Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 17, 1890, Image 2

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    Demorralic atc
Bellefonte, Pa., January 17, 1890.
Choose your friend wisely,
Test your friend well;
True friends, like rarest gems,
. Prove hard to tell.
Winter him, summer him,
Know your friend well.
Oft bosom companions
Are dangerous things;
Ritling your honey,
But leaving their stings
Creeping and crawling,
Like bees without wings.
Leave not your secrets
At every man’s door;
High tides will shift them,
Like sands on the shore—
Sift them and shift them,
No higher, no lower.
Take advice charity;
Many a man
Dates back his ruin
To change of his plan.
Choose your friend wisely,
And well, if you can.
“Rosa, darling, are you quite happy?
If I ever cause you a moment's unhap-
piness may I wear horns forever, like
my fiendish prompter. Father and
mother dote upon you; won't you try
to love them, pet?”
Thus spoke a young and handsome
busband to his beautiful bride during
their honeymoon, while on a visit to
his parents.
The youthful Rosa folded her hands
meekly over her bosom and answered
solemnly :
“Wilbur, thy peorle shall be my
So far good, but soon misunderstand-
ings and heartaches, arising from con-
flicting tastes and habits, overshadow-
ed their little romance.
The happy couple became tired of
visiting and, disgusted with boarding,
then they went to housekeeping, and,
having ample means, furnizhed their
house in elegant style. Rosa was sat-
isfied, but thought that one more pic-
ture was needed to fill a certain vacan-
cy on the parlor wall, and whenever
she expressed a particular wish for
anything Wilbur, lover like, was quick
to gratify it. One day she was sur-
prised and delighted to find that he had
placed one there. She was a woman
of cultivated tastes, and was really
shocked upon examining. it more
It was a representation of the
death of Washington—the mourning
family with different expressions of grief
upon their countenances were grouped
around the dying hero, color
ed servant black as night, peep-
ed from behind the drapery of the
bed, while above hovered the goddess
of liberty with a sorrowful, half averted
face. It was painted in glowing colors
in most execrable taste.
Rosa turned away in dismay, and
met the smiling eyes of her husband,
who had entered unperceived.
“What do you think of it, dear?” he
pleasantly inquired.
“Tt is the most horrible daub I ever
saw,’’ she replied, scornfully.
“Daub, Rosa ? The painting is some-
what faulty, I admit, but the design is
fine, is it not? Observe the figure of
Liberty mourning the loss of her cham-
“Indeed,” said his wife, mischievous-
“I can’t decide whether the god-
ess is weeping over the dead general
or over the intensely black negro, who
appears to be wiping his nose upon the
curtains. I suppose this is one of your
jokes, Wilbur, but pray remove this
unsightly blot immediately, lest some
inopportune yisitor happen in and
shame us.”
“No, Rosa; I intend it shall remain,”
he replied emphatically; “it is a very
impressive picture.”
“Very,” said she, sarcastically,
“nothing can be more impressive than
a death scene—itis especially sugges-
tive for the walls of a parlor.”
“You are a fool,” he exclaimed, with
rising anger.
“Then I'm not a suitable wife for a
gentleman of discriminating tastes and
politeness,” she retorted with bitter-
Then she rushed to her own room,
threw herself upon a chair, flung her
arms half across the table and burst
into a storm of hysterical sobs.
All their little variances rose to her
mind; how very singular that Wilbur
should admire this odious picture; she
had often heard his judicious comments
upon various works of art ; never before
had she known him to be so deficient
in judgment. Surely there must be
some hidden motive tor such conduct.
What could it be? The longer she
entertained this idea the more convine-
ed she became that there was a mys-
tery attached to it, and a feeling of
jealousy was aroused in her heart.
While indulging in the luxury of this
good cry a lady friend called and she
was obliged to calm herself sufficiently
to receive her.
