Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 13, 1889, Image 2

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Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 13, 1889.
Some one has gone from this strange world of
No more to gather its thorns with its flowers ;
No longer to linger where sunbeams must
fade, :
When on all beauty death’s finger is laid,
Weary with mingling lifes bitter and sweet,
Weary with parting and never to meet,
Some one has gone to the bright golden shore,
Ring the bell softly, there's crape on the door;
Ring the bell softly, there’s crape on the door.
Some one is resting from sorrow and sin,
Happy where earth’s conflicts enter not in ;
Joyous the birds when the morning is bright,
When the sweet sunbeams have brought us
their light.
Weary with sowing and never to reap,
Weary with labor and welcoming sleep, :
Some one’s departed for Heaven's bright
Ring the bell softly, there's crape on the door ;
Ring the bell softly, there's crape on the door.
Angels were anxiously longing to meet ;
One who walks with them in Heaven's bright
street ; .
Loved ones have whispered that some one is
Free from earth's trials ana taking sweet rest,
Yes there is one more in angelic bliss,
One less to cherish and one less to kiss,
One more departed to Heaven's bright shore—
Ring the bell softly, there's crape on the door.
For the first three years ot my con-
nection with a western detective agency
I was known to the employees of the
agency, when known at all, as “the
outlaw man.” Not because I had ever
been an outlaw myself, but because I
was assigned to the duty of hunting
down outlaws and no one else. Itisa
line of work still in existence with sev-
eral agencies, but it is one in which
few men care to engage, no matter
what the salary. Itisall right when
you are hunting the outlaw, but it is
vastly different when he turns and hunts
vou. Had I fully understood what
would be required of me, I would not
have engaged in the work for any sala-
ry the agency could have named, but,
once engaged, pride and circumstances
kept me bound to the work until im-
peratively obliged to relinguish it.
For two years previous to my start a
man known as Bill Gibbs had been out-
lawed in Arkansas. He was a robber
and a murderer, had a pric: set upon
his head, and had taken refuge in the
Boston Mountains, and from his lair
defied all authority of law. He was a
terror to a large district, and the plan
to get rid of him was discussed and ar-
ranged like an ordinary business trans-
“What sum in cash will youragency
take to hunt down and kill Bill Gibbs ?”
was the query. ”
“We will do it for ———dollars”
“All right; go ahead.”
When the preliminaries had been
arranged with the committee I was
called in for orders.
“You will proceed to Huntsvill, Ark.,
and from thence locate Gibbs, Do not
attempt to take him prisoner. The
whole State wants him killed. Take
your time and make your own plans,
but do not return until you have dis-
pose of him.”
Inside of five days I was in Hunts-
ville, but I tramped over the country
between that town and the base of (he
range for a week before I secured any
definite information concerning Gibbs.
Every farmer knew him, and almost
everyone paid him tribute, but such
was the fear of his vengeance that only
an occasional person dared admit hav-
ing seen him. The outlaw was entirely
alone,and he had been left unmolested
so long that the advantage would be on
my side. He was described to me as
a man of forty, very powerful and vin-
dictive, and of a natural bloodthirsty
disposition. When he came down out
of the mountains he was sure to do
some devilish thing, althoush unpro-
voked and among people ready to be-
friend him. I found several negroes
‘who had had an ear slashed off by him,
and half a dozen white men who had
been shot at or otherwise intimidated.
It was over two weeks before I got any
information of direct value. I then
tumbled upon a negro squatter to the
southeast of Huntsville and near the
foothills, who panned out at ‘a lively
rate. I encountered him on a trail in
the woods, and had him covered with
my rifle befor he knew of my presence.
By threatening and coaxing “and brib-
ing I'induced him to vield up the infor-
mation I was after. He was then three
miles from his cabin and on his way to
Huntsville to procure supplies for
Gibbs. He bad a bundle of coon and
fox skins, which he was to exchange
for coffee, crackers, powder and lead.
He had been a compulsory agent for a
year, and such was his fear of the out-
law that when I brought the muzzle of
my cocked rifle down to within a foot of
his breast and threatened to fire, he
wailed out :
“You kin dun kill me, mar’s white
man, but Ize afraid of Mar's Gibbs jist
the same.”
