.
Pale blue and black is the favorite
combination in hats and bonnets of the
latest impqgtation; here are three of
them :—
A wide brimmed hat of of shirred lace,
turned up at the back with an exquisite
bow of pale blue gros-grain ribbon, in
the centre of which is a tiny bow of
black velvet ritbon; drooping from this,
all over the crown are bunches of pale
blue sweet peas, with black velvet bow
on the brim in front.
A Marie Stuart capote is of black
braid with fine wreath of pale forget-me-
nots under the edge all around ; a pert-
looking bow of pale blue gros-grain
ribbon stands on one side of the pointed
front ; there is a smaller bow or knot of
ribbon at the back, from which depend
long ties of blue ribbon.
A hat with projecting brim, narrow at
the back, is of black open-work braid;
the brim is faced with pale blue crepe;
the crown is of black point d’ esprit
over a puff of pale blue; at the back
is artistically arranged a bunch of
beautiful, nodding pale blue tips, from
which depends a scarf, of the point d’
esprit, a yard and a half long, to be
wound about the neck and fastened on
the shoulder.
Curing Bow Legs.
Mrs. Bassett had twins, three-year-old
boys, who were bow legged. She con-
sulted a doctor and asked if she must put
their legs in irons.
“Irons!” shouted the doctor. ¢Fid-
dlesticks! Take off their shoes and
stockings. Their museles have probably
been cramped and weakened already and
irons will only increase the trouble. Off
with their shoes.”
Another suggestion of the doctor was
to let the boys walk up hill, and when
they could not be out of door to have an
inclined plane arranged in the house for
them to practice on. In the effort to
walk up a steep incline one naturally
throws the feet outward. After some
months’ treatment of this sort the boys’
legs straightened and their muscles grew
strong. It was learned by the Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Chil-
dren that a baby girl just beginning to
walk was toddling around in her little
bare feet, and a committee visited the
«But does your baby actually go bare
foot, too?” asked one of the visitors.
“Yes. She has never worn a shoe in
her life. When she goes out for an air-
ing she wears warm woolen socks, for
until she can walk she cannot,of course,
take sufficient exercise to keep her feet
warm. But in the house she is as bare-
footed as the boys. She is just begin-
ning to get on her feet,and her litte bare
toes are almost as useful to her as fin-
They have saved her many a
One of the members of the committee
was the wife of a shoe dealer ; she sat
aghast. “But do you never intend to
have your children wear shoes ?” she
“Qh, yes, when I feel quite sure that
the muscles of their feet and ankles are
strong enough to endure them, but the
moment they begin to indulge in that
hateful abomination of toeing in, off
they come again until the difficulty is
The society decided not to interfere,
and the campaign against bow legged-
ness continues.— Home Maker.
——A great battle is continually go-
ing on in the human system. The de-
mon of impure blood strives to gain vic-
tory over the constitution, to ruin
health, to drag victim to the grave. A
good reliable medicine like Hood’s Sar-
saparilla is the weapon with which to-
defend one’s self, drive the desperate
enemy from the field, and restore peace
and bodily health for many years. Try
this peculiar medicine.
New Advertisements.’
SEATED lands for taxes for 1888 and
1889.—Agreeable to the provisions of law re-
lating to the sale of unseated tracts of land for
the non payment of taxes, notice is hereby
given that there will be exposed at public sale
or outery, the following tracts of unseated
lands in county of Centre, for taxes due and
unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the bor-
ough of Bellefonte, on
at 1 o'clock p. m.
Acres, Per. Warrantee Name. Taxes.
120 Hale J M 144
50 Lingle J J.. 3 69
100 Unknown 4 90
50 Brooks Jesse... 5 86
3.8 Lid es 22 82
397 145 Carscadden D. 46 15
179 70 Curtin John.. 12 55
108 Curtin James 745
63 86 Curtin Austin 441
45 21: Currin R...... 12 50
12 63 Curtin Roland. 84
12 63 5 * 28
400 Carscadden D 9 40
426 100 Evans Jesse. 15 02
36 94 Fetzer A....... 83
34 54 Gregg Andrew. 2 38
433 163 Godfrey Martha 15 25
433 163 Higbey Joseph }4 5 14
308 3 Holt John.. 25 73
100 Kelso Josep 4 61
150 Kelso Rebece: 6 99
43 153 Lewis David 10 17
100 Lane Wm 4 61
150 “ Mary.. 6 99
100 “ Sarah 5 81
50 Win, 2 34
337 Livergood } 15 67
150 Lane Sarah.. 10 31
150 & ats 3 H3
100 80 McClure John.. 4 99
339 8 = a 15 61
146 Packer & Lucas.. d 2.1676
50 id tk. 4 91
100 Reese Daniel 4 61
300 ~ Susan 13 61
150 $f Daniel 6 90
50 Unknown..... 118
200 Wilson Wm a i 9 30
150 Yarnell & McAllister.......... 10 64
415 Barron JPN. cereasreine 727
415 Black James... 14 54
433 163 Brady Robert.. 15 16
433 163 .wWnp, 25 58
433 163 ero Jon, 15 16
433 163 Bell Alexander.. 25 88
415 Boyd John...... 14 54
433 163 Bell William T 60
415 Candy Eli. 7m
433 163 Cook Willi 25 58
433 163 Cowden Joh 25 58
140 22 Cox Paul... 28 00
433 163 Davidson 15 16
433 163 Dewart Wiiliam 15 16
433 163 “ John 15 16
433 163 Donnelly H 15 16
433 163 Ewing John 15 16
483 “163 "'w Hanna 175
433 163 Fox Samuel M 15 15
433 163 Gray Robert 15 16
433 163 *William........ 15 16
New Advertisements.
Grant Thos...
Gobin Chas...
Gray William 4 of
Hall Charles.....
& Nancy...
Hamilton Thos
Housel John....
Hall Henry 14 of. “5
4 Washington 74 Ofinisins
Jackson Jeremiah 4 of......
Kiad John....... be
Levy Nathaniel
Lewis Davis
Rugg John...
Shaffer Henry..
Stewart Walter.
Scott Samuel...
Shym John...
Stewart Ann..
Tallman Sara!
Towers John
Thomas Joseph
Vaughn John 4 of..
Wallace Joseph S...
Wallace Joseph...
Wetzel John.....
Weidner Jacob.
Wheeler Henry...
Withington Martin 5:
Wallace Joseph Ju...e...ene..
Johnson ROSS.......esusriseenne
Atwood N Li...
“ “"
Carskadden D
Curtin Roland
Eddy Esther
Godfrey Mart!
Furst John 8...
Hall Charles.
Hollowell Ed
Irwin James.
4 Robert.
Morgan Benj
Mitchell N J....
Miles Jonathan
Packer Job Ww.
“ Job W.....
Waln Jacob..
“ Jesse..
“ Joseph
“ Richard..
Wharton Mollie..
Willis John......
Wister Casper..
Miller James.......ceveeesennennes
Burchfield Wm..
Bates Daniel...
Glasgow Silas..
Hall John.....
Hill Henry...
Hicks Abram
Miles Samuel.
Mitchell David
Moore Thos L..
Patton John.....
Rainy Robert..
Risk Chas.....
Smith Thomas.
Thompson Moses
Antis Henry.
Anderson Jac:
Asken Robert
Barber James..
Bishop Cornelius..
Cowden Johnb.....
Carson John...
Carson Andrew..
Duncan David
Gray Robt.......
Hepburn William..
Hubby Bernard..
Hahn Wm......
Hepburn Wm..
Logan Wm...
Moshy Jacob...
Markley Jacob
Mercer John...
Painter John...
Reese Daniel .
Richardson Isaac..
Reed Daniel....
Taggart Wm...
Taggart David
Tower James.
Welsh CB....
Zeigler Michael............cceuee
Bolinder John
Bolinder Henry.
