Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 28, 1890, Image 8

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Friday Morning, Fgbruary 28, 1890. |
To CORRESPONDENTS. — NO communications |
pablished unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer. .
av 1
Mr. M. H. Guise, of Penn Hall, is the duly |
authorized agent of the Warcnman for Gregg |
——The John Love farm near Tus-
seyville was purchased by John Stover
for $5500.
The well known Ward House at
Tyrone is to be enlarged by a 44 by 66
feet brick addition three stories in
——A house at Spring Mills, belong-
ing to Mr. 8. Krumrine, of Rebersburg
has been bought for $950 for a Metho-
dest parsonage.
——The trial of Charles Brown for
the murder of William Lovett was in
progress before the Clinton county
court this week.
Court Reporter Reber has re-
ceived the congratulations of the
Huntingdon bar on Lis being elected
chief Burgress ot Bellefonte.
——Operator Rankin of the Western
Union telegraph company at this place
sent seven thousand eight hundred
words to the newspapers concerning the
execution of Hopkins.
C. R. Good of Lozk Haven and
Miss Lula Courter, of Blanchard, this
county, were married in Williamsport
last week by Rev. S. P. Hughes, and
made Philadelphia the objective point of
their bridal trip.
——Cards are out for the wedding of
Dr. J. E. Ward of this place and Miss
Bell Stiver, of Center Hall. The happy
event is to take place on Wednesday,
March 5th, and the young couple have
our best wishes in advance.
——Mr. John H. Neidigh who died
recently at his residence at State Col-
lege, was one of the oldest and best
known citizens of that part of the coun-
ty. His funeral is said to have been the
largest that ever took place in that
G. W. Foote esq of the Mifflinburg
Times, was in town on Wednesday.
He shows up amazingly well and don’t
look a day older than when he left dem-
ocratic Milheim, to make his home
among the unregenerated republicans of
Union county.
——A camp fire will be held by Bier-
ly Post G. A. R., at Millheim, on Mon-
day evening, March 3d. It promises to
be an entertaining occasion. Among
the speakers will be Prof. Cameron, of
Tyrone, Comrades H. H. Musser, of
Milesburg, and Col. Coburn, of Aarons-
On Wednesday night of last
week the remains of a man were found
scattered along the tracks of the Philips-
burg branch of the Beech Creek rail-
road between Hawk Run and Philips-
burg. It is thought that a special train
conveying railroad officials over the
road struck the man who was mangled
beyond recognition.
——Mrs. Rebecca Weaver, wife of
‘Wm. Weaver, who died at Farmers’
Mills on the 13th inst., was in her 57th
year and was buried at Tusseyville on
the 17th inst., Rev. Mr. Eisenberg of-
ficiating. She was the daughter of J.
From of Tusseyville, and her first hus-
band was constable Bear who was shot
dead at Tusseyville by young Campbell.
——The Lock Haven Democrat has
this to say of one of Bellefonte’s promi-
nent citizens. “James Schofield of
Bellefonte, just re-elected by the Demo-
crats overseer of the poor, an office that
he has held for several terms, wus in the
city to-day, en route for home from New.
York, where he went to attend the fun-
eral of a sister. Mr. Schofield is a
strong Democrat, a good official, a man
of brains, an interesting speaker and =
first-class citizen. He took dinnerat the
——The large barn of William
Grove, on Buffalo Run, about two and
a half miles from Bellefonte, was dis-
covered to be on flre about five o'clock
on Monday morning, and was complete-
ly destroyed including the grain, hay,
cattle, ete., it contained except the
horses which were rescued. As none of
the family were up at the time it is
believed to have been of incendiary ori-
gin. There is a small insurance. The
loss will be fully five thousand ‘dollars.
——With regard to the killing ofa
man along the Beech Creek railroad on
‘Wednesday night of last week between
Hawk Run and Philipsburg, who was
so mangled up that he could not be rec-
ognized, it has since been ascertained
that he was a scotch miner named John
Nelson and the place where he was
killed was Troys bridge. The man
had been drinking and itis supposed
that be either fell asleep on the track or
was too drunk to step out of the way of
the train. He has a wite and four
children in Scotland and his father and
a brother-in-law are living at West
Moshannon. His remains were taken
to Philipsburg and given decent burial.
