Friday M orning, March 28, 1890. To CORRESPONDENTS. — NO communications published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. Mr. M. H. Guisr, of Penn Hall, is the duly authorized agent of the Warman for Gregg township. THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY A population of DotNon, rover and eight thousand is claimed for Lock- Haven. — There is a report that Forepaugh’s show will exhibit in Bellefonte during the coming season. —— Mr. Frank Miles, of Milesburg, died on Monday morning last{of typhoid fever, and was buried on Tuesday. Governor Beaver has !appointed Friday, April 11th, and Friday, April 25th, as arbordays for the spring of 1890. — Mr. Caleb Kephart, of Buffalo Run, was in town on Monday, looking up some new points on which to ——his fellow man. — The Commissioners of Clinton county want to borrow $25,000 with which to rebuild the bridges washed away by the flood. — The firemen were supplied with a relishable lunch by Colonel and Mrs. Mullen after the fire on Bishop street last Sunday evening. ——A little rum and a large amount ot profane language entertained a mot- ley crowd in front of the Brockerhoff house on Monday afternoon. - ——Workmen have begun the dig- ging for the foundation of the Garman Opera house. It is the intention to have it done by the first of August. — The party who lost a pair of silver framed eye glasses on the streets of Bellefonte on Monday last can’ have them returned to him by calling at’this office. — Dr. Hale, of this place, is slowly recovering from a serious illness that ex- tended though a number of months, and at one time appeared as if it would prove fatal. —Dr. Seibert has moved his family and office into Mr, Bartruff’s house on Bishop street, opposite Father McArdle’s residence; where he will be pleased to meet all his friends. — Last Friday Miss Mary Wallace, of Milesburg, and Mr. Wm. Pletcher, of Pittsburg, freight conductor on the P. & L. E. railroad, were married at the home of the bride. — Several weeks ago we noticed the departure of Mr. Paul Sternberg, of this place, for Seattle, State of ‘Washington. The young man has got, there, and has already secured a place in a store. ——On the 10th of the coming May the people of Milton intend to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the big fire that demolished their town. Itseems to he® a rather singular thing to celebrate. — James McCan, ex-Chief Burgess of Tyrone, and for a number of years agent and weighmaster at the Tyrone scales of the Pennsylvania railroad, died at his home in that place last Monday. ——The Telephone company at this place have just erected six new and very long poles preparatory to transferring their office from the Haupt building to more commodious quarters in the Bush Arcade. ——The Constans Commandery, Knights Templar, No. 33, of Bellefonte, will attend the Grand Annual Conclave in Lock Haven next May. There will be some forty of them, and they have already secured accommodations at the Keating House. ——Last Friday, while James Davis; brakeman on the Bald Eagle valley railroad, was coupling cars at Union- ville, the thumb of his left hand was so badly crushed that it had to be amputa- ted. He had just recovered from an in- jury to hisright hand. The people of the Reformed con- gregation at Boalsburg, this county, have been made the recipients of a very handsome Bailey Reflector at the hands of Mr. & Mrs. David Sparr, and they are accordingly very grateful. The ex- pense of the Reflector was $90. — Last Friday morning, Christian Mott, of Mill Hall, an employee of the Mann axe works of that place, died of axe-maker’s consumption,at the residenc® of his parents at Roopsburg, near Belle- fonte, at the age of about 34 years, leav- ing a wife and three children. Sheriff Cooke, it is said, will issue four hundred passes to the Andrews’ choking bee at Bellefonte on the 9th proximo. We had suppcsed that under the law public executions in Pennsyi- vania were done away with. But it seems such is not the case.—Lock Ha- ven Democrat. Samuel Strayer, of Lock Haven, was arrested on Thursday of last week for having attempted to shoot bis wife with a pistol. They were not living to- gether, and the cause of the attempted shooting was her refusal to give up a child which he wanted. He was lodged in jail in default of $500 bail. Mgr. CARNEGIE’S VALUABLE PRrEs- ENT To THE PENNA. STATE COLLEGE. —Mr. Carnegie has just donated to the Library of the Pennsylvania State College a work of exceptional im- portance and interest. It is entitled “Tacsimiles of the Manuscripts Re- in the Archives of England, France, Holland and Spain.” The cost of the series which contains 100 volumes, is $2,000, and it will take ten years to complete the series, Only 200 copies of the work are to be printed, and the nega- tives are destroyed as soon as each vol- ame is printed. The importance of this publication will be appreciated when it is under- stood that it is a catalogue of the docnu- ments relating tothe Revolutionary War now remaining in foreign archives, with exact photographic facsimiles. A state paper often exists in more than one form and frequently in several collec- tions. The original may be found, for instance, at London, while copies of it, perhaps in cipher, may be discovered at Paris, or at the Hague, or in Spain, hav- ing been sent thither by an embassador or secret azent Each copy was prepar- ed for a special purpose, to accomplish a certain end. Whether that end was or was not attained, the means by which its object was effected, or the causes which prevented the expected resulis, are often shown by memoranda and en- dorsements made upon it by the pnblic minister through whose hands it has passed. These memoranda and endorse- ments are often of the same historical valueas the paper itself, and enhance its value correspondingly. It 1s, of course, impossible to bring them all to- gether, but Benjamin Franklin Stevens, the author of this stupendous undertak- ing, proposes to give American scholars an opportunity to see photographic cop- ies of many of the original documehts pertaining to the Revolution. The importance of these fac-simile re- productions will be further seen when it is remembered that many of these manu- scripts in foreign archives are in a de- caying condition and are already almost illegible. Again, no facilities exist in this country for consulting the original manuscript. The State College is to be heartily congratulated on this magnificent addi- tion to its Library. CoNDITION oF THE METHODIST CHURCH IN THIS DIsTRICT.—At the Central Pennsylvania Conference in session at Carlisle last week, Presiding Elder Hamlin made the following report concerning the district over which he presides : In the work of church building and improvement, the enterprise and zeal of our people have suffered no abatement. A willingness to contribute liberally to these purposes is everywhere manifest- ed. During the year five new churches have been dedicated. Gray’s church in Half Moon charge, a beautiful brick edi- fice costing about $4,000, was dedicated early in the year. At Lemont, in Pine Grove charge, there now stands as a monument to the liberality of the small membership at that place an elegant lit- tle church, erected at a cost of about $2,000. It was dedicated December 15 with all indebtedness provided for At Bania, Ramey charge, the church, the foundations of which were laid last year, has been finished at a cost of about $3,000, only a light indebtedness remain- ing. It was dedicated in August, the Rev. G. D. Penepacker and the Rev. M. L. Ganoe officiating, to whom for services on that occasion rendered, we are great- ly indebted. At a cost of abour $1,200 has been erezted at Madera, Glen Hope charge, a comfortable little church. It was dedicated free of debt by Rev. Dr. Reed, president of Dickinson college, whose visit to this growing town was a great blessing and will be long and gratefully remembered. Many of the churches in the district have been greatly improved, notably the church at Bellefonte. Of the ex- pense incident to this costly improve- ment $1,775 has been collected and paid this year. The reopening services were intensely interesting, Dr. Reed, of Car- lisle, preaching on the occasion twa elo- quent and appropriate sermons, The churea at Centre, Howard circuit, has also been enlarged and improved at a cost of $735. It was reopened by Dr. Gray, of Dickinson seminary, through whose skillful and vigorous manage- ment the whole indebtedness was pro- vided for. The church at Birmingham charge has also been improved and made beau- tiful, at a cost of $650, all of which has been paid. Ata considerable cost sev- eral other churches have been improved. The whole amount collected and paid on church improvement during the year will aggregate $5,000. About $1,500 have been expended in the improvement of parsonage property: A parsonage costing $950 has been pur- chased at Spring Mills, a central location of Penns Valley circuit. At Tyrone al- go a comfortable parsonage, well located, has been purchased at a cost of $4,500. The following missionary collections were made in this county during the past year in different Methodist charges : Bellefonte, $400, Half Moon, $257; Howard, $7 } ; Milesburg and Unionville, | $67 ; Penns Valley, $123; Philipsburg, ' $980; Snow Shoe, $81. lating to America, from 1763 to 1783, | ——Tt is always a pleasure to have a | visit from our former townsman, R. M. McGee, Esq., which pleasure we had on Wednesday, he being on a visit to Bellefonte from his present place of re- sidence, Philadelphia. ——Myr. Dorsey J. Gingery, a promis- ing young merchant and Democrat of Woodland, Clearfield county, with his father, Mr. Samuel Gingery, of Martha, were among the many welcome callers at the WarcnMaN office, the past week. C. D. Keller, esq., formerly a prosperous merchant ot this place, but for several years back getting wealthy and making himself popular not only as a citizen but as a business man of La Jose, Clearfield county, spent Sunday with friends hereabouts and in Penns Valley. ——The lady members of the Y. M C. A. gymaysium having been at con- siderable expense in furnishing curtains, and having other articles to purchase, have decided to charge all lady visitors, who are not members, the small sum of five cents admittance, which will be placed in the furnishing fund. ——Owing to a change in tecritory J. A. Woodcock, district agent of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of N. Y., will locate in Williamsport, Penn., it being a more central point for his business, besides affording an opportunity for his son Jay to attend Dickinson Seminary which is located in that city. Mr. James McKee has leased Mr, Woodcock’s home on Kast Linn street and will occupy it about the 10th of April. ay ——DLast Friday morning Alfred Davis, the man who had been arrested on suspicion of being one of the parties that robbed Budinger’s store at Snow Shoe, had a bearing, before Judge Furst. Testimony was given by half a dozen witnesses, making a rather strong case against him. Two revolvers that were stolen from the store were found in the garret of his house, and also a box of men’s caps. A Pinkerton detective from Philadelphia, named Day, had been set on his track, and developed the facts against him. This same detective was the one who entrapped ‘Red-nosed Mike.” In default of $1000 bail Davis was remanded to jail to await] his trial. FIrE oN BisHor STREET.— Last Sun- day evening about half pasteight o’clock fire was discovered breaking out of the roof of the residence of Mr. Vincent Bauer on Bishop street. Although the alarm was immediately given and the ever alert firemen was on the ground as soon as possible, the fire burst forth in great! volume and made a big smoke, the building being an old frame and very combustible. At one time it looked as if the whole block would be involved, but by great exertion the fire was con- fined to the house where it originated,the upper part of which was badly burned out, and the lower part much damaged by the water used in extinguishing the flames. The house was occupied by Mr. Bauer and Ollie Miller. The fur- niture of the former was much injured, but Mr. Miller saved most of his. The loss of the former on house and furni- ture was about $3000, on which there is $2100 insurance. Miller had no in- surance. As the fire progressed and the energies of the brave fire boys waned in their en- deavors to save property at the risk of life or threatened disease from wet and frozen clothing, where, oh, where! was the inspiring and resuscitating coffee cart! Can it be possible that our coura- geous temperance association is becom- ing disheartened ir the good work, or were they so ®xhausted from overwork in their attempt to control the action of the court? DepicATION OF A CosTLY CHURCH. —The memorial Methodist church and chapel, built at Lewisburg "by Thomas Beaver, as a memorial to his father, Rev. Peter Beaver, and which 1s represented to have cost over $100,000, will be for1- mally presented and dedicated at Lew- isburg, Pa., on Wednesday, May 14, 1890. Rev. Bishop Foss, D. D. L L. D., of Philadelphia, will preach the dedicatory sermon at 10:30 a. m. Rev. Dr. John DeWitte, of McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, will preach at 3 o’clock p. m. In the even- ing Rev. Bishop Bowman, D. D., of St. Louis, will preside at a platform meet- ing when addresses will be delivered by Rev. Bishops Fowler and Vincent, Dr. J. M. Buckley, of New York, Gov. Jas. A. Beaver, President Reed, of Carlisle College, and Dr. C. C. McCabe Services and lectures Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. On Sunday, May 18th, Bishop Fowler and Vincent and President Reed will occupy the pul- pit. These services will be continued during the week, and addresses will Le delivered by the prominent ministers of the Central Pennsylvania and Philadel phia Conferences. For THE CLARA PRICE MoNUMENT Fuxp.-——We acknowledge the receipt of a contribution of one dollar to the Clara Price monument fund from Miss Celia C. Armor, of Belletonte. Any other contributions to this worthy ob- ject that may be sent to this office, will be duly acknowleged and forwarded to the treasurer of the fund. More VIOLENCE IN CLINTON CoUN- TY.— Wm. G. Newberry died in Lock Haven last Saturday morning, the cause of his death being supposed to be injur- ies received from blows struck by Charles Mosher on Thursday night at Leman’s hotel. There were a number of bruises on his head and on his body, and Saturday morning blood and water are said to have ran out of his mouth. The deceased complained of sickness and | headache early in the morning, and did notget up, and in the afwernoon Dr. Hayes was sent for, made an examina- tion and left a prescription, The family did not anticipate a serious result, but death’s coming was swift and sudden. ' Deceased was an old soldier, about 57 years of age, and a member of the G. A. R. Mrs. John Whiteman, of Milesburg, | was one of his children. A coroner's in- quest was held on Saturday afternoon, and Charles Mosher, the party charged with inflicting the injury, has been ar- rested. We have since learned that the cor. oner’s jury found that Newberry came to his death from apoplexy superinduced by injuries to his brain caused by blows received from the said Mosher. knocked down the first time Newberry’s head struck on the stove, whereby a severe hurt was received on the left side, under which the doctors found clotted blood on the brain, about half an ounce, On the second knock down he fell on | the back of his head, striking the floor with full force, receiving an injury near the top of the head, on the right side of the dividing line, which produced three and a half ounces of blood ong the brain. These clots the physicians, Drs. Walls and Hays, who made the post mortem, say produced the apoplexy from which death resulted. A Quiet THouGgHJoYoUs WEDDING: —The wedding of Mr. J. Miles Kepheart ard Mrs. Emma Graham Wakefield, which was consummated at the residence of Wm. F. Reber, esq.,on High street, on Tuesday afternoon last, at four o'clock, was one of the quietest yet happiest eventg that has transpired in Bellefonte for a long time. This union was somewhat romantic in that Mr. and Mrs. Kepheart were lovers before the war. Unforeseen cir- cumstances having separated them then, she married Mr. Wakefield of Lewis- town, at that time Recorder of Miftljn county. Mrs. Kepheart has been confined to her bed all winter by nervous prostra- tion, but was able to be up while the Rev. Dr. Laurie conducted the services which made her the bride of one to whom she had plighted her troth years ago. : The groom, a resident of Fleming, Pa., is one of the most intelligent men in this community and served as a com- missary during -the war with honor to himself and his country. Miles is a whole souled, generous fellow, and will make one of the best of husbands. His brideis a sister of Mrs. Butts, and an aunt of Mrs. Wm JF. Reber of thi place, and is a lady of refinement and culture. On account ofthe physical condition of Mrs. Kepheart, the ceremony was celebrated with less pomp than would have attended it had everything per- mitted but from the expression of the groom’s face when we saw him we knew thateven if there was not the usual splen- dor of such an occasion, there was the greatest of joy. ? ‘We bespeak for Mr.and Mrs. Kep- heart a long life of wedded happiness. A SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL ENTERTAIN- MENT.—The closing of Prof. Morrison’s second term as teacher of the South Philipsburg grammar school on the 19th inst., was attended with an enter- tainment in the evening which had many pleasant features and was a great suc- cess in every way. Although the ad- mission charged was merely nominal a neat little sum was realized which will be devoted to purchasing new books for | The schoolroora had into a miniature the school library. been transformed theatre by the erection of a temporary stage, on which the actors and actresses rendered a program with such excellence as to hold the attention, and please the entire audience, and well repaid those who had come from the neighboring school districts to see and hear. The program was large and well ren- dered, and the scholars gave evidence of the culture they have received from Prof. Morrison. The performance was followed by an address from the Professor, who upon its conclusion’ presented Misses Nellie Batcheler and Nettie Bathgate, each with a beautiful silver cup as rewards for regular attendance and good con- | duct. Nettie Bathgate, Della and Grace Pearce and Grace Hazzard, each won class prizes which were presented to them, and then the Professor was the subject of a little surprise when Prof. McDonald in a short but very well worded address presented him with a valuable and useful Paul E. Wirt foun- tain pen, a gift from his school. Tt was evident that there was a mutually- cordial feeling -between the teacher and the scholars, ‘When ! A BrinriaNtT House WEDDING. — Bellefonte society has been set agog by the brilliant wedding of Col. Jackson - L. Spangler to Mrs. Lida Holiday, at the home of the bride on the north-east corner of the Diamond. The nuptials were celebrated at seven o'clock on last Tuesday evening, Rev. | Houck, of the Methodist Episcopal | church, officiating. The bride’s hand- some attire of heliotrope silk and velvet, and her stately mien, made her most | charming indeed, while the Colonel in conventional black looked the picture of joy. After the ceremony was performed a wedding supper was served by our popu- lar caterer, Joseph Ceadar, and those ; who were fortunate enough to partake of it say thatit was a veritable sym- posium. Col. Spangler, the groom, is one of the most successful lawyers at the Centre county bar and figures prominently in political and social life. He is interest- ed with Adj. General Hastings and oth- ers in extensive coal operations. | Misses Myra Holiday and Millie Smith were maids of honor. The presents were of the most valua- ble nature, those of the groom to the _ bride being diamond earrings, bracelets and brooch. Many prominent guests! from a dis- tance were present, and telegrams of re- gret were received from Gen. Hastings and brother. | The couple departed midst a volley "of old shoes and rice fora tour through | the principal southern cities. Upon their return they will occupy the old Hale mansion on Allegheny street, which Mr. Spangler recently pur- chased and is going to have remodeled. | | | i APPOINTMENTS oF THE METHODIST CONFERENCE FOR THE ALTOONA Dis- TRICT FOR THE COMING YEAR :— B. B. Hamlin, Presiding Elder. Allegheny, L. I. Logan, supply. Altoona—Chestnut Ave., A: R. Miller. dt Eighth Ave., H.R. Bender. £6 Fifth Ave., R. H. Colburn. “ First Church, D. S. Monroe. it Simpson, R. E. Wilson, Altoona Circuit, L. F. Smith. Bellefonte, W. A. Houck. Bellwood, J. B. Stein. Birmingham, William Brill. Clearfield, G. D. Penepacker. Coalport, Job Truax, supply. Curwensville, G. T. Gray. Duncansville, H. N. Minnigh. Glen Hope, Bruce Hughes. Half Moon, A. R. Wharton. Hastings, to be supplied. Hollidaysburg, E. T. Swartz. Houtzdale, W. F. D. Noble. Howard, G. E. King. Irvona, Geo. Trach. Lumber City, C. A. Biddle. Martinsburg and Woodberry, A. W. Guyer. . Milesburg and Unionville, G. W. Bouse. Morrisdale, W. H. Lingenfelter, supply. New Washington, N. B. Smith. Osceola, M. C. Piper. Penn’s Valley, Owen Hicks. Philipsburg, J. H. McGarrah. Pine Grove, A. L. Miller. Pleasant Gap, G. P. Sarvis, supply. Port Matilda, J. C. Young. * Ramey, F. S. Vought. Roaring Springs, F. M. Welsh. Shawsville, F. W. Leidy. Snow Shoe, W. W. Cadle, supply Tyrone, G. Leidy. ‘Wallaceton, E. W. Wonner. Warrior's Mark, J. W. Ely. West Clearfield, E. H. Witman. Williamsburg, Elisha Shoemaker. Woodiand and Bradford, J. F. An- derson. SUPERNUMERARY AND SUPERANNU- ATED PREACHERS. John A. Woodcock, Geo. B. Ague, George Guyer, N. W. Colburn, T. A. Elliot, J. H. McCord, W. H. Norcross. | New Bloomfield, R. H. Stine; Espy and Lightstreet, W. R. Whitney; Sun- | bury, W. V. Ganoe; Wrightsville, J. [A Demoyer; ‘York, A.!M. Barnitz; | Bedford, M. L. Smyser ; Shirleysburg, | F. W. Biddle ; South Williamsport, G. | M. Glenn ; Manor Hill, J. R. King; Watsontown, W. W. Reese; Montgom- ery, H. F. Cares ; Fairview, O. G. Heck; : Sinnemahoning, Isaac'Heckman. McCarmont & Co. IN THEIR NEW, Prace.—Itis now a matter of interest for the large number of patrons of Messrs. McCalmont & Co. to know that they are moving their agricaltural im- plement and seed store into the large and commodious Hale building. They | will te able to show their implements, seeds and serve their customers to a much better advantage than heretofore. They are supplied with Conklin Wag- ons for which they are the Manufactur- ers’ agents in Centre county. These commend themselves to all wagons judges of good wagons—they have fo competitors in this locality for light running and durability. The Champion is a new wagon, which commends itself on rough roads and a front movement, which saves the team. The “South Bend Chilled Plow” is one of the most attractive features of this new store room. Farmers cannot afford to delay in supplying themselves with the South Bend. A full supply of plow-shares for plowing soft, hard or gravely soil, on hand at lowest prices. The Roland Chilled is the best bevel jand side plow in the market. They de fy competition, as to strength, durability and light running. They guarantee the best shares and are ready to compete with any bevel- land side plow in existence. - They also have sume Universal Plows at reluced prices. The Hench Cultivator with two rowed | corn planter and fertilizer attachments, are included in their stock. ¥ They are glad to inform their farmer friends that the monopoly in Spring Tooth Harrows no longer exists. They invite their friends to examine their wooden and steel frame Spring Tooth Harrows, which are the best in the mar- ket and sold at the lowest prices. They are supplied with choice farm and garden seeds and they only state facts when they inform their farmer friends that they are the only dealers in Central Pennsylvania who make it a specialty to deal in choice recleaned clover seed. Tue PLACE FoR HoLpING THE NEXT M. E.. Coxrerexce.—Concerning the place for holding the next conference the question came up before the M. E. Conference at Carlisle on Monday,invitations being extended from Mt. Carmel, Sunbury and the First church, at York. Mt Carmel received 61 and Sunbury 91 votes. On motion of Rev. Ferguson, the vote for Sun- bury was made unanimous. By a vote of the conference thanks were tendered to Mount Carmel and York for the in- vitations extended. Dr. Monroe pleasant- ly suggested that York be requested to invite the conference in 1892. ——The following letters remain uncalled for at the Bellefonte, P, O. March 24 1890.— Frank Allison, Mrs. Mary Lucas, L. A.Bouer, Elizabeth Martin, N. Bowers, R. P. Miller, Wash Conner, Jacob McClinsey, Franklin Emerick, William Kitz, Uriah Houseal, Susan Rushrautt, Martince Noldemon, Maggie Saun- gore; Mrs. 8. N. Kline, Edmond F. Teets, John Lahr. When called for please say advertised. Norrck.—The annual meeting of the Centre Iron Company will be held at its office in Bellefonte, Pa., on April 2nd, 1890, at 11 o’clock, a. m. C. A. HARTE. Secretary. ——Mr. H. B. Shaffer, one of the finest artists in the State, will occupy Photograph Gallery over Lyon's store, about April Its. He will do the finest work ever done in Centre county, equal to any city work. Wait for him. 2t. OUR SPRING WOULENS HAVE ARRIV- ED.—Leave your order for a suit now at a special discount. All the new shapes in spring styles of Hats=— We are agents for the sale of the ‘Mother's Friend" Shirt Waist. Mox~tcoMERY & Co. ——Steady employment on salary is offered in another column by E. C. Pierson & Co., Waterloo, N. Y. Died. EVANS.—Rufus D. Evans, of South William- sport, but residing in Bellefonte at the time of his death, died of typhoid pneumohia March 17, 1890, aged 29 years 4 months, and 1 day. The deceased was a young man of much worth, highly esteemed for his intelligence, and dearly beloved by all who knew him, for his generous and benevolent nature. He leaves a young wife and many dear friends to mourn his loss. He has passed from the world forever, But still lives in another sphere, Our earthly eyes eannot behold him, Yet we feel his presence near. When we are clothed in the immortal, We shall pass beyorid this wall, And join him within the portal Of the being of us all. Sale Register. For the benefit of thos: who contemplate making public sale during the coming season, we will keep a register of all sales within the county as fully as possible, examination of which will be free to all. Persons having their bills printed at the WATCHMAN affice, will secure notice 0 sale in this column free of charge. Aprin 3. At Jacob Leather’s, one mile north of Curtin Station. Colts, horses, cows, cattle, hogs, wagons, spring wagon, harness, hay, etc. ete. Sale at one o'clock. t ———————————— Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co: The following are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper 23 to press : Vhite wheat, per bushel.........ccc ceiiiiinns > Read wheat, per-bushel... 80 Rye, per bushel............ 45 Corn, ears, per bushel... 20 Corn, shelled, per bushel. 35 Oats—new, per bushel.. 25 Barley, per bushel.... 45 Buckwheat per bushel. 50 Cloverseed, per bushel.. 00 Gronnd Plaster, per ton. 0 mem nreasiamey Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes per bushel Eggs, per dozen..... 20 Lard, per pound..... 8 CountryShoulders.. 10 Sides... 10 Hams. 14 Tallow, per pou 3% Butter, per pound 25 Onions, per bush > Turnips, per bushel... n—————— The Democratic Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Belle- fonte, Pa., at'$2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons adver- tising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol lows : SPACE OCCUPIED. |3m [6m ly One inch (12 lines this type. $588 | 12 Two Jiri) 18 Three INCNes: cisssse 410] 15+ 20 Quarter Column (4}4 inches 120900 30 alf Column ( 9 inches).. [20135 | 5b One Column (19 inches)............... | 85 | 55 | 100 Advertisements in special column, 25 per cent. additional. Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cts. Each additional insertion, per line......... Local notices, per line........... dare. Business notices, per line.......cvvuieeiienrnns 10 cts. Job Printing of every kind dene with neat- ness and dispatch. The WarcumAN office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be executed in the most artistic mannerand af the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor. a 1