-, & Denorraicl in BY a GRAY MEEK. Ink C Stings. — Pittsburg willdoubtless be benefited by Mr. Carnkcre's free library, but her industries would derive a greater benefit from free raw materials. —The benefit'to be derived from the proposed additional Secretary of War is not intended so much for our army of soldiers as for our army of office- seekers. —Song-sparrows piping along every rivulet, and robbins clamoring among the leafless apple trees, vindicate the reputation of the ground-hog as a weath- er prophet. —The season will soon be here when the man who prides himself on his garden will come in collision with hig neighbor whose ambition runs in the direction of chickens. —1In allowing polities to_enter the W orld’s Fair question, the Republican managers will discover in time that they didn’t exercise sufficient care to avoid making a political blunder. — The new letter stamp, supposed to be an improvement on the old one in point of beauty, is about making its appear- ance. But what esthetic distinction is there between a sickly green and a rusty red ? —The Kansas farmers who declare that of the two great sources of injury to them the tariff is worse than the grasshoppers, are not in the frame of mind to continue voting the Republican ticket. —A Kansas woman claims to be able to make fifty-one things good to eat out of onehog. Who would be willing to credit an ordinary pig with being such a prolific scource of gastronomic enjoy- ment ? —The approaching ratification of the extradition treaty with Canada will disturb the retirement of a large num- ber of Napoleons of finance and com- pel them to seek some other St. Helena. —Decent Republicans, who may not fancy the State ticket which Mat Quay will furnish to them, will have a nice time next fall adjusting their olfactories to the stench of their party politics. —If Emperor WILLIAM was in the habit of using the Pennsylvania German vernacular, he would be inclined to re- mark to BISMARCK concering the recent parliamentary elections, that there was “eppes letz.”’ —It is reported that INGALLS is preparing to make another speech on the race question. The Kansas blower should consider the ills to which the race is unavoidably subjected, and spare it unnecessary infliction. —%here is an ingenious grocer in Kalamazoo who offers to give a copy of “Stanley’s Travels’ with every pound of cheese bought at his establishment. Ifit is to be limberger, it will hardly be necessary to throw in the “Travels” to strengthen the inducement to purchase. —-A Michigan man estimates that 17,500,000 citizens of the United States were down with the grip this winter: Itis enough to make the quinine mon- opolist swear to think of the number of victims he might have fleeced if the tariff on that article had been main- tained. —Death has removed from the Brit- ish parliament an Irish member whose diverting oratory will be greatly missed in that legislative body. From all ac- counts he was a BreGAR man than that other amusing Irish legislator, Tru CAMPBELL, of the American House of Representatives. — As the majority in Congress have the power to do any disreputable thing that may serve the interest of their par- ty, it is altogether probable that their intention of making another ‘rotten borough’ state out of Idaho Territory, will be carried out with utter disregard to the indecency of such an act. —If the mother of WASHINGTON is entitled to a monument, it may be per- tinently asked why his father shouldn’t have one also? What would Mrs. WASHINGTON have amounted to as the mother of GEORGE if Mr. WASHINGTON hadn’t been around? In this monument movement the old gentleman should not be slighted. — When the French authorities took charge of Lous NaroLuoXN after his Boulogne escapade they treated him toa Ham sandwich, but in the more recent case of the Duke of Orleans they have concluded that bread and butter would be more suitable forthe young pretender, and have accordingly sent him home to his anxious parents. —It is to be hoped that the good Catholic Bishop of Kan:as who, in ap address to his people,said that the farm- ers and the wage-earners are the classes that especially are not protected by the prevailing tariff, will not be accused of meddling with politics. What is a Bishop tor if not to warn his flock against the ravages of the wolves, whether they be of the Republican or the other kind ? afc STATE RIGHTS AND SS OLRAL URIOR VOL. 35. The Rapid Concentration of Wealth. Although Joux Jaco Astor was re- puted to be the richest man in Ameri- ca, his wealth being said to be any- where between $100,000,000 and 150,- 000,000, this vast fortune didn’t shield him from an attack of the grip, which indiscriminating disease gothold of him and terminated his life on Sunday as unceremoniously as if it had been the life of only a hodcarrier. In these degenerate days, when there seems to exist an almost universal def- ference to wealth, there is some satis- faction in seeing that La Grippe doesn’t pay it the homage accorded to it by its vulgar human worshipers, bat knocks out millionaires as readily as paupers. The wealth of this exceedingly w We, performed. heeled vietim of the prevailing epi demic illustrates the rapidity with which prodigious fortunes have been accumulated in this country where in theory republican simplicity pre- vails. Two generations ago the found. er of the colossal Astor estate started in business in a humble way as a dealer in peltries,and now the fortune of which he laid the foundation equals, if it does not exceed, the;wealth which the Rorms- cuiLps have acquired by a century of vast financial operations in which the governments of Europe were their cus- tomers, The riches of the Astors have been gained chiefly through the increase in the value of New York city real estate. Although too great to comport with the healthier economic eondition that would exist if wealth were more equal- ly distributed, the fortune founded by the old fur-trader does not represent public robbery, the source from which most of the colossal fortunes in this country are derived. The vast expan- sion of the Vanderbilt wealth is large- ly attributable tothe watering of railroad stocks regardless of the loss sustained by legitimate investors ; GouLp grew (o be a Croesus by a systematic sacrifice | ‘ the English working people, notwith-. of those wha had put their money in railroads of which he got control; the immense fortunes of the great railroad | magnates, who can be counted by scores are the accumulations of a com- paratively brief period of fleecing to which both stockholders and: transpor- ters have been alike subjected ; the in- | dustrial plutocrats of the Carnegie stripe owe their millions to the robbery which a high tariff has enabled them | . i to practice upon the general mass otf consumers; and the brigandage of the Standard Oil Company by which one of nature's richest gifts to che Ameri- can people was absolutely stolen by soulless corporation, accounts for the fortunes of the RoCKEFELLERS, Frac- LERS, PAvNES, and others of the Stand- ard gang, which are severally estimat- ed to be over one hundred millions of dollars, most of it acquired within the last fifteen years. No other country can equal this “land of the free’ in the rapid acecre- tion of wealth and its concentration in the hands of a limited class. The great fortunes of England, eclipsed in size by the shoddy riches of our plotocracy, were acquired principally in manufac- turing and commercial enterprises con- tittued through a succession of genera- tions. The big fortunes in the United States have been gained almost as rap- id as a foot-pad secures his plunder on the public highway, and about as hon- estly. I'he cause of this state of affoirs, 80 ominous of future trouble to our coun- try, is mostly due to the political de- pravity from which has sprung the venal legislation that creates the con- ditions under which the few may get rich at the expense of the imporverish- ed many. Is there any hope of im- provement while the money power con- trols our elections, directs the action of our legislatures, and dictates the poli- cy of our government ? ——The rapid growth of Speaker Reep’s head is something extraordin- ary. Three months ago a 6} hat cov- ered it easily, To-day the canvass cover of an old Conestoga wagon would hardly make him a skull cap. It is now rumored that Ex-Gov- ernor Parison, declines being a candi- date for Governor, this fall and that this decision is positive on his part. AA ——If you are not a regular reader of this paper, you don’t know how many good things you are missing. An Absurdly Named Association. In a tariff reform speech made by Mr. SINGERLY, editor of the Philadel phia Record, in the recent contest ia the 4th congress district, that gentleman alluded to the absurd existence of an association in Philadelphia called the Anti-Cobden Club. The purpose of its organization is to support the princi- ple of tariff taxation, and in the name it has adopted there is an assumption of antagonism to some terrible doc- trine that CoBDEN is supposed to have advocated. As Mr. SINGERLY remarked, it is probable that the majority of the mem- bers of this club don’t know who Cos- DEN