Bolinder Frederick..
Bolinder Adam..
Barr Thomas.
Barr James.
Barr Mary
Black Pete
Gratz Michael
Gratz Simon
Grove Wend
Hayes Calvin M.
Links Mary....
levy Aaron....
Mosby William.
McElroth Robert.
Metzger Daniel.
Motz John......
Princeton John.
Phillips Levi ...
Rhoades Daniel....
Swineford Albright.
Snyder Simon...
Seidell Phillip
Seidell Peter...
Snyder Catherine.
Seidell Stophel
Anshultz George...
Bates Daniel...
Beek Jacob.
Carr Jobhn.........cceveee
Curtin Roland & Son..
Cross James...........
Hill Henry.....
Keith Jacob.
Lamborn Josiah
Moore Thomas L.
Pyle Jacob.........
Thompson John
Andre Absolom.
Bell John
Connelly Adam.
Edmiston Samuel
Fisher d C.........
Henry Stophel..
Irvin John ease
Irvin William
Irvin John
Johnson Thomas.
McCandless Wm.
Mitchell John
Parker Richar
Patterson Rober
Reed James...
Steele James.
Steele Allen...
Steele George...
Simpson Nathan.
Smith John......
Wilson Samuel.
4 David....
“ Wil um.
is Edward.
Peter ..
Work David..
fo Joseph
Young Samuel.
Brown Samuel
Bonham Sarah.
Brady John......
Crawford John.
Curtin Roland..
Custin Samuel.
Custin Paul
Evans Jesse
Green Jame
Graysburg J
Green Joseph
Godfrey John
25 58
BODO BO = BO BO BO BD pd =F =I 4 NO ©
WD 2
C1 ~T 39 00 md 6 OED =)
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gr fe A EH
New Advertisements.
New Advertisements.
92 Harris Jas D... r 6183
151 Holter Jacow. 2.92
Hale Jas T.... 212
Harris A D 133
Lingle J J.... 3 45
Parker Wm..... 5 24
Pletcher Rudolph.. 424
Taylor Joseph..... 326
70 Turner Hannah.. 8 46
Leathers Samuel... 106
White and Nestlerode.. 133
63 Brady John........ 2 65
Bonham Sarah 5 30
“ “ 5 30
63 Brady John.. 2 65
163 Baxter Samuel 14 8
Moore ’ 4 60
163 Price John...... 14 85
163 Rollington John. 14 85
Williams John 235
120 Benham Ebenezer.............. 17 99
120 Dunwoody John. 13 53
Gorrel Wi............ 4 24
Hays Robert & James. 17 70
Hays Wm 34 of......... 1585
Irwin Robt...... 321
80 Irwin Robt... 28 07
Irwin Robert 4 38
Jackson John.. 8 88
Krouse Daniel 710
Lytle Peter.. 3 55
Lytle Peter.. 2 63
Nestlerode Christ. 212
Potter John........ 6 26
Packer Job W... 17
120 Stevenson Peter v 14 44
Smith Christian.................. 12 19
68 Curtin Constance.. 4 46
66 Corman John.. 2
Harris Jas D, 176
Harris AD... 277
Harris Jas.... 22 54
irwin John. 81
120 Lamb David 2 02
Lingle J J...... 28
100 McKinney David 6 25
McCoy & Linn... 2 80
17 Miles James... 10 20
Rorher Christ. - 5 88
be “ i 5 88
Schenck John... 4 90
Shoemaker Benj 10 50
18 Shugart J D. 36
Unknown. 140
55 4 90
55 770
Weight Wm... i
Brady William P.. 6 49
“ William. 2 86
Black James..... 10 87
Barton William. 72
Brooks Jesse..... 195
Barton William. 5 31
Brady William.. 48
Antis Henry...... 210
“ Frederick 190
Carothers James.. 7 83
oe Thomas. 3 90
Cowden John.... 13 87
“ “ . 2 44
Cooper William... 12 01
Deering Christopher.. 9 49
Dewart William...... 16 22
60 Derr S and J Stahl 143
Gray Robert......... 7 60
42 Gratz S..........e 1 90
Hepburn James. 15 20
‘“ “ ve 2 06
Housel John.. 2 35
Hall Charles... 174
Hepburn James 190
Haines Josiah... 95
Jackson Jere. 190
Lake Richard 19 20
Levy Rachael 95
134 Miles William 12 61
134 bid i 10 72
Parker William. 102
Princeton Jacob. 9 60
Reese John... 15 92
Swineford Pet 2 14
Shaffer Michael 1 44
Siedell Stophel.. 19 93
Unknowan....... 315
Williams Danie 712
Young Benj......... 3 06
20 Burton Robert...... 3471
Diehl Nicholas.. 56 7
ie .f 55 35
8 Adam.., 42 51
se John... 29 23
Ellis William. 25 35
Gover Robert 10 €9
Gross Henry.. 80
Kline John.... 13 19
McKane Robert 39 00
Newport James. 793
O'Brian John 41 17
White John 32 20
53 West Thos. 23 62
Wilson Will 8 65
Armstrong Jos.. 6 45
" “ 2 0
146 Cook William... 3 07
10 Cowden John 6 45
10 ® i 4 48
Cook William... 2 80
20 Hamilton Thos. 194
4 $n, 6 45
Hepburn Jas. 6 45
31 “* “ : 4 65
Kreamer Pet 4 67
Kennedy John. 6 45
James. 6 45
89 « Andrew. 3 61
131 “ John. 428
8 % James 446
Lyon Robert. 8 60
« Ezekiel... 8 60
“ Benjamin. 8 60
MecCally John... 8 60
“William... 8 60
Montgomery Daniel.. 4 30
“ William 4 30
110 McDonald Alex...... 343
Swineford Peter. 6 30
UNKNOWN. oc ccrrsssessessararsnns 817
Bond Mary cecil... 12 24
Brady William P. 15 07
111 Cameron Alex.. 215
Cowgell David. 420
Deering Christ. 5 66
. Frick Jobn Jt 3175
Fullmer H, B... 4 80
Forkes James. 420
Garrigus Edward 17 00
«” Milljam.. 17 00
Hubler Bernard.. 5 61
Hunter Alexander. 4 52
Harrison William...... 17 00
Hoffman William 4 of. 215
Livingston —......... 56
Moore James...... 178
McClellan George.. - 3 32
Patterson Benjamin. . 4 08
Parker =... . 3407
Peck Jorn v 3 00
83 Rapp Jabo 2 54
Smith Dani 17 00
Scott Samuel 4 25
“ .Abraha 4 25
Unknown.. 3 24
“ 60
wo 80
Vanderslice y 3 64
153 Allison John. 18 92
i James .. 127 92
Andrew 100 13
8 A. and J TT 70
Armstrong And w 13 23
116 Arthur Ann.. 25 52
10 Allison James.. 48
153 '“ Andrew 9 69
361 Beverage David. 16 05
163 Bruntzman Peter.. 168 92
Brachbill John...... 11 63
Chestnut Samuel 7 80
Copenhaver John.. 6 38
“ “ 5310
bo “ . 10 20
“ and Whitecomb. 19 79
163 Delaney Sharp... 15 95
Dentler William 52 62
153 Edwards Thomas.. 168 92
163 Ehler Daniel...... 62 38
153 Eberman Philip. 10 07
643 Fitzgerald Danie 62 33
153 Funk Jdhn...... 20 81
156 Grant Thomas 84 33
153 * . 113 80
163 Glentworth Jas 15 95
- Groe Elizabeth... 6 38
153 Groe and McKeon 15 43
Gray Robert...... 30 98
153 Graves Thoma: 94 46
153 ‘“ “ . 11 07
153 ' Gray William.. 11 07
153 Hair Christian. 31 21
163 Haines Casper.... 55 23
156 Hamilton Thomas. 84 50
153 Haines Reuben Jr 42 42
163 Irvin Robt............ 168 91
153 4 $e Hof. 56 11
153! vv « {dof 18 70
153 Jordon Owen..... 36 72
King Robert.. 128
13 SEHD Bent a 20
i bil jo “ 39 00
Lucas Charles......ccccssverensnn 11 07
Lewis David.............cccoci0in
Lattimore George... i
“ William G
Lawrence Casper
Lowden Richard..
Mayston Edward...
McPherson William
Malone Richard rere
i“ “®
McCommon John
McEntire Hugh...
Meyers Jacob...
Miller Jacob.... ros
McConley Mariah... for
Morgan B R 34 of...............
McCord J R and A Campbel
Musser Johon 4 of .... oo
Musser John #4 of..
Morgan B R17 of...
Peters Richard 34 of.
Pinkerton Henr
Peters Richard 14 of.
Ramsey James 14 0.
Reese Thomas.
Rudisili Jado
Rush Jacob...
Rush Benjam
Robinson Willi;
H “
Slough, George.
Spear Robert...
Siddens Elanor,
Toner Jas A
Vandyke Henry.
Witmer Henry..
Welsh Joseph.....
Weidman John
4] Jaco
Williams J C....
Wilson William
Wallace J J...
Witmer H..
Wetzel Jacob...
Kurtz John L.. .
Long John.......
McClure William
Toole Henry...
Thornburg Thos.
Toole Henry......
Wilson William
Carscadden D
“ “
Deyling Joseph.
Davis Abijah 14 ot..
Fisher Samuel W..
4 James C....
Greaves ['homas
Jones Richard....
Liggett John
Lewis Lewis.......
Mithchell William P.
MecLanahan Sarah...
Mitchell William P..
Parker Jeremiah...
Parker Gvorge...
Spear Margaret.
Tompkins Josep!
Waln Pheebe....
Walters Robert
Wharton Kear
hod Sarah
Waln Richard..
Wharton Kearn
Armes & Shafter...
Aunshultz George
Bell Willliam..
Beckwith Cleme
Clark Joseph...
Cowher James.
Carr James.........
Hootman Elizabe
Kunes Isaac
Lowden Charles.
Lamb John........
McCommon Thos..
McEwen Polly...
3 Henry .
Masdeon Thos...
McEwen Polly..
Montgomery John
Merryman Thos
Moore James......
Ridgeway Budd & Co.,
Ralston David
Thomas. John Ww.
Van Pool C.....
[3 « Cc
Whitehead Richard.
Williams Joshua...
Wilson William,
‘Wallace Thomas
Benson Peter.....
Carlisle Wm...
Fisher Wm P.
Kuhn P R....
Phipps Sam’l..
UnRnOWD.ccvuversvsrssesessssssans .
Johnson David..
McEwen Mary..
Mansell Wm..
Mercer John..
i David.
Miller Wm.....
Miles James...
% Samuel.
McKee Samuel.
MecCalmont Thos.
Osman Capt...
Parker Richard
Packer Job
“ Jas Jr...
Parker Jeremiah
“ Richard...
Piles Benj & Co
Purdon John....
Robison Richard.
Singer Abraham
Smith John & H
Warden Jeremiah..
Wickersham «Amos
Clymer Henry
Hawthorne Thos.
Kulins Abram
« “John...
Lawman Geo....
Mayland Jasper..
Miles Samuel...
Ross John...
Swanswick John.
Singer John......
Shippen Wm Jr
Wister Wm...
Dan! roe
Nore.—In accordance with the Act
6th 1887, interest will be added to the amount
of all taxes assessed against unseated lands
above advertised.
11 07
15 95
4 93
3 61
62 38
OQ oo 80 oo =I = ov OED BD ed pO pd pt © ped 03 OF CO =F pd b= 1D
poonDalB uBio worwowa =5
of June
County Treasurer.
Philadelphia Card.
TL wash W. MILLER,
Dealers in
429 Market Street:
Railway Guide.
May 12th, 1890.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone,
6.55 a. m., ai Altoona, 7.45 a. m., at Pitts-
burg, 12.45 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.55 a. m., at Altoona, 1.45 p. m., at Pitts-
burg, 6.50 p: m.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.40, at Altoona at 7.50, at Pittsburg at 11.55.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.55, at Harrisburg, 10.30 a. m., at Philadel-
phia, 1.25 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.65 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at
Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6..40 at Harrisburg at 10.45 p. m., at Phila-
delphia, 4.25 a. I.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 5.30 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock
Haven, 11.00 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte at 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock
Haven at 10.10 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 20: m.: arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 5.30. p. m.; illiamsport, 6.25 p. m., at
Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
yo: 11.00, leave Williamsport, 12.20 p. m.,
3 : Rhyne 3.13 p. m., at Philadelphia at
Leave Bellefonte, 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 10.10 2 m., leave Williamsport, 12.25
m., leave Harrisburg, 3.45 a. m., arrive at
Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte at 6.00 a. m., arrive at Lewis-
burg at 9.00 a, m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m.,
Philadelphia, 3.15 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 2.30 p. m., arrive at Lewis-
burg, 5.35, at Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m., Phila-
delphia at 4.25 a. m.
g & zg |B | B
g 3g 2 May 12, 2 |=¢ z
FB § Z 1890. 3 i B 5
P.M.| A. M. | A, M. |AIT. Lv. A. M. lp.u |p. M1.
6 40] 11 55 6 55|...Tyrone...., 8 10{3 10| 7 15
6 33| 11 48) 6 48/..E.Tyrone 817317 v22
6 29] 11 43| 6 44|...... alli... 8 2013 20 7 28
6 25| 11 38] 6 40 Bald Eagle| 8 253 24| 7 33
6 19] 11 32| 6 33|...... Dix... 8 3013 30| 7 39
6 15 11 29| 6 30... Fowler 8 323 83| 742
6 13| 11 26| 6 28|..Hannah...| 8 36/3 87| 7 46
6 06] 11 17| 6 21{Pt. Matilda.| 8 43|3 44| 7 55
5 59| 11 09] 6 13|..Martha....| 8 51/3 52| 8 05
5 50| 10 59, 6 05|...Julian..... 859401 815
5 41| 10 48 5 55|.Unionville.| 9 10/4 10| 8 25
5 33| 10 38) 5 48}...8.8. Int...] 9 18/4 18| 8 35
5 30| 10 35] 5 45.Milesburg.| 9 22/4 20} 8 39
5 20| 10 25! 5 35/.Bellefonte.| 9 32/4 30| 8 49
510} 10 12| 5 25.Milesburg.| 9 47/4 40| 9 01
5 02) 10 01/ 5 18|....Curtin....| 10 014 47] 9 11
4 55 9 56] 5 14|.Mt. Eagle..| 10 06/4 55| 9 17
449) 948 4 07\..Howard...| 10 16/5 02| 9 27
4 40| 9 37) 4 59|.Eagleville.| 10 30/5 10, 9 40
4 38) 9 34 4 56/Bch. Creek.| 10 35/5 13| 9 45
4 26] 922) 4 46/.Mill Hall...| 10 50/5 24| 10 01
4 23] 919) 4 43 Flemin'ton.| 10 54/5 27| 10 05
4 20 915 4 40 Lek. Haven| 11 00/5 30| 10 10
PA MA wm A. M. [A.M P. M.
Fo fig 5
WN | Hyg May 12, I] vg |=
i § | 8 1890. § BF
P.0.| P. M. | A. M. (Lv, Ar.[ A. M. | A.M. [P. M
725° 315 8 20|..Tyrone....| 6 50 11 45/6 17
7 32) 322 827L.E. Tyrone. 6 43| 11 38/6 10
7.88] 13 21] 8 31}.....s Vail...... 6 37| 11 34/6 04
7 48| 3 36| 8 41|.Vanscoyoec.| 6 27| 11 25(5 55
7 55 342) 8 45|.Gardners...| 6 25 11 21}5 52
8 02| 3 50| 8 55Mt.Pleasant| 6 16| 11 12/5 46
8 10 3 58 9 05|...Summit...| 6 09] 11 055 40
8 14| 4 03| 9 10/Sand.Ridge| 6 05 11 00/5 34
8 16] 4 05 9 12|... Retort..... 6 03] 10 55/5 31
819) 4 06) 9 15|..Powelton 6 01] 10 52|5 30
8 25 4 14) 9 24|...0sceola. 5 52| 10 45/5 20
8 35] 420 9 32|.Boynton 5 46) 10 39,5 14
8 40| 4 24] 9 37|..Steiners 5 43| 10 35/5 09
842 430 940 Philimhn 5 41 10 82|5 07
8 46) 4 34| 9 44|..Graham...| 5 37| 10 26/4 59
8 52| 4 40| 9 52|..Blue Ball..| 5 33| 10 22/4 55
8 58| 4 49| 9 59|Wallaceton.| 5 28| 10 15/4 49
9 05 4 57| 10 07]....Bigler..... 5 22| 10 07(4 41
9 12 5 02 10 14. Woodland. 5 17) 10 00/4 36
9 19| 5 08) 10 22|...Barrett. 512 9 52{4 30
9 23| 5 12| 10 27|..Leonard...| 5 09| 9 48/4 25
9 30 5 18] 10 34|..Clearfield..| 5 04 9 40/4 17
9 38| 5 20| 10 44|..Riverview.| 4 58 9 314 10
9 42| 5 26| 10 49|Sus, Bridge| 4 54 9 26/4 00
9 50, 5 35| 10 55/Curwensv’e| 4 50| 9 20/4 06
P.M.|P. M. | A. M. > A. M. | A. M. [P.M
Time Table in effect on and after
May i2, 4
Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday......6 45 a. m.
Lanta sill. apiod ‘oon : . m.
Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday.....10 30 a. m.
To take effect May 12, 1890.
111 | 103 114 | 112
2 26 5 26
2 32 520
2 43 508
2 58 4 53
308) 705]. 443
333 730 416
3 550 152 een Coburn........... 727 356
4 13 8 10|....Rising Springs. 710 3356
428) 825 ..Centre Hall 652 320
435 833 643 313
443] 842 6 36] 3 05
4 48) 848 6 36 3 00
4 52| 8 52 6 25| 2 55
4 57, 8 59 6 20| 2 50
5 06) 9 09......Pleasant Gap. 610 240
515 9 20|.......Bellefonte... 6 00] 230
P. M. | A. M. A Mir Mm,
Trains No. I11 and 103 connect at Montandon
with Erie Mail West; 112 and’ 114 with Sea
Shore Express East.
WESTWARD. Upper End.
May 12,
COTO CO TO CO TO Ha Hn Pe bp ie ip
P. M.
5 35|....8cotia.....
5 56}..Fairbrook.
6 07 Pa. Furnace
6 14|...Hostler...
6 2 Marengo.
6 27|..Loveville..
6 34| FurnaceRd
6 38 Dun arvin,
6 -8/..W. Mark...
6 58|Pennington
7 10|...Stover.....
7 20{...Tyrone....
To take effect May 12, 1890.
St = 00 OF =I ~T
nD bo on 2
< SeEpeeeaagnd
w -
6 2 1 5
P.M. | A.M
6200 910
6 13[ 9 03].
6 08| 8 59|.
6 03] 8 b4|.
5 59| 851].
5 57| 8 48].
5 53 8 44).
5 47 8 40].
543] 8 36.
530] 8 33...
8 25]. :
8 19}. Ht
8(0|. o {
524 7 2)....... Krumrine.........| T 00 ¢
& 20| 7 20|Lv.State College.Ar| 7 04] 5 4
Taos. A. SHOEMAKER, Supt.