Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 18, 1889, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., October 18, 1889.
pp— - — tr ae—
To CorresroNDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
ame of the writer.
Mr. M. H. Guisg, of Penn Hall, is the duly
authorized agent of the Warcuman for Gregg
——Dr. R. G. Hayes will spend a
wortion of the winter in Philadelphia,
having gone there last week.
—— Constans Commandery of this
place paraded 25 knights in the line of
great parade at Washington last week.
——Rev. Charles T. Steck, formerly
of this place, has been called to the
Lutheran church at Shamokin and has
accepted the call.
——We understand that Mr. George
W. Rogers, of this place, is about going
mto the manufacture of the gauges for
steam boilers which he has invented.
Some days ago, W. H, Hartman,
of Millheim, while assisting to load a
&orse-power machine, slipped, and fell,
Breaking two of his ribs near the spine.
——If you desire to be royally enter-
mained for an hour, go and hear Rev.
Cornelius’ “Shotsat Shams and Shoddy’’
in State College Chapel, this Friday
Governor Beaver’s family have
«losed their summer sojourn at their
dome in this place, and resumed their
wesidence in the Executive mansion at
——Rev. Cornelius, of Philipsburg,
delivers his lecture, “Shots at Shams
and Shoddy’’ this, Friday evening,(Oct.
i8th,) at State College. It will pay you
20 go and hear him.
The wild turkey season com-
menced on the 15th inst., and will
continue until the 1st of January, dur-
ing which season that noble game can
Be shot according to law.
——Thomas, son of Mr. Thadeus
#amilton, residing on the Kline farm
wear Bellefonte, broke one of his arms at
fhe wrist and cut his head by falling
firom a walnut tree last Saturday morn-
——A young scoundrel,named Charles
Enarr, of Flemington, last Friday even-
ing attempted to commit an outrage
on a twelve year old daughter of Wil-
fiam Brewer. A warrant was issued for
Bis arrest, but he fled from the neighbor-
——There will be any amount of fun
at the State College to-morrow, Satur-
day. At 10 a. m., the boys of Buck-
mell University will try to beat the
Fate College team in a game of foot
%all, and it will be a real enjoyment to
@very onc who attends to witness the ef-
——dJudge Linn, of Williamsport, was
reported at the beginning of the week to
be lying in a very critical condition
from the effects of diabetes. But we
#ze_glad to learn from the Williams-
gort papers that his condition is very
much improved, with the likelihood of
fis recovery.
Seven boys were arrested near
&enovo on Friday afternoon last by Of-
ficer Kane for playing truant. Burgess
Ferguson gave them a good lecture and
wme fatherly advice and then on their
yromise to play truant no more let them
#0. Are there not boys in Bellefonte
who play truant and need a talking to ?
——The WaTcuMAN this week con-
rams the card of Dr. Thos. VanTreis,
oho has located permanently in Belle-
fionte. Dr. VanTreis has for many years
successfully practiced his profession at
Fennsylvania Furnace, and is known
4% a larger portion of our readers as one
of the best read and most skillful physi-
aians in the county.
——-Mr. Adolph Loeb, a well known
meerchant of this place, whose health for
early two years was in such a preca-
mous condition thatit was thought he
«ould not live, has greatly improved,
et he considers it prudent4o withdraw
trom business, and announces that
about to retire and place his business in
she hands of his brother, Mr. Simon
——The burning of the John A. Bur-
rell sawinill, at the east end of Nittany
Valley last week, involved a loss of
some 300,000 feet of white pine sawed
Rimber, valued at about $4.000, on
which there was a small insurance, but
shere was none on the mill. The lum-
Ber was owned by J. B. Furst. It is
shought that the fire was the work of
&n incendiary.
—The gymnasium. connected with
she Y. M. C. A. of this place, is begin-
ing to assume the appearance of a settled
fet. It will cost about $450, and at a
secent meeting fifty young men agreed
#» become members at a fee of $3 a year.
There is a prospect of increasing tha
membership to the full amount of the
sua required, and there is already $175
sn bund made by the lectures last win-
ter. After the gymnasium is establish-
rd ladics will be admitted to the benefit
wf the exercise, it being proposed toallow
awo afternoons in the week for their use. | ish
BETTER dfolie
Deprcation of THE CATHOLIC
CuurcH.—The dedication of the new
Catholic church last Sunday was an
event of great interest to a large por-
tion of the citizens of this place and the
surrounding country. For a town of
its size Bellefonte contains an unusually
large Catholic population, the church
having been in vigorous existence here
since early inthe present century, and it
may not be too much to say that nu-
merically it is as strong as the strongest
in our borough.
To this class of church people the ap-
proaching consecration of their new
place of worship, constructed on so much
grander scale than their old one which
had served them so long, appeared as
an event of great spiritual importance,
and it was on account of such feeling
that a large crowd began to assemble
long before the time for the ceremonies
to begin. There were many in the
throng who were not Catholics attracted
by curiogity and the interest they took
in so important a matter as a church
dedication, irrespective of denomination-
al feeling.
At 10 o'clock a. m., the doors were
opened and the expectant crowd quietly
filed into the edifice. Tickets of admis-
sion had been sold at the price of $1, and
from the size of the assemblage it was
evident that more than a thousand had
been sold. Only the middle rows of
pews were at first occupied, the side pews
remaining vacant for a reason that was
apparent during the course of the cere-
It was not long before the intonations
of the priestly procession was heard at
the entrance, and, the wide doors being
thrown open, with slow and stately
tread they marched up the main aisle
toward the altar. The part of the ritual
suited to this stage of the services was
in Latin aud pronounced with that in-
toning sound peculiar to the Catholic
service, which adds so much to its im-
pressiveness. The procession consisted
of Rev. W. J. Burke, of Bonneauville,
Master of Ceremonies; Rev. J.J. Gorm-
ley, of Renovo, Subdeacon; Rev. J.
Farren, of Tyrone, Celebrant; Rev.
Nevin Fisher, of Philadelphia, who de-
livered the sermon; Rev. Father J.
Cohl, ot Snow Shoe ; Very Rev. Joseph
A. Boll, of Gettysburg, Deacon; Very
tev. BE. Garvey, of Williamsport, and
Very Rev. M. G. Powers, of Lock
Haven, Deacons of Honor; Very Rev.
Joseph Koch, of Shamokin, Vicar Gen-
eral, and Right Reverend Thomas Mc-
Govern, Bishop of the Diocese. Rev.
Father McArdle, recior of the church,
took no part in the ceremonies.
After this imposing array of ecclesi-
astics, clad in the habiliments of their
priestly offices, reached the altar they
knelt with their backs to the congrega-
tion and continued their intonations for
some minutes. The usual ceremonies
were gone through with in the most im-
pressive manner, It is useless for one
unacquainted with their order or mean-
ing to attempt to describe them, but we
have no doubt that they were replete
with significance to the true Catholic.
During the course of the services the
venerable Bishop, attended by the pro-
cession of priest, and bearing the crosier
as thesymbol of his gpiscopal office, tra-
versed the side aisles and consecrated
the walls of the church by the applica-
tion of holy water. After that was
done the side rows of seats were quickly
filled by those who had remained stand-
ing, making the large auditorium a
mass of seated worshipers and spectators.
The sermon was preached by Rev.
Nevin Fisher, Professor in Overbrook
Seminary near Philadelphia. His dis-
course was in support of the claim of the
Catholic church to pre-eminence among
Christian churches, founded upon the
power given to Peter who was the first
Bishop of Rome. Father Fisher, who
is yeta young man, is a native of Cen-
tre county, being a son of the late
Mr. Fisher, of the Reformed churely, and
a brother of Dr. Fisher, of Zion, this
county. He originally studied for the
ministry of the church to which his fath-
er belonged. That he is a priest of de-
cided ability was indicated by the char-
acter of his discourse.
choir, which numbered some
thirty or furty, performed an excellent |
partin the services. Some of the best
-singers of the town who took part were
not members of the Catholic church,
while that denomination eontributed the
best singers of their choir, Miss Alice
Nolan being conspicuous in the solo
parts. Mr. A. Lukenbach acted as di-
rector, and Miss Theresa Hibler, of
Milesburg, was organist. The young
men's orchestra performed important ser-
vice in contributing the instrumental
strains. The singers from a distance
were Miss Schell and Mr. Young, of 1'y-
rone, and Prof. Myers, of Kbensburg.
The first Catholic services in Belle-
fonte were conducted in 1824 by Father
Haydon. who came here from Bedford
to do mission Until a church
was built they were held in a house on
High street afterwards the residence of
William Welsh. In 1828, under the
pastorate of Rev. Father O'Reily, the
chureh which has just been supplanted
Haven, Jersey Shore, Howard, Hecla
and Washington Furnace, Philipsburg
and Snow Shoe. Up to 1868 it belong-
ed to the Diocese of Philadelphia when
it was included in the new Diocese of
Harrisburg. The secular priests officiat-
ed until 1867, when the Benedictines |
were given control, which lasted until |
1864, when the secular priests again
took charge of it under the pastoral
care of Rev. Thomas McGovern, who is |
now the Bishop of the Diocese. Since |
its establishment thirty-six priests have |
had charge of it, the present incumbent |
being Rev. Patrick McArdle, who com-
menced his pastorate in November 1880, |
and to whom is due the credit of being
instrumental in the construction of the
fine edifice dedicated on Sunday.
Mr. Ira Moore, of Tyrone, spent
Sunday with his Bellefonte friends, re-
turning home on Monday.
Hon. Leonard Rhone and wife
leave next Thursday for an extended
trip throughout the West and along the
Pacific coast.
——Cards of invitation are out for the
wedding of John G. Love, Esq., to Miss
Nellie, daughter of ex-Sheriff D. Z.
Kline, on Thursday, the 24th inst.
—— A spark from a fire under an ap-
plebutter kettle set fire to H. H. Weav-
er’s house at Aaronsburg one day re-
cently, but the result was not disastrous.
——Geo. O’Brien, Esq., formerly of
this place, but for years a resident of
Adrian, Mich., spent a portion of last
weeks looking at the improvements
about Bellefonte.
——J. A. Daly, esq., of this county,
who is now in the government employ
at Washington, occasionall sends us
copies of Washington papers for which
he has our thanks.
——The newly elected pastor of the
Reformed church of this place, Rev.
Miles O. Noll, will preach here on Sun-
day morning and evening and at Zion
in the afternoon.
George R. Patton, Esq., now one
of the leading attorneys of Charlestown,
W. Va., formerly of this place, has been
spending a few days with friends here-
abouts the past week.
——Cards are out for the marriage of
Miss Emma G. Gray, daughter of Rev.
G.T. Gray and Mr. Frank L. Arnold
The happy event will occuron the 30th
inst. in the M. E. church at Curwens-
——A union service will be conduct-
ed in the Methodist church sabbath
morning next. The fruits of the field
will be used as an object lesson to inspire
| verdiet.
gratitude from the Creature to the
Creator. Services at 10:30 a. m., 7 p.
m. Seats free—all welcome.
—A vote for FLEMING is a vote
for a man nominated by a ring, who
will be the tool of a ring if elected, and
who has all his life had an idea that he
was a little bit better than the man who
worked fora living or whose clothes were
soiled by labor.
—Mis. R. C. Gilmore having re.
turned from Philadelphia and New
York with a large, complete and care-
fully selected stock of millinery goods of
the latest styles, kindly invites the ladies
of Bellefonte and vicinity to call and ex-
amine her goods. She has brought with
her from Philadelphia a first-class mil-
liner who will be at the service of her
The Messrs Remington Bros., the
Pittsburg advertising agents, have es-
tablished a branch office in the Tribune
building, New-York, and will hereafter
give that same careful attention to East-
ern business in their line that has char-
acterized and built up their now pros-
perous agency in the smoky city. They
are fair, honorable and prompt and we
are glad to see this new evidence of
their prosperity .
