Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 25, 1889, Image 8

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    «children and
Beliefonte, Pa., October 25, 1889.
lo CorresroNDENTS, — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
Mr. M. H. Gus, of Penn Hall, is the duly
authorized agent of the Warcusan for Gregg
——Andy- Lytle, of College township,
on Monday last husked 108 bushels of
corn in 6 hours.
—— Murs. and Mr. J. Riden and daugh-
ter Ida, of Pleasant Gap, have just re-
turned irom Lewisburg where they had
a delightful time visiting friends.
——Rev. Mr. McClelland, of Alle-
gheny, may receive a call to fill the
place made vacant in the Philipsburg
Presbyterian church by the resignation
of Rev. S. A. Cornelius.
——-Mrs. Sarah Strohecker, wife of
Mr. Samuel Strohecker, living near Re-
bersburg, last week displayed her skill
with the shot gun by shooting a hawk,
‘two crows and seven Sparrows.
Editor Furey of the Lock Haven
Democrat has been suffering from an
attack of ague. This comes from leav-
iug the pure mountain air of Centre
county and settling in a malarious dis-
trict along the river.
Charles McGirk, son of Dr. Me-
Girk, of Philipsburg, was brought home
on Monday with a broken ankle receiv-
ed while engaged in playing foot ball at
Carlisle college with a team from Swath-
more, Saturday morning last.
——Mr. E. D. Satterfield, well known
in this county, died at West Middlesex,
Pa., last Sunday, at the age of 77 Jyears.
His wife was a Miss Hamilton, sister of
Mrs. S. H. Williams, Mrs. John Noll,
Mrs. Dawson and Mr. A. V. Hamilton,
all residents of this place.
‘While several men were crossing
the stone bridge over Fisher Creek
at Mill Hall one day last week
the structure fell. One man named
Stringfelter was considerably injured.
The bridge was damaged by the flood,
and is now being torn down preparatory
to rebuilding.
——1In the Presbyterian synod of
Pennsylvania, justclosed at Altoona, Dr.
Laurie, of this place, strongly advocated
a division of the synod. On Monday
the proposition was voted down by a
iarge majority. The Doctor, however,
assured the synod that the question
would not remain quiet, but would be
brought up again.
——Cyrus Cronister, a venerable citi-
zen residing at Centre Line, died on the
12th inst., at the age of 81 years. While
postmaster for many years at Centre
Line he carried the mail from Warriors
Mark to his own post office. He was
a staunch Democrat and a consistent
member of the Lutheran church. A
wife, a son, Jacob, and a daughter,
Mrs. Henry Cuff, mourn his death.
——Tke Union County Mutual Live
Stock Insurance company has been call-
ed to give an account of itself. It is
said to be entirely without assets, and
ihe Attorney General has issued an or-
der requiring its officers to show cause
why its business should not be wound
up. Companies of this kind are fre-
quently run on wild cat principles, and
farmers who confide in them often find
their confidence misplaced.
—— Last Saturday a corn husking
machine was operated on the farm of T.
B. Wetzel near Lock Haven and did
satisfactery work. The stalks
were fed through the machine butts first
as fast as one man could handle them.
The stalks were cut and crushed by the
machine and the corn delivered nto a
wagon. A large crowd of farmers and
others were present to witness the test
of the inachine, and the impression left
upon them was that the old slow pro-
cess of husking corn by hand is about
drawing to a close.
R. C.
engaged as brakeman on the Pennsylva-
Richards, of Philipsburg,
mia railroad between Altoona and Pitts-
burg, wus instantly killed by the cars
amear Johnstown on Saturday. Itis re-
ported Le fell off a freight car while the
ain was in motion. He was
much mutilated. His body was brought
to Philipsburg the same evening and
conveyed to his home on Tenth street,
bis wife not having previously learned
of the sad affair. He
32 vears and leaves a wife and three
friends to
was aged about
many warm
mourn his death.
———Charles Bowers, of Julian
mace, aged about seventeen years, work-
ingon Forge Run as a woodsman, died
Thursday evening of last week from in-
juries be had sustain d the day before.
A tree was being cut down and just
about the time it began falling the usual
signal was given to get out of danger,
Young Bowers hastily got out of the
way, but he evidently became bewilder-
ad, as he turned around and ran under
she tree. It struck him on the
producing a severe fracture of the skull,
throwing him into an unconscious state,
in which be remained until death en-
HarrL.—The rema'ns of the late Hon.
John G. Hall were brougt from Liver-
pool where his death
weeks ago, and were buried at Ridge-
way, Elk county, the funeral taking
place last Tuesday. The attendance
was very large, there being a special
train from Wilhamsport and Lock
Haven, and also from Bradf:rd, Mec-
Kean county, carrying persons who at-
tended the funeral.
Among the distinguished persons pre-
sent were Solicitor General Geo. A.
Jenks, of Brookville, and their honors,
Judges Krebs, of Clearfield, Bucher, of
Lewisburg and Mayer, of Lock Haven.
Senators Emery and Lee, who were
in the Senate at the same time Mr. |
Hall was, were likewise present. Among
the noted railway representatives at the
funeral were Superintendent of Main-
tenance of Way, A. C. Hippey, of Wil-
liamsport, Superintendent of Middle |
Division Roberts, of Renovoand Super-, |
intendent Westfall, of the Lewisburg
and Lemont railway.
On Monday a bar meeting was held |
at Ridgway, which was presided over |
by Judge Mayer, and at which the de- |
ceased was eulogised for his high quali-
ties as a lawyer and citizen, The re-
mains were interred in Pine Grove cem- |
etery with the rites of the Episcopal
church. The pall bearers were Messrs.
Dixon and Rathbun, attorneys of Ridg- |!
way; Congressman McCormick, of
Williamsport ; Hon. George A. Jenks, |
of Brookville; Ex-Senator Lee;
Messrs. Green and Johnson, of Cameron
county, and T. C. Hipple, Esq., of Lock
Hon. Wm. A. Wallace, who is now |
in England, wrote to the Philadelphia
Times the following account of Senator
Hall's death.
Hall had left for London on a business trip
connected with his profession and his stay
was to have been brief. He was fairly well
when he sailed, accompanied by his wife and
business associate. i
On the voyage and near its close while sitting
on deck, he had a seizure which the doctors now
think was paralys Dr. Crawford (of May-
brick case), who was called to consult is clear-
ly of opinion that it was brain disease of some
form. After that seizure he rallied and to all
but his wife seemed entirely rational. She |
says he was not so, except upon matters occur- |
ing prior to his attack. He had two addition- !
al convulsions or attacks on the ship, but was |
able to sit up when he reached here on Friday
3rd. His brother was telegraphed to at Berlin
and reached here Monday morning last. He |
seemed to improve under the care of
the new physicians here, but on Monday |
night was again stricken and in an hour was
dead. His disease undoubtedly was“brainfag”
in some form. i
What a lesson this is to all of us. He was
bright, genial logical, inapparently good health
and yet the machine had run down, his men-
tal faculties had been overtaxed and the pen-
alty was death.
In him the bar has lost an able and upright
gentleman, the State a far-seeing and wise
statesman, with a grasp equal to that of any,
and I have lost a pupil, a partner, a colleague
and a friend. His wife and his brother sail
in the Umbri(awhich carries this letter) in
the morning with his body. 1 rsturn to Lon-
don to-morrow.
occurred some
Farrar Accrpent.—Frank Gallagher, |
a resident of Woodland and employe of
the Pennsylvania railroad, while doing |
du'y with the work gang on the Tyrone |
and Clearfield branch, fell off a hand
car on which he and a number of other
employes were returning from
Sunday afternoon last. The accident
occurred a short distance above Steiner's
station. It is thought the handle which
Gullagher was working struck him on
the head, causing bim to fall off, He !
was dragged a distance of almost two |
hundred yards before the car was stop-
ped. One leg was almost completely
cut in two, his head and face were bad- |
ly cut and he received internal injuries, !
He was brought to Philipsburg, taken
to the supervisor's
office and the com-
pany surgeon, Dr. Allport, summoned. |
Every possible care and attention was
given the young, man but his injuries
the accident.
proved within a few hours after |
BapLy Cur Ur.—A day or two ago. |
says the Willinmsport Gazette
Bulletin, George Weaver, of Cogan |
House, met with a serious accident
while working on one of Daniel Kava-
naugh’s job on Smith’s Run. He struck
his axe into a tree that was bent down
by other timber, and he was thrown
some thirty feet down the embankment
A portion of the left side |
of his nose was entirely cut off,and he
was also cut from the top of lower lip to
and |
among rocks,
the lower part of the chin, the lip hang-
dressed the wounds in a most satisfac-
ing down clear of the chin. Dr.
tory manner, and the unfortunate man,
who 1s about sixty years of age, bore np
under the operation most heroically.
Wonrk.-—The Lock Haven
Democrat speaks of the quick manner
in which the new iron railroad bridge
wus put over the creek at Mill Hall last
After the Bald Eagle Valley
train had passed down on its way to
Lock Haven which it reaches at 11a. m.,
the work of placing the new bridg
hour and a-half the
structure was firmly fixed and a train
passed over it,
begun. and in an
This was very expedi-
tious work, but it is only another in-
stance of the and
facilities of the great railroad company,
wonderful power
the name of which has beeome celebrat-
Creek bridge at the same place and over
ed throughout the world, Jecch
thesame stream willsoon be ready to put
in position and a large force of men are
beiny worked tor this purpose,
i near Tyrone, last
| years.
Vail to Vanscoyoc.
| manager of the building of the Holy
| sons to mourn their loss.
(S. W. R.
marriage - of Mr. Horace
Mann and Miss Annie Speer, both of
Bellefonte, is announced for the 30th
-——Miss Helen Loveland, of Lock
Haven, started for Japan, the other day,
to serve as a missionary under the Pres
byterian Board of Missions:
——The Woman’s Relief Corps, of
Bellefonte, intend to give an oyster sup-
per on the 26th inst., to raise tunds for
the better furnishing and ornamentation
of the head quarters of Gregg Post,
Rev. T.B.Cross,of Chandon,Ohio,
has accept the pastorate of the Baptist
congregations of Milesburg, Unionville
and Bellefonte,, He is married and in-
tends to reside in Bellefonte.
The force of laborers at work in
Sugar valley on the Bellefonte and East-
ern Railroad was increased last week.
The principal work that will be done
this fall is on deep cuts. There seems to
be good reasor. to look for a speedy com-
pletion of the road.
——DBruce Hamilton, son of William
L. Hamilton, of Lock Haven, aged
about 17 years, was killed Thursday of
last week in a collision that occurred on
therailroad near Emporium. He bad been
working as assistant to the telegraph
linemen and was coming home to Lock
| Haven on the train when the wreck oc-
——At the marriage of Mr. John
Monahan, of Philadelphia, and Miss |
Mollie Curry in the Catholic church at
this place on the 17th inst., of which
brief notice was given in last week's
‘WATCHMAN, the groom’s brother acted
as best man and the bride's sister as
first bridesmaid. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. McArdle at 8.30 a.
m., and the happy couple, taking with
them the warmest wishes of their many
friends, left on the 5 p. m. train to spend
| their honeymoon in. the eastern cities. |
Among those present at the wedding
from a distance were the groom's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Monahan, of Phila-
delphia, and Henry Reading and sister,
of Snow Shoe.
Thomas Vail, an old citizen and
well known contractor, died at Vail, |
Saturday, aged 82
He was born in Dungarvin,
Waterford county, Ireland, in the year
1807. He came to Americain 1837 and
followed contracting, employing a great |
He was one of the |
many men at times.
| con‘ractors on the Tyrone and Clear-
field railroad, and built the road from
Mr. Vail was also
Oak dam in Massachusetts. A demo-
crat all his life, he cast his first vote for
President for James K. Polk. Mr.
Vail has been confined to his home for
seven years, having been blind for over
five years. Ie leaves a wife and three
The latter are
Martin, assistant supervisor B. C. C. &
2.; Patrick of Philipsburg,
and John of the Illinois Central railroad.
Mr. Vail was a consistent member of
| St. Matthew's Catholic church, Tyrone.
Speaking of the fair of the Reli-
| ance Fire Company at Philipsburg and
| the relics displayed to add interest to it,
the Ledger says : The collection of Hard-
mon Philips’ relics is extremely interest-
ing to Phiilipsburg people. His old pi-
| ano, table, chairs, dishes and books are all
{ fraught with the history of the every day
life of the queer old English ’Squire who
founded our town. The pictures of him
and his wife hang on the wail, loaned by
Mrs. Sophia Hale. The collection of
| battle relics loaned by the veterans of
| the late war are plentiful and well arran-
ged. A curious weapon is the sword of
Prince Charles Treziylny (pronounced
Tre-zune-ly) a Pol sh patriot who was
banished from Poland and came to A-
merica during the
fought in the Continental army and at
the close of the war settled in Centre Co.
where some of his descendents now live.
The sword he brought from Poland. It
is now owned by Mr. Charles Campbell.
—— Last Saturday was the fiftieth
anniversary of the formation of Clinton
speaking of this circumstance, reinarked:
In the year 1839 George Leidy repre-
sented Clinton county in the Legisla-
ture. Thomas Burnside was President
Crawtord were Associate Judges, their
commissions having been granted on
the 19th of October of that year, and
were sworn in at Williamsport October
26th by J. L. Mussina, Deputy Prothono-
tary of Lycoming county ; Philip Krebs
The Lock Haven Democrar,
Judge ; Fleming and George
Revolution.” He |
The social of Pleasant Gap Luth-
eran church on last Thursday evening,
under the direction of the ladies of the
congregation, was quite a pleasant and
enjoyable occasion The Pleasant Gap
Cornet Band was present and has the
thanks of the Society for the music fur-
nished and the manner in which they
made themselves useful generally.
Five or six boys, who think they are
men and make a practice of carrying a
jug with them, were intruders. This js
the second time that they have thrust
themselves, uninvited and unwelcome
as they are, into this Society. They are
all known and if they come again, in
this manner, they will be punished to
the full extent of the law.
——Forsome time past a half dozen
or more of Lock Haven's
business men have engaged quietly in
perfecting arrangements for putting
down a test well in the hope of striking
either natural gas or oil. The prospects
are favorable for an early commence-
ment of the work, and some day in the
and a practical man who has had a large
experience in - putting down gas wells
will be here to superintend the work.
There are several places within a few
miles of the city where gas is found es-
| those places the test well will be put
down.—Lock Haven Express.
———1In speaking of the Bellefonte
near future the machinery will arrive |
caping from the ground and at one ot |
men who werein Philipsbwg last week |
the Ledger of that place says:
Ex- |
Sheriff Tom Dunkle was tearing arcund |
, town for two or three days and from the
I look of things Tom was getting in some
| good political work, He had on his
campaign gait, the kind he used to wear
| when be used to hump himself around |
the South precinct of Rush about two |
| days before election. That gait carried
{ Thomas into the shenff’s office all the |
same, and is a hard step to beat.
——Snow Shoe Lodge, No. 226. I. O.
of O. F., have installed the following |
| officers for the half year following Oct.
1st: J. J. Yarnell, N.
‘Brown, V. G: Asst. Secretary, I. R.
Thomas; Treasurer J. S. Smith (Mr. |
| Smith has filled that position since the
nstitution of the Lodge); O. 8. G., R.
Heverly ; I. S. G., H. Barger; War-
| N. G., Samuel Holt; R. S. to V. G., J.
{ Uzzle.
{ ———One of the largest bears shot in
this county in recent years, was killed
in Covington township last Thursday
| by some hunters who struck its track.
| The animal was killed shortly after being
routed and weighed 470 pounds. The
. head was brought to taxidermist Hard-
er in this place to be mounted, and from
| the size of the head we would infer the
animal to have been a monster.
| field Republican.
The Beech Creek railroad will
soun enter Williamsport over its own
| tracks and its extention to Pittsburg is
only a matter of time. This the Van-
| derbilts have determined on and they
| will notrest until they have a connecting
line between New York and the iron
city entirely owned by themselves.
| ——A recent death in Clearfield
G; Frank
| Re
Clear- |
county was that of Mrs. Catharine Con- |
| way, who died at her home near Three
| Runs, in her 95th year. She resided in
| Clearfield county for eighty-five years, |
Over two hundred decendants mourn
her departure.
——General Green B. Raum, the new
Commissioner of Pensionsis a relative of
: Capt. Bayard and Miss Celia Armor, of
our town, and also of the assistant editor
of the Warcnyax. They ought to go
on the pension list on. the strength
of the relationship, and then be rerate!
a lo Tanner,
——Dr. Laurie, who attended the
Synod of Pennsylvania, in session at Al-
toona lust week, vigorously advocated
the division of the Synod. He preached
in Dr. Monroe’s Methodist church last
Bellefonte Presbyterian church in the
Synod us a ruling elder.
lan, of Chatham's Run, was badly hurt
in the woods at Snow Shce on Tuesday
——(reorge Nolan, son of John
by a tree falling on him, His injuries
were on the head and were supposed to
be of a serious nature.
—— Mur. Robert J. Haynes and wife
and their son, W. R. Haynes, of Snow-
Shoe, started on
visit friends in Missouri and Kansas,
and to do some hunting in the western
Prothonotary, his commission being is-
sued on the 19th and he was sworn in |
on the 26th by Judge George Crawford;
Hugh White, Robert Bridgens and An-
thony Kleckner were elected Commis-
sioners in October, 1830 ; John Miller's
commission as Sherifl’ was
ber 2, 1839, and he wassworn in Novem-
ber 5, by Philip Krebs.
Philip Krebs as Register and Recorder
granted October 19, 1839, and sworn in
by Judge Crawford.
), Commission of
Whbert Irwin was
1839, and Jo-
datcheler and
appointed Treasurer in
seph T. Quay, Cephns
John H.
tors and James Carskaddon, Coroner.
Chatham were elected Audi-
was not lucky with apples this year on
his fruit farm, as he 2ot but 125 bushels
——The first snow of the season was
seen Wednesday morning on the hills
surrounding Bellefonte.
——Rev. Mr. Black. of Boalsburg,
will preach in the Reformed church, this
place, next Sunday morning and even-
ing at the usual hours.
——Chicken and waflles az well as
oysters will constitute the bill of fare of
the Women’s Relief Corps next Satur-
day evening.
—— Mrs. Elizabeth Quiggle, of Beech
Creek, who is probably the oldest wo-
man in Clinton county, will be ninety-
two years old January 1st.
—— The Presbyterian synced, holdin
its session at Altoona, closed its labors
| Tuesday evening and adjourned to meet
next year on the third Thursday of Oc- |
tober at Wheeling, West Virginia.
This synod represents the ancient home |
of Presbyterianism in this land, and em-
braces about one-sixth of its churches,
ministry and membership.
Newton S. Bailey, for some time
editor of the Daily News, of this place,
announced on Monday that he had as-
sumed the editorial and business man- |
agement of that paper and of the Repub- |
lican, over whose course and destiny
he will hereafter preside. Mr. Bailey is
an industrious, highly respectable and
conscientious young man, although a
little off in his political ethics. We
hope that he may be abundantly suc-
cessful in the new duties he hasassumed.
Allthe New Woolens, for the com-
ing season now being received. Liberal
Discount for early orders during the dull
est we have ever shown.
good. fit guaranteed.
MoxrtcomeERY & Co., Tailors.
Prices and a
—--A new marble and granite yard,
for the manufacture of cemetery work,
——Mrs. D. P. McKinney, of \How-
ard, has just returned from the astern
cities and on next Tuesday will have her
fall opening of fine millinery and fancy
goods. The ladies in that section of th,
county are awaiting this event wip no
little interest, and we are certain they
will not be disappointed in their expec.
tation ot securing the very latest ang
prettiest things that are to be had in the
line of millinery.
Pine Grove Pickings.
Applebutter boilings are not in question this
Squirrels are getting scarce but hunters
Our hunters returned from the mMotintaiy
last week but the distribution of venison was
postponed later.
Our special young friend, C. S. Dannley, of
Ohio is at present visiting his friends and old
time acquaintance him. He is accompanied
| by his accomplished wife.
The corn crop isabove the average this soy.
son and while some are about through crip.
bing, others have scarcely commenced, hop.
ing for continuous good weather.
The school building in our town has heen
furnished with new patent desks that wopg
so much needed. It is hoped the boys will
leave their pocket knives at home and not
otherwise deface the new furniture.
Capt. J. M. Kepler, Editor of the Forest
Democrat, has been spending a busy week, on
his large piantation, superintending the ere.
tion of a six thousand bushel lime pit. Jake
is an old timer and knows all about scientifie
agriculture and means to make it go, and nn.
der his direction the old farm 1s much im.
W. B. Garduer, oldest son of Wilson Gardner,
and Maggie, third daughfer of W. B. MeWwil-
liams, were married by Rev. J.C. Kelley at
the home of the bride's parents at seven
| o'clock p. m., on the 22 inst, in the presence of
alarge number of invited guests. The usu-
, al sumptous wedding supper was served. The
Our Fall stock will be the fin- |
presents were numerous, beautiful and useful. *
The newly married couple took their departs
ure the following day for Harrisburg amid a
| shower of rice and old shoes for good luck, of
| which the writer wishes them abundence, and
will be established at Unionville in a |
few months by Marcy Bowman, former-
nell of Pinegrove. Mr. Bowman is
well acquainted with the business in all
its departments, having worked thirteen
years in some of the large cities and
three years in this county, where he
has made many fine memorials. Mr.
Yarnell is favorably known as a sober,
reliable young man well qualified to
| 0. ! represent the firm abroad 1t
| den, Thomas Duly; Chaplain, W. B. | 1 a
lasters; R. S.S., O. P. King; R. S to |
WALL Paprer.--Large stock—must
be sold. Prices astonishing, write for
samples to Joux M. Drax & Co,
Williamsport, Pa.
Last Friday evening the follow-
ing officers of the Y. M. C. A. of this
place, were clected for the ensuing year:
President—James R. Hughes; Vice
President —W. S. Zeller; Recording
Secretary—IFrank P. Bassett; Treasurer
—J. C. Weaver; Librarian—G. W.
es. Board of Directors—A. Lukenbach
and D. S. Keller, of the Reformed
church: Ed. Garman, of the Episcopal
church ; D. M. Lieb, of the Methodist
church ; J. W. Gephart, of the Presby-
terian church ; Prof. Johrstonbaugh,
| of the Lutheran church; A. B. Lucas,
of the Disciple church; F. P. Green, of
the Baptist church.
Applebutter, Jellies, Jams, Honey
Pickles, Olives, Table Oil, and Ketchup |
at Sechler & Co.'s.
—On Friday last a young man
named King, + ged about 17 years, while
out hunting on Jack's mountain, near
Belleville, was shot through the right
lung by a young man named Beck, and
dangerously wounded. King had been
out hunting the day before and shot
two turkeys with one shot, and started
"out on Friday morning before daybreak
to resume the search for the turkeys,
which he had scattered the day before.
| He was walking along the roadside,
when he was struck in the breast by a
bullet from Beck’s rifle. He was taken
to the residence of a relative at Belle-
ville, where he and his mother, who
| resides in Ohio, have been visiting for
James Harris represented the
| congratulated on the
Mr. Isaac Haupt, of our town, |
from 500 trees, but their quality was |
sued Novem- |
| ——John Garis, son of chief of police
"Wm. Garis, of this place, sustained
quite a severe injury in Pittsburg some
days ago. the character of which we
have not ascertained.
~——To-morrow (Saturday) Zeller &
Son will present to each lady culling at
their drug stove, a neat little s ouvenir
of their removal to their new location,
several weeks, An examination of the
wound was made by a physician, who
was unable to find the ball, but he be-
lieves that the patient will recover.
A HaxpsoME DRUG STORE. — Messrs,
J. Zeller & Son have at last got their
drug store located in their new room in
the Crider building and they are to be
handsome and
commodious quarters they have secured
In all its arrangeinents, appointments
and divisions it is a beauty, leading any
of the establishments of the kind in this
part of the country. The front apart-
. : I ment of the store is 46 feet de vide
Tuesday morning to | 6 feet deep, divid
ed from the back part by a handsome
glass partition. The shelves with their
array of bottles and the various cases are
arranced with an eye toa handsome ef-
feet as well as to convenience and are
very systematic in their design. 'Fheir
ornamentation is greatly hightened by
un ornamental railing. The rear part is
82 feet in depth, with prescription room
16x20, the whole terminating with a
laboratory 90 feet square. Handsome
paper on the ceiling and wall adds
greatly to the beauty of these apartments
which are supplied with steam heat,
electric light and other improvements
demanded by the advanced requirements
of this period of progress, The firm
may be considered as fully abeast of the
has but one enjoinder to make, which is that
through their life companionship they so
treat each other that the survivor of the twuin
may not be harrassed by bitter memories of un-
| kind deeds or of words spoken in anger or ill
ly of near Philadelphia, and J. I. Yar- |
The death of Christian Musser occurred at
Danville on the 16th inst of heart failnre at
the age of 63 years, 9 months and 9 days. His
| remains were brought home by Mr. Goss, on
| Saturday. The furneral took place on Sunday
from the residence of his brother-in-law George
Ard, attended by a large number of relations
and neighbors by whom the deceased was
held in high esteem. For some years his
mind was weak and about a year ago it was
thought best to take him to Danville for spec-
ial treatment. For time he improved, but the
Johnstown tradegy in which he lost a son and
other portions of his family was more than his
shattered mind could bear,
his attending physician wrote to his wife that
Some weeks ago
his recovery was impossible ; so the message
was not unexpected. He died suddenly in a
fit of grief from the above stated cause. His
spirit has gone to the realms of bliss where
grief is not known, friends never part.and the
grave never dug. He leaves a wife and a num-
ber of grown children, residents of Johnstown,
some of them being prostrated with typhoid
fever. Sad to think that not one of that once
happy family could be present to take
a last look and drop a tear over the remains
of a kind husband and indulgent father.
Tribute of Respect.
Whereas it has pleased an all wise Providence
to remove from our midst, by the swift mes-
senger of Death our worthy Brother, J. D. Win-
gate, late of Carbondale, Pa,, one of the oldest
and most honored members of Lodge No. 153
I. 0. O. IV,, of Bellefonte, Pa.
Resolved, That we sincerely regret the loss of
| one whose counsel was always worthy of con-
sideration and respect, and whose example as
| an Odd Fellow was worthy of imitation.
Resolved, That whilst we submissively bow
to the will of Him who doeth all things well,
we will ever cherish our deceased Brother's
memory and virtue by practicing more faith-
fully the teachings of our order.
Resolved, That in the death of our late Broth-
er his family have been deprived of a kind and
affectionate husband and facher, and that we
hereby tender to them in their bereavement
our sincere and heartfelt sympathy.
Resolved, That our Lodge room be draped
the usual length of time in memory of our de-
ceased Brother, and that a copy of these reso-
lations be delivered to the family.
Respectfully Submitted,
H. Y. Srrrzes,)
B. GarLBrAITH, ~ Commiltee.
Isaac MILLER, )
Bellefonte Grain Market,
Corrected weekly by Gro. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
L0es to press ;
White wheat, per bushel.
Read wheat, per bushel.
Rye, per bushel......
Corn, ears, per bushel,
Corn, shelled, per bushel,
Oats—new, per bushel,
Barley, per a
Buckwheat per bushel
Cloverseed, per bushel.
fGronnd Plaster, per ton..
Bellefonte Produce Mark
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel 50
gas, per dozen, 13
Lard, per pound
Tallow, per pound.
Butter, per pound..
Onions, per bushe
Turnips, per bushel
The Democratic Wateliman.
Publis very Friday morning, in Be
fonte, P per annum (if paid strict
advance); 0, when not paid in advance, nad
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance,
A liberal discount is made to persons advers
tising by the quarter, half year, or year, as 10
lows :
One inch (12 lines this type......... $5 88 812
Two inches i 15
Three inche 20
faarier Column (414 inche 30
Half Column ( 9 inches) Hh
One Column (19 inches) LOO
Advertisements in special colunn, 25 per
cent, additional,
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertio
Each additional insertion, per lin
Local notices, per line.......
Business notices, per line.
Job Printing of every kind done w
ness and dispatch. The Warcimay office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand at
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.,
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor,
20 cts,