TIONS GET oUt oF 17.—To Auditor Gen-
eral Thomas McCalmont, weare indebt-
ed for a copy af his annual report for
1889. From it we gather the following
facts, showing the amount of money
paid as taxes by the people of the county,
as well as by corporations and firms do-
ing business wholly or partly within it,
into the Treasury of the State, and the
amounts returned to residents of the
county as salaries and to Institutions and
organizations within it, as appropria-
tions, ete:
Bald Eagle Valley R. R. Co..................54,875.00
Bald Eagle, Nittany & Brush Valley ;
TurtiniktelCo,.ii hit inners 56.25
Bod Eagle, Nittany and Lemont
Io pai nese 67,29
Bald Eagle & Philipsburg Turn-
ra » 22.40
Bellefonte Gas Co. 67.29
Bellefonte & Eastern R. R. Co... 15.400
Boalsburg & Rellefonte Turnpike Co... 2.36
Centre Hall Waler(o,...........cocerreeseesnss 7.74
Centre & Kishacoquillas Turnpike Co... 34.94
Edison Electric Light Co. Bellefonte... 43.20
Lehigh, Valley Coal Co, Snow Shoe. 39 00
Lewisburg & Tyrone R. R. Co. 72.00
Philipsburg Coal & Land Co. 8.58
Six Mile Run Coal Co....... 90.00
Tyrone & Clearfield R. R. Co.........cererer 2,500.00
Nittany Valley R. R.Co............cc0o0s e0nee 210.25
First National Bank, Beilefonte..... ...... €00.00
Centre County Banking Co.. 350.46
Millheim Banking Co. 43.96
Moshannon Banking ( 427.43
Pennsvalley Banking 64.73
Philipsburg Banking Co, 220 89
W. I. Reynolds & Co 62.21
Bellefonte Borough..........cs seve ssussinerne 838.51
Philipsburg do 41.10
Bellefonte Gas Co.... 71.25
Centre Hall Water Co. 2.11
Edison Electric Light Co. Bellefonte... = 28.50
Nittany Valley BR. R............................ 151.05
Tax on Personal Property.................... 5,000.00
“Writs, Wills, Deeds, ete.. . 1,059.05
¢ “ Collateral Inheritances.. 511.56
“ * Retail Liquor Licenses 391.87
“ “ Brewer's License..... 285.00
“ ¢“ Retailer's License. 1,964.47
“ + Billiard License... 204.50
“ “ Peddlers License.... 68.40
Bellefonte Furnace Co...
Contre Iron Co.....couiiniiesie socessaiees inne
Bott nis sie id 20,462.10
The amounts returned to citizens of
the county who hold official positions,
and are paid by the State, to newspa-
pers, schools, ete. ; are as follows:
Gov. Beaver’s Salary.......... $10,000.00
Gen. Hastings’ “ "Adj. Gen. 2,500.00
. re “ Member Stal
Military Board............ 0 er: 1,200.00
Hon. A. O. Furst’s Salary & Mileage.... 4,310.95
bat eid * Holding outside
Courts 435.50
* Chester Munson.. 675.40
* Daniel Rhoads resedeekesoiei 1 0150,00
Keystone Gazette adv. amendment..... 203.00
Bellefonte Republican adv. Am’nt...... 198.80
Centre Democrat $4 fe 118.77
Daily News fe §* 51.80
Democratic Watchman ¢ ¥ 21.70
Reporter Centre Hall * i 26.15
Mercantile Apetaison F. Riddle... 24.90
Costs—John B. Li i 8.38
“ B. J. Laporte........... 1.42
Dr. Atherton, Member of Industrial
Educational Commission " 94.68
State College, Int. on Land 31,020.00
# a” A tion 111,440.00
ic Si
Col. J. L. Spangler, Assistant Commi:
Safy Generul..........covnscisiisi sir
Co. B. 5th Reg’t. Armory rent, Allow-
BNE, DAVICEC. i... .ocisrurresnnessesssesiases 1,190.87
Hon. J. H. Holt, Member of Legis-
IafiIren..... ta 1,660.60
Hon. Wm. Allison, Member of Leg-
1BIABUNG,. cc i ir ase ees 1,650.00
ol). ni heed $182,912.56
In addition to the above should be
added the salaries of John T. Johnson
and Major R. H. Foster, clerks in the
department of the Secretary of Internal
affairs, of Harry Keller, Clerk in the
Adjutant General's department, and
amount paid Col. Mullen for services at
organization of Legislature of 1889. All
told and considered, Centre county did
not get left much when the distribution
of public funds was made.
DerLoRABLE IaNoRANCE.—One would
hardly have thought that there were
any people in Centre county as ignorant
as those connected with the Weaver
homicide. Those people do not seem to
have any conprehension of the character
of the otferse that was committed, or of
the consequences that follow the com-
mission of such acts. When, after the
killing of the old man, the mother,
daughter and son were put on board
the train at Coburn to be taken to jail
in Bellefonte, Fietta, the one charged
with the crime, remarked that when she
reached Bellefonte she would hunt up a
relative and make that her stopping
place. The Centre Reporter remarks
that 1t was evident that the young wo-
man could not comprehend that she was
in the grasp of the law and no longer at
liberty. Her arrest appeared to her as
nothing more than a trip to Bellefonte
for some purpose, and that when she got
there she would have the opportunity of
visiting und staying with relations.
Under arrest for the killing of her fa-
ther-in-law, she was nnable to under-
stand her real situation.
Andrew Weaver, the husband of
Fietta, is an industrious and hardwork-
ing person, and was in no way connect.
ed with the quarrels which led to the
homicide. On the morning when
the old man was stabbed he was away
from home at work, but he seems to be so
ignorant as net to be able to comprehend
the serious nature of the situation in
which his wife and mother-in-law are
in. He recently visited them in jail,
and afterwards told an acqua'ntance
that he had tried to prevail upon Fietta
to make a confession of her having com-
mitted the deed and if she did so, all |
would be over, and then she could
return home where she was so much
wanted ; that he was tired of keeping
house alone and could not get along
much longer if she did not return. The
actions and expressions of these people ;
indicate un most deplorable condition of |
— Mr. W. E. Barry formerly of this
place, is expected to take charge of the
rolling mill belonging to the Centre
Iron Company.
Ex-Judge Orvis, who had an ope-
ration performed about ten days ago tor
a diseased bone in one of his legs, is
represented to be recovering rapidly.
Deschner, the Gun smith, Jessie
Stewart, a practical mason and contrac-
tor and Mr. Harry Bush, expect to start
for Seattle, Washington, some time next |
Some one has said: A man is
happiest when he can forget all the
mean things he knows about himself.
And there are fellows who, when they
have forgotten this much,would have but
little else to remember.
—— Postmaster Feidler, after his her-
culean efforts to defeat the re-election of
Poor Overseer Schofield, has gone to
Washington, to get some pointers, from
‘Squire Rankin and John A. Daley, on
how to run local politics.
——Mr. Ashur Adams, a brakeman
on the Lewisburg railroad, had his arm
badly crushed while coupling cars on
Thursday last. Ie was brought to his
home in this place ad we are glad to
know is rapidly improving, with every
prospect of saving the injured arm.
—Some places are terribly sleepy.
It took a Justice of the peace, a consta-
ble, two merchants, a hilarious young
tough, a lot of Hungarians and a big
black bottle to waken up Tyrone the
other night, and its as quite already as if
no awakening-up had been given it.
——A most interesting letter will be
found in this issue of the Warcmmaw
from Sechler & Go. It is one that con-
tains more “food” for thought, than
half the sermons you hear, and decidly
more than all the editorials patent out-
side papers will furnish you in a year.
Itis worth reading, and doubly worth
——>So far the ground-hog has the
lead as a reliable weather prophet, but
it will be a race for reputation between
him and St. Mathias for the balance of
the season. The ground hog points to
an early, warm,spring, St. Mathias, to a
blustering, freezing stretch of six weeks,
or else there is nothing in the old saw.
“When St. Mathias comes and finds no ice,
He goes to work and makes it;
And on the other hand, if ice,
He goes to work and breaks it.”
Mr. Cooper, who has been super-
intendent of the Electric Light Compa-
pany, of this place for the past two
years, has resinged his position, to ac-
cept the management of a new plant,
now being erected near Philadelphia.
I: loosing Mr. Cooper the company
iooses an intelligent and popular mana-
ger, and our town a highly respected
and honorable citizen.
Those in this section who used to
know Rev. Ira C. Mitchell when he
was a resident of these parts, who is
now a clergyman in Ohio, may be in-
terested in the following article taken
from the Wellsboro, W. Va., Pan-
Handle News, of Feb. 14: «Rev. Ira
C. Mitchell left yesterday, with his
family, for an enlarged field of labor
with the church at Mansfield, Ohio.
