To A ro LN TP ESS SEINE i a i 1 Ti Lr RT —— tg i —— fit, SVE pe eee Friday Morning, December 13, 1889. To CorresroNDENTS. — No communications sublished unless accompanied by the real aame of the writer. Mr. M. H. Guise, of Penn Hall, is the duly authorized agent of the Warcuman for Gregg township. THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY- ——The members of the Logan Hose company are preparing for a calico ball on New Year's eve. —The Mustache will rise and fall, Thursday evening, Dec. 19th, in the Court House, under the management of Robert Burdette. —If you want to enjoy a first class entertainment, go and see Powers’ “‘im- personation of David Copperfield” to- night in the Court House. ——Work on the branch railroad fo A. G. Morris’ new lime quarries on the property recently purchased from the Armors, is being rapidly pushed. The fair of the Presbyterian young ladies in the Bush Arcade Thurs- day afternoon and evening of last week, panned out very profitably, the proceeds being about $142. ——Michael Burkholder, of Centre Hall, leads off this season with heavy pork, he having killed a hog that was 6 feet 10 inches long and 5 feet 10 inches in circumference, and weighed 685 pounds. ——The stone work of the Lutheran churchin course of erection injthis place bas been covered over with boards to pro- tect it against the action of winter weather. The suspended work will be resumed in the Spring. Brockway, the ‘Yankee. Candy Man,’ is scattering his sweets around with a liberal hand. Gregg Post, G. A. R., bas given him a vote of thanks for a tray full of candy of his own; man- ufacture presented to the Post. Burdette is regarded} as among the leading American Humorists. His amusing lecture on the “Rise and Fall of the Mustache” will be delivered Thursday evening of next week, and will be the great attraction of Institute week. ——Some days ago while Newton Grenoble was engaged in oiling the ma- chinery in Knecht’s flour mill in Nit- tany Valley, hisclothing came in con- tact with a revolving shaft and he be- eame so entangled up in the machinery that his body stopped the motion of the mill. He was nearly dead when reliev- ed, but has since recovered. ——The famous dog that {has been mentioned in the papers as giving the mail train a chase of about two miles every day at a point between Milesburg and Tyrone, made his last run one day last week. In his headlong career he got too near the cars and two of his legs were cut off by the wheels, rendering it necessary to kill him to end his suffer- ing. ———Dr. Jarvis Hulburt, an old and well known physician of Mill Hall, died at that place Thursday .morning of last week at the advanced age of 82 years, at- ter an illness of three or four weeks du- ration. He was of a longlived race, his - father having been 104 years old] when he died, and his brother, Dr. David Hulburt, ot Kokomo, Indiana, still a practicing physician, is ninety-three, snd Chauncey Hulburt, formerly of Bellefonte, but now of Burlington, New Jersey, is 76. A man named Augustine Ash- eroft, lately convicted in Clearfield eounty of bigamy and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary, made his escape from the Clearfield jail early last Friday morning. He broke a hole in the roof, walked for a considerable distance along the eaves, and then low- ered himself to the ground by means of a rope which he had made out ot his bed clothing. He has not yet been re- eaptured. A reward of $150 is of- fered for his apprehension. : This, Friday evening, the second of the series of entertainments given by the W.C. T. U,, takes placein the Court House. Tt is Leland Powers in the “impersonations of David Copperfield.” Mr. Powers is new to our people. He comes with the highest of recommenda- tions, and with the reputation of being the best impersonator on the stage, and these facts should secure for him, or rath- er for the ladies who are trying to give the people of Bellefonte # fow first class entertainments, a crowded house. ——DLast Saturday morning Saniue! Elder, conductor of the local freight train between Tyrone and Curwensville) met an awful death in the yard at the former place. While standing on the track taking the numbers of the cars that were to compose his train, a detached passenger engine, which was being taken to water, knocked him down and liter- ally cut him to pieces, his head being severed from his body. Another en- gine which was being backed for a simi- lar purpose, passed over the mutilated body before it could be stopped. The unfortunate man was about 28 years of age and lott a wife and three children. I HaBrAs Corpus PROCEEDINGS IN HE CASE OF ALFRED ANDREWs— Last Saturday there were proceedings in the Court House before Judges Furst and. Rhoades, on a writ of habeas corpus, to determine whether there was sufficient reason for holding Alfred Andrews for the murder of Clara Price, for which of- fense he has been arrested. The prisoner was represented by J. L. Spangler and E. R. Chambers, esgs., and the common- wealth by District Attorney J. C. Mey- er assisted by Judge Orvis. Previous to the commencement of the hearing Judge Furst requested the reporters not to give the evidence in detail, as such publication tended to affect the public mind in a way that impeded the draw- ing of a jury in the final trial before Court. The object of the proceedings was to determine whether there was sufficient cause, as shown by evidence, to hold the prisoner for trial, and therefore the testi- mony was confined exclusively to the side of the commonwealth, and no more was given than would answer that purpose, as we understand that much that will be brought out in the ultimate trial was withheld. What was elicited on this occasion differs but little in import from what we gave our readers last week in the published details of the murder. The first witness was James Marstel- ler, who in driving along the road, with another person, on a hunting expedi- tion, was the first to discover the body of the murdered girl lying in the road, shortly after ten o'clock, on the morn- ing of the 27th of November. Mr. Marsteller said that when he saw the prostrate body his first impression was that it was some Hungarian woman who, having become intoxicated, was sleeping off the effects, but upon closer examina- tion, finding that it was a dead woman, he told how he proceeded to Karthaus, gave the alarm and returned with a par- ty to where the body was lying, which proved to be that ot Clara Price. Mrs. Sarah Michaels, who lives along the Karthaus pike near Pine Glen, testi- fied thatshe saw Clara Price pass ler house between 9 and 9.30 a. m., on the fatal morning, going towards Karthaus, and that very soon atter she saw a strangejman going in the same direction, walking very fast. She did not get a good look at his face as he passed: the wind ow, but he was a small man and wore a black derby hat. The prisoner with four or five others stood up for her inspection, but she failed to identity him in court. She also testified that two peddlers had passed her house some time before Miss Price passed. Mrs. Mulholland, who also lives along the same road, testified to having seen Miss Price goalong the road to Karthaus and a strange man going in the same di- rection soon after. She recognized the prisoner as the man. Mrs. Jesse Irwin, whose residence is also along the Kar- thaus pike, testified to about the same, and recognized the prisoner. Mr. S. E. Emerick said that on the morning in question, while driving along the road, he saw a strange man traveling the road in the direction of Karthaus, about 2} miles from where the body was found, and that the prison- er looked like that man. The testimony of Esquire A. Rankin, of Karthaus, told how on the morning of the murder he w.s informed that the body of a woman had been found on the road about half a mile from the river across from Karthaus, how he pro- ceeded to the spot and took observations and empanelled a jury for investigation according to law. There were many tracks and marks in the road indicating astruggle, a fact which has already been published in our columns. Hs said that the tram ping of the people who had collected made the original tracks to a great extent unintelligible, but at one pointin a ditch along the road, some 20 or 30 feet from the body, two foot prints of a man, going in the direction of the woods, were distinct. He measured these and they were10} inches in length. His testimony did not verify the report that the inipression of the left foot was more indistinct than the right, to tally with the fact that the sole of the left shoe of the prisoner had been torn off. Mrs. Ellen Watson recognized the prisoner as the man who passed her house afier Clara Price. Thomas Pitts, who was employed on the railroad the river about a mile from where the body of the girl was found, heard five shots in quick succession about 10 o'clock. Mrs. Croft, who lives along the main road about five miles from the river, testified that a strange man stop- ped at her house the night before the murder, leaving at 8 o’clock in the morning in the direction of Karthaus. She recognized the prisoneras that man. Dr Nevling, of Karthaus, told in his testimony how he had been called on to examine the body of Miss Price who had been found dead in the road a short distance from the river on Wednesday morning, the 27th of November. He gave in detail the wounds found on her person, agreeing with what has already been published. He made a post mor- tem examination which showed evidence He gave an account of his measurement of the only distinetly recognizable tracks, two in number, across of violence. which were found in the ditch and led into the woods. In the making of the lett track the heel had been brought down heavily into the ground with the ball of the foot on the slope of the ditch, necessarily making that part of the im- pression indistine’. The right foot land- ed on the top of the bank, making a distinct mark. Herbert Bates saw a stranger pass along the road near Boak’s store about 9 o'clock going towards Karthaus, and saw him returning towards Snow Shoe between 1and 2 o’clock in the afternoon. He recognized the prisoner as the per- son he saw. Reuben Holt, Redmond Holt, and others, who were working at Moyer’s lumber job, gave the particulars of Andrew’s appearance in their midst on the morning of the murder, which do not differ materially from what we have already published. Although he asked about work he showed no earnest disposition to get employment, but ask- ed to be shown the way toKarthaus. Reuben Holt got on a stump and point- ed out the way he'should go, whereupon he said that he would go and get his dinner. After going away and return- ing in about half an hour, while they were taking a lunch, he asked to be di- rected to the main road which was shown him by Thomas Smith who was going part way in that direction. These witnesses all recognized the prisoner. Theodore Cramer, one of the Moyer workmen, testified that he had known Andrews for about a year and that he was the man that made an appearance at the lumber job. ConstableSimlar gave the particulars of how he arrested Andrews at Brisbin on the Sunday after the, murder of Clara Price, and how on another visit to the house he obtained the shoes he wore on the day of the murder, which were given him by Andrews’ wife, she having got them out of the stairway. After the close of the testimony Mr. Spangler addressed the Court, contend- ing that there was not sufficientevidence to hold the prisoner, but the Court re- manded him to jail for trial. It struck almost every person who heard these proceedings that although there were appearances sufficient to warrant further investigation, there was not evidence sufficient, so far, to effect a conviction. But it is said that the commonwealth did not bring out evi- dence that will be much more damaging to the prisoner’s case and which will be available when the final trial comes off. A DENTAL.—Robert Wighaman writes us from Philipsburg denying the report that he visited Hopkins, the mur- derer of his mother and sister, at the Bellefonte jail. He says : “I did not go to see him and have no intention of do- ing so. I consider it Zoo late for him to have anything to say to me.” THURSDAY EVENING Is THE TIME. —Inthe programme of the Teachers’ Institute published last week, Friday evening of next week was erroneously stated as the time of Burdette’s humor- ous lecture on the “Rise and Fall of the Mustache.” It will be delivered on Thursday evening in the Court House, and will afford an attractive feature of that Institute's proceedings. A ParnantHOPIC EDITOR.—CoOm- plaint having been made to the editor of the Renovo News that persons confined in the lock-up in that place have no pillow upon which to rest their weary heads at night, he at once started a movement to secure one. A subscrip- tion was started and the News headed the list with a double contribution of twenty cents, ten cents being from the kind hearted ‘‘devil,” who thinks he can get along through the holidays without this particular dime. A QUESTIONABLE COMPLIMENT TO A PrEAcHER.—The Philipsburg Ledger pays the following sinister compliment to u clergyman who, it appears, preach- ed a trial sermon in that place some Sundays ago : Rev. M.C. Bailey, of Fair Chance, Pa., occupied the pulpit of the Presby- terian church on Sunday morning and evening. His discourse in the evening was one of the most remarkable pieces of pulpit eloquence ever preached to a Philipsburg audience. The reverend gentleman's declaration that “every- body can not be rich and eat pound cake three times a day,” was undeniably true, although the astonished faces of his hearers were evidence that they never knew before that wealthy people lived on such a dyspepsia producing diet. His announcement that ‘Jesus Christ gives the saint: pointers” concerning the time when their friends are to be called fronmearth to heaven, was also, to say the least, a very startling and world. ly way of putting it. On the whole we think should the Presbyterians engage Mr. Baily as their pastor there would be no doubt but that he would “draw big houses,” 50 as to speak, evenif he did it at the expense of keeping away some of the regular membership who don’t ad- mire the Sam Small style of oratory. ——We would advise our readers to read Simon Loeb’s advertisement in an- other column of the Warcuman., We can assure them whatever Mr. Loeb advertises he will do. ——A hundred coke ovensare in op- eration in the Snow Shoe region, with a prospect of the number being in- creased. ——The reader’s attention is called to Mr. Horrell’s advertisement in another column. It offers an excellent chance for an enterprising man. ——James Aston died at the residence of his son-in-law, at Centre Furnace, last Saturday, at the extreme age of 88 years. His funeral took place at the Branch burying ground on Monday. ——A large panther is reported to be traveling around the woods and fields in the neighborhood of Millhiem, Isaac Buffington and C. W. Hubler having heard and seen it near their farms. ——Rev. M. O. Noll, who was recent- ly elected pastor of the Reformed church here, expects to spend his Christmas va- cation in this place and preach for h's congregation during that time, begin- ing with next Sunday. ——If you want a fine line of Holi- day goods to select from, such as Plush Albums, Dressing Cases, Silk Mufflers, dolls, cups and saucers, ete, call at Frank’s Great Novelty store, Brockerhoff Block, Allegheny St., Bellefonte. ——Last Monday while Frank Har- bach was working at the Poe mills, he met with an accident that will cost him an eye. While filing a large circular saw some of the steel flew into his eye, badly cutting the papil and blinding it entirely. There are reports of a resumption of operations at the glass works. They are based chiefly upon the repairing, cleaning up and putting in order that are going on about the idle works. But these appearances mean something. ‘With the application of gas tuel, such as has been introduced at the nail mil), the problem of cheap and profitable glass manufacture at this place might be solved. ——Buy your boy a useful Christmas present, suit or overcoat. You can find them at Simon Loeb’s, as he has made special reductions so you can afford sto buy them. ——1The Steam Heating Company of this place has increased the capacity of its plant by the addition of another boiler of the capcity of 80 horse power. Tour large boilers of about 100 horse power each have been supplying the steam, but as the customers of the com- pany increase in number a larger capa- city is required and hence the additional boiler, which will give an increase of about 20 per cent. In ordinary weather the original four boilers are ample, the new one being intended for reinforce- ment during extra cold weather. ——The two mammoth furnaces at this place are doing a heavy business. Collin’s averages from ninety to ninety- five tons a day and occasionally reaches the hundred ton mark. The Centre Iron Company’s furnace, since its resumption of operations, puts out its bundred tons a day easily, more fre- quently going beyond that amount in its daily output. Last Sunday a week its 24 hours production was 120 tons. These large plants, turning out the crude metal in such quantities, should be the nucleus of an extensive production at this place of various articles of manufac- tured iron. Do not fail to visit Simon Loeb’s store where you can find the largest and best selected stock of clothing. Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods at great bar- gains. ——The Fourty Hours Devotion in tke new St. John’s Catholic church in this place, was brought to a beautiful conclusion on Tuesday evening by Right Reverend Monsignor Thomas F. Brennan, D.D., of Driftwood, dressed in the insignia of his high dignity. His sermon on the occasion was scholarly, artistically eloquent, in fact Shakespear ian. It was suited for an audience of ‘high culture, and is highly extolled bv those who he rd it. TItis generally re- gretted that this able prelate has kept his light so long under a bushel. The people of St John’s will extend him a hearly welcome to their parish on all occasions. Come again, Monsignor. Suitable as well as useful Holiday Gifts in large varieties, such as Mufflers, Scarfs and Gloves, can be found at Si- mon Loeb’s. ——A few days ago while the crops on the Ricker farm in East Nittany Valley were being threshed, a chicken was found under the sheaves of wheat in one of the mows where it had been since the grain was placed there on the fifteenth day of July. The chicken had lived all that time without food or water, and weighed when found considerably less than a pound, though still alive. The tobacco crop of Clinton County, which is now being prepared for market, is said to be of an un- usually fine quality, and the growers are likely to realize good prices, as the acreage was not o large as last year. A GREAT YIELD oF CORN.—MTr. Franklin Koch, tenant on the farm of Dr. Hale, a mile and a half east of Bellefonte, did remarkably well this year with corn. From a field of 38 acres he produced 4508 bushels, and this was done notwithstanding that the first planting was destroyed by the June flood, and it was necessary to replant. Mr. Koch knows how to farm. He doesn’t rush his work, but when the time comes for harvesting he has some- thing to harvest. TrE NEW FUEL AT THE NA1L MILL —During the past summer a structure was in progress of erection at the nail works in this place for the produc- | tion of gas by Rose's patent process, to be used as fuel ir. the furnaces and un- | der the boilers of the mill. This gas producer, as it is called, has been com- | pleted for some weeks, the mains are laid to the furnaces and boilers, and everything is in readiness for its, oper- ation with the exception of a receiver which will contain the gas and regulate its distribution to the points where it shall be used. This gaseous fuel has been tested at the miil and gives the most complete satisfaction, and will be in full use after the receiver is comple- ted, which it will be in a very short time. Bituminous coal is used as the basis for the production of this gas, to which is | added oxygen by means of a blower, and | hydrogen through superheated steam, the whole being enriched by hydro- carbons which in addition to enriching the gas greatly increases its volume. By this process an astonishingly large amount of gas can be made, of a quality line enough for illumination. The pro- ducer has a capacity of about 100,000 cubic feet per hour, and in 1ts operation uses about 5 tons of coal in ten hours, or at the rate of about 12 tons a day, which will amply supply all the gas which the mill will require as fuel in its furnaces and for its engine. As the mill has been using about 60 tons of coal a day it is easily seen what a great saving this will effect, amounting to between $60 and $70 a day. Both the Snow Shoe and Woodland coal have been tried and have rendered satisfaction in this process. The fuel produced by the divice will be used in 14 puddling furnaces, 3 heat- ing furnaces, 1 poking furnace and un- der the boilers for the generation of steam. The mill is now running double turn, puddling from 30 to 35 tons per day,and is finding a ready market for its product. AN INTERESTRNG STATEMENT ABOUT ALFRED ANDRWS.—The Lock Haven Democrat of Wednesday pub- lished the following in relation to the person who is 1nour prison charged with the murder of Clara Price : “Ex-Representative Joseph W. Mer- rey, of Beech Creek, is in the city to- day, and he gave us some reminiscences of Alfred Andrews, the young man now in jail at Bellefonte charged with the murder of Clara Price, near Karthaus, in Burnside township, Centre county. According to Mr. Merrey, who says that he knows all about Andrews, the so-called murderer worked in R. D. Peck’s livery, in this city, in 1836, and afterwards worked for a week or at least a tew days at the Central Hotel for George Ronian. He then went to Beech Creek and worked for Mr. Mer- rey for several months, doing the chores around the house and premises. In July ofthat year Mr. M. says Andrews cut his finger in some manner and as soon as he saw blood was so chicken- hearted that he fainted away. After leaving Mr. Merrey’s employ he worked for John McLeod, of Castanea, for several months, and then went to Keating ard worked for George Reed of the Keating House. From Keating he migrated to Karthaus and worked in the mines and there married. He after- wards worked for David Price, the mur- dered girl’s father, who we [pelieve is dead. From there he went tc Brisbin, where he was arrested. Mr. Merrey de- scribes him as a small sized man, per- haps about five feet six inches tall, sickly and pale-faced looking, and savs he does not believe they have got the right man at all, as he can’t conceive of sucha man as Andrews having nerve enough to commit such a crime.” ——The Teachers’ County Institute nextjweek will doubtless draw a great number of visitors to Bellefonte, in- cluding the large corps of teachers who have charge of our county schools. As they are paid for the time spent in attending Institutes we can not see any reasonable motive for staying away. Prof. Wolf and the other managers who have been working hard to make the coming Institute a success, will furnish much that will be instructive and beneficial to the teachers and en- tertaining to those who will att>nd the proceedings. Upon three evenings, in- cluding the occasion of Burdeite’s lec- ture on Thursday evening, the small sum of 25 cents will be charged for ad- mission. in good health. There was {about him to show that his death did ——Adam C. Barrett, of Milesburg, . = } bas been granted u pension on the invalid claim. FounNp Deap oN THE SEVEN MouN TAINS. —On Wednesday morning abou 10 o'clock the body of Samuel Kelly, an old and well known resident of Potters Mills, was found in the road near Foust’s, on the Seven Moun- tains. The discovery was made by Mr. J. M. Bunnell, of the firm of Bunnell & Aiken’s of this place, who was driving to Potters Mills. Mr. Keliy had been over to Mifflin county, and had left Milroy for home apparently nothing not come from a natural cause. He was about 65 years of age, had been a soldier during the war and was highly esteemed in the neighborhood in which "he lived. A New CuurcH.—-The United | Brethren Congregation of Bellefonte are making an effort to build a new church on the site of their present struc- ture on West High Street, which they intend shall be an improvement to that part of town. They have not fully decided as to the material that shall be used in the construction, but most likely it will be a brick building. As the congregation is weak financially they solicit the aid of a generous public. Among the active movers in this inter- prise is Mrs. C. L. Rote who has succeeded in working up an interest among the good women of this place and Coleville in the formation of a Sewing Society which is working hard to raise means for the new church building. Among other devices they have dressed two beautiful large dolls for which four hitle girls are contesting. These dolls are on exhibition in Joseph Brothers’ and Garman & Son’s store windows. These gentlemen are au- thorized to sell them and in case of a sale they will be replaced by others of equal size and value. The dolls were purchased and donated by Mrs. C. L. Rote. The old church building is for sale to the highest bidder. ——PFrank’s Great Novelty Store, the cheapest place to buy Holiday 2Goods. Also the largest assortments. A SavLAry.—With expenses paid will come handy to any one who is now out of employment, especially where no pre- vious experience is required to get the position. See advertisment on page 5th headed, ‘“A Chance to Make Money.” 4t --—The Ladies’ Society ot the Bap- tist church, of Milesburg, will hold a Fair and Festival on Saturday evening, Dec. 21st, 1889, consisting of fancy ar- ticles, suitable for Christmas presents, cakes, &. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to the public. 2t Now is the time to leave your order for a Suit and Overcoat. Prices to suit the times. Per ect satisfaction in everything fully guaranteed. MonNTaoMERY & Co. Tailors. Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, and all fruits in season at Sechler & Co.’s. ——Fine cheese, Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef, and Canned Meats at Sechler & Co.’s Married. HAND—HOOVER.—In Bellefonte, Dec. 9,1889, by John B. Linn, Esq., Mr. James Hand of Clearfield, Pa., and Miss Jane E. Hoover of Huston township. Died. DECKER.—On the 20th of November, Lydia B.,wife of Adam Decker, of Walker township, aged 49 years, 3 mo. and 21 days. She was a faithful wife, an affectionate moth- er, and a consistant member of the Reform- ed Church at Hublersburg. In connection with her funeral, which took place at Hub- lersburg on the 23rd mst., appropriate relig- ious services were conducted by her pastor, as- sisted by Rev. Diel of the Lutheran Church. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Gro. W. Jackson & Co: The following-are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes to press : White wheat, per bushel.........c.. veervenne . 8 Read wheat, per bushel. we 73 Rye, per bushel.......... 45 Corn, ears, per bushel.... 20 Corn, shelled, per bushel... 40 Oats—new, per bushel 25 Barley, per bushel...... 45 Buckwheat per bushel. sanaecsnss 11150 Cloversecd, per bushel $4 00 to $6 00 Ground Plaster, perton.....i.u. wrens 9 —————, Bellefonte Produce Markets, Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes per bushel ..........L......... 3 50 Eggs, per dozen.... 25 Lard, per pound 8 CountryShoulders. 8 Sides.... 1C Hams... 14 l'allow, per pound.. 34 Butter, per pound.. 25 Onions, per bushel... 65 ‘Purnips, per bushel....................o.. Lh 25 The Democratic Watchman, Published every Friday morning, in Belle- fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and #3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons adver- fising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol OWS : [3m {6m | 1y SPACE OCCUPIED. $5948 812 One inch (12 lines this type. Two inches.. . t7 100 15 Three inches {10 1151 20 Quprias Column (4% 12 | 20 | 80 Half Column ( 9 inches). 20 35 | 55 One Column (19 inches)... 35 | 55 | 100 Advertisements in special column, 25 per cent. additional. Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions. Each additional insertion, per li Local notices, per line..... Business notices, per line. ar Job Printing of every h neat- ness and dispatch. The Warcuman office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can he executed in the most artistic mannerand at ¢ lowest rates. Terms—CASH. . All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor.