Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 09, 1890, Image 1

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Ink Slings. :
—Caucus has supplanted Congress as
the law-making power of the Great
—The House has passed a Trust bill,
but it is afraid to trust its Tariff bill to
a fair and thorough discussion.
—INGALLS says that ‘religion has no
place in politics.” Certainly not in the
kind that QuAY supplies to the Repub-
lican party.
—The hounds that are on Mr. CLEVE-
LAND’s track think that his recent visit
to Washington gives them a fresh
scent, and they are howling accordingly.
—WANAMAKER is said to be sick of
his cabinet job for which he paid $400,
000. He has certainly made more prof-
itable and creditable deals at his Phila-
delphia bargain counter.
— SHELLENBERGER, contrite and con-
science-siricken, returned to his Bucks
county home on Tuesday, but, unlike
the welcome accorded to the original
prodigal, his reception was entirely de-
void of veal.
—HasTINGS experiences no difficulty
in carrying such counties as Clinton and
Blair, but the young warrior finds that
his guns are not heavy enough to breach
the walls of such a Republican strong-
hold as Lancaster:
—When the coming Republican State
Convention shall declare in favor of Bal-
lot Reform, which it will be pretty sure
to do,it will show that when the old par-
ty lost the sense of decency its sense of
the ridiculous went with it.
—The investigation of the Ohio ballot-
box forgery, still in progress at Wash-
ington, is the only thing that keeps
ForAxER from being forgotten. He
will be remembered as long as the
stench of that transaction continues.
— After the New York Sun’s inven-
tion of the malicious lie that GROVER
CLEVELAND is laying on fat to the
amount of twenty-five pounds a month,
it ill becomes its venomous editor to
charge Mr. CLEVELAND with untruth-
—Speaker REep has published a
magazine article on “Reforms Needed
in the House.” A Democratic major-
ity is the reform most needed in that
branch of Congress, which the people
intend to bring about at the next elec-
—BisMARck is brought into service
by the beer-guzzlers as a conspicuous
proof that beer doesn’t injure its votaries
mentally or physically. But there is no
telling what kind of a wreck he would
now be if the old Prince had guzzled
American beer.
—A prominent Philadelphia Repub-
lican organ says that ‘the issue in the
contest in the Third: .Congressional Dis-
trict is simply a question of protection
or free trade.” That organ simply lies,
and there is not one of its readers so sim-
ple as not to know that it lies.
— When a Pottstown wag wrote on
the backs of a gang of newly arrived It-
alian pauper laborers, with chalk, such
legends as “Protection to American La-
bor,” “No Free Trade,” &c, it was pro-
bably his intention to fix them up for a
Republican high-tariff parade.
—The amendment of the Sugarsched.
ule in the McKinley bill, which at one
jump raised the value of the Suga,
Trust stock about $11 a share, furnished
a nice commentary on the anti-trust bil]
with which a Republican Congressis try-
ing to beguile a confiding peopl e.
—Mr. CLEVELAND may not have us-
ed the rough language which it is said
he did in speaking of DANA, but no
one can say that he hadn’t sufficient oc-
casion for it. Under similar provoca-
tion JACKsoN would have used his cane
on the blackguard of the Sun if he had
been within its reach.
—According to the declaration of her
young Emperor, Germany wants peace,
and to assure her neighbors that
she is peaceably disposed, she is go-
ing to increase her force of fighting
men. Peaceshe will have.even should
it be necessary to use every bayonet in
her big army to enforce it.
—The Press thinks that a free-trader
in the seat of SAMUEL J. RANDALL
would be ¢a strange anomaly.” It
would be a difficult thing to find an
anomaly that wasn’t strange, but the
strangest of them all would be a monop-
oly tariff supporter representing a Dem-
ocratic congressional district.
—July was the month in which our
forefathers got together and gave Boss
GEORGE, of Great Britain, a black eye.
In view of this fact, the Democrats who
intend to subject the Boss of Pennsyl-
vania to similar treatment, made an ap-
propriate selection in choosing that
month for the holding of their State
—Mayor GRANT should not despair.
QUAY, with a good deal worse reputa-
tion, attained to a seat in the Senate and
was entrusted with the chairmanship of
a national committee. Itis true, how-
ever, that GRANT has the disad-
vantage of having to deal with a
party that is move particular than
QuAay's shout the character of its re-
presentative men.
VOL. 35.
NO. 19.
Silence That Proves Guilt.
Not all the Republican papers be-
lieve that as against the charges which
assail his reputation Boss Quay needs
nootherdefence than “dignified silence.”
There are journals of his own party
which declare that when heis called an
embezzler, and the circumstances are
given in detail to prove that he is an
embezzler, he owes it to himself and to
his party to do something more than
to keep his mouth shut, if he is inno
cent. Thus the Topeka Capital, a
prominent Republican journal in a
very prominent Republican state says :
Unless Senator Quay takes some notice of
the charges of the New York World and the
Evening Post, the general public will take it for
granted that he is a scoundrel. Does the Sena-
tor think these specific indictments are child's
play ?
Surely this is a sensible view of the
embarrassing situation in which the
Pennsylvanie Senator finds himself.
When the witnesses are brought for-
ward and the circumstances adduced to
prove that he is a scoundrel, the ver-
dict certainly must go against him if
he does not produce some strong rebut-
ting evidence. “Dignified silence’ was
never known to clear the prisoner in
the dock.
Another good Republican paper, the
Providence Journal, takes a farther
reaching view of the undenied charges
against QUAY, as follows :
Can an administration which kneels to him
maintain before the people the sincerity of its
professions of piety and of its highest devotion
to the honest administration of the govern-
ment by continuing in the same practice? If
Mr. Quay is not hurt by a refusal to deny the
charges, and if Mr. Harrison continues to
stand by him, there will be some reason for
believing with Mr. Ingalls that tiie purification
of politics is an iridescent dream.
Could there be a more correct opin-
ion than that Quax’s “dignified si-
lence” is not only ruinous to -his own
reputation, but also damaging to the
administration with which he is so
closely associated ? If it were run
through a threshing machine Mr. Har-
RISON'S reputation for piety and general
goodness could rot present a more tat-
tered appearance than 1t necessarily
does so long as his closest political in-
timate declines to notice the apparent.
ly well authenticated charge that he is
an embezzler and an all-around politi-
cal rascal.
Still another good Republican paper,
the Columbus State Journal, in the fol-
lowing paragraph, expresses itself con-
cerning Quay’s policy of making no
rejoinder to an indictment that impli-
cates him in offenses which are usually
punished by imprisonment in the peni-
tentiary :
Should the Pennsylvania senator be ambi,
tious to hold hereafter some higher position
than he, has yet held, and should these same
charges then be preferred against him, he
would have to meet and refute them, else they
might seriously interfere with the realization
of that ambition. :
* The above expressions show that
there are some Republican journals
which do not believe that the silence of
the Boss when called to account for
clearly specified offenses, will beaccept-
ed by the public as evidence of his in-
nocence, and are not prepared to say,
with the organs, “Dear Quay, don’t
——The President has ventured to
veto some of the bills which are being
lavishly passed by congress appropriat-
ing money for public buildings. This
might be credited to a desire to prevent
a waste of public money if it did not
appear that in his vetoes the President
is inclined to discriminate against ap-
propriations for buildings in Democrat-
ic towns.
A Ghoulish Contest.
They have had a unique and rath-
er ‘ghastly misunderstanding in Wil-
liamsport concerning an -inquest on
a dead body. Some weeks ago the re-
mains of an unfortunate infant were
found along the river shore. Upon its
discovery an alderman summoned a
jury and held an inquest upon it, but
the coroner, regarding this proceeding
as an 1ofringement upon his preroga-
tive, got another jury together and
subjected the dead baby to another in-
quisition. Inquests necessarily involve
cost, and the question arose whether
the commissioners shouid pay the al-
derman’s or the coroner's jury for their
service. The case was brought before
Judge MErz6aR who decided that the
emoluments should go to the alderman
and his jurors, who no doubt rejoiced
with ghoulish glee over the discomfi-
ture of their rivals.
Mr. Randall’s Successor.
Governor Beaver having tardily
discovered that a vacancy existed in
the representation of the 3d Congress
district, the filling of which required his
calling a special election, as provided by
law, has issued the necessary notice,
designating the 20th of May, inst., as
the day for holding such election. We
understand that he wasn’t sure of the
demise of Mr. RawxpaLr until Squire
McMuLLEN had removed from his mind
every vestige of doubt in regard to it.
The Governor, by fixing upon the
twentieth of this month has allowed
but little time for preparation for so
important an election, but in all proba-
bility the electors will manage to se-
lect a suitable representative, notwith-
standing the shortness of the time in
which they will have to do it.
A monopoly organ, speaking of this
special election, says: ‘No Free
Trader will be elected from the Third
District this month.” That is true,
nor igit likely that one will be elected
from that district in any other month
for many years to come. But it is
quite likely that a good and relia-
ble Tariff Reformer, one who be-
lieves in the principles of the Mills
bill and the doctrine of the Cleveland
message, and will do his duty to his
constituents and his country by assist
ing to remove the monopolistic fea-
tures of the tariff, will be elected to
succéed Mr. RawpanL. Free Trade
candidates have no existence except as
scare-crows set up in the political corn-
field by the dishonest champions of
monopoly to frighten ignorant voters.
Whatever may be said to the con-
trary there is no difference of opinion
among the Democratic congressional
aspirants in the 3d district concerning
the necessity for reforming the existing
tariff. The gentleman who shall be
elected will be found in accord with
his party in its demand for free raw
materials, the repeal of oppressive tax-
es on the necessaries of life, and the
reduction of such duties as are made
high for the purpose of nourishing the
Trusts. This is the kind of “Free
Trader” that will take Mr. RANDALL'S
place. The kind is every day becom-
ing more popular and numerous.
——Germany will move for the abol-
ition of her corn law about the time
that a Republican congress will impose
snch a relic of barbarism upon the free
people of the United States. A motion
is about being made in the new Parlia-
ment to take the duty off wheat and to
remove the embargo on American
pork. With such enlightened liberal-
ity will the Germans respond to the
uncivilized tariff policy of the United
Labor’s May Day.
The May day demonstrations in this
country and in Europe, on Thursday
of last week, were not attended with
the disturbances that were expected.
The movement was general on both
continents, embracing toilers in every
department of labor who were moved
by the same purpose, the reduction of
the hours that shall constitute a work-
ing day. With the exception of some
disorder not of a serious character, the
demeanor of the working people in
Europe on this occasion was as peace-
able as was that of their fellow labor-
ers in the United States. The old-
world authorities, however, had made
quiet but ample military preparations
to quell any disturbance that might
arise, and it is probable -that the
knowledge of this had a restraining ef-
fect upon the turbulence that has
so frequently attended demonstrations
of European working people ; but there
whas no such restraint in the United
State, aad hence the good order that
prevailed here is the more creditable
to the working classes of this country.
The movement has by no means
been fully successful, but in some of
the departments of labor there have
been concessions made to the demand
for an eight-hour working day, particu-
larly in the building trades, the car-
penters, bricklayers, masons, &c., hay-
ing to a considerable extent gained
what they asked for. There is in the
result much to encourage the working
people, who have made a most favor-
able impression both by the justness
of their demand and the orderly deter-
mination and quiet dignity with which
they are moving to secure compliance
with it.
The Storm Brewing in the Northwest.
The St. Paul Pioneer Press is one of
the leading Republican journals of the
Northwest, yet, although the Republi-
cans have their own way in fixing up a
tariff bill, it is not happy. It says
that this bill is entirely different from
what the party and the people were
promised when Mr. HarrISON was of-
fered to them as a condidate. “The
“people,” it says, “longed after the
“bread of tariff reduction and reform,
“and they have been offered an indi-
“gestible increase of tariff tax all
Ridiculing and denouncing the at-
tempt to gull the farmers with the pre-
tense of protecting them with high
duties on wheat, corn, beef, pork, but-
ter, cheese, and other products of
which the country has a large surplus
for exportation, it says: “The farmer
“insists upon lower duties on what he
“must buy, and he cannot be put off
“with childich and futile duties upon
“what he has to sell.” Such an ex-
pression as this, coming from such a
quatter, presages the cyclone that is
gathering in the Northwest and will
sweep the tariff mongers off the politi-
cal field. .
——The death of Senator Beck, of
Kentucky, which occurred suddenly in
the Baltimore and Potomac depot at
Washington, from heart affection, last
Saturday, is a great loss to the Demo-
cratic party and also’ to the country.
In his characteristics there was much
that gave him a high position among
the better class of our public men. His
official conduct was marked by an
honesty and sincerity of purpose which
gained for him the confidence not only
of his constituents, but of the entire
people. No one doubted the integrity
and patriotism of the Kentucky Sena-
tor. Im point of ability he ranked with
the abiest. He was by birth a Scotch-
man, but no native born Senator had
more at heart the general welfare of
the Republic.
Economic Blatherskites.
Among the persons who appeared
before the McKinley committee to give
their views on the economic necessities
of the country, there were, in addition
to interested parties who had their
personal ends to serve, a number of
blatherskites: who intruded their ignor-
ant views upon the committee for no
other concievable reason than to hear
themselves talk and to make the public
believe that they were persons of im-
portance. Of this class Victor E.
ProLeTT, of this State, was a conspicu-
ous example. He had much to do in
advising the duties on agricultural im-
ports that are such a ridiculous feature
of the McKinley bill. Among other
things he said, he is reported to have
expressed himself before the committee
of tariff inflaters, as follows: “I am
* here to say that the principal cause
“that has deteriorated the priees of ag-
“ricultural lands, our farm lands, 18
“the cheap labor products of the Old
“ World, foisted upon our market. And
“I undertake to say that American
“ farms cannot compete in the edible
‘ productions with the cheap labor of
¢ foreign countries.”
ProLerT ought to know that the edi-
ble productions of foreign countries,
the importation of which is a disad-
vantage to our farmers, amount to an
unappreciable quantity. Occasional-
ly when there is a failure of a particu-
lar crop here, the scarcity is supplied
from Europe, but under such circum-
stances protection would be of no ac-
count to the farmer whose crop
had failed, while the cost to the general
consumer would be necessarily increas-
ed. This thing occasionally occurs with
the potato crop, but even ProLerr will
not have cheek enough te say that or-
dinarily the American potato raiser
needs protection against the competition
of foreign producers. As to the great
cereal crops and the meat products, of
which we have yearly an immense sur-
plus, it is the height of folly to contend
that they stand in any danger of for-
eign competition in our own markets.
It is only by aggregating tropical pro-
ductions, such as sugar and foreign
fruits, and other products that can’t be
raised by our farmers, that the econo-
mists who claim that they are going to
benefit American agricultural interests
by duties on tarm products, can make
a formidable showing of agricultural
! commodities imported into this country.
Land That is Not Needed.
A very good argument can be
brought to bear against the project of
the government irrigating the desert
lands of the far west which are not cul-
tivatable without an artificial supply of
water. It is said that millions of acres
can be madeproductive by this process,
and it is for this purpose that a demand
is made for the expediture of a large
amount of public money. But is there
such urgent necessity for an increase
of thearea of cultivatable land that the
government should be called upon to
change the arrangement of nature at
great expense in order to effect that ob-
One of the present drawbacks to the
profitableness of farming in this coun-
try is that more stuff is being raised
than there is a market for. Wouldn't
it be foolish to increase the country’s
means And capacity of production un-
der the circumstances? When farms
are being abandoned in the East be-
cause there is no longer a profit in
farming them, and the agriculturists
of the West also complain of the un-
profitableness of their calling, all of
this being the result of superfluous
production, wouldn't the folly of add-
ing more land to that which is already
producing too mueh be heightened by
the government going to a great ex-
pense to do it?
The secret of this project is that
there are irterested parties who want
to use the government in making this
desert land valuable, with the inten-
tion of reaping a large share of the
benefit of its sale. There may be a
time when this land shall be needed for
cultivation, but that time is not now
when the farmers are suffering from
an excess of production. The Farm-
ers’ Alliance couldn't do a better ser-
vice to their interests than by opposing
this irrigation scheme.
——The notorious Victoria C.
WooprULL, and her sister, of equal nn- |
toriety, TexnNie C. CrarLiN, have
turned up in New York as distinguigh-
ed visitors from England, they now be-
ing respectively Mrs. Journ BippULPH
Marin, the wife of a rich and influen-
tial London banker, and Lady Cook,
the wife of a well-to-do English Baronet.
They have come over to secure the re-
traction of a publication that was by
no. means complimeéntary to them.
These ladies are natives of the neighbor-
ing county of Union, and being brainy
women, and not over-squeamish as to
their manner of getting on in the world,
they have had careers as checkered as
their reputations, but in the end decid-
edly prosperous.
Quay Should Stick.
The friends of M. S. Quay, who in-
diguantly maintain that he could not
think of retreating before the rattling
fire which the Democratic newspapers
are pouring into him, overlook the
fact that much of the fusilade comes
from guns fired from the ranks of his
own party. Republicans who are re-
belling against the rule of the Boss
have a much greater interest in fore-
ing him to retreat than have the Demo-
crats. The latter want him to remain
just where he is, as they are well as-
sured that such a character must bring
disgrace and ruin to the party he leads.
There are but few Democrats who do
not believe that disgrace and ruin to
the Republican party will be the medi-
um of beneficial results to the general
interests of the country. For this rea-
son they don’t want Quay to lose his
Got It at Last.
New York has at last got a reform
ballot law, the Saxton bill, considera-
bly altered and amended, having been
passed by the legislature and signed by
Governor HitL. Some of the Gover-
nor’s enemies claim that he was forced
to abandon his opposition to ballot re-
form, but the truth is that the Gaover-
nor maintained his position and suc-
ceeded in forcing the legislature to fur-
nish a ballot bill which will prevent
dishonest voting without distranchis-
ing any class of voters. By its provi-
sions entire secresy is secured to the
voter, who is enabled to east his ballot
entirely protected from intimidating or
corrupting influences. If Pennsylva-
nia can get as good a bill as this one,our
people will have reason to be satisfied.
Spawls from the Keystone.
—They are still finding flood bodies at Johns«
town. Fe PEE a pee nssin TE
—A Meadeville rooster whipped. an
dog and two roosters.
—A Chester baby fell from the second story
with slight injuries. rs -
—At Columbia 117 shad were taken in one
haul, and 400 during the day.
—There are no licensed salovns in Hunting-
don, but beer comes by the car-load.
—Allen Henry, of Pocopson, Chester connty,
aged 63 years, has never ridden on a railroad.
—There is a movement among South Bethle-
hem milkmen to stop the sale of milk on Sun-
—John Frey, of Wind Gap, who died last
week, had sixteen children. His father had
owl, a
—At a Connellsville spelling bee’ the winner
of the prize (the first to miss a word) got a
—James Detwiler was almost pulled into
Nashaminy Creek the other day by a six-
pound carp on his line.
—Flags will be hoisted on all of Bristol's
public schools by the United Order of Ameri-
can Mechanics on Decoration day,
—City Councilman John Lilly, of Chester,
is critically ill as the result of taking a dose of
sample medicine for the diarrhoea.
—“Billy” Kean, anoted thief, was arrested
on Saturday while picking ladies’ peckets in
St. Bernard's Catholic Church, Easton.
—William Lovett, the champion TFullytown’
Bucks county, fisherman, caught in a haul on
Monday 950 shad, the greatest ever known.
—The utmost tranquility prevails ia the eoke
rogionsjaround Seottdale, the strikes:at Whit-
ney and Mammoth Works having been settled.
—The body of Edward Scott, who was drown-
ed in the Lackawanna river last November,
was found on Monday by two men fishing near
Port Griffith.
—Daniel Crumbaugh, who was charged with
killing Daniel Stull near Mount Union, Frank-
lin county, was acquitted on Friday at Cham-
—The “country” carpenters at work on the
House of Refuge buildings at Glenn Mills
have quit work because they were not treated
like city men.
—Joshua Loderich, of Atlantic City, has: pur.
chased the brewery of Gottleib Young, of
Columbia, Pa., for $24,000, and will take posses-
sion on June 1.
—Arbor day was observed by school'children
in the planting of trees in the new. Reservoir
Park, at Harrisburg. Governor Beswver plantad
a tree in Capitol Park.
—Residents of Nockamixon township, Bucks
county, claim to have seen a strange animal
the other day with six legs and two tails. The
hunters are after it.
—The towns about Easton are filling up with
house thieves expecting to reap a harvest
while the folks are at the Easton centennial
celebration on Monday.
—Rev. John Johnson, a lifelong resident of
Easton, and a preacher in the Presbyterian
churches in various places for many years
died on Friday, aged 80 years.
—At a Bethlehem necktie sociable each girl
inclosed in an envelope a necktie made from
her dress goods. Each young man got the
the girl corresponding to his envelope.
—The Republican League of Reading isina
languishing condition. Ata meeting called
for Thursday night to put new life-into the or-
ganization only eleven members attended.
—=The young lady of Wilkesbarre who recent-
ly married the fellow known as the Mexican
giant, in a rink at Scranton, before: 3000 people
has returnedthome. Circus life lost its charms’
—The barn on Joseph Shearer’s- fruit farm
just outside the limits of Reading, was destroy-
ed by an incendiary fire on Wednesday night,
with all its contents Loss, $2500 ;- insurance
—Mrs. Wm. Williams, of Scranton, commit
ted suicide by taking a dose of rat poison Sat-
urday. She leaves a husband and five small
children. No cause is assigned for the rash
—During the storm of Thursday night the
Washington Engine-house at Conshohoken
was struck by lightning. Auman and one of
the horses were knocked off their feet by the
—The strikers in the building trades have
seriously affected the glass business, and the
Western Window Glass Manufacturers’ associ
hascalled a meeting to make an effort to sup-
port prices. :
—Rev. Henry S. Rodenbaugh, of Lower
Providence Presbyterian Church,and the oldest
pastor in continuous service in Montgomery
county, died at midnight on the 2nd instant,
aged 76 years.
—Louis Nelson, heads gardener for Mrs. G,
Dawson Coleman at Lebanon, was found in a
green-house unconscious, and d ied shortly
afterward. He was 45 years of age and Is sup-
posed to have committed suicide.
—William Harry, Jr:, who shot himself. at
Lancaster on Wednesday night died Saturday.
The only motive known for the rash act was a
quarrel he had with & girl he was courting.
He was only 19:years old, and the most expert
checker-playes-in Lancaster.
—The spring-meeting of the Pennsylvania
Forestry Association began at Doylestown
last week. Professor Rothrock read a/paper on
“Forestry in the Publie Schools” at the after-
noon session, and in the evening a meeting
was held in the hall of the Agricultaral Society
—Peter Hughes, aged 18 years, a resident of
Inkerman , was found dead in a mill pond at
that place Saturday evening with a terrible cut
on the back of the head. Itis rumored that
he got into a fight with three men, who pitch-
ed him into the pond and being wounded. he
could not help himself and was drowned.
—This ocourred in the Pittsburg License
Court: “Did you ever have a retail license 2”
“No. My son-in-law had,>’
“What.does your son‘in-law do now ?’ “He's
an undertaker.” Attormey Cohen—‘‘That’s
a good business.” Judge Ewing—"It will
be if we license all these applicants.”
—Mrs. Mary E. Heffher was killed on Fri-
day evening by being run over by a train on
the Pennsylvania Schuylkill Valley Railroad
between Shoemakersville and Mohrsville
The body was terribly mangled. The engin.
eer saw her lying on the track, but was unable
to stop the train in time. Her husband had de-
serted her.
—Engineer William Kethledge, of the Le-
high Valley Railroad, was struck on the. head
by a projecting iron arm used as a mail-bag
catcher and knocked senseless. Before he
reached the hospital at Bethlehem he became
a raving maniae, and it required several men
to keep him from doing himgelf further injury
He cannot recover,