Few men have gone from this commu-
nity who ranked with him in force,
eloquence and ability, either as minis-
ter or attorney. Socially, he was a
most companionable man; pleasant
and facinating in conversation, deep,
keen and logical whether in or out of
the pulpit, and with a wide scope of
general knowledge rarely met with in
professional men. Although having |
come in contact with the people both
as pastor and lawyer, yet he leaves be-
hind him not one with an unkind feel-
ing, and takes.with him only their love,
regard and good wishes. His noble
wife and her bright, pleasant daughters
will be sadly missed by all who had
the pleasure of their acquaintance and |
who ‘knew them but to love them.’ |
—— When words fail it is a touching |
thing to witnes the expressive acts of a
people striving to suggest their
tender sympathy for the loss of a loved
one. Such a fitting tribute occasioned
by the last sleep of Jennie M. Short- |
lidge, was displayed in our midst this
week. A church crowded with earnest
sympathizers, an atmosphere sweet with
the perfume of flowers—a beautiful ex-
pression of love from her many friends—
Among these delicate offerings was an
exquisite wreath, compesed largely of
pink rosebuds, her favorite flower, to-
gether with carnations, lilies-of-the-val-
ley and marguerites, from her friends in
the office of the Centre Iron Company ;
A pillow of forget-me-nots and lillies
from Mrs. Nolan; A lyre of roses and
hyacinths from Mrs. D. H. Hastings;
A crescent from the members of the Y.
W.C. T. U. and from her Sunday
School class, a bunch of six calla lilies
of which the most beautiful one just un-
folding in all its purity was drooping
and fading on its broken stem. Very
touching indeed were the remarks of
Rev. Dr. Laurie, comparing her life, cut
off in lifes early Summer, to the broken
lilly,but differing in that it would unfold
and bloum in the sunshine of His pres-
ence, while the lily could never revive.
NEW GRANGES IN PENNSYLVANIA. — | To-day, Friday, the parties impli-
Seven mew Granges have been organ. { cated in the Weaver murder will have a
ized in Pa: On Jan. 24th a new Grange | hearing, which has been asked for by the
was organized in Limestone township | defendants counsel, Messer Swoop & Sin-
Lycoming county; on Feb. 5th one ger, in the expectation that two at least
was organized in Richmond township, | of the suspected persons will be released
Tioga county ;.on Feb. 6th one was |on bail. So far, the circumstances, and
organized in Lincoln township, Hunt- | evidence that is thought to be the relia-
ingdon county ; on Feb. 8th one was | ble, peint to Fietta Weaver as the guil-
organized in West Newton township ty person, but so many different stories
West moreland county; on Feb. 12th | have been told about the erime since its
one was organized ‘in New Derry
township, West moreland county ; On
Feb. 16th one was organized in Man:-
field, Tioga county.
ing but the most searching investiga-
tion will disclose the perpetrator. The
only facts connected with the case, that
are as yet known for a certainty, are,
that the entire family consisting of the
murdered man, the three now in jail
and the two children, were an ignorant
doless, quarrelsome set; that the old man
was murdered and that the murder was
committed by one or more of the persons
who will have the hearing to-day. Cir-
cumstances, as we have said, point to
Fietta, as the one committing the deed
but she says, her brother Jonathan did
it and he says she did it, and the moth-
er of the two has so many stories about
it that the truth is, no one outside of
themselves, know who did it or why it
was done.
T. P. Bysour 1n Luor —The
Houtzdale Advance of the 21st inst.,
contains the following: One day this
week Mrs. Plummer showed us a sam-
ple of coal which was taken from the
opening at Muddy Run in which she is
interested. It is the Moshanon vein
and of as fine a quality and free from
impurities as any coal we have ever
seen. The opening is in about 80 feet
under ground and the coal is 3 feet 8
inches thick. The mine is owned by
Mrs. A. M. Plummer, D. D. Jones and
T. P. Rynder and they certainly have a
John Olewine died at her residence on
Willow Bank street, this place, last
Saturday evening, of consumption.
Her death was not unexpected as she
had been ina very low condition from
that dread disease, for some time pre-
vious to her death; yet her passing
away from her friends, although looked
for as the inevitable result of her dis-
ease, was a sad stroke to those whose
affections had been won by this excel-
lent woman, who in therelations of wite,
mother and friend had bcundthem to her
by the strongest ties. Her maiden name
was Christina Gummo, she having been
married to Mr. Olewine on September
28th 1882 and was aged 30 years and 19
days at the time of her death. She
leaves one child—a little girl—besides a
husband to whom her death is a sad
County.—Major Austin Curtin will
please accept thanks for copies of the
different department reports of the
Grand Army of the Republic, for Penn-
sylvania. From them we learn that
the number of organized Posts within
this county is 11, with a total member-
ship of 504. These “Posts” are number-
ed, named and Iccated as follows :
: No. 40. John W. Geary, Philipsburg, 81 mem-
No. 95. Gregg, Bellefonte, 85 members.
No. 197. Capt. R. M. Foster, Lemont, 28
DeATH OF Mags.
——Out at Hoy’s School House in
Benner township, they have a Union
Litetary society that is making good
progress in improving the young
people who have connected themselves
with it. It now numbers forty-five
members, nearly all of whom take an
active part in the good work. The pro-
gram for last night, (Thursday Feb. 27)
is as follows: Select readings, H. N.
Hoy and Minnie Benner; Declama-
tions, Alice Ishler, Geo. Miller, Carrie
Summy, Chas. Garis, Lillie Dale,
Frank Kuhn, J. F. Hoy, Samuel Etters,
and Willis Ishler; Essays, A. D. Ott
and Carrie Hoy; Debate, “Resolved,
that the farmers pay more than
their proportionate share of taxes;”
Affirmative, J. S. Dale and John
Kuhn; negative, W. H. Ott’and Robt.
Miller. This was followed by the read-
ing of the Union Patriot, edited by
Miss Minnie Hoy, with the report of
the critic, W. H. Ott. The officers of
the society are as follows: President,
Sinie Hoy ; Vice President, Miss Alice
Ishler ; Secretary Miss Katie Hoy;
Treasurer J. I. Hoy; Editors, P. B.
Hartman and Miss Minnie Hoy ; Critic
W. H. Ott.
——Reporters for republican papers
who were present at the hanging of
Hopkins in this place last week, stretch-
ed the truth considerably in their efforts
members. to furnish Sheriff Cooke, with capacity
No. 261. Dr. Geo. L. Potter, Milesburg, 79 | and nerve, that in no way belongs to
members. 3 ; 3 . “
No. 262. Grove Brothers, Howard, 30 mem- him. The facts ure, that Sheriff Cooke,
bers. alone is to blame for the necessity of a
y No. 263. Peters’ Brothers, Fieming, 29 mem- double hanging. He wore out the rope
ers. =
showing his friends how the ‘old thing
worked,” prior to the execution, and
No. 272. Jno. O. Campbell, Pine Grove Mills,
16 members.
No. 232. Samuel Shannon, Centre Hall, 35
members, as to his display of nerve, when the
No. 208. Lieut. W.W. Bierly, Milheim,33 | rope broke, there was simply none to
metho display. He stood awed and scared
No. 302. Gen. Harelman, Eagleville, 37 mem- : play. 0 3 ” 2
bers. wilted, as one republican reporter told
No.419. Sergt. Wm. I. Furst, Stormstown,
46 members.
us, on the scaffold, not knowing what
— to de until Capt CLARK and Drs. Bel-
TrAT FEARFUL Discovery oF Hu- | cher and Harris, had replaced the trap
MAN REMAINS AT PHILIPSBIRG.—Se- | and carried the helpless man back to his
ond St. was throw in a convulsion on place under the noose. When this was
Wendesday afternoon by the finding of done, he gathered together his frighten-
two human skeletons buried in an ash | ed senses enough to knot the rope, and
heap. The discovery was made by Mr. | with the aid of the cool heads of those
Thomas Ashcroft, who notified Capt. | about him, succeeded in choking his
Simler. Capt. Simler exhumed ‘the | man to death.
skeletons which were viewed by hun-
dreds of excited persons, and the rumors
as to the fate of the former owners of
the bones were many and varied. One
terrified old lady was sure she heard
screams and groans one dark night, pro-
ceeding from the coal shed and was
positive that there was bloody work go-
ing on, and wanted her husband to go
and see, but he refused to arise from his
warm bed on a cold night to disturb a
cat fight, as he pronounced the noise.
Another excited individual claimed
that he saw two men drive down Second
street like fury and stop opposite the
coal shed and carry something in and
then drive off again. But the matter
was finally set at rest by Dr. H. B.