was and are ignorant of thé work It would be news to the dunces who compose the bulk of the Anti-Cobden club, were they to become acquainted with the fact that to the ef- forts of Ricarp Corpry is mostly due the great improvement that has been made in the condition of the English working people within the last forty years, It was chiefly through his ex- ertion that they were supplied with cheaper food by the abolishment of the corn tariff which had for centuries been maintained for the benefit of the land- ed gentry to the disadvantage of the working people,the same as our monopo- | ly tariff is maintained for the benefit of our industrial “nobility” to the detri- ment of all classes of consumers. Cos- pEN's philanthropic and patriotic efforts to terminate the monopolistic extortion of the English corn laws met with as bitter opposition from the protected interests as that which confronts the movement in this country for tariff reform, Ricuarp CospEX is also entitled to a large share of the credit for the general liberalizing of the English customs laws by which both the commercial and manufacturing prosperity of Eng I land has been promoted beyond all precedent,and under which the wages of standing the competition resulting from an extremely overcrowded population, "are steadily increasing, while those of | American workingmen, with all the ‘natural advantages of their situation, ! are gradually declining. In view of these truths connected | with the name of Copex,which set him | forth as one of the greatest benefactors of the working class and promoters of industrial prosperity, is there not some- thing extremely ridiculous in the atti- tude of the fanatical lunk-heads who, while assuming to be the champions of the laboring people, call their associa- tion the Anti-Cobden Club. A Political Fair. As was to be expected the question of the location of the World's Fair turn- ed upon s political pivot, it having been determined by the vote in the House in the way that was thought to be the most advantageous to the Re- publican party. Tox Prarr’s opposi- tion to the bill in the New York legis- lature indicated that the Republican bosses were opposed to holding the Fair in the great Democratic city of New York. action of the IHouse on Monday, Pram’s opposition being supplemented by that of Quay who telegraphed from Florida to Southern Republican mem- bers ever whom he had control, that they should vote against New York and for Chicago,and they did it, togeth- er with the bulk of the Members of that party. Columbus, in whose honor the Fair is to be held, had he knowledge of these proceedings, would have rea- son to be ashamed of having discovered a continent the government of whose leading nation is managed by such political desperados. Why They Don’t Like Him. At the meeting of the Indiana Re- publican State Convention at Indian- apolis on the 20th inst. ., the anti-Har rison feeling predominated, and there entertained for the head of the adminis tration. That such a President has ex- editors would be a healthy sign if it could be attributed to a better motive. But they are down on him, not because he is proving himself to be the weakest and the worst executive the govern- ment has ever had, but because he hasn't distributed the spoils Lo suit these editorial champions of republi- canism. a | industrial interests and the friends of | was no attempt to conceal the disgust BELLEFONTE, PA. FEBRUARY 28, 1890. NO. 9. Distressfully Situated A correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, writing to that paper under date of February 23d, makes some astonish- ing but interesting disclosures as to what the Republican Congress is like- ly to do in the way of” tariff’ reduction. It foreshadows so rank a free trade measure as the reduction of the duty on steel roils to “a rate even lower than that proposed by the Mills bill in 1888.” This is to be done because “the difference in the cost of steel rails here and abroad is so slight that a much less rate of duty than that now collected would adequately protect the industry.” This is unquestionably true, yet when CLevELAND said the same thing, and MiLLs proposed a reduction of the duty on steel rails because their ade- quate protection didn’t need as high a rate of duty as now exists, which only serves to encourage extortion on the part of the manufacturers, the tariff howlers lifted up their voices and cried “Free Trade.” The correspondent also forecasts a reduction of the tariff on woolens, Surely it is gratifying to learn that there is an intention of adopting the Democratic policy of reducing the cost of the poor man’s blanket. CLEVE- LAND wanted to do this very thing, and it was also one of the purposes of the Mills bill, yet the bare mention of it was denounced as a proposition inspir- ed by British gold. The correspondent, proceeding furth- er with his interesting disclosures of what the Republicans are going to do in the way of tariff reform, says, “that “wherever it is important to reduce “duty and add to the free list without “geriously injuring the American in- “ dustry, it is to be the policy of the “party to do it.” And what a chang- ed policy it will be! When the tariff reform message of GROVER CLEVELAND proposed similar measures, advising a “reduction of duty” and ‘additions to the free list,” with the caution that it should be done “without seriously in- juring the American industry,” and the Mills bill was drawn in strict conform- ity with this policy, preserving an aver- age of 47 per cent. protection, was not this denounced by every Republican stump-orator and newspapers as a rank free trade scheme concocted in the m- terest of British manutacturers? To the leaders of “the grand old par- ty” this tariff business is getting to be a source of really distressful embarrass- ment. The necessities of the question are driving them to the Democratic position which they have all along un- trathfully denounced as free trade. They see the inevitable doom awaiting their maintenance of the robber tariff. The people are rising against the system of pillage which tariff’ sophistry can no longer make them believe to be a pub- lic benefit. Between the monopolistic “devil” that demands a continuance ot oppressive tariff taxation, and the “deep-sea” of popular opposition to it, the distressing situation of the Repub- lican leaders can be well imagined. There is not an honest citizen uninfiu- enced by party prejudice that does not ™L: ! enjoy the embarrassment of these polit- This was the forerunner of the Joy B ical rogues. Lr Sr TE ————— Interesting Political History. » We give in the inside columns of this week's WarcHMAN some more choice extracts from the life of the great Republican Statesman Marrnew StaxLEY Quay. Last week our read- ers were thrilled by an account of his narrow escape from self-destruction to which he was about being impelled by the fear that his complicity with a gang of State treasury robbers would be exposed. The extracts we give this week relate to his assumption of exe- cutive authority to put down the Pitts- burg railroad rioters and the humiliat- ing dilemma he got himselfinto thereby, and also to that crowning act of clem- ency by which through his influence as a member of the Board of Pardons he saved his friend and pal, Bi. Keu- BLE, from going to the penitentiary | for bribing members of the Legislature. cited the hostility of these Republican | It is proper that these little episodes in the lifeof Statesman Quay should be known by the people, so that they may have a correct knowledge of the good and great man who controls the poli- tics of the State of Pennsylvania and manages the campaigns of the grand old Republican party. Disfranchisement of White Voters, In answer to the howl raised by the Republicans over the alleged disfran- chisement of colored voters in the South, a writer in the New. York World shows how the leaders of that party have managed to disfranchise thousands of white voters in the North by uu fair and dishonest apportionment. In the northern states of Connecticut, California, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Penn- sylvania, Rhode Island and Wisconsin, there were cast atthe last coagressional election 3,386,309 Republican votes, which through unequal apportionment elected 126 Republican congressmen, an average of not quite 26,900 votes per congressman, From the same unfair cause the 3,074,399 Democratic votes in those States elected but 47 congress- men, a rate that required an average of 65,408 votes to elect a congressman. From this it is readily seen to what extent Democrats have been disfran® chised in the North by the party that isclamoring about the disfranchisement of negro voters in the South and de- manding unconstitutional interference of the general government in southern elections. Written for the Waren. AUTUMN TINTS. BY MES. T. P. RYNDER, We sat at a low open window, At the close of a glorious day, Grandma's hands had forgotten their knitting, All unconciously folded they lay— Untempted by needles that glittered, In the sun-light last lingering ray. And surely the picture before us, Had been born of an artists dream, It’s harmony charming the sunshine, Coquetishly courting each beam ; Then shrinking abashed among shadows, Eluding the clasp of its gleam. Each hill-top o’er looking the valley, Had flung out its banner of gold, And the vesture of crimsoning maples, Held a ruby in every fold, And the sumac all warm in its wine-tints, Dreamed not of the winter-blast cold. What wonder, I thought as the shadows, Crept slowly o’er valley and hill— What wonder October’s bright beauty, Should Grandma so trance an enthrill, That all years were forgot in its presence, Even age robbed of palsy and chill. Then silent as foot fall of night-time, Grandma's hand found its way into mine, And I followed her falling foot steps, Down the pathway through fragrance of pine Till we reached the old house in the meadow, Almost hidden by brush-wood and vine. And Grandma unclasped the rude fastening, And beckoned me inside the door, Then she told me her lifes’ happy story, With eyes that would keep briming o'er, As she furnished anew the old homestead From memories long cherished store. There close by the sheltering chimney, She had cradled her first baby boy, Twas here that she guided his footsteps With a mother's fond wondering joy, And there in that nich he had treasured, Each rudly shaped whittled-out toy. And just there stood the long pine table, When morning and noon and at night, Bright faces and hands that were helpful, Had filled the old homestead with light, Had met in sweet family communion, To rest for a time from lifes’ fight. 'Twhas to this hallowed spot in the landscape, That Grandma's fond gaze had been turned, As we sat at the low open window, "T'was for faces unseen she had yearned, With a longing that comes but of living, Such as only the lonely have learned. Don’t Be Too Fast. The North-West News, of Grand Forks, North Dakota, sends us a copy of its issue of the 15th inst, with a marked article advocating the nomina- tion of General H. W. Srocuym, of New York, as the Democratic candidate for President in 1892. Believing that the disagreement in New York between the friends of CLEVELAND and Hirn would render it imprudent to nominate either of those two,and recognizing the impor- tance of the electoral vote of New York State, it thinks there would be wisdom in putting General Srocum at the head of the Democratic Presidential ticket. It is too early yet to correctly fore- see the ultimate effect of HinL's an tagonism to CLEVELAND. SLOCUM would probably make a strong candi- date, but it isn’t safe to count upon his military availability. Itis impossible for Democrats to dispel the belief that if they had stuck to TiLpEx in 1880 they would have done better than they did with their military candidate, su- perb a soldier and excellent a man as he was. The situation may so devel- | op itself between this and 1892 as to assure the party that it couldn’t do bet- ter than by renominating the candi- date of 1888. But we must wait and see. _ still naconscious. Spawls from the Keystone. —The Fastern and Northern Railroad will tunnel under Easton. —The Union Fire Company of Lebanon was 110 years old oun Saturday. —The Curaberland county Grand Jury wil! find work for its tramp population. —A physician at Ridgway thinks that olive oil is an antedote for rattlesnake poisoning: —There is trouble over the attempt to coliect taxes on several South Bethlehem parsonages. —An all-day prayermeeting in the interest of Prohibition was held recently at Shippens burg. —An unusual religious revival, which has lasted for two months, is going on in the Welsh Mountains. —Dry Run, a strearn near Cha mbersburg belies its name, for a lad was drowned in it a few days ago. —Two Chester county colored girls engaged in a fist fight because one accused the other of sending a valentine. —The Australian ballot system has been for- mally approved by the Trade and Laber Coun- cil of Reading. —William Hiskey, of Allentown, a.19.year- old husband, has been arrested for whipping’ his 16-year-old wife. —The Seranton giant who married a midget saysihis wife is so small that she has to stand on a chair to reach his head. — Bartholomew the Dilliard murderer in Easton jail awaiting execution, continues im- penitent and vulgarly abusive. —The Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order of united Worhingmen held its annual session at Williamsport, Pa., on Tuesday last. —Fifty cats were advertised for. by a Pitts- burg storekeeper. He lives near a brewery and his place is overrun with rats. —Paris Stanton has been arrested at Harris- burg for assaulting a man at Lebanon. The latter was cut thirty-five times. —It has been said that the defeat of Mayor | Kenney, of Reading. for re-election was due to the members ot the Grand Army. —It has been said that Theodore Barnsdale, of Bradford, will spend $25,000 to defeat Dela- mater in case of the latter's nomination. —The only people in Allentown who protest against the publication of the list of tardy tax- payers are the deliquents themselves. —An unsuccessful politician of Pittsburg says of his rival that he accomplished his vie- tory by means of “boodle, booze and bums.” —Joln H. Morton, one of the paid officers of the Law and Order Society at Lancaster, was arrested in a beastly state of intoxication and logked up, —Upon balancing his accounts for the last year a farmer at Lower Macungie found that he had made 10 cents a day over his farm and living éxpenses. —Representative John N. Rose says that Johnstown will never feel safe untill the streams around it have been improved. The work will require an expenditure of $500,000. —In an altercation about money matters on Saturday, at Pittston, David Baker stabbed his stepson, George Halsted, fatally. Mrs. Baker tried to separate them, and was stabbed in the hand. —Philip West broke into the house of Anto- nio Gillepi, at Wilkesbarre, on Saturday night, and stole §160. Gillepi jumped out of the win- dow in his night clothes and captured the thief three miles away. —Philip Flemmer, of Warwick, Chester coun- ty, was worked up to such a nervous state while on the witness stand at West Chester that he was taken ill at once upon leaving the room» and is out of his mind. —A question was raised at Johnstown wheth- er or no a man whose house had been carried away had lost his habitation and his right to vote. The Deputy Attorney General decided that he still had a right to vote. —Major Bent, of Steelton, in making a sweep- ing and general remonstrance against grant- ing any new licenses, said tothe License Court at Harrisburg, that one wholesale place was worse than three retail saloons. —Miss Mary Musante, who presided over a Norristown fruit stand owned by her father, has eloped all by herself. The young man, however, was waiting for her at New Bruns- wick, N. J., where he married her. —A powder containing a quarter of a grain of morphine was given by mistake to her baby by Mrs. Allekach, of Wilkesbaare, and it required constant work for nearly ten hours by two physicians to save the child's life. —The completion of the new mill of the Carpenter Steel Company, in North Reading was celebrated Saturday by the firing of can-’ non, speeches and general rejoicing by the citizens of that section of the city. —Henry Poye, an old and respected citizen of Ashland, cut his throat early Saturday morn- ing, and then started tor the woods. He was brought back to town, but cannot recover. Ili health had driven him to dispair. —Baldwin Gray, West Brandywine, Chester county, found the weather entirely too wet to dig his crop of potatoes in season. He left them until the Gth of February, when he dug up 150 bushels of remarkably fine ones. —A contractor at Cresona packed a crowd of Italians into a freight car, locked it, ana ran it up to the scales to be weighed, and asked for’ the rate on “tools to Virginia. The car was opened and the tools compelled to buy tickets. —Roswell Thompson, aged 70 years, was found dead in bed beisde his invalid wife on Friday evening at Holidaysburg. The man had been dead several hours before the house was broken open and he was found by friends. —Landlord Criswell, of the National Hotel, Greencastle, locked a deliquent boarder up in his room a few ‘days ago, with the intention of having him arrested on the following day; but the fellow kicked the lock off the door and escaped. —~Pomona Grange of Patrons of Husbandry of Chester and Delaware counties in session on Friday at Avondale adopted a resolution op- posing the building of a new Chester county Ccurt House and voted down a request for a State apropriation ih behair of interstate trials of machinery- —The bell that has for years summoned tf-e workmen of the Novelty Iron Works at Har- risburg will now do duty in guiding the people to worship at Sparrow Point, Md. The bell is famous for its tone, and this it is said, was se cured by throwing 160 silver dollars into the melting-pot when it was cast. —During a fight at the Crane Iron Works a Catassauqua on Saturday afternoon between Joseph Peters and James Purcell the former fell from a trestle, a distance of twenty feet and received injuries that may prove fatal. Peters was badly beaten whan he fell, and is “Purcell was arrested and held to await the resulteof Peters’ injuries.