Gibbs was to wait at the negro cabin
until the owner's return. I ordered
Lim to go forward and say nothing to
any living soul about meeting me, and
when he disappeared, T started for the
cabin. I had no idea that the outlaw
would remain in the hut or close to it.
While he probably trusted the negro as
mneh as any human being, his outlaw
life would render him suspicious of
everybody, and he would take no chan-
ces. I reasoned that he would quit the
cabin as soon as he obtained a bite to
eat, and that he would go into hiding
at some point from which he could
command a .view. Therefore, when
within a mile of the spot, I made a cir-
cuit to the right and came out a mile
or more to the south of the little clear-
ing. Ifound that a ravine led down
from the mountain in the direction of
the cabin, and after an hour's search
up and down I discovered evidences
that some one had traversed it but re-
cently, Weeds were broken down,
stones displaced, and at a certain moist
spot [fond plain footprints. The ont
law had come down from his lair hy
this trail, and he would doubtless re-
turn by it,
I met the negro about 9 o'clock in the
morning. He would have time to do
his trading and return by 4 or 5 in the
afternoon. Gibbs might go off on'an ex-
pedition after receiving his supplies, but
the chances were that he would at once
return to his lair. I followed the ravine
back to a point where it narrowed to a
width of six or eight feet, and where the
ath was in semi-darkness even at
righ noon, and there I prepared my
trap. Had I met him face to face 1
could have shot him, but could not lia
in ambush and do it, outlaw though he
was. It wastoo much likemurder. In-
side of an hour I had my rifle set as a
spring gun, to be discharged as the
man’s legs pressed a small cord running
across the path, and then I retired to a
thick clump of pines about forty _rods
away and went into camp to await re-
sults. Ifmy action seems cold-blooded
let the reader condeion. I had in my
pocket a list of five man whom Gibbs
had killed in cold blood, and the names
of a dozen whom he had slashed and
mained out of pure malignity.
While I was arranging the gun two
land lookers were approaching the
cabin, They were strangers to the
neighborhood and unarmed. Gibbs
was just leaving the cabin to go into
hiding, and although the men neither
displayed weapons nor called upon him
to halt, he fired upon them with a re-
volver, wounding one in the shoulder
and the other in the side. He then
started up the ravine, and I had just
been ten minutes in hiding before I
heard the spring gun discharged. I
waited a few minutes and.then carefully
approached the spot, and it was to
find Gibbs dead across the string. He
had been instantly killed by the bullet.
When we came to get the body out to
have it identified we found the facial
expression to be as savage as that of an
enraged tiger. He had been living the
life of a wild best until he resembled
one.. His nails were like talons, his
flesh covered with hair, and he had the
odor of a caged panther.
My second adventure with an out-
law lasted much longer. A half-breed
Choctaw named John Flint, who was
a resident of Doaksville, Indian Terri-
tory, and who had killed several men
in the after the close of the war, was
run out of the nieghborhood by a vigi-
lance committee, and he took up his
lair in the mountain spur tothe South,
and swore that he wculd never be tak-
en alive nor make friends with a hu-
man being. He was represented as a
quick shot, a fighter to the death, and
a man of such vigilance that he could
not be surprised. He was outlawed and
a price set upon his head, but it was
hoped he might be taken alive and
hanged. Our agency was offered $1,-
000 more to capture him alive than to
furnish proofs of his death, but it was
at the same time admitted that over
a dozen men had spent weeks in vain
trying to either kill or capture him.
Three of the number had been killed
while pursuing the enterprise. The
outlook for me was, therefore, very du-
bious, but I determined to see what
could be done.
As is the case with every outlaw,
Flint had his friends and admirers in
the county about him. I reached
Doaksville to learn that he was around
with a Winchester and two revolvers,
and that people for twenty miles around
were intimidated by him, He levied
toll on the farmers with a high hand,
obliging one to furnish meat, another
flour, a third cartridges, and such was
the terror his presence inspired that no
one dared betray him, though all
yearned to hear of his death or cap-
ture. He was put on his guard against
me on my arrival, and he sent me word
that if T did not at once leave the coun-
try he would have my life. When
I finally got ready to begin my hunt
for him, he was hunting me as well.
When I had secured such particulars as
I desired, I bundled up what necessity
demanded and cut loose from civiliza-
tion. That is, I headed for the moun-
tain, determined to pursue the man day
and night until I had run him down.
It was nouse to plan to catch him
about any of the farm houses, as he
knew that I was after him, and he
would as a measure of prudence, for-
sake his old haunts for the time being.
It seemed to me the best way to hunt
for his lair and have it out with him on
his own ground.
For the first three days I got neither
track nor trace of Flint. It was like
hunting for a needle in a haystack, as
the mountain was thickly eovered with
verdure, and split up = with many
ravines and gulches, Nobody had ever
found his hiding place, but from some
remarks dropped once when he had li-
quor in him iv was supposed to be in a
cave in the rocks, and to be approach-
ed only with the greatest difficulty, If
I met him abroad it would be entirely
by accident, so I carefully avoided eross-
ing any bare places where he might
espy me from his lookout. About mid-
forenoon on the fourth day I came across |
a snare set for rabbits by some human
hands. An investigation proved that !
it had been in nse for some time, and |
had held several victims, although em p-
ty at this time, This must be the ont-
law, since his presence on the moun-
tain had driven all hunters away. Two |
hours later and a mile away 1 discov- |
ered a snare fiom which a partridee
had lately been taken. I felt then that
I was in the neighborhood of the out-
law’s den, but I had to mova slowly
and exercise the greatest vigilance. I
built my fires in ravines and with the
least possible smoke, and whenever
night came T crept under the pines and
rolled myself in a blanket. On the fifth
and sixth days I did not cover more
than two miles of ground, and most of
that distance was covered on handsand
On the evening of the sixth day I had
to descend the mountain to renew my
provisions at a farm house, and what
was my chagrin to learn from a ne-
gro that Flint had visited the place for
the same purpose only the night before.
He gave me the direction taken by the
outlaw, but when I reached the base of
the mountains I could vo no further in
the darkness and had to camp down,
I was astir at daylight, and at once
made my way to the crest of the big
hill, believing that Flint, having sup-
plied himself with provisions would lie
quiet for two or three days. Whether
he did or did not I hunted for him
another week without finding further
trace than a third snare he had set for
game. On the thirteeenth day my hunt
came to an end ina singular manner.
I was following a dry ravine, so full of
bushes and loose rocks that I had to
creep most of the time and I was rest-
ing under some very thick bushes when
I heard a movement on the bank above.
It might have been caused by a deer or
bear, but I felt pretty certain that it
was a man. He was on the bank of the
ravine directly over my head, and after
a minute or two I heard the squeal of
a rabbit. It was Flint, then, and he
was taking the game from asnare. We
could not see each other, but he had
the advantage in being above me. The
bank was too steep to climb, and I was
turning to a spot where I could ascend,
when there was a sort of crash above
me, a suppressed shout of alarm, and
the next instant earth,rocksand bush-
es were falling all about me. I sprang
up, and as I did so the spread-eagle
form of a man struck the bushes at my
right and broke through them with a
great crash. I made a leap to get out
of the way, but the body had scarcely
come to a stop before I was at hand.
It was the outlaw, as I saw ata glance.
The fall had stunned him. While he
still clutched the rabbit in his right
hand, his left arm was broken® I lost
no time in securing and disarming him,
and when he roused up, five minutes
later, he had no show. He took it out
in cursing,however,and of all the hlood-
curdling oaths I ever heard a man use
he capped the climax. T got him about
noon, and before night I had him down
the mountain and delivered up to legal
authority. He resisted me vigorously
for the first hour, declaring that he
would die before he would accompany
me, but after I had used a stout switch
on him several times, and given him to
understand that he would be dragged if
he refused to walk, he was more tracta-
ble. Ie was turned over to the United
States authorities, arraigned on six or
seyen charges of murder, but convicted
and hung on the first. - I was not pres-
ent when he was swung oft, but in his
speech from the scaffold he cursed me
high and low, and left it as his dying
request that his friends would not rest
nutil they had taken my life.
The White Tobacco Plant.
It Appeared Mysteriously and Brought
a Fortune.
Kentucky raises 300,000,000 poun ‘s
of tobacco every year—haif of the crop
of the United States. Most of it is mar-
keted in New York. About a dozen
long leaves are tied into what is called
a “hand,” and these hands are com-
pressed in hogsheads varying from 600
to 2,000 pounds in weight. Ten years
ago all this tobacco was of a dark
brown or black color. Now the great-
er portion of it is a bright yellow.
There has been a similar change in
color at Cincinnati and other important
markets. The dark-colored article sells
at from 3 to 7 cents a pound. The light
from 10 to 20 cents a pound. The Iat-
ter is sweet ; the former is strong and
bitter. It is a curious story how the
tobacco crop of the United States came
to change its color.
Brown county,0.,lies opposite Mason
county, Kentucky, and has long
been famous for tobacco growing.
Many years ago there resided in that
county an industrious and intelligent
German farmer, Capt. August Cot.
Capt. Cott raised tobacco. It all then
was dark andstrong, and caused inflam-
mation in the mouth of those who
chewed it. The sweet tobacco was
brought from Cuba, and could not be
grown anywhere in the United States.
Its seed planted in our soil produced
tobacco peculiar to this country, There
was one kind here a little better than
the other. Tt wasof a reddish color,
and was called red burley. How it got
the name “buriey’” no one now knows.
In 1862 Capt. Cott had a field of to-
bacco just behind his house. One day
early in the autumn, when the plants
had attained a height of a foot or more,
Mrs. Cott remarked to her husband
that she had seen a very peculiar tobac-
co plant in the corner of the field. It
was like none she had ever seen before.
All others, when growing, were green,
but this was white. Capt. Cott said
he would look at it. Accompanied by
his wife he went to the field and ex-
amined the peculiar plant. It was in-
deed white, as she had said, and unlike
any other tobacco. Capt. Cott gave
his workmen orders to take. care of it
and allow it to run to seed.
To raise tobacco necessitates two
processes of planting. The seed is sown
in a small bed just li e asparagus or
| dirt around them.
grow up. These plants are drawn out
by the roots. Taken to a field prepar- |
ed for that purpose, they are set, one in
each, in little hillocks a foot and a
half epart. One man punches a hole
lin a hillock with a stick, another inserts
| the roots of the plant and presses the
This plant takes a
second growth and sends up a stout
stalk, with fiteen or sixteen branching
leaves, each of them often two foot
long and a foot broad. This is the to-
bacco for commerce and use. Before it
attains maturity the tarmer cuts off (he
top of the stalk. It makes the leaves
grow broader. If the top is not eut off’
it shoots up to a height of five or six
feet, blossoms, and produces a handful
of seed. This is called allowing a plan
to “run to seed,”
Capt. Cott examined the white plant
many times while it was growing to
maturity. In the antumn it blossomed
Just as any other tobacco would when
left alone, and after ripening Capt.
Cott careflly gathered the handful of
seed it produced. The plant was ent
and hung away by itself in the barn to
dey. When it had undergone the lat
ter process it turned to a bright vellow
color and contrasted remarkably in ap.
pearance with the other tobacco. Capt.
Cott chewed a piece. It was sweet and
left an unusually pleasant taste in his
mouth. He called in a number of his
neighbors, all old tobacco growers, to
examine the plant and see what they
thought of it. They agreed with him
that it was far superior to any other to-
bacco they had ever seen, but they ar-
gued that the plant was merely a freak
of nature. The seed from it would pro-
duce tobacco of the familiar dark color
and strong taste. The captain was in-
clined to that belief, too, but he said he
would sow the seed and see.
The following spring Capt. Cott sow-
ed the seed from the white plant. The
little plants were carefully drawn and
reset. Then he awaited with great in-
terest the result. The plants grew rap-
idly, and to his intense delight the
leaves were white. He had a little field
of the white tobacco, and again in the
autumn he saved all the seed.
Whea the result of the captain's ex-
periments was known everybody in his
vicinity wanted the seed. He refused
to part with any, but the next spring
he sold the young plants for $5 a piece.
The following autumn some of the third
crop, which was as bright in color as
the original plant, was taken to market,
and it sold for four or five times as much
as the common tobacco. Capt, Cott
named it “white burley.”
The farmers in Mason county, Ken-
tucky, experimented more eagerly with
the new tobocco than did their neigh-
bors in Brown county, across the river.
They soon produced it in considerable
quantities. Most all of it was shipped
to the Louisville market, and white
burley became famous. For years its
growth was confined to these {wo coun-
ties. Farmers thought it was peculiar to
the soil there and could not be produced
elsewhere. Thus the quantity in the
market did not amount to more than
the hundredth part of 1 per cent of the
total crop, and it was regarded as a
rare and fancy brand, such as a rich
man only could afford to smoke or
Several years ago farmers in various
parts of Kentucky decided to get some
of the white burley seed and try it. To
their surprise and pleasure they grew
tobacco just as good as that produced
in Mason county. The following sea-
son a greater quantity was grown. The
increased supply did not diminish the
price. All the greater tobacco manu-
facturers of the country wanted the
white burley. When their customers
became accustomed to it they would
have no other kind.
Capt Cott grew rich off his white bur-
ley tobacco, and many of his neighbors
were likewise fortunate. It can be
grown with the greatest success all
over Kentucky, except in the western
portion, and is likewise produced in a
small strip of southern Ohio, wherethe
first plant was born. It can be grown
nowhere else. Through its agency the
Kentucky farmer makes nearly twice
as much money as he did a half-dozen
years ago. Nearly all the fine “IHa-
vana cigars’ are made in this country
of white burley and are superior to the
genuine article. The dark tobacco is
fast disappearing before the milder and
more healthfui plant. Three hundred
million pounds of tobacco will be rais-
ed in Kentucky this season. Two
hundred million pounds of it will be
white burley, all lineally descended
from that single plant which grew up
0 1862, no one knows how or from
what, on the farm of Capt. August
Cott, Brown county, Ohio.—New York
The Turning Point of the War.
Major Thomas J. Newham writes in
the St. Louis Globe Democrat: “I met
Gen. Sherman two years ago at the
Lindell hotel, and in the course of a
long conversation I asked him what he
considered the critical event or turn-
ing point of the war. His reply was
that what he considered the critical
event or turning point of the war was
a little incident that occurred in the
woods of Tennessee a short time after
the battle of Corinth—the intended
resignation of Gen. Grant. Sherman
had been on special duty with his
command and had returned to report
to Gen. Halleck. While at Halieck's
headquarters he was informed that
Grant had determined to resign. He
(Sherman) got on his horse and rode
direct to Grant's headquarters, some
distance away.
a number of papers before him on an
improvised table. Grantand Sherman
shook hands cordially. Sherman ask-
ed Grant what he was doing, and also
told him that he had heard that he
(Grant) was going to resigr. Grant
handed Sherman a paper, which prov-
el to be his resignation already writ- |
ten out. I can stand this no longer,’
i said Grant, alluding to his ill treatment
by his superiors. ‘If I can't com-
: ! mand a brigade or a division, I can
lettuce. In a short time tiny plants, | Ea 1 fHivis :
hundreds of them to every square foot, |
carry a musket.” There was a great
deal ofsadness in these words as Grant :
Sherman asked Grant if |
spoke them,
he would do him a favor. Grant re-
plied that he would do anything in
his power for Sherman. Sherman
took the written resignation, tore it in-
, to fragments and said that the favor he
asked was that Grant would withhold
his resignation tor two weeks. Grant
agreed to this, and the resignation was
not heard of again. Halleck was re.
moved in a few days, ard Grant was
restored to his command. ‘That,’ said
Gen. Sherman, ‘I consider the turning
point of the war.'"
—The Diexel cottage at Mount Me-
Gresor, in which General Grant passed
his lust hours, is kept just as it was when
he died, with the exception of the re-
moval of a few personal belongings of
the family. The two big leathercovered
easy chairs in which he passed so many
painful days ar draped in black and
left in the same position they were in
when he occupied them. The clock on
the muntel has been silent since the
moment of his death, when the doe or
stopped it. and the writing tablets he
used when speech was prohibited are in
wease on the wall, together with his
pencil and a couple of messages in writ
ing to Mr. Drexel.
He found Grant with
Value of Eggs as Food.
ery element necessary to the support of
man is contained within the limits of an
egg-shell, in the best proportions and in
the most palatable form. Plain boiled
they are wholesome. The masters of
hundred different ways, each method
highest degree. )
er rejected an egg in some guise.
in the most concentrated shape. Whole
er animal food. Kings eat them plain
as readily as do the humble tradesmen.
After the victory of Muldorf, when the
burggrafs and captains, he determined
on a piece of luxury—fone egg to every
man and two to the excellently? valliant
Schwepperman.’ Far more than fish—
for it is a watery diet—eggs are the
which is brain food, and sulphur, which
economy. And they are the best of
pact form, they contain everything that
is necessary for the growth of the youth-
ful frame. Egos are, however, not only
food—they are medicine also. The
white is the most efficacious of remedies
for burns, and the vil extractable from
the yolk is regarded by the Russians as
an almost miraculous salve for cuts.
bruises and scratches. A raw egg, if
swallowed in time, will effectually de-
tach a fishbone fastened in the throat,
and the white of two eggs will render
thedeadly corrosive as harmless as a dose
of calomel.
sumptive, invigorate the feeble, and
render the most susceptible all proof
against jaundice in its most malignant
phase. ~The merits of eggs do not even
end here.
clarifiers use more than 80,000,000 a
year, and the Alsatians consume fully
58,000,000 in calico printing, and for
dressing the leather used in making the
finest French kid gloves. Even egg-
shells are valuable, for allopath and
homepath alike agree in regarding them
as the purest of the carbonate of lime.
The Deceptive Hand-Bag.
“Would you mind going into Silk &
Satteen’s store with me a few moments,
dear?” asked Mrs. Younglove, sweetly,
of her husband the other afternoon after
they had started out for a half-holiday.
“I just want to get a few little things—
only whatI can carry in my bhand-bag.”
The hand-bag was such a flat, dimin-
ative affair, seemingly capable of hold-
ing so very little, that Younglove cheer-
fully complied with his wif’s request.
When they emerged from the store,
two hours and a half latter, the hand-
bag contained :
Two yards orange ribbon, 1 yard dress
lining, 4 yards Torchon lace, 1 card
hooks and eyes, 3 spools sewing thread,
a card pearl buttons, 1 spool basting
thread, a card pearl buttons, 8 yards
cardinal ribbon, 8 handkerchiefs, 1 pair
kid gloxes, 1 yard tulle, } vard nain-
sook, 2 pairs hose, papers of pins, 1 cut-
steel buckle, 3 fancywork ornaments, 1
skein embroidery silk, 1 pair dressshields
2 yards Hamburg, 1 yard insertion, box
| button fasteners, 1 box hairpins, 1 pair
hosiery supporters, 1 hair net.
“There, dear,” said Mrs. Younglove,
sweetly, as they came out; “vou see 1
kept my word, and got only what I
could carry in my hand-bag. You were
a dear good boy to go in with me at all,
and I wouldn’t have asked you if I'd
been on a regular shopping.”’— Puck.
—Simple and delicious fruit puddings
are of fruits, fresh or dried, stewed and
sweetetied to taste, poured hot over thin
slices of loaf bread, the crust removed,
scantily spread with butter, or the bread
may be carefully toasted. Fill a prettily
shaped dish with alternate layers of
bread or toast buttered and hot stewed
fruit, the latter forming the last layer ;
pour over the whole the juice from the
fruit. Cover with a plate until cold,
then set on ice. Served with powdered
sugar and cream, or a hard sauce, made
by creaming half a teacupful of fresh,
sweet butter, and beating gradually into
it a teacupful of powdered sugar. = Beat
; to a snow the white of an egg, add this
slowly with whatever flavor may be de-
| sired. Fruit juices, fresh or preserved, a
spoonful or two of jelly melted and dilu-
ted, make dainty flavors. Half of the
| sauce may be flavored and colored with
{ strawberry or red currant jelly, the oth-
| er half with orange, lemon or pineapple
Juice or extract. Heap in a pretty fancy
! glass dish a large spoonful of each alter-
nately ; do not smooth it; leave it with
{ a frosty appearance. Place on ice until
| needed.
Es ———
—Many appetizing dishes are prepar-
ed from cold meats and potatoes. Take
what remains of the turkey whose gen-
erous proportions. were browned to jui-
cy, tender crispness for dinner; cut off
the meat, leaving the carcass for the soup
kettle. Pick the meat into bits, do not
| mince it; season with salt and pepper and
minced celery, or a little bruised celery
seed or celery essence, as is most conven-
ient. Butter a dish and spread it thick-
ly with bread-crumbts moistened in a
little sweet milk. Next put in a layer
of the seasoned turkey ; fill the dish with
alternate layers; when full add what
dressing or gravy may hate been left
from the turkey when first served. Mix
together two eggs, half a cup of milk,
good tablespoonful of sweet butter,
thicken with bread-crumbs, add a little
pepper and salt, and spread overt he top;
cover with a large plate or pan, and
bake for thirty minutes. Draw the dish
to the mouth of the oven, remove the
cover, returr. ‘o the oven to brown
handsomely. Serve with currant jelly.
A —
—The old horse Comanche, the only
surv vor of the famous Custer massacre
is still bandscmely eared for at the Gov-
erment’s expense. By special order of
the military anthorities Comanche is
provided with a comfortable stall fitted
up especially for him,
No one is permitted to ride him, and he
is not allowed to do any work whatever.
Riddled with
saber wounds, his body speaks eloquent-
Iv of the perilous duty he has performed
in his 22 vears of service under the Gov-
“Eggs are a meal in themselves. Ev. |
French cookery, however, affirm that
it is easy to dress them more than five
not economical, but salutary in the
No honest appetite ev- |
It is |
nutriment in the most portable form and |
nations of mankind rarely touch any oth- |
Kaiser Ludwig sat at a meal with his
scholar’s fare. They contain phosphorus, |
performs a variety of functions in the
* . - |
nutriment for children, for, in a com- |
They strengthen the con- |
In France alone the wine |
bullets ant searred by |
All Sorts of Paragraphs.
i :
—Sanwich, Mass., is 250 yeurs old
this week. The Tupper House, built
in 1637, is the oldest in the town.
—Edward Pottiford, aged 104, thought
to be the oldest man in the State, died
in Grant county, Ind., Saturday.
—The First Congrecational Church,
of Yarmouth, Mass., celebrated the two
hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its
organization last Sunday. :
—A Sierra Valley (Cal.) man made
an excellent bargain the other day. He
bought a sack of sweet potatoes and
found in the bottom of it 4 $20 oold-
—Micajuh Owens, 100 years old, liv-
. ing near Rochelle, Ga., walked to town
the other day a distance of five miles,
Only three years ago le
miles in one day.
walked 28
—At a wedding in Arizona, the other
day, the bride received, with other wifts,
a furnished house, a mule, a heifer, a
barrel of beer, a cask of wine, some
whisky and a corkscrew.
—The Michigan wheat is a little
shrunken, but the snake crop'is fair this
| year. Farmer Simons Brody, of near
| Three Rivers, went out the other day
land gathered in 28 rattlesnakes.
—A rascal is preying upon the people
of Jackson, Mich., by asserting that he
is a chimney inspector. He gets into
| the house and steals everything that
| comes within his reach. :
—The family of Richar3 Rockwell,
i of Clark county, Mo., consists of seven
{ children, three of them triplets and two
of them twins. The triplets are 10
years old.
—An eagle weighing nine tons has
arrived in Brooklyn from its home in
the mountains of Maine. Tt is of gran-
ite, and will be placed overy the en-
trance to the new post-office.
—The Japanese are learning how to
eat meat. In 1865 only 30,000 head of
| cattle were slaughtered in all Japan. In
1885 the number increased to 116,000;
in 1886, to 130,500; in 1888, to 200,000.
--A very considerate thief who enter-
ed J. P. Beckley’s house at Glassboro,
N. J., a night or two ago, stole $16
from Mr. Beckley’s trousers, but left a
$5 bill on a chair with this note : “Tm
not a hog.”
—Frank W. Hale, of Dover,'N. H.,
has a squash that weighs 100 pounds.
It is still growing and Hale hopes it will
double its present weight. In 28 hours
its circumference increased an inch and
three quarters.
—dJohn Cannon Short, an aged farmer
of near Georgetown, computes that in
going to Georgetown three times per
week during the past 40 years, the
tance each way being seven miles, he
has traveled 87,860 miles,
—Judge F. Welihouse, of Fremont,
Kan, is said to be the proprietor of the
largest orchard in *“e world. He has
1,078 acres in fruit ees, and it is claim-
ed that no other grower on the face of
the globe can make a similar showing.
—When John Orr got home in Cam-
den from a trip to Wilmington, Del.,
his wife asked what had become of his
son Charles. Then Orr remembered
that he had forgotten the oy, who was
found some time on Friday night by
Philadelphia police. :
—Grand Haven, Mich., picked up its
ears Thursday night and distinctly
heard the booming of the guns in the
sham sea fight at Milwaukee, 84 miles
away. The country is tolerably level
between Grand Haven and Milwaukee,
but very damp.
—DMiss Alice Cole, a cultured young
lady cf Chester, I1l., ran away from
home last Wednesday. She is a bank-
er’s daughter and a society belle. She
was found or Sunday in St. Louis, where
she had secured a position as a cook in a
restaurant. Her reason for leaving home
was that she did not wish to return to
—In Dublin, a small town in Laurens
county, Ga., there lives a blue man.
He is a Caucasian, but instead of being
white is a greenish blue, and is known
as “Blue Billy.” His whole skin is
blue, his tongue and the roof of his
mouth are blue, and where his eyes
should be whiteis seen the same ghast-
ly greenish-blue color.
—At Decatur, Tex.,
Bph Huffman was tried in the District
Court for horse: theft. The courtroom
is used on Sunday as a place of worship.
Sunday morning during the services
the jury returned a verdict. The pris-
oner was brought in and sentenced to
five years in the penitentiary, after
which the services were resumed.
on Saturday,
— Lewis Purdy, postmaster at Shrub
Oak, Westchester county, N.Y. was
appointed by President William Henry
Harrison in March, 1841, and has serv-
ed continuously from tha t time. Though
now in his 85th year, he is vigorous, his
memory and vision are clear, and ha
still receives and distributes the mail
twice a day, as he has tor long years.
—At the “old settlers” meeting, re-
cently held in Cass county, Ind., a good
old lady got up to tell of the early life
in the country for the first time, and as
it was her first attempt to speak in pub-
lic, she had a severe attack of stage
fright. At last she said : My friends, I
am an old citizen, I can remember
when these great oak trees were nothing
but hazel bushes.’
--An English scientist has been mak-
ing experiments to determine the impor-
tant part which licht plays in the de-
velopment of animal life. A dozen
tadpoles were confined in a box from
which every ray of light was excluded.
The result was that only two of them
developed into frogs, and these were
I shortlived. The others increased con-
siderably in size, but never left the tad-
pole form.
—William Crawford, 22 years old,
who died recently in Chicago, was pe-
He ouly one
Ueuliarly afflicted. had
out in Dakota. | slin, whieh is to say that he bad no out-
fer skinat all. The veins stood out all
over his body in the plainest manner
possible. From the tinie he was 6 years
of age young Crawford had been sub-
ject to bleeding spells, which were liable
to break out at any time and on any
part of his body.