Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 11, 1890, Image 8

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    Demacealic fata
Friday Morning, April If, 1890.
To CorrrspoNpeENTs. — No ¢ommunications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
Mr. M. H. Guisg, of Penn Hall, is the duly
authorized agent of the Warcaman for Gregg
The Harvard Quartette will sing
in the Court House this evening.
——The work on the foundation of
the Garman opera house is being vig-
orously pushed.
——There are rumors of the appear-
ance of Forepaugh’s circus in this place
on the 24th of May.
Rev. O. Herstreet has declined
to accept the call to the Presbyterian
church at Philipsburg.
Mrs. Shannon, mother of Wm.
Shannon, of Houtzdale, is cutting nine
new teeth in her 86th year.
You will miss a great treat if you
fail to hear the Harvard quartette at the
Court House this Friday evening.
——John G. Love, esq., of this place,
has been engaged to deliver the address
on Memorial Day in Lock Haven.
———Mrs. Calderwood, widow of the
late Samuel Calderwood, died in Mill
Hall last Friday at the age of 90 years:
—— Rev. Mr. Rearick,the Lutheran
minister at Rebersburg, brought home a
wife last week whom he married in Sny-
der county.
——The public schools of William-
sport have adopted thesavings banks sys-
tem and on the first day, Thursday of
last week, the scholars deposited $1395,-
——A strong delegation went from
Philipsburg to Osceola last Friday to as-
sist in the ceremony of raising American
flags on the school houses 1n the latter
——The Graysdale mining company
will pump water from Buffalo Run for
mining purposes, until a new well can
be bored, the old one having proved a
——The stones in the old furnace at
Farrandsville have been given to the
Episcopalians of Lock Haven to be
used in building a new chapel at the
latter place.
——The large planing mill of Edgar
Munson & Co., employing 200 hands, is
to be moved from Williamsport to Tow-
anda, a movement which the Williams-
porters don’t like.
Engineer Christline,of the Tyrone
division, one of Superintendent Blair’s
most trusted employees, spent Good Fri-
day here, taking in and enjoying the
sights about Bellefonte.
——The newly elected officers of
Bellefonte Castle of the Knights of the
Golden Eagle were installed on Tues-
day evening by Deputy Chief Grenoble.
The Castle has about 60 members.
——The Supreme Court of Pennsyl-
vania decided last week that farmers
and gardeners who sell from door to door
produce of their own raising do not
come under the provisions of the law re-
lating to peddlers and hucksters.
——Burg’ars are operating in Philips-
burg. Some nights ago an unsuccessful
empt was made to rob the store of
James E. Johuson, and on Monday nigh
the store of Alfred Parapenzer was en-
tered and some of its contents wers
—— What is the matter with the Lock
Haven Daily Democrat that it reaches
this office so irregularly ? We scarcely
get it three times a week, and it often
misses two or three days in succession.
‘Whose ever faultit may be, we would
like to have it corrected.
——PFor census enumerators G. W.
Wythes has been appointed for the sec-
ond and third wards of Philipsburg; R.H
Duncan for the first ward of thatborough
and the south precinct of Rush town-
ship, and James Dubbs for the north
precinct of Rush township.
——Ex-Governor Pollock was quite
ill at the residence of his son-in-law, ©.
T. Harvey, esq., at Lock Haven, last
week, but his condition has since im-
proved. His residence is in Philadel-
phia, and he had come up to Lock Ha-
ven for the benefit of his health, which
recently had not been good.
—— Master James Pope and a fellow
companion, each about thirteen years of
age, were very lucky in finding several
checks and other articles of value which
werestolen from T. B. Buddinger at Snow
Shoe a few weeks ago. On presenting
them to Mr. B. each of the lucky boys
was presented with a nex suit of
Our esteemed townsman, Wm. P.
Duncan, Esq., says the Philipsburg
Journal, who, with his family, has been
spending the wiater in Florida, writes
us that the weather there 1s getting quite
warm, the thermometer registering 90
degrees at the time of writing (April 1.)
Ile further states that it has been very
dry all winter, having had very little
rain since last October.
A New Business PLACE ADDED To
BELLEFoNTE.—Bellefonte is getting a
new clothing stere which will greatl®
beneiit the town and surroundings.
the parties interested in it are manufac-
turing their own goods, and have a
good many stores all through the coun-
ty, they sell goods at wholesale prices,
The store will be located in the Brocker-
hoff house block, in the room formerly
occupied by Mingle’s shoe store. They
will open about the 16th of this month.
A a
Norep WEATHER Proraer DEAD.
— Lock Haven’s noted weather prophet,
Jules A Phillips, died last Monday,
aged 81 years. Phillips was an excen-
tric character and was known to every
person in Lock Haven. He was =n
Frenchman by birth and was a veteran
of the Mexican war. For a number of
vears he had been making a living by
fishing, and was considered one of the
luckiest fishermen in that section of the
country. Heleaves a wife and eighteen
berger, of Cold Stream, aboat three
weeks ago, suffering from a very severe
toothache, went to the dentist to have
the tooth extracted. It was so thor-
oughly rootec that it could not be
pulled. A preparation was given him
to put in the tooth for killing the nerve.
Mr. Ellenberger unfortunately kept us-
ing an over-quantity of the liquid, like-
ly swallowing a portion of it, and as a re-
sult his system has become poisoned and
he is suffering very much indeed. For
about eighteen nights in succession he
has not taken his bed.—Philipsburg
Was He INsaxe.—We take thg
following from the Philipsburg Journal
of last Friday.
In a letter received to-day from one
who was brought up in Ponsanooth
where the murderer Andrews was born,
the writer says :
“If he were sane he must have had
some motive for committing such a
dastardly and felonious deed. You
know it is a law amongst mental scien-
tists that men never act without a mo-
tive. I am impressed with the thought
that he was insane. Do you think a
sane man would have acted inthe way
he did and would say what he did? I
have grounds for my opinions at least
quite sufficient upon which to base a
theory of insanity. I never knew the
boy, but know his father very well.
His grandfather, uncles and other rela-
tives were all subject to periodical at-
tacks of insanity. I don’t know whether
you knew his father or not, but he
should have been in an asylum years
ago, for he was more like a madman.
This I know from my own observation
and experience. It is impossible for
such a father to have a son who will
not be damaged in his mental faculties.’
Borouea CoUNCIL.—At a meeting of
council on Monday evening an appro-
priation of $50 was voted to fix up the
room of the Logan Hose house. Re-
quests and petitions for the following ob-
jects were received and referred to the.
appropriate committees: Geo. W. Mil-
ler for exoneration of $4 water tax for
1889; citizens of the extreme end of
Howard street for water extension; Dr.
Hafer for a side walk on Reynold’s ave-
nue; for the opening of an alley in the
rear of Smith street. Street committee
reported the bad condition of a good
many pavements and sidewalks. The
contract for supplying coal to the water
works was awarded to the Bellefonte
Fuel Supply Company at $1.69 per ton.
A complaint was made that Hoover &
Miller had stored at lot of empty coal
oil barrels in the old Snow Shoe depot
and are also storing oil within the bor-
ough, and as there is an ordinance
against such doings the proper committee
was instructed to have it enforced. The
purchase of more hose was again refer-
red to the fire and police committee
with directions to act. The report of
the borough treasurer showed an indebt-
ness of $4,792.56 to that officer. Other
business of minor importance was trans-
——TRecently the Clinton County Com
missioners advertised that they wanted
to borrow $25,000 for county purposes,
for which they proposed to issue bonds
in any amount that the takers might
wish, said bonds to run for ten years and
to bear interest at the rate of four per
cent. per annum. These bonds have al-
ready been gobbled up in sums of trom
$100 to $3,000, says the Lock Haven,
Democrat, “which fact shows that tl e
financial standing of the county is excel-
lent and its credit unimpeachable. All
these bonds were taken inside of the
county, too, with scarcely an effort.
This makes our people feel proud and
they consider themselves in good hands
under the guidance of the Board of
Commissioners, the majority of which is
-—Ten thousand young trout from
the State hatching house at Corry, were
sent out over the Bald Eagle Valley
Railroad Saturday morning to Gillan-
town, where they were placed in small
mountain streams.
thousand were sent to Altoona for dis-
iis Last Days Spent
Religious Devotion,
With the Expectation of Going
Straight to ‘Heaven.
The Murderer of Clara Price Dying
the color of falsehood.
over 22 years of age when his life was
terminated on the gallows. He was
born in Cornwall, England, and came to
this country about five years ago, he
having committed numerous offences,
according to his own admission, before
he left his native land. His father is
still living, from whom he received let-
ters after his conviction for the offence
that brought him to the gallows. In
one of these letters the father claimed
that he had done his duty to his son,
but if he did it seemed to have had but
little effect in keeping him from evil
ways He also received lette:s from a
Mrs. Prisk with whom he appears to
have lived for awhile in England, and
who took an interest in him. She sent
some money to his counsel to assist in
his defence which they returned to her,
as it was not needed. The following is
the letter written by Mrs. Prisk to An-
drews’ counsel :
In chronicling the execution of Alfred
Andrews, the second criminal upon
whom has been inflicted the extreme
Poxsxoorn, CorNwALL, ENGLAND.
Mareb 9, 1890,
E. R, Chambers, Esq. and Col. Spangler:
just across the river from Centre.
nocert life was the consequence.
in, the confession
penalty of the law in this county within
the last two months, it will not be out of
place to recall the incidents of the offense
for which he has been so justly made to
The scene of his crime, the most
revolting that was ever committed in
this part of the state, was on the western
borders ot the county near where the
Susquehanna river separates it from
Clearfield county. The victim of his
lustful and murderous propensities, Miss
Clara Price, a young lady of undoubted
innocence and purity, was a resident of
.Karthaus, a village of Clearfield county
had been temporarily living with a fam-
ily in the latter county, and was going
to visit her friends at Karthaus on the
morning of the 27th of last November,
when, traveling the road alone on foot,
fate placed her in the way of a human
brute in the shape of Alfred Andrews,
and the forfeiture of her young and in-
The details of the foul murder have
already been given in the testimony
elicited in the trial and heretofore pub-
lished. They have also been revealed
of the murderer,
although he attempted to distort them
by falsehood. There can be no doubt
that lust prompted his advances toward
the poor girl on that lonely road, and
that murder followed as an intended
means of covering up his original offense.
It was by a slender thread that the
—Dear Sirs : It is with deep regret that I find
poor wretched Alfred Andrews is guilty of
such an awful crime. I loved the poor mother-
less boy truly. His disposition seemed reck-
less, but I could not believe he could be guilty
of a crime so revolting. He was always kind
in his manner toward me and I could have
made any sacrifice for him. Sir, I know you
have done your uttermost to save his life, and
1 feel now, as I shall ever feel, that everyone
who has had anything to doin the matter
have done their best, and it is justice that he
should suffer for his guilty actions; but God
knows how hard I feel it, poor feliow ! I am
exceedingly grateful to you for your kind let-
ter to hand to-day. It does comfort me to hear
that my poor unfortunate boy should ask par-
don of our merciful God. I can give him up if
I can be sure of his salvation—that is the one
great thing. I cannot expect to survive him
very long. If I have the hope that he is gone
to heaven Ishall try not to grieve more than
I can help. I never knew what real sorrow
was until now. I must again thank you for
your great kindness, and if I were not very
poor I would not think of the sum I borrowed
being sent home again. Judging from your
past kindness and nobleness, I know I may
depend on you as a very true friend in this try-
ing case. The only request that I have to
make is that you will see that some servant of
Christ may be allowed to speak to my poor
Alfred. I consider it aprivilege for Alfred to
be allowed time to seek Christ. Pray, sirs,
urge him to repent—that is all I have to say.
With referenee to his poor body I can do
nothing. I must therefore leave it to the
custom ot that country—or to his wife ; I can
do nothing. Your kind sympathy did me
good, and I had every possible confidence *;in
your ability to save Alfred if he were innocent,
as [ believed him to have been. Oh, the hor-
ror of being deceived in one in whom one
has placed confidence and love! I long
to hear that be has found pardon for his
guilty soul; then I feel that I can follow after
justice was enabled to effect its end.
crime was traced to the criminal and
The fact that Andrews was seen on the
road where the murdered girl was last
seen alive, and that his appearance there
was followed by the finding of her dead
body,led to the theory of his guilt and his
subsequent arrest. It would indeed have
been an unreliable index of his
crime if it had not been for-
tified by his subsequent suspi-
cious movements, by the tell-tale foot-
p iit: testifying against him for his foul
offense, and by corroborating circum-
stances that forged the chain of evidence
against him. The commonwealth
tracked the bloody villain with rare
sagacity, following with unerring scent
the trail of the offender which to unpro-
fessional eyes appeared indistinct and
inconclusive. The pursuit was as unre-
lenting as it was sagacious, and ended in
bringing to bay one of the most fero-
cious beasts that ever roamed this region
and rendered human life unsafe. So
conclusively was the crime fastened up-
on the prisoner that the jury had hardly
rendered their verdict against him until
he admitted its correctness by a confes-
sion in which he acknowledged the mur-
der of his innocent victim, but endeav-
ored to mitigate its most heinous feature
by denying that he was prompted by a
lustful motive.
There can be but little trust placed in
the correctness of the details of Andrews’
confession beyond the fact that it settled
the question of his guilt. He was a nat-
ural liar and by his statement under
oath during the trial, in which he claim-
ed to be innocent of the murder, he add-
ed perjury to his other offense. Accord-
ing to his confession he started out on
the expedition, which culminated in the
sacrifice of innocent Clara Price, armed
with a revolver and for the purpose of
committing crime. An indefiniteinten-
tion of murdering some one occupied his
mind, and he says that on the fatal
morning he met several persons whom
he was inclined to kill. Unfortunately
he met Clara Price while he was under
the influence of this murderous propen-
sity. She was going along the road
while the fiend was close on her track,
on her way to friends in Karthaus,
with a basket on her arm and softly
humming & tune. According to An-
drews statement, upon overtaking her
he asked her what her nume was, which
Friday forty-five and shot her down in the road, inflicting
she gave him. Then he allowed her to
go on unmolested,tut again pursued her
three mortal wounds. This is his version
of the murderous occurrence, but it bears |
in peace, if notin happiness.
your grateful but deeply afflicted, J. Prisk.
I remain, sirs,
P. S- I thank you for thanking the Rev. Dr,
Laurie for his kindness, and I should ever feel
comforted, if he will continue to visit the dear
boy, guilty though he be.
know Mr. Laurie will urge him to repent. I do
not know anything that I could do about his
poor body.
Ilove him still. I
During his last days Andrews had
the advantage of spiritual adviee and
attention, which he gave some indica-
tion of appreciating. Members of the
Y. M. C. A. were attentive in their
ministrations, and visits from Revs,
Hauck, Sarvis and Laurie were frequent.
Fridays were usually the time for relig-
ious demonstrations in his cell.
Easter Sunday, while representatives of
the Y. M. C. A. were holding services
in his cell, he became spiritually “hap-
py,” and got to shouting in regular re-
vival style.
that the day of execution would be the
happiest of his life.
Forge church were particularly atten-
tive and zealous in their ministrations to
the condemned man.
‘While in this state he said
Members of the
If the reports which came from the
jail on Tuesday night were correct, the
scenes and doings there were more out
of place and disgusting than were those
that made the Hopkins hanging so no-
torious and gave to Sheriff Cooke the
unenviable reputation he bears for mak-
ing a public circus of what the law con-
templated should be a private execution.
Although the poor wretch who was just-
ly sent into eternity on Wednesday last
bad not been allowed quite as many visit
ors,and particularly female visitors,as was
Hopkins, yet there was scarcely a time
during his incarceration that his spirit-
ual advisers were not interfered with by
the presence of a crowd of curiosity
seekers, and it is currently reported that
jail,on Tuesday night last, to render the
last religious service he could to the con-
at the time or even get an opportunity
to pray with him, in consequence of the
crowd that was present occupying the
cell and surroundings. Most of the time
kept occupied in writing letters intend-
ed to give Sheriff Cooke some kind of a
might have been turned over to the
prayers of the minister and thoughts of
the future, but the creature who time
and again has disgraced the people who
intrusted him with the high office of
sheriff, thought he could make some per- words to you that you will take warn-
sonel popularity with those whose curiosi- ing
ty overcomes their repugnance for crime commit the bad deed for which I am |
Rev. Mr. Hauk visited the
he was unable to see him
Andrews was in jail he was
The last night of his life he
The motive for | and kept open his show even to the last
the offence can not be account for by | hour of the condemned man’s life.
{ any other theory than that he attempted { to be hoped that this is the last opportu-
to outrage her and upon being resisted | nity Sheriff Cooke will have to disgrace
he killed her to shield himself against the county and outrage all ideas of de-
the consequences of his brutish attempt. | cency
It is
and propriety, as the chief
| manager of an execution.
Andrews was a month and three days |
After Andrews was left alone on
| Tuesday night he asked to see the coffin
which had been brought to the jail, and
he was taken down through the corridor
to look at it. He expressed himself as
being well pleased with it and appear:
ed gratefu. to the commissioners, for get-
ting him such a good one. He then ex-
pressed a desire to see the rope, which
hé examinel closely, and, fitting the
noose around his neck, remarked that it
he hung and struggled at the end of it
for an hour it would not be sufficient
punishment for the great crime he had
committed. He went to bed about one
o'clock and slept until almostsix o'clock,
and shortly after that hour he was fur-
nished with a breakfast of eggs, toast,
potatoes and coffee. After breakfast he
had his fellow prisoners arranged around
the door of his cell and read to them a
chapter from the Bible and made a pray-
er. He then made an address enjoining
upon them to turn from the evil of their
ways. In themidst of this demonstra-
tion his spiritual advisers, Revs. Hauck,
Sarvis and Prof. Meyer, appeared upon
the scene, when religious services com-
menced, consisting of singing and pray-
rant was read to him by Deputy Sheriff
Wilson, which, without being visibly af-
fected, he listened to while he
rested his arm on the Deputy’s
shoulder, remarking when it was
finished, “Thank God, that is the last
time I shall ever hear that.” teligious
services were then resumed, members of
the Y.M. C. A. taking part, they
singing “How Firm a Foundation” as
the procession moved to the place of ex-
ecution, and followed it up with “Jesus
Lover of my Soul.”
Contrary to expectation the doomed
man faced the terrible ordeal of hanging
with unflincing coolness. At 10.43,
a. m., he was prepared to start for the
gallows, and at that hour the procession
left his cell and proceeded to the scene
of execution in the following order:
Sheriff’s Leahy and Cooke; the priso-
ner, supported on either side by Revs.
Houck and Sarvis ; deputy Sheriff Wil-
son and Lowell Meyer, and then the
jury selected to witness the exe-
cution. :
On arriving at the gallows the prison-
er mounted the steps with firmness,
being accompanied by the two sheriffs,
his spiritual advisers and several others.
After calling for a glass of water he fac-
ed the crowd and with a remarkably.
firm voice said :
“Well, gentlemen, I am here to pay
the penalty of my erime, which I pray
and wish to do with great respect, and I
pray and trust that when I leave this
world I will have eternal life through our
Lord Jesus. I hope, my friends, that
after I am gone from this world I may
meet you allin Heaven above, but if
I had to depend upon this world for
mercy I would never get it, for I know
there are some people in this town who
would throw me into a lake of fire with-
out mercy.
“But to prove to you the mercies of
the other world I will read from the Bible
and I hope you will listen to what I
read. I will read the 14th chapter of
After reading this portion of scripture
he continued in the following strain:
“You may wonder what makes me
stand here in front of you and read this
chapter, but He who has forgiven me
makes me stand here to read this chap-
ter in this book. May God have mercy
on me is my prayer. Oh, my friends,
just pay attention to these few words, as
I do,as I stand before the judgment seat
of Christ, as I stand here to be executed
before you, and, my friends, I hope you
may never come to experience this terri-
ble conditioz. My brethren, I have
read to you this chapter, I call you
brethren because we are all brethren in
the spirit of the Lord. I come here to
pay the penalty of the bad deed I have
committed. I am sorry for the life [
have taken, and I trust I may meet the
girl in Heaven, as I trust I may meet
you all there. I trust I may meet
my parents there. Oh, my friends, I
know I have done wrong, and I willing-
ly pay the penalty of the law for the
crime I have committed. But I must
say to you that I have never known a
father’s love or a mother’s love, a
brother’s-love or a sister’s, but I hope I
may meet them in the world above.
My father never showed me a father’s
love, but may God bless him, and may
God grant him everlasting pardon. I
must give many thanks to the Commis-
sioners of this county, for they have
been very kind to me. I must now
give thanks to the Sheriff and his fami-
“ly; I pray that. the Lord may bless
“and protect them.
“IfI never had the love of God in
my heart I could neverstand betore you
and say these words to you, and I
hope and trust that when I say these
that you may never be led to
er,which continued until the death war-|
about to suffer the penalty of death. I
hope that T will be the last man execut-
ed in the county. I have not had
much experience in the love of Christ
but I desire that you all unite in prayer
with me and I hope you will all listen
to jt.’
Then came the prayer which was de-
livered firmly and earnestly, and after it
he said :
“I trust I may meet the blessed girl
whose life I have stolen from the world.
May T meet her in Heaven and clasp
her hands and say, “I know you.” I am
willing to suffer the penalty of the
offense I have committed, and since I
have committed it I am ready to say that
I desire to suffer the punishment that
awai‘s me, and I hope that the friends
I see around me here to-day may meet
with me around the throne of Heaven.
Now we will repeat the Lord's prayer.’
After his address, when Mr. Cann,
of Philipsburg, went up to him and
asked what he should say to his family,
Andrews replied: “Tell them I am in
After this he bid good by to all
presant and shook hands with all on the
scaffold. Rev. Hauck, of the Methodist
church, delivered an impressive prayer,
and before the black cap was drawn over
his head and his limbs were pinioned,
he kissed Sheriff Cooke and thanked
him and Deputy Wilson for thier kind
At 11.08 the trap was sprung and the
eulprit was dangling at the end of the
rope. There was not much convulsion
of the limbs or body, and after hanging
for 25 minutes prison physician Dor-
worth, with Dr. Harris, Tobin and
Fisher, pronounced him dead. ' The
body was then cut down and given in
charge of undertaker Confer, of Miles-
burg, who took it away for interment.
The following persons composed the
Jury selected by the Sheriff to witness
the execution: S. R. Pringle, of Port
Matilda; O. E. Miles, of Milesburg;:
A. L. Katherman, of Center Hall;
Isaac Smith, of Gregg township; M.
Miner, of Howard ; G. G. Mattern, of
Matternville; Abraham Trimble, of
Philipsburg ; H. M. Walker, of Roland ;
Christ Decker, of Zion; C. M. Bower,
of Bellfonte; Geo. Hastings, of Belle-
fonte, and Geo. R. Boak, of Pine Glen.
Miss Mollie Smyder will return
from New York the 12th of April with
a New York trimmer and New York
styles; largest and finest line of millinery
ever brought to Bellefonte or Centre
County. Opening of French pattern
goods Thursday April 24th. All are
invited to call and examire goods. 2t
——Cabinet pictures $1.50 per dozen.
Life size $1.00 each. Tin-types four for
25 cts. Work guaranteed to be satis-
factory. Corner Bishop and Penn st.
Bellefonte. Come and see me.
2t. WiLniam FISHER.
——Murs. Gilmore has returned from
New York and Philadelphia with a
large and complete stock of millinery
goods, and has also brought with her
from New York a first-class milliner.
She will have her opening next week, to
which her customers and the public gen-
erally are invite. She is agent for tke
Centemeri kid gloves and keeps a stock
of them on hand.
——Steady employment on salary is
offered in another eolumn by KE. C.
Pierson & Co., Waterloo, N. Y.
Married .
Pa., on Wednesday, April 9th, 1890, by Rev.
G. B. Ague, Mr. Mills: Alexander and Miss
Josie Richards, both of Julian, Centre coun-
ty, Pa.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
goes to press : )
hite wheat, per bushel........ trrihendy, id ir 75.
Read wheat, per bushel.. . 8
Rye, per bushel........... 45
Corn, ears, per bushel..... 20
Corn, shelled, per bushel 35
Oats—new, per bushel.... 25
Barley, per bushel.......
Buckwheat per bushel
Cloverseed, per bushel....
Gronnd Plaster, per ton...
Bellefonte Produce Markets,
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel 50
Eggs, per dozen..... 20
Lard, per pound. 8
CountryShoulder: 10
Sides. 10
Hams. 14
Tallow, perpound 3%
Butter, per pound 25
Onions, per bushel z
Turnips, per bushel
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday mornin; 5 in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at 82 per annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
vear ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the
Papers will not be gent out of Centre county
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A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
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One Cotumn (19 inches)....... .
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Job Printing of every kind done with neat-
ness and dispatch. The Warctuman office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be axacuted in the most artistic mannerand at
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor.
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