Buckingham, who owned the bones
«nd had place them in the shed tempor-
arily and forgotten them.—Philipshurg
Ledger of Saturday.
The fair and festival of the U. B.
Church held in Bush’s Arcade last week,
netted the snug sum of $244. This is a
little starter and we hope our citizens |
will add to it without to much coaxing,
sufficient to enable the erection of a neat
little church.
——We have some exchanges on our
list, that waste a great deal of time and
space blowing their own horns. If they
would devote part of the time they take
to write themselves up, in looking around
for and preparing news for their col
umns, it would hardlv be necessary for
them to be eternally and everlast-
ingly telling the public how enterpris-
ing or independent or fearless they are.
If they were worth half as much as they
seem to value themselves at, the public
would know and recognize it, without
being reminded of the fact a half a doz-
zen times each issue.
——Mzr. Font. Crider, is the only per-
son about Bellefonte, lucky enough to
to have his ice-house filled. Daring
the first freeze in December, he cut a
good quality of four inch ice on his dam
at Glenn Harris, and now has the happy
satisfaction of knowing that he and his,
can keep cool next summer, if no one
else hereabouts can.
——At the borough election in Miles-
burg on: Tuesday last, Lyman Eddy
was elected burgess for the fourth time,
without opposition. This fact was over-
looked in our returns of the district
elections as given in last weeks issue.
——Our venerable friend Mr. John
Wagner, who has been lying very ser-
iously ill at his residence in this place
for several weeks past, was slightly im-
proved, when the WATCHMAN went to
press on Thursday evening.
——The Lock Haven council has éon-
tracted with a New York firm for a
stone crusher with engine, boiler, belt
and conveyor all to cost $2,500. It will
probably be a good thing for that city
and in the course of time may save visi-
tors to it from swimming through the
mud to find a stopping place.
——Hon. Adam Laurimer of Council
Bluffs, an old time resident of this coun-
ty, but of late years one of the most
prominent lawyers of Western Towa, is
visiting his sister Mrs. W.T. Speer,
of this place.
——1In the trial of Charles Brown for
the murder of Wm. Lovett, now engag-
ing the attention of the court at Lock
Haven, the Commonwealth is furnishing
some extremely damaging testimony
and from the newspaper reports
of this} trial it, looks very much
as it our neighboring county would be
compelled to add another to its list of
——The suit chanced off on
Monday night for the benefit of the
Milesburg band was drawn by a Mr
Bumgardner of Eagleville,
commission by all the parties, that noth-.
Mr Al Garman. was the repre-
sentative of the Bellefonte lodge of A
O. U. W., which held its state conven-
tion at Williamsport the early part of
the week.
ED.—Leave your order for a suit now at
a special discount. All the new shapes
in spring styles of Hat=—We are agents
for the sale of the “Mother’s Friend?’
Shirt Waist.
Mo~xTcoMERY & Co.
———=So far the grand jury at Lock
Haven has failed to find a bill against
“Dr” Pettengill of this place, charged
with attempting to bribe jurors.
Steady employment, on salary, is
offered 1n another column, by E. C.
Pierson & Co., Waterloo, N. Y.
Hon. J. K. P. Hall, who was
wrongfully defeated for congress in this
district in 1886, is reported to be danger-
ously ill with pneumonia at his home in
St. Marys.
Rebecca, wife of Wm. Weaver of Farmer's
Mills. who had a stroke of palsy on the 9th inst
died on the 13th. She was 16 years 11 months
and 4 days old, and was interred at Tusseyville
on the 17th inst. Rev. Eisenburg officia.
ted. She was a hale and much respected lady,
a daugh‘er of J. From of Tusseyville, and for-
merly the wife of Constable Bear, who was shot
dead by young Campbell, at Tusseyville. Her
children are all grown up. Her husband sur-
vives her.
ntti —————
Hauck at the home of the brides parents, on
Reynolds av., Feb. 13, 1890, Mr. Frank M.
Metealf of Jenette Pa. to Miss Jennie DM.
Walker of Bellefonte.
ate ——————] *
Sale Register.
For the benefit of those who contemplate making
public sale during lhe coming season, we will
keep a register of all sales within the county as
Jully as possible, examination of which will be
free to all. Persons having their bills printed
at the WartcnyanN affice, will secure notice of
sale in this column free of charge.
Maren 12.—At Harry Johnson’s, 3 miles north
of Milesburg, in Boggs township, horses, cat-
tle, shoats and all kind of farm implements.
