To CorresPoNDENTS. — NO communications gublished unless accompanied by the real mame of the writer. Mr. M. H. Guise, of Penn Hall, is the duly authorized agent of the Warcnman for Gregg swnship. THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY- ——The Centre Baptist Association was in convention at Bellwood this week. ——Jared Snook, of Penn township, Jost a good horse in consequence of a kick it had received, requiring it to be shot. ——Warriorsmark lost one of its old #ime citizens last week in the death of Hr Samuel Wilson at the age of 77 years. ——Rev. C. B. Cross, the Baptist min- ster recently moved to this place, oc- supies the house of Mr. A. J. Cruse on East Lamb street. ——Of recent marriages in Philipsburg was that of Mr. George Bollinger and Miss Julia Munson, by Rev. S. A. Cor- aelius, on the 6th inst. of Mrs. Mary Stover died some days ago near Hartleton, Union county, at the age of 75 years. Her remains were brought to Wolt's church, in Haines township, this county, for bur- inl ———The Lancaster New Era says that the largest crop of corn over grown in that county is reported this year. En- tire fields yielding at the rate of 90 bush- wis per acre exceed Centre county’s best effort. ~——The County Commissioners offer areward of three hundred dollars for the arrest of the burglars who shot Wm. IL. Lee, the merchant at Altoona whose store they attempted to rob one night last week. Prof. Loisette’t Memory System is creating greater interest then ever in all parts of tue country, and persons wishing to improve the memory should send for his prospectus free,as advertised in another column. Anotherof cur Bellefonte boys, Ar. George Kune, has found employ- ment in Altoona, he having left for that place last Wednesday evening. There seems to be some strong attraction draw- ing in that direction. ——Speaking of improvements in Bellefonte, the Lock Haven Democrat remarks: The Bellefonte Lutheran eopgregation 1s building a new church om the corner of Allegheny and Linn streets. To offset this an Opera House bas been fitted up in the Bush Arcade. ——The marriage ceremonies at the wedding of Mr. Walter 'W. Bayard, of Bellefonte, and Miss Laura Strohm, of Pentre ILill, last week, were performed by Rev. Dr. Laurie, at the home of the bride’s parents, there being about two hundred guests present to witness the happy union. ——A theatrical company performed in the Bush Arcade last Friday and Saturday evenings, theirs being the first performance of the kind in this place sance the burning of Humes’ hall about ayear and a half ago. We don’t know that the town is losing much by the ab- sence of that class of entertainments. ——W. P. Furey, of Lock Haven, expects to move south, having accepted a passenger conductorships on the Philadelphia, New York and Norfolk railroad, with a 95 mile run from Del- mar, Delaware, to Prince Charles, Vir- ginia. Forty-five miles of the road, he says, are as straight as straight can be, and he thinks it the prettiest line he ever saw. ——A correspondent of the Williams- port Gazette and Bulletin asks the edi- tor of that paper the following question: “What per diem did the local flood com- mission charge for their services during the past Summer while engaged in dis- wributing the flood money?’ The amount that was made by other philan- thropists who made themselves conspic- nous in operating for the relief of the flood sufferers will always be an un- solved conundrum. -—2A company of Williamsport capi- talists, with H. C. Parsons, esq., as President, have purchased clay land of xe excellent quality in Wayne town- sip, Clinton county, near the West Branch camp meeting grounds, for the purpose of manufacturing bricks on an extensive scale. The clay is pro- uwounced to be the best known, producing brieks of a beautiful red color. now The operations will start with a capaci- ty of making six to ten million bricks per annum. ~—— On Wednesday evening Nov. 20, Ex-United States Senator B. K. Bruce, af Mississippi, will deliver his lecture on “thie Race Problem,” in the State Col- Jee Chapel. Mr. Bruce is the only eolbred man who ever attained the dis- tinction of being a U. S. Senator, and is said to be am impressive and very popular speaker, It is the first of a series of entertainments that will be Fiven at the College the coming season, under the auspices of the free Lance. | OcroBErR WEATHER.—The month of ; October this year was the coldest for ten | years past, the average temperature for _ | that period being 55.9 degrees. The to- | tal rainfall for the month was 5.61 i inches, and there were fourteen rainy days. The prevailing winds were from the North. There were flurries of snow on the 7th, 14th and 22d, and thunder storms on the 1st and 27th. The wild geese passed southward on the 22d, 23d and 29ti.. Dr. TALMAGE AGAIN AN EDITOR. Beginning with January 1st next, the Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, D. D., will become one of the editors of The Ladies’ Home Journal, of Philadelphia. The famous preacher will have a regular de- partment each month, written by him- self, with the title “Under My Study Lamp.” His first contribution will ap- pear in the January number of the Jonrnal. Dr. Talmage’ salary is said to be one of the largest ever paid for editorial work. CoMMISSTONERS' PAY INCREASED.— Under a law, signed by Governor Bea- ver in May of this year, county com- missioners elected in the future will rte- ceive $4.50 instead of $3.00 per day. This pay is allowed only for the time in which they are actually in the discharge of their duties. It is also provided that the commissioners ‘shall annually sub- mit to the board of county auditors a full itemized account, under oath, of the days and nature of business in which they were employed during the year.” They are also to be allowed traveling expenses. Mrs. Ervizasers FowLer.—Mrs. Elizabetu Fowler, who died in Liberty township, Centre County, Pa., on; the 25th of Oct., 1889, was born at Penn’s Manor, Bucks county, Pa., in 1803. She was the mother of 23 children, of whom 16 reached the age of maturity and of whom John T. Fowler, one of the most prominent and successful busi- ness men of Centre county, is the eldest son by the second husband. Mrs. Fow- ler was a devoted christian; her hand was contantly open to the poor and dis- tressed. The high esteem in which she was held by all who knew her bears testimony that she was a lady in whom there was no guile. The monument of her ancestry is prominently dedicated in the Episcopal church at Bristol, Pa. She was married three times. 1st, to Isaac Kirkendall, of Easton, Pa; 2nd, David Peter Fowler, of Pike county, Pa. 3rd, to James Buckley, of Manchester, England. John Stockman, the father of Mrs. Fowler, came from Bristol, Eng- land, and located in Bucks county, which was at that time a perfect wilder- ness, at the place now known as Bristol, which he named in honor of the city trom which he came. Mis. Fowler’s ancestry came to America in company with Wm. Penn and were personal friends and virtually speaking they were a portion of his household. The stone house which stands between Bristol and Tullytown on the banks of the Delaware, which was erected about 1700 and now used for a residence, is the building in which Mrs. Fowler was born. Fararn AccipeNt at A Loacizg Jos. —We learn from a Hecla Gap corres- pondent the particulars of a fatal acci- dent which happened in that neighbor- hood last Monday morning, it occurring ata job in which Mr. A Graham, Messrs. Tate, Foster and R. Frank Bar- tholomew were engaged, the latter be- ing foreman for J. CO. Dale, jobber for Graham & Co. They were loading logs on a truck. Having put on top of the load a 16 foot log which scaled over 600 feet, Bartholomew and Foster got up to shift it. offithrowing both men to the ground. Mr. Foster escaped with slight bruises, but before Mr. Bartholomew could get out of the way the large log rolled on him, catching him in the abdomen and hold- ing him until Tate and Graham lifted the log sufficient for him to pull himself out. He was immediately put on the truck and taken to the camp where all possi- ble assistance was given him, but his in- ternal injuries were so great that he died at 12.45, a little over two hours after he had been hurt. The deceased was born and raised at or near Hublersburg, this county, and lived there until about three years ago when Le moved to Centre Hall, where his remains were taken on Monday. He was a devoted member of the Presby- terian church for a number of years and while on his dying bed he gave his fellow workmen warning to be ready. Then he made oneof the most ap- propriate prayers any one ever heard, closing as if going to repose right into Master. He leaves a widow with three little girls, the young- estonly years old. the arms of his ——The Daily News says that the week of prayer of the Bellefonte Y. M. C. A. “started out very ominously, in- We hope there are no breakers ahead for that excellent organization. decd.” ——The Lock Haven Democrat says that the walls of many houses in that | city are not yet dry from the effects of the flood of last June. This caused the under log to roll. Geo. Goffe, aged 60 years, died suddenly at his home at Mill Hall last Saturday evening. ——Abel Campbell, Esq, formerly of Snow Shoe, but now at Austin, Potter county, writes that the big mill at that place cut seven and a half million feet of timber last month. It was about as rough on logs us the people of this county were on the Republican party | at the recent election, ——Monday’s Philipsburg Journal says that on Saturday evening at Ky- lertown the house and barn of Mis El- len Groe widow of the late Captain Henry Groe who was killed by the cars near that place several weeks ago, took fire in some mysterious manner and be- fore assistance could be rendered were totally destroyed. The loss will be $5,- 000, on which, it is said, there is no in- surance, the policy having recently ex- pired. The fire is thought to have been the work of an incendiary. The first of the series of enter- tainments to be given the presentseason, under the management of the W. C. T. U. of this place, takes place on Tuesday evening Nov. 26th, in the Court House. It will be a concert given by the “Irish National Concert Company,” one of the best—if not the very best musical organization in the country. Lovers of good music will be delighted with the programme as the ladies have gone to a large expense to secure the best of tal- ent. It is to be hoped that a crowded house will repay their efforts and outlay- ——A Cato correspondent informs us that Mrs. John Confer is suffering from inflammatory rheumatism; that corn huskings are plenty, with good suppers and rafiling matches for turkeys fol- lowing them ; that J. B. Sliker expects putting a large force of men on his prop, log, and shingle job the com’ng winter; that the quality of the coal in the new mines opened at that place is pronounced by the inspectors to be of the very best; that horse back parties are fad out there, and that John Sliker and Harris Poorman have business over at Marsh Creek regularly every two weeks. ——The celebrated Dr. MeGlynn will deliverone of hisinimitable lectures in the Court House in this place next Tuesday evening, the 19th inst., thus af- fording our people an opportunity of listening to the doctrines he is deliver- ing on the important questions of land, taxation, labor, and other socialistic points. “Our Common Schools and their Enemies” is one of his favorite subjects, and he is particularly strong on the question of land naturalization. His “anti-poverty” views, as he eluci- dates them, make him particularly strong as a champion of those who are taking a stand against the encroach- ments of the monopolists and the pluto- crats. One of his finest efforts is on +The/Pclitics of the Lord's Prayer.”’ His | natural eloquence, clear tones, winning smile, and plain, matter-of-fact and di- rect way of stating things, hold his au- dience from the beginning to the end of his lectures. Admission 25 cents. Re- served seats 10 cents extra. More extensive coaldevelopments are to be made at Houtzdale, as we learn that there is a project on foot to organize a company for the purpose of testing the extent and quality of the second vein of coal in that vicinity, the vein underlying the mines from which is now obtained the celebrated Moshannon coal. It is understood that the Houtz heirs, who own the land, have made a proposition to give any person making the invest- ment all the output of the first year, and thereafter to receive 2 cents a ton on all the coal mined from the second vein. It is this proposition that has led to the talk of organizing a company. The cost, it is stated, will be between $15,000 and $20,000. It is also rumored that the Berwind- White coal company would make the test on the terms proposed by the Houtz heirs. Should the test be made and the coal be found of good quality and workable, a long prosperous future for Houtzdale would be assured. ——Our good friend, Mr. John T. Fowler, Esq., of Fowler station, has been having more than his share of the trou- bles of this life during the past few weeks. On the 25th ult., his aged mother was suddenly called to her long home, and on the 23d all that was mortal of a dear and devoted wife. passed quietly away in the city of Philadelpnia, where she was receiving medical treatment. Of the elder Mrs. Fowler an extended notice will be found elsewhere in this number of the WarcHyaN. Mrs. Har- riet Atkison Fowler, wife of Mr. John T. Fowler, suffered greatly for some time before death came to her relief. Her power of endurance was wonderful, she having lived and suffered through six separat: and distinet attacks of paralysis. She was a woman of most indomitable will, charitable and kind, loved and es- teemed by all. Those who were ac- quainted with her know and appre- ciate her many christian acts, and the community in which she resided, and friends with whom she associated, feel and know the sustained great loss they have in her death. Her remains were placed in the cemetery at Tyrone BUILDING IN BELLEFONTE DURING THE PAsT YEAR.-~As is our custom at the end of the building season, we give an account of the houses that have been constructed in Bellefonte during the past year. We regret that they are not as numerous nor as valuable as those that were put up last year, and still further behind those erected two years ago, in number and value. Encouragement for building does not seem to exist to any great degree notwithstanding the prom- ise of the good times that were to follow the election of Harrison and the triumph of the high tariff. There is a marked contrast with the building that was done when honest Grover rulad, although the Democrats made no promises of good times. The bulk of building in the line of dwelling houses is usually done for working people and men in moderate circumstances, and this class-hasn’t had much encouragement to build during the past year. The following is the limited result of this year’s work * Howard * Street—Robert Brannon, a two story frame, Wm. Clark, two story frame, each costing about $1,000 and both built by Isaac Miller; Hugh Tay" lor, an addition to his dwelling at a cost of about $500, by Isaac Miller; Mr. Port, two story frame, about $1200, by Samuel Gault; Thomas Barnhart, two story frame, about $1000, by Wm. Poorman; addition to cemerery build- ing by Daniel Eberhart. Lamb Street—F. C. Richards, two 2 frame houses, worth about $800 each, by Samuel Gault; John Harris, two story frame, about $1000, same builder. Bishop Street—Jesse Cox, two story frame, about $700, by Wm. Poorman ; addition to Charles Smith’s dwelling, by Daniel Eberhart; Wm. Utz, double two story frame, about $1500, by Mich- ael Kerstetter. Logan Street—Henry Lowery, two story frame, about $1000, built by him- selt; Wm. Shull, two story frame, about $1000, built by himself; James Woods, two story frame, about same value, by Hunter & Lowery; Mrs. Mc- Cully, two story frame, about $700, by Hunter & Lowery. Reservoir Hill—Mrs. Martin, two story frame, about $600, by John Pacini. Willow Bank Street—Edwin Cooke, two story frame, about $1200, by Benja- min Bradley; Wm. Parks, two story frame, about $900, by Wm. Steel; H. Sechler, double two story frame, about $1200, by Benjamin Bradley. Half Moon Hill—George Meese, two story frame, about $900, by Benjdmin Bradley ; Jacob Rapp, two story frame, same value,by Hunter & Lowery ; Sam- uel Fisher, two story frame, about $500, by George Sweitzer; R. Shoop, two story frame, same value, by David Bart- ley. East High Street—Harry Baney, two story frame, about -$1200, by Samuel Gault. Beaver Street—Samuel Gault, two 2 story frame houses, about $800 each, built by himself. Spring Street—Dr. Van Tries, addi- tien to his residence, about $1000, by Isaac Miller. Water Street— Wilbur Twitmire, double two story frame, about $1500, by Hunter & Lowery. West High Street—Dr. Hale, a large two story frame building, 200 feet in length, covered with iron imitation of brick, intended for business purposes, built by Isaac Miller. To the above is to be added the work that has been done on the new Lutheran church, corner of Linn and Allegheny streets, the foundation of which has been completed. A HaxpsoME CHURCH.—Among the numerous fine edifices in this section de- signed by Mr. Robert Cole, architect, of this place,is the new Presbyterian church now in course of erection at Mill Hall, of which he is not only the designer, but also the contractor for its construction. It is being built on the Queen Ann style. The main audience room is 40 by 50 feet in size; chapel and Sunday school apartments 24 by 48. The tow- er is 66 feet in height, the first 27 feet from the foundation being of brick and the balance of slate and wood. The windows are all of Gothic style,furnished with stained glass, the windowsin gables being particularly handsome. The scats are arranged in a semi-circle around the pulpit, affording a seating capacity of about 350. The entire floor, consisting of three apartments to be used for audi- ence room, chapel and Sunday schcol, is so arranged that it can be thrown into one, and the choir, containing the or- gan, is so situated that it can be used for service in any of these apartments. Mr. Cole has shown much ingenuity in its construction. The building was started about the first of October and it is expected that there will be preaching in it between Christmas and New Year. ——The other day the people of Sum- merhill were surprised to see a wagon passing through their town from which a man’s feet were protruding. Upon in- vestigation, the body of John Dunmire, a farmer of the neighborhood, was found in the wagon, and the supposition is that he dropped dead. He was about 60 years of age.— Philipsburg Journal. SET ANOTHER ORNAMENT TO LINN | STREET—Among the many handsome residences on Linn Street, this place, which have made that avenue famous for beautiful homes, another one Las! put in an appearance this season fn the large structure which will here after be the home of Mr. F. W. Crider. Mr. Crider’s old residence was a stone building of fair proportions and apper- ance, but he determined to enlarge it, and by the architectural skill of Mr. Robert Cole it has been completely transformed, having been converted into one of the largest and hand- somest structures on the street. The front is 56 feet, the elevation having been increased to three stories, the ad- ded story being a handsome elaboration of steel shingles, slate and terra cotta. A tower arises above the entrance, with open balconies at the first and second stoies,and crowned by a graceful cupola, it affording a light and airy foreground, to the massive stone walls. The side front presents a depth of 74 feet, and there are 86 feet of porch, 8 feet broad on the front and side. Two handsome- ly finished dormer windows project from the third story and an ornate gable on each side elevation. There are also five balconies with attractive ornamentation. The roof is crowned by yellow terra cotta cresting. The style of the building is an approached to the Queen Ann,but with such an eleboration of ornaments that it is difficult for one who is not an architect to discribe it. The first floor, in addition to a hall 32 feet long and 8 broad, will consist ofs;x apartments—parlor 14 by 26; setting room, 18 by 26 ; dining room 16 by 20; a small apartment for a library ; kitchen 16 by 19; and laundry, 12 by 12. A capacious vestibule, 8 by 10 feet in size and handsomely tiled,leads into the hall. A broad stairway leads to the 3d story with quartered oak railing. The ront and vestibule doors will be fitted up with beveled French plate glass. The second floor includes six rooms and a fine bath room, and there are six large rooms on the third floor. Finer apartments can be found in but few private residences. All the windows will be fitted up with the best quality of plate glass and at the end of hall will be a splendid horse shoe window glazed with cathedral glass at an expense of about $10 a square foot. The front and vesti- bule doors will be veneered oak and the entire inside finish willbe of hardwood such as oak, walnut, blackbirch, cherry maple,ash and mahogany,the parlor be- ing fitted upwith the last mentioned wood The building will be heated with steam, supplied with electric light, and, in fact with all the modern improvements. Mr. Crider deserves great credit for his disposition to improve the town ar- chitecturally. The fine bulding he erected on Allegh eany street last year is an ornament and credit to the town ; the reconstructed stone building on High street is one of the handsomest buildings in the place, and the beautiful home that will soon be ready for his occupan- cey on Linn street will be a conspicuous and attractive feature of one of the hand- somest streets in this part of the State. In these improvements he was ably as- sisted by the skill of Mr.Cole. Dearu or Mrs. W. H. Purries.— One Friday morning last, as the town clock in the village of Aaronsburg was striking the hour of three, the spirit of Clara F. Philips passed into the world beyond. Mrs. Philips, until last sum- mer, seemed to be the possessor of per- fect health, and her cheerful disposition and sanguine temperament no doubt for along time prevented any grave ap- prehensions on the part of her imme- diate friends and family. But through the autumn months she began losing flesh very perceptibly, and on the 8th of November her disease, diabetes, proved fatal. Mrs. Philips was the eldest child and daughter of Jp G. Mey- er, of Aaronsburg, and was born about two miles south of Aaronsburg, Dec. 2d 1849. She was a sister of Mrs LL. E. Stover, residing at Aaronsburg, and W. T. Meyerand J.C. Meyer, of Bellefonte, In 1876 she was married to W. H. Phil- ips, a prominent and successful mer- chant in Aaronsburg. One child, a daughter Elsie, was born to them. She and her father ave left to mourn the loss of an affectionate wife and mother. Mrs Philips was remarkable for cheer- fulness and amiability, and the great number who attended her faneral, Sun- day ast, bore willing testimony to the fuct thatshe was not known to have an enemy in the entire community. ——Last Tuesday evening while Dr. Church was driving from this place to Milesburg to visit his patients in that locality, he was met near the red school honse by Al Reiter of this place, who was driving on the wrong side of the road A collision would have been avoided if it had not been for the extreme darkness of the evening, but as it was the Doctor’s buggy was upset and he thrown out against a telegraph post. The shaits and front part of his vehicle were wrecked, but he sustained no personal injuries beyond a few bruises. Reiter's buggy was the worse damaged of the Too much care cannot be exer- | 1 two cised in driving on very dark nights. Ee ——~CoxpitioN oF THE Y. M. C.A.— At a meeting of the Directors of the Y. M. C. A. of this place,held last Tuesday evening, the financial condition of the Association was shown to be better than it had been for years. The treasurer “handed in his estimate showing that it would require assessments of about $900 to carry on the work for the ensuing year and pay off all indebtedness of the gymnasium building. The following committees were appointed for the en- suing year. Devotional —N. S. Bailey» Edward McGinnis, W. F. Speer ; Recep- tion—Edwin Garman, Charles Rowan, John Walker, Edgar Burnside, Frank Bassett, John Harris, Samule Nevling, Charles Rhone ; Membership—F. Potts Green, Cheney Hicklin, Hugh Taylor; Music—A Lukenbach, J. A. Feidler,L. A. Shaffer, J. C. Weaver ; Lecture—D. M. Lieb, W. I. Swoop, Frank Luken- bach ; Library—G. W.Johnsonbaugh, W S. Zellers, Charles Rowan ; Employment —Isaac Mitchell, J. C. Miller, John Olwine; Invitation—Frank Basset, J. Malcolm Laurie, W. E. Gettig ; Cottage and Jail—W. F. Speer, Edward Mec- Ginnis, Cyrus Solt, A. Lucas; Boy's ‘Work—J. F. Harrison, Jr., C. F. Cook, J. K. Barnhart ; Finance—J. W. Gep- hart, Esq.,is continued as chairman of this committee and will select the other members of the committee himself. Women’s Auxiliary—Mrs D. H. Hastings, Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs. ‘W. Zellers, Mrs. D. S. Keller, Mrs. A. Lukenbach, Mrs. Ed. Garman, Mis. J. W. Gephart, Mrs. H. Schroyer, Mrs- G. W. Rees, Miss Olewine, Miss Annie Orvis, Miss Emily Harris, Miss Kate Green, Miss Mary Hayden, Miss Ida Gerberick. ——There is a report that William Marshall,son of Mr. George Marshall,of this place,w ho was engaged in telegraph line work, was badly injured some days ago at Pottsville, resulting in the crush- ing of his skull. His father left on Mon- day to see after his injured son. —— Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, and all fruits in season at Sechler & Co.'s. ——The ladies of the Presbyterian church of this place will hold a church fair during the first week in December. — Fine cheese, Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef, and Canned Meats at Sechler & Co.'s ——The subject of Rev. Dr. Mec- Glynn's lecturegnext Tuesday evening will be Anti Proverty and Land Tenure. ——Applebutter, Jellies, Jams, Honey, Pickles, Olives, Table Oil, and Ketchup at Sechler & Co.’s. Dr. McGlynn is not carrying on an anti-catholic crusade. He avows himself a catholic while he criticises the church authorities. ——All the New Woolens, for the coming season now being received. Liberal Discount for early orders during the dull season. Our Fall stock will be the finest we have ever shown. Prices and « good fit gnaranteed. MoxtéoMERY & Co., Tailors. Died. WALKEY.—Near Hublersburg, Nov. 3, 188, of pneumonia, Mrs., Barbara, wife of Samus! Walk ey, aged 74 years and 16 days. She leaves an aged husband who has been blind for about three years, five sons and one daughter to mourn her loss. A light is from our household gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant round our hearth Which never can be filled. J. PRICE.—On the 9th inst.,, Robert Harrison Price, infant son of Charles and Mary Price, of Bellefonte, Pa. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co: The following are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes to press : White wheat, per ceeeerrrrns 75 Read wheat, per bushel.... 80 Rye, per bushel............. 45 Corn, ears, per bushel... 20 Corn, shelled, per bushel.. 40 Oats—new, per bushel 25 Barley, per bushel...... 4H Buckwheat per bushel..........ccceevisisnnns 50 Cloverseed, per bushel... $4 00 to $6 00 Ground Plaster, per ton...........cevinnunes FY Bellefonte Produce Markets, Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes per bushel ............. 50 Eggs, per dozen.... 25 Lard, per pound. 3 CountryShoulde $ Sides. 1c Hams... 14 Tallow, per pound.. 34 Butter, per pound.. 25 Onions, per bushel 65 Turnips, per bushel.........cooviiiiiiniiininiinn 2 The Democratic Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Belle- fonte, Pa #2 per annum (if paid Strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons adver- tising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol lows : BIPACE OCCUPIED. i i {3m | 6m | ly One inch (12 lines this typ $5 |$ 8 [$12 Two inches... op 14204 15 Three inches.. 8 10 15 | 20 Quarter Column (414 ir 112.| 201 80 Half Colnmn ( 9 inches) 20 | 35 | 55 One Column (19 inches).. 35 | 55 | 100 Advertisements in special cent. additional. Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 ets. Each additional insertion, per line Local notices, per line..........eooeue 2 Business notices, per line................. .10 cts. Job Printing of every kind done with neat- ness and dispatch. The Warcnman office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be executed in the most artistic mannerand at the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor.