» Terms, $2.00 a Year, in Advance. Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 13, 1889. P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Ebprror. ee ———————————— Democratic State Ticket. FOR TREASURER, EDMUND A. BIGLER, LOF CLEARFIELD. Democratic County Ticket. For Associate Judge—THOS. F. RILEY. For Prothonotary—L. A. SCHAEFFER. For District Attorney—J. C. MEYER. For County Surveyor —GEO. D. JOHNSON. For Coronor—Dr. JAMES W. NEFF. ————— The Muddled Condition of the County Affairs, What did it profit the taxpayers of the county to defeat the Democratic candidates for Comniissioner two years ago and put two incompetent Republi- cans in charge of the county business? That was a singular freak, and the ma- jority that did it are now at a loss to give themselves a satisfactory reason for their remarkable conduct. It can be explained in no other way than that some times even sensible people allow a foolish whim to get the better of their common sense. Two years ago the county affairs were in excellent shape. The finances had been so admirably managed that a large debt had been gradually paid off, without resorting to oppressive taxation, and a handsome balance of ready cash was in the treasury. This was done without stinting such improvements as roads and bridges that were required for the public good. The debt paying process was managed with a decreasing tax rate. This showed the superiority of the financiering that then prevailed. Any slouch of a board of Commission- ers might expunge a county debt by drawing heavily and unduly upon the tax-payers. But to do it without in- creasing the taxes, in fact on a reduced millage, as was done by Democratic Commissioners, denoted careful, Lonest and economical financiering. This was the situation when by some unaccountable aberration of public sen- timent the Commissioners’ office was handed over to the Republicans. Two incapable incumbents went in under the false pretense that reform was need- ed, and since then they havé been furnishing reform of the most unique character. The first Auditors’ report under their administration was an in- comprehensible document that failed to explain what disposition had been made of a sum of money amounting to thousands of dollars. HExDER=0N'S and DeckEr’s financial comprehension will never be able to solve the mystery of that account. The promise of running the expenses on a two mill tax fizzled out ridiculously, as is evidenced by the underhanded attempt to make good the deficiency by increasing the valuation of taxable property. Incompetent man- agement is hopelessly mixing the coun-' ty business, and even if there were brains enough in the majority of the board to straighten it ont, the bicker ing and cross-purposes that are con- stantly going on between Huxprrsox and Decker would prevent anything like effective action. The county property is being allowed to fall into a dilapidated condition, of which fact we have the testimony of the grand jury, and appearances point to an increase of the county debt. This muddled condition of affairs is the legitimate result of the election freak of two years ago. The majority of the voters are responsible for it, but the majority can correct the mistake they then made. They can commence the correction this year by defeating the county ticket set up by the Repub- can ring, and complete it by “turning the rascals out” in a body next year. If the New Yorkers want to secure the Columbus Exhibition they must set themselves about the prelim- inary work with more earnestness and stop the bickering that has sprung up among them. They must also aban- don the idea that the money required to meet expenses will be furnished by other parts of the country or by Con- gress, and reach down in their own pockets for it. People who take a correct view of the celebration recog- nize the propriety of its coming off in New York, but they are becoming im- patient with her dilatory and shabby movements in the matter. Chicago, which is intruding her claim with the usual effrontery of a parvenu, is dis | playing greater spirit and activity in her efforts to secure the Iixhibition, but there is every probability that the millions which she is reported to be subscribing are mere western bluff, Every consideration of fitness requires that the demonstration should take place in an Atlantic city, and New York is the one, but her rich men have so far been too supine and nig- gardly in their preliminary action. A Tale of Two Pictures. There is something suspicious con- nected with the appearance of those candidate pictures in the Keystone Ga- zette last week, particularly that of Pro- thonotary. How did FieprLer happen to have them so promptly on hand for publication ? It takes some time to get up portraits of that kind,as they are made in Philadelphia. The convention was held on Wednesday and on Thurs- day evening the handsome countenan- ces ot FLEMING and Gray were printed on the pages of the ring organ. There couldn’t be any better circumstantial evidence that the arrangement of the ring managers for the nomination of FreyING was so definite that FripLer knew exactly what picture would be required, and had it ready for insertion. It is true, Gray had no oppositin, but even if there had been other contest- ants he would have been sure of the nomination as the ring favorite, aud his picture would have made just as prompt an appearance. The speedy manner in which those distinguished portraits, especially Fremine's, burst upon the gaze of an admiring public, can leave no doubt that the bosses had the ticket cut and dried. The pictures tell the tale. The Republicans of the county are not enthusing in the wildest man- ner over their county ticket. To many it is objectionable on account of its bearing the marks of machine manu. facture. The evidence of its being the production of the Bellefonte ring that has assumed the duty of furnishing the party with its candidates, is so appa- rent that not a few are thinking of let- ting the ring elect it, it it can. The ticket is not a very large one, embrac- ing but a limited number of offices *but the conviction is general that if it had included the entire list of county offices the little clique that has assum- ed the right to devi.le the party honors and rewards, would have secured about the same proportion. There is going to be great kicking against boss rule and ring work this fall in the county as well as in the State. Whether it is Dax Hasrines that sets up a county ticket or Mar Quay that furnishes a State candidate, the kickers are going to get in their work in either case. ——Joux L. SuLLivan’s announce- ment of his desire to go to Congress and intention of being a candidate for that position, is not so surprising as some people appear to regard it. Tt wouldn't be a new thing to put a prize- fishter to such use, as that thing was done some years ago when the late JonN Morrisey represented a New Yor: city district. Morrisey made quite a creditable congressman, for a prize-fighter, but, except as to physical strength, he was greatly superior to the present champion of the prize ring. SULLIVAN claims to be a Democrat and wants to be a congressional representa- tive of his party, but the party could easily get along without the assistance which he could render it and the coun- try in a representative capacity. There is no telling, however, what Boston's pride in its great slugger may lead it to do in this matter, A New Feature. If Democrats will recall about six years ago what a great hubbub was raised by Republican leaders about the Court House ring, they may find a hap- py comparison of that—if such a ring existed —with the present machine which manipulates the things within the sphere of Republicanism in our county. Their last set of nominations presents a good example of what a so- called political ring is capable of doing. These nominations, with one exception perhaps, do not represent the unanimous choice of voters, but a job set up by some of the leaders who were better versed in political trickery, and who think that party success depends upon the nominations which zkey may see fit to make. To cast aside, with scarcely a passing notice, a good republican, one who has labored faithfully for the party, for one unknown outside of his own town, and one who has never done any of ‘he party’s “dirty’’ work, ean repre- sent anything but unanimity, Democrats, whether or not we were driven aside by the elaims of our party being run by a ring, we can now turn the laugh and take advantage of the po- sition in which Republicans have placed themselves. With unity in our ranks, let us denounce the ring and its nefari- ous working, and score a victory while circumstances favor us. Take the two tickets and which can you honestly sup- port ? ‘Will you support one made in the interest of the people, or will you lend a Lelping hand to one, the product of party bosses and ringsters ? Appeal- ing to your good judgment we know the ; former will be your choice; let that judgment be warped and you can hon- estly support the latter. Personally, nothing very objectionable can be said against the nominees; but was not this J means taken to keep down the howl, and to give strength to the pretence of unity ? Can we say anything greatly to the credit of these products of boss- ism? ° We fail again! - But the idea of their being nominated by a few ringsters should serve to make those candidates meet with disfavor among the voters of Centre county. We would not appeal to Republican voters by telling them of the inconsistencies of their own party, which are glaring and cannot help being seen, but if we can score one point in making the action of our party united by setting forth these inconsistencies, our object will have been accomplished. D. Bigler and Wallace. Ringing Speeches at the Democratic : State Convention. After Mr. Bigler's nomination on the 4th instant a committee was appointed t7 conduct him to the hall. When he :eached the stage he was warmly ap- plauded and spoke briefly as follows : MR. CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN OF THE CONVENTION :(—I am not accustom- ed to making speeches, as many of you know, and simply propose to thank ‘the conventicn for the honor conferred upon me without going into a discussion of the issues of the campaign. This honor is more highly appreciated in that I have been nominated without the slightest effort on my part but against my ex- pressed wish. As a member of this grand old organ- ization I bow to the will of the party and pledge myself to do everything in my power for the success of our cause. With us, in connection with the organ- ization, rests the result in November. Active, intelligent, persistent effort on our part will bring the full Democratic vote to the polls and ensure us the vie- tory. Our principles are those most condu- cive to the well-being and happiness of the whole people, and the bad faith and broken pledges of the Republican leaders will certainly cause many to hesitate who have heretofore acted with that party. The experience of the last six months ha: more firmly than ever strengthened our fuith in the principles of the Demo- cratic party and demonstrated the wis- dom of our position in the last campaign, and I firmly believe that had our great leader, Grover Cleveland,been re-elected we would not have witnessed the serious business depression that has attended the advent to power of our political ene- mies. The reduction of taxation through tari reform was inseribed on -ur ban- ners when we went down in the fight of last year. The same inscription is on our flag now and will remain there and lead us to victory in 1892. While this is not” a state issue, or a question that is affected by the result of a state campaign, yet it is a question that is inseparable from our daily life, and its proper adjustment is essential to the pros- penity of our people. Iam a firm believer in the Democra- tic doctrine that a ‘public office is a public trust,” and should it be my good fortune to be called upon to .administer the office for which I have to-day been nominated, I promise to bring to the discharge of its duties an earnest desire to so fulfill them as will best serve the teres of the commonwealth. WHAT MR. WALLACE SAID. Hon. William A. Wallace was ob- served by some of the delegates standing modestly at the rear of the stage and in a nioment there was an enthusiastic de- mand for a speech. Stepping to the front, Mr. Wallace said : MR. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN OF THE CONVENTION: Thera is no apolo- gy necessary for my presence at a Dem- ocratic convention. I come to thank you cn behalf of the Democracy of my county for the nomination of Edmund A. Bigler. [Applause.] I am but a private in the ranks of the Democracy, yet I can say that this nom- ination of a son of Cleartield county will be received by our people with grateful thanks. We thank you for the spontan- lety with which this nomination comes. It came to him unsolicited. He canvas- sed no county. He asked for no man’s vote. Not this alone have I to thank you for but that the Democracy are to-day united, active, earnest, aggressive and progressive. [Applause] Mr. Bigler comes from stock notunknown to Penn- sylvania. Democrats. German on the one side and Scotch Irish on the other. Broken promises, ruined industries, de- pressed business and suffering labor are the melancholy results of six months of Republican rule. ‘Our people feel the oppression of federal power. Their in- dustries aie ruined. They seek a reme- dy. Canit be found under the present policy ot our adversaries ? Their prac- tice and their policy are alike destructive of the best interests of the people. They tax us to exhaustion and shut up our markets They squander millions at the arbitrary will of an incompetent business man who, in the language of these en- lightened days, is commonly called a “crank,” [applause] and yer they fear to check his heaulong career. By their fruits ye shall kno= them. | Men do not gather grapes trom thorns | Grover, Grover, | nor figs of thistles. Jack the Ripper Once More. The London Fiend again Startles the World. LoNDoN, September 10.--Jack the Ripper has added another to his long list of victims. Early in this series of awful crimes Jack the Ripper announced by notices chalked upon a hoard, that his bloody hand would not be staved until fifteen unfortunates had been slain, and that then he would announce his iden- tity and surrender to the authorities. To- day his ninth victim was found, and all London 1s wondering if he will make good his threat and promise. At 5.30 o'clock this morning a police- man found the body of a fallen woman at the corner of a gailway arch on Cable street, Whitchapel. An examination of the remains showed that the head and legs had been cuf off’ and carried away and the stomach ripped open, the intes- tires lying on the ground. A cordon of police instantly surrounded the spot. Policemen pass the spot every fifteen minutes. Those on duty last night say they saw nothing suspicious. The phy- sicians who examined the body state that in their opinion the murder and mutilation occupied nearly an hour. It is surmised that the murderer car:ied off the head and legs ina bag. The murder is the worst of the whole series of Whitechapel murders. The man- ner in which the limbs had been severed from the body shows that the murderer was possessed of some surgical skill. The woman was about 30 years old. Her clothing was shabby and she was evident- ly a spirit drinker. The remains have not been identified. The most intense excitement again prevails in Whitechap- el. Crowds surround the mortuary in which the body lies. Later examination reveals that there | was no blood on the ground where the body was found, neither was there any | From this it is evi- | blocd on the body, dent that the murder was committed in some other place, and that the body was subsequently placed under the railroad arch. The trank was nude. A rent and bloody chemise was found lying near the body. The arms were intact but the legs were missing. Tt is believed that the woman had been dead for two days. Three sailors who were slexping under the arch next to the one under which the body was found were taken into custody by the police. They con- vinced the authorities however that they had seen or heard nothing ofa suspicious nature, and they were discharged. That this last crime was committed by the same hand as the others attributed to Jack the Ripper is evident by the man- ner of it. The style is that of the myster- ious fiend. The first of his victims was Martha Turner, who fell under his knife early in the morning of August 7 1838. She had been stabbed thrty-two times by some sharp instrument, supposed to have been a bayonet. The next was Polly Nichols, whose head was nearly severed from her body, and the abdomen ripped open. She perished August 31, and the corpse was found a few moments afier the murder, as it wa: still warm. A week later Annie Chapman was butch- ered at the door of her lodging house, her throat beir.g cut,and thedisermbow: 1- ing being more atrocious than in the previous case. The terror then reigning and the | watchfulness ot the police sent the sav- age into hiding, but he came carly in the | morning of September 30 and killed Eli- | zabeth Stride, cutting her throat as usu- | al, but apparently not having time to mutilate the body, or hastening through with it in order to finish another ghastly | task while the police were engaged with the remains of Stride, as, while they were carrying her body to the dead house he knifed another woman not more than ten minutes’ walk away. She was Catharine Eddowes, and her throat was cat and body disemboweled. The next deed of blood was on Nov- ember 9, when the body of Mary Kelley was found. In that case the head, ears, and nose were cut off, and the disembow- eling was shocking beyond description. After this crime there was a cessation in the career of blood, but just as it was hop- ed that it would not be renewed and the terrified quarter of London was recover- ing itscourage, Alice McKenzie was but- chered. That was on the morning of July 17, last, and the details of the mur- der correspond so well with those of the | others thatjthere is no doubt that it was the work of Jack the Ripper. This, with the murder of an unknown woman during Christmas week of 1887, and the murder just committed, make nine, which are traced to the one foul hand. There are others, but the evidence that they were committed by the same hand | is not conclusive. Numerous arrests have been made and various devices as the use of blood hounds, tried to get track of this pheno- menal criminal, but all in vain. ious theories have been forined to account | | for his savagry, and especially for his malice toward fallen women, who have invariably been his victims, but the | theories have not served any useful pur- pose to the police, who are as much in how this people miss thee—with ail tiy failings! Oh, for six short months of Grover [cheers and applause] with his inflexible will, his determination to do right under all circumstanees, with his obedience to the law as written in civii service, und in his own proud trust. Oh for six months of this arbitrary man to bring our peopie back to their ancient line of thought, practice and policy ? Is this policy to be continued ? The answer is for you now in the {u- ture of this canvassin the State of Penn- sylvania. The answer mustconmic with unerring certainty. Are we to be sag- fied with their promises, made to the ear and broken to the hope by our adversu- ries? Are we satisfied in this grand old Commonwealth with our 5,000,000 pec - ple and 1,000,000 of voters, and bidipe our time for progress and reform at the behest of a single individual, or are we to be aggressive and progressive ? Are we the Democracy of years gone hy? Are we to become aggressive and progres- sive? We can no lunger be on the de- fensive, but let us march forward con- quering and to conquer, Gentlemen, | thank you for your compliment. the dark as to his personality and mo- tive as ever, n——sesrrerrur———— Tanner Suspended. It is Believed Thar He Will Be For- mally Dismissed Sept. WASHINGTON, Deputy Smith is designated to sien mail for the office. It is believed to be a question of only a few hours, perhaps, before Tanner will be formally dismiss ed. Neither he norany of the other: officials will speak, except that Assis- tant Secretary Bussey is quoted for the ststement that from the papers on his desk Leis led to suppose that Mr. Tan- ndr Las been relieved from duty by order of the Secretary. in a disturbed state of mind, but will no Toner talk, we et etn monn ——The Philipsburg Ledger, a neu- teal paper politically, but whose editor 1s personally a Republican, says: “Ip nominating Hon. HK. A. Bigler, of Clearfield, as the candidate for the hich office of State Treasurer, the Democrats of Pennsylvania have nominated a clean good, A No 1 man in every respect. Any one who knows Mr. Bigler will say amen to this.” ta me enc ——What is the matter with the ele- ments ? Var- | 11—Pension | Commissioner Tanner 1s suspended, and | Tanner is at bis home, | Another Fortunate Man. A Young Breaker Boy at Plyinouth Draws a Prize of $5,000. i Upon being informed that a young | man in Plymouth, by the name of Her- man Barney, had drawn a $5,000 prize in the Louisiana State Lottery, our re- : porter was instructed to interview him | and learn the truth in regard to the re- port. He found Mr. Barney at the East End Store, on Welsh Hill, a suburb of Plymouth, and about four miles from this city. Mr. Barney is a pleasant young gentleman of about twenty-three years of age. After stating his business the reporter proceeded to interview him. Rep. “There is a story out, Mr. Bar- ney, to theeffect that you have been { quite fortunate in a Louisiana State Lot- tery investment. Is there any truth in the report’’ was my first question. “Yes, sir,” he replied, ‘I was fortu- { nate enough to draw $5,000 in the July drawing.” “What was the number of your tick- et ?”’ I next asked him. “I held ticket No. 58,607 which drew | one-twentieth of the second capitul prize | of $100,000.” { Were any other persons interested ' with youin your investment 7” | “Yes, sir, Andrew Brennan and Lo- ' gan Harris, both friends of wine, had . been sending for tickets every month for some time, and last July I thought I { would invest & dollar and see if I could ! not hit it. | “Which you did, fortunately for you. | Did your friends reali-e anything from | their venture?” “No sir, only in this way. We made an agreement that if either of us should | draw anything not less than $5,000, the | lucky one should pay the other two one month’s wages and also pay the expens- es of all three for a months trip to the seashore,” | “Did you take the trip ?” | “Not as yet, but we may go in Sep- | tember. But we settled our agreement | by my giving them each one hundred ‘dollars. Now, if we go to the seashore | each man must pay his own expenses.’ “Was this your first investment 2" “Yes sir, however I have sent for a ticket in the September drawing.” { Mr. Barney also told me that he hud lived there all his life, and had never worked, except in a breaker, up to last July. Then he left, and does not in- tend to work in one again, for he said, “I have bought one lot with a house on it, and two vacant Iotson which I in- | tend building twosingle houses. When | these are completed T will have three dwellings that will bring me in about fiftcen dollars per month, each, and that ought to keep me. Besides I have kept some of the money by me, and if I see a good opportunity to invest to advan- tage, will do so.”’— Wilkesbarre (Pa.) Telephone, August 34. Killed with a Silver Bullet. A Story of How the British Commander at North Point Was Slain. Barrimore, Md., Sept. 6.—The cele- bration next week of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Battle of North Point has not culy caused a disagreement be- tween Eben Appleton, of New York, the owner of the original Star-Spangled Bann or, and the Exposition Comittee, but has also provoked a controversy re- garding the Killing of General Ross, the British Commander in that memorable engagement Baltimore has always honored the memories of Wells and Me- Comas, the two youthfial patriots, as be- ing the heroes of that battle. The Com- mittee has received letters from veterans and others contending that General Ross was not shot by either Wells or Me- Comas. However, the question appears to have been finally settled by the state- ment of George T. Hulse, a son of John Hulse, who was a Sergeant of the rifle- men, the company to which Wells and McComas belonged, and of which Cap- | tain Asquith was commander. Mr | Hulse makes affidavit to the story told him by his futher of the death of Ross. On the morning of September 12, when the alarm was given, McComas showed his father a silver bullet, telling him that be had som old silver at home and {welted it into a bullet with which he intended to make his first shot. Hulse | handed the bullet back and saw him put | itinto his nfle. They then advanced stpageling through the woods, the two boys taking the road until reaching the { spot now marked by the monument. | Here, when mecting the enemy, Wells and McComas fired, and General Ross fell. The boys sprang into a cluster of bushes and the Briv-h officers wheeled tand the troops fired into the bushes. | The troops then began the retreat, tak- i ing the body of Ross with them. Hulse! with his comrades, secured the bodies of his companions and had them taken care of. ri LT Those ““Apothecary’s Scales.” i New York world. General Warner quoted approvingly at the Grand Army Encampment Presi- dent Harrison’s sneering reply to com- plaints of a reckless pension policy : Tgws is no time to use the apothecary’ cseales to measure the rewards of the men who saved the country.” Was it no reward to them that the [county was saved? Did they enhst for the money there was mn it? Is patriotis ia lost virtue, and shall the Hessian prin- tciple of hire and the looter’s notion of reward animate American citizens | who are called to their country’s de- fonse ? When Mr. Harrison sneered at “up- otheeary’s scales” the taxpayers of the country were contributing over $80,000, 000 to the annual pension list. vear the estimates will call either $110.- 000,000 or $115,30.000 as Commission . er Tanner boasts. The lesser amount is 4) per cent. of the total ordinary expen- | ditures of the Government last year. It is nearly double the total expenses of tie Government in the year before the war. It exceeds the cost of the combined pen- | sion lists of all the war-making nations of Europe. the cost of the enormous standing army of Germany, and $50,000,000 more than the cost of the standing army of Great Britain. Is this what Benjamin Harrison “using the apothecary’s scales? alls This ! It is $5,000,000 more than | Pinching the Farmers. Tariff Burdens Which the Soil Must Bear. The address of Senator Gerard C. Brown, of York, at the recent Granger's picnic, held at Williams Grove, was a most powerful presentation of the ques- tion of the relation of the farming inter- ests of the country to the present un- equal tariff laws. The following sum- mary the Senator’s speech is worth care- ful consideration: The pertinent question now comes home to each one of us: Do we farmers enjoy individually our full proportion of it? There is no need to cite the census, which specifically shows less than 3 per cent. income on farm investment, or to quote the enormous lists of Sheriffs’ sales in the best counties of the State, or the constant depreciation everywhere of farm values. Farming, which natural- ly is the most profitable of legitimate avoecations, and which until within twenty years was accordingly honorable and independent, has now become a mere struggle for subsistence. MONOPOLY, THE FARMERS BANE, For so great and marked declension az the past twenty years has shown in farming for profit there must exist pow- erful and active causes. Monopoly is our bane. Trusts are its ripest fruit and fullest developments. The beneficiar es of the one are the open apologists of the other, and do not hesitate to declare, that ‘trusts are mere private affairs with whom a President (or any one else) has no right to interfere.” "Confident in the brute force of the millions, they have extorted from a long suffering peo- ple, they no longer disguise their buc- caneering projects. In order to fatten the pocketbooks of railroad gamblers the people’s pockets have been depleted of hundreds of mil- lions of dollars. So galling have been the exactings that in some sections a new proposed railroad has come to be regarded with dismay rather than hailed with joy by the farmers of the viciniuy. It is a most significant fact that between the years 1870 and 1880 the counties of Pennsylvania which showed the greatest shrinking in ‘the value of ther farm lands were those thiough which the main line of the Pennsylvania Rail- road runs. Lancaster county, for exam- ple, lost 50 per cent. SHOULDERS THE BURDEN. THE FARMER TARIFF But I am convinced that on no one subject is there so much misinformation, such prevalent prejudice, as on the tar- itt’ question. How can we farmers ac- quiesce in the kind proposition that we shall be forced to pay a bounty to other classes of citizens to enable them to reap an assured profit at our expense on their business ? This don’t seem to be consis- tent or reasonable. They have an aver- age of 47 per cent. bounty at present, but are coolly proposing to increase this ad- infinittm. There aroat least two points on which we should demand to havesat- isfactory information. We should be- come satfstied that this is necessary to and will absolutely enhance the pros- perity of a majority of our people, and having our own inter st in view we should even then refuse to sanction all measures which would unreasonably op- pres any portion of our people or threat- en them with disaster. The burden of this proof, of course, rest with those who propose this extraordinary plan of ad- vancing the prosperity of a people by increasing their taxes. After examining all the claims made by protectionists as to the virtue of a high tariff as a panacen for national ills, after sifting all the evi- dence offered, comparing carefully the history of the past, investigating critical- ly for years all the circumstances and conditions relating to it, I for one am forced to the conclusion that the protec- tion which is offered by a high tariff is conferred solely on the capitalist inter- ested in the protected enterprise. The theory that the farmer is’ more than reimbursed for the extra cost of sup- plies by the home market created for him through its oparation isso com- pletely rebutted by fact that argument to prove ats falsity is unnecessary. BARRED FROM THE WORLD'S MARKETS. In spite of protection farm production has so immensely outgrown the home market that prices are lower than this generation hasseen, in fact, on the whole, below production. From the foreign market which invites us, and which would atford an immense relief, we are barred by a resurictive tariff which crip- ples commercial exchanges. The plea that the tariff’ alo covers and protects the products of the farm is ridiculous and purposely niisleading. The wool tariff may yield a profit to the herders of the far. West on Government lands, but in the end the price of clothing alone tukes from the average sheep farmer of the East more than it returns to h m. The uty on cattle interferes with his ability to secure improved stock at fair prices. The duty on wheat is a furce in a coun- try which has 150,000,000 bushels annu- al surplus to export or rot at home. That on potatoes is inoperative except in seasons of such widespread failure and public scarcity as to render ita grave question whether 1t is not against the public welfare to o. struct relief from any quarter. I do not believe that any agricultural interest can be properly fostered and ad- vanced by a tariff for protection. NOW WANT A PROHIBITORY MARKET. Because, after twenty-seven years of protection, amid the general depression In all business, including that so highly protected, with a plant and capacity for manufacturing for 100.000,000 of people practically confined to the needs of 60.- 000,000, one of the great politieal parties raises its banner for suen an inerease of the tarigh as will make it prokibitory. What then becomes of that derided Joreign market which nevertheless doos yearly accept of and absorb more than $600,000,000 of our agricultural pro- | ducts. | With that destroyed how much beter [off will our furiners be ? Who in that case will deliver them from the “frusts to come. Surely we will never indorse so sui- | cidal a policy, A high tariff Adwminis- [ tration has already dissipated one-third "of the surplus in its anxicty to evade a reduction of customs dues. Theiridea is to keep up the taxes, but squander then: to avoid a surplus.