ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ——We are requested to notice that Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Shaffer of the Presbyterian church will give a dinner and supper for the benefit of the churzh on Thursday of next week, 30th inst. ——E. M. Speer, son of W. F. Speer, of this place, who some five years ago located in Graham county, Kansas, has been appointed Deputy Register of Deeds of that county, a responsible and profit- able position. ——1J. B. Gentzel and J. W. Beezel, who we noticed week before last as hav- ing gone to Illinois for horses, writes us under datz of the 15th from Morrison Point, that they will start for home on the 20th with the finest car load of horses ever brought to Bellefonte. Rev. J. Cal. Leinbach, of Sun- bury, will preach on Saturday afternoon next at two and a half o'clock, prepara- tory to celebrating the Holy Commu- nion at the morning service on Sunday. Services on Sunday evening at. the us- ual hour. As a preacher Rev. Leinbach ranks very high and the people will be delighted to hear him. . John Wagner, janitor of the Cen- tre county bank, of this place, who takes some interest in'the propagation of game birds, last week received some fifteen pairs of quail from New “York State which he distributed among farmers in the neighborhood so that they may be kept safely over the winter and let go in the Spring to repienish the stock of quail in this part of the country. ——The Bellefonte glass works under the general management of Mr, L. T. Munson, will resume operations next Tuesday morning with at least one fur- nace and about 52 hands. Mr. Frank Westcott left for Pittsburg on Tuesday to get the workmen required by the works. Frank C. Westcott, of Glass. boro, N. J., will be foreman of the cut- ting department and with his wife has taken up his abode at the Bush House. ——Careful preparations are being made by both sides for the trial of Al- fred Andrews for the murder of Clara Price, which will be begun in our court next week. The defense has received $100 from the Commissioners, under the di- rection of the court, on the ground that the prisoner is to be presumed innocent until he is proved guilty, and therefore : should be supplied with the means of | ‘making a defense. S. D. Ray, of this, place, has prepared a chart of the locali- ty where the murder was committed, which will figure prominently in the proceedings of the trial and will throw much light on the questions connected with the movements of Andrews on the eventful day of the murder. AN ArPEAL TAKEN.—The papers in the appeal to the Supreme Court on be- half of Charles Cleary from the judg- ment and sentence of the Court of the County of Clinton, were filed this morn- ing, and the case will now go to the Supreme Courtjof the Eastern District. Deputy Prothonotary J. A. Wensel visited Cleary in his cell for the purpose of taking his affidavit, and found him lying upon his cot apparently very comfort. able. He inquired grufily of Mr. Wen- sel what he wanted, and when informed what the nature of his visit was he sprang to his feet and at once became in- terested in the matter. The case will not be likely to reach the Supreme Court at its next session.—ZLock Haven FEx- press: Notes from the College. Things about here are thriving, even in six inches of mud. Mine host Greib, the genial proprietor of the State College Hotel, has cut down the old sweet cherry trees that stood guard over the house for many years. Mr. Hud. (Love is erecting a neat frame dwelling house on the hill above Main street. The wind of Monday and Monday night was so strong as to blow down one of the prettiest maple trees on the College campus, and it also had the presumption to try and upset jolly Abe Markle’s meat wagon. The new central steam plant of the College is about ready to be used for the manufacture of heat. We are sorry indeed to record the death of Fertha Long, the infant grand-daughter of Mrs. Robinson of this place, The little one had been sick for some time, but nothing seri- ous was anticipated until Saturday last when she becama rapidly worse and continued so until her death on the night of the same day. This makes the fifth death in the family with- in thirteen months. The father, Rev. Mr. Longand Mrs. Robinson's family have the sympathy of the entire community in the be- reavement that has fallen upon them so sud- denly. ————————————— ———————— Jottings from Philipsburg. Mr. James Morrison is lying seriously ill at his residence in South Philipsburg, from a severe attack of la grippe. Dr. 8S. F. Lytle is in attendance. Mrs. Fred. Morris, a resident of Sixth street, died of heart disease, on Thursday afternoon, January 16th. The remains were taken to Snow Shoe for interment