Denrortatic] BY PP. GRAY MEEK. : Ink Slings. —The Kniffin case is one which is likely to knock out even such a hard hitter as Jersey justice. —The grip is called schaffkrankheit in Germany, and yet the disease does not seem to be more fatal in that country than in any other. —The Vassar girls have the grip, but they don’t fancy it as much as they would if it emanated from a coat sleeve with a masculine arm in it. -—Speaker REED reverses the Cleve- land maxim that public office is a public trust. He acts as if he believed that it is exclusively a Republican trust. —ZEven if thisseason were character- ized by atmospheric serenity, which it is not, the base-ballists would manage to make it stormy by their unseasonable contention. —The Methodist preacher who died some days ago in Virginia from the ef- tects of a Masonic initiation must have been put astraddle of an unusually re- fractory goat. —As an especial compliment General Hastings was invited to participate in a fox chase 1n Delaware county. But isn’t QUAY the fox that the General has most reason to keep his eye onj? —TIt will be a great relief to the mem- bers of “the grand old party’ in Penn- sylvania when QUAY shall terminate their suspense by telling them who their next candidate for Governor shall be. —The monopolists who are asking for a restoration of the tariff on quinine deserve to be afilicted with the worst form of bone-break fever and be denied the relief which quinine pills afford. —The President is charged with hav- ing violated Virginia's game laws in shooting old man Woorox’s hog. But his case wasn’t the first instance of Re- publican violation of state sovereignty. —The prophets are all at sea about the weather of this winter, but wait till the ground hog puts in his appearance on the 2nd of next month, and then we shall have something definite on the subject. —Tt is stated in the papers that “two tons of adulterated cheese were seized at Duluth.” 1Ifit was Limberger, the na- tural strength of the article must have necessitated the employment of a very strong force to scize it. —After having filled the Senate with millionaires, the Republicans are howl- ing at the Democrats of the Ohio legis- lature for giving the senatorial nomina- tion to CALVIN S. Brice who is sup- posed to be worth some money. —It is amusing to see what an inter- est the opponents of a reformed ballot system take in the rights of the illiterate. But sifted down, isn’t it more of an in- terest in the opportunity of the party heeler to get in his work on election day ? —It is proposed to require medical students to study longer than they now do before they can be ai- mitted to practice. This may not make the doctors any smarter, but the danger to the public might be thereby diminish- ed by making them less numerous. —The French government has just constructed and tested a vessel which can be kept under water for four hours at a time. That is nothing extraordi- nary for French vessels. Some of them that fought the English in NELsoN’s time have been under water ever since. —The Germans are buying up all the camphor they can find in the market. It isn’t to be supposed that their pur- pose is to put it in whisky and keep it on the top-shelf of the cupboard. They haven’t any old-womanish inten- tion of this kind, but want to use it in making smokeless powder with which to kill Frenchmen. —The Queen Regent of Spain offers a prize of some $10,000 for the two best essays on the life of CHRISTOPHER CoLumMBUS, a sum almost equal to the amount which the Queen Regent's pre- decessor ISABELLA, tour hundred years ago, grudgingly gave for the fitting out of the expedition that made CHrisTO- PHER’S life worth writing about. —Judge KELLY having died, mana- ger Quay is already kindly offering to furnish the districtof the dead Congress- man with a candidate for his vacant place. 1f the Boss has the right to con- trol the State, why shouldn’t his power include its component districts? This is a question which the kickers in the late Mr. KELLY’s bailiwick should se- riously ponder. —MARY, the mother of WASHINGTON, should by all means have a monument, as is proposed, in return for having pro- duced such a son. But if the fact were generally known that the old lady had a decidedly Tory leaning during the Rev- olution and but slightly, if at all, sym- pathized with GEORGE in the cause in which ke was risking his neck, it might dampen the patriotic ardor that is de- manding a memorial for her. | ada VOL. 35. NO. 3. Ben Bntler on Ballot Reform. General Bex ButLer has declared against ballot reform. At the annua dinner of the Butler club in Boston, on the 8th inst.. the Jacksonian anniver- sary, the redoubtable General made a fiery speech in which he denounced the new-fangled Australian ballot system. The funny part of it was that he did it in the interest of the Democratic party. It isso entirely natural that the man who set himself up as a rival candidate to the Democratic presi- dential nominee in 1884, and who did what he could to defeat the same nomi- nee four years later, should be solici- tous that nothing should be done that wenld injure the Democratic party. CuarLes A. Dana, who pursued the same course that Burrer did in op- posing Democratic nominees,is affected by a similar fear that ballot reform will injure the Democracy. The General was particularly indig- nant over the wrong that the new bal lot system will do the Irish voter, who he seemed to think will not have sufficient intelligence to master the supposed intricacies of the Australian method. This was au insult to the Irish capacity to exercise the right of suffrage. Benjamin evidently doesn’t know the Irish. There is yet to be found the Irishman who when voting is going on can be deterred byanything from doing his full share of it. Appre- hension that the improved ballot sys- tem will keep illiterate people from voting is a mere sham. The new method expressly provides for as sisting such persons and will enable them to vote more intelligently and more in accordance with their inten- tion than when their callots are man- aged by the party heelers who have taken the job by contract. The fact that the reformed ballot system originated in the obscure Eng- 1 lish colony of Australia was the sub- ject of the General's bitterest sarcasm. We suppose that if Bex had lived a hundred years ago he would have ridiculed the Declaration of Indepen- dence and the popular institutions springing from it because they origi- nated in the obscure English colonies of North America. This Anomalous Winter. In looking over Mouday’s papers we were treated to a weather record which was unprecedented for this sea- son of the year. The recollection of the oldest inhabitant has nothing that can furnish a parallel with it. In Phila- delphia on Sunday a temperature of 72 degrees was reached and the at- mospheric condition was more like June than January. At Harrisburg trees were budding and dandelions and johnny-jump-ups were in bloom. Japo- nicas were in full flower in the open air at Pittshurg, and the fruit trees and lawn tennis parties were showing very pronounced signs of life. Reports from the peach districts of Delaware and Maryland represented the orchards to be budding and in some instances in blossom, a circumstance which will enable the peach pessimists to foretell a complete failure of the crop next sum- mer. Near Wilkesbarre a cherry tree was reported to be just ready to bloom last Sunday, and the owner expected a crop of cherries sometime in March if the temperature should continue in the state it then was, At Glassboro, New Jersey, the thermometer marked 80 degrees and the people were gathering their first spring greens in the shape of dandelions growing in the fields, No previous January within the re- collection of the present generation could show such arecord. A number of reasons are assigned for this condition of the weather by those who want to be considered scientific. The Gulf Stream explanation has been abandoned since it has been announced by naval experts that there has been no change in the course of that ocean current. It is hard to assing a reason for this anom- alous thermometrical situation, but it gives the weather cranks a glorious opportunity to ventilate their theories. —————— ——Among the prom‘nent, victims of the grip is to be numbered WALKER Braing, eldest son of Hon. James G. Brave and assistant of his father in the State Department, who a few days ago was taken with the prevailing disease which ran into pneumonia and terminated fatally on Weduesday even- ing. The country will sympathize with the distinguished father and his family in their sad bereavement. Judicious Liberality. The residents of Centre county to whom Hastines' methods are familiar, will not be surprises to hear how he made a point over his chief opponent, DELAMATER, in ingratiatinz himself with the colored Republicans of West Chester. Both these gubernatorial as- pirants were invited some days ago to parade themselves before the Republi- can club of that town. Previous to making his bow to the club the Gener al visited one of the leading barber shops of the place, and after his hand- some countenance had been subjected to tonsorial manipulation he slipped a bright silver dollar into the hand of the colored operator and declined to take the proffered change. After the shave, which had been followed by such a liberal tip, his shoes were shin- ed in the same shop by another colored artist who received 35 cents for his service. It is needless to say that such judicious liberality made the General solid with the colored population of West Chester. How often has the same gentleman by a similar appliance swayed the po- litical sentiments of the colored voters of Belletonte ! On the eve of an elec- tion a dollar judicionsly applied here, there and elsewhere among that class of our citizens, las enabled him to bring them into solid line in support of the Republican ticket. Experience has tanght the General that this 1s the most effective way of assisting a color- ed voter to see into the merits of a po- litical question. A Delicate Subject of Tariff Taxation. The Ways and Means committee, which is hopelessly entangling itself with the tariff question, is roping in all sorts of experts to give their views on the subject. Last week two New York grangers, who live near the Canada line, appeared before the committee and earnestly called its at- tention to the desirability of putting a duty of 50 cents a bushel on beans as a protective measure. If these men are interested inthe raising of this windy leguminous product we can’t see why they shouldn’t have as good a right to ask tariff protection for it as the iron kings and coal barons have to demand a similar advantage for their business. That is a question, however, that will have to be answered | by the committee in its general solution of the knotty problems of tariffrevision on the Republican plan. But the proposition of the bean pro- tectionists is likely to meet with a storm of oppositioa from Boston where the popular feeling is easiest and soonest touched through the medium of the sacred bean pot. No other section has produced stronger tariff supporters than Massachusetts, but it may not be too much to believe that they would rather see the whole protective system collapse than to have their baked beans subjected to tariff taxation. It Isn’t Anything New. It may be some satisfaction to “grippe” patients to know that they are not sut- fering from a disease that is entirely new, but that their ancestors shivered and sneezed under the infliction of a similar ailment a hundred years ago. Dr. BexyamiNn Rusu, a Philadelphia physician of revolutionary memory, who signed the Declaration of Inde- pendence and was the fashionable doc- tor for the worthies who founded this great republic, gives an account in one of his books of a disease which visited Philadelphia in 1789 and 1790, the symptoms of which were precisely the same as those of the present pre- vailing ailment. His work says that the disease was universal in its preva- lence, and caused a cessation of busi- ness for more than a week. In the churches the sneezing and coughing were so loud and prolonged that the services had to be discontinued. Old men and children were the heaviest prey to the disease, and people having indoor employment did not suffer near- ly so much as those who were constant- ly exposed. Indians suffered from it intensely, and they ascribed their af- fliction to witchcraft. This goes to confirm the truth of the assertion that there is nothing new ut.der the sun. Our present affliction from “la grippe’’ is but a repetition of of what our forefathers suffered from the same cause, only they didn't give it a French name. A Level-Headed Granger. A veteran granger of Virginia, nam- ed ALexaxpEr S. WEDDERBURN, who is evidently the possessor of solid horse sense, made his appearance before the Ways and Means committee to give his views on the tariff re- spect to its effect upon the agricultural interest. in not protect the farmer “to the value of | arow of pins,” adding that if the pur- pose of Congress is to afford protection to those engaged in farming it must either provide them with treasury bounties or reduce the tariff on what they consume. Farmers who are gifted with practi- cal sense know the injury that results from public subsidies,and consequently do not want to have their business bolstered by treasury bounties. They would prefer to have a fair field for their exertions which would be best af- forded them by such a tariff reduction as would enable them to procure the necessaries at cheaperrates. Increase of tariff duties on wheat, corn, pota- toes, beef, pork and other agricultural productions in which no other country can compete with the United States, would be a perfect farce as a measure of protection to American farmers. Quay Should Declare His Choice. The Pottsville Miners’ Journal asks Senator QUAY to make a declaration of his choice for Governor. Ie certainly ought to do this and relieve the Repub- licans of the State of the embarrassment of making their own selection, The old party has got out of the habit of choos- ing ite candidates for Governor and oth- er State officers, the CaMcroxs, and more recently Quav,taking the trouble of performing that duty off its hands. A number of candidates for Governor are exciting themselves and th: party by their opposing claims for the nomination, the general conviction among them being that in the wind up itaill all depend upon what Quay says. If he should say it now it,would termi- nate the contention that is going on among a number of ambitious gentle- men who are aspiring to be the succes- sor of JAMES A. Braver through the dictum of the Boss. We agree with our Pottsville contemporary. Quay ought to say whom he wants to hav® on the ticket as the candidate for Governor. The party expects it and will cheerfully yield to his choice. Inauguration of Ohio’s Democratic Governor. The inauguration of Governor Cap- | BELL at Columbus on Mouday was a great demonstration. Fully 30,000 strangers were in the city. About seventy-five political organizations were represented by delegations of various numbers, and twenty companies of militia took part in the parade. In his inaugural address the Gover- nor recommended the immediate repeal of the law enacted during the adminis- tration of his predecessor, putting tbe government of a number of municipali- ties in the hands of the governor. This he denounced as contrary to the spirit of our institutions and opposed to home rule. He recommended the appoint- ment of a school book commission to the end that cheaper books may be furnished to the school children of the State. The office of state commissioner of railroads, he said, “is more orna- mental than useful,” and he recom- mended that it be abolished, and that a railroad commissioner with fuller powers be created to do the work this official has been supposed to do. He warmly commended the Australian bal- lot system, giving a brief history of its operation where tried, and pronouncing it the most thorough and practical re- form of the ballot system that has ever been proposed. ———The ill health of the little king of Spain, who is still not much more than a baby, is sufficient to excite great political uneasiness in that mori bund old kingdom. There is sufficient cause for this, as the death of the lit- tle fellow would be likely to set going the claims of conflicting dynastic fac- tions among which the Don Carlos gang would be the most demonstrative. Spain's monarchical establishment is ot not much value to her, and yet probably it is better than the kind of republic that her politically demoral- ized people would be capable of estab- | lishing. He said that the tariff does | | Death of Congressman Kelly. Hon. WiLLiay D. KELLY, of Phi'a- delphia, the oldest member of Congress, whose extreme illness we mentioned last week, died on the 9th inst., at his residence in Washington. The popular branch of the federal legislature has thus lost a highly respected and in some ways useful member, and his dis- trict,which is strongly Republican, will find it difficult to get a representative who will more strictly and ably support the principies of the majority of its voters. Mr. Kenny was continuously in Congress, representing the same dis- trict, since 1860, and during that long time he was an uncompromising advo- cate and supporter of a tariff system which has built up vast monopolies and reduced the average wealth of the common mass of citizens. He lived to see his pet system operate as one of the canses in producing a class of millionaires, a very limited number of whom possess the bulk of the wealth of the country. The work- ing people would not have reason to lament if Mr. KeLLy's death should be followed by the gradual decline and final extinction of fiscal methods which he so long and zealously supported. rm ———— The Question of the World’s Fair in Congress. Since the re-assembling of Congress after the holiday vacation, it may be expected that the question ot the loca- tion of the World's Fair, which will depend very much upon the congres- sional appropriation, will be taken up in earnest. Four cities are contending for the favor ot Congress in this matter. A gentleman who has carefully can- vassed the preference of the members on the question of location, says that 71 are for Chicago, 70 for St. Louis, 64 for New York and 34 for Washington, If this is a correct estimate it would seem that the commercial metropolis is decidedly in the minority. But New York has the advantage of being the second choice of all the others. Both" St. Louis and Washington would soon- er go to New York than to Chicago, and will do so when the final test is between the eastern and western metrop- olis, which shape the contestis pretty sure to take before itis definitely set- tled. Chicago, under any circumstan- ces, would prefer New York to St. Louis. The danger is that the con- troversy will be kept up so long that there will not be time enough to make the necessary preparations for the great fair. Playing a Fine Game. Some people think they see a come- dy in the great attention which Quay last week paid Hastings at Washing- ton. The Adjutant General was the special guest of the junior Pennsylva- nia Senator, who entertained him and Mrs. Hasrines at the Quay mension, brought them in touch with the lead- ing notables, introduced them to the President, the Postmaster General and other members of the cabinet, and took them to a round of teas, parties and receptions. The superficial observer might take this as an indication that the Boss in- tends to give Hastings the nomination for Governor. But there are others who believe that Pennsylvania's auto- crat is merely tickling the young Cen- tre county statesman so that he may be in a good humor and not be dispos- ed to kick when he islet down. There can be no question that the Boss is playing a fine game and that his re- cent effusive attentions to the Adjutant General are intended to cover some ul- terior design. He Ought to Be Satisfactory. The Democrats of the Ohio Legisla- ture have nominated and elected Car- viN S. Brice United States Senator in place of Senator PAYNE whose term is about to expire. There was consider- able opposition to Mr. Brick, and some talk about bolting his nomination was indulged in, but the influence of Judge TrUrRMAN was exerted to produce har mony by advising against any such hostile movemen.,. A Democrat of more public experience than Mr. Brice might have been selected, but when his abilities and fidelity to Demo- cratic principles are satiefactory to Judge THURMAN his election ought to satisfy the party at large. [atcha STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. BELLEFONTE, PA., JANUARY 17, 1890. Spawls from the Keystone. —In five years the business of the. Pittsburg” Post Office has been more than doubled. —On account of a dispute between some re- ligious bodies Sellersville is without a Sunday school. —Steve Edkins, of Williamsport, placed an old horse ina barn and left it there to die of starvation. —The Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Chester county will hereafter insure against wind-storms. —Alexander’s hat factory at Reading has been closed on account of the ravages of the grip among the employes. —On the farm of Jacob Clemens, near Spring City, there was born a calf without eyes, but otherwise perfectly formed. —Jeremiah Horn, 11 years old, of Pottsville, stole a ride on a coal train, and in attempting toalight had a leg cut off, —Darius H. Price, aged 63 years, dropped dead in a blashsmith shop on Monday at Wilkesbarre, while talking to his son. : —A Hungarian woman at Scranton beat with a soup ladle the policeman who was her husband and hurt him badly. —Mr. Walker, of Easton, ex-Superintendent of the public schools of Northampton county, was taken to the poorhouse several days ago. arresting —Some miscreant at Scranton threw a stone through: the electric clock of Lewis Rhiehart Which he has been many years construet.. ing. —One of the girl inmates of the Morganza Reformatory set fire to the place in order that she might be sent to jail to join her sister who -| is there. ~—A Bullet accidentally shot from a pistol being cleaned by John Drake, of Homestead, entered his mother's head last Thursday and: killed her. —The Williamsport Local Flood Commission has an unexpended balance of over $13,000, . and will soon decide on the disposition to be made of it. —The fact that a lawsuit was brought against her husband so preyed upon the mind ofa Latrobe woman that she made two attempts to take her life. —Applieants for liquor licenses at Pitts - burg are applying for both wholesale and!’ retail licenses, in the hope that they will get one or the other. —Jonn G. Whittier, the poet, has written Mrs. 8] L. Oberholtzer, of Norristown, as- suring her that he still remembers and loves his old friends. —The firm of Carnegie, Phipps: & Co. has been censurad by the Coroner of Beaver Falls for gross negligence, which caused the death of a workman. —The Dickson Manufacturning Company of Scranton received an order from the On tario and Western Railroad to build twenty five locomotives. —While cleaning out the vault in the cellar of his restaurant, G. T. Burridge found two snapping turtles that had been thrown there- three years ago and forgotten. —A son and two daughters ot Harvey Skean, of Pottstown, have died with in the past two weeks of diphtheria, and another child is seriously ill with the same disease. —C. J. Mellvaine, a well-known contractor and builder at Alleghany, who had done much work for the city, was unjiistly arrested as a , suspicious character a few days ago. —Enoch Kitterer, of Pittsburg, aged 78 years was married on Thursday to Mrs. Julia Kromer. who is a few years younger. All the children of the contracting parties are married. —Ata wedding at the residence of Charles Miller, near New Bethlehem,. two sons. and’ a daughter entered the married state, and the ceremony was performed by another son. —Threatened with arrest for the nonpay ing of his [board bill, W. E. Morris, aboarder at the Madison House, in Pottstown, sough revenge by attempting suicide in his room. —Ricbard R. Quay, son ef the junior Sena’ tor, has begun a suit against the proprietor of’ an oil establishment which adjoins his father’s home at Beaver, on the ground that it isa public nuisance. —The electrical shocks that killed two horses and stunned a lineman in Pitisburg seem to have shocked the whole community, and Chief: ‘ Bigelow has promised that all wires will be buried within a year. —The railroad authorities refused to ship, the body of Mrs. Oscar Miller, of Hamburg who died of scarlet fever, and it was found necessary to drive the funeral cortege thirty miles to the cemetery. —Joseph Kridy, a Hungarian, who kept ar boarding-house at South Bethlehem, clubbeda son of one of his boarders because the child had been taken ill with scerlet fever and caus-~ ed the house to be quarantined. —Mounted on the back of a restless mus- tang, Henry Kurtz, an aged resident of Kurtz House, rode into the bar-room of the hotel’ at that place and took a drink. The man who lost the bet paid for the drink. —Having no money to pay for the hire of the carriage in which he had taken a lady friend driving, Arthur Matthews, bf Pittsburg, sent the team: back to the stable in the girl’s care. She was arrested and held. —A constable armed with a warrant for a Reading boy sat in the parlor, being enter- tained by the father, waiting for the boy to come down stairs, but the youth escaped out of a window and over neighboring roofs. —The residence and grocery store of A. A Stevens and the general store of Jacob Krugh & Co., at Orbisonia, Huntingdon county, were destroyed by an incendiary fire Friday morn ing. Total loss, $12,000; partly insured. —Mrs. Gilroy, a maliciovs old woman living on the outskirts of Pottstown, has successfully resisted all efforts of constables to arrest her Ina few days anumber of officers will adopt military tactics and proceed against her house in a body. —Patrick Gallagher,aged 56 years, a resident of Plymouth township, Montgomerv county, while driving to Conshohocken on Friday af- ternoon stopped at a toll-gate near that place, and while in the act of paying toll fell over and expired trom heart disease. —At South Side, Pittsburg, a big black New- foundland dog holds possession of a highway. His companion, an animal which is the exact counterpart of the dog, died in the middle o the road, and the living animal refuses to leave the body or allow any one to come near it —Philip Harman, blind and penniless, and his wife, who have been living in filth and squalor in an old hut in the out-skirts of Lan- caster, and who have resisted all efforts of charitably-disposed persons to remove them, were taken by force to the county almshouse a few days ago by Grand Army comrades of the blind man, :