“Dear Mrs. Plant,” she exclaimed,
piteously, “I am very unbappy; Wil
bur has called me a fool—and I—I
thought that the first year of married
life was always the happiest.”
“Not always, dear Rosa; it takes
years to learn the ins and outs of each
others’ character, as well as to assimi-
late in habits and tastes, but don’t be
disconsolate ; love has as many lives as
the proverbial cat.”
“You can joke, Mrs. Plant, but I
feel my heart is breaking.”
“Well—well, dear, one of the most
insupportable pangs that can afflict the
sensitive heart, disenchanting forever
the bright illusions of life, is the first
doubt of the idol of our affections,” re-
plied her friend, laughing; “but seri-
ously, Rosa, I am a veteran and have
passed through many a slight skirmish.
Come, cheer up ; your heart is tender,
but not past mending. You must go
home with me over the river; I dare
say that wate husband of yours has
already eaten his way through a whole
bill of fare. Depend upon it, if he
starves his love for a while, he will not
starve his stomach.
Rosa accompanied Mrs. Plant to her
handsome home, leaving word for her
husband that she would return the
next day. While crossing the ferry her
friend, noticing her sadness, sought to
divert her thoughts from that dreadful
epithet of “fool,” which she said was
ringing in her ears continually.
“Rosa,” she said pleasantly, “you
must not allow trifles to worry you so.
Men are fickle creatures at best. Let
me tell you a secret; it may be helpful
to yeu.
“I was not my Charlie's first love;
you look iccredulous, but he himself
told me all about it—when in his 20th
vear he took a faney to a pretty girl
and visited her frequently, finding her
more attractive and interesting upon
each visit.
“Of course it was impossible even to
hint at a marriage just then, as he was
only a clerk upon a very small salary
indeed, but Charlie was a wise chap—
he determined to wait patiently until
he could ask her, especially as he fan-
cied she would not say no.
“One evening he invited her to ac-
company him to the fair of the Ameri-
can institute. I dare say she was
pleased enough to promenade with a
handsome fellow like Charlie, and they
uttured a great deal of soft nonsense
as they promenaded tozether through
the immense hall.”
Rosa smiled, and Mrs. Plant knew
that the cloud was lifting.
“You know how tis yourself,” she
said, smiling in return.
“At last,” she ‘contined, “the loving
pair came to a confectioner’s stand,
plentifully supplied with a tempting
display of goods.
“I know you are fond of candies,’
said Charlie. ‘Will you have some.’
“Thereupon she selected whatever
suited her taste, and as he took out his
pocketbrook to pay for them the con-
fectioner remarked that the package
being rather bulky he had made two
of it.
“You can carry this one, miss,’ he
said, handing her quite a large bundle,
‘and here is another for your
young man. Three dollars. I hope
they’ll please the lady, and that you'll
call again.’
Rosa now laughed heartily and her
friend joined in her mirth.
“Three doilars worth of candy!
Had he heard aright? Fifty cents or
even $1 was quite enough to spare.
Why, all he had in the world was a $5
greenback, snugly stowed away for the
purchase of a new vest which he very
much needed.
“Nevertheless, there was no heip for
it; he must do without it now, and
saying never a word he handed over
the money with a sigh.
“Now, Rosa, haven't I reason to
bless that young woman for her inor-
dinate liking for candy? Charlie was
disenchanted then and there—a girl
that could eat her way through a $3
package of sugar was altogether too
sweet for him, and altogether too ex-
travagant for a poor man—for she was
well aware that he couldn't afford it,
but was too selfish or thoughtless to
“Charlie didn’t visit her again, neith-
er did he die of disappointment, but
lived to become a wealthy man, abund-
antly able to give his second love all
the candy she wishes for—so you per-
ceive, Rosa, that a woman must not
fancy that there never was, nor never
will be another woman in the world so
attractive as herself, but she must
strive to keep her husband’s love if she
values it.”
“Thank you for telling me this se-
cret. Wilbur shall not be disenchant-
ed if I can help it,” said Rosa, “even
if he did call me a fool.”
