Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 13, 1889, Image 8

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    Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 13, 1889.
To CorrrsPONDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
Mr. M. H. Gust, of Penn Hall, is the duly
authorized agent of the Warcimay for Gregg
——Rapid progress is being made in
the erection of the miners’ hospital at
——The State College opened this
week, for the term of the coming year,
with an increased number of students.
Rev. D. S. Monroe is expending
his surplus energy in pushing the enter-
prise of erecting a Methodist church in
Belleview, a suburb of Altoona.
—~Col. George Bayard not only
went to Gettysburg this week to mingle
with his old veteran associates, but he
also took Mrs. Bayard with him.
——A Prohibition county convention
will meet in the Court House, on Thurs-
day, September 19th, and put a full
ticket in the field for Centre county.
——A neat and commodious church
building has been completed for the Dis-
ciple congregation at Mount Eagle by
Capt. H. C. Holtand Mr. J. H. Schenck,
of Howard.
——The remarkable Adam Hart, in
the 102d year of his age, shows no ‘signs
of recovery from his illness caused by a
fall lately, but his symptoms do not
grow any worse.
——One of the features of the dedica-
tion of the Catholic church in this place
on the 19th of October will be the splen-
did church music that is usual in Cath-
olic ceremonies of that kind.
——The second game of baseball
played between the Bellefonte Y. M. C.
A. nine and the Altoona club, came off
on the old fair grounds in this place
last Thursday afternoon with another
victory for the Bellefonte players. It
was an easy victory.
Last Sunday evening a house
about half a mile back of the road lead-
ing from Curtin to Milesburg, which was
occupied by Ellery Harvey as tenant,
was destroyed by fire which originated
from the explosion of a lamp. The build-
ing, we understand, was owned by a
Mr. Ryman.
On account of repairs that are be-
ing done to the stone school house on
Allegheny street, the opening of the
schools in that building, which was to
take place on Wednesday of this week,
has been postponed to Wednesday of
next week, the 18th inst. There has al-
so been a postponement of the openir.g
of the schools in the Bishop street build-
ing, except the High School, until the
19th inst.
—Mrs. Ziegler, wife of Geo. Zieg-
ler, esq., of Sunbury, and sister of Mr.
5. A. McQuistion, of Bellefonte, died in
the former place on Thursday of last
week at the age of about 70 years, She
had been in ill health for the last year,
yet her death was not expected. Her
husband is the brother of the lat: well
known Hon. Jacob Ziegler, of Butler.
Her brother, Mr. MecQuistion, attended
the funeral on Monday.
——Bell, the photographer, will have
a portable gallery on the Granger pic-
nic ground, at Centre Hall, next week,
where he will be prepared to make first
class pictures. Don’t miss the opportu-
rity, nor wait for a clear day, as pictures
can be taken rain or shine. Bring your
sisters, brothers, father and mother.
Bring the children. Bring everybody.
All are welcome. Remember, only $1.50
per dozen for fine cabinet photos.
~The distribution of the relief
money to the flood sufferers at Lock
Haven commenced last week. The
largest payment in the first ward
amounted to $112.50, and the smallest
$7.50, there being 135 recipients in that
ward. As one of the papers of that
town remarks, many persons who are
expecting a share of the morey will be
disippointed upon finding that their
names are not on the list.
Of the sociables that are being
held by the members of some of the
churches in this place, none seem to be
more pleasant and profitable than those
of the Reformed church. The one at
the residence of C. M. Bower, esq., on
East Linn street, last Friday evening, is
spoken of as having been especially en-
joyable and noteworthy. These gather-
ings tend to promote sociability among
church members, and, being conducted
on practical principles, are the source of
considexable revenue,
——Last Saturday Mrs. Ruth Armor,
residing with her daughters on East
Linn street, this place, reached the un-
usual age of 90 and received the congrat-
ulations of many of her friends on her
attaining so great an age in such good
condition. A dinner party was given
during the day in honor of the event
and her house was filled with congratu-
lating callers during the evening. The
old lady has the vivacity and activity of
a mich younger woman, and looks as if
she woufd live for some years yet. Her
many friends hope that she may.
i brother, Maj. Wm. F.
