Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 11, 1890, Image 1

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De ith
Ink Slings.
—In whatever direction the Republi«
can eye is turned this spring its vision
is distressed by the sight of Democratic
—The way the surplus is heing
shoveled out, the impression evidently
prevails in Congress that the “pork in
the pot” is inexhaustible.
—The alacrity of the Republicans
in making new states may be prompted
by the alarming indications that the old
States are shpping away from them.
—The American eagle has reason to
regard with contempt the scrawny
fledglings which the Republicans are
intruding into the nest of sovereign
states. |
—The estimate of 1000 killed by the
Louisville cyclone, which eventually
dwindled down to about 75, involved
an inaccuracy with which none of us
are disposed to find fault.
—The government is going to re-
imburse what StLcoTT stole from mem-
bers of Congress, but who will reim-
burse what members of Congress have
stolen from the government ?
—Death has already claimed eight
members of the Fifty-first Congress,
but we are afraid there are enough left
to pass a tariff bill that will be a dis-
grace to American intelligence.
—The feet whose kick will raise the
coat-tails of the g. o. p. at the
next Presidential election will be none
the less vigorous in their action for
their being shod with tariffed shoes.
—The Louisiana lottery vampire
will end its noxious existence in 1892,
and as one of the sources from which
campaign revenue was supplied it will
be missed by ‘the grand old party.”
—The confident sanctimony of Ax-
pREWS on the scaffold last Wednesday
was calculated to impress some minds
with the belief that the gallows af-
fords the surest and mos! direct route
to heaven. ¢
—The sweeping Democratic victories
in the Ohio municipal elections indi-
cate that the people are not as much
shocked by the alleged Democratic
gerrymander in that State as the Repub-
lican leaders profess to be.
—The intention of the Kansas Re-
publican leaders to annul Prohibition
is evidence that to -suit its political
interests the morality party can go
back on a moral movement as readily in
that state as in Pennsylvania.
—It was twenty-five years ago last
‘Wednesday that LEE surrendered at
Appomattox, but the tone and temper
of some of the Republican politicians
would almost lead one to believe that
the ‘cruel war” is still going on.
—It can hardly be expected that a
tariff duty of 10 per cent on rye will
have any appreciable effect in lifting
the mortgages which twenty-five years
of war tariff protection has imposed
on the property of American farmers.
—One of our Republican neighbors
expresses the belief that. the Republi-
can County Convention augured well
for HasTINGs. The auger may have
been all right, but in the end it will be
found to have made a rather small bore.
—The leather men of Massachusetts
are kicking against the insane restore-
tion of the ‘tariff on hides. There would
have been more effect in their kick if it
had been delivered at the polls and
aimed at the monopoly party two years
—DANIEL WEBSTER said in 1825:
“We have a commerce that leaves no
sea unexplored.” If the godlike DAN-
IEL were to return to life he would
be surprised to see how a ‘protective’
tariff has knocked that commerce into
—Emperor WILLIAM shows a dispo-
sition to cultivate American friend-
ship by allowing the stars and stripes
to be paraded in the streets of Berlin,
but it is questionable whether civilities
of that kind can make amends for past
indignities to the American hog.
—-The reduction from $100 to $50 a
month in the bill pensioning Mrs.
ParNELL, the daughter of glorious old
Commodore STEWART, is a specimen
of congressional cheese paring that
hardly comports with the lavishness
with which the surplus is being ax-
pended for other purposes.
—The silliest boesh that is now in-
dulged in by political guid nuncs is
that the nomination of this one or that
ons by the Pennsylvania Demcerats
for governor, means this or that in re-
ference to the Presidency. These wise
people should know that Presidents
arc not made by State conventions.
a Bh,
NO. 15.
An Erroneous View of Andrew Jackson’
The Philadelphia Inquirer claims to
have suggested the name of Stanton for
| the new county that is proposed to be
made out of parts of Allegheny, Butler
Armstrong and Westmoreland counties,
and criticises our suggestion that Jack-
sox is entitled to the honor of having
his name given to a Pennsylvania
The Inquirer's objection to this is
based upon a reason that shows its nar-
row comprehension of the character
and services of the great Democratic
soldier, statesman and President. It
charges him with having destroyed the
United States bank, in consequence of
which Philadelphia lost her “position
as the financial centre of the United
States,” and therefore he has no claim
to being honored in Pennsylvania. It
is singular that this view should be
taken of an act which thoughtful
and patriotic men quite generally
agree in regarding as the most valua-
ble and beneficent of the many political
services he rendered his country, and
which bas gained for him the gratitude
of those who have understanding
enough to known the danger that
attends the centralization of govern-
mental power. The removal of the
United Statss Bank deposits by Jack-
sox was followed by the establishment
of the subtreasury system, which has
answered so well as a fiscal agency
that with all the changes and vicisi-
tudes of the government during the past
fifty years it is still retained as the
safest and most serviceable fiscal
arrangement that has yet been devised.
It is questionable whether the continu-
ance of the United States Bank would
have maintained Philadelphia’s posi-
tion as the financial centre of the
country, for such artificial support
could not have held out against the
superior natural advantages of New
York, but it can scarcely be questioned
that the systeth which that institution
represented was not the best for the
general interests of the country.
The Inquirer singularly overlooks
the military services of Jackson which
entitle him to the admiration and grat-
Pe of his countrymen, whether
they be Pennsylvanians or citizens of
other states. It was he who gained
over our English enemy the most bril-
liant and decisive victory ever achieved
by Americans over a foreign foe—a
victory which saved JEFFERSON'S
great purchase by preventing Louis:
ana from being conquered and occupi-
ed by Great Britain. Western Penn-
sylvania, whose prosperity has been so
greatly promoted by the Mississippi
trade, was especially benefited by
Jackson's military service at New Or-
leans. His repeated victories over
the southwestern tribes of Indians
were indispensable to the peaceful set-
tlement of that magnificent domain,
and his movement on Florida was the
prelude to the acquisition of that vaiu-
able territory.
We probably do not err in believing
that our Philadelphia contemporary’s
objection to according honor to the
memory of JACKsoN arises from a lack
of intelligent and unprejudiced compre-
bension of what the country owes to
his valor, his wisdom and his patriot-
Xs It an Improvement?
According to an official statement
recently issued, the production of beer
in the United States in 1889 amounted
to 25,098,775 barrels. The immense
increase of this business is shown by
the fact that in 1875 the production of
this beverage amounted to 8,358,720
barrels. This shows a threefold in-
crease in fifteen years, which is far be-
yond the increase of population.
On the other band there has been a
decrease in the amount of spirituous Ii-
quors produced. Last year the pro-
duction of this kind ot liquor in this
country amounted to 77,336,772 gallons,
while in 1860 it was 81,128,581 gallons.
With half the population that there is
| now, there was then more whisky made
| and consumed.
| By some this is regarded as an im-
| provement in the drinking custom or
i the country, but that may be question-
—1IF Senator GoRMAX is open to the | ed. Wih the increase in the quantity
charge of being the political dictator
of Maryland, shouldn’t he
the ballot reform which that State has
adopted? Could such a measure he
passed without the consent of one who
is powerful enough to be called a boss?
by parity
of reasoning be entitled to credit for:
~ of beer there has been a decided deteri-
quality until most of
what is farnished to the thirsty votaries
of Gambrinus is said to be wretched
gtuff. luis questionable whether bad
whisky is worse for the public health
and morals than bad beer.
