Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 25, 1889, Image 7

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LU eh Spi a
J C. HARPER, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte,
LJ |
Pa. Office in Garman House. 30 28
ILLIAM 1. SWOOPE, Attorney-at-Law.
5 1y
Furst building, Bellefonte, Pa. 54 25
F. FORTNEY, Attorney-at-Law, Belle- |
o fonte, Pa. Office in Woodring’s build-
ing, north ot the Court House. 14
M. KEICHLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle-
eo fonte, Pa. Office in Garman’s new
builds with W. H. Blair. 19 40
fonte, Pa.
occupied by the late W. P. Wilson.
LOVE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle-
24 2
yD. RAY, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa.
o Special attention given to the collection
claims. Office on High street. 25 1
| State Club, in Boston,to the nominees
Office in the rooms formerly |
| for the State officers.
| the Presidents of both nominating con-
HARSHBARGER, (Successor to Yocum |
& Harshbarger,) Attorney - at - Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Office on High street. 28 15
HAS & REEDER, Attorneys-at-Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14 North Al-
legheny street. 28 13
SH NGLER & HEWES, Attorneys-at-Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Consultation in English
or German. Office opp. Court House. 19 6
OHN KLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte,
Pa. Office on second floor of Furst’s new |
Can be con-
29 31
building, north of Court House.
sulted in English or German.
OHN MILLS HALE, Attorney-at-Law,
Philipsburg, Pa. Collections and all other
legal business in Centre and Clearfield coun-
ties attended to. 23 14
C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle-
o fonte, Pa. Office in Garman’s block,
opp. Court House. All professional business |
30 16
will receive prompt attention.
K. HOY, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, No.
: o 4 South Spring Street, Bellefonte, Pa.
Office hours—7 to 9 a. m, 1 to 2 and 7 to8
p.m. 218
HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
o offers his professional services to the
citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office 26
11 2:
R. J. L. SEIBERT, Physician and Sur-
geon, offers his professional services to
the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office
on North High street, next door to Judge Or-
vis’ law office, opp. Court House. 29 20
R. R. I, DARTT, Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon. Office in residence No. 61
North Allegheny street, next to Episcopal
church. Office hours—8 to 9 a. m.,1to3 and 7
to9 p. m. Telephone. 32 45
FEIHOS. C. VAN TRIES, M. D., Physician
: and Surgeon. Having located perma-
nently in Bellefonte, offers his professional
services to all citizens of the town and vicinity.
, residence, No. 15, north Spring street.
41 6m *
R. R. L. DARTT, of Bellefonte,
Pa., has the Brinkerhoff system of
Rectal treatment for the cure of Piles, Fis-
«ures and other Rectal diseases. Information
furnished upon application. 30 14tf
(rider's Stone Block, High street, Bellefonte,
Pa. 34 11
practitioner of eighteen years, has loca-
fed on Main street, Pine Grove Mills, Centre
county, two doors east of hotel. Special atten-
tion given to extracting and making teeth.
All work guaranteed. 33 45 1y
F. REYNOLDS & CO., Bankers, Belle-
o fonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and
Notes Discounted ; Interest paid on special de-
posits, Exchange on Eastern cities. Deposits
received. 7 17
In consequence of the similarity of
the names of the Parker and Potter Hotels,
the proprietor of the Parker House has chang-
Ai) name of his hotel to
He has also repapered, repainted and other-
wise improve it, and has fitted up a large and
tasty parlor and reception room on the first
Philipsburg, Pa.
A. A. KouLBecker, Proprietor.
This new and commodious Hotel, located op-
osite the depot, Milesburg, Centre county,
as been entirely refitted, refurnished and re-
plenished throughout, and is now second to
none in the county in the character of accom-
modations offered the public. Its table is sup-
plied with the best the market affords, its bar
contains the purest and choicest liquors, its
stable has attentive hostlers, and every conve-
nience and comfort is extended its guests.
Ad~Through travelers on the railroad will
find this an excellent place to lunch or procure
a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 min-
utes. 24 24
Having assumed the proprietorship
of this finely located and well known
hotel, I desire to inform the public that
while}it will have no bar, and be run
strictly as a temperance hotel, 1t will
furnish to its patrons all the comforts,
conveniences and hospitalities offered
by others. Its table will not be sur-
passed py any. Its rooms are large
and comfortable. Its stabling is the
best in town, and its prices to transient
guests and regular boarders will be
very reasonable,
The citizens of the town will_find in
the basement of my hotel a
at which all kinds of Meat can be pur-
chased at the very lowest rates,
I earnestly solicit a share of the
public patronage,
| lieve in.
President Elliot Tells Why He Left the
Republican Parte.
Below we give the greater part of the
address of President Elliot. of Harvard
College, at a dinner given by the Bay
of the Democratic party in Massachusetts
After stating that
ventions, the writers of both party plat-
forms and both candidates for Governor |
were Harvard graduates, he said :
“I am independent in politics, and I
believe what you,as practical politicians,
desir to know, is how to convert a few
thousand voters from tho Republican to
the Democratic party, and that is just
what has been effected in my own case.
Tsay I am independent in politics in a
sense. In the first place, there may be
2,000,000 Americans who have,or expect
to have, public employment, but there
are 58,000,000 who know that if they
wanted public employment they could
not getit. I belong to those 58 000,000
[Laughter and applause. ]
«I am an independent in another re-
spect. I will remain in a party no lon-
ger than it stands for the principles I be-
[Applause.] Now,the Repub-
lican party has a great past. It was
formed ior the carrying out of a great
moral idea, and it did carry it forward to
triumph. Butit fell from its high estate,
and when I found that it no longer stood
for the principles I believed in I felt my-
self obliged to join the opposite party.
[Applause.] I believe that we should
all choose between the two great parties
of the country, and that the position of |
a man who hangs between the two, now
with one and now another, is politically
without convictions. But I think my
| they were singular.
A Snake’s Deadly Coil.
Terrible Experience of a Kentuckian
With a Huge Reptile.
On a recent afternoon Mr. Clark Far-
ris, a well-known and highly respected
citizen of Lancaster, Ky., was walking
in Doty’s woods searching for a stray
mule. Happening to glance up through
the dense foliage, he saw a large dark-
brown reptile curled up in the fork of a
Never having seen one like it before,
he determined to kill it, and according-
ly began throwing stones at it. Great-
ly angered at this proceeding, the snake,
making a peculiar grating noise, crawl-
ed quickly to the opposite side of the
tree. As Farris stepped around further
to see what had be come of it, it sudden-
ly glided down the tree toward him.
Before he could spring aside it leaped
with a furious hissing upon his shoul-
ders, and in a twinkling cailed twice
about his neck. Yelling wi h terror he
started on a dead run through the woods
al the same time making frantic efforts
to tear away the monster, but in vain.
It gradually tightened its coils, while
the flying man jerked his head this way
and that to avoid the close proximity of
its hindeous visage. Almost choked,
with his eye-balls starting out of their
sockets, Farris presently’ sank to the
earth and rolled over and over in the
grass, digging his nails into the serpent’s
body in a fearful struggle to free him-
self. But the snake’s great strength was
superior to that of the man, for, even in
the midst of these energetic movements
it coiled again and again around his
neck. The conviction was now forced
upon him that, unless the horrid con-
strictor could be made to relax its terri-
ble coils, he should be stranggled in a
very few minutes. The maneuvres he
was now executing were as rapid as
He thrashed the
weeds with his tossing limbs, drew his
body up into a knot and finally turned
a complete somersault alighting on his
hands and knees and with his head
experience may be a help to you in €on- | yyshed hard against the ground. In
verting a few thousand Republicans to | this position he attempted with both
the Democratic party.
“Let me tell you what public ques- |
tions I had in my mind when I joined | pug his efforts were unavailing.
the Democrotic party.
that in principle I was first a Whig,an
then a Republican and almost a protect-
jonist I came to believe that the protec- |
tive policy was a false one. I came to |
believe that the protective duties so call- |
ed, protected capital, but not labor[ap-
plause],and that even this protection to
capital was undesirable ir the long run.
«Now between the Republican policy,
as recards taxes,and the Democratic par-
ty, the issues are sharply divided, and
any man who holds to my opinions on
these issues must join the Democratic
party. [Cries of “Good, good,” and ap-
plause.] Ibelieve that the reform of the
civil service is of vital interest to this
country, and that no Government can
endure the public shame of a corruption
fund derived from the salaries of the
servants of the Government. [ Applause. ]
Now, on that issue, what is the record
of the Republican party, as compared
with the record of the Democratic party ?
Have we not seen the public service de-
generating more and more, and in these
Tast series of years worse than all ? Have
we not seen the Dernocratic administra-
tion of public service the best we have
ever had ? [ Long-continued applause. ]
«No intelleigent man will believe in
relying upon the professions of a party
when its public acts betray them. We
must rely upon the public acts of men
in the party. Is there no difference be-
tween the administration of Grover
Cleveland and of Beajamin Harrison on
that issue ? [Applause.] :
«And I have another reason to give,
which is peculiar to myself. I have not
heard it spoken of by any public men,
nor have | seenit mentioned in the news-
I am a firm believer in the
papers. t
justness and expediency of a pension
system. 1 believe in pensioning, not
only thesoldiers and the sailors who have
served their country in the army and
the navy,but in pensioning all public
servants who deserve well of then zoun-
try, and I hold it to be a hideous wrong
inflicted upon the public, that the pen-
sion system, instituted for the soldiers
and sailors who served their country on
the field of battle, has been prostituted
to the worst purposes. [Great applause. ]
You cannot tell now whether a pension-
er was a brave man or a cowardly deser-
ter. You cannot tell whether he recived
cn honorable wound or contracted
catarrh twenty years after the war was
ended. [Laughter and applause.] You
cannot tell whether he is a pauper who
has foisted himself upon the nation.
«It is a crime against the country,and
itis a;Republican administration that has
brought it to this condition. [Applause.]
What adminstration has striven to stem
this tide of pauperism that has tended to
degrade the service of the country ? It
was Gover Cleveland's. [Tremendous
applause. ] aA
“1 would do every thing in my power
to get a chance to again vote for Grover
Cleveland for President of the United
States, because he did what he could to
restore the pension system to an honor-
able standing. [Applause.] But these
are national issues, and we are asked
what they have to do with the State
campaign 1 think it a very foolish
question. It gave an excellent oppor-
tunity for such debates as our candidate
conducted a year ago, and which he is
about to conduct again in the interests of
the Commonwealth. [Great applause. ]
«T have one thing to regret as Presi-
dent of Harvard College at the opening
of this campaign. It is that a graduate
of Harvard College should have declined
! a public encounter, and I was somewhat
astonished at the reason given for this
refusal. It was stated this custorn of
holding joint debates was a Southern
practice, and that on this account it must
seem to the people of Massachusetts un-
desirable. 1t was a practice in the
Southern States, it is true, and it was
a manly practice. [Applause.] But 1
should think the Republican managers
micht remember the greatest debate that
ever occurred in this county—the debate
between Lincon and Douglas—and 1
could have wished that the represent-
atives of the Republicans could have
considered the example of Abraham
Lincoin good enough for them.”
mm ———
—— Stop that coughing ; if you dont
it will kill you. bottle of Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup only costs you 25 cents,
and its timely use may save your life.
| next instant he made a
hands to remove his grisly foe by forc-
ing its coils up over the top of his head,
r Q- p % :
They or HE | a piercing shriek he started up, plunged
o > cell ; 44!
In the first place, I believe | fy 5rd a few feet and again fell, a stun-
| ning determination of blood surging in
his head. Thesnake poked about wild
its fierce head, hissing in the man’s ear
or brushing his cheek with its darting
tongue. Twice he clutched it by the
neck with a grip of iron, and twice it
twisted out of his grasp.
Tt was a thrilling spectacle, with pros-
pects of a tragic termination. The con-
tracting coils gradually reduced his wild
shouts for help to spasmodic gurglings,
while a tiny stream af liquid saliva flow-
ed from his wide-gaping mouth. Sud-
denly a gleam of hope traversed his dis-
torted features. Thrusting his hand in-
to his pocket with the celerity of thought
he brought forth a pocket-knife. The
savage slash
among the folds of his tormentor and it
fell in a writhing heap upon the ground.
But hehad not yet fully wreaked his re-
venge; his foe still lived. He leaped to
his feet. Setting his heel hard upon the
the reptile’s head and seizing it with
one hand by the end of the tail he plung-
ed his knife through its neck, and, draw-
ing the blade longitudinally through-
out its hody, completely disemboweled
it. It measured a little over seven feet
in length.—Cincinnati Enquirer.
CTT —————————
Proctor Knott's Story.
How Governor Stewart Revenged Him-
self on a Brutal Captain.