on the Saturday fol- lowing. Deceased was a sister of Maj. Jno. A. Wolf, was about 50 years of age, and leaves a husband, two children and a large number of friends to mourn her loss. The coal output has been very large for the past two weeks and freight trains are pushed toa ccommodate all sending] coal to market. However a corresdondent from this point who ia well posted on such matters, predicts that the trade will be supplied very soon and a consequent depression follow, | The Odd Fellow’s building on Front street, is rapidly nearing completion. It will be one of the most imposing structures in town, and beside it the adjacent buildings seem almost dwarfed into insignificance. The business and professional men of our town are actively engaged in organizinga Board of Trade. At the preliminary meeting, a number of gentlemen representing consider- able capital freely pledged their cash for the establishment of manufactories in our midst. The “get up” and go-aheadativeness of our Philipsburg business men is a strong guarantee that this Board of Trade ‘will accomplish a great deal in encouraging new industries to locate here. Church goers had a treat in the eloquent discourses of Rev. Edward Gray, D.D., of Dickinson Seminary, at the M. E. church, last Sunday morning and evening. Two gentlemen came to town on last Monday morning in hot pursuit of horse thieves who had stolen a hor:e from each of them and were traveling in this direction. The gentlemen were from Huntingdon county and had follow- ed on horseback as far as Alexandria, when finding their horses were jaded, they came on by rail. All assistance possible was given them 1n sending out telegrams and descrip- tions, but our latest information is that they have not, as yet, overtaken th2 thieves. Amongst the candidates for the County Sup- erintendency are two gentlemen who have been engaged in educational work in this re- gion. Prof. R. M. Wilson, the present efficient Principal of the Borough High school isone,and Prof. R. E. Cambridge, well known to many of the WarcumaN readers, and for several years a teacher in the schools of Rush township, is the other. The latter is now teaching the higher grade at Unionville, but is kindly remember- ed by a host of friends here. The difficulty between Council and the Reli- ance Fire Company is to be referred to our County Court for settlement, steps to that end being taken by Attorney Bryson representing, Council. The right of posession of certain fire apparatus will be tested by action brought by Council to recover posession, &ec. The McGinty jokers grinned wben they saw the notice of Mrs. MeGinty in the Daily Jour- nal a few days since not to harbor her son Wil- lie who absents himself from school without her permission. Boys, this is no joke,the lady is in earnest and all good citizens shonld aid her by “passing along,” as it were, young McGinty when he loiters on their premises. Our enterprising daily, the Daily Journrl, will have a reporter at Bellefonte next week and each day will publish full reports of the Andrews trial. To relieve monotony on Tuesday afternoon two large dogs clinched near the Passmore House and fought desperately for the distance of one square. Spectators were not wanting, and the fight was aided and abetted by several men and a crowd of boys. When the canines got near the residence of the owner of one of them the lady came out and read the “riot act’’ to the crowd, after which the men dispersed looking rather“sheepist,” and the canines af. ter growling eternal hatred to each other, sepa- rated. Vion, A Great Yield of Corn. Farmer Drake, of South Carolina, Pro- duces 255 Bushels on One Acre. New Yorg, Jan. 19.—The most ' phenomenal yield of corn ever produced in America has been awarded the prize of $500 offered by the American Agicul- urist for the largest crop of shelled corn grown on one acre in 1889. The crop was within a fraction of 255 bushels, green weight, which shrunk to 239 bushels when kiln dried,and when chemically dried contained 217 bushels. The South Carolina State Board of Agriculture doubled the prize, making the award $1000 in all. This crop was grown ‘by Z. J. Drake, of Marlboro county, 8. C. Itis nearly twice as large as the greatest authenticated crop ever before reported. The $500 awarded for the largest yield of wheat last year goes to Henry F. Burton, of Salt Lake City, Utah, for a yield of eighty bushels on one acre. The Perels of Natural Gas. P1r18BURG, Jan. 21.—By an explosion of natural gas at Sewickly last night Mrs. George Gibbs was probably fa- tally burned and her daughter seriously injured. The ladies were carrying a lantern to light their way home, and the gas which was escaping from a break in the line ignited, and in an instant both were enveloped in flames. Mrs. Gibbs’ clothing was entirely burned off, and her right side and face were terri- bly burned. An Unbappy Infant. Philadelphia Record. Probably the unhappiest of all the tar- iff infants whom Hail Columbia has nursed upon her ample bosom, are the quinine weanlings. On account of ‘la grippe’’ the people, sick and well, are taking free quinine by the ton. How such wholesale consumption would have swelled the profits of monopoly if the tax on quinine had been retained | The thought is a saddening one. TRESS, ——DuURING the entire four years of President Cleveland’s administration General Black retained in the pension office half a dozen Republican chiefs of of divisions, and 16 out of 24 assistant chiefs. An entirely different policy has been pursued by this administration. Tanner swept out most of the few Democrats who had been appointed, and Commissioner Raum has continued the sweep until at the present time not a Democratic chief or assistant chief re- mains in the office. The Towa Deadlock. Des Moines, Jan, 25.—The dead- lock in the legislature continues and the election of a United States senator and the inauguration of the democratic governor seem further than ever. How the two parties stand was sharply de- fined in the lower house this afternoon. Mr. Richman, of Muscatine, in a speech said that the democrats rightly demand the sperkership, because a ma- jority of ‘the voters demand it Mr. Chase, republican,spokein reply saying that the republicans had a majority on many questions, and especially prohi- bition, and they propose to stand to- gether. Four fruitless ballots were taken and the house adjourned until to morrow. The senate adopted a reso- tution, 29 to 7, stopping the introduc- lion of bills until the legisture is fully organized. 5,000,000 Bogus Dollars. The Counterfit Coin Put in Circulation on the Mexican Border. NEw York, Jan. 20.—A story to the effect that at least 5,000,000 counterfit silver dollars have been put in circula- tion near the Mexican border by the Mexican counterfitters appears in to- day’s Evening Sun. The statement is made that the counterfitters have been at work for two years. They shipped the bogus dollars across the border, and disposed of them at a profit of 28 cents on each dollar. Rumors concerning the matter have been afloatin ‘Wall street for several days,soit is alledged. Bankers in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona recently had their attention drawn to the fact that there was an unusually large number of United States silver dollars in circula- tion in that section. They began to wonder where they came from, and at- tempted to trace back payments made with this coin. It was found that many of these coins could be traced to Mexicans living across the border, who had given them in exchange for commodities purchased in this country. A thorough investiga- tion followed, and the conclusion reach- ed was that a band of Mexicans have been coining the dollars and uttering them to Mexicrn merchants, who gave them in return for goods purchased on this side of the border. Mr. Randal Joins Church. The Ex-Speaker and His Wife Unite With a Washington Presbyte- rian Congregation. ‘WasHINGTON,D. C., Jan. 20.—At the Metropolitan Presbyterian Church yes- terday morning, Rev. Dr. Chester, the pastor, announced that Hon. Samuel J. Randall had been admitted to member- ship of the church and that Mrs. Ran- dal had been admitted by letter. On Tuesday last Mr. Chester went to Mr. Randal’s house, baptised him and ad- mitted him to membership. No one who has talked with Randall this winter was surprised at his uniting with the Metropolitan Presbyterian Church, which he has attended and in which his wife and daughter: have done so much good work. The conversion of Randal’s character was made apparent by his making peace with all his ene- mies. So bitter were some of his politi- cal contests in the past that there were a number of public men with whom he was no longer on speaking terms. He has made friends with them all again while lying on his back this winter. His whole disposition seems to have changed. He is sokindly and charitable, so cheery and encuraging, that he seems a different man. He has made his wife very happy by uniting with the church. She was delighted to pring her letter from her home church in Philadelphia, and formally unite with the Metropoli- tan Church with him. Randall told his friends to-day that he felt better than he did last summer, and would go out, but that his physician thou ght be had Letter not. The Fatal Influeuza. The influenza is said to be on the de- cline in New York city, but this does not seem to be the case in Philadelphia, where the number of deaths for the week ending on Saturday last was 777, an increase of 29 over the previous week and of 895 over the corresponding week of last year. The Times says that this is twice the normal death rate at this season of the year and as ‘no other epidemic is raging,the increased mortali- ty must be laid at the door of the pre- vailing influenza.” There is one peculiarity about this disease, called the grippe, that has been widely remarked, and that is if a person has any other complaint or chronic affection, it seems to fasten to it and aggravate it until the patient who might live with either one of them often dies from the double at- tack. Thusin Philadelphia consump- tion is credited with 100 deaths,twice the usual number; disease of the heart with 26 ; inflammation of the lungs with 142, or nearly four times the normal rate; old age with 41, more than twice the usual number, while 56 deaths are charged solely to influenza. The words of advice given to Philadel- phians, where the disease is still so dan- gerous, will apply as well as here in Bellefonte and in all other places, and is to the effect that the utmost care should be taken both by those who have so far escaped the epidemic and those who are recovering from it. The disease is exceedingly debilitating in its nature, and those who have been attack- ed by it should not venture out or take’ up their usual work until appetite and full strength have returned. As to those who have not yet suffered from it,they should neglect no known precau- tion to ward off an attack. An ounce of prevention in this direction may be worth tons of cure. Around the World in Seventy-five Days. The race of Nellie Bly and Miss Bisland around the world in opposite directions, is drawing to a close. Sun- day, the 26th, is the day set for the con- testants to arrive in New York. Miss Bisland is now on the Atlantic steam- ing for New York. Nellie Bly has not yet reached San Francisco and when she does the snow blockade on the Union Pacific will hinder a direct passage homeward, and if she comes 5 the Southern Pacific it will be a long trip and she will come without the escort sent out to meet her. At this stage of the race such delays become mighty an- noying. ——In the county of Bucks there is a fierce rivalry between the respective adherents of Senator Delamater and General Hastings for Governer. As the lieutenant of Senator Quay, Second Con- troller Gilkeson leads the Delamater for- ces, while General Hastings has an equally stout champion in the editor of the Bucks County Intelligencer. What ever advantage the editor may have int the argument is overcome by the face that the Bucks county delegation to ths next Re publican State Convention ha already been chosen in the interest of Sengior Quay and his candidate.—Re- cord. Slaughter in the Streets of Rio Janeiro. A Fight in Which a Hundred of the Supporters of the Empire Were Killed. New York, Jan. 19—A thrilling story of the revolt in*Rio Janieroon De- cember 18, in which nearly 200 men were killed, is told by Chief Officer J. Rangdale, of the English steamer Hally, which has arrived at Brooklyn. The officer says : - “From what I understand the trouble had been brewing for some time. When the new Government took charge it pro- mised to raise the pay of the soldiers, but this was put off until the regiments be- came exasperated. Among the artillery officers werc a number of sympathizers with Dom Pedro who never lost an opp- ortunity to mahgn the new Government .and incite the privates to open rebellion A number of small revolts resulted.. Even the newspapers, although printing glowing accounts of the enthusiastic re- ception of the new flag in the various provinces, had begun fault finding with the Government. “This sort of thing continued up to December 18, when the Second Artillery Regiment, with whom Dom Pedro had been very popular, broke out in open re- volt. At about 7 o’clockin the even- ning they hauled down the republican flag and hoisted the Imperial standard, at the same time firing artillery salutes. Hastily summoning his Cabinet, Fonse- ca inquired the meaning of the cannon- ading, and on being informed ordered his officers to suppress it. “Two brigades of infantry were order- ed out, and the barracks in which the re- bellious troops were lodged was surround- ed on all sides. The streets leading to the scene of the trouble were blocked with soldiers. The doors of the barracks had been barricaded, but were smashed down by the Republican soldiers, and several volleys were poured into the ranks of the insurgents with terrible re- sults. : “The artillerymen made some show of fighting, and ten of the Republican soldiers were killed, It took nearly two hours tosubdue the revolt. When the fighting stopped 114 men and two officers were found to be killed. All of the officers and ringleaders, together with a number of citizens who had join- ed them, were arrested,and the remainder of theregiment were put under guard. Those arrested were tried by courtmar- tial two days later, and fifty men and seven officers were executed. There were eight citizens who joined in the uprising. They were placed on the Ger- man steamer Lisbon and sent to Ham- burg with instructions not to return. Since this took place everything has been quiet, but I think more trouble will break out at the first chance the soldiers get, Everything is ruled by the army, and the people are getting tired of it.” New Advertisements ECOND HAND PIANOS, Organs, Sewing Machines. As good as new, cheap. For sale or rent. Payments tak- n in monthly installments. Criders Exchange third floor, 34-49-3m Room AV ANTED. — Twenty-five steady (¥.. men to jdin the colony now formin for, settlement in Dakota. Free land; on soll mear railroad ; the chance of a lifetime ; write soon, as number will be limited. For al information address ! WiLL TRUCKENMILLER, Sect'y, Hublersburg, Centre Co., 353 3t Penna. . DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Letters of administration on the es- tate of Jacob K. Runkle, deceased, late of Pot- ter township, having been granted to the un- dersigned, they request all persons knowing themselves indebted tosaid estate, to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authen- ticated for settlement. 35-2-6t JNO. F. ALEXANDER. 6 W. K. RUNKLE. DMINISTRATOR’'S NOTICE.— 2 Letters of administration on the es- tate of Major John W. Roder, 4th Artillery, U. S. A., having been granted to the undersigned, she requests all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make payment, and those having claims against the same to pre- sent them duly authenticated by law for set- tlement. * MRS. MARY AUGUSTA RODER 85-4-6t Bellefonte, Pa. OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. Notice is hereby given that an spofingtion willbe made to Hon. Austin O. Furst, President, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, on Monday the 8rd day February A.D. 1890, at 10 o’clock a. m., asking for the incorpo- ration of the St. Peters Reformed Church of Aaronsburg, Pa. The object of the said corpo- ration being to provide its members with the means of grace, the preaching of the Gospel, and the administration of the Sacraments, in accordance with the confession of Faith, known as the Heidelberg Catechism. ORVIS, BOWER & ORVIS, 35-3-3t Solicitors. UBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. The subscriber will sell at his residence on the Roush farm, on the Lewistown pike, near Axe Mann, on THURSDAY, MARCH 13th, 1890, the following valuable articles of property. One Percheron Stallion, 1600 pounds weight; 3 brood mares with foal; one gelding Fieme four years old; two Percheron colts, 2 year ol in May ; one Percheron colt, a year old in April ; 4 sets of good gears for heavy draft; fly-nets ; 3 or 4 cows some of which ara fresh ; i one heifer with calf; a lot of [young cattle ; i grain separator thresher ; Champion selfrake; 2 two-horse wagons, one a Conklin, hay ladders 23)4' feet long; one pair of bob- sleds, a six can Peerless creamery, just | new; a butter churn and buck; some other : implements, and about three-fifths of 30 acres | of grain in the ground. . Sale to commence at 10’clock, p. m., sharp. ! Auctioneer, Joseph L. Neff. ! J. H. RisHEL. | | JAARM FOR SALE. | ‘There will be sold at Public Sale on the pre- mises, one and 34 miles west of Unionville, . along the Bald Eagle Valley R. R., on WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1890, at 2, p. m.,, the VALUABLE FARM known as the Casper Peters homestead and late the property of Lewis C. Peters, containing SIXTY-SIX ACRES, upon which is erected a good dwelling house, ; log Dan and necessary outbuildings. ! he property is one of the best locations in the county. Good soil, good fruit, excellent water, and every foot tillable. It is near to sehools and churches and can be made a desira- ble home. Terms made known at sale. 35 3 4t MRS. BUEHLA PETERS. New Advertisements. New Advertisements. ] [oinay REDUCTIONS! HOLIDAY REDUCTIONS —o—fodto— SPECIAL BARGAINS! SPECIAL BARGAINS! Op — 0 A reduction from 20 to 30 per cent on our entire stock from this date until after the Holidays. WE ARE NOT AFRAID TO SHOW YOU OUR GOODS AND QUOTE YOU PRICES. —=folz=— Children’s Suits (Knee Pants) from “ “ “ “ hid 2.00 “ “ “ “ “ “ . Men's Suits Reduced from $6.00 to 4.50 “ [3 12.00 t0 10.00 15.0 to 12.00 18.00 to 14.75 $4.00 to 3.00 5.00 to 3.50 6.00 to 5.00 10.00 to 7.50 12.00 to 9.50 16.00 t014.00 18.00 to 15.00 Reduced Prices in Underwear, 4 4 Shirts. “ ““ Gloves & Hosiery. Mufflers & H'dk'r'fs. be [3 Hats & Caps. . # Trunks & Valises. ms CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND CON VINCE YOURSELF THAT OUR RE- DUCTIONS ARE GENUINE. (Jee 34 49 3m. SIMON LOEB. DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.