Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 18, 1889, Image 4
me Deworeatic Terms, 82.00 a Year, in Advance, Bellefonte, Pa., October I8, 18 P.GRAY MPPR. 2 . —— eee — Ebp1tor. Democratic State Ticket. FOR TREASURER, EDMUND A. BIGLER, OF CLEARFIELD. Democratic County Ticket. For Associate Judge—THOS. F. RILEY. For Prothonotary—L. A. SCHAEFFER. For District Attorney—J. C. MEYER. For County Surveyor—GEO. D. JOHNSON. For Coronor—Dr. JAMES W. NEFF. An Official Whose Service Benefits the Taxpayers. No other district attorney in this county performed his official trust with greater fidelity to the duty imposed upon him, or with a larger saving of expense to the taxpayers of the county, than has been done by the present incumbent. Thisis a fact generally recognized by those who have observed his official course and cenduct, and hence the sur- prise that lis opponents should trump up the charge, as was donein the Aey- stone Gazette, that hd@has exacted fees to which ke was not entitled. The charge bears its refutation upon its face. Every fee that Mr. Meyers has received from the county has undergone the close scrutiny of the board of com- missioners and the county’s attorney. It is to be supposed that they know their duty and can discriminate be- tween proper and improper fees. Be- sides, during the last two years the ma- jority ot the commissioners and the ad- vising attorney have been Republicans who would naturally be disposed to object 'to any fees which a Democratic official had not earned. The fact that they passed his bills can be taken as conclusive evidence that he made no overcharges. The unsubstantiated accusation against Mr. MevERs, recklessly made for pélitical effect by the organ of the ringsters, is based upon the fact that he took the full fee allowed by law for commonwealth cases that were set- tled and not brought to a jury trial. He was sanctioned in this not only by the provisions of the law but by the practice of all his predecessors. Where a commonwealth case wiil admit of settlement without violence to justice, a prosecuting attorney who effects such a disposal of the case does the county a greater service than if he should send it to a jury with all the expense that such a process involves; and by such a course he earns his fee more clearly than it he had adopted the more expensive course. Mr. Meyers has been peculiarly ef ficient and serviceable in bringing about such money-saving settlements, at the same time keeping a close eye on the ends of justice. If, indifferent to the taxpayer's interest, he had let them go to trial and there had been a big fuss before the court and jury, un- thinking people might have said that he had more fully earned his fees, but sensible folk will come to the con- clusion that saving the people’s money gave him a better title to his pay. Nor is this the only way in which Mr. Meyers, as District A ttor ney,has been ofbenefit to the taxpayers. His ability has enabled him to conduct the prosecutions of the commonwealth without putting the county to the ex- peuse of employing an assistant, Aud he is so forehanded in the pre- paration of the cases that the com- monwealth business can be commenced at the very beginuing of the term, he having made an arrangement with the court to that effect, which expedites the trials and saves at least one day of court expense at every term. The bu- siness of the court, including the time of jurymen, witnesses and other inci- dentals, eannot be a less daily expense than $300, and it can be cal- culated from this one feature of re- trenchment to what extent Mr. Mgy- ERS service has been of advantage to the taxpayers of the county. The groundless charges of reckless opponents can have no effect in over coming the testimony of such facts. — According to Mr. CoBuRrN’s ac- count of the way it was done, it didn’t take much work for the Bellefonte Re publican ring, of which he and Law- RENCE BrowN are members, to knock out Gro. DALE and the other Repabli- can aspirants for assoeiate judge. They are finding that the hardest work in this matter is to get the Republican voters to stand up and endorse their dictatorial action. Scores and scores of independent and respectable voters of that party refuse to be led round by the nose, and will vote directly against | the whole ring ticket. In opposing a secret ballot can. didate Boyer evinced an aversion to the equal rights of the laboring man, = How Easily The Ring Does Its Work. An accesnt of how Micuaer, Mus. SER came to be the Republican nominee for associate judge, which is now be- ing told by gentlemen to whom Mr. Jas. P. Coury confided the secret, shows very plainly how easily the