TT I RR CARE Themoeeatic atc Friday Morning, November 22, 1889. == —— To CORRESPONDENTS. — NO communications pnhiished unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. Mr. M. H. Guisr, of Penn Hall, is the duly authorized agent of the Warcnmax for Gregg township. be AMS 2 Sep THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY- —— After spending nine years in mis- sionary work in India Rev. Schneur and wife have returned to their old home at Beech Creek. Wm. Luse, of near Farmers’ Mills, this season raised about 400 bush- els of turnips in his corn field in addi- tion to a good crop of corn. As is the custom of the firemen of this place they will haye a ball on Thankseiving evening and the Undine Hose Company will give it. ———The Daily says: “The healthful eondition of Luck Haven was no worse en Saturday.” Come, come, little meichbor! What sort of syntax is his? we—T'he Sugar Valley Journal reports a cabbage head raised in that valley as weighing, when trimmed, 44} pounds. It appears then that there can be cases of bighead outside of the White House. ——Miss Susan Dayton, a young lady of Wilhamsport, who has many ac- quaintances in Bellefonto, was married Thursday evening of last week to Wn. M. Stephens, esq., a young Williams- port lawyer. The Centre Hall Reporter says that Mr. J. C. Dale, of that place, has had $12 illegal fees paid back to him by She-iff Cooke. Ttis to be hoped that this is the beginning of restitution of of- ficial bordle by that functionary. ——Our friend, James P. Coburn, esq., spends a good deal of his time look- ing after the Miners’ hospital that is be- ing built at Philipsburg. There is no doubt that he is more successful in this than he was in looking for that big Re- publican majority in Centre county. Mann’s axe factory at Mill Hall is now running to its full capacity. They commenced the manufacture of axes in Mill Hall in 1847, and the plant has been extended from year to year until it has reached its present cap- acity. The pay roll of the concern aver- ages $1,500 a week the year through. ——The Ladies Relief Corp No. 96 of Stormstown, will give a Thanksgiv- ing supper on the evening of Nov. 28, at which all the good things to be had in the county will be furnished. The supper will be spread in the Hall of the G. A. R. and the public generally is in- vited. Only 25 cts will be charged. —— District Attorney Meyer, and his assistant counsel, J. L. Spangler, of Bellefonte, were in town the past couple days taking testimony in the case of thea Commonwealth vs. W. S. Hop- Kins, which, it is expected, will be call- ed up for trial on Wednesday, Novem _ ber 27th.— Philipsburg Journal of the 14th. The remains of Mr. Frank Bar- tholomew, whose unfortunate death at J. C. Dale’s lumber job we mentioned last week, were taken to Hublersburg for interment last Weduesday, that place having been his home previous to moving to Centre Hall some three years ago, the funeral services being conduct- ed by Rev. Wright of Milesburg. ——There has beena good deal said in the newspapers this fall about great feats in corn husking, but considering the age of Harrison Long, of Howard, who is 74, he took them all down when he husked 1a8t week 100 bushels in nine hours on a farm of Mr. Isaac Frain in Nittany valley. It would have been a big thing for a much younger man. James Walker, of Cuto, this county, last week killed the boss coon of this season, it having weighed fifty pounds and from it four quarts of grease were extracted. If this coon had been a tariff’ beneficiary during the last Presi- dential campaign wouldn't it have been a splendid subject for Quay and Wana- maker to fry the faut out of ? ——A deer hunting party that went out from Lock Haven recently re- turned with a less number of dogs than they had when they went to the woods, several of their deer running dogs hav- ing been poisoned. The poison was placed on pieces of fat meat which were scattered through the woods where the dogs would be likely to get it. The poi- soned dogs were valued highly by their owners. Shamokin seems to be favorably impressed with Rev. Charles Steck who recently located there as pastor of the Luathern church. The Dispatch says of him: “Kind, genial, pleasant, bright and sharp as steel he makes a favorable impression where ever known. Rev. Steck is possessed of considerable dramatic ability, and he talks with a fervor that carries his hearers with him. He is not new ir the coal regions, hav- ing lived in Schuylkill county some years ago, where Lis brother Daniel also preached.” he is UR TR iH x: DeaTH oF REV. ALEM BRITTAIN. — | An improvement in the sani- | i Couxcin PrOCEEDINGS.—At the Our Methodist brethren have to mourn | tary condition of Lock Haven should | meeting of the Borough councilon Mon- the loss of one of theiroldest and most | now be looked for as a Board of Health | day evening considerable business was highly esteemed pastors in the death of | the venerable Alem Brittain who in his charges in this section of the state and to the oldest long pastoral career has filled many | | | | ! who was so well known members Centre and neighboring counties, He died on Saturday, November 9th, at his home in Bloomsburg where he resided after he retired from the active labors of the ministry. Alem Brittain was born in Columbia county, September 17, 1809 and was in his 81st year at the time of his death. He entered the Baltimore conference of the Methodist Episcopal church in 1830. | His first field of labor was Philipsburg circuit, embracing portions of Centre, Clearfield, Indiana and Elk counties. In a semi-centennial sermon which he preached before the Central Pennsylva- nia conference at its session in Altoona in 1880, he thus describes this field: «Tt is now nearly three hundred miles in extent, which I traveled oncein three weeks, preaching from seventeen to twenty times; finding my way some- times by deer and elk paths frecm one settlement to another; swimming my horse through the streams in mid-winter, and not seeing fire for fifteen miles after getting out of the ice and water. You may judge that I needed no cold bath to keep me in good health for the next twenty-four hours. I have had, breth- ren, to come through the wilderness eight miles on foot to pilot me along the deer paths to the place of my des- tination. For this hard work I received just five dollars per month, or at the rate of $60 per year. There are now twelve charges in less than the bounds then occupied, employing as many minis- ters, for whose support they raise an- nually $8,000.” Mr. Brittain was abundant in labors, continuing in the ministiy until a few years ago, when he located on account of age. He was married in 1834 to Miss Jemima P. Goodfellow, of Clear- field, who, with five sonsand one daugh- ter, survives him. His last illness was very brief. He had been in his usual health until Saturday morning, when he complained of intense pain about his chest, and his death on the evening of that day was a great shock to his friends. The funeral services were held in the Bloomsburg Methodist Episcopal church on Wednesday of last week. Brief addresses were delivered by Revs. G. H. Day, F. B. Riddle and E. H. Yocum. A large number of ministers attended. The remains were interred at Berwick. Mr. Brittain was a clear, forcible preacher, in ability far above the aver- age of his day. Ile possessed a ready command of larguage and was always happy in his selection of such words as would always most clearly convey the idea to be presented, His life was a busy and useful one and he died with the consciousness that his labors had been entirely successful. A REMINDER oF JUNE 1.—It rained al- most incessantly during the night and the forenoon of to-day but ceased for a time about 2 o’clock p. m., giving some hopes of a clear-up. Some alarm was manifested by a number of panic-strick- en persons who were sure we were going to have another big flood. The rain poured down as if it had just made up its mind to drown all creation, and the prospect was anything but cheerful. The Baid Eagle creek has overflown its banks and there is about a four foot flood in the river here. At Clearfield (at 2 o'clock p. m.) there is a three foot flood and the rain has turned to a drizzle. The river here has raised thirteen inches in three hours.—Lock Haven Democrat of Tuesday. Depury CoNsTABLES.—Under an act which became a law on the 9th of May, 1889, courts in the several coun- ties in this State may, upon the peti- tion of not less than 25 taxpayers, ap- point such a namber of Deputy Consta- bles as in their judgment the case may warrant. The Constables may exercise all the powers of policemen in cities in the several townships where they are ap- pointed, and the keepers of jails and lockups are required to receive all per- sons arrested by these officers. When on duty these officers shall wear badges with the townships name on them. The courts shall award them such coin- pensation as they may deem fitting, and discharge them when their services are no longer necessary. ScouNDREL AT Larae.—The Wil- liamsport morning paper states that on Friday last a scoundrel persuaded a peor, weak-minded girl in Jersey Shore to go down to the city with him. At the Eagle Hotel the fellow represented that they were husband and wife, and registered as follows: “Andrew War- ner, and wife, Jersey Shore.” The name, no doubt, is a fictitious one, but it is hoped that it will not save him from the punishment he so rich- ly merits. —Mr. Wm. L. Malin, telephone superintendent of this place, returned from a recent huntin York county with a string of fifty-four quails and three pheasants. of the Methodist church in | has been appointed to assist in rid ding | the place of prevailing diseases. — There will be union services he'd in the Retormed church at Boalsburg on ' Thanksgiving morning at 10 o'clock | Rev. Trostle of the Luthern church will | preach the sermon. A general invitation is extended to all to be present at this service. Hopkins appears to be the great ! object of attraction at the jail, as it is ! said that since the 30th of September | between twelve and thirteen hundred | persons have visited that institution at- | tracted there no doubt by a curiosity ' to see the double murderer. John Bierly, the Tylersville blacksmith in Sugar Valley, will close the 73d year of his age Nov. 28. He worked regularly at blacksmithing ever since the summer of 1828, and has per- haps shod more horses than any other smith in this part of the state. —— Part of the old stone bridge at Mill Hall was blown up with dynamite the other day by some workmen who were engaged in removing it. One of the large stones thrown up by the force of the explosive landed on the roof of George Bower's house and went through to the ground floor. Fortunately no body was hurt. —— Peter Kuhn, aged 86, Boalsburg’s oldest citizen, never missed an election since he had the freeman’s right of cast- ing a ballot, and therefore he went to the polls on the 5th inst. and voted the full Democratic ticket. No wonder the Democrats won such a glorious victory in the county when old, young and middle aged voters of the party united in routing the enemy. ——An attempt was made last night, says the Tyrone Herald of last Saturday, to burn the Robert Hare Powel works at the Dry Hollow ore mines. The buildings were saturated with coal oil and the fire had gained considerable headway before it was discovered. For- tunately no great damage was done. The parties are known and were to be arrested and taken to jail at Hunt- ingdon. Our little neighbor, the Daily News, intending to speak of the en- couraging manner in which the week of prayer of the Y. M. C. A. began, said it “started out very ominously, in- deed.” There may be good omens and bad omens, but when the word ‘‘omin- ous’ is used it is by the best usage in- variably applied to the latter. What our neighbor probably intended to say was that the week of prayer started out very auspiciously. Farmers should bear in mind that the only dealers in choice re cleaned clover seed and choice Timothy seed in Centre County, are Messrs. McCalmont & Co., of Bellefonte, who have recently received a large consignment especially selected for their customers. Don’t fail to examine the Clover and Timothy seed offered for sale by McCalmont & Co., before purchasing. Farmer's coming to Court next week can take advantage of the opportunity. ———Mr. Philip Snook, an old resident of Gregg townsuip, died very suddenly at his home on Saturday, 9th inst., heart disease being the cause of his sud- den taking off. He was well and fav- orable known in the eastern part of Penn’s Valley and during his active life had been a farmer, but a few years ago retired to Spring Mills. He left a wife and six sous to mourn his sudden departure. llaving been a consistent member of the Lutheran churh he lived and died a Christian. The Demo- cratic party never had «more faithful supporter. At the last election he and his six sons contributed their votes to swell the great Democratic victory in this county. He was buried in the Heckman cemetery, Rev. Fisher per- forming the services: His age was 65 years, 4 months and 28 days. The Lock Haven Deniocrat pro- tests against whatit calls the sensation- al reports about the great prevalat.ce of In its issue of the 16th it said : “Nothwithstanding the fact that there are ness in the city, the death raté for the sickness in that place. many cases of siek- past two weeks has been very smuil, on- ly five persons, we think, two only dy- cases reported are typhoid or scarlet fe- ver. On the contrary there are compara- tively of There are soine, but chills and fever, remittent dis- enses not nearly sodangerous as ty phoid few cuses these diseases, fever, continued fever, thus fur they have not proved futal nature. rainy of a lt is supposed that the warm, weather, covered up deposits left by the flood to the surface again, is what has caused the sickness, but with another thorough liming and. disinfection of the streets, alleys, celinrs and premises generally, land the coming off cold wenther, which is probably now upon us, we lok for a { very speedy and permanent improve- f ment in the condition here, ing of typhoid fever. It must not be | supposed for a moment that ail the and searlet, ave the prevailing ones, and | drawing the ! enterprise, especially a she has secured | the services of that true blue Democrat, | Ilarry Iberhart, to act as her chief clerk | | her kitchen and seriously bruised her i arm and shoulder, inflicting an injury | done in hearing complaints and settle- ling disputed questions. The Sureet | committee reported considerable work | done on the streets; Abe Baum com- | plained of the bad condition of Pike al- | ley, and complaint was made that Charles | McCafferty had built two fences across the western end of Harris street thereby impeding travel and traffic on that thor- oughfare. A request was made by resi- dents on Quaker Hill for an electric light at the eastern end of Spring street Complaint was made that the fence on the Logan street front of she Catholic property was two or three feet too far out on the street. | ported as existing in the alley by Lyons’ store, occasioned by waste water and filth from Garmans’s hotel being allow. ed to run down there, Everything was reported as being first class in th water department. Mr. Shoemaker requested to have the grade of Smith street su that he could put down a pavement. There being enough money reported in the | A nuisance was re- and clubs for the policemen, it was or- dered they be furnished. In the case of the McCafferty obstruction on Harris street property und the street, commissioner was directed to remove the fence. The case of Andrew Harter was considered. About a year ago Mr. Harter in driving around the corner by Reynolds’ bank broken box placed there to protect a shut off in the waterpipe. Mr. Harter claim- ed $50 damage and threatened to biing suit for the amount, but through the borough solicitor, Mr. Dale, a compro- mise was made for $20. Council in- structed the payment of that amount. Tue Mixers’ Hosprran.—The Phil- ipsburg Journal, describing the miners’ hospital which is approaching comple- tion at that place, says: The centre of the building is of brick and the wings on either side are of wood construction, making the erection a very picturesque biock and stands out in bold relief. It, however, is very de- ceptive with respect to its size. From its appearance in front one is impressed with the idea that it is a very capacious erection, but on entering the mind is immediately disabused of that, for stand- ing in the vestibule the whole is taken mn almost at a glance. On the ground floor the wings consist of two wards for patients, one side for males and the other for females, well lighted and airy and perfect ventilation; in the centre part of the building, in the front, are the dissecting and surgical rooms, on the opposite side of the passage is the dining room, larder and kitchen, the latter being fitted with all the newest cooking apparatus. The upper part of the centre has a suite of small rooms for ‘he resident surgeon. The building will be warmed by steam the boiler oc- cupying a portion of the capacious cel- lar. The ground surrounding the hos- pital will be rendered a pleasant pro- menade for the convalescent, the south- ern view having a pretty aspect during the summer season especially. A morgue is to be erected in the rear of the hospital. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT IN CLINTON County.—The Lock Have Express says that on Friday afterncor while threshing grain on the farm of Adam Myers, Dunstable township, a young man named John Blush met with a ter- rible accident which will maim him for life. Blush was feeding the sheaves of grain into the thresher when his hand was caught by the swiftly revolving spiked cylinder, and his arm drawn into the machine. The hand and arm were wangled dreadfully. Dr. Shoemaker.of Lock Haven, was sent for and amputated the arm near the elbow. RESCUED FROM DROWNING. —Yester- day afternoon while Charley Nelson was hunting in the vicinity of Steiner's dam, he heard wild screams com- ing from the neighborhood of the stream. Hastily dropping his gun, he van with all speed toward the water, and upon approaching it, was horrified to seen young boy being rapidly carried down the current. Without a ment’s hesitation Charlie plunged into the water and rescued the drowning boy, who proved to be a son of Mr. William of Chester Hill.— Philipsbury Journal of Friday. mo- King, CHANGE OF STORE OWNERSHIP.— We observe that Mrs Dr. Dorworth has purchased the grocery store recently car- { ried on by that popular gorceryman, H. ¢. Baney, in the Benner building, south west corner of High and Allegheny freshest goods in the grocery line, and we are sure that she will render satisfac- tion to her enstomers and do well in her and superintend the business. ——Col. Mullen, of Bellefonte, was in Philipsburg some duys ago subpoena ing witnesses in the Hopkins murder cuse, | er ministers hands of the Burgess to get caps, belts | Sh i are cordially invited to attend. ——A cow belonging to George Se- erist in Sugar Valley lost ber life recent- 1v under peculiar circumstances. She bored herseif head eels into tue straw stuck in the barn-yard, where she aver stuck fast and smothered to death. — Willian M. Joseph Poorman, Poorman, son of was Killed Tuesday morning by day express just below the Ball Earle brid re in Wayne township, Clinton county. He was a trackman and worked nnder Foreman John Welsh. Last Saturday night in a fight a none Hungarians at the Nichbank ore diggings, one of the Huns was hit in the head with a pick and sustained a serious wound which, however, did not kill bim. He will no doubt be ready for another ficht. soon ——The new house of worship erect- ed by the Disciptes of Christ at Mt. Ea- gle, this county, will be dedicated to the service of Almighty God, on Sunday Dec 1st, 1889, at 10 o’clcck a. m. The dedication sermon will be prea ‘hed by Rev. Shepherd of Scranton, Pa. Oth- will be in attendance. All Samnl Brickley, of —Mr. one { Curtin township most prominent citi- the solicitor decided that land once given | away as that had been became public zens, died on Saturday and was buried on Tuesday. Itsounds like an incident of the June flood to learn that Rev. had a horse injured by stepping into a | streets, where will be kept the best and | Jackson, and others of Lock Haven, who had intended to attend the funer- al, rere prevented on Tuesday from being in attendance hich water in Marsh creek which they could not ford. They went as far as Howard but found they could get no farther. on The Daily News put up for a week the foolish offer of a hundred dol- lars for the proof that any Demo. erat voted the prohibition ticket at the late election, and then indulged in the equally foolish claim that the proof re- quired to take the reward could not be produced. The fact is that nobody be- lieved that the party trying to play this game of bluft bad a hundred dol- lars and hence no attention was paid to what was evidently nothing but the cheapest kind of elap-trap. : ——The Bellefonte acquaintances of John M. Ward, the famous base ball expert and world renowned short-stop, whose wife was Miss Helen. Dauvray, the actress, will take interest in the fol- lowing pleasant little incident in a re- cent number of the New York Star: “I met Mrs Helen Dauvray-Ward the other day gazing into a shop window filled with lovely brocades. ‘Alas!’ she sighed. “How I would like to or- der ever s0 many yards of these beauti- ful fabrics. Why don’t I? Ah, well, she went on, ‘I have no place to wear them now. Mr. Ward positively will not let me act. Bach season I think I can cajole him into letting me have my, way about it, but it’s no use. Of course i miss it. I love the stage; it’s my normal condition to act, and —well, I’m heartbroken about it.” As she said this with a twinkle of her bright eyes and a smile, she did not look very heart- broken. Mr. Ward must be an unus- ually devoted husband to induce her to change her purpose.” Coxprrion oF SEELY Horkins.—The chief interest of the Court next week will centre in the trial of W. S. Hop- kins, who, unless something unforeseen should intervene, will then be called to answer for the crime of having murder- ed his wife and mother-in-law, the cir- cumstances of which have already been fully published. When first inca cera- ted his condition was such, on account of self-inflicted injuries, that it was thought he might not be in condition for trial at the next court. There was almost an entire paralysis of his left side, rendering him helpless, and the in- jury to his head, it was thought, mizht mentally incapacitate him for trial. Since than he has undergone great physical improvement, regaining the use of his left arm and leg to a great ectent, and without any trace of his mind being affected by the bullet wounds in the head. Ils attendants report him as being in good condition — in fact getting quite fat, his appetite being extremely good. The only time he needs the Doctor's attendance is when he overeats himself and requires something to work it off. Conscience doesn't appear to have token the keen edge off his appetite. He is reported to to be in excellent spirits, with a decid- ed inclination to amuse nimself with card playing, which employs much of bis time. Swearing comes quite handy to him. Altogether he does not seem to regard his situation as a perilous one, professing to believe that he was justi- fied in the act he committed and that he will be so held by the Jury that is going to try him. ———TJ.ast Sunday evening the vener- able Mrs. Morrison, on Spring street, tripped in the loose edge of a carpet in which required the attention of the Doctor. The old lady has been laid up ever since, but is gradually recovering from the burt. account of | Last Monday morning the fur- nace of the ‘Centre Iron Company, at this place, which had been idle for some weeks undergoing repairs, resumed ope- rations, having been put in condition which is likely to insure its successful running for a long time. While it was out of blast a large stock of the raw materials was secured for its future ope- rations. The rolling mill connected with it is working to its full capacity. ——We have received California pa- pers from Hon. Leonard Rhone, which show what a splendid reception the National Grange is meeting with in the Golden State. On the 12th instant, a banquet was given the visiting grangers in San Francisco. Mrs. Catherine Dillon, one of Bellefonte old citizens, died at her res- idence on Logan street last Wednes- day morning =t the age of 66 years. Funeral services in the Catholic church this (Friday) morning at 10,0’clock. ——Rev. Dr. McGlynn didn’t make his appearance in Bellefonte to de- liver the lecture as it was announced he would, and many persons who would like to have heard him were dis- appointed. —We have been furnished with four large pages of newspaper clippings com- mendatory of the excellence of the con- cert to be given by the Irish National Concert Co., which appears in the Court House! next Tuesday evening. Judg- ing from these, we know that those who attend will be delighted with the music. This company has been in this country only since the first of October, but in that time has won such a reputa- tion that crowded houses greet them ev- ry place they appear. The W. C.T. U. has scored a big point in securing them for Bellefonte, and we expected to see the Court House crowded to its utmost capacity. ——Now is the time to leave your order for a Suit and Overcoat. Prices to suit the times. Perect satisfaction in everything fully guaranteed. MoxtcomErY & Co. Tailors. ——Hon. B. K. Bruce, Ex-Senator of Miss., and Ex-Register of the U. S. Treasury, took breakfast at the Bush House Thursday morning. ——Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, and all fruits in season at Sechler & Co.’s. ——The Bellefonte correspondent of the Pittsburg Times says. “Mr. Chas. T. GATES, the brainiest young newspaper man in central Pennsylvania, has taken editorial charge of the Daily News.” We violate no confidence, when westate that Mr Chas. T. Gates himself, is the local correspondent of the Pittsbnrg con- temporary, and the identical individual who furnished the item quoted. — Fine cheese, Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef, and Canned Meats at Sechler & Co.’s ——Joseph D. Thomas, well known to the people of Bellefonte, died on Thursday morning at the home of his father, Jacob V. Thomas, in this place, at the age of 48 years. He will be buried in Greenwood cememtery, New York, and his friends will leave here with his remains this (Friday) after- noon at 5.20. — Read the supplement in to-day’s paper and then go to Lyon’s and secure your goods at reduction. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co: The following are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes to press : White wheat, per bushel.. eres 5 Read wheat, per bushel. 80 Rye, per bushel.......... 45 Corn, ears, per bushel. 20 Corn, shelled, per bushel.. 40 Oats—new, per bushel 25 Barley, per bushel. 45 Buckwheat per bu 50 Cloverseed, per bushel o $6 00 Ground Plaster, per ton.. caseesees: 1900 Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes per bushel .... 50 Eggs, per dozen... 25 Lard, per pound. ’ 8 CountryShoulders. 8 Sides... ea XC Hams. 14 Callow, per pound.. 3Y Butter, per pound.. 25 Onions, per bushel 65 Turnips, per bushel. 2 The Democratic Watciuman. Published every Friday morning, in Belle- fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the *; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons adver- Hsing by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol OWS all SPACE OCCUPIED. [3m | 6m | 1y One inch (12 lines this type $5188 ($12 Two inches..... ij10] 18 Three inches.. {10 | 15 | 20 Qapzee Oot 4 [12120] 30 Half Column ( 9 inches 20 | 35 | bb One Column (19 inches). .| 35 | 55 | 10¢ Advertisements in special per cent, additional. Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cts. Each additional insertion, per line. . 5 eta. Local notices, per line... Business notices, per lin Job Printing of every I ith neat- ness and dispatch. The Warcnman office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and evervthing in the printing line can be executed in the most artistic mannerand at the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor. column, 25 —On rainy days West Chester is throngéd with intoxicated persons. J — erm — AL —