~— The Young Ladies’ Missionary So-
ciety met last Monday evening at the resi-
dence of Mr. Joel Johnson on East Bishop
street and wus in every respect a suc-
cess. There were several recitations and
a diologue by some of the ladies, which
were interesting and instructive, and a
charade by the gentlemen. Music also
enlivened the evening. The Society
will meet next Monday evening a week
at the home of Miss Mamie Gentzel.
——The following report about chang-
ing the location of the grangers’ picnic
heretofore held at William’s Grove, may
be interesting to our farmer readers, al-
though it is denied in some quarters: It
is said in the Lebanon Dispatch that Dr.
T. A. Corryell, of Harrisburg, secretary
of the granger association, in company
with other representatives of the sane
association, visited Robert H. Coleman,
September 25, and effected a twenty
years’ lease of grounds at Mount Gretna.
It is reported that the picnics of the as-
sociation, which have heretofore been held |
at Williams’ Grove, will hereafter be held
at Mount Gretna. A stock company
will be formed with a liberal capital
several buildings will le erected the
by the new one, was built, it being con- | largest of which will be 50 by 500 feet, |
secrated on Sunday, August 14, 1831.
flor some time after the Bellefonte par- | picnic on a much
1 | 1
included Lock
was established it
and it has been decided to conduct the !
grander scale than
ever before.
ever a person has been found dead,
whether the circumstances were suspi-
cious or otherwise, it has been the cus-
tom fr the coroner, or more usually the
nearest justice of the peace, to summon
a jury with the greatest possible dis-
patch to ‘set on” the body and return a
Of course, in most cases the ob-
jectis to securesthe fee whizh the law pro-
vides for inquests. Judge Furst gives
it as his opinion that many of these in-
quests are unnecessary, they not being
required by law. He instances nine
recent cases of this kind in the county
which were not called for by legal re-
quirement, there being no reasonable
| caues for them, and he has directed that
the costs incurred should not be paid. He
says that where the cause of death is not
doubtful and there is no reason for sus-
picion that implicates anyone, an in-
quest should not be held. The case of
A. W. Ralston, who committ-d suicide
in Philipsburg on the 28th of Novem-
ber, 1888, is numbered among the nine
inquests mentioned above. He was a
man afflicted with melancholy, was
known to have made a prior attempt to
take his own life, and the circumstances
indicated that there was no legal reason
for holding an inquest.
The other cases were the Pfoutz
children who were in their father's
house, a short distance east of Coburn,
and on the night of the 1st of June last,
during the flood, the house was swept
away and they were drowned; Charles
Cowper, who was bathing in Hays run
on the 18th of August, 1889, about 10
o'clock, and was accidentally drowned ;
Patrick McGee, who came to his death
from drunkenness by the excessive use
of liquor and that no mark of violence
could be found on his person; Frank
Eckley, who came to his death by at-
tempting to get upon a moving train of
cars on the Bald Eagle Valley Railroad,
near Milesburg, missing his hold, and
the railroad employes not being in fault,
but a case of gross negligence on his own
part; L. E. Heisler, who came to his
death accidentally, while helping to load
a boiler at the Bellefonte Boiler Works,
the rope having slipped, and the deceas-
ed having been caught between the boil-
er and the skid.
It is evident that the intention of an
inquest is to determine whether there
has been any foul play in causing the
death of a person, and as from the char-
acter of the deaths above mentioned
there could be no ground for a suspi-
cion of foul play, an inquiry was unnec-
essary and bills of costs in the cases were
impositions upon the county. They were
very properly rejected.
#UL.~-The musical entertainment given
in the Court House last Friday evening
in the interest of the Presbyterian ladies,
is said by all who attended it to have
furnished an evening of rare enjoyment.
It was favored with a crowded house
which it so well deserved. The singers
and performers consisted of Misses Speer,
Aikens, Bayard, Hamilton and Maus.
Dr. Gearhart, of Tyrone, and Messrs.
Keplinger, Voris, Weaver, Bassett, Bay-
ard and Blanchard. The choruses
were very lively and pleasing, and some
magnificent solos and duets were ren-
dered by Evan Blanchard, Fsq., by
Messrs. Keplinger and Voris, by Mrs.
Dr. Gearhart, by Miss Aikens, and in-
strumental performance by Misses Ham-
ilton and Aikens. Prof. Johnson C.
Bane, the celebrated guitarist, gave sev-
eral of his exquisite performances, in
one instance accompanied on the piano
by Miss Aikens. The recitations by
Mr. Swoope were rendered in a master-
ly manner. The concert wound up with
“Auld Lang Syne’ sung by some of
the old folks of the town, prominent
among whom was the venerable Mrs.
Armor in the 90 year of her age. The
public and the ladies of the Presbyter-
ian church are indented to the good man-
agement of Mrs. Aikens and Mrs. J. C.
Weaver for this really enjoyable enter-
tamment. The proceeds were $108.
Dears oF Ex-SENator Harr. —The
friends of Ex-State Senator John G.
Hall were painfully surprised last week
to hear of his death which occurred in
Liverpool, England, he having sailed
for Europe some weeks ago. He was a
prominent citizen of Elk county and
had taken a leading part in the politics
of that section on the Democratic side.
He was born in Hublersbure, this coun-
ty, in 1839, and received a portion of his
education in Bellefonte. Going to
Clearfield county he studied law with
Hon. William A. Wallace,. and moved
to Ridgway, Kik county, in 1861, to
practice his profession. In addition to
his practice he became largely interested
in the timber lands of that region. He
served the counties of Clearfield, Klk
and Forestin thehouse of representatives
in 1870-1, was elected to the State Sen-
ate in 1878 and re-elected in 1882. He
was useful both as a citizen and 8 mem-
ber of the Democratic party. 1Itis un-
derstood that he became ill on his pas-
sage out and died soon after landing at
Liverpool, his disease being a form of
heart affection. His wife, who was with
him, will return with the remains.
—-—Vote for Bigler, Riley, Schuffer,
Meyer, Johnson and Neil.
TALES oF THE SEAsoN.— The snakes |
did extremely well this year. Consider-
ing the unfavorable character of the sca-
son they kept well to the front, elaim-
ing the atiention of the newspapers and
furnishing the snake editors with many
interesting items. When the season
opened it looked as if the reptiles were
disposed to be shy and there was every
appearance that it wasn’t going to be
much of a snake year. But when the
truthful scribes who give at‘ention to
snake literature began to getin their work
and the returns commenced to come in
from the back districts the newspapers
had more than their usual number of
accounts of mammoth black snakes, vie-
ious blowing vipers, rapid racers, ven-
omous copperheads and sportiverattlers.
It is doubtful whether any former year
surpassed 1889 in the length, thickness,
liveliness and activity ‘of the serpents of
different species which were brought to
the attention of an appreciative public
through the columns of the press.
If there is anything that in point of
interest sur passes a good fish story it is
a first-class snake story. Bat the season
for such narratives has closed, as the rep-
tiles have withdrawn from public life,
and the gay and festive bear appears up-
on the scene to furnish items for enter-
prising journals. When the fall opens
these interesting animals fill a journalis-
tie vacancy occasioned by the disappear-
ance of the snakes. This fall starts well
with bear. There had been a little pre-
liminary skirmishing with bear stories
of minor interest already this season
when the Lock Haven Democrat, which
evidently has a bear editor, opened up
last week in great shape with the follow-
ing first-class bear narrative:
On Queen’s Run mountain on Thurs-
day night of this week three brothers,
Jacob, Abraham snd Dudley Wenker,
had an adventure with a monster bear
which they are not likely to forget, no
matter if they live to be as old as Methu-
selah. Ttappears that the trio of broth-
ers, accompanied by their dogs, were
out coon hunting, when all at once the
dogs gave notice by tremendous barking
that they had run across larger game
than coon. As fast as their legs could
carry them the brothers hurried to the
spot wherethe dogs were and to their sur-
prise discovered a mammoth bear, an
immense fellow, the sight of which in
spite of their dogs and their guns, al-
most caused their hair to stand on end,
“like quills upon the fretful porcupine.’
That the bear was a rouser is proven by
the fact that Jacob Wenker, who stands
over six feet high in his stocking feet,
said that it was taller than he was as it
walked around on its hind feet, which
it was doing when they first beheld it,
in a ring about eighteen feet in diameter
which the the animal had made by
breaking down all the brush inside of the
circular space. In regular John L.
Sullivan style the bear seemed to be
daring either man or dog to walk into
the ring and get knocked out, but the
dogs were wise and kept their distance
and as neither of the men cared about
sparring for points with Mr. Bruin he
was allowed to wear the belt, while Ja-
cob bethought him of his Winchester
rifle, which he coolly brought to his
shoulder, sending a dose of cold lead in-
to the body of the proud king of the
forest. And now the excitement began,
for the bear making several leaps clear-
ed the ring and made directly for the
man who had put the bullet into him.
Just as the bear was about to strike Ja-
cob on the breast, however, with his
fore paws, crack went Abraham's rifle
and with another bullet in the creature it
fell all doubled up at Jacob's feet. This
was the signal for the three dogs to pile
upon their enemy and they made the at-
tack in savage style, but the tussle was a
tremendous one and the dogs found that
they had more than met their match.
The hunters found that they could not
get another shot ir, as the dogs and the
bear wereso mixed up that they conld not
tell which was which and were afraid
to hoot for fear of killing one or more of
the former. The fight between the dogs
and bear lasted a long time, the bear
all the time trying to get away, and
when about a mile from the spot where
it first began, the bear suddenly grabbed
oneof the dogs by the small of the back,
shaking it like a terrier would a rat, in-
flicting injuries trom which the poor
dog died the nextday. This scemed to
take the snap out of the other two dogs,
who were thoroughly exhausted by the
long struggle and covered with blood
from the bear’s wounds and their own,
and; being unable to any longer contin-
ue the battle, the monster suddenly made
for the thicket and got away, leaving
the hunters who had followed the fight
in jthe lurch and greatly disappointed.
While the dogs and bear were
having their first fight Jacob and Abra-
ham missed their young sv brother Dud-
ley, and as this was his first adventure
witha bear they became somewhat alarm-
ed. Looking around for him, however,
they soon found him hanging to a sap-
ling directly over the bear, with his legs
drawn up so that the bear could not
reach him. After coming ‘own he said
he was mightily afraid that the sapling
would break and that he did not want
to meet a bear again after night, for re-
member this adventure was. at night
during a coon hunt. Had it beenin the
daytime the bear most likely would
have been captured.
Several parties say they have seen a
bear in these mountains which was the
largest they ever saw. Most likely it is
the same pone, which Mr. Wenker says
would have dressed over 400 pounds.
——Applebutter,Jellies, Jams, Honey
Pickles, Olives, Table Oil, and Ketchup
at Sechler & Co.'s.
——Last Sunday Lucy, a two-year
old child of Mr. John Corman, residing
on Quaker Hill, this place, was choked
to death by the kernel of a peanut that
lodged in her windpipe. The physicians
who were called to her assistance, Drs.
Dorworth, VanTries and Seibert, were
unable to dislodge the obstruction. An
examination was made afier the death
of the child which showed that por-
tions of the nut had lodged below the
WALL Parer.--Large stock—must
be sold. Prices astonishing, write for
samples to Jou~n M. Drax & Co,
Williamsport, Pa.
‘When our little neighbor, the
Daily News, sends prominent citizens of
our town off on visits to other places, it
ought to pair them better in the matter
of sex. :
Allthe New Woolens, for the com-
ing season now being received. Liberal
Discount for early orders during the dull
season. Our Fall stock will be the fin-
est we have ever shown. Prices anda
good. fit guaranteed.
MoxtcoMERY & Co., Tailors.
——On Wednesday of last week, Drs.
Kirk and Hoy, amputated the leg of
Mr. Wesley Lambert, about three inch-
es below the knee, he having been a
sufferer from gangrene until the entire
foot and lower limb became’ diseased.
He is now resting easy and we believe
——Fine cheese, Hams, Bacon, Dried
Beef, and Canned Meats at Sechler
& Co.’s.
——Quite a number of Odd Fellows
from this place attended the dedication
of the Odd Fellows’ building at Tyrone
on Tuesday.
— Wanted.—50,000 pounds of wool.
Lyon & Co , Bellefonte, Pa.
——After an illness of about two
weeks Homer Stover, son of John H.
Stover, Ksq., of Union township, died at
the residence of his father on Monday
night last. Mr. Stover, who had been
in the employ of his Uncle, Wilber
Twitmire, of this place, for a couple of
years, went to Johnstown shortly after
the flood” to follow his trade, that of tin-
smithing. He returned home a few
weeks ago, feeling unwell, and vas
shortly afterwards prostrated with ty-
phoid fever. He was a young man of
estimable character, esteemed by all who
knew him, and whose early death will
be sincerly mourned by a large circle of
October 3, 1889, by Rev. Rutger Dox, Mr.
William R. McCloskey, of Romola, Pa., and
Miss Leona Culver, of Silvara, Pa.
POORMAN—LOWERY—At the M. E. parson -
age, Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 25th, 1889, by Rev
Wm. A. ; Houck, Edward W. Poorman and
Virgie A. Lowery.
STEVENSON—SWARTZ—At the parsonage,
Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 8th, 1859, by Rev Wm.
A. Houck, Harry W. Stevenson and Annie
MARTZ—STRECK—At the groom’s home in
Bellefonte, Pa., by Rev. Ed.Everett Hoshour,
Mr. Homer C. Martz and Miss Minnie
Streck, of Beech Creek, Pa.
HUEY—After an ilinéss of almost four years,
on the 3rd instant, in Bellefonte, James
Huey, aged 58 years, 8 months and 28 days.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Gro. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
oes to press :
White wheat, per bushel............ cccccennsns
Read wheat, per bushel...
Rye, per bushel............
Corn, ears, per bushel......
Corn, shelled, per bushel.
Oats—new, i bushel.....
Barley, per bushel........
Buckwheat per bushel.
Cloversecd, per bushe!..
Ground Plaster, per ton.
Bellefonte Produce Markets,
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel . 50
Eggs, per dozen 18
Lard, per pound 3
CountryShoulde 8
Sides 1C
Hams... 15
I'allow, per pound. 3
Batter, per pound. 20
Onions, per bushel.. 65
Turnips, per bushel, 25
etme memes amn.
The Democratic 13 atcha.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in
advange); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year; and uo paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the
Papers will not he sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal disconnt is made to persons adver.
tising by the quarter, halt year, or year, as fol
lows :
SPACE OCCUPIED. sm 6m | 1y
One inch (12 lines this type oe $3538 1912
Two inches... 7110! 15
Three inches.. 10 1.15.1 20
Quarter Colum J 12] 20! 30
Half Column ( 9 inche 20 1351 B55
One Column (19 inches «| 85 | 55 | 100
Advertisements in special column, 25 per
cent. additional. . : 3
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions...... 20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line.... 5 eta.
Local notices, per line........ cts.
Business notices, per line... " ...10 ets,
Job Printing of every kind done with neat-
ness and dispatch. The Warcuman office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
he rxecnted in the most artistic mannerand at
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor.