Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 25, 1890, Image 4

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    Dewars Wate
Terms, $2.00 a Year, in Advance.
Bellefonte, Pa., April 25, 1890.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - =
——The contest between the suppor-
ters of DELaMaTER and HasTiNGs in Blair
county was very bitter, and up until it
closed last Saturday was obstinately
conducted. The former were confident
of securing the delegates, relying no
doubt upon the tactics that won them
an easy victory in Cambria county, and
their defeat has left them in a bad
——The belief is expressed by Re.
publican papers that the Democratic
vote in the 3d congress district will suf-
fer a great shrinkage since Mr. Rax-
DALL is gone. There's where they are
going to be fooled. Itis more likely to
be increased by the votes of Republi-
cans who have become disgusted with
the sham protection of a monopoly
The season’s base ball battle for
the championship began last Saturday
when the Players’ Leagne and the Na-
tional League crossed bats, and it will
80 on with a spirited if not an acrimon-
ious rivalry until the short and cold
days of Autumn shall put an end to
the contention. The admirers of the
national game look forward to the com-
ing season as the most interesting and
important in the annals of bass-ball
playing,and the vicissitudes of the strug-
gle for the championship will be keen-
ly watched.
—— We can not agree with an esteem-
ed contemporary in its opinoin that
the failure of DELAMATER to disprove the
serious public charges made against him
by ex-Senator Emery and others is
likely to interfere with his nomination.
When was a Republican convention
ever known to be affected even by posi-
tive knowledge that a candidate favor-
ed by the machine managers was unfit
to occupy an official position? Ordi-
narily such a reputation strengthens a
candidate’s hold on the favor of “the
grand old party.”
a —————
~— The interviewer connected with
city journalism is proving to be a very
unreliable purveyor of news. The
World admits that the person who fur-
nished it with the Cleveland interview
deliberately lied in stating what he
represented the ex-President as having
said, and Epwin Boorn takes the New
York Tribune to task for a lying inter-
view published in that paper about
him. Metropolitan journaliem is
greatly in need of reform in this de-
partment of its service.
ES ————————
—The silver question presents
some difficult points for the executive
and legislative authorities to solve.
Secretary Wixpox's policy in regard to
this important metal is inclined to he
conservative, which does not meet the
views of those who are interested in
having the government make heavier
purchases of silver, While it might
be well to increase the amount of silver
‘mioney,it is questionable whether all the
good that is claimed for it would result
from an enlarged volume of that kind of
circulating medium,
~——The remains of ex-Governor P or
Tock were buried inthe cemetery of his
native town, Milton, last Tuesday, and
were followed to the grave by hundreds
of his old friends and neighbors. The
body after being brought from Lock
Haven, was placed in the Presbyterian
church, where it was viewed by the
people who for years had krown him
and held him in high esteem for his
many excellent personal qaalities.
The deceased ex-Governor will not be
classed among the strong public
characters that the State has produced,
but he will ever be remembered as a
man whose every act was prompted by
the purest motives.
The Seal Skin Crookedness.
There has always been a suspicion
of crookedness in the contracts be:
tween the government and the parties
that have been favored with the priv-
ilege of catching seals in Alaskan wa-
ters. It is very profitable business,and
a3 it is prosecuted in a region far re-
moved from public observation, the op-
portunity for a pecuniary understand-
ing between government officers and
the seal catchers is all that could be
wished for by the contracting parties.
We are therefore not surprised that
there are rumors that Secretary Win-
pom and at least one other member of
the cabinet have received a handzome
consideration from the parties who
have recently had their contract re-
newed. Republican officials have al-
ways been noted for their thrift.
A Wild Scheme.
It should not be a cause of surprise
that in their present financial troubles
the western farmers should conceive
some very wild schemes for the relief
of their embarrassed situation. One
of the wildest of these has originated
with the Farmers’ Alliance which
wants the government to receive de-
posits of grain and other agricultural
products as security for loans of money
at a low rate of interest. Government
warehonses are to be established at
convenient points to which the hardup
farmer can haul his produce and upon
the security of his deposited crop shall
receive government notes to the value
of such deposit, which notes shall be a
legal tender for all debts public and
There are many evils arising from
having too much money in the treasu-
ry, but as great an evil as any is the
tendency of a surplus to engender such
wila schemes for its depletion.
—The New York Sun was guilty of
characteristic skulking when, as a coun-
terfoil to its abuse of Mr. CLEVELAND,
it published complimentary notices of
Mr. CLEVELAND'S wite. Those who
understand DANA'S motive and can
read between his lines, have no difficul-
ty in detecting a malicious purpose even
in his compliments to Mrs. CLEVELAND,
which made them impertinent and of-
fensive to the lady whose husband was
being persistently and systematically
subjected to his blackguard vituper-
A ————
Not Likely to Interfere.
A Washington dispatch to a leading
Republican journal says that “Presi.
dent Harrison is keeping vigilant watch
on Congress concerning the prodigal
manner in which it is appropriat-
ing money.”
Ifthe President should interfere in this
matter he would get himself into trou-
ble,but he is not likely to interfere very
earnestly. Both he and the members
of Congress who constitute the major.
ity, were elected upon promises that
there would be prodigal expenditures,
In no direction were these promises
made more liberally than to those who
want pensions. In fact everybody was
promised a share of the surplus in case
of the success of the Republican ticket.
One of the strongest arguments of the
campaign was the representation that
the best way of getting rid of the su-
perfluous cash in the treasury was to
get it out among the people. ‘Congress
is trying to shovel it out according to
promise, and Mr. HARRISON can’t con-
sistently interfere.
——HARRIs0ON has so far lost the
respect of Republican members of con-
gress that he 13s made the object of
their ridicale. “The little man in the
White House is the expression they
commonly use in speaking of him. The
contempt for the entire executive es-
tablishment is humorously express.d in
the following lines, which are quoted
with suggestive levity by Republican
congressmen :
“Wanamaker runs a Sunday school, Levi
runs a bar, .
The baby runs the White House, and d—n it
here we are.”
PE —
Don’t Depend on Democratic Quarrels,
From the Frie Dispatch, Rep;
There are a great many Republicgn
newspapers in Pennsylvania and in
bordering States that are apparently
working hard to persuade themselves and
their readers into the belief that a quar-
rel is on foot between William L. Scott
and William A. Wallace, and that the
Republican nominee for Governor this
Jyear is going to have a walk-over on the
day of election. It is true that for many
years the rivalry of prominent Demo-
crats in Pennsylvania and the conse-
quent disorganization of that party has
resulted in phenomenal Republican
majorities, but when the Democrats
have been united they have invariably
pressed the Republicans closely and
occasionally have won a victory. “There
is the best of evidence that this year
will be one of Demoeratic harmony, and
Republican leaders and Republican
newspapers had best realize the situation
before frittering away any advantages.
Mr. Scott's first choice for Governor
was apparently Pattison, but the opposi
tion of the Wallace people and other
considerations led to the abandonment
of the ex-Governor and the substitution
of Wallace himself, between whom and
Scott all differences have been buried
out of sight for the purpose of making a
desperate struggle for the Governorship
and the control of the Legislature in the
hope of carrying Pennsylvania into the
Democratic column for Cleveland in
The Lies About Cleveland’s Increasing
“Yes, Isaw Mr. Cleveland,” said a
Washington Democrat who returned
Saturday from a pilgrimage to New
York, “and all these stories about his
increasing obesity are the merest gossip.
He looks just about as he did when he
left Washington. If anything, in bet-
ter physical health. Helis a very hard
nll 4s} and his time is fully occupied
with importent law cases. He takes
more exercise, however, than he did
when he was here, and does not work so
hard at night as he thought necessary to
do when in public office. I think the
change has done him good, and am sure
that his estimable wife,who is to-day the
most popular woman in New York, en-
joys the domestic life they now lead
much more than she did the engrossing
duties of the indy of the White House.
Free:Raw Materials.
An Interesting Interview With Congress-
man Kerr.
Although the McKinley committee
have backed out of the arrangement with
the Chicago cattle ring, and under the
pressure of public sentiment have al-
lowed hides to remain on the free List,
the following views of Congressmen
KERR concerning the proposed hide tax,
as expressed to a correspondent of the
Pittsburg Post, will be found interesting
and instructive:
WASHINGTON, April 10.—Representa-
tive Kerr, of Clearfield, Pa., who repre-
sents one of the greatest leather and
tanning constituencies in the country,
gives some interesting data on the
subject of a tax on hides. Every day Mr.
Kerr is receiving protests from consti-
tuents, Republicans as weil as Democrats,
urging that hides should be kept on the
free list. Your correspondent has had
an interesting interview with Mr, Kerr
on the subject.
“How will your district be affected if
a tax of 1} cents per pourd, as contem-
plated by the McKinley bill, is put up-
on hides ?” was asked.
“It will seriously cripple the tanning
industry in Central Pennsylvania, and
will affect many contingent interests if
the bill should become a law,” replied
Mr. Kerr.
“Is the tanning industry pretty large
infthe Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania dis-
trict 2”
“Yes sir. The value of the products
of tanneriesin Clearfield,Centre, Clarion,
Forest and Elk counties, for the year
1889, was a little over $6.000,000.”
“In what way will this industry be
affected by a tax on hides?”
“My dear sir, that is a question cover-
ing considerable ground. The tax on
hides, as contemplated by this Repub-
lican tariff measure, will impose an an-
nual burden of $200,000 on the tanneries
in my district, and willreduce the wages
of the large number of men and boys
employed therein. In the counties of
Elk, Forest,Clearfield, McKean, Camer-
on, and, ir fact, all that section border-
ing on the Allegheny mountains from
New York to the Maryland line, a
large number of men are employed
in stripping hemlock bark every season,
to be used in the tanning of leather.
The wages of these people will be de-
creased more or lessand the price of
hemlock lumber will be affected by this
tax to a certain extent; in fact, untold
mischief will be caused by this change
of policy concerning hides.”
‘Has the leather business been profit-
able in the past without this tax ?”’
“It is only since hides have come into
the country free of duty that the shoe
and leather business has assumed such
magnificent proportions. Wao exported
nearly $12,000,000 worth of leather last
year, and many millions worth of
boots and shoes, giving employment
{0 many thousands of people in this
country at fair wages. One striking
fact that would be a good study for
those persons who contend that in
taxing one class of citizens for the
benefit of another class both classes are
helped, is this: Better wages and mors
regular employment is given to the
employes and operators in the boot and
shoe factories and the tanneries than is
given to the employes in the woolen
factories of th country. Yet wool is
“If the shoe and leather industry is
to be crippled by a hide tax, do you un-
derstand why they are determined to
insist upon it?”
“Yes, they put this burden on every
poor man who stands in shoe leather
in obedience to the demand made by
the cattle syndicates of the West. The
cattle ring under the promise of protec-
tion helped to elect Harrison and gave
success to the Republican party. This
is their reward.”
“But the supporters of the McKinley
tariff bill say 1t will help the farmers 2’
“That is a ruse. Did you ever know
of any tariff helping farmers? The
present Ways and Means committee is
not organized in the interest of the
farmer. The average farmer will pay
out for shoes many times the amount
he will receive for hides during the
year, consequently this tax is another
burden. Protection to all classes is im-
possible, and it would amount to noth-
ing. Protection must come to the
few at the expense of the many.
“These Republicans, when they began
this system, selected the classes they
wished to help, and these they have
been fostering at the expense of the
farmers and laborers of this country,
The one class has become rich, the
other poor, The protected class is
seeking more protection, and each
new cession of congress finds them
clamoring for more. If this system
prevails much longer this country will
cease to be a ‘government of the peo-
ple,by the people, for the Pople It will
soon be a goverment of the classes, by
the classes, for the classes.
“I am opposed to all this favoritism.
I am in favor of free raw materials and
unrestricted trade with Canada and the
Americas. All we want is an opportuni-
ty for our manufactured products in this
country. Such a condition will revive
our drooping industries and bring pros-
perity. But with the Republican party
in power, in control of every branch of
the Federal goverment, it will probably
enact more legislation in the interest of
capital, neglecting the interest of labor,
but not without my protest.
A Distressing Scarcity of Friends.
Senator Ingalls recently called upon
Secretary Noble and solicitously urged
the appointment of a Kansas friend to a
position in that State. Secretary Noble
stated that he appreciated the situation,
writes the correspondent of the Kansas
City Times, “but,” said he, “thedifficul-
ty is that the President wants to appoint
a friend of his own to that position.”
“Ah, indeed,” replied Mr. Ingalls ;
“will you please tell me his name ?'’
“I am not at liberty to give his name,”
courteously replied the Secretary. «I
would like very much to learn his name,’
retorted the Kansas Senator; “Kansas
gave Harrison 80,000 majority ; but if
he has a friend in Kansas now I certain-
ly am not acquainted with him.” At
which sally there was a tableau in Sec-
retary Noble's office.
An Embarrassed Boss.
Philadelphia Times.
No man can better understand than
Quay the gravity of the sudden eruption
of crystallized Republican sentiment
against Delamater as Quay’s guberna-
otrial candidate. He knows the ability
and fighting qualities of such men as
Emery and Lee; he knows their purpose
and their power; he knows the peril of
advancing in face of such a fire, and
the peril of retreating when it involves
the confession of defeat in leadership;
and he will doubtless take a horizontal
view of the thorny cross-roads and de-
cide promptly which to choose. Here-
tofore Delamater has been accepted as
Quay’s candidate, made so by passive
ratber than active assent, but now he
must either accept battle with the chal-
lenging opposition by declaring for
Delamater or he must silence the hos-
tile batteries by distinctly separating
himself from the Delamater cause.
There are serious embarrassments
which now confront Quay. He has
been conceded the power to name the
candidate for Governor, and if he should
fail to assert that power, he must con-
fess defeat and dethronement in leader-
ship. Tf he halts in asserting his supre-
macy, his own lines would be hope-
lessly broken and his enemies would
leap to the front and take the com-
mand he practically surrenders. Quay
is nothing if not heroic, and there is
little doubt that he will be in the fight to
the end, and that he will either “boldly
unfurl the Delamater flag or negotiate
Delamater’s retirement and name an-
other as his candidate.
The cross-roads have been reached by
Quay with unexpected suddenness, and
it is not likely that those who have so
defiantly challenged him will long be
left in doubt as to his purpose.
Whether the nominee for Governor
shall be Delamater or another, he will
be the choice of Quay, and that choice
will soon be known to all, whether
publicly proclaimed ty Quay or not.
er eer—
The Irrepressible Conflict in Kentucky.
Thirty Outlaws Are Besieged in an Old
Barn by the Military.
HARLAN Court HousE, Ky., April
18.—A deadly fight occurred this morn.
Ing at 1.20 o’clock, seventeen miles
east of here, up in the Black mountains,
between a detail of state troops, consist-
ing of sixteen privates, Lieutenant Mil-
ton and Sergeant Pullian, and about
thirty outlaws who were fortified in an
old barn.
Five of the soldiers were wounded.
It is not known how many of the out.
laws were killed, as they still have
possession of the barn. Corporal Blan-
ton was sent after reinforcements, and
knows but little about the affair, as he
left immediately after the firing began.
The troops have the barn surrounded,
and it will Le impossible for those on the
inside to make their escape. The only
two roads which run from the place of
action are guarded by pickets, who are
instructed to allow no one to pass to-
ward town, as it was thought best to
keep the news of the conflict from the
people about here until after the rein-
forcements had reached the place.
The particulars, as well as can be
learned at this hour, are as follows:
Yesterday afternoon Captain Gaither,
who is the commanding officer, was in-
formed that a body of lawless men,some
of whom had been indicted for various
offenses, were fortified at the above
mentioned locality, and had refused
to surrender to the civil authorities.
He was asked for a detail of his men
to go out with some the civil officers
for the purpose of arresting them, and
he at once sent sixteen privates in
charge of Lieutenant Milton, Sergeant
Pulliin and Corporal Blanton. They
reached the place last even-
ing, expecting to find the men they
were pursuing in a private house, about
600 yards beyond the barn from which
they were fired upon.
The attack was not looked for at
that point and came so unexpectedly
that it demoralized the soldiers for a
moment or twe, but they soon rallied,
surrounded the barn and began firing
into it from every direction when it
was thonght best to cease action and
hold the fort until the reinforcements
arrived with more ammunition.
It is believed that a severe fight
will take place as soon as the addition-
al troops reach the place, for the out-
laws are fortified, well armed with
Winchester rifles,and swear that they will
not surrender, and the soldiers are de-
termined and want revenge for those
who have been shot down. It is impos-
sible to hear anything further at this
writing, and it will be impossible to
get further particulars before late to-
Ee ———————
An English View ot the Pennsylvania
The London Railway Times says:
The railway journey between New York
and Chicago is somewhat less than one
thousand miles. One train each way
makes the run over the Pennsylvania
Railroad’s lines in twenty-four hours,
and that is practically the fastest railway
traveling known in the United States.
But while speed is not remarkably high,
there are various comforts of an unusual
character which may tend to while away
the tedium of the trip. A traveler sends
this description of the luxuries enjoyed,
and he did not write 1t himself, but dic-
tated it to an official whose services are
atcommand on the train: “A steno-
grapher using a typewriter is the latest
addition to this wonderful train. A
ladies’ waiting maid preceded him. We
may now cousider it about complete.
Of course you know there is a barber,
and lighting by electricity. In the ob-
servation car we are supplied with the
leading daily papers, and with the Gov-
ernment Weather Bureau reports. Fin-
ancial quotations of the markets are
brought in as we proceed. These are
indispensable to the ordinary American.
He does not wish to be many minutes
out of the reach of the markets during
business hours.” The observation car
is in the rear of the train, but it seems
to be less used for sight-seeing than as a
reading-room. About a century hence
a train de luxe of this description may
heard of on the continent making the!
journey from Paris to Pekin. Journeys
in this country are too short to warrant
our companies venturing upon the ex-
periment rashly.
A Mother and Child Burned to Death.
WESTOVER, Cleaffield County, Pa.,
April 22.—On last Siturday afternoon a
horrible accident ocurred about three
miles from this place. The victims were
Mrs. Pentico, aged 33 years, and daugh-
ter, aged 5. As no person witnessed the
accident except the unfortunate mother
and a 2-year-old habe, the details have
to be guessed by the surrounding cir-
cumstances Tt appears that Mrs.
Pentico had gone out in the woods to
procure kindling to light the fire, leav-
ing the little girl and babe in the house.
hortly after she had left she heard
screaming, and upon running to the
house found the little girl enveloped in
flames. Seeing her mother the child
immediately ran and caught around her,
thus setting her on fre .As their shanty
is situated in the woods quite a distance
from any neighbor, 10 one knew of the
accident until a little girl went there on
an errand, which is supposed to have
been an hour after the sad occurrence.
She immediately summoned help, but
the child was dying when the nearest
neighbor reached the dreadful scene,
and it was plainly scen that the mother
could not live more than a couple of
hours. At 9 o'clock she had breathed
her last.
The funeral took place yesterday
morning at 10 o'clock. The writer
personally visited the shanty on Sunday
and viewed the remams. The mother’s
flesh was so burned that it came loose
from her ribs and the little girls’ tace
was charred into a hard crisp. Of that
family there remains the grief stricken
husband and one child. The people
were very poor and have the sympathy
of the entire community.
Another Bloody Battle.
One Gang of Outlaws Kills Another
Jrom Ambush in Kentucky.
CATLETTSBURG, Ky., April 22.—
Three brothers, John, Smith and Wil-
liam Baisden, three desperadoes known
throughout this section, were shot by a
gang headed by Jim Brewer, on Pigeon
Creek eighty miles from here Friday.
The trouble which ledto the killing
dates back several years, when Brewer
forced John Baisden from his bed and
made him run for his life. Since then
Baisden has been on a still hunt. Friday
Brewer gathered a party of friends and
waited for the outlaws in ambush, Fir-
ing was not begun until the three bro-
thers were in close gunshot, John and
Smith being killed outright and William
frightfully wounded. Hs is not expected
to survive, bul was placed in jail at Lo-
gan Court House. Further trouble is ex-
pected between the two factions. For
several years the Baisdens have been
branded as outlaws and a reward of $2,-
000 each set on their heads.
FraNkrorr, Ky., April 22.—Addi-
tional details have been received regard-
ing the ambuscading of soldiers by out-
laws at Black Mountain. Members of
the militia were ambushed there. It is
now certain that four soldiers were killed
on Saturday.
Pe ——
The Issue Broadly Defined.
Philadelphia Record.
Without the living principle of Tariff
Reform to inspire the Democratic party
it would be, like its political rival, a
mere organized appetite for spoils.
When Cleveland was defeated because,
he had the courage and patriotism to go
before the country upon his great issue
it was exultantly predicted that the
Democracy would retreat in dismay
from their high ground ; yet never were
the Democrats more united nor more de-
termined on any question than they
now are in regard to the issue of Tariff
Reform. On the other hand, the Repub-
can politicians, emboldened by their vic-
tory of 1888 and stimulated by the mo-
nopolists whose fat they fried out in that
campaign, are resolved to push the pol-
icy of Tariff Spoliation to the extreme,
as the bill of the Ways and Means Com-
mittee clearly indicates. Thus the issue
between the two great parties has been
broadly defined. Their is no standing
ground between the camps of Tariff Re-
form and Tariff Spoliation.
Slaughter on the Railroad Track.
HuxTiNeDON, Pa., April 16.—This
morning shortly after 6 o'clock three
Polanders, who were walking on the
Pennsylvania railroad track near Union
Furnace, were struck by ‘an eastbound
freight and two of the men wereinstant-
ly killed, the third escaping with very
serious injuries. Yesterday an unknown
tramp was killed at the same place in a
precisely similar manner. The names
of the two Polanders who were killed to
day were Joseph Rusnoskie, age 25
years, of Plymouth, Luzerne county,
and Antoin Akclaitis, of Shenandoah.
On the body of the former was found a
miner’s certificate dated December 28,
1889, given by the board of miners’ ex-
aminers of the Third Luzerne district.
Both men were frightfully mutilated.
Rusnoskie’s skull was fractured, his left
leg broken and his right foot cut entire-
ly off.
Ye elaltis head was crushed in, his
neck broken and his legs fractured. The
bodies of both were covered with contu-
sions. The men were cleanly and com-
fortably dressed. Word was received
this afternoon from a brother and sis-
ter of Rusnoskie,who live in Plymouth,
and provision will be made by them
to have bcth bodies sent on to Luzerne
county for interment. :
The name and character of the in-
juries of the unfortnuate men’s com-
Dara could not be ascertained here.
e was taken back to Spruce Creek.
The accident occurred on a sharp curve
as the men were stepping from the
north track out of the way of a west-
bound train to the south track.
I ——
Grand Army Meeting This Year.
The Grand Army of the Republic
will meet in Boston this year, and the
citizens are stirring themselves to make
the meeting all the veterans could desire
and in all respects all it should be.
Nothing 1s to be done by halves. The
State will contribute $50,000, the city
$25,000 and the citizens will put up
$100,000 more to cover deficiencies. A
Boston paper says; “Massachusetts will
| be disappointed if the coming encamp-
, ment fails to attain unexampled dimen-
' sions.”
Greed Suppressing Truth,
Philadelphia Times.
The whole atmosphere in Washing-
ton is so poisoned "by the exhalations
of greed in the desperate stroggle of
monopoly combines to increases taxes
upon the people that the truth is sys-
tematically suppressed and often in-
telligent and horest aims are imposed
upon. The combined forces of inordi-
mate greed are heard everwhere in
Washington ; in the White House, in
the Senate, in the House, in commit.
tees, in the lobbies, in the hotels, on
the streets, while the people, those who
must pay the taxes, are unheard in the
national capital.
Even so intelligent and reliable a
correspondent as Mr. Carson, of the
Pudlic Ledger, has been so far im-
posed upon by the inventions and per-
versions which are thick irr the atmos-
phere of Washington as to grossly
misrepresent the great industries of the
country which use tin-piate as their
chief raw material. His statement
disputes the fruit and vegetable canners
in the claim that they produce $12,000,-
000 of canned goods per annum, be-
cause, as he says, the total importation
of tin is only about 21,000,000 pounds,
valued at $7,279,460. The official table
of imports for the last fiscal year shows
over 717,000,000 pounds of tin-plate im-
ported, valued at ovar $21,000,000, up-
on which the tariff duty alone—or the
direct tax imposed upon our tin-plate
workers, now numbering nearly 800,-
000—was $7,279,459.72, or a tax of 34-
66 per cent. Another error of the same
correspondent puts the present, tariff tax
upon the iron sheets used for tin at 23
cents when itis only 1} cents. It is
now proposed to increase this tax upon
our vast tin industries and upon the
Whole people as consumers 120 per cent.
This would make the tariff tax on tin.
plate about 73 per cent., and impose up-
on our small farmers, consumers of
canned fruits and vegetables and other
users of tin, an annual tax of over $15,-
000,000, and tor what? Simply to en-
able one tin-plate combine to manu-
facture the article and extort so many
millions from the industries of the coun-
The plate was always admitted free
until 1842 when it was taxed 2% per
cent., and that increased to 15 per cent.
in 1846 to increase revenue. In 1859 it
was reduced to 8 per cent., and it
was increased to 10 per cent. in 1861
and again increased in 1862 to 25 per
cent. as a war measure, and reduced to
15 per cent. in 1872. In 1875 the duty
was made specific at 1.1 cent per pound.
In 1882 the tin-plate combine was
formed that is now demanding the
monstrous tax of over $15,000,000 per
annum on the people for the benefit of a
few monopolists, and it then appealed to
Congress to increase the duty to 2} cents
per pound. There was such a popular
revulsion against it that Conngress was
compelled not only to refuse the de-
mand of the extortionate combine but to
reduce the tax to 1 cent per pound, and
it has remained at that figure until
now. 1
If tin-plate cannot be .nanufactured
in this country with a tax of 843 per
cent. on consumers, it should not be
manufactured at all. In point of fact it
could be made here now at a fair profit,
but that industry has been delayed
solely to compel such increased taxes
upon the people as would establish a
complete tin-plate monopoly ; and the
whole battle now is for monopoly and
greed against the hundreds of thousands
of farmers who grow vegetables and
fruits for canning and are general con-
sumers of tin and the nearly 800,000 of
American woskingmen now employed
in the tin industries. There is only one
side to the question outside of Washing-
ton among the people who pay the
taxes, but the national capital is be-
sieged by greedy and powerful monopo-
ly, and the truth is seldom heard where
truth should be mightiest in the cause
of the sovereign people of the Republic.
Pe ——
Quay Tempts Wanamaker.
The Republican Boss Takes the Post-
master General Up on a High Moun-
Washington Correspondent of Pittsburg Postr
‘WASHINGTON, April 20.—The interest,
here in the Pennsylvania governorship
fight is increasing. The comment is not
confined to any one party orany one set of
men. The very fact that there is a chance
of knocking out Quay puts all Demo-
crats on the gui vive and a goodly num-
ber of Republicans as well. The fact is
there is a very healthy contingent of
Republican senators and representa-
tives who would secretly rejoice at the
downfall of the party boss. Quay has
too much of a pull at the White House
to suit them, while it is a notorious
fact that the great majority of senatorial
requests have met with nothing but
chilly rebuff,
An interesting bit of gossip about the
Pennsylvania situation floating about
the lobbies to-day is that Quay, on his
return from Florida, found such a dis-
sension in the camp that he made up his
mind to drop Delamater. The question
then arose who to lead the ticket with.
It is said a friend of Wanamaker’s sug-
gested the postmaster general’s name,
and that Quay clapped his hands and
ejaculated : “Just the thing ; why didn’t
that occur to me?’ The story runs that
a conference was held between the post-
master general and Quay, at which the
former’s private secretary was present
and the posumaster general declined.
Further, that at a subsequent meeting
at the postmaster general’s house it was.
suggested to him by Qua that if he
would run he (Quay) would insure his
election as governor, and put him on
the ticket as vice president with a West-
ern man, giving him first the vote of
Pennsylvania in the convention for
This is said to have staggered the
postmaster general, who saw in it a
possible blow at Harrison, which he
was willing to make, provided always
he were sure of being elected governor
and of Quay’s good faith in carrying
out the program. Tt is further said Mr.
Quay was quite indignant over the
postmaster general’s hesitation, and left
bim abruptly, saying: «The
is off.” ;
This story can not be verified to-night
Naturally the postmaster general’s gh
vate secretary declines to talk, and Mr.
| Wanamaker is out of town.