Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 29, 1889, Image 2

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    Bellefonte, Pa., November 29, 1889.
A little rest in the twilight
After my work is done,
A lttle time with my Master
At the setting of the sun.
The day has been one of trial,
Of failure oft and tears;
But Jesus knows all my weakness,
He knows my doubts and fears.
All sordid thoughts I can banish,
And let my spirit fly
Above the earth and its sorrows,
To God's white throne on high.
The door of a place of refuge,
A place of quiet rest
Is near, and my soul is longing
To find the portal blest.
I come with my heavy burden,
I come with all my sin,
I knock, and the door swings open,
And Jesus lets me 1n.
My sin departs. and my trouble
Is lost in a blissful calm ;
This quiet hour with my Saviour
Has soothed my heart like balm.
What might be done if men were wise,
What glorious deeds, my suffering brother,
Would they unite
In love and right,
And cease their scorn of one another.
Oppression’s heart might be imbued
With kindling drops of loving kindness,
And knowledge for
From shore to shore,
Light on the eyes of mental blindness.
All slavery, warfare, lies and wrongs,
All vice and crime might die together,
And fruit and corn,
To each man born.
Be free as warmth in summer weather.
The saddest wretch that ever trod,
The deepest sunk in guilt and sorrow,
Might stand erect,
In self-respect,
And share the teeming world to-morrow.
What might be done ? This might’be done,
And more than this, my suffering brother ;
More than the tongue
E’er said or sung,
If men were wise and toved each other.
The State prison at C was a
gloomy place at the best, but this June
morning the sun streamed over its high,
bleak walls, flooded the cheerless yard
and even lit the dismal corridor with
an unwonted glow. Never had the
outside world seemed brighter and lib-
erty sweeter to a young man, scarcely
more than a youth, who stood peering
through the bars of a narrow window
at the little of the outside world includ-
ed in his vision. His reverie was brok-
en by the stern words of a turnkey who
came upon him unnoticed.
“Loafin’, eh!” said the official.
“You'll be with us a day longer for
that. Get to work, d you, and fin-
ish your job!”
The convict glanced at the official
half defiantiy, but made no reply, and
picking up the iong handled mop that
had fallen at his feet proceeded with
the washing of the corridor floor. The
turnkey eyed him for a moment and
then passed on to the rotunda, so con-
structed as to command an almost un-
obstructed view of every nook and cor-
ner of the prison. Stepping from the
corridor he.met the warden and a bevy
of lady visitors.
“What is the matter with 411!” ask-
ed the warden.
“Loafin’, as usual. He's a lazy cur,
and ought to be put at hard labor.”
“It’s only a week since he left the
“He shammed to get there. He
may fool the doctor but he can’t me.
Sick? Not much! he's as well as I
am,” and the turnkey cast a malignant
look at the prisoner, who was now pur-
suing his task with the measured, mon-
otonous effort characteristic of prison
“Bring him here,” said the warden,
not displeased at an opportunity to
show his authority before the ladies by
reprimanding a prisoner. The con-
vict came down the corridor with his
gaze upon the stone floor. When he
reached the rotunda he removed his
cap and looked up squarely in the war-
den’s eye.
“McDonald caught you idling, didn’t
he?” asked the warden, harshly, irri-
tated by the indefinable resistance im-
plied rather than expressed in the pris-
oner’s manuer.
“Yes,” answered 411, quietly.
“What's your excuse ?”’
“I looked from the window, and the
day seemed so fair that I forzot my-
self—where I was and every thing.”
“Thought you'd like to be outside in
the sunshine, I suppose ?”
“Yes, sir.
“Well you shall be. I'll have you
put to work in the stone quarry to-mor-
row, and then you'll get more air—ex-
ercise,” and the warden smiled grimly.
The prisoner made no answer, but drew
his hand wearily across his brow. It
was a simple movement, but so fraught
with patience, and perhaps dignity, as
to be pathetic.
“You can go now,” said the prison
“Please, warden, can’t I speak to
him ?” entreated a feminine voice be-
bind the official. He turned and re-
plied with all the courtliness a marti-
net could command :
“What is your name, sir?’ asked
the lady of the prisoner.
“Terrance Moore, miss.”
“Would you mind telling me why
you are confined here 2”
“For forgery.”
“Were you innocent 2”
“No, I was guilty.”
“Aud you are sorry for your crime?’
she continued, breaking off’ a rose from
her corsage bouquet. This question
was disconcerting to the prisoner and
annoying to the warden. The former
dropped his: eyes in embarrassment
and the latter fid eted in disgust.
“Yes,” said the convict, “I am sor-
“For being caught,” added the war-
“How much longer will you be here?”
she asked.
“Six months.”
“You will need friends when you
leave,no doubt. Come and see me then,
perhaps I can assist you,” and she ex-
tended a card and the rose as she spoke.
When he passed the turnkey on his
way back to work that *eeper saw
him wipe a tear from his cheek.
“Snivelin’,” said the official, taunt
“Yes,” replied 411, “for the first
time in my life.”
“Moore is one of the most refractory
men in the prison,” explained the war-
den to the ladies. “He doesn't often
break the rules and never offers open
resistance. But there is something
ominous in his manner irritating to a
degree, and marking him, according to
my experience, as a dangerous man.
If I mistake not he is as desperate a
criminal as was ever within these
“But he doesn’t look like an evil
peeson,”’ interposed the young lady.
“Looks are not always a correct
criterion,” replied the warden ao tes-
tily that the ladies took the hint and
411 escaped further comment.
That night when McDonald peered
into cell 411 he saw th2 occupant
stretched at full length on the floor
and the cot over turned. Repeated
commands elicited no response, ana
unlocking the door he entered.
“Come now, that bluff won't go,”
and the exasperated turnkey brutally
kicked the prostrate form.
“Rouse up and get into your bunk or
I'll have you put in solitary.”
But the prisoner gave no sign. Look-
ing closer the turnkey saw that his
tongue protroked and that his open
eyes were as vacant in expression as
the staring orbs of a corpse. He drop-
ped upon his knee and bent forward
for a closer view. As he did so the
convict clutched his throat with one
hand by a movement as stealthy and
sudden as the uncoiling of a snake,
and drawing the other from beneath
the bed, struck him with some blunt
instrument such a vicious blow upon
the head that the unfortunate keeper
sank senseless without a moan. In an
instant Moore was on his feet, and rapid-
ly replacing his cot in position and
laying the turnkey upon it, fairly tore
the clothing from the lifeless figure in
his haste.
Scarcely two minutes had elapsed
from the time McDonald entered the
cell before another man, similarly garb-
ed, stepped forth, and locking the door
proceeded on the usual rounds in the
habitual manner. Passing through
the rotunda he averted his face by an
apparent scrutiny of the wick of his
lantern, which, 1t was afterwards re-
membered, was not lighted. How he
finally gained the street was never
known. The guards all averred he
did not pass either of the gates and it
seemed incredible that he could have
scaled|the wall from the yard unnoticed.
But escape he did, and, though large
rewards were offered, was never appre-
hendea. McDonald lingered for weeks
and died.
® Timi
Five years later Miss Mable Wess-
ling was visiting friends in a’ fashion-
able suburb of Philadelphia. She had
been suffering from neuralgia, and, be-
irg somewhat restless in consequence.
lett the gas burning at the lowest glim-
mer when she retired. Shortly after
three o'clock in the morning she was
awakened from slumber, so light that
it might be termed the twilight ofsleep,
by a seeming noise in her room.
She listened until certain that her
quickened senses had verified the im-
pression, and then, arising as noiseless-
ly as possible, stepped to the faint spark
against the wall locating the gas fix-
ture and in a second turning the light
on full force. A heavy hand was in-
stantly pressed over her lips and she
was pinioned against the mantel. Her
arms were free and, obeying an erratic
impulse, she tore the mask from the
face of the intruder. The countenance
revealed was rather prepossessing and
would have been decidedly so butgtor
the shading of certain lines traced by
evil courses. She stared into cold gray
eyes, reflective rather than fierce in ex-
pression, and felt that she had seen the
face before. She was not frightened,
strange though it may seem, and re-
mained much calmer in the grasp of
this marauder than some hours later
when the reaction came.
If you attempt to move or utter a
word above a whisper I shall kill you,”
he breathed in her ear. "A pencil ly-
ing on the mantle chanced to meet her
eye. She reached it with difficulty
and wrote upon the smooth white sur-
tace: “You are Terrance Moore and
were confined in the penitentiary at C
in 1881.” * As he read the words
his grasp tightened involuntarily, but
almost instantly relaxed under the im-
pulse of a recognition now mutual. He
withdrew his hand from her lips and
etepping back a pace rested his elbow
on the mantel.
“Don’t speak loud,” he whispered.
“You are perfectly safe with me. If I
had known you were in the house I
should never have entered it. 1 would
die ten times over before I would harm
a hair of your head.”
“You must go—at once,” she said.
The door of the chamber, already
ajar, was pushed open at this juncture
and another man, also masked, enter-
ed with foot-falls felipe in lightness.
“Well, I'll be blanked!” ejaculated
the new-comer under his breath.
“Who'd of thought, cull, you'd run
agin a mash in this plant?”
“Then—" and the second burglar
drew his finger across his throat with
a gesture of horrible significance.
Moore shook his head with
vehemence. Turning to Miss
ling, he asked :
“If we quit now and leave every-
thing, will you promise not to disclose
my identity!”
“I promise—for God's sake go!”
she pleaded, the mental strain begin-
ning to play havoe with her nerves,
The other burglar suddenly emptied
a vial upon the sponge with which he
had been fumbling, and, springing for-
ward, applied it to her nose before
Moore could interpose. Moore threw
* * *
himself savagely upon his partner in!
crime. “Alarm the house!” he shout- |
ed, seeing that she was already affact-
ed by the pungent fumes of the chloro-
form. With a shriek she threw her-
self against the window, breaking the
pane she knew not how.
“Curse you!” howled Moore's pal,
thinking now only of safety in flight.
“Let me go, blank your soul !”’
Rendered desperate by the sounds of
the awakened household he broke
away by a mighty effort and sprang
for the stairs. Moore followed, but
whether to effect his own escape or de-
tain the other burglar cannot be told.
His confederate must have regarded
his intentions in the latter light, for he
turned and fired two shots in rapid
succession, at point blank range, both
bullets finding billets in Moore's breast,
and gained the open air through the
door, which in burglar fashion had
been left open to facilitate & sudden de-
parture. They dragged Moore back
“into Miss Wessling's room and it re-
quired no physician to inform the
startled group that gathered around
the dying criminal that his moments
were few. He motioned to Miss Wess-
ling and she knelt beside him.
“You—spoke—the—only — kind —
words—I've heari—for years. I lov-
ed—yon for—them. Look—here,” and
he touched his breast, gasped and
went before the Eternal bar for his last
s'ntence. In a chamois skin they
found the wtibered remnants of a rose
anda card inscribed: “Mable Wess-
ling, 1741 LL avenue, C 2: On
the other side was written in a bold
“The slightest kindness may leave
an indelible impression on the human
heart, and those who sow in charity
have sown a single seed on the ston-
iest ground to bear rich fruit.”
Household Affairs.
The value of petty savings can not
be too highly estimated. The conscien-
tious habit of saving everything that
can be turned to any account, fitting the
object, however small, into its right
place, is a habit in iiself enough to in-
sure thrift. There are so many things
in the household which are thrown aside
which by careful thought may be turned
to use. Wise providers buy only gocds
of genuine value which may be used to
the last shred. This is true of market buy-
ing, of shopping, of everything that may
be purchased. There isa good brand of
flour and a make-shift brand; a cloth
firm and well made of wool, and a cloth
to take its place, cheap and flimsy, of
cotton wool. In all these cases the gen-
uine cloth is the cheapest in the end ;
the good brand of flour will give the
best and most nourishing food. The
well-made cloth may be washed or clean-
sed again and again, and be made over
until nothing is left of it. A great deal
may be saved even in buttons, thread
and needles, little minutiae of which we
seldom think. It is in the sedulous
care that every little article shall be
used, that every piece of cloth shall be
turned and made over until it is past
usetulness, that consists the chance of
the average family foran orderly wells
fed, well-clothed home. Lavishness is
the worst of providers. Tt is the system-
atic, steady hand, careful of minutiae,
that provides a home and table where
genuine comfort and good cheer prevail.
Simple spending of money cannot ac-
complish the same result care can.
The children of the poor men, brought
up to the habit of thrift, usually enjoy
more actual luxury than the children of
a spendthrift, who varies from feast to
famine, from rags to velvet with the reg-
ularity ofa clock pendulum. Extrava-
gance should be looked upon as a sin, a
trust to use honestly the goods God has
given us, not considered in the light,
trivial way it is, as something the indi-
vidual alone would suffer from.— New
York Tribune.
Where Colors Come From.
The cochineal insects furnish a great
many of the very fine colors. Among
them are the crimson, scarlet, carmine
and purple lakes.
The cuttlefish gives the sepia. It is
the inky fluid which the fish dis charges
in order to render the water opaque
when attacked.
Indian yellow comes from the camel.
Ivory chips produce the ivory black
and bone black.
The exquisit Prussian blue is made by
fusing horses’ hoofs and other refuse an-
imal matter with impure potassium car-
bonate. This color was discovered acci-
dentally. .
Various lakes are derived from roots,
barks and gums.
Blue black comes from the charcoal of
the vine stalk. Lamp black is the soot
from certain resincus substances.
Turkey red is made from the madder
plant, which came from Hindostan.
The yellow sap of a tree in Siam pro-
duces gamboge . The natives catch the
sap in cocoanut shells. Raw sienna is
the natural earth near Sienna, Italy.
Raw umber 1s also earth found near
Grains of Gold.
Most great works are accomplished
The one prudence in life is concen-
tration; the one evil is dissipation ;
and it makes no difference whether our
dissipations are coarse or fine.
The best instruction is to practice
what you teach.
More is accomplished by doing each
day’s work faithfully than by crowd-
ing two days’ work into one.
* The lessons of life ma -e deeper im-
pressions than the lessons of hooks,
because they touch the heart before
they reach the head.
Beware of prejudices ; they are rats,
and men’s minds are like traps. Pre-
judices creep in easily, but it is doubt-
ful if they ever get out.
No one was ever corrected by a
sarcasm, but often driven further in
the wrong way. In teaching always
be kind and patient.
There is no surer mark of the ab-
sence of the highest moral and intel
lectual qualities than a cold reception
of excellence.
A ——————E<at
Under the Crust.
“You'd better ask the doctor for his
bill next time he comes,” said a poor
sick minister to his wife.—“I don't
know when we can pay it, I'm sure.
He's made a good many visits, but I
hope he won't have to come many more
The old doctor was a grim-looking
person, who said as little as possible, and
spoke in the gruffest of tones; but he
had kept his eyes open, and was not
halt as unfeeling as he appeared.
At his next visit the minister's wife
followed him out of the sick room, and
timidly preferred Ler request.
“Your bill,” said the doctor, gianc-
ing around the kitchen and then down
at his boots.
“You, gir,” said the woman; “Mr.
Ames wanted me to ask you for it,though |
we can’t pay it just now. Wa'll pay it
as soon as—"’
“Well here it is,” said the doctor.
And he took out his pocket-book and
handed the astonished woman a ten-dol-
lar greenback, and was out-of doors be-
fore she could say thank you.
A Bandit in a Coat-of-Mail.
The Killing of a Companion of Rube
Burrows by a Sheriff’s Posse.
BirMINGHAM, Ala, Nov. 17.—A
suspicious looking stranger heavily arm-
ed was seen lurking in the woods near
Albertsville, Marshal county, for several
days and on Thursday the sheriff sent a
squad of men to arrest him.
They slipped up on him in the woods
and demanded that he give himself up.
He replied by firing upon them. The
sherfi’s men returned the fire from
ambush, but their bullets glanced from
the stranger as though he were invulner-
able. Presently a ball struck him on
the head and he fell mortally wounded.
The man’s body was found to be pro-
tected by a strong coat of iron mail.
His dying words were: “You think I'm
Rubg Burrows, but Rube’s in the west.”
It is thought he was Smith, Rube’s
companion in crime,
Dr. Scott, who killed the man, and
others in the neichborhood, think the
man was really Rube Burrows, but they
cannot establish his identity.
Miss Beckie Johnson, a very
pleasing and attractive school teacher,
living near St. Thomas, Pa., went to
Carlisle a few days ago, and at the rail-
road station met a man whom she had
never seen before. ln an hour they
were husband and wife. The groom is
John Demaree, of Rushville, Ill., who
came all the way to wed his unknown
bride, and the wedding involves an in-
teresting story of courtshipat long range.
Some time ago Miss Johuson made the
acquaintance of Miss Maggie Jenkins,
who was visiting near the home of the
school marm. A strong friendship
sprang up, and when Miss Jenkins left
for her Western ‘home she carried with
her Miss Johnson’s sincere affections
and one of her photographs, but it was
to the latter that Miss Johnson is indebt-
ed for her present husband. Mr. De-
maree chanced to see the picture, and
was then and there smitten. A corres-
pondence was arranged by Miss Jenkins,
and the marriage was finally brought
about. The meeting and ceremony
took place at Carlisle, away from the
prying eyes of curious neighbors who
bad heard of the remarkable affair.
——Twenty years ago there roamed
over the plains and 1 ountains of the far
West nearly 8,000,000 buffaloes. To-
day there are less than 600 head of the
animals in existance. There are but 85
head of wild buffaloes, 305 alive in cap-
tivity, and about 200 under the protec-
tion of the Government in Yellowstone
Park. There is also said to be about
550 head in Montana, but this is rumor.
Of the 85 head of buffaloes which are
Umbria and burned.
Indian ink is made from burned cam -
phor. The Chinese are the only manu-
facturers of this ink and they will not
reveal the secret of its manufacture.
Mastic is made from the gum of the
mastic tree, which grows in the Grecian
Bistre is the soot of wood ashes.
Very little ultamarine is found in the
market. It is obtained from the precious
lapislizuli and commands a fabulous
Chinese white is zine, scarlet is iodide.
of mercury and native vermiliion is from
the quicksilver ore and called cinnabar
First Monmuaent to McCellan.
A dispatch from Trenton, N. J. |
says + The erection in Riverview Cem- |
etery of the noble granite monument to
Gen. McClellan, was completed to-day. |
This is the first monument to McClellan |
that has been erected. Secretary of |
State Kelsey who is at the head of the
committee which had the matter in
charge, says that no date has been fixed |
for the dedication. It may be postpon- |
ed till Spring, owing to the uncer- |
tainty of the weather.
The shaft is of granite, 46 fet high,
and surrounded by an eagle with spread |
wings. It stands 150 yards from the |
cemetery entrance, on elevated ground,
| fore baking in a quick oven. To be
I was bound to have me.
known to exist 25 are in Texas, 20 in
Colorado, 26 in Wyoming, 10 in Mon-
tana, and 4 in Dakota. The statistics
have been carefully gathered by the
Fashion Fancies,
Embroidered appliques of black
cloth or velvet, in deep-pointed desigus,
are favorite trimmings for colored
cashmeres and ladies’ cloths.
“Four-cape pelerines,” which give
an appeara .ce of breadth to slender
figures, are made with two capes of
seal and two of Persian lamb.
Cloth has been brought out for mil-
linery purpose, pinked at the edge and
embroidered, and this is intended to be
used on the toques, made to match
cloth dresses.
For mantles, silk ruches are worn
made of braid of different widths, inter-
mixed with oblong drops and aiguil-
ettes. These drops of several shapes
are the new mantle adornments.
Feather trimming is once more in
fashion—uncurled ostrich, three inches
broad, in all colors; shorn ostrich,
which is close and looks like fur; and
marabout— all are applied to dresses
and cloaks.
Leather-work wimmings, in while
and delicate shades of kid, cut out in
applique designs, and wrought with
silk to match, and tinted pearl and cut
silver and gilt beads, are among the
most exquisite ot the season's garni-
Manties are to be uniformly long
this winter, tight-fitting at the back
and loose in front, with long sleeves
falling straight from the elbow. The
first models for early winter are of fine
smooth cloth, richly braided or em-
broidered in spike patterns,
Square-toed boots are once more
coming into fashion, and, with low heels
make most ugly-looking feet. Shoes are
of black kid or patent leather, low on
the instep with a small flat bow.
Black silk stockings are fashionable
worn with dresses of any color.
A combination of two kinds of far
in one shoulder cape is a fashionable
feature of the season. Sometimes al-
ternate stripes of two furs, lengthwise,
or carried around the shoulders, form
the entire cape, while others have dif-
ferent side pieces, collars or V fronts,
or, perhaps, a binding of different fur.
Bonnets and muffs are made to cor-
respond, and adainty example is «white
or rather cream cloth pinked a$ the
edges and trimmed with beaver. The
mutf has two corners of cloth falling
from beneath the fur, and the bonnet
overthe face has a puff ot cloth and
beaver. Another set displays sable
In bonnets we notice the Ascanio
capote, which is pretty and becoming.
Low hollow crown and border of fluted
silk; a flat bow of black velvet on the
top continued into short strings in
front. The model we were shown was
of cardinal red silk, trimmed with
black lace insertion, and with a tiny
{red and black humming-bird on one
A novelty in fringed trimmings is
the passementerie sash, which may
be had in various widths and colors,
and has deep sewingsilk fringes.
These sashes may be put on about the
lower edge of a pointed basque, in the
style so popular in the use of ribbon,
or may be arranged in a bow at the
con ———
Two REcipEs For CocoaNUT CAKE.
—One-half pound flour, one-half pound
of sugar, one teacupful sour cream or
milk, small teaspoon of soda; flavor
with rind of lemon ; four eggs ; bake in
pans one ard a half inches thick; one
grated cocoanut. 2. Two cups of butter,
three of sugar, one of milk, one-half
teaspoonful of soda; four eggs, four
cups of flour, one cocoanut grated and
put in lightly at last ; bake in two loaves.
Last July a well-dressed stranger
entered the first National Bank in
Chattanooga, and purchased one draft
for $4 and two $2 each, paying for the
same. The bank is notified that the
$4 draft has turned up in New York a
$4,000 draft. It seems that the swind-
ler weat to Philadelphia and purchased a
soda fountain for $1,100, paying for the
same with the raised draft and receiving
$2,900, in exchange. The draft was
thrown out by the New York correspon-
dent of the Chattanooga bank as a
forgery. The work was so well done
that it can hardly be detected by an ex-
quarter of a pound of butter to a cream,
dredge in it halt a pound of flour, add a
quarter of a pound sifted sugar and a
quarter of a pound of currants; whisk
two eggs and mix with half a teacupful
of thin cream and a few drops of lemon
essence; stir this into the flour,and then
add a teaspoonful fof baking powder;
beat the paste well for ten minutes, then
bake in small buttered tins for from a
quarter to half an hour. The mixture
shouid be stiff and doughy. This amount
is enough to make a do en cakes.
officials of the Swmithsonian Institution,
and it is absolutely known that the |
number stated comprises all the wild |
bufinloes of the world. The skeletons
of the numerous herds of a score of veurs
ago are bleaching on the Western plains,
a tribute to the prowess of the American |
——PraiN Buns.—To three pounds |
of flour add a quarter of a pound of but- |
ter, one ounce of sifted sugar, a pinch of |
salt, one ounce of yeast and two eggs;
| mix with enough new milk to make a!
{ for some hours, and when light, divide
into small buns.
light dough ; set the mixture to rise |
Let them stand on a
hot plate to warm for a few minutes be-
eaten buttered, either hot or cold. The |
rolls, a day old, are delicious for making |
sandwiches, :
Toven OLp WrEren.—Mrs. Oldboy
--Oh, you needn’t talk, John. You
You can’t say |
that I ever ran after you. |
Oldboy—Very true, Maria, and the |
rat trap never runs after the mouse, but
| comes an object of disgust.
{ time
——TThe breath of a chronic catarrh
| patient is often so offensive that he be-
After a
ulceration sets in, the spongy
bones are attacked and frequently en-
tirely distroyed. A constant source of
discomfort is the dripping of the purulent
secretions into the throat,sometimes pro-
ducing inveterate bronchitis, which in
its turn has been the exciting cause of
pulmonary disease. The brilliant re-
sults which have attended its use for
years past properly designnate Ely's
Cream Balm as by far the best and only
Too Fresa Pork.—A few days ago
a large hog belongingto Le Roy Hardy,
of Stark, Ga., while the family were all
out of the house, went into the
house, and after climbing upon
a feather bed proceeded to tear the
bed and clothing into doll rags. His
hogship thought he had found a beauti-
ful playhouse and in his delight and
playfullness tore things up generally.
Whenthe inmates ot the house camein
the floor was literally covered with
feathers, and the festive brute ran from
and within a short distance of the Gen- it gathers him in all the same.— Boston | the house lcoking more like one of the
eral’s grave.
| feathered tribe than a fat porker.
All Sorts of Paragraphs.
—It is suid that there are 48 langua-
ges and dialects spoken in Mexico.
—New York's elevated roads carried:
179,000,000 passengers during the past
12 months.
—Richard Burton, of Denver, Col.,
has sued for a divorce from his wife be-
cause she squints.
—A Baltimore man has been con-
victed of stealing a lot of gold filled
teeth from the museum of the Uniwersi-
—An oak tree on the Potter farm six
miles from Visalia, Col., measures 40:
feet 6 inches around two feet from the
—KEnglisb syndicates have invaded the-
Austrian Empire, and are buying up
breweries in Bohemia, and printing offi-
ces in Vienna.
—A company interested in the propa-
gation of the buffalo has secured a large
tract of land in Utah, where a herd of.
bison will soon be domiciled.
—Redheadville is
flourishing settlement in Otsego county,
Mich A family of Redheads gave the
place its auburn appellation.
—At the Bapist fair in Flint, Mioh.,
which is now over, the spade with
which ground was broken for the new:
Bapist church wassold for $210.
—Some hunters near Bowen, IIL,
wounded a big bald eagle Saturday and
captured it. The bird is very vicious,
and measures 7 feet from tip to tip.
—One of the chief industries of Sicily
is the mining of sulphur. There are
567 mines in the country, and brimstone
is one of the most inportant exports,
—Four wolf scalps were taken to the
County Clerk at Carthage, I11., Monday,
each scalp bringing $8. Wolves have
been very numerous in that vicinity
this season.
—One of the smallest traveling men
in Michigan is C. Sparling, of Kingsley.
He is 26 years old, 40 inches tall,
weighs 60 pounds, and represents a
Chicago house.
—A Democrat in Monana county, Ia.,
was elected to the Legislature by a ma-
jority of I vote. If he had remained
at home on the day or election the re-
snlt would have been a tie.
--A mistake of one word recently
cost S. O. Fisher, of West Bay City,
the price of 50 bushels of potatoes. He
told his clerk to write to a Grayling
man for 25 or 30 bushels and the clerk
wrote for barrels.
—Jesse O’Cooly, of Jeffersonville,
Ind., was arrested for descrating the
Sabbeth at Seottburg, His erime con-
sisted in repairing a broken rail last
Sunday to prevent a wreck on the J.
M. & I, he being asection hand.
—A cork tree at Vistalia, Cal., was
transplanted to the Court House yard
last Friday. Tt was planted trom an
acorn in 1857 in a vacant lot,and has
grown to be 30 feet high and 20 inches
through the butt. The bark is 1 inch
—R. B. Duncan, of Salem. Ore., was
feasting last week on strawberries that
grew and ripened, unprotected, in the
open wir. His vines are still in bloom
and he has a few berries in all the
stages, some green and others are about
matured. 3
—A few days ago workmen at Morris-
ville, opposite Trenton, N. J. unearth-
ed a fine paleolith of argillite, ten feet
below the surface, which is pronounced
a relic of preglacial man. It had jag-
ged edges, evidently having been fashion-
ed for a weapon.
—Abbotsford is still so popular a re-
sort that the fees paid by tourists usual-
ly exceed £400 ayear, so that it is
twice as profitable to show the place as
to let it, for the rent paid by Mr. Thor-
burn, who has taken it for five years, is
only £200 a year.
—Last summer a hen belonging to
Robert Mosely, colored, of Crawfords-
ville, Ind., hatched a brood of 12 chick-
ens out in the woods. ‘When she brought
thera to the house a Laby quail follow-
ed. 1t has grown up with the chick-
ens, is no wilder than they are; and goes
to roost with them at night.
—A queer decision by a New Jersey
justice of the peace 1s reported. John
Wolf put a stuffed wolf at the door to
represent his name. A dog destroyed
the sign, and the justice holds that, as
the stuffed wolf represented John Wolf,
the dog is guilty of biting the man, and
his owner must pay $25 damages.
—-While remodeling a chimney in an
old homestead in Cherryfield, Me., for
the purpose of attaching a hot air furnace,
an interesting relic in the form of a
little brown jug of unusual shape was
found in an arch of the chimrey, which
certainly had not seen the light for 100
years. It was empty, but smelled of
other days.
—A duck recently killed near James-
town, N. Y., has caused great excite-
ment in that region. In its crop was
found a piece of gold quartz. The bird
bad been feeding on the borders of
Chautauqua Lake nearby, and it is
{claimed that an examination of the local-
ity revealed many more specimens of
of rich goldbearing quartz.
—Dr. Mead, of Cincinnati, left his
horse untied and it ran away. Thedoc-
tor sent messages all over town and had
about given up all hope of ever seeing
his rig again. when he was called to the
telephone. He recognized the voice of
his affianced, and was rejoiced to learn
that the animal was standing patiently
in front of her residence.
—Jobkn Baskett, of Dayton, Tenn.t
and Nettie King, both prominen
voung people, eloped and were marri-
ed. Basket carried a ladder for two
miles and stole his bride from an up-
stairs window at 2 o'clock in the
morning. They left the town at once
to escape the wrath of the bride's
father, who opposed the match,
—A magnificent royal stag, whick
has been well known in North Uist,
Scotland, for more than 20 years, and
which} hus so often been stalked and
shot at without success that it had come
to be regarded asa charmed beast, was
recently killed, after a very long
and difficult stalk. The clean weight
was 18 stone, and the head was su-
the name of a: