Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 25, 1890, Image 1

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<i wm iin RR is ini Ses —
Ink Slings.
—As a standing refutation of the
claim that a high tariff is beneficial
“there is nothing like leather.”
—In opposing government assistance
to the Words Fair the Missouri
Senator was a VEsT that should have
been pulled down.
-—The criticism to which several books
written by Queen VICTORIA have been
subjected, furnishes sufficient proof that
there is no royal road to literary fame:
—Mrs. CLEVELAND this week bright-
ened Atlantic City with the radiance of
her presence, and even the mermaids
emerged from the waves to get a glimpse
of her.
—The Hastings boom is growing right
along with other spring vegetation. Its
triends, however, should be careful to
take it in at night or it might be nipped
by a late frost.
—No wonder the woolen manufactur-
ers squirm at McKINLEY’S proposition
to increase the tax on a material so im-
portant to them as wool. It is virtually
touching them on the raw.
—1TItis said that BisMARCK wants to
have some fun in his old days by being
elected to the German legislature where
he will oppose the administration and
make things lively for CAPRIVI.
—The corn starch trust is intended
to stiffen the price of an indispensable
domestic article, but the time is coming
when tariff reform will take the starch
out of every pampered monopoly.
—On the leading point of Democratic
contention, the protection of the people
from tariff robbery, Mr. BECK, as the
representative of the 8d congress district,
would more than fill RANDALL'S shoes.
—It used to be said that sheolis paved
with good intentions, According to the
representation of the 7imes the same
kind of material is used to pave the
streets of Philadelphia under the FirLER
—People whose warlike feelings have
been stimulated by the Marseillaise
Hymn will be surprised to learn that it
was originally a psalm tune which
Roucer bE V'IsLE plagiarized and ap-
plied to the firing of the French heart in
the bloody days of the Revolution.
—The money belonging to members
of Congress which was stolen by Sir-
coTT has been reimbused to them by the
liberality of their sympathizing fellow
members. ‘With the abundant surplus
at command congressmen are not likely
to be stuck in a transaction of that kind.
—The Pan-American Conference has
adjourned, and, although nothing sub-
stantial can be shown as the result of
its deliberations, the gentlemen of Span-
ish extraction who attended it will al-
ways have pleasant recollections of
the jolly good time ther had at Uncle
Sam’s expense.
—The congressional committee that
is going down to Arkansas to investigate
Democratic outrages, would find it dan-
gerous to go by way of Harlan county,
Kentucky, where the gentle residents of
that strong Republican district have
started another lively shooting match.
—1It is now believed that Hon. WiL-
LIAM A. WALLACE wiil be nominated
as the Democratic candidate for Govern-
or on the first ballot. Should this be
80 itis to be hoped that Le may be
equally successful on the second ballot,
which will be the decisive one, and will
come off in the great November conven_
tion of the people.
—¢Senile liar and thief’ is the term
which GROVER CLEVELAND is repre-
sented to have applied to DANA of the
New York Sun. But it appears that
Mr, CLEVELAND didn’t use. that term,
although it would not have been inap-
plicable. He is too much of a gentle-
man to engage in a blackguarding
match with the ruffian of the Sun.
- —The advice of the Press that
the Republicans of the State should
adopt a uniform primary election day,
as a preventive of boss manipulation,
offers but a meager remedy for the rot-
tenness that pervades the entire system
of Pennsylvania Republican politics. A
dose of catnip tea as a cure for small pox
would be about as efficacious.
—-The I'ress’s suggestion of Col, Mc-
CLURE as the successor of SAMUEL J.
RANDALLin representing the 3d District,
may be ironically intended, but it in-
voives an idea which if it could be put in-
to practical effect would give tariff re-
form another able advocate in Con-
gress. and would add a big amount of
brains to the Pennsylvania delegation.
—The fear expressed in some quarters,
especially in Republican newspapers,
that the late Mr. RANDALL'S district
will be unable to get a representative
worthy of being his successor, is the
wmerest, bash, The representation of the
distriet would not be depreciated by the
election of any good Democrat who
would assist in reducing a tariff that is
putting money into the pockets of the
monopolists by wholesale robbery of the
VOL. 35.
The Two Tarif Reports.
The McKinley committee has re-
ported its tariff bill ta the House, the
report being accompanied by a long
dissertation on the benefits of the pro-
tection which a high iariff affords the
industries of the couatry. The posi-
tion of the majority is controverted by
the minority of the cgmmittee who in
their counter-report hve the following
to say about the effect which a tariff,
keyed up to the war pitch,has had upon
the industries and the interests of the
industrial classes :
According to the statement made before the
committee the protected industries of the
country have never been at any time in our
history in such a depressed and discouraging
condition as they are now. After nearly thirty
years of continuous protection by government
taxation for their support, a great many of
them are reported to be on the very verge of
bankruptcy and ruin, while very few of them,
according to the testimony, are yielding a fair
profit upon the capital invested. A great many
of the parties engaged in these indus-
tries have declared in the course of our inves-
tigation that the slightest reduction in the
rates of duty now imposed upon competing
foreign products would compel them to close
their works and discharge their employes, and
others have even gone so far as io assert that
they will be forced to go out of business if the
rates of taxation are not increased. At the
same time the laberers in those industries are
complainingjof insufficient wages,repeated sus-
pensions of work and a general condition of
uncertainty and insecurity in their relations to
those who give them employment. These la-
borers, fully realizing the fact that this system
has wholly failed to increase their earnings or
improve their condition in any way, have been
compelled to organize trades unions and resort
to other methods of combination and co-opera-
tion for self-protection;and these various organ-
izations now afford the only efficient means at
their command for the preservation even of the
existing rates of wages. When capital and
labor unite in daclaring that our protected in.
dustries are not prosperous under that system,
although it was designed and has been main-
tained for their special benefit, the conclusion
is inevitable that there isa vice in itsomewhere
that ought to be remoyed ; for there is no rea-
son to doubt that in a country like this every
productive industry would be reasonably pros-
perous if a wise and just revenue and finan-
cial policy prevailed.
There 1s unanswerable logic in this
presentation of the economic situation
under the effects of the long continued
war tariff. The minority continue
their strictures on the folly of the bill
by condemning the impolicy ‘of increas-
ing the duties on foreign imports al-
ready heavily tariffed, saying on this
point :
Our surplus products .uust find a market
somewhere outside of the United States. The
imports last year were $745,131,652, paid for
mainly in our surplus agricultural products.
It would be impossible for the people of the
United States to send out of the country that
sum in cash, and every one knows they did not
do it. Itis argued at home thatour money should
be spentat home. Infact it is spent there
in the production, preparation and transporta-
tion of the articles we send abroad to pay for
importations, and if they were not sent abroad
the money could not bei expended here be-
cause there would be no market. Under our
unwise system of taxation there is no market
which will pay our industries, and to attempt
to remedy the evil by increasing the cost of
production is simply to begin at the wrong end
and will greatly aggravate the situation. It
can be demonstrated that we have the capaci-
ty to produce mostof the manufactured sta-
ples at less cost and at the same time pay
higher wages than can be earned in any other
country in the world, but in order to do so we
must have some imports from other countries
free of duty. Ata time when it is confessed
by all parties that the government does not
need additional revenue, but that there ought
to be a reduction of its receipts, the bill report-
ed by the majority proposes to levy upon a
great many articles of absolute necessity high-
errates of duty than were heretofore proposed
in any measure reported to Cengress. The
original argument in favor of protective duties
was that they were necessary to fos-
ter infant industries. But the present bill
is based upon precisely the opposite view.
Itis framed upon the assumption that as our
industries grow older they grow weaker and
more dependent upon the bounty of the gov-
ernment. It devolves upon those advocates
now to explain, if they can, why it is that after
alow tariff policy has been abandoned for
more than a quarter of a century and a high
tariff policy substituted in its place, the manu-
facturing and merchaatile industries of the
country are less able to maintain themselves
than they were when the change was made ;
and when this is done, it will still remain for
them to show upon what principle of justice or
sound publie policy consumers can be periodi-
cally subjected to additional taxation—not for
the benefit of the government, which does not
want the revenue—but for the exclusive hene-
fit of private business enterprises which. are
not able to sustain themselves.
The minority report would have been
incomplete without the following hit at
the idiotic project of cultivating com
mercial relations with the Spanish-
American nations while oor ports are
closed against most of their leading
products by tariff barriers :
We have for a long time been endeavoring
to increase our trade with the people of Cen-
tral and South America and Mexico, and at our
request an international conference is now be
ing held to devise means for the accomplish
ment of this result. The people of all these
countries had a right to suppose that this gov-
ernment was acting in good faith when it in-
vited them to send thier delegates here, and
that nothing would be done to disturb the har-
mony of their deliberations or prevent the sue-
cess of their mission; bnt in the midst of their
consultations, and when it was earnestly hoped
that some practicable plan might be agreed
upon for the establishment of closer commer-
cial relations, this bill is proposed containing
provisions which will not only retard recipro-
cal arrangements for the future, but destroy a
large part of the trade now existing between
this country and some of our neighbors in the
The attempt to humbug the farmers
into a favorable regard for a monopoly
tariff by trying to make them believe
that they need protection against
foreign competition, is treated as fol-
lows by the minority report:
For the further purpose of inducing the far-
mers of the country to believe that they can
and will derive some benefit from the protect-
ive policy, this bill imposes various rates of
duty upon certain important agricultural pro-
duets, which it is well known could not be
imported to any material extent with or
without duty.
It is impossible to protect the farmer against
foreign competition in his home market, for
he has no such competition, and the insertion
orretention of these articles in a tariff bill isa
device which will deceive no one who gives a
moment’s thought to the subject. During the
last fiscal year we exported 69,592,929 bushels
of corn and imported only 2,388 bushels, not
more than can be produced on 250 acres of
good land in this country. We exported 312,-
186 barrels of corn meal and imported 396 bar,
rels. Our exports of wheat amounted to 46,414,-
129 bushels and our imports amounted to 1,946-
Statements show how fuiile it is to attempt
to afford protection to the farmers of the coun:
try by imposing duties upon the importation
of these products, and this large and intelli-
gent class of citizens cannot be reconciled in
this way to a policy which increasesthe tax upon
their clothing, table ware, carpets, earthenware,
glassware, agricultural implemente and other
necessary articles. Among other things upon
which the duties are increased by this bill are
iron and steel rods used in the manufacture of
fencing wire, an article of absolute necessity to
the farmers of the West, and of hoop or band
iron or steel, cut to length, or wholly or part-
ly manufactured into hoops or ties for batling
purposes, including hoops for barrels.
How the farmers are to be helped by the in"
creased duties on live animals we are wholly
unable to see, and, in our opinion, if this
bill should pass they would be the
first to demand a restoration of the old
rates or that these importations be made fr ee.
While the imposition of the duties on live
animals and other agricultural products can
not possibly do our farmers any good at home,
the increase made by this bill on manufactured
and other articles which we import will cer-
tainly be a great injury to them abroad in the
markets where they are compelled to sell their
surplus. Such a policy is certain to provoke
retaliatory legislation by the countries to which
we export our agricultural products, and al-
ready France, Germany and other countries
have made discriminations against us which
have severely affected the sale of our bread-
stuffs and provisions. . If this bill passes the
Dominion of Canada, the Republic of Mexico
and the various governments of Central and
South America will almost certainly pursue
the same course, and as a result of this
commercial warfare the farmers will soon find
themselves without a market for their surplus
products either at home or abroad.
The country is much indebted to the
minority of the Ways and Means com-
mittee for their report which furnishes
excellent economic literature and great-
ly assists in advancing the education of
popular sentiment in the direction of
tariff reform.
Death of an Ex-Governor.
Ex Governor James Porrock died at
the residence of his son-in-law, H. T.
Harvey, Esq., in Lock Haven, last
Saturday afternoon, his age being with-
in about six months of eighty years. He
was born in Milton, Northumberland
county, in 1810. During the active
period of his life he occupied a number
of prominent public positions. In 1844
he was elected to Congress from the
13th district, and was twice re-elected.
He took a prominent part in the tariff
discussions of that period, advocating
the Whig policy of protection, but
the duties which were then considered
high and amply sufficient to protect the
infant industries would be taken for free
trade in a comparison with the high
rates that are now necessary to main
tain monapoly.
Mr. Porrock was subsequently ap:
pointed President Judge of the North:
umberland and Lycoming District, and
in 1854 was carried into the Governor's
office by the high tide of Know Noth-
ingism, a position which he occupied
for but one term. Afterwards he never
figured as an occupant of a prominent
office, but” was rewarded for party
service by being made an incumbent of
such inferior places as Director of the
Mint and Naval Officer at Philadel:
phia under Republican administrations.
As a speaker he was more fluent than
forcible. There were no strong traite
in his oharacter, and his political
service naver got above tlie level of
AAs. ni.
What is Hurting Them Most.
We publish elsewhere in this week's
issue of our paper an article by Hon.
LeoNARrD RHONE, giving his views on
the present depression of the agricultu-
ral interests, and the means that would
tend to their improvement. As heis the
head of a great organization of
farmers and a man of practical experi-
ence and good intentions, his opinions
are entitled to respectful consideration.
He 1s unquestionably right in saying
that the depression of which he speaks
has not been brought about by any one
cause, but is the result of a combina-
nation of causes and circumstances.
Very correctly he attributes some of it
to the discrimination against the farm"
ers in the imposition of taxes. An un-
due portion of the tax burden has been
imposed upon them, compared with
what corporations and moneyed inter.
ests are made to bear. The tax system
of the State seems to have been framed
with the especial object of experiment-
ing with the patience of the farmers,
and they have certainly borne with
meekness the injustice of taxation the
burden of which should be more equal-
ly divided with the corporations and the
Taxation is indeed the millstone
around the agricultural aeck that is do
ing so much to depress the condition of
the farmers, but the fact should not be
overlooked that no other form of tax-
ation takes as much money out of their
pockets as does that which increases
the cost of every thing they need and
use in their business and their daily
living. The money taken from them
by an unnecessarily bigh tariff is not
exacted as directly, openly and visibly
as that which they are compelled to
pay to the tax collector, but the drain
nevertheless exists, and, in the aggra-
gate, amounts to vastly more than the
taxes directly imposed upon them. This
invisibly but surely contributes to the
impairsgent of the farmers’ prosperity
‘and should not have been overlooked
in Mr. RuoNg's commendable effort to
enlighten the agricultural people on
the causes that are injuriouslyjjaffect-
ing their financial condition.
——The nomination of Hon. H. C.
McCormick for Governor by the Re-
publican convention of Lycoming coun-
ty was mere by-play. The three dele-
gates which the county will send to the
convention will contribute to the ma-
terial which Quay will pick up and
use as 80 much floating timber. Such
odds and ends are intended for no oth-
er purpose than to aid his designs.
Not Applicable to the Sitnation.
Great zeal is being shown by our
Republican contemporaries in parading
Democratic delinqueat officials. No
pains are spared to make the
number look as formidable as possible,
‘every State being rummaged for contri-
butions to the list. Even Sircorr has
been mustered into this service.
This thing is being done with the
same motive that actuates the man who
upon being accused says to his accuser
“your another.” The leader of the
Republican party of Pennsylvania is
accused of being a most arrant public
rogue and a politician whose rottenness
is of a leprous character. Charges,
circumstantially and substantially made,
that he was an embezzler of the State
funds and a transgressor in a variety of
other respects,have not been disproved,
nor even denied. ' A proper sense of
decency would impel his party to throw
him aside as a leader, but they haven’t
virtue or shame enough to do it, but
think they meet all ‘the requirements
of the situation by showing that the
Democrats are as bad as they are.
Hence every state israked to find some
Democratic treasury official who, re-
cently or remotely,took dishonest liber-
ties with the public funds, and the or-
gans with one accord make an exhibit
of the list.
But this won't do. It does not meet
the ethical requirements of the question.
Granting that all parties have their
rogues, responsibility for them attaches
only when a party fails to disown and
discard them upon the discovery of
their delinquencies. The Republicans
can not escape their responsibility for
Quay and the obloquy of having a
treasury raider for a leader by showing
that there are delinquent officials in
the Democratic party.
NO. 17.
Dana’s Brutality.
The recent atrociously brutal at-
tack on Mr. CLEVELAND by the New
York Sun has excited indignation
among the decent people of the coun-
try. It was occasioned by a mis-
statement of a reporter of the New
York World who interviewed Mr.
CLEVELAND concerning the malicious
nagging to which the Sun has been
subjecting him ever since he has been
out of office, the interviewer misrepre-
senting him as using bitter language
toward Daa on accountof his malev-
olent conduct. The World makes
amends by acknowledging that there
was a mistatement as to what Mr.
Creveraxp had said. In making
this acknowledgment it says :
The friends of Mr. Cleviand will scarcely
need this assurance, as they well know that
such language is foreign to his temperament
and his custom, and all will readily credit this
explanation in view of the fact that the digni-
fied yet modest manner in which he has borne
himself on all occasions since his retirement
from the Presidency has won public admira-
tion and is the best guarantee that he is inca-
pable of putting himself on a level with his
It can not be expected, however, that
the brutality of the Sun will be in the
least abated, for it emanates from the
personal spite of 1ts editor whose col-
ossal self-conceit Mr. CLEVELAND of-
fended at the time he wae Governor of
New York.
The Democracy of York county
have instructed their delegates to the
State Convention to vote for CHAUNCEY
F. Brack for the gubernatorial nomina-
tion. As Mr. Brack is not making an
aggressive movement for that honor, it
is likely that the instruction of the
York county delegates will practically
amount to nothing more than a compli-
ment to Mr. Brack, although there is
no man in the party that is more éen-
titled to substantial reward than the
staunch Jeffersonian Democrat of York
county. :
The Boss Not Likely to Yiéld. 5
There is in the Republican ranks a
wide-spread apprehension of the con-
sequences of nominating DELAMATER
for Governor, together with a helpless
sense of the futility of trying to pre-
vent QUAY from naming the man whom
the party shall have} to vote for.
He has control of the machinery and
the advantage of the vast patronage by
means of which he is clearly master of
the situation.
But the more prudent members of
the party foresee the danger of a popu-
lar uprising against a ticket dictated
by a politician who by recent revela-
tions has been shown to be the most
corrupt and disreputable character in
the entire category of Republican
The apprehension springing from
this source explains the increasing fa-
vor with which Hastings is being re-
garded, as demonstrated by the large
meeting held in Philadelphia last week
in behalt of his candidacy. The reso-
lution which set forth that “at the ap-
proaching State convention the Repub-
lican party will select a candidete tor
Governor for whose record and charac-
ter our party will be responsible to the
people in November,” was evidently
aimed at the Boss as well as at the
Boss's candidate.
But it is scarcely possible that such
movements can forestall the will of the
man who has the disposal of the gov-
ercment patronage, an agency all pow-
erful in influencing the class of men
who usually compose the personnel of
Republican state conventions. What
do they attend such gatherings for if
not tor the offices? Quax’s position
as the party ruler is at stake in this is-
sue. Ifhe should abandon his candi-
date it would be such a yielding of his
power as would destroy his bosship,
and it isinot probable that he will ¢on-
sent tosuch a sacrifice. It will be easy
for him to convince a majority of the
convention that the usually immense
Republican majority can be relied upon
to elect any ticket that may be naomi-
nated, and such an argument can be
powerfully re-enforced. by promises
which his control of official patronage
would justify him in making.
—The labor men are going to have a
grand demonstration on the 1st of May,
in Europe as well as in America.
The goddess of industry will be the May
queen on that occasion, and regally will
‘ she wear her crown of flowers.
Spawls from the Keystone.
—A committee of West Chester residents is
engaged in perfecting plans to improve the
several roads leading into that town.
—Herbert Paul, 10 years old, started alone
from South Bethlehem on Wednesday night
for Warren, Ill, to join his mother.
—Sheriff Burkholder, of Lancaster, sold
twenty-five properties Saturday afternoon.
Nearly all were situated in the country.
—Extensive forest fires are raging on the
mountains in Schuylkill county, and hundreds
of acres of timber are said to been de-
stroyed. :
—David Bly, William Erb and a Polander
were seriously burned by an explosion of gas
in a slope at Nanticoke on Sunday. Their in-
juries were not fatal.
—Martin Gorick, a Hungarian burglar at
Steelton, attempted to escape on Monday. A
shot from one of the jailors brought him to
terms, and he was locked up.
—The 3-year-old daughter of Joseph Heck-
man, of Point Philips, Northampton county,
was burned to death Monday during the tem-
porary absence at her mother.
—FEdward Lester was found guilty, at Allen-
t own, of attacking and attempting to eriminal-
ly assault Miss Esther A. Moyer, aged 14, and
was sent to jail for two years.
—At a meeting of the Lehigh Presbytery,
held last week at Bangor, Northampton county,
a vote on a revision of the confession resulted
35 to 27 in favor of the change.
—The hotel at Spring Grove, in the southern
section of Lancaster county, was destroyed by
an incendiary Sunday morning. It was one of
the oldest hotels in the county.
—Two children, abandoned by their mother,
were picked up in the streets of Norristown on
Sunday evening and sent to Blockley Alms-
house. One was only 3 months old.
—Ex-Assemblyman Joseph M. Hackett, of
Easton, who has a farm in Caroline county,
Maryland,says the peach crop will be a failure
He predicts the same fate for Delaware.
