Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 28, 1890, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—The President was out duck shooting
last week. That he didn’t shoot a hog
this time indicated an improvement in
his marksmanship.
—A dirty business in which this Con-
gress has been engaged, was continued
by seating a specimen of Maryland
Mupp in the House the other day.
—The Flack business in New York
makes it very evident that the situation
in that city would be improved by
Democratic reform of the Tilden va-
—JoHN SHERMAN’S anti-trust bill
isn’t designed to squelch the trusts so
much as it is to squelch Arcer. Uncle
J ouN’s animosity may be trusted to
¢ ‘get there” every time.
—Tt is to be hoped that nobody
will want to put up monuments
in honor of the scoundrels who have
been abusing the helpless inmates of the
P biladelphia blind asylum.
—The HARRISONS are not satisfied
with the accommodations of the White
House, but as a notice to quit is sure to
come three years hence they should try
to worry through until that time.
—As the Lodge Federal Election
Bill would create a million officials, it
would be of considerable assistance
to the administration in making the
offices go round. Still the supply
wouldn’t fill the demand.
—The English coal miners have se-
cured an advance of 44 per cent in their
wages within the past eighteen months:
The only advance tbat the protected
coal miners of Pennsylvania have made
has been toward starvation,
— If the young Emperor of Germany
should be moved by an ambition to imi-
tate his illustrious predecessor, FRED-
ERIC the Great, he would run the risk of
making such a mess of it that history
would have occasion to write him
down as WILLIAM the Little.
—If McKINLEY is basing his presi-
dential boom on the belief that the
country will want a strong protection
candidate in 1892, he is likely to be
disappointed in finding no demand
for that article in the political market
at that date.
—Ex-Congressman SCHENCK, who as
Minister to England had the distinction
of introducing the American game of
poker into that country, has passed in
his checks and gone to a land where a
royal flush isn’t of more account than a
single pair.
—The mimic re-nomination of Grov-
ER CLEVELAND for the Presidency by
the students of the Ohio University some
days ago, may have been an anticipa-
tion of a movement that will be actuaj
and unconfined to the limits of a college,
two years hence.
—The ‘admission of the two fraudu-
lent Republican Senators from Monta-
na only adds to the contempt with
which the collection of second-class
statesmen and first-class millionaires,
known as the United States Senate, is
beginning to be regarded by the people.
—As the gentle shepherds of Ohio
make their profits chiefly by selling
their highly improved sheep to Mexican
and South American customers for
breeding purposes, it is difficult to see
how taxing imported wool can have
any effect upon the value of their rams.
—The New York Tribune declares
that “the Lodge bill will be needed
wherever there is organized fraud.” As
it isn’t possible that the Republicans
would deliberately trip themselves up
in that way, this declaration of the
New York organ doesn’t mean what it
—The United States Senate is unde-
niably open to the charge that it is nog
as good as it might be, but the country
wasn’t prepared for BLAIR’S insinua.
tion that by defeating his educational
bill that body gave unmistakable evi.
dence of its having been captured by
the Jesuits.
—1It seems to the Philadelphia Press
that “the Ways and Means Committee
are a good deal at sea as to the proper
treatment of hides.” If the tariff rob-
bery is continued there wen't be any
question in the public mind that the
proper treatment of Republican hides
will be to tan them thoroughly.
—The McKinley tariff tinkers have
been so scared by the protests against
their intention of going back to the
barbarism of imposing a duty on hides,
that it is said they will let them re-
main on the free list. But should they
not be ashamed to make such a ccnees.
sion to the principle of free trade ?
—The transition which Senator ALLI-
soN’s tariff views are Gindergoing af- |
fords an interesting study. A year ago
of the benefits of protection, be able to
An English and American Contrast.
The papers that support the monopo-
ly tariff of this country took a peculiar
delight a week or so ago in aunnounc-
ing that a great strike, including many
thousand miners, had been started
in the miningdistricts of England,using
it as an offset to the charge that the
American miners do not receive satis-
factory wages under a system that is
claimed to be for the benefit of labor.
It appeared to be a pleasure to the
tariff organs to hear of strikes in a free
trade country, and they made the most
of this recent miners’ movement and
also that of the London dockmen some
months ago.
But it would be well for them to
mark the difference in the results of
English and of American movements of
this kind. Who ever hears of an
American miners’ strike being success-
ful? It has been invariably the case
that after months of suffering and pri-
vation the latter have been starved into
submitting to the terms of their task
masters, their last condition being
worse than their first. But in the case
of the recent gigantic strike of English
coal miners, it hardly commenced be-
fore it ended, and it terminated not in
the submission of the men, but in the
compliance of their employers with
their demands. There had been an ad.
vance of 25 per cent in the price of
coal during the year, and in conse-
quence a rise of 10 per cent in wages was
demanded by the workmen. To this
the employers demurred, and prepara-
tions were at once made for a great
strike by the employees. And how did
it eventuate? There were no Pinker-
ton detectives called in to restrain the
men who were so presumptuous as to
ask for more pay ; the starving process
was not resorted to, nor was eviction
practiced upon the families of the
strikers ; there were no cheap Huns and
Italians rushed in to take their places;
none of these beautiful American prac-
tices, so common. in our tariff-blessed
land, were employed as a means of de-
feating the demands of these British
miners for more pay. There was
scarcely an interval between the an-
nouncement of the employees’ deter-
mination to strike and the concession to
their demands by the employers. The
10 per cent. advance was conceded, 5
per cent immediately, and 5 per cent. on
the first of July. Those who have ob-
served the wretched results of the coal
miners’ strikes in this country—long
continued idleness, want terminating
in starvation, and ultimate surrender—
can see the contrast presented in these
two pictures.
The fact is that the wages of miners
as well as those of workingmen general-
ly in free trade England, are gradually
but surely advancing,there having been
an all around rise of about 25 per cent.
within the last five years. How the
compensation of American miners is
being advanced may be learned from
the following story of an American
miner's condition, representing the
average plight of that class, as related
by Mr. PowpERrLY in a series of letters
describing the situation of some of the
sons of toil in protected Pennsylvania.
A miner recently said to him :
I have a wife and five children, all girls, pay
#6 rent, $2.40 a ton for coal each month. I
worked but four and one-sixth days last month
and was docked half a car. Had one child sick
the greater part of the winter and all of them
are sick now, and I know it’s because they
don’t have enough to eat. Imust see the butch-
er drive past with a wagon load of meat, and,
good God, it is hard to feel the want of it, hard
to know that the babies are erying for just a
little of it, hard to think that I who never
wronged a man in my life must choke back
the feeling that prompts me to go out and steal
some of the meat for my family. Iam not lazy,
don’t drink, work hard when I get it; but it's
no use, they only want us as they do the tools
in the mines, to make money on us. I often
go out and walk up and down this street in the
evening so that I won’t hear the little ones
asking for a bite before they go to sleep. The
Slavs are being made use of to grind us to the
dust, and they will do anything to get and
keep a job.
Will those who have heard so much
he was an uncompromising high tariff’
man. Since then an election took place
in Towa and last week he declared him-
self in favor of “revising and remodeling
the tariff.” After another election he
will be advocating a big reduction of the
tariff, and a few more repetitions of the
Towa anti-tariff expression are likely to
set him howling for free trade.
! others.
recognize this as a picture of alaboring
man in a country that is in the full en-
joyment of the blessings of a *‘protec-
tive” tariff? The case given by Mr.
PowbperLy is a type of thousands of
Can free trade England show
anything to compare with them?
In bouncing Bismarck so sums
marily out of the chancellorship, the
voung Emperor of Germany is playing
Kaiser in a way that would astonish
his grandfather if the oid gentl:man
could see it.
NO. 13.
Learning by Experience.
During the Prohibition contest last
vear the chief ground of objection tak-
en by those who opposed the prohibi-
tive amendment was that prohibition
would fail to prohibit, and that upon
the removal of the restraints of a pro-
per license law the evils of intemper-
ance would be increased instead of be-
ing suppressed. The ardent temper-
ance advocates allowed their enthu-
siasm to blind them to what appeared
to be a reasonable and practical view
of the effects of prohibitive measures,
supported by experience in other States
and rendered inevitable by a general
weakness of human nature.
We remember a ratification meeting
that about a year ago was held in this
good town of Bellefonte by excellent
and well-meaning citizens who met
to boom the cause of an amend:
ment to the State constitution which
was intended to prohibit the manufac-
ture and sale of intoxicating liquors in
this commonwealth. These good people
scouted the proposition that prohibi-
tion would not prohibit, and among
the most sanguine of them was his
Honor, Judge Furst, who, with expres-
sions of great satisfaction, looked for-
ward to the time when Prohibition
would completely wipe out the evils of
intemperance, and confidently predict-
ed that the prohibition amendment
would be carried by a majority of a
hundred thousand.
The Judge, however, since then has
had occasion to change his opinion
about the efficacy of prohibitions
having received an object lesson on
that subject in Huntingdon county
where for the last three years prohibi-
tion has been given a chance to show
what it can do, by the refusal of the
court to grant any license whatever to
sell liquor. At the last term of court
in that county, when the question of
granting the license applications of
certain parties came up for considera-
tion, Judge Furst favored their being
granted on the ground that there
should be some legal restraint “of the
amazing amount of drunkenness that
is practiced in this town”’—Hunting-
don, a locality that hasn’t had a li-
censed hotel or saloon for the last three
years. Speaking of “the speak-easies
and other similar drinking resorts that
have grown up like mushrooms in the
town,” his Honor said, “Prohibition in
“this county, it seems, encourages the
“creation and maintenance of private
“drinking clubs and an increase in the
“amount of drinking.”
It is encouraging to see that expe-
rience and the unanswerable logic of
facts have opened the eyes of Judge
Furst to the futility of forcible meas-
ures for the suppression of the liquor
evil; but what is to be thought of the
wisdom of his two impractical asso-
ciates who wouldn't learn by experience,
but persisted in handing the county over
to the devastation of unrestrained and
unregulated drunkenness ?
—— As the McKinley bill promises
to end in a rowamong the beneficiaries
of the thieves’ tariff, there may be in
the upshotof the misunderstanding a
realization of the o'd maxim that when
thieves fali out honest nen get their
What They Will Say and Do.
Our excellent contemporary, the
Philadelphia Record, makes the follow-
ing remark with an accompanying. in-
terrogation :
The proposition of the Ways and Means
Committee to restore the duty on hides, and to
increase the duty on carpet woel 40 per cent.,
is a grave menace to important industries in
Philadelphia. What say the manufacturers
and merchants of this city to this attack upon
their interests?
From what we have learned of the
political disposition of Philadelphia
manufacturers and merchants by ob-
servation, we believe that they will
have little, if anything, to say against
this attack upon their interests, but,
like the fanatical party-men that they
The Tin Infant.
The outrage of increasing the tariff
tax on an article of such general use
and everyday necessity as tin,asintend-
ed by the McKinley bill, is attempted
to be justified by the explanation of a
tariff journal that ‘¢ this duty is request-
ed by the vast tin interests in South
Dakota, by the Chicago Tin Plate As-
sociation, and bv North Carolina and
West Virginia tin interests.” This
claim is thoroughly fraudulent. The
vast tin interests of South Dakota are
merely imaginary. There is only] a
suspicion that tin ore exists in any
large quantity in South Dakota, and
the same may be said cf the tin depgs-
its of North Carolina and West Vir-
ginia. The substantial interest in this
matter is that of the Chicago Tin Plate
Association, and to give this company,
and another one at Pittsburg, a monop-
oly of the tin business of th: country
is the object of the increase of the duty
on tin plate. The tens of thousands of
tin consumers, including the vast can-
ning interest, are to pay tribute to a
favored monopoly which at mo3t can
employ but a limited number of hands.
The bulk of the profits will go toward
increasing the select list of millionaire
proprietors who are becoming the plu-
tocratic aristocracy of this country.
The New York Press, one of the
most active organs of robbery legalized
by tariff laws, speaking for the nurture
of the infant tin industry by the protec-
tion sucking-bottle, says that “there
will be plenty of competition to keep
down prices as soon as the indust.y is
established.” This is most thorough
rot in view of the fact that high duties
are usually followed by combines
which, relieved from foreign competi-
tion, speedily and effectually establish
monopolies by the suppression of home
competition. It is in this way that a
high tariff is responsible for the exis-
tence of trusts, and it is through such
an agency that consumers are robbed.
——The extradition treaty = will
#2ke Canzda an undesirable locality
for American boodlers.
Blair’s Bill Knocked in the Head.
It isn’t often that the Republican
Senate does a commendable act, but
last Saturday 1t did something for
which it deserves praise, by defeating
the pestilent so-called educational bill
with which Brair,the New Hampshire
nuisance, has been trying the patience
of the country during several past ses-
sions.” The scheme was to draw a large
sum of money from the federal treasury
for the maintenance of schools, partic-
ularly in the South. Apart from the
consideration that the school business
is not within the functions of the gener-
al government, the object of the bill
was objectionable on the ground that
it required an expenditure that would
help to continue the necessity for tariff
taxation. The states are amply able
to attend to the education of their own
citizens, and it does not appear that
any of them are neglecting this duty.
The South has done much to remove
the illiteracy of its negro population,
the larger portion of very liberal school
funds being applied to that purpose.
Brair, with the persistence of a con-
firmed bore, is trying to bring his bill
up again in a new form, but in all
probability the nuisance has been fi-
nally disposed of.
en —
An Objection Disposed Of.
Some improvement on the present
method of holding elections is an ob-
ject desired by good citizens in every
state of the Union, and it is generally
believed that the Australian ballot sys-
tem would furnish the most effective
means for the accomplishment of that
end. In this state an obstacle to its
adoption is interposed by the objection
that an amendment of the constitution
would be necessary before a change to
the Australian system could be validly
effected. The fallacy of this view is
shown by an article prepared by Mr.
Danier GisBoxs, editor of the Phila-
are, those who are Republicans will go
to the polls and vote the Republican!
Should ruin be mani- |
ticket as usual.
fest as a consequence of their party's
policy, it would be too much to expect
that it would impair their party allegi-
effect in politics as in religion, and that
is what is affecting the vision of those
who support a high tariff as a benefi-
cent party measure.
| ally required is not incompatible with
Fanaticiem has as blinding an
delphia Evening Herald, and publish-
ed in that paper, which we republish
on an inside page of this week’s Warcn-
MAN. In it he shows that the number-
ing of the ballots as now constitution-9
the object of the Australian sys-
tem, and that therefore an amendment
of the constitution would not be a ne-
ceseary preliminary to the adoption of
that system in this state.
Pennsylvania Methods Improved On.
The North Dakota Legislature ad-
journed without mustering up cheek
enough to pass the Louisiana lottery
bill in defiance of the aggregate de-
cency of the country, although it would
very much have liked to put such an
enactment through—for a considera-
tion. However the Republican tenden-
cy to do something mean and crooked
took a more definite form in the chair-
mau of the house committee disappear-
ing with the bill providing for the taxa
tion of railroads. The people of the
State are very desirous of having such
a measure passed, but in order to pre-
vent those corporations from being dis-
turbed by such legislation, the trick
of having the railroad tax bill dis-
appear in company with the officer who
had charge of it, was resorted to. The
Republicans of North Dakota have
improved on the practice of their
political brethren in Pennsylvania who
went to the trouble of passing a tax
bill and then managed to have 1t fall
through somewhere between the speak-
er of the Senate and the Governor.
A ———————
A Perry County Embroglio.
The old saw that when the cat is
away the mice will play, was exempli-
fied in the recent granting of licenses in
Perry county, to which we made refer-
ence last week. While Judge BARNETT
was up at Lock Haven holding court
for Judge MavER, associates Woops
and RuiNesMiTH took the respousibili-
ty of running the license machine, and
they did it in gay style. All remon-
strances were ignored, every applica-
tion received favorable action, and the !
job was brought to a fine finish by a li-
cense being granted to one of the
judges. It was a proceeding well cal-
culated to give entire satisfaction to the
most enthusiastic advocate of free rum.
When the judicial cat returned from
Lock Haven and discovered how the
subordinate rats had been capering
during his absence, his displeasure was
excited to such an extent that he or-
dered a rule on the parties to wham li-
censes had been granted to show cause
why they should not be revoked, and
among those who were thus called to
account was Associate Woops who had
thought that he had made things snug
for himself in the whisky business.
——It is said that the full name of
Bismarck’s successor is CoNcHA DI
CaremMBA Caprivi Caprara DI Mow-
TECUCULI Isn’t that a funny name for a
| Dutchman ? It hasn't the least bit of
the lager beer flavor about it. The
name of MoNTEcUCULI has been a great
one in European military annals, but
more in connection with the Italian
contingent of Austria than with Ger-
many. How did it ever get root in
German soil ?
A Remarkable Omission.
It is proposed to form a new county
out of parts of Allegheny, Butler,
Armstrong and Westmoreland, the
movement having progressed so far
that the name for the new county is
being discussed. Some one suggests
Stanton as a name that would be suita-
ble. This, no doubt, is intended to
be in honor of President Lincorn’s
Secretary of War, who attained celeb-
rity during the war of the rebellion.
Without attempting to discusss the
suitableness of this title for a Penn-
sylvania county, we will remark
that it has often appeared tous as be-
ing singular that there is no Jackson
county in Pennsylvania. Most of the
American worthies of great distinction,
and others not so very distinguished,
have been honored by having counties
in this State cailed after them, but,
notwithstanding that Jacksox in his
active political life was more popular
in Pennsylvania than in almost any
other state in the Union,and had a pe-
culiarly strong hold on the politics of
the state, his name was omitted from
the list of Pennsylvania counties. This
omission occurred, too, at a time when
such impersonal titles as Beaver,
Clarion, Elk, Forest, &c., were being
used in the county christenings.
It is probably too late to remedy this
oversight. There isn’t much likelihood
that the compliment of giving his name
to a county will be paid to the great
Democratic hero and leader in a state
which has fallen so completely under
the control of political characters like
Quay and his fellow Republican ring-
Spawls from the Keystone.
—The Pennsylvania Railroad will build a li-
brary at Altoona. 03
—Berks county is being extensively worked
by “green goods” men.
—Edward R. Walton, of Doylestown, has
about 12.0 young chickens.
—An ice company has been organized at
Reading with a capital of $25,000.
—Work has already begun on the flower beds
of the Pennsylvania Railroad s'ations.
—Reading Courts were recently engaged in
a case involving two buckets of coal.
—The Liquor League is opposing C.C. Kauft-
man for Senator of the Lancaster district.
—The Rainbow Fire Company of Reading
| celebrated its 117th anpiversery recently.
—Mr. Burns, of Erie, wants the Democratic
nomination for Secretary of Internal Affairs.
—T. B. Darlington,a West Chester fruit
grower, says the cherry trees are unharmed.
—A man arrested for drunkenness at Ches-
ter, said he spent $800 in eight weeks on a
—A.L. Kern, of Clarion, became insane over
a piece of oil-drilling machinery he had invent.
ed. :
—The wife of the late Charles Evans, of
Reading, found $1000 secreted in her husband’s
tool ®hest.
—A train of tRirty-five cars of Chicago beef
passed down the Lehigh Valley Railroad on
=A Philadelphia Hebrew was ejected from a
Reading synagogue because he had his trou-
sers rolled up.
—Young men at Altoona goto Tyrone when
they want to goon a spree, because the fines
are one-fifth less.
| —The ice machine in a Pottsville brewery
is producing an article as clear as crystal and
twelve inches thick.
—The 97-year-old mother of Harrison Shelly,
of Milford Square, ate her first plate of ice
cream last Saturday.
—The Trade and Labor Council and the 'Sin-
gle Tax Society, of Reading, are working to-
gether for Ballot Reform. :
—The Edgar Thompson steel works of Brad-
dock turned out 6073 rails in twenty-four
hours, thereby breaking the record.
—John 8. Petersheim, farmer, with liabilities
of $6000, made an assignment for the benefit
of ereditors at Lancaster on Thursday.
—The family of Samuel Watson, of Colerain
township, Lancaster county, consisting of
himself, wife and child, are in a eriteal con-
diton, the result of inhaling coal gas.
Joseph Young and Barrack & Co., two pro-
vision dealers of Johnstown, have been con-
victed of illegally selling oleomargarine.
—H. T. Ames, of Lycoming, has stepped to
the front to remark that he is willing to ac-
cept the Prohibition nomination for Governor.
—The largest hog that has been slaughtered
in! Bucks county for some time was killed last
week by a Bristol butcher. It weighed 119
—A storm tower fifty feet high is to be erect-
ed on the summit of Mount Penn, overlooking
the city of Reading. It will be 1200 feet above
sea level.
—The mean annual temperature of the State
for January, 1890, determined from sixty-four
stations, was 37.7 degrees, which is about 11
above normal. '
—Miss Landrosch, an Indian girl of the Win~
nebago tribe, a student at Millersville Norma
School, participated in a debate on the Indian
question a few days ago.
—The wife of Mail Agent F. P. Rehr, of
Reading, who is under arrest for robbing the
mails, says t hat her husband's downfall is due
to his mania for lottery tickets.
—The temperance element in Montgomery
county is waging a bitter war against the ap-
plicants for liquor licenses, whose claims will
come before the Court this week.
—A young man in Chambersburg made a
journey to Hagerstown to meet a girl whom
he was to marry, and when he arrived there he
found that she had just married another man
and fled.
—Captain Brice X. Blair, of the 149th Penn-
sylvania Regiment during the war, a member
of the Legislature in 1860, and ex-Postmaster,
died at Huntingdon last Friday of heart fail-
ure, agen 70.
—Several companies for the msnufacture of
ice have been recently organized in West
Chester, Coatsville and other places, and the
creamery companies are now moving in the
same direction.
—Benjamin Cooper, a well-known farmer of
Northampton township Bucks county, was
found hanging from a rafter in his wood-shed
a few days ago. It is supposed that his mind
was deranged.
—A rat which attacked a brood of chickens
at Pottstown was killed by the hen, and after
the battle the barn-yard rooster, who had oc-
cupied a safe perch on the fence, came to the
front and crowed lustily.
—Mrs. Phoebe McKenna, one of Slatington’s
most accomplished belles, had her arm ampu-
tated to save her life. The trouble came from
a slight bruise six months ago, which develop-
ed into diseased bone and led to blood poison-
—The residence of A. H. Pattison, in Morris
township, Huntingdon county, was destroyed
by fire on Saturday. Loss, $4000. The family
escaped safely by jumping from second story
windows, except Mrs. Patterson, who was
seriously hurt.
—The hands in the box department of the
Sheldon axle works at Wilkesbarre strnck be-
cause a non-union man was put to work. It is
thought that the strike will extend to the
other departments, if not settled, and will
etfect 1200 or 1500 men.
—A number of persons in Reading have been
critically sick from eating corned beaf, which
was supposed to have been poisoned. An ane
alysis failed to fine any cause for the sickness
and the attending physician is of the opinion
that the use of too large a quantity of saltpetre
in the curing of the beef was the cause.
suddenly disappeared from her home in Pitts-
ton six month ago,have been ascertained. She
is now at her father's homs in Dayton, O. At
the time of he disappearance the presumption
was that she had committed suiside by drown-
—Bartholomew, the murderer of Aaron Dil-
lard, was visited in Easton jail Friday by Rev.
| Bartholomew, of Philipsburg.
He received
the minister kindly ; said he was not ready to
prepare for death, and that he didn’t like to
die with the charge of murder on his mind,
| meaning that he will, after all his outbreaks of
blasphemy and denials, reform and acknowi
elge his guilt,