Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 29, 1889, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—The “stop thief” cry that has been
raised in Montana may not recover the
stolen property, but it will focus public
attention upon the thief.
—The Louisville Courier Journal
proposes to trade HARRrIsoN for Dom
Pepro. But why should it want to
take advantage of Brazil, a country that
never did us any harm ?
—The fact is becoming generally
recognized in Europe that Germany has
a “rattle Lrain”’ Emperor. But is this
a greater disadvantage to the Germans
than a “big-headed’’ President is to the
Americans ?
—1If some reliable party should come
along and offer us $2,500,000 spot cash,
with a yearly bonus of $450,000, as an
inducement to abdicate, as was done in
Dom PEDRo’S case, we believe we
would do it.
—Some one is suggesting that Alas-
ka be utilized as a place to which our
criminals shall be sent, after the man-
ner or Siberia. But what use is there
for a penal colony when HARRISON is
disposing of our rascals by putting them
in office ? .
—The Thanksgiving Turkey which a
fow days ago strutted among his fellows
with all the pride of an autocrat of the
barnvard, has by this time been reduced
from bis high estate to the meager di-
mensions of a platter of well picked
—Public attention has been diverted
from the white horse that figured so
prominently in the Cronin case, to the
red-headed woman that has come so
conspicuously to the front in the Pettus
tragedy. The traditional association is
thus preserved.
—The Young Republicans of Ches-
ter, who some nights ago declared so
enthusiastically for General HASTINGS
for Governor, probably hadn’t heard of
the result of the election in Centre
county. Their youth may be taken as a
sufficient excuse for their freshness.
—The Philadelphia Inquirer remarks
that “the rivers have broken as many
banks this year asthe cashiers.” That’s
0, but the breaking of the river banks
has been attended with liquidation, so to
speak, which has not been the case
when the delinquent cashiers got in their
—Dishonest pension claimants have
no reason to be despondent. The fact
that TANNER ard DupLEY have gone
into partnership as claim agents at
‘Washington is encouraging to every
coffee-cooler and bounty—jumper who
has designs on the fat surplus accumulat-
ing in the national treasury.
—News of STANLEY'S safe emergence
from the wilds of Africa has been re-
ceived, he having turned up all right at
Mpwapwa. But the ordinary reader in
trying to pronounce the name of that
African locality will not be sure that
in reaching that place the great explor-
er got entirely out of the wilderness.
— ARMOUR, the Chicago beef king, re-
sorts to the Wellerian expedient of an
alibi when called to answer before a
congressional investigating committee,
but notwithstanding this non est invent-
us sort of tactics, the consumers of beef
who have to submit to his monopoly
continue to find him doing business
at the old stand.
—There is so little time remaining
for preparation for the World's Fair
that it is becoming evident that none
but western rustlers can have it ready
for business by the time the great quad-
ricentennial shall arrive. But little honor
will be paid the Great Discoverer in ‘92
ifitis to depend upon the old fogyism
and parsimony of New York.
—The uncertainty as to whether
Rep or McKiNLEY will be the next
Speaker of the House is due to the fact
that the tariff beneficiaries have not yet
determined which will be the more
useful to them in the monopoly legis-
lation that is expected of the next con-
gress. But they will be safe with eith-
er of these servants of monopolistic
—The Englishman who remarked
that the women of America will never
be satisfied until an order of nobility is
established in this country, may not
have been very wrong. No stronger
indication of this disposition could exist
than the favor with which Little Lord
Fauntleroy is regarded by foolish Amer-
ican mammas who fondly see in their
curled darlings the counterparts of Mrs.
BURrNETT’s snobbish creation.
is used to liveried servants, turns up a
supercilious nose at Chicago as a place
where “the front d-ors are opened by
housemaids.” But who opened the
front door of the Astor residence when,
not so very many years ago, old Mrs.
Astor helped to sort the mink and
beaver skins upon which the original
and thrifty Jou~ JAcos laid the founda-
“tion of the aristocratic family of which
Wirtiam WALDORF is now one of the
proud scions ?
VOL. 34.
The Example of Brazil.
A disposition is being shown by the
republicans of Europe to strengthen
the movement for the establishment of
a republic in Brazil which so far ap-
pears to have progressed without any
of the disturbances that usually at-
tend such revolutions. The French are
strong in their sympathy, a motion
having been made in the Chamber of
Deputies for an immediate recognition
of the Brazilian} republic. Anjiappre-
hension seems to prevail among Euro.
pean republican radicals that a mon-
archical reaction may be attempted in
Brazil which would have the encour-
agement, if not the open assistance, of
European monarchical governments,
and hence the necessity for prompt re-
cognition of the new republic by gov-
ernments in Hurope of the popular
type, such as France and Switzerland.
The latter has already instructed its
representative in Brazil to acknowl
edge the provisional republican gov.
ernment as the legitimate successor of
the empire. :
But it is rather to be believed that
instead of European monarchical in-
fluence being able to bring about a
reaction favorable to a restoration of
the empire, the example of the Bra-
zilian republicans is more likely to
inspire a movement against monarchy
in some of the European countries.
There has always been a close sympa-
thy between Portugal and Brazil, both
on account of race connection and old
political association. For years dis-
satisfaction with their government has
prevailed among the Portuguese, and
the same may he said of the Span-
iards upon whom the political ideas
and inspiration of CASTELLAR have tak-
en a strong hold. Both countries of
of the Spanish peninsula are in a con-
dition to be affected by the Brazilian
movement as by a magnetic influence,
and they would be encouraged by the
fact that the Republic of France,
whose stability may now be consider-
ed as assured and whose power is guar-
anieed by one of the strongest armies
in the world, would stand between
them and the interference of European
monarchies. No one would need be
surprised if as a sequence of the Bra-
zilian revolution republican govern-
ments should soon be seen extending
from the Seine to the Tagus.
A Jacksonian Renaissance.
The proposed establishment of a Na-
tional Jackson Club,for the rehabilita-
and principles in political practices
and governmental methods, is a pro-
ject which should have the encourage-
ment and assistance of all citizens who
want to see our government maintain-
ed in the form and spirit in which it
was established by the founders of the
Pessimism may say that it is too
late to do this—that the whole fabric
is so impaired by the corruption of
those in public life, and that even the
popular sentiment is so demoralized
by the bad example of political lead-
ers and by the general substitution of
personal interest for the public welfare,
that it is impossible to restore the pris-
tine tone of our institutions. =o
There is much to fortity the position
of those who take this discouraging
view. It makes itself apparent in
the extent to which money enters our
political contests and the ease with
which it can carry our elections. It
crops out in the subserviency of our
legislatures to the money power and
the corporations, and in the indiffer-
ence with which the people send men
to the legislatures whose sole purpose
in going there is to be corrupted. It
is seen in its worse phase in the al-
most dead certainty with which mil-
lionaires can have themselves sent to
the United States Senate by any State
legislature upon which they may exert
the persuasive influence of their money
The worse feature of this situation is
that the demoralization is im-
plied by it does not make an appreci:
able impression upon the moral senti-
ment of the public. Uuder these cir-
cumstances the pessimist does not pa-
rade his despondent prophecies without
reason, Yet it will not do to despair,
and the National Jackson Club which
has been organized may serve a good
purpose in arousing a paralysed public
sentiment and setting political affairs on
the road to a reformation.
We are pleased to see that our friend
tion and extension of Jacksonian ideas .
Col. A. K. McCrure has been put at
the head of this Jacksonian movement,
he having been elected President of the
Club. Among the prominent mem-
bers of the organization we see the
name of Mr. ANDREW CARNEGIE, which
must be a mistake. 1t isn’t possible
low citizens in order that he may
question Colonel McCLure's Jackson-
ian principles, but as a Jackson man
CARNEGiB is a frand.
Going Behind the Returns.
The Democrats in the Montana Leg-
islature very properly show a deter-
mination to block the scheme of the
Republicans to steal the control of the
Legislature, and thereby two United
States Senators, by the Silver Bow ras-
cality. On Saturday, at the time of
organization, the Democratic Senators
absented themselves and thus prevented
the Senate from being organized. The
Democratic members of the Lower
House organized a body separate from
the Republicans. This movement,
irregular as it may be, is justifiable as
an effort to forestall the greater irregu-
larity which has been attempted to be
practiced with the object of dishonest-
ly forcing two Republicans as the
Montana representatives into the
United States Senate.
The result of this will be that each
party will elect a set of United States
Senators. Mr. Russenn Harrison,
Just in from the scene of the difficulty,
thinks that it can and will be very
easily settled. He is reported as say-
ing: :
The United States Senate, in’passing upon
the validity of the elections of two sets of sen-
ators, will, of course, underthe circumstances,
go behind the returns, and being convinced
that the Republicans at the recent election
elected a majority of the legislature, will geat
the senators the regular legislature will choose:
Of course the Republican Senate
will go behind the returns and will
have no difficulty in finding there any-
| thing that may be required to suit
| their purpose. But it should be re-
| membered that when the monumental
villainy of stealing the Presidency was
| perpetrated some twelve years ago, it
| was effected by the highest Repuclican
tribunal refusing to go behind the re-
turns. It was then declared, and es-
tablished as a precedent, that going be-
hind the returns was a very revolu-
tionary and improper proceeding.
A Striking Contrast.
We have frequently spoken of the
shabby treatment of the colored
voters by the party which has so long
enjoyed the advantage of their united
and undeviating support. Time and
again they have rescued that party
from defeat, and in HARRISON'S case it
may be said that he would have floun-
dered in the tureen of unutterable dis-
asterifthe colored voters hadu’tinter-
cepted his precipitation into the soup.
And yet he is giving them no recogni-
tion of their invaluable service while a
large portion of the white criminals of
Indiana are getting offices as a reward
for having helped to carry that state
for him. Speaking of this ungrateful
treatment, the Zimes- Union of Jack-
sonville, Florida, makes the following
comparison between the policy of the
Cleveland administration and that of
Harrison in the matter of giving of-
fices to colored men:
President Cleveland appointed more colored
men to office than President Harrison has
done, or will do. Of course, President Cleve-
land’s choice was limited toa narrow field,
since he would appoint no colored man who
was not a Democrat. Republican promises
and Democratic performances can be correctly
estimated only on the basis of the colored Re-
publican and the colored Democratic voters,
respectively. Of the 1,200,000 colored voters
in the United States, 1,188,000 are Republicans
and 12,000 Democrats. Now, for every fifty
colored men appointed by Cleveland, Harri-
son, to show an equal regard for the “man and
brother,” must appoint 5000 exactly. But not-
withstanding these restrictions Cleveland ap-
pointed even more than Harrison has appoint-
ed, and his offices are now all filled. More-
over, this estimate, by numbers alone, omits
any consideration of availability. Taking into
account the fact that nine-tenths of the North-
ern colored Republicans are educated, and a
rough caleulation would show that when it
comes to substantial favors Cleveland had one
thousand times more regard for a colored
man than the Republicans have. This is the
testimony of colored men themselves, and the
facts amp'y sustain the conclusion.
This is a fair comparison. It cor-
rectly presents the treatment which
that a man who is willing to impose |
oppressive tariff exactions on his fel- |
make a million a year, is an apostle of |
Old Hickory or a supporter of his prin- |
Nothing could induce us to |
| the colored men received from a Presi-
| dent who politically owed them noth-
ing, in contrast with that which they
| are receiving from one whom they posi-
| . . ah .
tively put in the position he occupies.
A Leading Democratic Journal.
Of distinctively Democratic daily
journals in Pennsylvania the Pittsburg
| Post is clearly in the lead, gaining its
leadership not only by its long occu-
| pancy of the Democratic field, but also
| by its superior ability in enunciating
Democratic doctrines and its extended
influence resulting from its enlarged
circulation. The Post now stands
among the great journals of the coun-
try, the equal of any mn all the points
that go to make a great newspaper.
Its editorials are diguified and forceful,
discussing in excellent style the leading
issues of the day, but giving its best ef:
fort to the maintenance of Democratic
principles. Democracy hasn't any-
where an advocate whose teaching is
making a stronger or better impression
upon the publie mind. In the matter
of news the Post gives the latest dis-
patches and items of general intelh-
gence. Its comprehensivenessandrelia-
bility in this respect are not surpassed.
In the matter of commercial
telligence it is abreast of the most ad-
vanced journalism. But it is in its
political character that it stands pre-
eminent as being the leading daily ad-
vocate of Democratic principles in
that it deserves the liberal support of
the Democrats of the State.
——The death of Hon. Groree H.
PexpLETON, recent United States Min-
ister at Berlin, is announced as having
occurred last Sunday at Brussels where
he was temporarily staying in ill health,
previous to returning home. The imme-
diate cause of his death was apoplexy.
Aik PENDLETON was a man of peculiar-
ly pure life and high character. Such
was the urbanity of his manners that
he was known by the complimentary
name of “Gentleman George.”
was a man of yreat ability, and former-
ly stood high among the leaders of the
Democratic party. As a member of
Congress from Ohio he took rank
among the ablest of the national legis-
lators, He was a candidate for Vice
President on the ticket with General
McCreLraN in 1864, and was appoint-
ed Minister to Germany by President
strumentality that the present civil
service Jaw was passed, a law which
was so faithfully observed by Grover
CLevELAND and the execution of which-
by the present administration is so
complete a sham.
—It is gratifying to learn from the
Philadelphia Record that a gentleman
80 deeply interested in manufacture
as Major I. S. Bent, President and
manager of the great Pennsylvania
Steel Company at Steelton, Pa., enter-
tains ideas in regard to raw materials
very similar to those expressed by Presi-
dent CLeverLAND. In an interview he
said that it would be a great advantage
to the steel interest if the manufactur-
ers should be able to get Bessimer ores
free of duty. It is positively neces-
sary to imort them. In the operation
of their enlarged works they will re-
quire a million tons of Mediterranean
and Cuban ores a year upon which
there will be an annual tariff tax of
$750,000. This is entirely unnecessary
for the public revenue which is already
redundant, and it does not protect any
home interest. But, as Major Bent
says, this unnecessary expense “must
either come off the wages of American
workingmen or off the profits of Ameri-
can manufacturers.” It is evident that
the Major has been attending Creve
LANDS tariff reform school.
Indications of a New Departure.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
A. O. Myers, of Cincinnati, who cre-
ated a sensation by resigning a position
in the “Enquirer” office and denounc-
ing the corrupt millionaire element in
the Democratic party of his State, has
added to the sensation by announcing
his intention of sending one or more of
Ohio’s millionaires to the penitentiary.
There is a suspicion that the person or
persons to whom Mr. Myers refers may
be candidates for the United States Sen-
ate and he may do excellent public
service by making haste to execute his
purpose. Indications are thickening
| that boodle will not win the Ohio Sena-
It is in this respect |
- nature, have been imposed upon by the
| who refused. peace on any terms except
| political separation, are about as much
_stantly revert to the past are the Jacob-
It was through his in
| they may learn how hollow and absured
| letter shows how little justice there is in
| rages.
torial contest the year.
NO. 47.
A Leaf From History.
Philadelphia Record.
The story of Abraham Lincoln’s plan
to create a government fund of $400.-
000,000 to indemnify the slaveholders |
for negro emancipation, as told by
Messers. Hay and Nicolay in the Cen-
tury for November, has more than a
historical interest. In a letter to Alex-
ander H. Stephens soon after his election
to the Presidency, Mr. Lincoln asked :
“Do the people of the South really en-
tertain- fears that a Republican adminis-
tration would directly or indirectly in-
terfere with the slaves or their masters
about their slaves 7” Answering his own
question, he said : “If they do, I wish to
assure you as once a friend, and still, I
hope not an enemy, that there is no
cause forsuch fears.”
The conservative opinion thussincere-
ly and frankly expressed by Abraham
Lincoln was entertained by the, great
mass of the Republican party. Even
when civil war arose through the act |
of the slave-holders it was not waged to
free the negroes, but to preserve the
Union. The idea of emancipation;
though cherished by a small element of
the Republican party, was carefully
kept in the background lest it should:
prove a serious obstacle to a vigorous
prosecution of the war. Events, how-
ever, rapidly outran the deductions of
cool policy, and freedom to the slaves,
without eompensation to owners, became
a military as well as a political necessity
of the situation.
But now the latter-day Republicans
are making a claim of gratitude upon
the negroes for a political event which
was not in the programme of their pre-
decessors. The collision of arms precipi-
tated that. which Abraham Lincoln and
the great body of his supporters solemn-
ly protested they did not desire. In this
great Republican eity of Philadelphia
an omnibus would have held all
the Republicans whose views were
in advance of Abraham Lincon’s on
this subjeet. Yet the latter-day Repub-
licans practically demand that the. ne-
groes shall have no opinions on current
questions of policy, but are bound to
their party by ties of gratitude for an
event which oceurred more than a
quarter of a century ago. The negroes,
who are: emotional and grateful by
incessant dinning of this party claim in
their ears. Abraham Lincoln’s honest
such a pretension. The Confederates,
entitled to the gratitude of the blacks
for the uncontrollable events which
culminated in their emancipation as are
the Republicans, who made war with-
out seeking or-desiring emancipation.
Even if this claim to the gratitude of
colored voters be not founded upon a
historical misconception, itis none the less
pernicious and demoralizing in its effect
upon political development. Political
ingratitude is the independence of the
citizen. Party traditions, names and
associations, however venerable, weigh
nothing against the duty of the living
present. Those people whose eyes con-
ites and Bourbons of American politics.
‘When the negroes shall know better
is the party claim to their grateful suff-
How the Farmers are Organizing.
Mr. William A. Peffer, editor of the
Kansas Farmer, has made a study of
the extent to which the furmers are or-
ganized and other such bodies. He has
brought together the statistics of the
membership of each of these organiza-
tions, and has colletced facts bearing on
their methods and purposes, which show
that the agriculturists are in a much
more complete state of organization
than they have ever been before, for the
present associations far out-number the
membership of the old grange ; and their
growth shows a greater spontaneity and
clearer purpose than was shown by the
grange. Of the 4,500,000 farmers in the
United States, at least 1,000,000 are now
organized; and a movement is on foot
to consolidate all existing organizations
and extend them, whereby the organizers
expect in a brief period to include in
this conolidated association not less than
4,000,000 farmers.
Some of these associations have orig-
inated in the southwest, some in other
parts of the south and some in the west.
Their general purpose is so to express
the importance of the argricultural in-
terest as to cause other interests to pay
greater heed to the farmer. The com-
plaint of 211 these organizations is, in
substance, that the middlemen and the
money lenders have in one way or an-
other, great advantage over the fermer,
which advantage has been used to his
impoverishment. All these organiza-
ions are secret, and although in a purely
local sense none of them are political, in
a larger sense they all have a political
significance, in as much as they all look
forward to an opportunity for the far-
mers’ vote to change legislation which
they conceive to be particularly adverse
to the agricultural interests.
One of the most significant facts which
is shown indirectly by Mr. Peffer’s
study, is that there is a universal feeling
among farmers that our industrial or-
ganization somehow does them great
injustice. For the publication of his
full statement of these facts, Mr. Pefter
selected the Forum, and his article ap-
pears in the December number.
A ————
——Senator George Handy Smith
and Jas. L. Brown, esq., of Philadel-
Spawls from the Keystone,
t —Charles Lukens, of Norristown, has lost
five horses by death in three months,
—The three children of a Jeanett family
died of diphtheria in as many hours.
—Two hearts and two livers were taken from
a chicken kill=d near Lock Haven recently.
—Clinton county will borrow $16,000 to re-
pair the bridges damaged by the recent floods.
—The services ot a diver have been required
{ ina flooded Scranton mine to open the drain-
| pipes.
—Typhoid fever and diphtheria are now the
leading complaints in many parts of Lehigh
—The Pottstown School Board has adopted
the savings bank system in connection with
the schools.
—There are no empty houses in Witliamsport
though several hundred new ones were erect-
ed this year.
—The watch dogs owned by W. E. Lesher,
| of Pottstown, were chloroformed by thieves,
who robbed the store.
—L. A. Strock & Co.’s ax handle factory was
burned Monday morning at Hellertown in-
volving a loss of $2000,
—Colonel H. H. Fisher, who was on ex-
Governor Hoy’s staff, died at Allentown of
congestion of the brain and lungs.
—Anna Cory, formerly of Sharpsburg, has
discovered, after moving to Yorktown,
that she is the vielim of 2 mock marriage.
—A street car jumped the track at Allentown
a few days ago while crossing a bridge, and
narrowly escaped being thrown into the river.
—A erowd of drunken gunners recently
drove through Fort Washington shooting vol-
leys of shot into/the dwellings and school hous-
—A eompetitive drill took place at Meadville
recently between a squad of girls and another
of the Knights of Temperance, and the girls
—Jacob Moyer, aged 94 years, a prominent-
farmer of Upper Bern township, Berks county
died on Wednesday night from the effects of
a fall.
—Irwin A. Stetler, merchant at Frederick,
Montgomery county, during the fall has ship-
ped 1020 barrels of shellbarks to eastern
—Comrade Love, of Pittsburg, formerly of
the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, claims that
he was really the man that captured Jefferson
—V. N. Young, of Elk Lake, Susquehanna
county, has issued a letter defying the White
Caps that have tried to manage his domestic
—Bartholomew,the Dilliard murderer in Eas-
ton jail, protests "his innocence, and says he
does not desire life imprisonmentas a commu-
—Two hundred bridge builders have been
sent from Reading to points along the Susque-
hanna River to repair the damage done by the
recent flood.
—A14-months-old son of Joseph David, of
Allentown, died on Wednesday from scalds
recaived by pulling a hot dish of oyster soup *
over himself.
—Colonel Fencate, of Phwmnixville, was
thrown from a train a few nights ago, and he
thinks his high hat saved him from having a.
crushed skull.
—The sheriff of Warren county visited an
Oil City theatre with a prisoner shackled to
him a few nights ago. They were on their way
to the penitentiary.
—Claiming to be the agent of the Lancaster
Law and Order Society, a Turkey Hill resident
is trying to prevent farmers from washing
their carriages on Sunday.
—William Stern, of Clan township, Chester
county, drove into a quicksand at midnight a.
few. nights ago and his horse was almost cov-
ered before he could be rescued.
—Adolph Glueck, a German pedd:er, blew
out the gas in his room at the Washington
House, Bethlehem, en Monday night, and. it
took several physicians to revive him.
—The Pennsylvania Company has issued a
circular to ticket agents giving the names of
326 persons who used their mileage books. im-
properly or sold them to other people.
—Patrick Durnans, 60 years old,night watch-
man at the Barbour Thread Mill,Allentown,was.
found dead of heart disease, sittihg in a, chair,
when the mill was opened on Saturday morn.
—An expectant rural citizen appeared in
Chambersburg with a border raid certificate
for $300, which he understood would be cashed
by the Raid Commission, which was in session
—Charles Happenstein, of Waynesburg, was
cow-hided a few days ago by D. B Adams, who
overheard him make some disparaging re-
marks of Mrs. Adams, and the local paper
indorses Mr. Adams’ action.
-=The new republican Superintendent of the
Mint at Philadelphia, is bouncing Democrats
with a frequency and vigor which shows that
he is an unusually firm beleiver in the theory
that “to the victor belongs the spoils.”
—A man was killed on a railroad at McKees-
port and the body was buried as that of Henry
Miller, of Johnstown. After the: funeral, how-
ever, Miller startled the town by appearing in
the flesh. The deceased man is stiliunknown.
—Adam Graemm, 68 years old, who was re-
cently discharged from the employ of the
Lauer Brewing Company, at Reading, hanged:
himself to a peach tree in a yard adjoining the
residence of the President of the brewing com-~
—The pay train on the north and west
branches of the Pennsylvania Railroad made
fast time on its last trip. The first mile was
done in fifty-five seconds, and a run of over
ten miles was made in tenminutes and forty-
five seconds.
—William Ging and John Koch, workmen
ina steel mill at Bethlehem, were Friday
night engaged in examining a coal-oil furnace
when sparks from a lamp fell into the oil tank
and caused an explosion, by whieh Ging had a
leghbroken and both men were badly burned
about the body.
—An unknown scissor-grinder at Sinking
Spring dropped dead just as he was about to
pay for a drink at a hotel. He had already
disposed of the liquor, and the hotelikeeper
whnted to hold hls grinding machine to secure
payment for it.
—Frank Bowman,of Delano,Luzerne county,
while out gunning was resting with his arm
thrown over the muzzle of his gun, when his
dog came up, and, striking the trigger with his’
tail explédded the weapon, tearing the muscles
of the right arm of Bowman
—The arson case against Lewis Reid-
enbach, who was for several years a fugitive
from justice, was disposed of in the Court of
Lancaster last week by a verdict of not guilty,
phia, were guests at the Bush House on
and he will be taken to Peoria, Ill, where he
is wanted for highway robbery.