Re- publican ring at Bellefonte can set up and nominate such persons as they want on their ticket. The story as told by Mr. CoBURN, when asked how it came that Musser was brought out as a candidate and nominated, is substantially as follows : “I happened to be in Bellefonte a few weeks before the convention, and while there went over to see Lawrence Brow~ about whom we would have appointed post-masters at some of the places not already changed. After talking the matter over, Brown turned to me and asked if we did not have some one down our way who would make a good candidate for associate | judge, remarking that a lot of fellows were announcing themselves who were nat fit for the office and could not poll the vote, and that if we could only get some good candidate down Penn's valley to run, there might be a chance of securing some Democratic votes, and some hope of an election. I thought the matter over for a moment, and could think of no one but Mussgr. I told him Mike was the best one I could think of, and he asked me if he would run. I told him we could easily make him run as he was willing to do most anything that was asked and ready to take any thing that would turn up. He then suggested that I should go and have him announced. I objected to this, because I did not know how Musser would feel about it, and didn’t want to make myself responsible. Brow~ then concluded to announce him himself, provided I would see Musser and help him work up the delegates in the lower end. This I agreed to do, and the announcement was written out and sent to the papers at once. After this was done Broww turned to me and said, ‘Now, Conurx, we have started your man and you've got to stand up for him. You attend to Penn's valley and I'll tell the boys ‘round here who we want, and we'll put him through easily.’ “You see,” added Conury, “how easy it is to put a -fellow through when the right men take hold of him. Dawg, and Wor, and Trovrsox, and RisukLr had been doing their best for weeks, but it didn’t take ten minutes to start Musser, and we got him through without going to any other trouble than just telling the ‘boys’ who our candidate was.” Schaefrer’s Strong Point. There couldn't be fairer prospects of the re-election of I. A. ScH #FFER to the office of Prothonotary. He has per formed the duties of his office with such entire satisfaction to those who have business in it that public sentiment is strongly in favor of rewarding him vith a second term. It is the custom to re- peat the terms of county officers—it should be a pleasure to the people to re- elect so efficient and obliging an official as Mr. Scuxrrer has been. Even his political opponents admit that he has performed his duties faithfully and well and in a manner agreeable to those who have come in contact with him in his official capacity. There could not be a more accommodating officer, and this,together with efficiency, is what counts in winning the favor of the voters. Mr, Scizrrer has spared 10 pains in making himself serviceable to the court, the bar and the people, and the verdict at the polls will pro- claim that his services have been ap- preciated. me eee Democrats, Beware ! Just now a large number of Prohi. bition documents are being mailed to Democratic voters of the county. These documents are sent out by L. L. Brown, Chairman of the Republican County Committee, in the hope that Tremocrats will be influenced to vote the Prohibition ticket, and thus help the Republicans of the county. Every Democratic vote cast for the Prohibi- tion ticket is just that much aid to the Republican ring. Democrats, do not let this trick deceive you, ——Every man on the Republican ticket was nominated just as MicHagr, Musser was : by order of the Bellefonte i Republican ring—the same little gang of politicians who gave us the two beauties in the commissioners office and the virtue-respecting (?) individual who adorns the sherift’s office. Keep Your Eye on Ohio. St. Louis Republican. The Campbells are coming in Ohio in a way that has thrown the Republicans into great confusion. The people of Cincinnati and other cities are revolting against the Foraker despotism which has deprived them ef local self-govern- tent on the pretense that they could not | govern themselves except throngh Y‘gangs,"’ ‘Laber Reform. The mechanics, mill-hands, miners, laborers,—in fact, the wage-earners of ‘he State, represented at Harrisbur last winter by a special committee of the Knights of Labor, asked the Legislature to pass a number of bills. From the re- port ot that committee, lately distributed privately to the various labor societies of the State, we can best give an idea of what these bills were, and what the evils are that they were intended to remedy, and what the Republican Legislature, under the guidance of Speaker Boyer, did with these bills in answer to the ap- peals of the workmen. The committee say :— . “Fearing the members of the House and Senate were not fuily informed as our bills, the following circular was sent by mail to each and every member of both houses : : “We desire to call your personal at- tention to the following measures now pending in General Assembly, and ask for your support and influence in secur- ing their enactment : House Bill No. 91—Collins, amend- ing. “Semi-Monthly Pay Law." House Bill No. 158—Caffrey, “Dock- age Bill.” House Bill No. 92—«Store Bill.” Senate Bill No—Hines, “Regulating Liability of Employers of Workmen to make compensztion for injuries, &e.”’ Senate No. 131—¢“Regulating Em- ployment of Women and Children, pro- viding Inspectors, &e.” House Bill No. 276,—“Providing for Examination of Miners in Anthracite Regions, &e.” Also Bills which will be introduced to amend the “Bituminous Check weigh- man and Mine Ventilation laws.” “To regulate licensing oft Stationary Engi- neers, &e.”” An act “To make Election Days Legal Holidays.” An act to reg- ulate elections according to the Aus- tralian System. An act giving Lumber- men a Lien on Cut Timber; and an act against “Convict Labor.” H. McGarvey, Ww. H. Lewis, C. J. ANDREWS, Committee. Then follows a history of the ill for- tunes of these bills, of which the follow- ing is a condensed report : House Bill No. 91. (Semi-monthly Pay Bill.) In the House: first reading January 25 ; second reading February 21; third reading April 3, when 1t pass- ed the House by a vote of 162 ayes to 9 nays. In the Senate: committed to Judici- ary General Committee April 4, 1889; reported negatively April 25, 1889. House Bill No. 92- (Company Stores) In the House : first reading January 25; second reading February 21, and third reading April 3, when’ it passed the House by a vote of 163 ayes to 3 nays. In theSenate : committed to Judiciary General Committee April 4, 1889: se ported negatively April 25, 1889. Senate Bill No. 131. House Bill No. 717. (Known as the Factory Inspection Bill.) In the Serate ; first reading Feb- ruary 26 ; second reading February 28; final passage in Senate, March 13, by a unanimous vote, In the House: first reading March 26; second reading April 18 ; final passage in the House, May 7, by a vote of 109 to 18. No appropriation was made for the payment of the inspectors, and, in con- sequence, no benefits have been derived from the act to date. House Bill No. 158. Senate Bill 897. (Dockage Bill.) In the House: first reading February 4; second reading March 28; third reading April 23, when bill passed the House by a unanimous vote. In the Senate : defeated on third read- ing, May 2, 1889. House Bill No. 276. (An act to pro- vide for the examination of Miners, &ec.) In the House: passed finally April 22, by a vote of 144 to 5. Speaker Boyer absent and not voting. In the Senate: passed finally May 2. Senate Bill No. 237. House Bill 844. (Employers’ Liability Bill.) In the Senate: first reading April 2; second reading April 9; third reading April 10, when bill passed Senate by a vote of 28 to 4. In the House : first reading April 19 ; second reading May 6; third reading May 8, when bill was defeated by a vote of 85 ayes to 38 nays, less than a majori- ty having voted in the affirmative, say : “The committee feel the loss of this bill very much from the fact, that it was with great difficulty we succeeded in get- ting it on the Senate calender, where it passed third reading and final passage with a creditable vote, and from the kind manner the members of the House had so far treated us, no serious Opposi- | tion was expected, but we were disap- pointed. “This bill, more than any other of the bills entrusted to the committee, presented an opportunity to those mem. bers who so often declared their alle- giance and friendship for the working classes of this State to place themselves on record as such by supporting and voting for the measure, inasmuch as the bill was more general and far reaching in its provisions than any other. There was not ashadow of class or special leg- islation in its provisions, but was intend- ed as a benefit to all the working classes of the State, no matter where or how employed.” The report of the Committee concludes as follows: “The other bills mentioned in the cir- cular were not endorsed by the conven- ! tion as special bills, but being in the in- | terest of labor, we gave them all the at- | tention possible. The Bill to ‘Regulate | the Licensing of Stationary Engineers’ | was negatived in committee, and did not come before the body for discussion. ‘An act to wake Election Days Legal Holidays’ met the same fate, as’ did alo the ‘Convict Labor Bill." The member | from Potter county refused to introduce the bill giving ‘Lumbermen a Lien on | Cut Timber.’ “The act to regulate elections aceord- ing to the Australian system of voting | presence at the meetings, | S came before the Judiciary Goneral Com. mittee ot both House and Senate, and it was ably supported on both oceasiens by | a delegation from the Balot Reform As. : sociation, of Philadelphin, who called | upon this committee and requested their ! This com- mittee attended and were ready, if call- to the nature, number and character of | Concerning this bill the Committee ed upon, to support the bill. The Hon. Wayne McVeagh, of Philadelphia, on behalf of the association, made an eloquent address in favor of the bill, as did other members of the association. “Mr. Baker moved to place the bill on the calendar as a special order. The years and nays were called, and the mo- tion was defeated by a large majority. “In conclusion, fet us say that, al- I though not as successful as we might, nor indeed as we expected to be, in se- curing legislation for the working class- es of the State, we issue this report with a clear conscience that we did all in our power as a committee to further the passage of the bills intrusted to us by the convention, and hope that each and every member is satisfied with this account of our stewardship. We advise the continuance of leg- | islative committees a each session of the Legislature. Wishing the next committee better success, with kind regards, we beg to remain, Yours fraternally, H. M. McGarvey, Chairman. QC. J. ANDREWS, Ww. H. Lewis, Secretary of Committee, 1066 S. 11th St., Harrisburg, Pa. Approved : A.M. DEwEy, Chairman of Convention. ene Roasted in Mid-Air. A Western Union Lineman’s Frightful Fate. NEw York, Oct 11.—The long roll of deaths from electric wires had an ad- dition to-day, which makes four within about two weeks. At the southwest corner of Chambers and Centre streets there is a telegraph pole 50 feet high with a double set of cross-arms extend. ing east and west and north and south, On these arms are telephone, telegraph and electric light wires. Shortly after noon to-day two Western Union Tele- graph linemen climbed up this pole to cut down some dead wires. One of them—John Feeks—had thrown one leg over the fourth cross-piece and stretched himself to arrange the wires. His gaffed feet were naturally raised upon a very thick wire, and the other | touched a small wire above. 1 | In stretching forward either his chin or his hand came in contact with a se- cond thick wire. The current was com- pleted. Inan instant the body stiffened. The head was raised and the whole form seemed to have been cast in an iron mold. The man was dead in an instant. His legs remained over the cross-ba r, but his feet, chin and hands were elevat- ed, as though he had suffered mortal agony. In an instant the flesh was | burned and turned red. What, seemed to be fungi appeared upon his throat and | upon his wrists. Even as the gathering | erowd looked on the unfortunate fellow’s mouth and nostrils belched forth white smoke. He was being literally roasted. All the time his position was as natural ; asinlife. His wavy brown hair could {be seen on his forehead, as his soft white hat rested on the back of his head. His sleeves were rolled up, and the hand and arm pressed against the wire could be seen burning. One wire was cutting and burning inte his throat, another across his cheek and the third on top of his hand. Blood was spurting out into the air in many directions, and the sidewalk and street for a distance of ten feet was soon cover- ed with the drops. It did not take long fora horrified crowd to gather. After the body had been hanging on the pole for about fif- teen minutes half a dozen linemen ar- rived and went up the pole. Putting on rubber gloves they proceeded to cut away the wire which had done the kill- ing, as well as others that were in the way. A rope was attached to the body, and it was lowered to the sidewalk. The crowd rushed in, and clubs had to be used freely to drive the pecple back. A stretcher was brought, and the body was taken into the engine-house on the corner. If the officials of the company own- ing the wires could have heard the ex- clamations of angry disgust which many made, and the terms in which they were spoken of, they might hurry a lit- tle to get the dangerous wires under ground. Coroner Schultz gave orders for sam- ples of all the wires that had been cut in freeing the dead man’s body to be taken and preserved for him. eee It Wasn’t the Principle. A young man with excited step and flushed face halted in front o° the City Hall the other day and stated that he had been robbed. “When and where 2” naturally in- quired the officer. “Out on the exposition grounds this forenoon. “How muck ?" “Well, as near as I can count, there was abont 40centsin the porte-monaie.’* “Have any suspicions ?"' “No. TI missed it after, coming ont of the snake show.” ; “Isn't it a pretty small matter to make complaint aliout?” queried the officer, “or is it the principle of the thing which actuates you 7" “Principle of the thing be hanged!” hotly exclaimed the young man. “What I'm after is my 40) cents, and if I don’t get it I'll have to walk thirteen miles on the railroad track ! Principle is all right when you have a big hoodle but I'd see a ton of it blown sky high before I'd walk thirteen miles!” — Detroit Free Press. ——Quay’s man, Boyer; Republican candidate for State Treasurer, is not the happiest man in the world. He doesn’t at all like the look of things in the western counties, where a hot fight against Quay and his aspirations is going on which threatens to leave Boyer out in the cull. In the meantime Mr. Big- ler, the Democratic candidate, is in the field following close on the heels of Boyer and making himself solid with the anti- Quay element in the Republican party everywhere, There is every reason to be- lieve that this dissatisfaction together with the exparding sentiment in favor of Democratic tari? reform, will result in the success of Bigler. Certainly it is likely to follow if the Democrats will ex- ert themselves in getting out their full vote.— Union-Leader. = PE. How Perfection is Secured for a Great Railroad. The Philadelphia Record of last Sat- urday, said: The Pennsylvania Rail road’s main line from Jersey City to Pittsburg is now in exhibition garb. Throughout its stretch of four hundred and more miles its road-bed was never so well kept, and the stations and sta- tien yards were never so cleanly as they are to-day, in expectation of General Manager Pugh’s annual trip of inspec- tion, which begins next week. The railroad Directors’ party, which started on Monday, will give no time to close scrutiny of the physical condition of the road, that task falling to the General Manager, who with forty expert rail- road men will spend four days in scan- ning the track from west to east. STRIVING FOR PRIZES. About $1000 in prizes will be award- ed to those whose divisions of the road show the most careful supervision, and it is the offer of these prizes that has set the company’s sub-officials busily at work within the last few days to get the roadway into first-class condition. Un- der the Pennsylvania Railroad system of organization the care of the roadway from Jersey City to Philadelphia and from Philadelphia to Pittsburg is vested {In two general superintendents. Under these two officials arc four division super- intendents, with special direction of their own divisions, aided by assistant engi- neers. Within each division are four or five supervisors with or without assis- tants, who have a still smaller bailiwick to watch over; and lastly, each super- visor has under hima number of section foremen who daily scrutinize every inch of the track and roadway within their section. RIVALRY THAT BENEFITS THE ROAD. Thus responsibility is well divided, a spirit of rivalry is engendered and the best results are secured. But the yearly award of prizes stirsup the most energet- ic work, Upon the completion of the General Manager's trip next week the prize of $150 will be given to the su- pervisor of the best kept district ; 8 se- cond prize of $100 to the second in mer- it ; $100 to the supervisor showing the most orderly yard: prizes of $75 to the most efficient supervisor within each division who has done the best work. HOW THE AWARDS ARE MADE, Merit is measured for the award of these purses by a rather novel but most equitable system. The party accompan- ing General Manager Pugh on his in- spection trip includes the whole body of General Superintendents, Superinten- dents, Assistant Engineers and Super- pervisors in charge of the roadway from Pittsburg to the North River—about forty in all. This body comprises a jury of view, and as the inspection proceeds each records on a card provided for the purpose the ranking he considers just for each supervisor’s district and yard and each foreman’s section. When the in- spection is completed these cards are sent to Altoona, and the disposition of the prizes is decided from a summing up and averaging of the “jury's” criticism. TRAVELING EICHTEEN MILES AN HOUR, Four days will be occupied by the in- specting train in traveling from Pitts- burg to Jersey City, a day being given to each division. The start from Pitts- burg is to be made on Tuesday, October 15. Anjinspection car, open atjone end, is pushed ahead of the engine, and an unimpeded view of the roadway is thus secured. The party travel at the rale of about eighteen miles an hour. Rubbish on the track, disarranged ballast, filth about depot buildings, are sure to be seen and noted by the General Manager's keen company. Roadway officials who may be in need of any material to put their distriets in good order can always make requisitions on Superintendent and General Super- intendent, and where the demand is fair it is not denied. Those whose work is not up to the mark have their own carelessness alone to blame. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ——Mr. James Monahan, of Phila- delphia, and Miss Mollie Curry, were married in the Catholic church, this place, on Thursday morning. —Mnrs. Russell, wife of Able M. Russell, died in Unionville, last Saturday morning, in her |76th year, she having been born in Whitestown, Adams coun- ty, in 1813. Her maiden name was Amanda M. White. Her husband ser- vives her at the age of 82, and also four children, Dr. Edward A. Russell, Mrs. Allegra J. Thompson, Mrs Henshey, wife of Rev. B. B. Henshey, Baptist clergyman, and Mrs. T. E. Griest. Her funeral took place on Monday in Un- ionville from the residence of Mrs T. E. Griest. ——Last Friday afternoon about 4 o'clock fire was discovered in the mow of the barn on J. W. Merrey’s farm, in Bald Eagle township, occupied W. H. Pifer. The barn and contents, besides a cow sta- ble, corn house and buggy shed, were to- tally detroyed. Mr. Merrey’s loss is probably $1700 and Mr. Pifer's prob- ably $1000, which is covered by in- surance in the agency of J. N. Welliver & Co. The origin of the fireis a mystery, as the farmer was in the barn a short time before it was discovered and did not n-- | sien anything that would be likely to { start such a conflagration. Recently we mentioned the fact of two bears having passed through Rich- | ville, one of which was killed some days ! since. The second one met his fate at Oak Grove yesterday at the hands of Messrs. Kchelberger and Ayers, and after being { dressed weighed 202 pounds, quite a | prize for Sunday shooting. John Earon wasin town this morning witha 290 ' pound bear which he shot yesterday on | Pine Creek and which he was offering for sale. Bears seem to be plenty and the lovers of that kind of meat will ‘stand a good chance for having their tastes gratified this season.—Lock Ha- ven Democrat of Monday. | Philipsburg Pickings. A Batch of Interesting News Collected ani Written By Our Own Special Correspondent. Work upon the new Odd Fellows building has been resumed, but it will hardly be com. pleted until next spring. W. J. Jackman, editor of the MitHintowr Demoerat and Register, spent the past few days visiting friends in Philipsburg. The first tecture of the Star course of the Mountain Wheel Club will be by John R Clark, on Thursday exening, Oct. 24th. . Frank Goshorn and Miss Clara Wells, both. of Chester Hill, were united in marriage by Justice McKernan on last Thursday, Oct. 10th W. 8. Bair, of Huntingdon, has been awarded the contract from Hoover, Hughes & Co., t put on and furnish the slate for the roof of the hospital building. Harry Loraine Carlisle has begun the erec- tion of a new residence on South Centre street, and we are assured that it will be one of the finest and most costly on that beautiful street. The Electric Light company have received their new lamps, and have already tested a few. Thus for those which they have tried are working satisfactorily, if they only keep up. The many friends of Ed. L. Barto will regret to learn that he is lying very ill with typhoid fever at the Depauw Institute, in Indiana, where he recently went to study for the min- istry. The Hope Fire Company, No. 2, celebrated their second anniversary on Thu rsday night of last week by giving a grand supper to its ac- tive and honorary members and immediate friends. It was held in the Public Building and was a grand success, Rev. Dr. McKinley, of Clearfield, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on last Sunday morning and evening. He also de- clared the pulpit vacant. The Rev. Mr. Corne- lius will leave for his new field of labor in Cal- ifornia about the first of next mon th. The Hope fire company’s intertainment, at which they will chance off a gold wateh and gold-headed cane, will come off at the Public Building on Saturday evening, November 2nd , The chances are only ten cents each, and some body is bound to geta watch or cane very cheap. The Reliance Fire Company’s fair opened on Tnesday night under encouraging and favor- able circumstances. The Clearfield, Curwens - ville and Houtzdale fire companies were pre- sent and participated in the festivities of the occasion. The Reliances’s new building is completed, and it is a dandy. “Ken” Nelson can beat the world raising tall celery. He showed us a couple of stocks the other day that measured from where the rocts join the main stock precisely six feet, three and one-half inches in length. If there is another man in Centre or Clearfield counties who can beat “Ken” let him come forward. William Underwood,a resident of Point Look- out, met with a serious and painful accident on Tuesday of this week, at about noon. He isa miner at Reese's colliery, and receiv ed his injuries by a fall of coal. He had his hip and left leg broken, and also received in- ternal injuries. At this writing he is not ex- pected to recover. When the directors of onr Public Schools asked for the resignations of Mrs, Colburn, a widow, and Miss Shoemaker, as teachers of Primary departments, they, we imagine, thought that they would step out, give up their schools, and that would be the end of it, Not so however, which the directors no doubt will soon discover. Miss Shoemaker, who is not so meek and docileas some people might imagine, has determined to test her removal, which, she claims, has been done without just cause. She has been advised by some of our pro- minent residents to bring an action against the directors, and has already employed a com pe- tent lawyer, who claims that she can collect every cent, just as if she had taught school the whole term. The affair has created quite a commotion among our people, and promises to be exceedingly interesting before all is ended, M. J. Fanning spoke in the cause of Tem- perance on last Sunday afternoon to a very large audience. For that very cause there has been a great big row stirred up among the wembers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The pastor is a staunch, red-hot Republican, and!on Sunday he made it emphatically known that he was not in favor of the third party, and that any respectable Democrat had as much right to hold meetings in the church as had the Prohibitionists. About three-fourths of the members of the M. E. Congregation are tem- perance people, and for their pastor to come out and boldly assert from his pulpit that he is not in favor of the Third Party, it is more than they can'stand,and they have become quite indignant. Upon almost every corner on Monday morning you could see little groups of Methodists standing, each giving his opinion of the pastor’s action, From present indication the stir won’t be hushed or quieted down very soon either. 1 ren PELLETS FROM THE Boaissure Por-Guy.— Boalsburg, the village in which our next asso- ciate judge, Thos. Riley, resides, is improving fast and bids fair in the next 100. years to be twice as large as Shingletown. Rev. Trostle has returned from an extended trip much improved in health. The Reformed congregation have repaired their church and their parsonage. We have had several cases of fever here, Mrs. Evey, who was quite ill, is now convales- cent, Father Coxey, who has been away for his health, has returned, and now holds the rib- bons in his old grace(full)ful style. We are sorry to say that “Jimmy” Riley is very ill with the buck fever. We hope a little Marlin-oil and a few doses of Gun’s-powder will set him right again. Last Saturday a game of base-ball, between our boys and the Pine Grove team, was played here. The score stood 18 to 13 in favor of the Boalsburg nine. There was good playing done by both sides, the pitching being very effec- tive and the batting of Henry Hosterman tre- mendous. Our boys played a game at Pine Grove some time ago, and it seems they for- got to take a lunch along and were forced to come home hungry. To retaliate and heap coals of fire on their heads, our boys, Inst Sat- urday, had supper prepared of which they in- vited their opponents to partake. But his high and mighty majesty, the captain of the Pine Grove club, remembering their own meanness, and taking umbrage at some trifle that was said or done, walked; off on his ear and took his club with him. The boys of Pine Grove put up good ball, and, in the main, are good fellows, but they should learn to be more liberal and to know that screaming like a hog locomotive is not playing ball. We would say, however, that their catcher played a good game and saved his wind for his work. Se explanation of Australian bal- lot systom inside of this issue.