Sitting in the rotunda ofthe Alexan-
der Hotel of Louisville Proctor Knott
told this story :
«It was the most remarkable scene I
ever witnessed. It occurred during my
early manhood, when I was Attorney
General of Missouri. Robert Stewart
was then Governor of that State. One
day I was in his private office when he
pardoned a steamboat man for some
crime. What it was I have forgotten,
but that does not matter. The man had
been brought. from the peuitertiary to
the Governor's office. He was a large,
powerful fellow, with the rough manners
of his class.
“The Governor looked at the steam-
boat man and seemed strangely affected.
Hescrutinized him closely. Finally he
signed the document that restored him
to liberty, but before he handed it to
him, said: ‘You will commit some other
erime and be in the penitentiary again,
1 fear. The man solemnly promised
that he would not. The Governor look-
ed doubtful, mused a few moments and
said :
“You will go back on the river and
be a mate again, I suppose ?’
“The man replied that he would.
“Well, I want vou to promise me
one thing,” resumed the Governor. ‘I
want you to pledge your word that
when you are a mate again you will
never drive a sick boy out of a bunk to
help you load your boat on a stormy
“The steamboat man said that he
would not and he inquired what the
Governor ment by asking him such a
“The Governor replied: ‘Because
some day that boy may become a Gov-
ernor and you may want him to pardon
you for a crime. One dark, stormy night
many years ago you stopped your boat
on the Mississippi to take on a load of
wood. There was a boy on board who
was working his passage from New Or-
leans to St. Louis, but he was very sick
of a fever and was lying in a bunk.
You had plenty of men to do the work,
but you went to that boy with a stick
of wood in your hand and drove him,
with blows and curses, out into the
wretched night and kept him toiling like
a slave until the load was completed. I
was that boy. Here is your pardon.
Never again be guilty of such brutality.’
And the man, cowering and hiding
his face, went out. As I never heard of
him again 1 suppose he took care not to
break the law.”
CR ——C————————————
——Tucker—I saw your son in the
country to-day, Parker. He had his
camera with him, I believe.
Parker— Yes, he went out to take
some views, suppose. ‘Was he making
aood progress ?
y fea 3 | lay
Tucker— You bet he was; and dust, Yo. there very sick from an overdose of the drug, !
Somebody's red bull was after him,
(one Sunday at
He Didn't Like The Sermon.
A Sharp Criticism Upon a Preacher
Who Repeated Paul's Epistles.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
There is a familiar story about how
Daniel Webster, when he was practcing
law in New Hampshir,loftily denounced
a quotation from a text book made by
a rival attorney as absurd and unten-
able, upon which the opposing lawyer
quietly explained that the passage so
contemptuously treated had been in-
troduced into the volume from one of
Lord Mansfield’s decisions, that great
jurist exact language being preserved.
The following anecdote, about a famous
old character in Whitly county, Ky.,
has much the same flavor. Joshua Bar-
nett was a wag anda religious orator,and
possessed a prodigious memory. The
Jelico News tells the story :
“Uncle Josh, as he was generally
called, had an appointment to preach
an out-of-the-way log
school house in his neighborhood, and
two noted lights of a rival denomination
attended the meeting for the purpose of
criticising the sermon. One was named
Jones, the other Warman. Uncle Josh,
who, it appears, was aware of their in-
tentions, concluded to checkmate them,
and instead of preaching a sermon he
commenced repeating from memory,and
without any comment whatever, one of
the Epistles of St. Paul. For nearly an
hour chapter after chapter fell fiom his
lips accompanied by grave and decrous
gesture and intonation. Brother Jones
at the end of some thirty minutes arose
with grave disapproval written all over
his face and retired from the house, and
took a seat in the yard upon a barkless
and prostrate tree, which was used asa
horse block. Brother Warman stood it
some ten minutes longer, when he too
arose and joined Brother Jones. ‘Well,
Brother Warman, what do you think of
such a sermon? said Brother Jones.
‘Think ?—said Brother Warman, ‘why, I
think if the good Lord will forgive me
this time for listening to such rotten
doctrine, I will never be guilty again.’”’
Luxury in Railroad Travel.
railroad travel a luxury thy Pennsyl-
vania Railroad Company has always
been a pioneer. The handsome finish
fluous. Probably that is the reason the
corporation has added new accommoda-
tions and attractions to its palace-car
system such as have never before
been dreamed of in the philosophy
of the rail. Bath-rooms have been
male attendants for lady passengers. £
drawing-room car, handsomely fitted
with rockers and other easy chairs, has
been placed in the rear of the sleepers,
in which persons taking berths can ride
while their beds are being prepared.
Barber-shops are provided for men, and
arrangements have been made to receive
stock quotations on the day trains. So
a traveler can now have as
veniences and luxuries on a Pennsylva-
prohibition ordinance, and all of the sa-
loons were closed. A few days ago a
saloon-keeper of this city went to Lafay-
ette and opened a place. He was waited
upon by a committee who imformed him
that his business was not required there,
but he continued and the town officials
got out an injunction to stop him.
sumed business with more openness than
loon was bombarded by a crowd ofsever-
8l hundred persons. They came pro-
vided with stones and sledeghammers,
and, surrounding the place, commenced
to storm it. The doors and windows
were broken and the crowd rushed in.
The bar was battered down, mirrors
broken, the heads of barrels knocked in
and the contents wasted.
Ts torn down and everything ruin-
——“Not Bulk, but Business’’ ! is the
way a Western man put it in expressing
to a friend his complete satisfaction in
the use of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purga-
tive Pellets. So small and yet so effect-
ual, they bid fair to supplant entirely
the old-style pills. An ever-ready re-
medy for Sick and Bilious Headache,
Biliousness, Constipation and all blood
disorders. Mild in action, wonderful in
effect! Put up in vials, convenient to
carry. Their use attended with no dis»
comfort! These sterling merits account
for their great popularity.
The amount of’ salt necessary to be
used in butter is generally accepted as
one ounce of salt to one pound of but-
ter; but in salting butter the state of
the weather is to be considered as well
as the preference of the market. In
winter less salt is required, and in some
markets butter thau is very salt is not
sold as readily as when less salt is used.
A Fraw 1x tar Law.—Client (in
Chicago)—“T want a divorce .”
Lawyer—“On what grounds ?"
“My wife cannot make good coffee.”
“I am sorry, but the law is not broad
enough for a man to get a decree on
mere coffee grounds.”
am a—————————_—
—Lewis Couse,aboy about fifteen years of age,
was killed at Hyner, Clinton county, on Mon-
tween the bumpers of empty freight
which he with a number of other boys was en-
gaged in pushing back and forward upon the
track against the advice ofa number of older
persons. Hisskull was erushed and mangled
in a terrible manner. He lived about five
hours but in a state of en tire unconsciousness:
The boy's parents live at Hall's Run,above Re-
—A Cannonsburg letter says: ‘Some
ghum molasses is still mode in this region.
It sells for about 60 cents a gallon wholesale,
Years ago a very large amount of sorghum was
grown and the steam arising from the mills
was no infrequent sight.
—Lizzie Vietor Brubaker, of Lancaster
wrote a letter to an undertaker telling him to
look for her body on a grave in Lancaster Cem-
etery. Then she swallowed landanum and
down on the grave to die. She was found
but will recover.
In those improvements which make |
and comfort of 1ts ordinary cars almost |
render the old drawing-room car super- |
many con- |
nia train as he can obtain in his own
home or hotel.
Prohibition That Prohibited.
Lima, O.—Several weeks ago the |
neighboring town of Lafayette passed a |
The |
Early yesterday morning his sa- |
The place was |
day evening by having his head caught be- |
: Medical.
Few people have suffered more intensely
from dyspepsia than Mr E. A. McMahon, a well
known grocer of Staunton, Va. He says: “Be
fore 1878 I was in excellent health, weighing
over 200 pounds. In that year an ailment de-
veloped into acute dyspepsia, and soon I was
reduced to 162 pounds, suffering burning sen-
sations in the stomach, palpitation of the heart
I could not sleep, lost all heart in my
work, had fits of melancholia and for
days at a time I would have welcomed
death. I became morose, sullen and
irritable, and for 8 years life was a bur-
den, I tried many physicians and
many remedies. One day a workman
employed by me suggested that I take
Hood's Sarsaparilla, as it had cured his
wife of dyspepsia. I did so and before
taking the whole of a bottle 1 began to
The terrible pains to which I had been sub-
| jected, ceased; the palpitation of the heart
subsided, my stomach became easier, nausea
disappeared, and my entire system began to
tone up. My strength returned, slowly at first
and then rapidly. With returning strength
came activity of mind and body. Before the
fifth bottle had been taken I had regained my
former weight and natural condition. I am
to-day a well man and I ascribe it to the use of
Hood’s Sarsaparilla.”
N. B.—If you decide to take Hood’s Sarsapa-
villa do not be induced to buy any other.
| Sold by all druggists, §1 ; six for §5. Prepared
only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apotheca-
ries, Lowell, Mass.
3440 nr
Ely’s Cream Balm
Cures Cold in the Head
Allays Pain and
Catarrh, Rose-Cold,
Heals the Sores. Deafness, Headache.
Restores the Senses
of Taste and Smell.
Easy to use.
Price, 50 cents.
A particle is applied into each nostril and is
agreeable. Price 50 cents at Duggists; by
mail, registered, 60 cents
56 Warren Strect, New
34 36 1y
to the sleeping-cars, with fe- |
Free by mail, 50 cents and $1.00.
Send for Circular
3487 1y nr
30 Vesey St, New York City.
judge decided in his favor and he re- |
| i oneo
C Cid Sa 0..R di AY
C S-T0 oI i !
Without Morphine.
32 14 2y nr
Music Boxes.
FL rarusED 1824.
Superior Quality
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Send stamp foreatalogune. Examination will
prove our instruments the most perfect and
durable made. They play selections from all
the Standard and Light Operas, and the most
Popular Music of the day; also Hymns.
33 49 ly
itt LANG, eee
will be found at the farm of Cameron Burn-
side, Esq., two miles east of town, on the
| North Nittany Valley Road. Services re
The full-blooded Guernsey Bull
Fine Job Printing.
There is no style of work, from the cheapest
‘Dodger” to the finest
but you can get done in the most satisfactory
| manner, and at
| mB OOK=-W ORK 0
Prices consistent with the class of work
by calling or communicating with this office.
Pure Malt Whisky.
and all wasting diseases can be
Malaria is completely eradicated from he
system by its use.
revives the energies of those worn with exces-
sive bodily or mental effort. It acts as a SAFE
GUARD against exposure in the wet and rigo-
Take part of a wineglassful on your arrival
home od the labors of the day A the Ry
quantity before your breakfast. Being chemi-
cally pure, it commends itself to the medical
profession, :
None genuine unless bearing the signature
of the firm on the label.
rr P. BLAIR,
o—J EWE LE R~—o0
—Dealer in—
Agent for the AMERICAN WATCH of a
makes, and sole agent of the celebrated
every one of which is fully guaranteed.
Diguron, Jan. 27, 1882,
The Rockfora Watch purchased February A
1879, has performed better than any watch J
ever had. Have carried it every day and at ne
time has it been irregular, or in the least unre-
liable. I cheerfully recommend the Rockfor
at Dighton Furnace Co.
TauNToN, Sept. 18, 1881.
The Rockford Watch runs or eardrly
better than any watch I ever owned, and i
have had one that cost $150. Can recommend
the Rockford Watch to everybody who wishes
a fine timekeeper. 8. P. HUBBARD, M. D.
This is to certify that the Rockford Watch
bought Feb. 22, 1879, has run very well the past
year. Have set it only twice during that time,
its only variation being three minutes. It hae
run very much better than TU anticipated. Tt
was not adjusted and only cost $20,
street flag station, Mansfiel
21, 1880. 28 15
At the Dean
Tass., Fe
And dealer in
Special attention given to the Making and
Repairing of Watches. gan
IMPORTANT—If you cannot read this prini
distinetly by lamp or gaslight in the evening
at a distance of ten inches, your eyesight 1®
failing, no matter what your age, and your eyes
need help. Your sight” can be improved and
preserved if properly corrected. It is a wrong
idea that spectacles should be dispensed with
as long as possible. If they assist the vision
use them. There is no danger of seeing toc
well, so long as the print is not magnitied ; 1
should look natural size, but plain and dis
tinet. Don’t fail to call and have your eyes
tested by King's New System, and fitted witn
Combination spectacles, ~ They will correct and
preserve the sight. For sale by
sid F. C. RICHARD,
42 High St., opp. Arcade, Bellefonte.
27 49
Flour, Feed, &c.
- Manufacturers of ==
And Dealers in
B¥='The highest market price paid for
Siristts WHEAT cool RYE ions CORN tr rnvaens
AND ovens OATS.
Book Bindery.
| [Established 1852.)
Having the latest improved machinery I am
prepared to
of all descriptions, or to rebind old books.
Special attention given to the ruling of paper
and manufacture of BLANK BOOKS,
Orders will be received at this officé, or ads
dress 1. HUTTER,
Book Binder, Third and Market Streets,
25 18 Harrisburg, Pa.