Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 10, 1890, Image 1

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. approaching the eight hour system.
emocealic Waid
Ink Slings.
—Will there be any ice this winter?
is a nice question.
—The crocusses may have occasion to
prosecute January for breach of promise.
—As the administration flounders
deeper into its political difficulties
glimpses of Prince RussELL of Montana
and Baby McKzk are less frequent.
—Senator CALL’s resolution would
seem to indicate that Germany is run-
ning Cuba. If this is so, has Mr.
Bramng’s foreign policy lost its back-
bone ?
—Should the people take a firm hold
on the principles of ballot, tariff and
civil service reform, it would be a kind
of grip that would do the country grat
—CHARLES A. DANA of the New
York Sun is employing the remnant of
his editorial ability in abusing Grover
CreveranDp. The greit Democratic
leader prospers by it.
—When the President in taking aim
with his shot gun mistakes a hog for a
coon, it is not a matter of surpriss that
he shoots so wide of the mark in aim-
ing at civil service reform.
—Mr. PARNELL’S favorite diversion
is said to consist in running a seroll-saw.
This is better than fooling with political
buzz-saws which sometimes get Ameri-
can statesmen into trouble.
—The Republican Ways and Means
committee is now engaged in affording
interested parties an opportunity to ad-
vance plausible reasons for giving the
tariff screw another twist.
—In enacting that eleven hours shall
constitute a legal day’s labor it must be
the intention of the Georgia legislature
to adopt the movement of the crab in
—As the British lion is wagging its
tail aggressively at Portugal, Mr.
BLAINE might do a friendly turn for
the Portuguese by performing in their
behalf his great act of twisting the tail
of that ferocious beast.
—The slight snow squall on Wednes-
day evening was a rather feeble ef-
fort of winter to assert its sway. Old
Boreas, like Dom PEDRo, is a de-
throned monarch, but with a better
chance of regaining his dominion.
—DAvip BENNETT HILL may truth-
fully say “I am a Democrat” after he
shall have fully evinced his loyalty to
the great Democratic measure of ballot
reform. In this is presented the salient
opportunity of his political life.
—The roads of Pennsylvania were
never known to be as muddy as they are
this year. Possibly this is a preparation
for the approaching gubernatorial cam-
paign in which mud is likely to
be largly used for projectile purposes.
—A big job involving $7,000,000 has
been developed in the Philadelphia city
eouncils to furnish an additional water
supply, but notwithstanding the size of
the figures it is only to be Schuylkill
water, with all the dirt that it implies.
—The absence of Mrs. BLAINE from
the Presidential dinners and receptions,
is evidence that the snub she gave Mrs.
HARRISON before the latter was mistress
of the White House, throws its shadow
across the social relations of the admin-
istration. : ;
---“The Angelus” is to be exhibited
in Chicago. As that city is the great
emporium of the agricultural produc-
tions of the West, MILLET’S great pic-
ture may be appreciated there on ac-
count of its being a potato-digging
—In these days of boodle there was
something refreshing in the renomina-
tion of Senator BLACKBURN by the
Democratic Legislature of Kentucky.
It didn’t require 2 pecuniary considera-
tion to continue BLACKBURN’s senato-
rial honors.
—The hundred millions of dollars
which English capitalists have invested
in American enterprises during the past
year is pretty good proof that, asa money
making scheme, free trade as practiced
in anti-tariff England is something that
13n’t to be despised.
—~Secretary 'WiNDoM was among
those at Washington who have suffered
from the grippe. The Doctors brought
him through all right, but what is most |
needed at the capital is a Doctor who!
can keep the boodlers from getting a
grip on the treasury. |
—After a year in which Jupiter
Pluvius has almost drowned us out, !
15n’t the New York State Forestry Com-
mission perpetrating a joke in deploring
the destruction of the forests on account
ot its having diminished the rainfall ?
If this is the fact, what would have be- |
come of us if all the trees were standing.
—Miss WANAMAKER is said to have
the daintiest clothes of all the fashiona-
ble young ladies in Washington. Why
shouldn't she lead her rivals in this re-
spect when she has the largest dry-goods
store in the world to draw on at first
cost? There 1s an advantage in a belle
having a family connection with a
VOL. 85.
“The Grip” that Holds Congress and
: the President.
Congress re-assembled on Monday
after its holiday vacation, the number
of honorable gentlemen in attendance
i being considerably reduced by many
of its members being down with “the
grip.” It may by expected that Con-
gress through this entire session will
be affected by “the grip,” but it will
be the grip ot the monopolists who will
control the tariff legislation that will
be under consideration. The Ways
and Means Committee of the lower
house has begun the work of tariff’ re-
vision promised in the Republican
platform, and, in the way peculiar to
the tariff’ revisers of that party, is giv-
ing the principal audience to those who
can show reasons for continuing, if not
increasing, the present high tariff rates.
It is repeating the course of the
committee that under the Arthur ad-
ministration attempted to reform the
tariff. President ArTHUR in one of
his messages recommended such a re-
form as something that was greatly
needed. A special commission was
appointed to act upon this recommen-
dation, which after investigating the
subject declared the tariff to be un-
equal and oppressive in its exactions.
Thereupon a Ways and Means com-
mittee, just as the present one is doing,
set about getting up a bill to revise the
tariff. The committee room was al-
lowed to be thronged with interested
parties to testify that the industries of
the country would be ruined if their
special interests were interfered with by
a reduction of the tariff rates, the con-
sequence being that a bill was framed
and passed which, with a few immater-
ial exceptions, left the sacred tariff
about as it was, if not a little higher.
This was not the way the Morrison
and Mills committees went at this busi-
ness. They did not consider it neces-
sary to have'a host of interested wit-
nesses give testimony as tothe effects of
a system the injury of which was
known and feltby the great majority
of our people. And who are the class
that intrude their testimony upon
such a committee? Are there to be
found among them the laborers, the
mechanics and the farmers who feel
the oppression of this monopolistic tar-
iff system in the increased price of the
necessaries of life? Such people are
not among the clamorous witnesses in
a Republican tariff committee room
who almost exclusively consist of par-
ties who demand an increase of the
tariff for their own personal benefit,
even including such wretches as the
two who appeared before the present
committee and asked that the fever
stricken sufferers of the country might
be subjected to renewed robbery by
the restoration of the tariff on quinine.
Both the Morrison and Mills commit-
tees acted upon the general sentiment,
conviction and experience of the peo-
ple that a tariff as high as the present
one is inexpedient, oppressive and in-
jurious, and they were moved by an
honest intention to reduce it.
Whether the reduction they proposed
was -horizontal, perpendicular, or in
any other direction, it was well intend-
ed and would have been of good effect
as a measure of tariff reform.
It is useless to expect that the present
Congress will do anything in affording
relief from our oppressive tariff laws.
The initial {movements show that the
monopolistic interests are going to
overslaugh every other consideration.
The monopolies and favored moneyed
class to which this administration and
congress are indebted for pecuniary as-
sistance at the last election, have “the
grip” on both the President and Con-
gress and will hold them fast until the
end of their terms.
Mark One for Hastings.
The Hastings gubernatorial for-
ces have received an important recruit
in the person of WeNpELL P. BowMaN,
of Philadelphia, Colonel of the First
' Regiment of the Pennsylvania National
Guard, who has come out strong for the
young Centre county aspirant for the
governorship and has announced him-
self as a candidate for delegate to the
the State convention in Hastings’ in-
terest. He supported BEAVER in the
last Republican State convention and
is able to exert considerable influence.
He advises the friends of the Adjutant
Gieneral to organize and make asystem-
atic fight.
School Savings Banks.
The idea of savings banks connected
with the common schools js a good one.
They will teach the children thrifty
habits and impart to their young
minds practical conceptions of business.
There is much connected with com-
mon school education, as now conduct-
ed, that will rather interfere with than
promote the scholar’s future capacity
to grapple with the realities of life. Tt
is becoming entirely too ornamental
and consequently too superficial. There
is encouragement, therefore, in the
movements to make the knowledge im-
parted in our common schools more
practical in its character. Manual
training is a step in that direction. The
thrift inculcated by ~ savings banks
would be a good supplement to such
training. :
The idea of these banks originated
in 1885 with Mr. J. J. Tuiry, princi-
pal of the schools of Long Island City.
The school children of that place are
said to have $17,000 to their credit on
deposit in their school savings bank.
The way the system is operated is sim-
ple and effective. The deposits are on-
ly received at the opening session on
Monday. The teacher keeps an+ac-
count of the deposit of each pupil, .and
at the end of every month sends to the
Superintendent slips showing the total
amount deposited by each pupil. When
any pupil has deposited $1 or more, a
bank book is furnished him withont
$3 or more, interest will be paid to the
pupil having that sum. The Superin-
tendent holds the bank books, and no
money can be drawn unless the order |
bears both the Superintendent's signa-
ture and thename of one of the parents.
This system from its practical nature,
together with the introduction of man-
ual training, would be somewhat ot a
set-off to the useless ologies with which
the common school system has been
diverted from its legitimate purpose,
and ‘o the ornaments] branches which
are attenuating the useful results of
popular educ ation. ‘
Matrimon ial Folly.
When the deposit amounts to" now announced that Miss CaLD- |
WELL, the rich young American woman |
who was going to marry a worthless
Frenchman known as Prince Mura,
has finally backed out of her risky in-
tention. She may be congratulated on
cancelling her purpose of gaining a ti-
tle by marrying a broken-down roue
whose grandfather, with whom the no-
bility of his family originated, was the
son af a French tapster. Miss CaLp-
WELL is more fortunate in escaping
such a foreign alliance than was Miss
EmiLy ScmaumBERG, of Philadelphia,
who, in sorrow and humiliation, is
now mourning the folly of having mar-
ried a good-for-nothing Englishman of
the upper class named Huenrs-HAL-
LETT, who after having spent much of
her fortune and given her a world of
trouble, is now trying to injure her
reputation. Probably such is merited
punishment for the fool American wo-
men of wealth we think they will
elevate themselves sociallf by marry-
ing into the families of European no-
bility and gentry.
A Contrast.
The Altoona Tribune, with the ob-
ject of making a contrast, remarks :
“Only twenty-nine years ago, when
the Democratic administration of
James BucHANAN was drawing to a
close, the national treasury was bank-
rupt and the credit of the country was
80 poor that the government was un-
able to negotiate a beggarly loan to
meet current expenses.’’
Admitting this to be true, what of
it? Did that Democratic administra-
tion have the advantage of hundreds
of millions of dollars drained from the
pockets of the people by unnecessary
taxation to enable it to meet expenses?
After taxing the citizen upou every
article needed in his living, in addition
to the Pactolian stream supplied to the
treasury from the prolific sources of
interral revenue, can a Republican
administration arrogate to itself any
special credit for being able to pay its
way? It is really better government
to be short of revenue than to resort to
excessive taxation for the repletion of a
treasury that is subjected to a hundred
forms of public plunder.
——TIt would be a shame if this win-
ter should make the bull frogs the vic-
time of misplaced confidence.
on a grand inspection of the Posts,
| tocrat, in his own palace car, starting
Only Half Right.
“The bills of Senators SHERMAN and
CHANDLER to put the elections under
Federal control, and the bills of Sena-
tors Moreax, Burner and (issox to
provide for the deportation of the
Southern negroes, ought to be burnt
iu the same heap.” We cannot whol-
ly agree with this remark of a contem-
porary. The proposition to put elections
under a central control is entirely and
radically wrong, for it would effect
that centralization of political power
which would antagonize the principle
upon which otr federal union and pop-
ular government were establish. It
would hand the reins over to the party
that would have the first grab at them
after such & system should be inaugu-
tated, to be perpetuated in its hands.
But if there could be a gradual depor-
tation of tlie Southern negroes, even no
more than to keep down the natural in-
crease of a very prolific race, it would
assist in solving one of the most dan-
gerous problems that confronts the
safety of our country. Whether in
the condition of slaves or freedmen,:
the colored population of the South
have been and will continue to be. a
source of trouble and danger to the
country. In view of this fact, if de-
portation were feasible would it in any
way be objectionable?
A Monstrous “Intrusion Into the Field
of Politics.
It is announced by Republican pa-
pers with considerable complacency,
that General ArLgEr, of Michigan, the
millionaire Republican aspirant for the
Presidency, is about to make the first
public movement toward the object of
his ambition. Having by means
of his money become the Com-
mander-in-chief of the Grand Army
of the Republic, he will soon start out
with the view of working the Preto.
rian influence for all it is worth. Ie
will travel, as becomes so great a plu-
in Maine and going westward; through
the States, spending a day or two at
each encampment in his progress.
Arger i3 not known to possess a
single qualification that would fit him
for the high office he seeks, and with-
out his money would not be thought of
ia that connection, but with his mil-
lions and with the backing of the polit-
ico-military organization which is fully
alive to the advantage of having a
President from its own membership
and identified with its pecuniary in-
terests, he has a good chance of secur-
ing the Republican nomination.
Were it not for the public demoral-
ization produced by the corrupt meth-
ods which Republican practices have
introduced into our politics, such a
monstrosity as this intruding itself in-
to the political arena would be an im-
possibility. But no one need be sur-
prised to see it presented as a promi-
nent feature of the next Presidential
election, involving a danger which can
be best met and averted by ballot re-
form as the most reliable means of
counteracting the agencies that would
be employed to promote the success of
such a candidate.
——They are having an exciting
time in St. Petersburg where many
arrests have recently been made of
parties charged with having designs
upon the life of the Emperor of Russia.
The arrest® have included members of
the imperial household and officers of
the army. The attempts to get rid of
his imperial majesty, which hereto-
fore have been by meaus of dynamite,
are being diversified by the employ-
ment of poison. It can’t be said that
the emperor is enviably situated.
——Ex Senator Eckrey B. Coxg,
on account of his influence and high
character,is a Democrat worth listening
to. He declares strongly for the three
cardinal reforms—tariff, ballot and civ-
il service—and says that with these
three important living issues boldly
and clearly inscribed upon all their
standards, the Democrats should at
once commence the campaign of 1892
with Grover CLEVELAND as their
——Last Wednesday, the 8th inst.,
was a day on which the thoughts of |
all good Democrats reverted to the |
days of ANDREW JAcksoN when the |
pure principles of Democracy controll-
ed the government and political cor-
ruption had not fouled the sources of
governmental authority. Those were
the days of Democratic honesty which
the people must restore if they want
their free institutions to be perpetuated.
ND, 2.
A Needed Reproof to a Mistaken
A desire for a reform of the ballot
methods that generally exist in this
country has taken possession of the
Democratic heart. The party is com-
mitted to it, the general conviction
of its members and the best of its
leaders being that the very existence
of our free institutions depends upon
such a reform. Its opponents consist
of those who profit and expect to con-
tinue to profit by the corruption of the
suffrage and the intimidation of the
suffragists which are enabled and fa-
cilitated by the present method of con-
ducting eur elections.
While the Democracy furnishes con-
spicuous champions of ballot reform
so essentially necessary to the preserva-
tion of a free form of government, there
are unfortunately a few leaders in the
party who seem to forget that true
democracy means free government
and that an honest ballot is its very
life blood. Senator GorMAN, of Mary-
land, is represented to have advised
against ballot reform and counseled
Democratic opposition to it in the
Maryland legislature before which it
will be brought at its next session.
The Baltimore Sun, the leading Demo-
cratic journel of the State, indirectly
pays its respects to the Senx >r on this
subject in the following strain :
Mr. Cleveland represents a large and in-
creasing class of public men and private eiti-
zens who, while thoroughly devoted to the
party to which they belong, are patriots rather
than partisans, and put the eternal prineiples
of right and justice above considerations of
personal success or political expediency. They
are reformers, not because they love to pose in
arole in which many adventurers have won
success, but because they realize that there
are many things which earnestly demand re-
form and which must be reformed if our po-
litical system is to be freed from many present
evils and relieved of the dangers that threaten
our future. \
There is a trinity of these reforms with
which Mr. Cleveland’s name and public life
are connected. There are civil service reform,
tariff reform and ballot reform, and of each of
these Mr. Cleveland has been for years the un-
compromising advocate and champion, Im-
portant as is each of these, ballot reform, in
Maryland at least, is one of the most pressing
urgency, not only because of its inherit gray-
ity, but because if the present Legislature ad-
journs without dealing with the subject satis
factorily it must wait for another two years be-
fore it can secure attention. And it weuld be
well for practical politicians to understand at
the very outset of this session of the General
Assembly that they can neither shuffle with
the reform nor laugh it out of court.
Reform was once the romance of politics,
but it is no longer merely the motto of political
dudes or of sentimental sucklings. It is now
a practical business issue, and is the war ery
of strong men. There are both backbone and
brains behind it, and behind the backbone and
brains of the leaders are the backbone and
brains of the people. It is absolutely astound-
ing that any man of intelligence or experience
in public life should fight against the popular
will, so clearly and unmistakably expressed
as it has been in all parts of the country with
regard to reform in election machinery,
There cannot be the shadow of a doubt that
the people of Maryland want ballot reform
based on the Australian election law. It is ab-
surd and insulting to tell them that that is not
what they want and that they really need
something else. Legislators are the servants
of the people, nottheir dictators. The people of
Maryland have been promised something
modeled upon this particular law, and they
will be satisfied with nothing else. There was
a time when doubts were expressed as to the
suitability of this law for the conditions which
attend elections in this country. It seems
that some of our statesmen—those who do not
read perhaps— persist in doubting.”
This is a true expression on this
subject. The Democratic people want
a reform of the ballot system that "will
secure fair and honest elections, and
any leader who opposes it will most
surely lose their favor.
A Long Case Drawing to a Close.
Last Saturday the arguments of
counsel in the Lycoming county con-
tested judicial election case closed, and
only the decision of the commission,
composed of three learned judges from
adjoining counties, is required to bring
the proceedings to a finality. The case
is a remarkable one. As we under
stand it, Judge MErzear’s right to
sit on the bench is not denied for the
reason that he had not a majority of
the votes cast for judge, but because of
technical defects in the manner of cast-
ing some of the votes. It wasan unwor-
thy ground of objection and has cost the
county much time, trouble and expense.
The commission, which is composed of
Judges MAYER, BucHER and RockEFEL-
LER, respectively of the counties of
Clinton, Union and Northumberland,
will meet on the 17th inst. to render
their final decision of the case, after it
has lasted more than a year and cost
the county many thousands of dollars,
Spawls from the Keystone.
—Four Pottstown physicians have been suf-
lerers from “Grip.”
—Grasshoppers were hopping near Manheim
on Christmas day.
—Lancaster is developing into a prize fight-
ing centre.
—Five hundred volumes in a Lancaster pub-
lic school were destroyed by vandals.
—A violent fit of conghing caused the death
of John (. Shaffer at Reading.
—Nine Reading bachelors, being interview-
ed, agreed that bachelorhoood is a failure.
—Influenza loves a shining mark. It has
attacked all the newspaper men of Easton.
—Reading Knights of Labor want city em.
ployers to give preference to city workmen.
—A Harrisburg man swore off for eight
moths, or unti! the Firemen’s Convention at
York. :
—Itisa ted that Master Workman Pow.
derly is again a candidate for Mayor of Scran-
—A “dive” of the lowest order was operated
at Meadville under the guise of an ice cream
—The deposits on the first day of Norris,
town’s school savings system amounted to
. —The Catholic Church at Pottstown real-
ized £800 by the fair that closed on Saturday
—An incubator at Doylestown caught fire a
tew days age, and a lot of spring chickens
were roasted.
—Most Chester county farmers have finish-
ed the repairing that is not usually done un-
til the spring
—Within five minutes a birth and a death
took place in the house of Joseph Young, near
Culpsville, recently.
—A 15-year-old lad ot Williamsport is soft
on a 35-year-old chick that was playing in an
opera company there.
—Select Councilman Page, of Williamsport,g
is so heavy that a “nickle-in-the-slot” ma-
chine will not weigh him.
—Says the Allentown Chronicle: Mark the
date and fact—December 31,1889 ; Hamilton
street annoyingly dusty.
—While gathering a nosegay in the fields
on Christmas day a Williamsport man captur-
ea athree-inch butterfly.
—The Amelia 8. Given Free Library of 1000
volumes was dedicated at Mount Holly, Cum-
berland county, on New Year.
—The stray bullet from a careless sports-
man’s gun penetrated a barn door at New Lon-
don ana entered a horse's flesh.
—The Conshohoken Record says . “Even
the influenza avoids Conshohoken, What
have we done to deserve this?”
—The death of John Loban, the gardener of
the Capitol grounds in Harrisburg, took place
just as the new year was being rung in.
—R. M. Gaylor, a barberof Wilkesbarre,
was found dead in his shop some days ago,
having committed suicide by turning on the
—An Erie county farmer, with his ears tied
up in a muffler, could not hear the train ap-
proaching as he walked along the track, and
he was killed.
—A fox started a few days ago near the Falls
of French Creek led the hunters a chase of
60 miles and then came back nearly to the
starting place.
—Some of the patients of York county alms-
house refuse to take the medicines of the new
physician in charge, and are attended by out-
side doctors.
—The following will was probated on Monday
at Pittsburg and accepted : Pittsburg, Sept. 2,
1889—If I die I want my wife to have what I
got. Reed Myers.
—A milkman in Williamsport tried to col-
lect a bill from a woman by kvoocking her
down and taking her pocket-book. He has
been held for trial.
—Edward Boyer is mysteriously absent from
his place as manager of a creamery at Centra
Square, Montgomery county. He is accused
of being largely in debt.
—Rev. M. H. Mill has resigned as pastor of
St. Peter’s Reformed Church, South Easton
because of dissensions that also caused his
predecessor to resign.
—N. U. Davis, ticket agent at the Pennsyl-
vania Schuylkill Valley Railroad station at Per,
kiomen, writes to the Record to deny the,
statement that he is missing.
—Suit for damages has been entered by a
Pittsburg clerk against the Pullman Palace
Car Company. He was unable to get a berth,
although he held a ticket for one.
—One of the most famous hunters in Berks
county is Isaac Hoffman, of Caernarvon town-
ship, whose legs are useless. He crawls over
the ground for miles and can climb a tree.
—Manager Wilt, of the Pittsburg Grand
Opera House, presented his employes with
a white unitorm to wear on duty, but the men.
refuse to wear it and will strike if he insists
—A new order has just been issued by
which all employes wearing uniforms on the
Reading Road are required to keep their coats
buttoned, so that they preserve their shape.
—The report of the auditors! ofthe York
County Agricultural Association shows that
the profits of the joint county and State fair
held last fall were more than double the usual
—The only son of ex-Deputy Coroner Ham-
mer, of Quakertown, was killed while ecross-
ing the railroad at that place on Tuesday
night. Both legs were cut off and the body
badly mangled.
—Jacob While, of Mont Alto, was about to
killa turkey the day before New Year's day,
when he found that she had just laid an egg.
On account of this unusual occurrence he
spared her life. .
—Rev. George W Cumberland, an exhorter
of the Church of God, and living near Dawson,
has been placed under bail for criminal as-
sault on the 13-year-old child ofa man whose
hospitality he was enjoying.
—Some of the jurymen who convicted John
W. Rudy, sentenced to be hanged at Lancaster
on February 20 for the murder of his father,
will ask the Board of Pardons to commute his
sentence to life imprisonment.
—The blockade of freight on the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad has reached Allentown, and
along the Perkiomen and East Penn Roads
hundreds of cars of freigut have been side-
tracked until the blockade is removed
—Having suddenly lost her reason, a young
lady of Chambersburg purchased a big bill of
goods from nearly every store in the town.
Most of the orders were filled and delivered
before her irresponsibility was discovered.
—In a letter to a neighbor at Pottstown, An-
nie Chromo, accused of complicity in the mur-
der of her husband, writes from the Norris-
town jail that the ghost of her dead husband
visits her every night and prevents her from