Demorealic AW atch Terms; $2.00 a Year, in Advance. Bellefonte, Pa., May 2, 1890. P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Ebrror. ——The Executive Committee of the Democratic State Committee,at its meet- ing in Harrisburg on the 31st inst., fix- ed Wednesday, July 2nd,as the day for holding the Democratic State Conven- tion at Scranton. ——There is not that harmonious feeling in Lancaster county which should prevail among political breth- ren in such a stronghold of Republi- canism. In comparison the Kilkenny cats were models of harmony. The political jamboree in which the Republican leaders indulged at Pittsburg last week, was intended to be in honor of General Grant's sixty- 1ghth birth-day. Boss Quay was there, and if he recalled to mind the expres sion, “Let noguilty man escape,” which the General used upon a certain occa- sion, it should have made him feel un- comfortable. ——The Press is of the opinion that the Democratic Senators will not suc- ceed in “preventing the passage of the Federal election act by making ten-day speeches.” With the gag rigorously applied, it is not likely that they will succeed. When free speech is sup- pressed in the halls of congress there is nothing left to interfere with the out- rages which the Republican leaders are practieing upon American liberty. There is but little reason to be- lieve the report that President HARRI- sox has asked Quay to resign the chairmanship of the Republican Na- tional Committee on account of the un- denied charge that he looted the Pen n- sylvania State Treasury. Mr. Harrr- sox has a lively sense of the benefit of Quay’s methods, and as he wants tobe re-elected, it is reasonable to believe that he would like to have those meth- ods repeated two years hence. We have received a copy of the Industrial Elition of the Pottstown Daily Ledger, a publication embracing sixteen handsomely printed pages. As a representative of the industrial pro- gress and prosperity of that town it filis the bill in excellent style, and as an illustration of what can be done there in the way of fine printing it is very creditable, Wehad no idea that Potts- town was as much of a place as this publication clearly proves it to be. ——Civil service reform was sus- tained by a vote in the House the other day when an attempt was made to vote down an appropriation for the Civil Service Commission. Even Republican congressmen didn’t have the gall to openly strike down the civil service law, although the practice of both con- gress and the ex:cutive makes their professed regard for it the most complete farce that isnow b:ing performed on the political stage. : i ea ——————————— If the farmers are entitled to the assistance of the government in having their surplus crops taken off their hands, as is proposed by the “warehouse” project, why shouldn’t everybody else who may have dead stock on hand of whatever kind, have an equal claim to such governmental aid? The fellows who project such schemes have a ludicrous idea of the object of governmen’. What a pater- nal establishment they would make of it if they could have their way. ——Mr. James M. Beck, believing that the Democratic nomination for congress in the 3d district should go to an older member of the party, declares that he is not a canbidate. His name was but recently brought to the atten- tion of the public, but his declarations on the subject of tariff reform which served as his introduction, were £0 ex- pressive of the true Democratic doctrine as to leave no doubt that the people of the district can not get a man who will be more serviceable on that ques- tion than Mr. Beck would be, were he their representative. The fat-witted Republican pic- torial organ gives its party away on the tariff question by a cartoon which represents imported pauper laborers pushing out of his workshop an Amer- ican workman, who exclaims, “What's the good of protection to me if I am pushed out of the factory by cheap im- migration labor?” In view of the fact that{this pauper labor is imported to swell the profits of parties whose busi- ness is protected by a tariff, the fraud of claiming that the American work- ingman is equally benefited by that tariff’ is glaringly apparent, Wanamaker’s ‘“Unpardonable Sin.” Indignant at the irreverent manner in which wicked Democratic newspa- pers speak of “Holy John” Wanamak- er, one of our Republican exchanges says: “The unpardonable sin of Mr. “WanaMAKER in the eyes of these “political bullies is that he is an ac- “tive worker in the Christian church “and has probably done more good in “one day than the whole gang of his assailants will be able to accomplish “during the term of their lives.” If Wanamaker had limited the field of his effort to Sunday school and church work no Democratic nzwspa- per would have subjected him to ad- verse criticism. But when he took the contract to supply the boodle by which a Presidential election was de- bauched, acting in concert with the most accomplished political corruption- ist of the age in purchasing the Presi- dency, and receiving'a cabinet position in pay for such reprehensible service, he committed “the unpardonable sin” for which Democratic newspapers will persist in calling him to account, and which no amount of pharisaical church work can condone. An Early Convention. It is boldly suggested by certain in fluential Democratic journals that the Democratic State convention be held early and ahead of Mar QuaY’s assem- blage of retainers. The Democrats certainly have fair sailing ahead of them so far as their principles are con- cerned, and there can be nothing con- nected with the action of the Republi- can convention that to any material extent can exert an influence upon the action of the Democratic convention. Our best man for Governor should be selected, and should that selection be made before tLe Republican candi- date is nominated it would notin the leact affect the choice which the Boss has long ago determined upon, and which the Democrafs are anxious for him to make. KEMMLER, the New York mur- derer,'who was:about being launched in- to eternity with electrical rapidity, has been reprieved again by the interfer- ence of a meddlesome lawyer, who, without being employed to do it by anybody, obtained a writ of habeas corpus from a federal court, which temporarily suspends the operation of the battery which was ready to ter- minate the worthless life of a murder- er whose offense was peculiarly atro- cious. They Don’t Want It. A ballot bill, embracing the essential features of reform, which: will suit the views of Gov. Hi. and would receive his approval if passed, has been offered in the New York legislature, but the Republican leaders refuse to support it, in violation of their pledges. They professed to be anxious for ballot re- form when they kuew that the bill as presented to Governor IHirL would not receive his signature. But when a measure is offered which the Governor will approye, they go back on it en tirely. The truth is that the Republi can bosses in New York, as in Penn- sylvania, don’t want ballot reform. A Mistaken Contemporary, “Mayor Grant, of New York, de- clares that he will not allow the charg- es against him to remain undisproved. Good for him. No public officer ever had a finer opportunity to do a lot of disproving than the Mayor has at this time.” — Philadelphia Press. In this vou are mistaken, dear Press. Senator M. S. Quay has a finer oppor- tunity to do a lot of disproving, but he is notdisplaying theavidity to do it that is being displayed by Mayor GRANT. Religious Journalism Doing Its Vaty. The religions press of the country is waking up to its duty in the Quay bus- iness, as is shown by the following re- marks of the Christian Union on the charges brought against that politician, which he allows to go unnoticed : We shall never have high-minded polities until voters detest corruption more than they value party. The silence of many of the Re_ publican journals regarding the recent dis- closures about Mr. Quay is profoundly dis couraging. Those disclosures have come in a form which eannot be met by silence; silence will be taken to mean, and will mean, confes. sion. The Republican party cannot afford to have the chairman of its national committee rest undisturbed under such charges. The Christian Union, which believes thoroughly in the general healthfulness and soundness of American character in public and private life, believes also that the only way to preserve that soundness is to punish corruption with a fear- less hand. Until honest men of all parties ab- hor a corruptionist of their own party as thor- oughly as a corruptionist of another party, we cannot have a sound public life, CrLAakKsoN, in his speech before the Americus club, admitted that the journalistic ability of the country pre- ponderates against the Republican par- ty. Itisalsoseen that the moral and religions journalistic sentiment is like- wise being arrayed against it. Composition of American Prize Batter At the recent Convention of the As- sociation of American Agricultural Col- leges and Experiment Stations, a Com- mittee was appointed to secure samples of the prize butters exhibited at the American Dairy Show in Chicago. The following is the Report of the Commit- tee to the Asscciation. «By co-operation of the Illinois State Board of Agriculture and the Associa- tion ot American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations, five samples were taken, by Drs. Babcock and Manns, Chemists of the Wisconsin and Illinois Experiment Stations, from each of nine lots of butter to which first prizes had been awarded in as many classes at the American Dairy show, held in Chicago in November, 1889, under the auspices of the Illinois State Board of Agricul ture. A set of these samples was an- alyzed by each of the following chemists Dr. H. W. Wiley of the U. S. Dept., of Agriculture; Dr. E. H. Jenkins of the Conn., Experiment Station; Dr. A. G. Manns of the Illinois Experiment Sta- tion ; Prof. M. A. Scovel of the Ken- tucky Experiment Station; Dr. S. M. Babcock of the Wisconsin Experiment Station, except that an accident prevent- ed the analysis by Dr, Babeock, of the sample from lot No. 8. In the table following are given the names and addresses of the exhibitors; the prize taken by each lot, and the rat- ing of each by the awarding committee on the scale of points adopted ; the aver- age of the analyses of the five samples from each lot; and the general average of the forty-four analyses of the nine lots by the five chemists. ¥* DRT RWI - 5 ge peopel 0; ESE. eZ) @ Wp Zre al E BSE SAL 2 wns eS = — ES —maPrpRE=E ® 0 Sw ZEmp =e ERST 2 > EET SER, TF = EH Ew = 2, EREFEs Fs | 2 E2roig gE Bi 22% © 2 v PET B z = = © = E 4 1 Fa 3S FEARA0200 p> = LL55a0c0e 0 . ” eS SS = a UST TRZED ol 5 Ji ISkg2e E = SS z 8 0 Hoe Se 2 a = me tn 4 = B & Seer a Z “ Pm n37 22 ZF - a gw |i g852%582E8 EZ v EE 52 & 3 = ge TBE E5S z & = Sa oS aN z 4 -2 28s 8 = =ESogz 2 “ @ RE i wn — =a 2p as 2 o = F8>iSn 23 z S gFZpgd == = 4 ® Eexadoz is 2 gEsa= |= = ga BE® E | 8 a) s 822259 | E % 0228232 S — oko x" = > 5 £0 # . = 2 -r Ez ¥ F 2 = 3 2 = 15 £ 7 2 od 7 > Zz po EE = OS - =z oS == NC N = NE in their judgement, the butter analyzed was good, but not exceptionally excel lent, from the commercial standpoint for the Chicago market. As these packa- zes had stood in the exhibition room for about ten days when the samples were taken, it is probable that some of thc water of the freshly packed butter had been lost by drying, and the percentage of water in these samples may be assum- ed as near the minimum for stan- dard market butter. Otherwise the analyses probably fairly indicate the average composition of such butter. Neither flavor, grain, nor color of butter is necessarily dependent on the chemical composition, and the rating as to salt may depend more on the quality of the saltand the evenness of distribution than on the percentage found. The variation in the fat in these nine lots is less than 5.5 per cent. So far as appears from these analyses, the per- centage of fat in butter depends on the thoroughness with which the water and buttermilk are extracted, and the quan- tity of salt allowed to remain, and not on the breed of cows, nor the mode of manufacture. The lot with the highest rating by the scale of points had a little less than the average per cent. of fat; that which stood lowest had a little more than the average per cent. of fat. The average per cent. of salt is not quite half that often putin American butter. The three lots which were rated lowest a3 to t“galting’’ and which stood lowest in to- tal rating, each had less than the aver- age salt. W. A. HENRY, G. E. Morrow, Com. H. P. ARMSBY, —1In consideration of a vast increase in | | Revenue Commission. The Grangers’ Preference. Warthy Master Rhone’s Opinion as to the Candidate for Governor that Would Suit the Grangers. Interview in Philadelphia Record of Saturday. “Senator Delamater cannot hope to get the support of the members of the Grangers’ organization of Pennsylva- nia if he shall Le nominated for Gover- nor,” said Worthy Master Leonard Rhone, the head of the Grangers’ organ- ization in this Stdte, yesterday. Mr. Rhone is a resident of Centre county, an ex-member of the House of Representa- tives, and now a member of the State His presence in the city during the past two days has been due to his attendance upon the ses- sions of the Commission. Worthy Mas- ter Rhone, as the head of the State Grange, speaks for an organization that numbers 40,000 voters within its ranks in the Commonwealth. «Several weeks ago,” said Mr. Rhone, «J sent out inquiries amaqng the repre- sentative men in our organization as to whom their communities preferred among those who are discussed as gu- bernatorial candidates. I have received 300 replies, and they go to show that the Democrats all want to see ex-Governor Pattison renominated, while the Repub- licans are all opposed to Senator Dela- mater and divided in their preferences between General Hastings and A. L. Taggart, of Montgomery county, for the Republican nomination. SOLIDLY ARRAYED ‘AGAINST DELA- MATER. “Our organization is solidly arrayed against Senator Delamater, because it was through him that the Grangers’ Tax bill was defeated in the last Legislature, though he had previously pledged him- self to vote for the measure. . That bill provided for the equal taxation of all personal and corporate property for local purposes. Senator Delamater promised our State Grange and the Grangers at his home in Crawford county, that he would do all he could to bring the bill out of the Finance Committee of ths Se- nate, to which it had been referred and of which he was a member, and he furthermore promised to advocate the passage of the bill. We waited until the very last moments before making an ef- fort to take the bill out of the committee and placing it on.the Senate’s calendar so as to insure its consideration tefore the adjournment of that body. When the resolution was offered in the Senate to take the bill out of the committee Senator Delamater made a speech against its passage, and the resolution failed by one vote. Had he voted as he agreed to do the resolution would have heen car- ried: Asit was the bill was buried in the committee and lost. THE CHOICE OF THE GRANGERS. “The Republicans in our organization wan t either Hastings or Taggart. They will not swallow Delamater, and if the Democrats nominate Pattison they will go over in a body and vote for the ex- Governor. The feeling for Pattison is overwhelming in his favor in every county. On the other hand the feeling is equally pronounced against ex-Sena- tor Wallace, whom we regard in the same light as we do Delamater. We be- lieve both are too closely allied to cor- porations, and for that reason, if each is nominated by his own party, our people will simply pay no attention to the elec- tion, and let it take care of itself. THE PEOPLE AND THE POLITICIANS. «My understanding of the situation is that the politicians of both parties are for Delamater and Wallace, but the peo- ple are for Hastings and Pattison. I be- lieve that Delamater will be nominated, and the Democrats will sacrifice a great opportunity if they do not nominate Pattison.” i Must Fry Out More Fat. Quay’s Committee Will Make Another Raid. WasHINGTON, D. C., April 27.—One of the principal subjects to be considered by the Executive Committee of the Re- publican National Committee when it meets here next week is the ever-umpor- tant one of raising funds with special re- ference to the campaign of next fall. Quay, Clarkson and Dudley, being now the general managers of the Republican party, take charge of all national cam- paigns, and so will direct the fight for Senators and Congressmen next fall just as closely as they will direct the Presi- dential campaign of 1892. Just now the general campaign chest from which they propose to draw their fands is far from being full. Chairman Quay’s ingenious scheme for making every Republican a stock- holder in the party by issuing to him a handsome chromo certificate for a con- sideration of $10 or more, has been es- tablished, and Quay’s late Private Sec- retary, Frank Willing Leach, in his capacity as Deputy Secretary of the Re- publican National Committees, is send- ing out invitations to men on the list of the various State Committee, which have been procured for that purpose, to take stock in ‘the grand old party.” A DELICATE BUSINESS, But in the present uncertainty of par- ty feeling this has had to be done very cautiously ; even Leach’s style is liable to appear at a disadvantage in letters of this character, and it is difficult to make sure that they shall fall only into “safe” hands. The combined intellects of the big three are to be applied to this prob- lem. Another, only a little less impor- tant, is a plan for safely evading the law against political assessments. PREPARING TO EVADE THE LAW. Quay, Dudley and Clarkson will carry the suit against the old Dominion League, of which they are the real de- | fendants and defenders, to the United States Supreme Court, in the attempt to establish the proposition that its not a violation of the law to send political as- sessment letters through the mail to Government employes. But pending their appeal they think they must have the “voluntary contributions’ of the | poor clerks, and are casting about for | some way of breaking the law without Philadelphia'sreceipts of an important cereal during the past year, the papers of that city are gratefully acknowledg- ing the corn. getting caught. ——The professor of mineralogy of Columbus college has assayed gold quartz found near Petersburg, W. Va, 1t assays $122 to the ton. Cannot Be Passed Over in Silence. Boston Herald, Independent. The record of Matthew S. Quay, as it is now presented to the public, is something that the press of the country cannot afford to pass over without cogni- zance. and co-laborer in the field of politics with perhaps the most conspicuous lay- man of the Christian church in America, ed as more than any one else the adviser and director of the policy of the Presi- dent of the United States in that very the appointment of men to oftice. He represents the Republican party in the highest office it has to confer in the se- cond State of the Union. Its party management was put in his’ hands in the last presidential election. Involved in this was the disposal of vast sums of money, estimated by no one at less than several hundred thousand dollars, and the deciding every day upon questions which had a moral bearing in the cam- paign. Itis of more than usual interest this confidant and adviser of the Presi- dent, this guide and mentor of the post- master general, this representative of a great State in the senate, this absolute tial campaign, is. ter and career set forth at length and , Dewspapers of New York. . the highest responsibility. In the case of one of thew its proprietor is capable ! of responding to the amount of millions | | of money if his charges are questioned in by those who are authorized tospeak for him. What are these statements ? [Then follows the record of funds embezzled from the State treasury of Pennsylvan- ia, as charged by responsible parties. ] This man, with this record, is in the senate of the United States in equal as- sociation with the senators of the State of Massachusetts, and with the self-res- pecting, God-fearing men of other States of thesUnion which hold merit and mor- als to be the standard in selecting their representatives in that body. That as- sociation, however, is compulsory, and it may not be cordial fellowship. But what shall we say of the State that sends Quay to the senate ? What shall we say of that professedly Christian member of the cabinet who comes into office un- der his auspices, and who is so identified with him as to be recognized in and out of his State as in his political career a creation of Quay? What shall wesay ot a president, also a professedly Chris- tian man, who has so listened to Quay, has so followed his counsel, has so made him a power in his administration that one of the most distinguished Republicans | of Pennsylvania has felt compelled to make a public protest against such ac- tion, and call his attention to the charac- ter of the man ? Above all, what shall wesay of a great party of the nation which makes such a man its chosen leader in its presi- dential campaign ? Has there been a more discouraging illustration of the de- basement of the politics of our day than is furnished in this modern instance ? A Methodist Ecumenical. The second Ecumenical Conference, composed of Methodists from all over the world will beheld in the full of 1891. The commission appointed by the last General Conference met in Philadelphia in March and appointed Bishop Hurst, ex-Governor Pattison, J. M. Cornell, ot New Yok, G. H. Hunt, of Baltimore, and M. G. Emery, of Washington, a committee to decide upon the place for holding the conference and to arrange the finances. No meeting of that committee has yet been held, but ex-Governor Pattison said Thursday that the general wish was for some city near the seacoast, and Bos 01, New York, Philadelphia, Bal- timare and Washington had been sug- gested. As the southern delegates want a site as far south as possible, Baltimore or Philadelphia may be selected. The objects of the Conference are to bring together representatives from all classes of Methodists, not only those be- longing to what is known as ths Meth- odist Episcopal church, but all those be- lieving in the general principles of that faith. It will be composed of about 500 delegates, 200 of whom are expected from Europe: The Conference will con- tinue for about a week and will consist of daily meetings for discussions. The first Ecumenical Conference was held in London in 1881, and it was then decid- ed to hold another one in 1891 in this country. A Generous Donation. The Williamsport Sun says: ‘The State Food Committee wrote to ex-May- or Foresman on or about April 9, mak- ing inquiries as to the drowning of Cal- vin Miller at South Williamsport during the Jure flood. The information was sent to the Commission and after a pro- per investigation the Commission found that the widow of Calvin Miller was ¢n- titled to relief at their hands. Mrs. Miller now resides at Northumberland. She has four children, aged respectively 3, 8, 11 and 13 years, On April 14 the Commission sent Mrs. Miller two single drafts, one for $500 and one for $200. Accompanying these drafts was a state- ment that each one of the four children would receive $50 a year until they reach the age of 16. When all the children have reached that age the fami- ly will receive $2,600. Mrs. Miller de- sires to express her gratitude to all who have rendered assistance in her time of need. Her friends in South | Williamsport will be pleased to know | that she has received this money. CU EI A Se, Tragedy at Altoona. Daniel Reitman, of Altoona, last { Friday morning between the hours of 12 | wife and did succeed in badly wounding | her, after which, doubtless thinking | that he had killed her, he turned his pis- ‘tol and emptied the load into his own ‘head, dying almost instantly. He had frequently threatened to kili his wife and children, but why he should have made such threats and then executed them is a mystery. He is supposed to have been urder the influence of liquor. The wounded lady will probably re- cover. This man is the chosen associate | Mr. John Wanamaker. He is recogniz- | important feature of his administration, | therefcre to know what manner of man : controller of the direction of a Presiden- | ‘We find the description of his charac- | with minuteness in two of the leading | Both are of | | any particular, either by Mr. Quay or | and 1 o'clock, attempted to murder his ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ba Col. D. 8. Durham, who is on a | visit to Washington, is sick at the na- | tional capital. ——Judge Orvis’s appearance in Court ' this week gave assurance that he is re- covering from the ailment with which he has been afflicted in one of his legs. | ——William R. Linn, of Beech Creek, . has been appointed and confirmed as Chief of Police of Renova, at a salary of $50 per year. Speaking of the Hungarian who was injured by a fall at the Centre Iron ‘Works, at this place, and taken to the hospital at Altoona, the Tribune of that place says : When he fell he landed on his head and he has heen insane since. It was thought that he could be cured by admitting him to the hospital, but the efforts of the physicians thus far have beem without results and the patient was very violent yesterday. Thus far he has torn up all coverings he was given . and yesterday he was given a blanke which it was thought he could not de- ' stroy, but before evening he had it torn into strips, and obtaining a match , in some way, he set the stuff on fire. It is thought that he will be removed to an insane asylum in a few days. Pine Grove Mentions. Railroad stock is still at par. J. T. McCormick this week closed up his duties as assessor, and reports a plentiful num- ber of canine stock. Mrs. H. M. Meek, after spending several weeks among her relatives and friends, has re- turned to her home at Altoona. Our agricultural friend, G. B. Campbell, was the victim of a vicious horse recently, result- ing in a broken arm. We have repeatedly al- leged it would be a broken head. Rev. A. A. Black conducted communion ser- vice in the Bethel church in this place last Sunday. Fourteen additional members were admitted, ten on confession of faith and: four by certificate. At arecent spirited annual election of offi cers of the Pine Grove Water Company, in which the mugwumps were victorious, the fol- lowing officers were elected: John G. Hess, President; W. B. Ward, Secretary; J. F. Krebe, Treasurer; Trustees, David Brouse and Reu- ben Hammer. W. A. Tanyer spent several days last week in the eastern end of the county, looking up his sheriffalty interests, and reports the ou t- look favorable. Should Mr. T. be as success- ful in that as he was in his nomrodie success last fall when he killed three deer, making in all forty-nine in his time, he will be entitled to a walk-over for the sheriff's office. The committee heretofore mentioned to pro- cure the right of way for the proposed R. R. have partially attended to that duty, and think there will be but little difficulty if the owners of lands knew where the road is to be located. It is also alleged that the road ean be con- structed for about one third less than was at first expected by contractors. The new post office building is nearing com- pletion just west of the bridge. Inthis the uptowners have made a score, but not the post- master, as was expected. To be truthful in the matter, the location of the building is a good one, right in the centre of the town, which should be satisfactory to the town patrons, as it is to the country folks. This ends the post office racket. Robert Hammill Boal, assisted by a gang of men, has been during the last five days mak. ing an effort to locate the railroad from College station to this place, with a view of crossing the mountains. The present; intention is to run by way of Erbtown gap, thence east, with sufficient distance to cross the second moun- tain to the ore fields on the other side and| the Shaver’s Creek valley. Mr. Wm. Beck, well known throughout this section as the Shingletown merchant, took unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Mol- lie Burchfield, daughter of ex-Judge Burch- field. The event took place in Bellefonte on the 20th ult. They immediately retired to his cosy home where Mrs. will reign supreme and no doubt will be a good housekeeper, she having had sufficient training under one of the best of mothers. To them we extend our kindest greetings. To the Toilers of America. A Manifesto from the American Federa- tion of Labor. NEw York, April 28.—The General Executive Board of the American Fed- eration of Labor has issued a manifesto “to the toilers of America.’ It says that, having selected the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America to make the demand for the enforcement of the eight-hour work day, is asks all to refrain from any sympathetic strikes —rather to remain at work, and aid the carpenters and joiners to win in the con- test. To the carpenters and joiners the advice is to demand and insist upon the enfcrcement of the eight-hour work day. TItis not a matter of theory; it is a positive fact that the ques- tion of wages and conditions will regulate themselves, and will inure to the benefit of us all assoon as the eight-hour work day has been in operation. In the demonstrations to be held on May 1 labor is advised to turn out in vast numbers, and by its presence man- fest an unalterable determination to have the eight-hour work-day} enforced, though by one trade at a time, yet for all, as the ultimate result, Maintain order, refrain from all violence, engage in no riots, let the watchword be the en- forcement of the eight-hour work-day, Sullivan Agrees to Fight. SAN FrANCISco, April 28.— President | Fulda, of the California Athletic Club, last night received a dispatch from MM. C. Olark, the friend and adviser of John L. Sullivan, and with whom Professor Fulda has been conducting the corres- pondence looking to the fight between Sullivan and Jackson,saying that Sulli- van would accept the Californig club’s proposition after his Mississippi affairs are settled, June 23d next. He still maintains that the winner should take the whole purse.