So, gaining courage, she tried to
banish unpleasant thoughts and cool
her anger by strolling around her
friend’s beautiful grounds, wondering if
he would follow her, or wait until the
next day.
Suddenly she saw her husband ap-
proaching, He looked as pleasant as
it a little bird had sung in his ear.
She felt as awkward and nervous as a
mouse cornered by a cat; but she
smiled, and discreetly remained silent.
“Rosa, forgive me,” her said, softly.
Three little words, full of hope and
meaning. In the first bitterness of her
resentment she had thought that she
never could forgive, but womanlike, at
the first word of tenderness, the bar-
riefs of pride gave way, and she threw
herself into his outstretched arms and
sobbed out :
“Dear Wilbur, you too have much
to forgive. Oh, why did you marry
“Because I loved you, but not half as
well as now ; let me explain my unpar-
donable rudeness :
“IT had a dearly loved brother,
younger than myself, who early de-
veloped a genius for painting and
drawing in oil; but alas! he was a
confirmed consumptive.
“He devoted the failing energies of
his own life to the picture that you so
unmercifully ridiculed; it is to me a
sacred memento, hallowed by a thous
and associations ; can you blame me it
I could not bear to hear it criticised in
terms of levity and disgust ? I thought
you were very heartless, Rosa.”
before ?”” she inquired. “My remarks
must have seemed cutting and cruel.
My dear fellow, I have a keen percep-
tion of the rediculous, and my risibili-
ties areeasily excited, but I sincerely
hope that I am not malicious. Will
vou forgive me, Wilbur, and show that’
you do, by allowing the picture to re-
main where you placed it? I dare say
that I have dozens of faults, but I hope
time will correct them all—perhaps I
shall be perfect some day, but I fear it
won't be till I have wings.”
“Rosa, we must bear and forbear,
You must try to bring out my best
points ; you will doubtless have a try-
ing time of it, but remember what the
immortal poet says, and he is authori-
“Nothing lovelier can be found
In woman, than to study household good,
And good works in her husband to promota.”
—J. 8. in New York News.
j Some years ago.
“Oh, why didn’t you tell me of this |
| tle nook screened in palms, and were
filled the air.
Astounded the Dowager.
An American Girl in St Petersburg
Asserts Her Independence.
The following is a narrative of an in-
cident which occurred 1n St. Petersburg
The American lady
concerned is the daughter of a promi-
nent public benefactor, has for years
been a social leader in Washington, is
the wife of a leading Republican states-
man, and would be recognized instans-
ly if her name might be mentioned.
The half dozen initiates will remember
the incident now published by the Post
A grand reception was in progress at
the palace of a high Russian dignitary.
Members of the Cabinet, Generals of the
Army, Grand Dukes, the nobility of
the Empire and the Diplomatic Corps
were present. It was a notable affair.
Four young ladies—three Russian and
one American--had gathered into a lit-
discussing in French the dowdy appear-
ance of a high court lady. Some eaves-
dropper caught their remarks and bore
them to the criticised lady. She in
turn indignantly reported the conversa-
tion to a noble duchess, who held the
peculiar office of ‘‘mistress of etiquette.”
She retired to a private room and had
the four culprits summened before her.
They appeared, the Russian girls in fear
and trembling, the American calm and
“Young ladies,’ said she, ‘you have
been commenting discourteously upon
the personal appearance of Lady ;
You have committed a grave breach of
etiquette, and it is my duty as court
mistress of etiquette to punish you.
Olga, your slipper.”
The trembling Olga took off her slip-
per, and meekly received a sound pun-
1shment of the sort confined in America
exclusively to the nursery.
“Katia, it is your turn. Give me
your slipper!” said the inexorable du-
enna, as the weeping Olga arose from
her castigation. Katia took her gruel
with audible lamentations, and Tania
foliowed the suffering Katia.
All the while the American girl
watched and waited. The indignities
thrust upon her companions roused the
Hail Columbia in her. Her eyes flash-
ed ard her little fists clenched with ex-
“It is your turn now,” said the mis-
tress cf etiquette to the fair American;
¢your slipper, please.”
Columbia’s blood was up. There was
fighting stock back of her for genera-
tions. She removed her shpper and
drew near, but she held the slipper by
the toe. At proper range sheswung the
missile and struck the old lady in the
mouth a fearful clip. Then she sailed
in. Laces, feathers and furbelows flew.
Finger nails fetched blood. Gray hair
and the St. Petersburg fashions of 1863
The screams of the thoroughly fright-
ened mistress of etiquette brought a
crowd. The door was battered down.
The three Russian girls were screaming
in their respeetive corners. The old lady
was hors du combat, and a fiery-eyed
Goddess of Liberty stood in the centre
of the room waving a tuft of gray hair
in one hand and a jeweled hair dagger,
with which she had been trying to stab
the Russian in the other.
The mistress of etiquette fairly
screamed with,impotent rage, showered
maledictions in broken French, German
and Russian upon her conqueror, and
demanded that the most condign pun-
ishment be meted out to her. The mat-
ter was carried to the Czar. Nicholas
made a pretense of punishing the young
lady by issuing some order against her
appearing at any ball for a certain pe-
od, but the old liberator was immense-
ly tickled. Heshowered the most embar-
rassing presents upon the American—
beautiful’ slippers of every kind and
description, silver slippers and gold slip-
pers, and finally wound up by sending
her a hair dagger set with diamonds.—
Washington Post.
Just Missed a Fortune.
A Story That Recalls the Gigantic
Operations of the Days of Oil.
Quincy Robinson related an incident of
the early history ot the oil regions re-
cently which may giv= the children of
the present generation a vague idea of
the magnitude of the transactions which
took place when oil was $8and $9 a
barrel, and poor people gained a com-
petency by scooping it off the surface of
creeks or gathered it from pools arouni
the tanks which had overflowed. The
story as told by Mr. Robinson was as
follows :
“Within a mouth after Colonel Drake
had struck the first petroleum ever
brought to the surface in America by
means of drilling, my father and the
father of my relatives here bought a
tract of land comprising 1,280 acres,
adjoining the farm on which the Drake
well was located, for $356,000. Not
long afterwards I was sitting in their
office one day—I remember it as dis-
tinctly as though it happened only yes-
terday—when an’ agent for an eastern
syndicate walked in and offered $500,000
for the 1,280 acres. The owners looked
at him rather incredulously for a
moment, but before they could speak
he counted out on the table $500,000 in
cash and drafts, which he offered for a
deed of the tract. I was appalled] by
thesight of the pile, but my father and one
these gentlemen ratired for consultation,
of and decided that if the property was
worth $500,000 it was worth $1,000,000,
and the offer was refused. Their heirs
still own the land and now itis valued
at about $20,000. Where they could
have got dollars we could scarcely get
nickels. Thus you can see what seem-
ingly fairy stories could be told of those
days. They are almost incomprehensible
to the present generation, but they were
real facts.”” And asigh of regret that
the offer had not been accepted went
around the circle.—Pittsburg Dispatch.
BeAN Sour.—Soak one quart dried
white beans oves night. In the morn-
ing drain, add two quarts of water;
when it boils pour the water oft and add
two quarts of fresh boiling water and
also about a quarter of a teaspoonful of
soda. Boil till the beans are very soft,
then press them through a sieve and re-
turn to kettle : add salt and pepper to
taste and a cup of cream, or a cup of
milk and a bit of butter. If it is still
too thick, thin it a litle with water.
Serve with slice of toasted bread.
Spirit of the Grange. .
Mr. Geo. R. Tate, member of the Ex-
ecutive Committee, Illinois State Grange,
favors the Prairie Farmer with a letter
on the “Spirit of the Grange,” as fol-
lows: ;
We believe that the great difference
of opinion among farmers on the public
questions is sufficient evidence that they
are not properly united in support of
their own interests; that a develop-
ment of all the agencies which tend to
advence the interests ot the common
people should constitute the chief efforts
of all true Patrons of Husbandry; that
a closer union among the agricultural
classes is necessary; that the practice of
dealing in “futures,” whether in corn,
cotton, wheat, pork or any other farm
prodnet, is iniquitous gambling, tend-
ing to establish the price of farm pro-
ducts regardless of the law of supply and
demand and should be punished as a
crime; that the laboring classes are bear-
ing unjust burdens, forced upon them by
corrupt and unreliable political leaders ;
that the stability of free government and
the interests of the laboring classes de-
mand that the office should seek the
man, rather than the man the office;
thatthe electing of incompetent persons
to office as a reward for party service is
retarding progress, oppressing labor and
weakening the stability of our free insti-
tutions; that speculators and money
sharks are attempting to control and
dictate the policy of our government;
that the money powers have secured leg-
islation to make our property low and
theirs high, by contracting the currency
when it Was no more than adequate to
the business demands of the country,and
have imposed unjust burdens upon the
producing classes by legislating the cur-
rency into interest-bearing bonds, and
relieving the bond holder of his share of
Believing as we do, that in righting
the enumerated wrongs we will be ad-
vancing the interests of our fellow men,
we call upon all farmers’ organizations,
and upon individnal farmers, to unite
with us in securing our rights as Ameri-
can citizens.
The true artist has an instinct for per-
fection, and as a necessary consequence
is never fully satisfied with his own
work. Sometimes, however, he cores
nearer to satisfying himself than to
meeting the taste of his patrons, especi-
ally if he is a painter of portraits.
A New York artist, who was in
Charleston on a pleasure trip, painted
the portrait of a little darky. She was
encouraged to sit patiently by having
seen a beautiful picture which the same
artist had made of the fair haired daugh-
ter of one of the proudest houses in
Charleston, in whose service the young
darky’s mother was laundress.
Patiently she posed, and when the
portrait was completed the artist brought
1t round to show it to its original. “Here
you are, Janey,’ he said.
Janey looked at her counterfeit pre-
sentiment and burst into shrieks and
howls. She ran from the room to pour
her sorrows into sympathizing ears.
“0 Missey Grace!” she cried, ““Missey
Grace, I never tink he would mek me
look so! TI didn’t tink Mr. Waller
would do me so! He tek and mek me a
orful little notty headed nigger, an I
tought I was jes’ a-goin’ to be a beauti-
ful little yaller headed gal, with blue
eyes and a white face, jes’ like Missey
Gertrude !"’— Boston Herald.
Household Hints.
It is not safe to use rubbers on fruit
cans after they are stretched out and yel-
A scrubbing brush, warm soap suds
and plenty of elbow grease will do won-
ders on an old dingy oilcloth.
If windows are wiped off once a week
on the inside with a slightly dampened
cloth it will save washing so often.
If you have a suspicion of moths in
your carpets, scrub your floor with hot
water and salt before relaying them, and
sweep salt over the carpet once or twice
during the month.
Silk thread is soaked in acetate oflead
to increase its weight, and persons who
pass it through the mouth in threading
needles, and then bite it off with the
teeth, have suffered from lead poisoning.
‘When trying to thread a sewing ma-
chine at twilight or in any imperfect
light, place a bit of white cloth or paper
back of the needle eye. By this methed
the eye can be found and filled much
Where a house is afflicted with chim-
neys that smoke, it should be borne in
mind that the best preventive to the
nuisance is to open the windows of the
room ten minutes before the fire is lit,
and not simultaneously with the light-
ing, as is generally done.
To properly sharpen a carving knife
the carver ought to be held at an angle
of twenty to twenty-five degrees on the
steel. "When the other side of the blade
is turned, you must be careful to per-
serve the same angle. Then draw the
steel from heel to point against thr edge,
using only a slight pressure.
The squeaking of shoes is due to the
rubbing of the upper upon the under
sole. This is prevented by putting soap-
stone powder between the two thickness-
es of leather, which acts as a sort of lub-
ricator. A shoe which has squeaked
can be cured by the dealer or a cobbler
simply ripping the soles apart, put-
ting in soapstone, and sewing or peg-
ging the leather together again.
Manners of Men.
The tallest man in the crowd is sure to
stand in front.
How much more agreeable the man
who wants to sell than the man who
wants to buy
‘When a man succeeds in overcoming
his disposition to talk too much he
writes too much.
Tie mischief of itis that, though
traveling takes the conceit out of a man,
coming back puts more in.
The trouble with your pretty man is
that he is too ‘pretty to be useful and
not, pretty enough to be ornamental,
When a man has done a good
thing he sits down to rest, but
when has done a bad thing he loses no
time in doing another:
——A young man whose girl went
back on him says that he suffers from |
heart failure.
How To Bathe In Winter.
Some Valuable Hints from a Plysician
on an Important Subject.
“I will tell you how to get a Russian
steam bath at home that will be nearly
as satisfactory as if you paid one dollar
for it at hammam,” said the physician.
“Just have a big firebrick heated red
bot in the kitcheu range and place.
it upon an iron stool or some such thing
Then stand a chair over the stool. Sit
down on the chair and have a four
leaved screen put ayound you, with a
blanket thrown over thetop. Thus vou
will find yourself in a sort of closet,
and, having been previously provided
with a jug of hot water, you amuse |
yourself by pouring it very slowly over
the hot brick. The water, transformed
immediately into steam, fills the inclosed
space and at once induces violent per-
spiration.” :
= “It would take more than one dollar
to induce me to go through such =a
self inflicted ordeal,” remarked The
Star reporter. “A cold bath is good |
enough for me.” !
“Do you mean cold air or cold water?”
“Why, cold water of course; I never
heard of such a thing as a cold air
“Cold air baths are excellent, never |
theless, and I strongly recommend
them as a tonic tor persons who are not
strong enough to indulge in cold water.
In taking one the bather should open a
bedroom window wide—upon rising in
the morning is the proper time—and
stand in the cold air perfectly nude,
meanwhile rubbing the limbs and body
vigorously with a dry towel. There is
no danger of catching cold, even when
the thermometer is down to zero out-
side, for the reason that the sensitive
pores of the skin contract under the ex-
posure so as to make it a first rate pro-
“As for cold water baths, I deem
them excellent for people of atundant
vitality, but the trouble is that very
many who take them are not strong
enough to endure their effects. Nobody
who is the least del‘cate in health should
ever touch cold water for bathing pur-
poses. In the case of a robust individ-
ual, the blood driven from the surface
of the body by cold water comes quick-
ly rushing back again under the minis-
tiations of a brisk rub and a delightful
glow is felt. But a weakly person,
whose vital organs are not sufficiently
vigorous to send the blood swiftly back
to the superficial blood vessels, fails to
experience the health betok ening ‘reac-
tion’ and is very apt to feel a faintness
instead. However, there are mild ways
of taking cold water baths which do
very well in winter, as well as summer,
for those who are only moderately
vigorous.’ :
“Such as what,doctor ?”
“The mildest process is simply to dip
a towel in cold water and wet only one
portion of the body at a time, taking the
arts successively—first an arm, then a
eg, and so on until the ablution is com-
pleted, each part being rubbed dry
before the next is moistened. -In this
way shock is avoided. For a reasonably
strong person the best plan is to use a
towel sopped in cold water in ordinary
faskion, with a thorough rubbing, of
course, to follow. But do not indulge
in any of this nonsense in. the way of
harsh tcwels and flesh brushes, which
merely serve to get up a local irritation :
soft towels are much better to rub. A
gentler method of cold bathing than
the plunge, and a very good one, is to
stand up in the tub and squeeze a sponge
over your head ; a disadvantage of this
plan is that it is rather too shivery to be
comfortable. The kind of bath I usu-
ally advise, unless the patient is weakly,
consists in going over the entire body,
after getting up each morning, with a
towel wrung out in cold water as quick-
ly as possible, the dry rub following.
In rubbing after a bath the attention
should be given alinost wholly to the
limbs; the body circulation is active
enough to take care of itself.”
“How about hot baths ?”’
“Hot baths should not be too hot, and
they should not be stayed in long, else
the effect will be to partially paralyze the
little blood vessels that form a network
all over the body beneath the skin,
thus disordering the circulation. You
can see this effect for yourself by observ-
ing how quickly the fingers become
wrinkled at the extremities when held
in hot water, the blood leaving the sur-
face. The best time to take warm baths
is at night, and two a week are plenty
for the purpose of cleanliness. Bathing
is frequently overdone by people who
are over rice about their persons. Tur-
kish baths should not be taken on cold
days, unless the bather is very remarka-
bly robust, and never more than once a
week. Tam not in favor of too much
bathing.’’- - Washington Star,
A Libel on Lawyerf.
This brings to my mind another an-
ecdote relating to a fee. A young man
visits the office of an attorney and gives
bim a claim of $106 to collect.
“Your name ?” asks the disciple of
“Ehjah Simpson is the reply.
“Not the son of my old friend Lige
Simpson ? Yes? Well, youdon’t know
how glad I am to meet my old friend’s
son. Give me your hand,” and he
wrings the young man’s hand with the
utmost effusion, adding, “I hope you
will come in and see me often. It will
be a treat for me, I assure you, to have
an opportunity of conversing with you
about your father.”
A week later young Elijah calls
again. The lawyer rushes forward to
greet him, seizes both his hands] and
shakes them, repeating his good wishes
over and over, and expressing his great
pleasure at having had; it in his power
to serve Lige’s son.
“Then you have the money for me ?"’
suggests Simpson.
“Certainiy, certainly. Here it is,”
and he hands an envelope carefully
sealed to the young fellow, who tears it
open and finds five $5 bills.
“Where's the rest?’ asks Elijah. |
“Oh my fee is $81,” is the reply.
As Simpson edges toward the door he |
says to his father’s friend : “I guess I'm |
lucky to get $25. I'm awfully glad you |
didn’t know my grandfather.”
world is in Schladenbach—5,784 feet. |
It took a diamond drill three years and |
a half to reach the bottom.
All Sorts of Paragraphs.
—A Chester woman dislocated her
shoulder in making her bed.
—Vienna’s death rate has increased 50 -
per cent above normal in one week.
—The New York Bible house since
April 1 last has issued 725,000 volumes.
—It requires 22 volumes to recister
the diffierent cattle brands of Arizona.
—A pear raised at Modesto, Cal,
measured 8 inches high by 19 inches
—New South Wales and Queznsland
have erected 887 miles of rabbit-proof
—A letter containing $90,000 has been
stolen in transit between Vienna and
Pesth. :
—The Baldwin Locomotive Works
expect this year to tarn out not less.
than 1,000 locomotives.
—A cat set a Greensburg house on
fire by pulling from a table the cover
and with it a lighted lamp.
—A boothblack in Chicago managed
to buy and distribute five turkeys
among as many very poor families.
—New York last year spent $17,000.-
| 000 on her public schools, hiring 41,987
teachers to instruct 803,657 pupils.
—The Baltimore Committee of One
Hundred have fixed upon $1,000 as the
full retail license fee for that city.
——At Tucamche, in Guatemala, the
hoys in a school recently seized the mas-
ter and hanged him in the schoolhouse.
—In the wilds of the Sierras, near
Kaweah river, Tulare county, Califor-
nia, is a sequoia tree 176 feet in circum-
—1TIn 1888, nearly 3,000,000,000 bricks
was manufactured in 12 cities of the
United States. ~~ About 80,000,000
were made in Pittsburg.
—A San Francisco family used a
phonograph to cheer the mother’s ill-
ness, and also to preserve the tones of
her voice after death.
—During the past year 315 divorces
were obtained in Philadelphia. It is
said the greater nnmber of them result-
ed from Camden marriages.
—The condition of a certain eat in
Lamoine, Me., is literally at sixes and
sevens. She has seven toes on her hind
feet and six on her fore feet.
—The police detectives of New York
made 1,578 arrests last year, resulting
in sentences aggregating 802 years.
in worth of property was recov-
—A tree was recently cut on the land
of J. E. Widdowson, in Banks town-
ship, Indiana county, Pa., making 15
sawlogs, the largest of which scaled
3,600 feet.
—A Salem, Ore., man sold a three-
quarter short-hcrn cow to a Portland
butcher last Wednesday. It weighed
1,680 pounds. The same farm owns a
sheep that weighs 263 pounds.
—Here is journalistic enterprize. A
young man has started a newspaper on
the Sioux reservation. There are no
white people there yet, but they will
have a newspaper when they do arrive.
—In the stockyards at Kansas City a
mule and a horse engaged a in kicking
match, and the mule was outkicked.
The attendants had to turn the hose on
the combatants in order to separate
—A telegraph message costing $2 37 a
word was recently sent from Portland to
Hong Kong,'and an answer received in
12 hours. It was first sent to New
York, thence to London, across the é¢on-
tinent to Yokohama.
—Allentown hasa girl to be proud
of. A few nights ago she ate 14 fried
oysters, two pieces of bread, three pick-
les, two pieces of red beets, two oranges,
two apples, three bananas, two pieces of
chocolate cake, a piece of fruit cake, a
lot of cocoanut cake and some candy.
—At Springfield, Mass., on Christmas
Eve, a generous man, who refused to
let his name be know, instructed the
police to send “all the deserving poor’
in the citv to King’s market, where
each would receive a turkey at his ex-
pense. Two hundred turkeys were dis-
—A Franklin editor happened to
mention to a friend on Christmas Day
that, among other things he really want-
ed, was an extra pair of suspenders.
Before the day was over half the stores
in town had sold all the suspenders they
had, and enough of those articles to last
him for 150 years were in the possession
of the editor.
—A wily old fox gave about 200
huntsmen one of the best chases ever en-
joved in Delaware county, Pa., Wed-
nesday, and when satisfied with his run
sly old Reynard crept into a hole and
laughed at his pursuers. It was the oc-
casion of the annual meeting of the
Tipperary Club.
—A large bald headed eagle is reported
as one of the visistors at a recent flag-
raising over’ a school house in Lubec,
Me. The bird circled round the staff
three times and then apparently satis-
fied that everything was all right, flew
towards the west, probably to attend
more flag raisings.
—The late Thomas Parker, of Wash-
ington, became so attached to a cane,
which he had carried for years, that he
kept it in bed with him Quring his ill-
ness, and before dying expressed a wish
that the favorite stick be buried with
him. His wish was carried out, the
cane being put in the coffin.
— An eccentric old German living in
the town of Milwaukee recently went to
the city and chartered a street car for
his exclusive use. He rode all over the
line and would not permit anybody to
get in the car with him. At another
time he attempted to charter a special
train [to take him to his station some
four or five miles north ofthe city.
—Last week, at Beach City, O., a
funeral sermon was preached over the
remains of a remarkable lady. The de-
ceased was Mrs. Catherine Brown, a
widow. Her age was 93 years 9 months
and 26 days. She made her burial
robes, knit herself a pair of linen stock-
ings for the occasion, gave full details
for her burial and calmly awaited the