oration in its
Election of U. 8. Senators by the
The Farmers’ Alliance, the new
granger organization now making such
giant strides in the South and West, is
advancing a number of new ideas,some
of which are recommended by their
practical sense and others are devoid of
such recommendation. To the latter
class belongs the proposition of convert-
ing the government into a central loan
office that will give money at one per
cent to farmers and others suffering
from the distress of financial embarass-
ment. Such a scheme has about it
something that wouldn’t be so sar
prising if it had emanated from a lunatic
The Aliiance, however, seems to be
on the track of a more sensible object
in its movement for the popular elec-
tion of United States Senators. In
common with the rest of their fellow
citizens the grangers see the upper
house of Congress being filled by men
who managed to get there by means of
their money, and are unfavorably im"
pressed with this perversion of the
original purpose of that branch of the
government. The Senate was intended
to afford the States representation in
their sovereign capacity, but under the
purchasing system that now too gener-
ally prevails in the election of Senators,
that body is being made to represent
the money power and millionaire in-
terest, thereby necessarily conflicting
with the common interests of the peo-
As long as United State Senators are
elected by State legislatures money
will have its influence in determining
such elections. Ambitious million
aires who desire the distinction of be-
ing Senators, and corporations and
monopolies whose shemes are promot-
ted by their having control of the high-
er branch .of the national legislature,
have no difficulty in buying enough
members of State legislatures to ‘effect
their purpose in the election of United
States Senators.
It is unfortunate that such a state of
affairs exists, but it nevertheless does
exist, the evil being attributable to the
fact that members of State legislatares
can be bought,and the only remedy for
this deplorable abuse will be found
when the election of United States
Senators is placed in the hands of the
——All along the line where elec-
tions have been held this spring the
Democrats have met with successes that
have been very encouraging and
significant. In New York, Chicago,
Wisconsin and Rhode Island there
have been demonstrations of popular
sentiment which show that Republican
policies and methods are becoming ob-
noxious to the people, and indicate a
restoration of Democratic power.
More Zealous Than Truthfal.
The Voice, published in New York,
is the recognized organ of Prohibition.
It is a paper that has attained an im-
mense circulation among the people
who want to suppress the liquor traf-
fc, and consequently exercises a great
influence. Occupying the position it
does as the organ of a great moral
movement, it ought to be truthful,
which i» unfortunately has not been.
It was evidently guilty of a falsehood
in charging newspapers of high repute
with having been paid by the liquor men
for opposing the adoption of the prohi-
tion amendment in this State. With
the narrow-mindedness that is charac-
teristic of zealots it could see uothing
but corruption in the motives of those
who entertained opinions different from
its own on the prohihition question.
Its charge that such newspapers as
the Philadelphia Times, Record and
Public Ledger opposed the constitu-
tional amendment in consideration of
money paid them by the anti-prohibi-
tion managers, is as glaringly prepos-
terous as it is evidently untrue, and has
called forth the indignant denials of
those journals. Itis a defect in the
mental get-up of extreme reformers
that they believe everybody is bad who
does not agree with their views; but
while laboring under this delusion they
should try to restrain themselves from
making untruthful charges acainst
those who don’t think and act as
they do.
—The people are to be congratulated
upon the fact that at least the creak in
their shees can’t be tariffed.
A Troubled Congressman.
lepublican Congressman McCor-
MICK, of the Lycoming district, is in an
nnhappy frame of mind, all onaccount
of the tariff folly which the congress to
which he belongs is indulging in.
Among his constituents are a number
of tanners the prosperity of whose busi-
ness greatly depends upon hides re-
maining on the free list. ~ With this
important raw material untaiffed the
leather industry has prospered as it
never did bgfore, and the corstituents
of Mr. McCoraick, who sre engaged
in tanning, feel a natural interest in
the part of the new tariff bill relating
to hides. He assured them that hides
would not be touched by the tariff inkers,
but would be allowed to remain on the
free list where since 1873 they have
done so mach to boom the leather and
shoe industries. He was assured by
the Ways and Means committee that
the freedom of hides would remain in-
violate, and he imparted that gratifying
information to those of his constituents
who are interested in tanneries to the
extent of about $5,000,000.
Judge of his consternation when,
after such assurance, he found that the
committee had clapped a duty of 15
per cent. on hides. Mr. McCormick
discribes his feelings as follows to a cor-
respondent of the Philadephia Press :
I wrote what I did to the tanners of my dis-
trict in good faith, and on distinct assurances
of the committee that hides would be free. I
have made formal protest before the commit-
tee against this action, and I wish to declare
openly that if I have a chance to vote for free
hides on the floor of the House I shall do so. I
shall do all I can to have the bill changed in
this respect, and I am willing to venture the
opinion that it will be done.
The Lycoming congressman was
certainly badly deceived by the Ways
and Means Committee when he was
made to understand that hides would
be allowed to remain untariffed, buat
it is altogether likely that when he
received that assurance the committee
hadn't been interviewed by Armour
and the rest of the Chicago cattle ring
who will make a great deal of money
by having foreign hides tariffed, and
who have a strong pull on this Repub-
lican Congress.
Mr. McCormick need not be afraid
that he will not have a chance “to vote
for free hides on the floor of the House.”
The Democrats will give him that
chance when they shall move to strike
the 15 per cent. hide tax out of the
bill. When that interesting time comes
we hope that Mr. McComick will have
courage enough to stand up in the in-
terest ot his coustituents and for the
benefit of all who wear shoes and use
leather in its various forms.
Going for Ingalls.
Since Foraker has had his windbag
punctured and been subjected to a final
collapse there is no other leader oi the
Republican party who stands so much
in need of having the wind let out of
him as Joan G. IncarLs, of Kansas.
That he will have an operation of this
kind performed on him at uo distant
day is foreshadowed by the following
resolution passed some days ago by the
Farmers’ Alliance of that State:
Resolved, That, notwithstanding the fact that
John J. Ingalls has represented Kansas for
eighteen years in the United States senate, it
pe difficult matter for his constituents to point
a single measure he has eyer championed
in the interest of the great agricultural and
laboring element of Kansas, and that we will
not suppoet by voice or influence any candi-
date for the legislature who favors his re-elec-
tion to the United States senate.
If the Alliance should not effect any-
thing more than the removal of this
frothy nuisance from the United States
Senate,it could not be said that 1t exist-
ed in vain,
Good, But Not Enough.
They missed getting the Australian
ballot law in New York, but a bill has
been passed and signed by Gov. HiLw
which may do some good in suppress
ing a very objectionable election prac-
tice. It prohibits the use of political
pay envelopes which it will be remem-
bered played so prominent a part in
bull-dozing workingmen into voting for
HARRISON in 1888.
Hereafter it will be a penal offense
!in New York State for employers to in-
i clude in the contents of pay envelopes
I'an intimation of how they want their
employes to vote. By this one means
of coercion alone enough votes were in-
‘fluenced to change the result of the
close election of two years ago.
It is well that the arm of the law
‘should be raised against it, but it was
, but one of the electoral abuses that
need correction.
Who Would Be Hurt Most?
The howl which the New York
Sun habitually rais2s against the Aus-
tralian ballot system, on the ground
that it will injure the Democratic party
by reason of its preventing illiterate peo-
ple from voting, is an insult to the
Democracy and as untrue as it is of-
fensive. The details of the new system,
complicated ‘as they are represented to
be, do not necessarily interfere with
the voting of even the most illiterate,
but it it did, the Democratic party
would not suffer more on account of it
than the Republicans. There could not
be a stronger evidence of the want of
intelligence than is displayed by those
who are made to believe that by voting
to maintain a tariff system which taxes
necessaries and fosters monopolies, they
benefit themselves. Such ignorance
constitutes a large element of the Re-
publican party to which the Demoerat-
ic party furnishes no parallel.
In addition to this, the colored con-
tingent, without which the Republi
cans would bein a minority of more
than a million, adds a mass of igno-
rance to that party which places its
average of illiteracy far ahead of any-
thing that has yet appeared in the poli-
tics of this country.
An Ohio Court has just decided
that taking a newspaper from the post
office and then refusing to pay or set-
tle for 1t,constitutes larceny, and under
this decision convicted forty-two men
of that crime in one week. In addi-
tion to the conviction, it gave judg-
ment against each one for the full
amount of the bill charged, and all
costs pertaining to the prosecution.
Strange Logic.
The Daily News, trying to discredit
our expressed belief that Mr. James
MILLIKEN wrote the articles in its
columns condemning WANAMAKER'S
project of bringing the telegraph busi-
ness of the country under the control of
the government, which belief was based
upon the fact of Mr. M.'s personal in-
terest as a Western Union stockholder,
says: ‘Has it not occurred to that
very virtuous and dstute editor that if
any one who held investments in tele-
graph enterprise feared the action of
the government on telegraph matters,
he could at any moment dispose of his
holdings for cash at excellent prices ?”’
Of course such action of the govern-
ment as would destroy the business of
a corporation would not interfere in the
least with the disposing of its stock “at
excellent prices.” An unimpaired de-
mand for itander the circumstances
would be so very natural.
Mr. Wallace for Governor.
It is now definitely known that Hon.
WitLiam A. WaLrace is a candidate
for the Democratic nomination for Gov-
ernor, he having announced in a letter
to a friend, which has been published,
that he is ambitious of having that
honor conferred npon him. There is
something assuring in the tone of his
letter in which he says that he wants
to be the candidate of a united De-
mocracy. If Mr. WaLroe should be
nominated there are indications that
he would lead a united party, for old
antagonizing elements seem to be ready
to unite in his support. That he
would infuse an unaccustomed vigor
into the movements of the Democratic
campaiga in the State is something
that even the enemy admit and appre-
head, as is apparent from the following
expression of the Philadelphia Press:
Mr. Wallace’s candidacy at this time has a
number of signficant features, some of which
have been fully discussed and concern only
the affairs of the Democrats themselves.
There is one feature, however, of interest
to the Republicans, which it will not be wise to
overlook. With Wallace in the field it may
be taken for granted that the Democratic or
ganization, which has been at odds and ends
for nearly a dozen years, will be brought into
better shape, and that whatever Democratic
vote there is in the State will be polled. He
has often proved his capacity as an organizer;
and, while he could not win vietories, he rare
ly failed to make his party do its best.
It is for the wisdom of the conven-
tion to select from a number of gentle-
men spoken of in connection with the
candidacy, one who will be capable
of giving the party the best chance of
success. In addition to Mr. WaLrace
there are several other Democratic
leaders upon any one of whom the
Democrats could unite as their candi-
date for Governor.
Spawls from the Keystone.
—Bedford county is for Pattison.
—A malicious fire-bug is doing much dam-
age at Pittston.
—Three tramps arrested at Bethlehem had
six bottles of whisky.
—The Cambria Iron Company in Johnstown
now employs 5500 men.
—Indian students at the Carlisle school gave
a theatrical performance recently.
—There were only two spectators at a recent
session of the Pittsburg License Court.
—Jacob Rohouser, of Beaver Falls, went crazy
trying to make his hens lay colored eggs.
—The catch of a party of Conshohocken fish-
ermen consisted of a gum boot and a tin pail.
—The work of erecting stones to mark the
graves of the unknown dead at Johnstown has
been begun.
—~Great preparations are being m ade for the
general observance of Decoration day at
—Six clergymen officiated as pall-bearers at
the funeral of the late Rev C. Reimensnyder
at Lancaster.
—Dr. Howard Fockenthal has been. arrested
at Easton on a charge of malpractice on Miss
Sallie E. Culver.
—Nearly 1000 people visited Bartholomew
the condemned murderer confined in the Eas-
ton jail, Saturday.
—A Lancaster girl got hopelessly full at a
“flitting” and was hauled to the: lockup in an
undertaker’s wagon. 8
—A suburban electric road at Pittsburg an-
nounces that it will charter ears for funerals
to cemeteries along its line.
—A purse of $500 has been. raised by admi-
rers of Dr. R. B. Mansell, of McKeesport, re-
cently convicted of lying. :
—A Norristown gentleman noticed forty
abandoned farms within a.radius of five miles
in Montgomery county.
—dJoseph Brennan, of Lancaster, jumped off
a bridge a distance of fifty feet from the ground
to avoid being struck by a train.
. —Peter Heller, a farmer near Coopersburg,
is wearing a pair of rubber overshoes which he
has been wearing for thirty-two years.
— Constable Green, of Jersey Shore, has
lost a $1000 Percheron stallion, which un-
accountably died a couple of nights ago.
—A quarrel between two partners at Wash-
ington over the employment of a pretty type.
writer has led to a dissolution of the firm.
—Baldwin Clayton, of Marshallton, Chester
county, has a clock that was brought to this
country ten years before Penn’s first landing.
= pile of 5000 eggs was collected for a Har-
risburg hospital by a plea made to the school
children askingthem to contribute one egg
—The rector of St. John's P. E. Church,
Lawrenceville, has established an athletic
training sehool for the young men of his
—Four children of Mahlon Baer, of Jefferson
township, Berks county, were made seriously
ill by eating roots which they mistook for wild
—Wholesale discharges of Reading Railroad
employes at Shamokin have been made on the
strength of President Corbin’s temperance
—John Lambert, a widower 50 years old
committed suicide by j umping into the Lehigh
Canal, at Bethlehem. No cause is known for
the rash act.
—Work at Henry Qlay colliery, Shamokin,
which has been suspended for three months
will be resumed on Monday, giving employ-
ment to 1500 men.
—Charges have been made in the Pittsburg
License Court that a ward politician guaran-
teed licenses to saloon keepers who contribu.
ed to political funds.
—A mechanical clock, said to rival the
famous Strasburg clock, the handiwork of
Thomas Fitzsimmons,of Pittston, was recently
destroyed by fire in New York.
—Work in Pennsylvania Colliery, near
Wilkesbarre, has been ordered to be resumed
and 1000 miners who have been idle since
January will find employment.
—Pittsburg’s Easter business is proving the
biggest done for years, and a leading dry goods
man says of Saturday’s sales, “I don’t know
that we have ever equaled them.”
—It was developed in the suit of John A.
Stranahan against G. W. Wright,of the Soldiers’
Orphans’ syndicate, that the profits at the
Mercer school alone were $160,000.
. —A.L. Philips, of Horsham, 64 years old,
committed suicide on Thursday evening by
hanging. He was in good circumstances, and
no cause can be assigned for the act,
—The friends of Benjamin Defrain, the
wealthy farmer, of Landis’ Store,Berks county,
who so mysteriously disappeared recently,have
offered $400 for any information concerning
—Isaac D. Lutz, warden of the Berks county
jail, was arrested charged with allowing the
convicted saloon-keepers of Reaedi ‘g and viein-
ity unusual facilities for enjoyment while un-
der his charge.
—On the arrival of a North Penn train at
Bethlehem from Philadelphia the other day,
a car inspector found a big white cat sitting
on a truck of a car, having ridden all the way
from Philadelphia.
—Two more failures among Montgomery
county farmers are reported. A. H. Andres
assigned to John C. Boorse, and Eleazer Ber-
goy alsoassigned. They are both residents of
Towaneancin township.
—An unknown man, aged about 30, well.
dressed, with a watch and um brella, jumped
into the canal at Bethlehem Junction Saturday
morning in the presence of several persons.
The body was recovered.
The peninsula ponds at Erie are alive with
grass pike, some of them of very large size,
which came there to spawn. Poachers are
trying to shoot orspear them, but the Fish
Warden has an eye on them.
—The Erie Dispatch says ; “Later returns
from the Crawford county primary election for
delegates to the Republican State Convention
show that a little less than 2300 votes were cast
instead of 3500 as first reported by the enthusi-
astie backers of Senator Delamater.”
—Emelias Brassler, of Cherry Hill, North-
ampton county,eame near being burned to death
early Friday morning. He fell from a ladder
in his barn, and dropping his lantern it set
fire to some hay and straw,and the barn was
destroyed. The livestock was rescued.
—The Central Railroad of New Jersey is
about to take steps to relieve the wants of its
idle miners in the Wilkesbarre section. Presi-
dent Maxwell sent a communication to the
Wilkesbarre Board of Trade last evening that a
plan of relief will be promulgated in a few