—H. Stanley Goodwin, General Eastern Su-
perintendent of the Lehigh Valley Railroad,
has been elected a member of the Executive
Commmittee of the General Time Convention,
—About fifty members of the Massachusetts
Commandery of the Loyal Legion, headed by
Colonel A. A. Rand, of Boston, arrived at Get-
tysburg last Friday on a visit to the battle-
—The body of young George Garber, who
was killed by falling from a Pennsylvania
Railroad train at Lewistown bridge last week,
was found on Sunday and taken to his home in
—Oscar Schmoyer, who has served terms in
jail at Allentown for forgery and horse stealing
goes back to prison to serve fifteen months for
false pretense,to which charge he pleaded
guilty. Schmoyer, it is said, has spent most of
his life in prison.
—Judge McPherson, at Harrisburg, has de=
cided that the brewing companies are not ex-
empt from tax on capital stock. The decision
was given on an appeal by the Germania Brew-
ing Company [that the act taxing its capita]
was not constitutional.
—George W. Yocum and Miss Laura A. Gra-
cy were married in the starlight on the banks
of the Susquehanna on Wednesday night, just
outside of Harrisburg. Rev. W. H. Fishburn,
a Lutheran minister, was taken to the spot
and performed the ceremony.
—Rev. Z. C. Mower, of Intercourse, a promi-
pentclergyman of the United Brethren Church,
has disappeared and is charged with “having
committed several forgeries for small amounts
on the national banks of Lancaster county.
Warrants are out for his arrest.
—Thomas Leonard, of South Easton, is dying
from blood poisoning. A few weeks ago a
dominick rooster, weighing fourteen pounds,
flew at him and sunk one of his sharp spurs in
his ankle. He paid no attention to the wound
atthe time, and now the doctors give him up.
—Will Bartleston, a young farm hand, shot
himself with suicidal intent near Sherman,
Wayne county, and died on Thursday evening:
Bartleston was in love with a young woman in
the neighborhood, and her refusal of his offer
of marriage caused him to become despon-
—The Lehigh Valley Rairoad Company gob
a decision in its favor in the State suit for claim
on taxes on capital stock amounting to $744,000
The Court held that the company is not requir
ed to pay tax upon that proportion of its stock
which represents the New Jersey section of
the road. °
—The molders at the Champion Blower and
Forge Works, Lancaster, have struck for an
advance of wages. The officers of the com-
pany refuse to meet the strikers to adjust mat-
ters, and have sent out of town for men to
fill their places. None of the strikers will? be
taken back.
—Charles H. Heller, of Allentown, has
brought suit against the Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad to recover $10,000 damages
for injuries sustained that will eripple him for
life. He was a brakeman, and alleges negli-
gence on the part of the company in not provid-
ing secure couplings for its ears,
—Hugh Monaghan and Thomas Gerity, aged
18 and 19 respectively, residents of Dunmore
quarreled last Saturday about the relative mer-
its of some roosters they owned. Monaghan:
hit Gerity on the head with a cobblestone, frac-
turing hisskull. The victim died Friday atter-
noon. Monaghan was arrested and placed in
—A number of boys at Hokendaqua thought
they would have some fun with a newly arrived
lot of foreigners who were celebrating their ar-
rival in this country at the residence of Thomas
Aikens. Aikens became indignant and fired
at the retreating boys. James Clark, a young
student, who was passing at the time, received
the shot in his leg.
—On March 22, David Ford, son of Patrick
Ford, of Pittston, disappeared. Saturday his
body was found imbedded in the sand along
the Lackawanna River, near Everheart’s
Island. The supposition is that he either fell
in or was murdered and thrown into Spring
Branch and the body was carriedby the cur-
rent into the Lackawanna River.
—Quite an excitement was created in Lan-
caster on Thursday evening by the failure of
Harry Nichols to attend at his own wedding.
The guests had assembled, the minister and
bride—Miss Sadie Dennis—were ready, but no
groom appeared, He turned up about 11 o’elock
undér the influence of liquor at his pros-
pective mother-in-law’s house, who ordered
him never to show his face there again.
—A Hungarian woman with two children,
who had just arrived in this country to join
her husband at Seigfried’s Bridge,* got off a
train at Catasauqua on Saturday night. She
was directed to go up the track. An hour late r
the bleeding and mangled form of the woman
with a leg and both arms crushed, was found
on the track with the children by her side ery -
ing and unable to render any assistance, She
was taken to the hospital at Bethlehem, and
the mangled limbs were amputated.