— Letters of administration on the es- tate of 0. P. Orr, deceased, late of Marion lounshid, having been granted tothe under- igned, he requests all persons knowing them- selves indebted to said estate to make immedi- ate payment, and those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated JOHN W. ORR, Walker, Pa. for settlement. 35-1-6t* DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.— Letters of administration on the es- tate of Leslie Markle, deceased, late of Miles township, having been granted to the undersigned, he requests all persons know- ing themselves indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, to present them duly au- thenticated for settlement. H. SNYDER, 34 50 6t. Blanchard, Pa. EGAL NOTICE.—Notice is here- by given to all persons interested that the following inventories of the goods and chattels set apart to widows under the provi- sions of the Act of 14th of April, 1851, have been confirmed ni si by the court and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Orphan’s court of Centre county, and if no exceptions be filed on or before the first day of next term the same will be confirmed absolutely : The inventory and appraisement of the Real Estate of Henry Markle, late of Patton town- ship, deceased, as set apart to his widow Eliza Markle. The inventory and appraisement of the per- sonal property of Samuel 8. Brickley, late of Curtin township, deceased, as set apart to his widow, Hannah Brickley. The inventory and appraisement of the per- sonal property of Wm. Orndorf, late of Haines township, deceased, as set apart to his widow, Phoebe J. Orndorf. The inventory and appraisement of the per- sonal Droperyy of Andrew S. Zimmerman, late of Walker township, deceased, as set apart to his widow Susan Zimmerman. 35-2:3t JOHN A. LAL EGISTER'S NOTICE.—The fol- lowing accounts have been examined, Raat and filed of record in the Register’s of- ce for the inspection of heirs and legatees, creditors, and all others in any wise interested, and will be presented to the Orphans’ Court o Centre county, on Wednesday, the 29th day of January, A. D. 1890, for allowance and confir- mation. First and final account of W. F. Reynolds and Geo. W. Jackson, executors of &ec., of Thomas R. Reynolds, late of the Borough of Bellefonte, deceased. First partial account of M.D. Rockey, execu- tor of last will and testament of Jonathan Spang- ler, late of Miles township, deceased. he first and final account of Samuel Glenn and Andrew Glenn, administrators of &ec., of James Glenn, late of College township, de- ceased. The first and final account of Jacob Sanders, administrator of &e., of Jonathan Sanders, late of Penn township, deceased. Final account of Jeremiah A. Ertel, execu- tor of &c., of Permelia Ertel, late of Gregg township, deceased. J Account of Geo. P. Hall, administrator of &e., of Frederick Harpster, late of Union township, deceased. . Final account of A. A. Pletcher, administra- tor of &ec., of D. B. Pletcher, late of Howard township, deceased. The first and final account of Levi Whippo, administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. of Hiram Gilday, late of Walker township, deceased. The account of Isaac Stover and C. H. Harsh- berger, administrators of &ec., of 8. A. Stover, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased. The first and final account of Wm. and John Woods, administrator of &c., of James Woods, late of Spring township, deceased, as filed by Wm. Woods. The second and final account of D. S. Keller and E. J. Pruner, administrators of &e., of John Hoffer, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased. The second and final account of D. S. Keller. administrator of &c., ot John Hoffer, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased, accounting for proceeds of land sold for Aspen of debts. JOHN A. RUPP, 35-1-4t Register. ++ Lewins’ Philadelphia Branch Clothing House. . l—t— 10th ANNIVERSARY OF THE —j—o|, PHILADELPHIA Sr] BRANCH * ONE-PRICE x — | CLOTHING HOUSE. Fall and Winter Suits, - $3 to 16 Pi Overcoats, - from 3 to 15 Children’s Suits, - from 2 to 5 Boys’ Suits, - from 3 to 6 % Heessnnene™ Am papain HATS AND CAPS IN GREAT VARIETY AT ALL PRICES, TRUNKS AND SATCHELS, GRIPSACKS &C., IN ENDLESS QUANTITY. * + Call and be Convinced. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. SAMUEL LEWIN, ALLEGANY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. 34 39 3m