Sale at 1 p. m., sharp. Jos. L. Neff ,Auc’t.
Maren 13.—On the Roush farm near Axe
Mann, by J. H. Rishel. A Percheron stallion,
brood mares, percheron and other colts, a
lot of extra cows, young cattle, farm imple-
ments &e. Jos. L. Neff, Auctioneer.
Maren 13.—At P. A. Sellers, in Patton town-
ship, 1 mile south of Waddles Station. Horses
cattle, hogs, sheep and farm implements.
Wm. Goheen, auctioneer. Sale at 12m.
Marcu 14. On the Brett farm 114 miles north
of Pine Grove, Horses, cows, young cattle,
Hogs, and Farm Implements of all kinds.
Sale at 10, a.m. Wra. Goheen auctioneer,
Marcu 15. At J. M. Fishburn’s near Shilo
Church on Boalsburg pike, Horses, cows,
and all kinds of Farm Implements and
Household Furniture. Sale at 1. p. m-, sharp.
Wm. Ishler auctioneer,
Marca 15.—At residence of John G. Hall, one
mile west of Unionville, horses, cows, young
cattle, sheep, hogs, farm implements, grain
by the bushel and hay by the ton. Jos. L.
Neff, Auc't.
Marcu 17. At Milligan Walker's at Gum
Stump in Boggs township, Horses, Cattle,
Hogs and a general assortment of farm im}
plements. Sale at 1 p. m., Jos. L. Neff
Maren 19.—At the residence of Ezra Tressler,
near Centre Hill, Horses Cattle, Sheep Hogs
and farm implements of all kinds. Sale at
1.p m., Wm. Goheen auctioneer.
Mar. 19. At Mrs. Elizabeth Lutz's near Zion.
Horses, Cows, Young Cattle, Farm Imple-
ments of all kinds and Household property.
Jos. L. Neff auctioneer.
Marcha 21,—At residence of J. M. Kephart, at
Filmore, work horses, mares with foal, colts
mileh cows. young cattle, hogs, and all” kind
of farm implements and utensils. Sale at
Marcu 22. At J. D. Brickley’s five miles North
of Howard, in Cartin twp., Horses, milk cows,
other farm stock and full line of farm imple-
ments. Sale at 10. a. m. Jos. L. Neff. Auet.
Marcu 22. Atthe residence of John Martin,
+4 mile south of Nittany Hall, horses, cows,
young cattle, hogs, farm implement, &c.
Sale at 1 p. m. A, C. McClintie, auctioneer.
Marcu 27.—At Joseph Gates, on the Shuey
farm, 3 mile west of State College, work-
horses, young Hamiltonian driving mare,
cows, young cattle, shoats and all kinds of
farm implaments. Sale at one o'clock. E.
I. Livingstone auctioneer.
Marcm 28. At Mrs. Amelia A. Swartz’s one mile
east of Hublersburg, a Holstein bull, milch
cows, spring wagon, hay rake, household
furniture &. Sale at 1 o’clock p. m.
MeClintoe anctioneer.
Bellefonte Grain Market,
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
goes to press :
White wheat, per bushel............ . ce 75
Read wheat, per bushel.... . 80
Rye, per bushel.......... ‘ 45
Corn, ears, per bushel. v 20
Corn, shelled, per bushel.. 35
Oats—new, per bushel... i 25
Barley, per bushel...... ve 45
Buckwheat per bushel.. ws. 0D
Cloverseed, per bushel... $4 00 to $6 00
Ground Plaster, per ton 9 Co
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel .........ccivsvmsirviniis 50
Eggs, per dozen... 20
Lard, per pound. 8
CountryShoulder: 10
Sides. 10
Hams.... 14
Tallow, per pound.. 3%
Butter, per pound.. 25
Onions, per bushel 75
Turnips, per bushel.. 28
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, excapt atthe dbption of the
publisher. :
Papers will not be sent out of Cenire county
unless paid for in advance. -
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
tising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol
lows :
One inch
Two inches
Three inches
Qamter Colum 4
Half Column ( 9 inches).
One Column (19 inches)...
Advertisements in special co
cent. additional. ] .
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions...... 20 ets.
lumn, 25 per
Each additional insertion, per line . 5 cts.
Loeal notices, per line........ 25 cts.
Business notices, per line... .10 ots.
Job Printing of every kind done with neat-
ness and ispaioh The Warcumax office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand af
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor,