Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 14, 1890, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—The winter of 1890 is as completely
played out as is McGINTY who was one
of its most prominent characters.
—The picture of FRANKLIN appears
on the 1-cent stamp probably as aremind-
er that his common sense never de-
spised the value of common cents.
—Poor old BLAIR, with his scheme of
making literary characters of the South-
ern “coons,” stands a chance of being
voted a bore by his senatorial colleagues.
—New York is certainly reduced to
extremities when Ler feelings about the
loss of the World's Fair are vented in sar-
castic flings at the size of Chicago
—The big mouths which the swollen
Mississippi and Ohio are presenting,
show the effect which FoRAKER’S ex-
ample has had even upon the rivers of
the western country.
—SAm JoNES has admitted to a friend
that what he is particularly after is the
big round silver dollar. There has al-
ways been a strong suspicion that Sam
evangelized for revenue only.
—The proposition to lay a duty of
five cents a dozen on imported eggs is
merely a tariff cackle the purport of
which every farmer of ordinary dis-
-cernment will easily understand.
—The zeal with which Republican
papers are pushing W. L. Scorr into
view as a political Boss is a laugha-
ble attempt to create the impression
that the Democrats of Pennsylvania
have a QUAY.
—S1. MATTHIAS made something of
‘a spurt this season in creating ice where
he found none, but his work was very
incomplete, and as a weather prophet
‘he doesn’t stand much ahead of either
GREELY or thggroundhog.
—Chicago has always been charged
with entertaining a desire for the owner-
ship of the earth, but it looks as if that
small portion of it known as the
‘World’s Fair will be more than the am-
bitious city will be able to conveniently
—The Pottsville Journal thinks it a
big thing that WANAMAKER, who enter-
-ed public life without any political ex-
perience, is now the leader of the cabi-
net. But it isn’t so big a thing when
you come to consider the kind of cabinet
it is.
—The virtue of the Republican Leg-
islature of North Dakota would yield to
the seduction of the Louisiana Lottery
if the circumstance that the eyes of the
whole country have been directed to the
intended crim. con. didn’t operate as a
—1t is said that President HARRISON
is alarmed at the way his understrappers
are flinging away the surplus. Butt
what else could he have expected ?
Didn’t these understrappers work to
have him elected in order to be able to
fling away the surplus ?
—Senator SANDFORD is entittled to
the cake as a projector of government
paternalism. Probably his project to
have the government lend money at 1
and 2 per cent is intended to relieve the
western farmers who have been 1m-
poverished by taritt taxation.
—Public buildings erected at the ex-
pense of the government promise to
spring up as plentifully as skating
rinks did a few years ago. With the
prevailing disposition to get rid of the
surplus no town of any size should be
without a government building.
---After all the Democratic congress-
men-elect, whose elections are contested,
have been unseated, it may be expected
that the House will go on with such in-
cidental and subordinate business as leg-
islation. As promotive of party interest
there seems to be method in Tom REED’S
despotic madness.
— What did the editor of the Daily
News mean when in denying the cor-
rectness of a statement published about
ANDREWS, hesaid that it was ‘‘a plain
and direct fabrication of the truth.” If
it was that,why did he say that it wasn’t
true ? We are afraid there is something
crooked in our young friend's vocab-
—The spring elections in Towa and
New York indicate that the winter
term of the tariff reform schools was
numerously attended by scholars who
made rapid advancement in their studies.
The schools will be kept open all sum-
mer, with a review of lessons in the be-
gining of November. GROVER CLEVE-
- LAND General Superintendent.
—The pious Postmaster General is
going to establish in connection with
his Bethany Sunday School an institu
tion for the training of deacons. Isn't
it remarkable that the man who can’t
appreciate the injury the country hes
sustained from his corruption of a Presi-
dential election, should think that it is
suffering for want of well trained
deacons ?
VOL. 35.
Ballot Reform To Be Juggled With.
The sudden conversion of Republican
papers and politicians in this State to a
something that shoald be looked upon
with suspicion. The true sentiment of
the leaders and their echoing organs
legislature when an Australian ballot
bill was contemptuously rejected.
How is their change of expression on
this subject to be accounted for? Why
is it that the leading organs and guber-
natorial candidates are proclaiming
their friendship for a reformed ballot
system ? The reason is apparent. There
has been such a general demand for
ballot reform in consequence of the evi-
dent abuses in the last Presidential
election, that the Republican leaders
deem it wise torecognize the sentiment;
but while they shall pretend to yield
to it, their purpose is to subject the
question to a jugglery similar to that
which they used in the treatment of
As a Governorand State legislature
are to be elected next fall it would not
be safe for the Republican manipula-
tors to go into the contest in an atti-
tude of opposition to a measure so gen-
erally demanded by the people, which
they would certainly be in it the im-
pression created by the Legislature's ad-
verse action onthe Australian ballot bill
were not counteracted by present pro-
fessions of friendship for that measure.
The voters must therefore be subjected
to the usual process of Republican de-
ception. Consequently the organs
have broken out with a suspicious
unanimity in support of ballot reform,
and even Mar Quay’s special selection
for Governor, Mr. DALAMATER, has had
the part assigned him of discanting
before a Republican club on the neces-
sity of reforming the ballot. Coming
from such 8 quarter isn’t there scme-
thing in the transparency of the decep-
tion that is calculated to tickle the pop-
ular sense of humor?
general demand for ballot reform has
been met and averted by deceptive
promises, and the Governor and State
Legislature have been secured, the
leaders, who so ingeniously and effec
tively juggled with Prohibition, would
have no difficulty in being equally suc-
cessful in juggling with the ballot reform
An exchange,of the oposite par-
ty, says that no Republican favors re-
duction of the tariff beyond the real
protection line, and that Congress is of
the same mind. But where is the real
protection line? Was an average of
47 per cent. duties, as proposed by the
Mills bill, high enough to reach
it? Would free raw materials, which
this congress will be forced to grant, be
up to the protection line, although
when proposed by the Democrats it
was denounced as free trade ?
The Camera Again Directed Toward
It woul2 be injustice to our readers to
withhold from them the further exposi-
tion of the crookedness of MAT QUAY’S
public life, made by the New York
World from authentic sources, which
we give on an inside page of this issue
of the WarcamaN. The person who
is inculpated in the misdeeds thus ex-
posed is the leading political character
of our State, who, through his control
of the Republican party, controls the
State government and exercises powers
which affect the interests of every citi-
Tt is due the people thus affected that
to them should be made known the
character of the man who by the most
disreputable means has gained so large
a measure of political control and pub-
lin power. They should know to the
fullest extent what kind of a man this
Boss is to whom has been comm’ tted
supreme authority in dictating the
legislative policy, in selecting the execu-
ti-e officers and manipulating the
funds in the treasury of the great State
| of Pennsylvania.
(Party attachment and prejudice have
! disenabled many good and honest Re-
| publicans from comprehending the true
| character of this Boss. To them is
"particularly due a thorough ventilation
of his disreputable career. If after
such an exposure as is being made
they continue to maintain him in his
place of power, it will then appear that
there is no hope for partisans who have
allowed themselves to degenerate into
blind political fanatics.
favorable regard for ballot reform’ is |
was expressed at the last session of the |
_ After thedangerto the party| the f
Disregarded Preference.
It is not surprising that the Repub-
licans of Cambria county are not sat-
isfied with the way things were fixed in
that county for Deramarer. Every
evidence exists of a strong prepon-
derance of popular feeling among the
rank and file of the party in favor of
It was shown mn the big
blow-out that was given to the General
in recognition of his eminent services
at the time of the flood, and, in the
face of this preference so strongly dis
played, that the delegates of the county
should be secured for another man by
the tricky management of a few of
Quay’s local henchmen, is making
maby of the Cambria Republicans
swear, and it is beginning to be em-
phatically declared by some of them
that the delegates will have to vote for
the man who, if not exactly first in war
and first in peace, is certainly first in
the heartsof the Conemaugh Repub-
A prominent member of the party
from Johnstown is reported to have
made the remark in Pittsburg the other
day, that if the party in Cambria
county thought it necessary they would
call new primaries and instruct for
Hastines,but that such a course wasn’t
necessary, as the delegates already
chosen would yield to the indisputable
preference of their constituents.
This is all very pretty to talk about,
but when the convention shall assem-
ble it will be found that the preference
to which these delegates will yield will
be the preference of the Boss.
——The school book supply in this
State is entirely in the hands of a syn-
dicate which fixes prices to suit its idea
of whatshould be its profits. The propo-
sition that the State should furnish the
school books is alarming this trust, and
| the members are reported to be arrang-
ing to ‘pool their interests” in opposi-
tion to such a measure. The States
engaging in the book husiness and sup-
plying the needs of the schools is not
the most eommendable thing it could
do, but probably this sort of paternal-
ism will have to be resorted to as the
only protection against the robbery of
the school bock syndicate.
Eiffel to Be Eclipsed.
It has been suggested that something
that would beat the Eiffel tower as an
attraction should signalize the Ameri-
can World's Fair of 1892. It looks a. if
Chicago has got hold of an idea which
it carried out will beat the lofty French
structure and put it completely in the
shade as a marvel and a show. The
scheme is to put the entire exposition
under one roof covering a space of 193
acres. Thebuilding itself would consti-
tute the greatest curiosity and attrac
tion connected with the Fair. It would
exceed in extent any structure ever put
up, as it would be four times bigger
than any exposition building the world
has ever seen. The cost of this pavil-
lion of iron,steel and glass,as estimated,
would be $5,868,000, or $36,204 per
acre. Every department of the exhi-
btion would be within itsenclosure and
under its shelter.
According to the plan offered a huge
steel tower, capable of holding eight
elevators and supporting the whole
roof, is to be erected in the center of
the circle 3000 feet in diameter. From
the top of this tower, 1100 feet high,
steel cables are to be run-out to the
circumference. On these cables the
root is to be laid. The outer wall
around the circumference is to be of
brick. The idea of the construction of
such a building is simplicity itself, as
can be readily seen. It is quite plain
that the idea is that of & huge tent in
which corrugated iron and glass shall
play the part of canvas. The roof on
the central circle from the tower would
be 700 feet above the heads of the visi-
tors on the floor. Surrounding the tow-
er an amphitheatre, larger than the
Coliseum, could be arranged, in which
spectacles on a grand scale might be
produced before:half a million specta-
tors. The tower, it is suggested, might
be extended 500 feet above the roof,
thus beating the Eiffel Tower by an
eighth of a mile.
This is a magnificent scheme involv-
ing a conception worthy of the wild
and windy West. All that will be
necessary to make it a halcyon and
vociferous success isa liberal appropria-
tion trom the government, to be repeat-
ed as the necessities of the enterprise
may require.
NO. 11.
Claiming Too Much for Him.
A journalistic admirer of President
HARRISON, in reviewing the first year
of his administration, just past, claims
too much—entirely too much—as hav-
ing been achieved by that functionary.
It is claimed that Mr. Harrison “has
sustained and strengthened the Ameri-
can protective system.” How he has
done this is not clearly set forth, but is
left to the imagination of the reader.
There should be a more specific de-
scription of the strengthening plaster
which the President has clapped on the
back of the rotten old system of tariff
taxation. To the discerning observer
it would appear that when half of the
Republican manufacturers of New
England are clamoring for aremoval of
the tariff duties which are “protecting”
raw materials, and the farmers of the
West, irrespective of party,are moving
en masse against the*protection” which
increases the cost of their business and
of their daily living, there hasn’t been
much strengthening of the American
protective system during the first year
of the Harrison administration.
Another big achievement accredited
to the initial year of HARRISON'S term
is the Pan American conference, which
is alleged to have ‘“‘set in motion plans
for increasing trade relations between
the nations of this continent.” Nothing
could be clearer than that the Pan
American affair, except as an interna-
tional junket, is a dismal failure, and
that the delegates will go home thor-
oughly convinced that so far as trade
relations with the United States are
concerned they are not likely to be in-
creased. so long as they have to encoun-
ter the obstruction of a high tariff.
Liberal With the Sarplus.
The work of reducing ‘he surplus
goes merrily on, the hughslices applied
to pensions not interfering in the least
with liberal donations for the erection
of government buildings in all the
towns of any size in the United States.
We obgerve that Scranton has been
made jubilant by the doubling up of
the government's generosity. Seventy-
five thousand dollars was at first grant
ed for the erection of the desired build-
ing, but this being considered too in-
significant a pull, the sum was increas-
ed to $250,000,and the Scrantonians are
happy 1n the conviction that the sur-
plus is being managed by the most
liberal set of fellows that ever handled
the public cash.
Applicants for license to sell li-
quor didn’t have any difficulty in Perry
county this year in getting what they
applied for. The presiding judge hand-
ed the whole business over to the as-
sociate judges, and as one of them was
an applicant for the right to retail the
ardent, there wasn’t the slightest hitch
in the harmony of the proceedings.
There were noremonstrances and every"
body who asked for it was granted a
license. There was certainly a novelty
in seeing a court license one half of
itself to engage in the liquor business.
But when the Vice President of the
United States can be connected with
a whisky shop, why shouldn’t a com-
mon Pennsylvania associate judge en-
joy the same privilege ?
A Reluctant Convert.
There is evident uneasiness in Re-
publican quarters concerning the
transition which the tariff views of
Senator ArLrisoN, of Iowa, are reported
to be going through. There seems to
be good grounds for the belief that he
isn’t as high a tariff man as he was be-
fore the voters of Iowa expressed them-
selves as they did at the poles last fall,
with a continuation of asimilar expres-
sion this spring. The organs of the
monopoly system contend that he is as
much ot a tariff man as he ever was,
and the Senator himself declares that
he isn't faltering in his attachment to
the principle of tariff robbery, but be-
tween the lines of his declaration ap-
pear evidences of his alarm, as a
a politician, at the new posture the
Towa farmers are assuming on the
tariff question. Mr. ALLISON naturally
feels a great interest in his seat in the
Senate, and the close shave he has just
made in retaining it will have an effect
in modifying his economic views.
We expect to see,at no very distant day,
the Republican politicians of the west
tumbling over to the side of tariff re-
form, and there are indications that
Arrison will be among the first to flop.
Learning a Dear Lesson.
The farmers of Kansas are in a bad
way. Notwithstanding the fertility of
their soil and the advantage of markets
alleged to have been created by the
existing tariff, they find their business
unremunerative and themselves greatly
distressed by debt. Mortgages are their
chief affliction, and on account of the
distress arising therefrom they are
ssking their State Legislature to pass
a law that will prohibit the foreclosare
of these mortgages as they become due.
It is not probable that the Legislature
can be induced to attempt to in-
terfere with the payment of regularly
contracted debts. It hasn't the consti-
tutional power to do anything of that
kind, even it were disposed to do it.
The farmers of Kansas must grin
and bear the hardship of their situa.
tion, which, however, should set them
to thinking whether they have been do-
ing the wisest thing in voting for a
tariff which has made their living un-
necessarily dear and incidentally com-
pelled them to mortgage their farms.
A Lady Granger Talks.
The address delivered by a lady
granger before the Centre Grange,
which we publish in another part of
our paper this week, is good and inter-
esting reading. It is but recently that
the men who till the soil have organ-
ized for self-improvement, self-assertion
and self-defence. That they are being
loyally backed by the women who are
their helpmates in their useful and
honorable calling, is sufficiently dem-
onstrated by the words of the lady who
delivered the address we allude to.
She speaks quite lucidly and forcibly of
the relation of the grange to the finan-
cial, educational, social and political
movements of the day. Edacation
is as necessary to the farmers #8 to any
other class that participate in the work
required by our human existence, With
the great scientific developments in the
field of agriculture, the time is éoming
when to be a successful farmer it’ will
be necessary to be one of the mdst in-4
tellligent of men. Therefore the fair
lecturer did not err in putting educa-
She was about right in saying that
grangers should maintain their “politi-
cal preferences, it being inexpedient to
discard their party attachments, other-.
wise their organization would eventual
ly become a political machine support-
ing aspecial and aggressive interest. But
it would be but common prudence: for
them to watch the policies of parties
and observe how they affect the wel.
fare of the agricultural people. Such
prudence would dictate to farmers that
when a party is disposed to place the
burden of taxation upon their business
rather then upon incorporated capital
—when the leading feature ofits policy
is to increase the cost of what the far-
‘mer requires for his household and
business uses in order that the profits
of industrial capital may be enhancel
—in short, when its rule of action fol-
lows the maxim that “the farmer pays
for all’—then it is not only the interest,
but it is the duty of the grangers in-
dividually, if not as an organization, to
assume an attitude of hostility to.
that party. :
Grotesque if Not Conclusive.
The good town of York advances a very
singular reason why it should have its
share in the general raid on the federal
treasury. It wants a government build-
ing very badly. Such buildings are being
supplied to other towns with a lavish
hand regardless of what may become
of the surplus, and wkile such favors
are being distributed, a liberal pull on
the treasury should not be denied to
the town in which “sat the Continental
Congress during the gloomy years of
of 1777-78; in which “the articles of
confederation were completed and
adopted by Congress; where “Lafay-
ette came to support the commander-
in-chief,” etc, etc. Such close associa-
tions with a purer and more patriotic
period in our country's history are rath-
er grotesquely advanced as a reason
why York should have a chance while
the looting of the treasury is going on
at the hands of the Republican surplus
~——A duty on eggs won't compen:
sate the farmers for the general tariff
robbery from which they suffer.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—IEckley B. Coxe will not run for Congress.
—MecKeesport iron-workers rioted over a
keg of beer.
—It costs more to build in Pittsburg than in
other cities.
—Lycoming county prisoners
110.80 last year:
earned $13-
—All Berks county prisoners will be photo-
graphed in the future.
—A separate school is demanded for Ches-
ter’s colored children.
—Seranton liquor dealers have begun a war
against illegitimate groggeries.
Prisoners in the West Chester jail are fed
for less than nine cents a day.
—The fruit buds in the vicinityx of Reading
have been destroyed by the recent eold snap.
—An almost miraculous visitation of rats is
said to prevail at Maiden Creek, near Reading.
—Frank Lovejoy, of Lancaster, has been
sued for the amount of his wedding flower
—West Chester boys turned on a hydrant
and converted a pavement into. a toboggan
—Two colored letter carriers at Carlisle
have been removed to make room for Quay
—Execution was issued at Lancaster on Wed
nesday against Hiram Horting, farmer, for
—An 18-year-old office-boy at Lansfield elop-
ed with and married a girl even younger
than himself.
—An Indian girl living with a Darby family
can trounce any boy in the town who makes
fun of her.
—Harrisburg rejoices in the posession of a
quintet of kittens joined together like the Si-
amese Twins.
—The natural gas supply at Leechburg was
not sufficient to keep the natives warm during
the cold snap.
—The Morton Chronicle suggests a conven-
tion of the Road Supervisors of: the State to
discuss the roads.
—Thousands of dollars are being lost by the
operators in the Butler oil field’ because the
bad roads impede work.
—Allen Foster has brought suit against. Mec-
Keesport borough for $400 bounty due him on
a war time enlistment.
—Suit for damages to his: wagon will be
brought by a Chester man against the owners
of a badly kept:turnpike..
—Chester Councils decline: to appropriate
any moneys for the proposed* Booming of the
clty, as it was not authorized’ by law.
—While a piano was being lowered from a
window at Lancaster-tlie rope broke and the
piano fell but was only slightly damaged
—Ex-President Cleveland ‘and Governor Hill
of New York, are to be invited to attend the
Democratic State Convention at Scranton.
—A boarder at a:Media-hotel, who is always
calling for cheese, was on Sunday presented
with a whole one by the proprietor of the
—John Atkins, of East Whitefield, Chester
county, paid his yearly subscription to a West
Chesior paper ‘last week for the sixty-first
—Without food or drink for five: weeks was
the experience of: a dog which was locked up
in'an empty house at Uwchlan, Chester: coun-
; ~The observation taken at the- York Signal
Station shows that: Thursday of last week was
‘the coldest night:since the: blizzard: of two.
|years ago.
tion among the leading objects of the |:
‘ , Treasury Gilkihson, Quay’s chief henchman
{in Bucks county, will shortly establish an or-
~ It is said that Second Comptroller of the
gan at Doylestown.
—Clement Hughes, of Joanna, is suffering
from a disease which prevents him: from tak-
ing nourishment of any kind, and it is feared
that he will starve to death..
—An agreement has been: made between the
Commissioners and Directors of the Poor of
Carlisle and. the Sheriff by which all tramps
will be put to work hereafter.
—Mrs. Campbell, of Manor, near Greens:
burg, left her bed during the night recently
and shot herself dead, after elimbing to the
bottom of a well near the house.
~—The Knights of Labor and other trade or-
ganizations of" Reading favor the Australian
system of voting, and will select candidates
who are favorably inclined to that method.
—The females on a Pennsville farm were
very busy cne day last week. The farmer's
wife presented him with an heir, and the
same day nine lambs and two calves were
—The Squeers soldiers” orphans’ syndicate
is opposing the candidacy of €.L. Kauffman for
Senatorial nomination as well as the candida-
cy of others who refuse to defend the syndi-
cate before the Legislature.
~The last week was the biggest one in the
history of the Pittsburg division of the Penn-
sylvania Railroad. The total number of cars
passing through Johnstown was 23,623, which
strung together would make a line 179 miles
—Rev. J. M. Deitzler, of Annville, pulled
from his pocket a $10 bill recently and threw
it into the fire, under the impression that it
was a slip of paper sontaining the numbers of
the hymns he had, that day, announced from
the pulpit.
—A quiet-looking woman entered the Pitts-
burg Ofp.era House during the performance a
few days agoand dragged a man from his seat
peside a young girl to whom he had been very
attentive. The girl stayed alone until the
performance was finished.
—A party of unemployed workmen march-
ed through Scranton a few days ago, and vis-
iting a newspaper office protested because
highway contractors would not displace Hun-
garians and give them work.
—Patrick Fahey, of Kennet Square, met
with a serious accident whereby he broke his
skull, He was splitting wood with a wedge
and maul, when the wedge flew back striking
him on the head and crushing in the bone.
He is now in a eritical condition.
—Nearly 300 families of miners at Scranton
have applied for relief in consequence of the
hard times. The proprietors of Zruth, with
the assistance of merchants and others, are
giving a barrel of flour to each family, and a
Central Relief Committee has been appointed.
—Frank Hanson, a young German, about 19
years old, was committed to prison at Norrise
town on Saturday after confessing to having
committed an aggravated assault upon Gertie
Simons, a little girl less than 7 years old. Han-
son worked for Simons, the father of the child,
and during the absence of the latter on busis
ness, committed the brutal outrage.