Dearn or Hox. Samuel H. Rey-
NoLDs.—The people of Bellefonte were
surprised on Tuesday morning by the
information of the death of Hon. Sam-
uel H. Reynolds at Lancaster. His
Reynolds, of
this place, received a telegram on Mon-
day stating that he was seriously ill,
which was followed by one on Monday
evening saying that his condition had
improved. But on Tuesday a third dis-
patch contained the ead intelligence of
his death. The Major immediately
started for the scene of affliction. He
is now the sole survivor of his family,
his brothers Elisha, Thomas and Sam-
uel having died within the last three
years, and Charles some years earlier.
The deceased Samuel H. Reynolds, so
well known in this place, was one of the
leading citizens of the city of Lancaster
and among the ablest members of the
Lancaster county bar until his recent
retirement. Upon the occasion of his
retirement from the practice of his pro-
fession within the present year we gave
an extended notice of his public career.
Born in Columbia county in 1831, he
came to Bellefonte before reaching man-
hood and fitted himself for college in the
Bellefonte Academy, subsequently grad-
uating at Dickinson college. After
reading law with Hon. James T. Hale,
of this place, he located temporarily in
St. Louis, but atterwards settled in Lan-
caster, where he soon took a leading
position at the bar and became one of
the most influential citizens of that city.
He was an ardent Democrat, but on ac-
count of his party beingin the minority
in that county he did not reach the high
official position which the Democrats of
his county would have been pleased to
give him and for which his great abili-
tiesso well qualified him. Having acquir-
ed a large fortune by his profession, he re-
tired from the bar last April, with the
intention of devoting himselfexclusively
tothe banking business, he being Presi-
dent of the People’s National Bank of
The deceased left a widow and five
children, the latter being W. Fred Rey-
nolds, a resident of Bellefonte who is now
traveling in Europe, Samuel H. Rey-
nolds, Mrs. Frank Harris, and Misses
Mary and Maud Reynolds: We have
not learned the character of the disease
that so suddenly terminated his life,
but from the little we have heard in
regard to it we should judge that it was
some heart affection or an attack of a
paralytic nature.
Next Week's ExnisrrioN.—Tues-
day morning of next week, September
17, begins the Sixteenth Annual Gran-
gers’ Picnic-Exhibition of Central Penn-
sylvania, in Colonel Taylor's Fort
Woods, at Centre Hall. The arrange-
ments for a very successful week’s meet-
ing are all complete.
Besides the large list of eminent
speakers, lecturers and instructors, the
amusement programme is complete as
well. One of the attractive features
will be the cyeclorama of Gettysburg,
which alone will be worth many miles
travel to see. C. K. Sober, the cham-
pion wing shot of America, will give
exhibitions at stated intervals during
the week.
The railroad and excursion ticket ar-
rangement will suit everybody. Seven
trains each day between Montandon
and Centre Hall, as well as from the
latter place to Bellefonte. The last
train for Bellefonte in the evening will
run through to Milesburg.
The applications for terts and exhibi-
tion privileges are far greater than were
anticipated, but everybody will be prop-
erly cared for. Tt will be the largest
gathering of farmer and their friends
that was ever known in Central Penn-
ILY.- -In the town of Rebersburg, this
county, there reside three sisters whose
maiden names were Susan, Mary and
Christina Ghasts, and who since their
marriage are respectively Mrs. Paul
Wolf, aged 82 years, Mrs. Jacob Wolf,
aged 87 years, and Mrs. John Reynolds,
aged 90 years. Within the past few
years they buried their husbands and
are now passing their last days in the
place of their nativity. Each raised a
family of boys and girls who have done
them honor. They have two brothers
who reside in Lewisburg and are honor-
ed by all who know them. They tco
have attained the advanced age of over
80 years. Itis a rare occurrence to see
or hear of an entire family reaching
four score years.
—In saying that the people of)
Bellefonte went wild over the recent
performance of Uncle Tom's Cabin in
this place, the Lock Haven Democrat
was only joking. It is when Uncle
Tom strikes a pural settlement like Lock
Haven that the population turns out in
a body to enjoy the novelty of the per-
——VWilliam Hoy, of Benner town-
ship, owned a cow which was so unfor-
tunate as to choke on an apple. But
the cow didn't die. Doctor Tibbens
was sent for but he was unsuccessful in
removing the apple. Dostor William
Dale next attempted it and was quite
successful. The cow is now ready to
begin another attack on the apple crop.
——Seven barns were destroyed by |
fire at Wrightsville, Huntingdon coun- |
ty, on Sunday morning. The aggre-
gate loss is $8,000. The fires were cansed
by an incendiary.
There will be a grand exhibition
at Port Royal, ‘Juniata county, on the
17th, 18th, 19th and 20th instants.
There will be races, wild west shows,
grand parades, etc.
——ZEntire new ceilings have been |
put in two of the rooms on the first foor
of the public school house on Alleghany
street,and all the rooms have been fresh-
ly kalsomined preparatory to beginning
the fall term of school.
Pheasants are quite obliging in
Tyrone. On Monday one darted
against an upper window in C. H.
Traynor’s house, broke the glass, flew
on a bed and allowed Mrs. Traynor to
pick it up. On Tuesday it 1nade an ex-
cellent pot pie.
——E. R. Chambers, Esq., of this
place, has been appointed Deputy U.
S. Collector for the 12th District of |
Pennsylvania, to succeed W. C. Heinle,
Esq. Thus the spoils are being handed
out to the faithful and the cause of civ
service reform is being vindicated in the
Republican style.
——The forge and rolling mill at!
Howard have been purchased by Messrs.
John Jenkins, of Milton, and William
Jeukins, of Bellefonte,who after making
necessary repairs will put them in full
operation. If business experience and
energy can make a success of those works,
the two Jenkins brothers are the gentle-
men to bring about such a desirable
+ ——The dance that was to take place
on the platform near the toll gate on the
Lewistown pike, on Saturday evening
of last week, was postponed on account
ofthe rain. There will be a dance and
cake walk at that place on to-morrow
evening to which all are invited, pro-
ceeds for the benefit of the wage-earner.
After the dance they will sell to the
highest bidder about 1500 feet of hem-
lock lumber.
—— Washington Camp, No. 447, P.
O.8S. of A., will hold a festival and
dance near Valentine's cld works on
the last Friday and Saturday evenings of
September, 27th and 28th inst., the pro-
ceeds to be used in furnishing a hall.
Good music will enliven the occasion
and everything will be gotten up in
good style. Other camps will be in at-
tendance and there will be a parade
sometime on Saturday. Public patron-
age should be liberally given to so good
an object,
—Mr. James Schoffield, the saddler
will be at the Granger Picnic with a
large and well made stock of harness of |
every variety, whips, robes, blan kets,
and everything required to furnish a
well supplied stable,to which he calls the
special attention of the farmer. They
will all be for sale, and will be fully
guaranteed. As Mr. Schofield makes
and keeps on sale none but first class ar-
ticles, this will afford all an opportunity
to supply their wants at a small outlay.
Miss Harriet DeHaas, who died
last week at the residence of the Misses
Benner in this place, at the age of 90
years, wasof distinguished revolutionary
descent, she having been the grand-
daughter of Col. Philip DeHaas, com-
mander of one of the regiments of the
Pennsylvania line during the Revolu-
tion. Her sister Eliza, also an inmate
of the Benner household, survives her
at an almost equally advanced age. On
account of a turn in the wheel of for-
tune the lives of these ladies, descended |
from a distinguished ancestry, were
passed in dependent obscurity.
——Another fatal accident caused by
the careless handling of a pistol oceurred
last Saturday morning near Salona,
Clinton county, resulting in the death
of Mrs. Jennie Mauch, wife of George
Mauch. It appears that the weapon
was lying on a stand or table up stairs
and the lady, not knowing it was load- |
ed, picked 1t up to wipe the dust oft it, |
when in some manner it was discharged, ,
the ball entering the region near the |
heart. After being shot, Mrs. Mauch
ran down stairs and was about to sit
down in a chair when death overtook
her and she sank to the floor a corpse.
She formerly lived in Tyrone and had
been married about a year.
——At a meeting of the Board of
Directors of the Y. M. 'C. ‘A. of this
place, last Tuesday evening in the hall
of the association, a supper was served
by Mrs. Rees, wife of Secretary Rees,
the entertainment having been prepared
in honor of J. W. Gephart, Esq., it be-
ing his first attendance at a meeting
since his return from Europe. In the
business meeting which followed, the
subject discussed was the proposed gym-
nasium. There is on hand a fund of $175
to start with, but it will require a large
sum to build and equip a suitable build-
ing, as the one now on the grounds of
the association will not answer the pur-
pose. A committee consisting of Mr.
W. 8. Zeller, Profs. James R. Hughes |
and D. M. Lieb was appointed to prepare
plans and estimate the cost of the re- '
quired structure.
In the death of John Kreamer,
which occurred last week, Miles town-
ship lost one of its oldest and most re-
spected residents, his life having been
prolonged beyond the usual limit, as it
extended by three months beyond the
extreme age of 86 vears. When he was
a boy eleven years old his father, Jacob
Kreamer, moved into Brush Valley,
from Berks county, and consequently
be had been a resident ot Centre county
for about seventy-five years. His wife,
whose maiden name was Sarah Weaver
and with whom he lived over sixty-two
years, was the daughter ot John Weay-
er, who came to Brush valley from
York county in 1801, and she survives
him in her 87th year. In addition to
being an honest and worthy citizen,
who had the confidence of all his
neighbors, he was a steadfast member of
the Luthern church. His brother,
David Kreamer, isstill living in Rebers-
burg; one of his surviving sisters is the
widow of George Harper, residing at
Centre Hall, she being the mother of
Jonathan, William and Jared Harper
merchants of Bellefonte. The children
of the deceased now living are Jonathan
of Valley Falls, Kansas, Reuben of Re-
bersburg, William who resides on the
old homestead, Jared, of Rebersburg,
and a daughter Mary. The remains of
this venerable and worthy old citizen
were interred in the Union cemetery at
Rebersburg, followed to the grave by a
large number of relativesand friends.
——A correspondent of the Conne-
quenessing Valley News, writing from
Bellefonte, makes the following} men-
tion of a noted farm in this neighbor-
hood: On Sunday evening we were
driven by our host, Mr. W.H. Taylor,
to the farm of Mr. S. C. Burnside, of
whom we made personal mention in our
last letter. Here we spent a most de-
lightful hour, and while sitting on the
verandah of the elegant home had a
grand view of the beautiful valley spread
out before us like a magnificent picture.
The 410 acres owned by Mr. Burnside
is divided into two farms of about equal
proportions, with barns and residence
on each. We do not think we have
ever seen a more beautiful spot, and we
are not surprised that General Simon
Cameron, who bought it for his grand-
son, thought it the prettiest farm in the
State. It is bighly productive and
yields a large income annually from its
many products. The ore taken from
one part of the farm pays the owner
$10 a day. In looking over this beauti-
ful tract of land and to think that it was
bought for thesmall sum (comparatively)
of $23,000, we are surprised that a
greater figure was not demanded for it.
We do not think that twice that sum
would buy it now. We found that Mr.
and Mrs. Burnside were far advanced
in all the social amenities, and the time
we spent in their company was really
most delightful, and we left them with
many regrets.
——A correspondent of the Baltimore
Sun, writing about the exhibit made by
the Pennsylvania State College at the
Williamsgrove picnic exhibition, spoke
in high terms of it, saying: It consists
of the work of the scholars of the first,
second and third year class®s on wood-
turning and inlaying, veneering, uiar-
quetry-work in wood, and iron and steel
forgings, with advanced work in chip-
ping, filing and machine work. It
shows the ability of the Pennsylvania
College to turn out men whose hands
are educated as well as their brains. As
creditable as this work is, however, it
can be surpassed by the boys ofthe
Baltimore Manual Training School.
——1Is our young friend Baily, of the
Daily News, correct in using the word
“reportorial’” as the adjective of ‘re-
porter?” He would be if the latter
word had an o in its last syllable, but it
hasn’t. ‘Wouldn't “reporterial,” look
nore like the correct thing, on the same
principle that we write and say “minis-
terial.” Webster says that “reportorial”?
is “an ill-formed word,’ and newspaper
men, who are responsible for the mon-
strosity and use it so much, should try
to put it in better form.
——The great popularity of the Oxy-
gen treatment (in its various combina-
—1t is to be regretted that circum-
stances prevented the military tourna-
ment that was to come of in this place
last Saturday from being the success
that was expected. = The Lock Haven
company did not put in an appearance,
and the exercises by the Bellefonte com-
pany were interfered with by the rain.
A portion of the drum corps of the 5th
regiment, from Altoona, came here on
Friday, intending to participate in Sat-
urday’s exercises, but the bad weather
put a dampener on their martial music.
For the same reason the festival at the
Court House under the auspices of the
band on Friday evening, was in a great
measure a failure. It appears thet the
weather has no respect for even the mil-
— Wanted.—50,000 pounds of wool.
Lyon & Co., Bellefonte, Pa.
——Col. George A. Bayard, of this
place, has been appointed as special aid-
de-camp on the staff of the chief mar-
shal of Pennsylvania in the demonstra-
tion at Gettysburg on the 11th and 12th
inst. The chief marshal will be General
——Fine cheese, Hams, Bacon, Dried
Beef, and Canned Meats at Sechler
& Cos.
——1In some parts of Nittany valley
the wheat yield is reported to be short.
The threshing machine men say it takes
an average of twenty-four sheaves now
to make a bushel of grain against an
average of sixteen in former years.
——Allthe New Woolens, for the com
ing season now being received. Liberal
Discount for early orders during the dr-11
season. Our Fall stock will be the fir-
est we have ever shown. Prices and a
good fit guaranteed.
MoxTcoMERY & Co., Tailors.
—— While a party of men were
working at the road near Newbury,
Clearfield county, the other day, they
unearthed the skeleton of a man. Two
bullet holes were in the back part of the
skull. The remains are supposed to be
those of a peddler who mysteriously dis-
appeared thirty-five years ago.
WALL Parer.--Large stock—must
be sold. Prices astonishing, write for
samples to Joun M. DEAN & Co.,
Williamsport, Pa.
Some of the farmers are com-
plaining of having trouble with their
newly dug potatoes on account of the
rot. This defect has broken out among
them after they have been stored away
in the cellars.
Foreign and Domestic dried
truit and canned goods at Sechler & Co. ’s.
—Some days ago, James Boyle, a
young man employed in the Victor
mines, near Philipsburg, had one of his
legs broken by a fall of coal while en-
gaged in knocking out props.
Applebutter Jellies, Jams, Honey
Pickles, Olives, Table Oil, and Ketchup
at Sechler & Co.’s.
Pine Grove Pickings.
In the evening a pleasant gathering was
held in the grove under the auspices of the
band boys, who furnished the music for the
The annual harvest home picnic, in which the
different Sabbath schools are to participate, is
slated for Saturday the 14th inst. in the Acad-
emy grove. Everybody is invited.
The division of our township is again becom-
ing the topic of discussion, the court having sub-
mitted it to the suffrage of the people and it
will be voted on at our next election.
Last Saturday our hase ball club crossed
bats with the Baileyville nine. After com-
batting and an unusual amount of contention
the game was decided by the umpire, nine for
our town boys, 0 for the visiting club,
Our enterprising friend, C. H. Struble, is
erecting at his ore bank a one hundred horse
engine. Most of the material is on the ground
and the washer will be completed as rapidly as
possible. In this enterprise we wish our friend
suceess and hope that he may find an inexhang-
tible amount of the hidden metallic treasure.
The reunion of Company E. 45th Reg. P. V.
V., held in the Baileyville grove on the rd
inst., was a pleasant social gathering of ecivil-
ians and veterans, many comrades of other regi-
ments being present. Gen. J, C. Curtin, Col.
Amos Mullen and Regimental Surgeon Dr,
Theo. S. Christ were present of the 45th Regt.,
besides many others whose names our memory
fails to recall. The stand was beantifully dee-
orated with festoones and flags. The tables
groaned with good things, for which the gen-
crous hearted people of that section are noted,
| Of tlie one hundred and ninety members of
Co. E. but twenty responded to roll call.
Some are scattered in different states, follow-
3 : : ing the different vocations of life, but the great
tions) with all classes is due Lo the won. | M8 the « one = :
| derful success in the treatment of all
chronic diseases. Do not miss a very
rare opportunity of seeing Dr. Clemens, |
the Specialist, at the Brockerhoft, Belle-
fonte, Sept 25, one day only. Send for
testimonials to the Sanitarium, Allen-
town, Pa. Consultation free.
——The ladies of the Presbyterian
church were very much encouraged by
the success of their chicken and waflle
supper Thursday evening of last week.
It was the first of a series of entertain-
ments they propose to give for the rais-
ing of a fund to purchase, as we under-
stand, a pipe organ for their church.
There can be no doubt that the enter-
majority have crossed over the river and are
| resting under the shade of the trees in the
soiithern clime, and the few survivors are
passing away with a rapidity that is sadding
beyond measure,
The meeting was organized by electing Rob-
ert Gardner chairman, and Gen. J. C. Curtin
Robert Glenn, A. E. Clemson, J. J. Goheen,
W. B. McWilliams, G. W. Reynolds, vice pregi-
dents. Rev.J. C. Young made the opening
prayer, when Rev J.C. Kelley delivered the
aldress of welcome, which was responded to
in behalf of Co. E. by Comrade W. H. Musser.
The exercises were interspersed with vocal and
instrumental musie. Pine Grove, Washington
and Penn’a Furnace Bands were present.
Letters of regret were read from Gov. Beaver,
Col. Curtin and Major Benner. By the kind-
| ness of Lieut. Armstrong Baily, a marker
flag, carried all through the war, with the dif-
ferent engagements printed on it, was sus.
tainments yet to come will be equally | pended from the stand, viz: James Island,
Eliza Stanton, living in the neighbor-
hood of Buffalo Run, is said to be 105 |
years old, and she is vigorous enough to
go out on the mountains to pick berries,
There is no doubt an exaggeration in re-
gard to her age, but there can be no
question that she is very old.
An old colored woman named |
Fort Pulaski, South Mountain, Antietam, Fred_
ericksburg, Vicksburg, Jackson, Cumberland
Blue Springs, Campbell's Station, Knoxville,
Wilderness, North Ann, Petersburg, Rich-
mond, Cold Harbor, and Lee's surrender at
Appomattox. Addresses were also made by Gen.
Curtin and Clem Dale. Comrade Musser fayor-
ed the audience with a song called “The Old
Camp Kettle,” which was followed by the his-
torial address by D. F. Fortmey who vividly re-
hiearsed the engagements and hardships of the
Company from the time of its enlistment, Sep.
tember 2d, 1861, to A ppomattox. Comrade
Henry Laird also made a rattling good speech
which closed the day’s exercises, Thus,ended
the 28th anniversary of Co. E. 45th Reg. P.V.V.
The following survivors were present and re-
sponded to roll call: Regimental color Sar-
geant, Joseph Rigels, Lieut. Armstrong Baily,
Capt. A. W. Harper, Wm.Ellenburger, J. R-
Pheasant, W. H. Musser, J. G. Rider, J. W.
Rider, W. H. Poorman, Jerry Ewing, Jacob
Beck, G. W. Lonar, W. A. Jackson, Jacob Bar-
to, J. G. Heberling, D. B. Allen, J. E. Way,
Harry Krider, W. A. Fry, and David Love. In
the closing Zexereisesa unanimous vote of
thanks was tended to the citizens for their
kind entertainment and generous hospitality-
The drum corps that furnished the martial
music’ for company E 28 years ago, while on
home drill, consisting of A. E. Clemson as fifer,
J. H. Lever, tenor drummer, and J. J. Goheen,
bass drummer, entertained the audience roy-
ally with their old time music. It was quite
late in the evening when the veterans took
their leave, and some their last look, at the
familiar spot where they, 28 years ago, left re-
latives, friends and dear ones to engage in the
strife and carnage of war.
Walker Items.
The youngest child of Frank Creps, of near
Hecla, died suddenly of cholera infantum on
the 8th instant.
The people generally are making prepara-
tions to attend the great annual Granger
Picnic at Centre Hall.
Henry Brown, the prominent merchant of
Hublersburg, is converting the old Teat’s pot-
tery establishment into amagnificent mansion |
Mr. Harrison Robison, who has been in ‘from
the west on business, and made some shor
calls with old acquaintances, has returned to
Iowa again.
The farmers all seem to carry a smile on
their countenances since the refreshing rains,
expecting now to finish their seeding in good
style. Thankful, too, we should all be to Prov-
idence for such blessings in time of need.
The hog cholera is seeming to gain footing
and is making havoc among the hogs ot Walk-
er township. We were informed that four
hogs and a number of pigs have fallen into the
grasp of this death monster, owned by ex-
Commissioner Dunkle ; also a number belong-
ing to Henry Deitrich and others.
The wedding which took place at Hublers-
burg on the 5th instant, was quite a nobby af-
fair. Mr. L. H. Yocum and Miss Julia Swartz,
both of the above place, were the happy party,
and were also the recipients of quite a num-
ber of valuable presents given them by the
relatives and friends present on the occasion:
Rev. D. O. Shoemaker, of Walker, officiated.
May long life, prosperity and happiness be
theirs to enjoy, is the wish of the writer,
Mr. Dale's log job in Greensvalley is still
alive and slowly on the move. A looker on
thinks it moves a little too slow to stock Mr.
Graham’s mill, whieh, with Mr. Erneigh at the
lever, is very fond of lumber. Your corres-
pondent has been informed that his charter
hands have all been given their nine cents,
for some cause unknown, with the exception
of one or two, who are presumably retained as
news boys, or perhaps to render the air musi-
cal with the reverberation of “get up Pete.’
cr ——————
YOCUM—SWARTZ.—On the 5th inst., by the
Rev. D. O. Shoemaker, Lewis H. Yocum and
Julia E. Swartz, both of Hublersburg, Pa.
WILSON—GINGHER.—September 3d, by 8.
F. Foster, Thomas Wilson, of Bellefonte,
and Effie A. Gingher, of Berwick, Columbia
county, Pa.
KREAMER—A¢t Rebersburg, on Sunday, 1st
inst, John Kreamer, aged 86 years, 3 months
and 2 days.
HOLT.—Lee Tomson, youngest child of Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Holt, of Moshannon, Centre
county, Pa., of cholera infantum, Friday,
August23d, age six months and seven days.
Lovely babe, how brief thy stay,
Short and hasty was thy day ;
Ending soon thy journey here,
Pain and grief no more to bear.
Hard it is for thee to part
For it rends the aching heart;
But an heir of glory’s gone,
Let the will of Gad be done.
Pillowed on a Savior’s breast,
Sweetly sleep and softly rest;
Soon the morning shall restore
The buried babe we now deplore. 2
DIED.—On Sunday afternoon Sept. 8th, 1889,
Mr. Jesse Moore, of Boalshu rg, Pa., aged 78
years, T months and 27 days.
Mr. Moore was buried on Tuesday morning
in the Boalsburg Cemetery. He was a consist-
ent member of the Reformed chureh, a good
man and most excellent eitizen. |
Bellefonte Grain Market.
* Corrected weekly by Gro. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
goes to press :
White wheat, per bushel.... 75
Read wheat, per bushel 80
lye, per bushel... 45
Corn, ears, per bush 20
Corn, shelled, per bu 40
Oats—new, per bu 30
Barley, per bushel 45
Buckwiieal Der DUSHEL..ccerrireioiinn one 50
Cloverseed, per bushel £4 00 to 86 00
Gronnd Plaster, Der ton......r se oirsisssenss 0
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel ................... 35
Eggs, per dozen... 1214
Lard, per pound. 3
CountryShoulder: 8
Sides... 1c
Hams. 15
Tallow, per pound.. 3
Butter, per pound.. 15
Onions, per bushel 65
Turnips, per bushel 25
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle-
fonte, P: t #2 per annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance,
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
tising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol
SPACE OCCUPIED. [3m | 6m | ly
One inch (12 lines this type $5 $8 512
Two inches... weal 10 | 15
Three inches. |10 [15 | 20
Quarter Column (424 inches (12 | 20 | 30
Half Column ( 9 inches | 20 185 53
One Column (19 inches)... ...| 35 | 55 | 100
Advertisements in special column, 25 per
cent. additional. : ; :
Transient advs, per line, 3 insertions... ... 20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line.......... 5 cts.
Loeal notices, per line... ...25 ots,
Business notices, per line. ...10 cts,
Job Printing of every kind done with neat-
ness and dispatch. The Warcnmax office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand at
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor,