I —y BY PP. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —In the death of Hon. S. S. Cox has occurred the Sunset of a brilliant life. —There can be no question that 20BERT Ray HadrrToN’s marriage was a failure, —In London the striker scored a victo- ry. In the United States defeat almost invariably scores the striker. —We are not surprised that an extra session of Congress is a sort of buzz-saw that BENJAMIN is chary about monkey- ing with. —~Secretary WINDOM is putting him- self to unnecessary trouble in explaining the increase of the national debt. TaN- NER is explanation enough. —Imagine the effect of CLEVELAND taking the stump, with strikes, lock-outs and business failures emphasizing his argument in favor of tariff reform. —Secretary 'Wixpom’s interpreta- tion of the treasury report for July and August conflicts with popular confidence in the time-honored maxim that figures won't lie. —The capers that the waves have heen cutting on the Atlantic coast would seem to indicate that old Neptune isn’t disposed to let Jupiter Pluvius have all tne fun this summer. —The great JouN L. wants to go to Congress. If the election should be de- termined in the prize ring, who would have the hardihood to bea candidate against the invincible slugger ? —The appointment of WArMoTH to the collectorship at New Orleans leaves beyond doubt that if EL1zA PINKSTON were among the living she could have her pick of the Louisiana post offices. —The array of Republican candidates for Governor that are standing up in a row waiting for Buss QUAY to make his selection, may not care so much about being chosen after they have seen there- sult of the election this fall. —The report that Williamsport was coing to get the Distin band instrument works appears tobe mere wind. Potts- ville is blowing about getting that horn factory. Itis a subject on which a good deal of tooting can be done. —And now the ingenious Republi- can organs claim to have discovered that BiLL Scorr ran the Democratic State Convention. That will hardly answer as a set-off to Boss QUAY’S neat manipu- lation of the Republican Convention. —The veterans appeared to better ad- vantage at Gettysburg this week dedi- cating monuments to tke heroic memory of their dead comrades than they did some weeks ago at Milwauke2 endorsing TANNER'’S raid on the public treasury. —MATTERN escaped the questionable honor of having his handsome features burlesqued in the Keystone Gazette, by his not being the choice of the ring, The county boss instructed FIepLER what fiz to have ready for publication. ~ —In canvassing the county this fall ‘WiLLie Gray will have to have a dif- ferent speech from the one he shot off at the voters last year. Under existing circumstances his hearers would guy him ifhe should try to werk off any tariff "rot on them. —Fatal accidents are happening al- most as frequently to the workers on the electric lines as to the employes on the railroads, and yet there are people who think that the dynamo wouldn't be as effective as the rope in landing criminals on the other side of Jordan. . —The Democrats under the lead of Leon Assert will administer a stun- ning shock of Jersey lightning to their Republican opponents notwithstanding the reported failure of the New Jersey apple crop. It will be lightning of a political and not of a liquid character. —In gaddirg about the country quite a spirited competition is going on be- tween James A. BEAVER and BrNJA- MIN HARRISON. The Governor had no rival in this way of wasting official time until the President appeared on the road and beat BEAVERS record as a cadder. —Ex-Speaker CaArLIsLE is credited with great political sagacity in predict- img that the issue in 1892 will be tariff reform, with GrovER CLEVELAND as the Democratic candidate for President; but that idea is so general that the Speaker must share with the people the credit of so sagacious an impression. —Those who expect that the coming Prohibition county convention is going to becrowded with the Republican work- ers who threw up their hats so enthusiasti- cally for the cold water cause in June, are going to ve disappointed. The prayers of our temperance friends oun that occasion are not likely to be topped off with Republican amens. which received —The licking administration the meddlesome in the Third Congressional district of Louisiana is merely a forerunner of the spanking it vill get in Virginia. But as the Old Dominion will afford a larger area for spanking, the kicking and squirming attending the punishment will afford proportionally more fun to those who shall witness its infliction. TR TET (TA 4 owns A q ‘ au pugs} Ee 1 Al STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 34. The Star Spangled Banner. The patriotic people of Baltimore had a lively time this week in fighting over again the battle which their gal- lant ancestors fought three-quarters of a century ago against the British in- vaders and thereby saved their fair city from pillage and disgrace. The national capital having just been re- duced to ashes, Baltimore had reason to fear the same fate, but a resistance more stubborn than the invaders had led themselves to expect, checked their advance, effaced to some extent the dis- grace of the ravaged capital, and oeca- sioned the writing of the “Star Spang- led Banner,” which since then has so often stirred the patriotic feelings of the American people. The production of that song was as glorious an incident as any connected with the gallant de- fense of Baltimore. The flag that waved over Fort Me. Henry when its guns baffled and drove back the fleet of the invader, and which on that occasion inspired the writing of the song, is still in existence, it be- ing the property of Mr. E. ApPLETON, of New York, he having inherited it from an ancestor who had taken part in the heroic defense. The Baltimori- ans in their celebration this week were very desirous of having this flag wave over the spot where it had waved in defiance of the foe at the time of the bombardment. It was a natural and praise-worthy desire, and much feeling has been excited by Mr. ArprLE- 1oN’s refusal to lend the flag for that purpose. While it is to be regretted that he had a reason which he thought sufficient to induce him to refus: the loan of the flag, it must be admitted that his extreme care for its safety showed how highly he prized the glo- rious old relic. But some arrangement should be made by which the govern: ment may become its owner. This particular flag, whose stars and stripes inspired the author of the Star Spang- led Banner, should be the property of the people of the United States with their government as its custodian. The Difference. The great strike of the workmen on the London wharves has been quite a relief to the defenders of the American monoply tariff who for the past six months have been rather roughly handled concerntng the strikes which have prevailed in all parts of this tariff protected country. They point to the London labor disturbance as proof that free trade isn’t any more effective than a tariff in preventing strikes. Is not this a pitiful begging of the question on the part of people who favor a high tariff for the alleged reason that it pro- motes the prosperity of workingmen ? It is virtually an admission that, after. "all, their pet tariif isn’t any better than free trade in maintain- ing the wages of those wholive by their labor. But in looking at this matter they overlook an important fact. The strikes in this country are generally against a reduction of wages, the tendency being | towards a reduction under our protec- The strike of the London | tive system. wharfingers was for an increase of wa- ges, the tendency in all departments of English industry being in the direction of an advance in the compensation of labor. In all the various lines of man- ufacture and in the mining industries the wages of the English workmen have increased about a hundred per cent since the customs reforms were brought about by Cospex and his fol- lowers. The pay of such laborers as stevedores and wharfingers lagged in the general advance made in otherlines of labor, and they strack for their share of the improved prosperity enjoyed by the workers in the factories and mines. Itis not difficult to see thatsuch astrike for an increase of pay is quite different from the struggle which the tariff’ pro- tected working people of the United States are making against a reduction of their wages to the starvation point. —As the quoit season is about draw- ing to a close the Commissioners might level up the Court House yard and have the enclosure put in trim for the diver- sion of next year's loafirs, irrespective of color. Pitching quoits is physically beneficial to those who engage in it, but the kind of pitching that would be finan- cially beneficial to the tax-payers of the | county would be the pitching of the Republican majority out of the Com- missioners’ office. Chicago and the Columbus Quadri- Centennial. We have received a circular issued by Chicago editors calling attention to the superior eligibility of Chicago as the site for the exposition to be connected with the Columbus celebration in 1892, and urging that it be located in that city. Itsarguments would be good if there was not another point that offers better reasons why it should be select ed as the site of this exposition. As the commercial metropolis of the country New York is by all odds the point most to be preferred for this purpose. Its prominence among the great cities of the world gives it a distinction which dignifies its claim to the honor of being the point at which to celebrate the great discovery. There is no such dig- nity about Chicago's claim, it being based chiefly on the reputation which that city has gained by its rapid and, in some respects, shoddy growth. As the nations of all the world be invited to participate in the demon- stration, the exposition should greet them on the boarders of the ocean which bore the great discoverer to these shores. Why should it be necessary for foreign visitors to traverse half the width of the continent to reach the point of celebration? The circular points out the mary advantages Chica go offers for such a demonstration, but there are so many elements of proprie- ty in the exposition being held in the chief city and great commercial empo- rium of the country that the Chicago arguments reaily appear impertinent. Isn't it about time that this wild west- ern presumption be sat down on ? will The Administration's Bad Luck in the South. Some days ago an election came off in the Third Louisiana Congress dis- trict to fill the vacancy occasioned by the recent death of Mr, Gay, the Dem- ocratic representative. It is KEgL- roce’s old district, but had been carried by the Democrats at the last three elections. In compliance with the policy of the present administration to increase the Republican strength in the South, a determined movement was made to recapture this district at the recent special election. Every influence that could be brought to bear upon it was put in operation, and a special committee of three Republican con- gressmen was sent down, ostensibly to see that the district was not fraudulent- ly carried by the Democrats, but really for the purpose of creating the false impression that there was a likelihood of an unfair election and furnishing an excuse for contesting it. The result was seen in the most disastrous defeat thac ever befell the Republicans in Louisiana, the Democratic candidate, Mr. PricE, being elected by a majority of nearly 8,006. In view of such an overwhelming ex- pression of the popular will,the kind of report which the Republican visiting committee shall make as to the causes that brought about such a result, is a matter of curious speculation. It is hardly possible that they will try to represent that there are flaws in a majority of 8000 sufficient to justify a contest of Mr. Price's seat. However, the resources of Republican cheek are unlimited and inexhanstible. One thing is taught by the result in the Third Louisiana district, and that is that the interference of the administra- tion in Southern politics is not panning out to its advantage. It is exerting its influence in Virginia in MamoNE’s be- half with almost a certainty of being beaten as badly as it was in Lovisiana. ——Nearly Ca money has been raised for the construction ot the eques- trian statue of General Grorcr B. Mo- CrLerraN which is to be placed on the south side of the public building in Philadelphia. As a work of art it will be a companion to the equestrian statue of General Rey~orps, which has been erected on the north side of that building. The other two sides,east and west, would be good locations for stat- ues of Generals Mrapr and HaNcock. These four were the great Pennsylvania soldiers during the war of the rebellion, two of them having commandel the army of the Potomac, and the other two were connected some of its ost important operations. No other State produced such a military quartette. And what added greatly to their re- nown was the circumstance that they were Democrats. with BELLEFONTE, PA., SEPTEMBER 13, 1889. NO. 36. There Should Be an Overhauling. There is urgent occasion for over- hauling the management of the State treasury and investigating the manner in which the sinking fund has been used. The public money of Pennsyl- vania has for a long while been under the control of a party that is not dis- tinguished for fidelity in the perfor- mance of such a trust, and when it is well known that a character like M. S. Quay has had much to do with the management of the State funds, the necessity for an overhauling should be deeply impress:d upon the public mind. There Was been sufficient proof that the funds have been used for specula- tive purposes. The State money has been placed in favored banks with every evidence that the profits have been shared. What other reason than this can be given for the sale of a million dollars worth of interest-bearing United States bonds that were held by the State as an invest the proceeds of which sale being placed in the hands of favored bankers ? Can it be doubted that there was a divvy of the profits arising from the use of this money by the banks? How was the State indemnified for the loss of the interest which would have gone into her coflers if this money would have been allowed to remain in- vested in United States securities ? This was a most flagrant breach of official trust. It was a point-blank robbery of the State,and the ring which for years has been growing rich by such practices should be called to ac- count. As long as they are allowed to remain in office they are able in a great measure to cover the tracks of their dis- honesty which are imprinted all over the management of the State Treas- ury. To get at them they must be got out, Boyer, the Republican candidate for State Treasurer, 1s the mere tool of Mar Quay and no one is more interest- ed than Quay in keeping the manage- ment of the treasury under cover. The Boss owns Bover and would control him if the voters should be unwise enough to put him at the head of the treasury. Quay made him the candidate and would use him if he should become the incumbent. Death of Hon. Samuel S, Cox. The report that Ion. Samver S. Cox was dangerously ill was speedily fol- lowed by the announcement of his death, which occurred at his residence in York on Tuesday evening. This is a great loss both to the coun- try and to the Democratic party. For years he was a leading figure in Con- gress, having been sent to the national legislature from Ohio, his native State, when comparatively a young man, and after his removal to New York city his eminent abilities and high reputa- tion wererecognized by his being again sent to Congress, where he served al- most continuously up to the time of his death. During his long term of public service as a congressional repre- sentative he was ever found on. the side of good government and in sup- port of no other than constitutional measures. The corrupt schemes which during his time were so profit- able to venal legislators, always tound in this incorruptible Democrat a con- sistent and unfaltering opponent, and it can be truly said of him that in both public and private life his fingers never touched a dishonest dollar. He was a man of varied attainments, be- ing noted as much for his literary ac- complishments as for his force asa public speaker. His temper was of the most genial nature and his spark- ling wit was perennial and inexhausti- ble. It will be difficult to fill the place made vacant by the death of this able and honorable public charac- ter, * New —1In one of Judge's dpi cartoons an American workman is represented as pointing to a dilapidated speciman of a London striker and addressing a tariff reformer with the remark : “A nice box you and the Democracy would have got me into.” Is this American workman one of the Illinois miners who during the past summer have been kept from starving by public charity, or is he one of those that have been thrown out of employment by the blight that has over- taken the woolen industry in conse- quence of the tariff on raw materials ? May be he is a Pennsylvania coke worker who has grown opulent on wages averaging 80 cents a day. The Farmers and Wage-Earners Ac- count With Candidate Boyer. There are two classes of Pennsylva- nia citizens who should feel themselves particularly interested in defeating M. S. Quay’s candidate for State Treasurer, although all classes should desire his defeat in the interest of good govern- ment. The classes especially interest ed in this matter are the farmers and the wage-earners. As Speaker of the House of Representatives he has shown no friendship for either of them. When tax laws, intended to relieve the far- mers of an undue weight of taxation by placing a more just proportion of it upon the corporations, were proposed in the Legislature, the influence of Speak- er BoveEr was not exerted to secure their passage. It could have been of powerful assistance, but he chose rath- er to follow the bias of the leaders of his party in favor ofcorporate interests. It was for this reason as much as on account of other adverse influences, that the efforts of the Graagers to have tax bills passed that would relieve them of undue and unjust burdens, failed in both the sessions over which Speaker Boyer presided. It is true that in the first session a reform revenue bill was allowed to pass, but who can doubt that there was an understanding among the managers that it should meet with its death in the dark passage between the Senate and the executive depart: ment? At the last session the Grang- ers’ tax bill was allowed” to die of ne- glect while schemes for the benefit of interests far less worthy engaged the favorable attention of the body whose action Speaker BoyEr in a great meas- ure inspired and directed. The other class of voters who have a special reason to be anxious to square accounts with Mar Quay’'s candidate this fall, are the wage-earners. since he has been Speaker of the House they have been asking for legislation that would benefit labor. To What ¢ tent have their reasonable demands been complied with? Every oneof the labor bills offered at the last session failed to pass. The committees ap- pointed by the Speaker were unfriendly to them. The influence which he could have powerfully exerted in their favor was withheld. The wage-earners were in effect kicked out of the Ilouse over which he presided. While he oc- cupied the chair the disgraceful spec- tacle was jiesentad of the bone and sin- ew of the'State begging in vain for legislation that was justly due them, while obsequious compliance was being accorded to the demands of the capital- ists and corporations. The farmers and the wage-earners have a special account to square with candidate Boyer in November. If they are true to themselves it will be to him a very rough reckoning. Tnglish syndicates are right on with their absorption of Ameri- can breweries. There is scarcely a city in which one or more of the biggest of these establishments have not been captured by the “free trade’ money of the capitalists of old England, the breweries of St. Paul last week being the last published as having succumbed to the influence of British gold. Estab- lishments connected with other Ameri- can industries are also being bought with money from Jony Burr's plethoric pocket. This ought not to be. It is not consistent with the declaration of the Republicans that free trade is ruin- ous. Free trade has been in opera- tion in England for the last forty years with the eftect of making the English so rich that they can come over here and buy up the industries of this taritf protected country. According to the Republican theory the English should be too poor to be able to buy and the Americans too rich to want to sell. going The relives of the Republi- can convention of Lycoming county which referred to the present contested judicial election case as an eflort to “preserve the ballot pure and unsul- lied,” can scarcely be regarded in any other light than as an attempt to get off a joke. The one thing most dis tinetly evinced by the long investiga- tion is the fact that the Republican leaders in that county have endeavored to seat a Judge belonging to their party by perverting the result of the election. Under such circumstances their com- mendation of a pure and unsullied bal- lot is calculated to make people laugh. Ever | ~ Spawls from the Keystone, —“Corn beer” is a popular beverage in Scran- ton now. ~—Northampton county farmers complain of blight among potatoes. —There are over €ixty entries for the races of the Laneaster county fair, y —At the Berks county Fair this year heer will be sold only at the hotel. —A conservatory is being erected on the capitol grounds at Harrisburg. —Nearly every resident of ‘Petersburg, Huntingdon county, has malaria. —A man arrested at Erie for jumping his board bill had 830 in his pocket. —There will ke an extraordinary poultry display at the Berks county fair. Johnstown is over-run with wateh and clock menders, all of whom are busy. —The hogs on the farm of the Norristown Asylum are dying with cholera. —The new gynasium for the West Chester Normal School will cost 830,000. —An Altoona paper says spring chickens are now ripe, plentiful, large and cheap. —An illuminated clock is being placed in the dome of the capitol at Harrisburg. —The new dog tax is already decreasing the number of dogs throughout the State. —Westmoreland county is troubled with an ‘organized band of midnight marauders. —A West Chester young man cured thimself of the whistling habit by chewing gum. —Montgomery county grangers want the golden rod selected as the national flower. —A Juniata county woman publicly flogs her husband every time he comes home drunk. Thousands of blackbirds make a roosting ground of the old Allentown Fair Grounds. —Ten refreshment stand privileges at the Berks county fair brought only $355 at auction, —Some Columbia residents amused]thems selves at a pronounciation bee a few fnights ago. ) —A kick from a colt has literally knocked the face of Edward Rich, of Horsham, out of shape. —A balloon in rhinoceros form descended near West Chester and frightened some na» tives. —A mass of hair rolled into a solid ball was found in a calf’s stomach by a’ West Chester butcher. —Nine ears of corn grew in a bunch single stalk on the farm of John]Wambatugh near York. —Harry Seechrist, of Orbisonia, fell back. ward on a circular saw and had his hand nears ly cut off. —Two dozen hard-boiled eggs were imposed on ajWest Grove storekeeper for fresh ones by a farmer. —M, H. Moody, a former resident of Bombay and a fire worshiper, is on a lecturing tour through the state. —Two little Reading girls were walking along the street, when a 100-pound column fel{ over between them. —Judge Stowe, of Pittsburg, has decided that Sunday milk dealers must pay a fine fcr worldly employment. —The first State Convention of "the Union Prohibitory League will be held in Harrisburg, on September 26. —Several Pottstown people sat down to a corn supper a few days ago, when corn was served in a score of styles. —Mrs. Mary Drusiah is languishing in the Norristown jail for the larceny of a dead chicken from her neighbor. —Stratton Wise, of West Chester, came down stairs early on Friday morning to find a drunk. en tramp asleep in his parlor. —A newly married woman named Witman threw pepper in her husband’s eyes last Fri day during a quarrel at Reading. —There is greal opposition at York to the Joint fair of the State and County Societies be- cause of a 52 cent admission fee. —The Pittsburg Courts have refused to grant a divorcee to C. B. Stelzner, who left his wife after six weeks of wedded bliss. —A committee of Johnstown citizens has been appointed to see Senators Quay and Cams eron in relation to securing National aid. —One year in the Eastern Penitentiary was the sentence imposed on a tramp in Adams county who had pushed his way into ja house, —Four hundred dollars for charity was net- ted by a baseball game at Harrisburg between reporters and policenen. A girl was umpire, —Objecting to her brother’s marriage to a quadroon, Miss Drenning, of Pi tsuurg, had the couple arrested on a crimiual charge as the knot was about to be tied. —By a premature blast in Pascoe & Dinan’s stone quarry near Bethlehem, Peter Yerken- sen had both eyes blown out, and two Jother workmen were seriously hurt. —The farmers of New Hanover township, in the neighborhood of Fagleyville, Montgomery county, are cutting and housing “second erop”’ hay, of which they have a large crop. t —The knives of a mowing machine at Perki. omenville, Montgomery county, cut into three pieces a fifteen-foot blacksnake that has fre. quented the vicinity for fifteen years. —Becoming alarmed at the responsibilities of maternal cares a hen at Oxford, Chester county, deserted her nest of eggs, but a kinde ly turkey gobler took her place and raised the brood. —A warrant for assault aad battery was served in mistake on John C. Heed, a re- putable resident of Westtown, a few days ago, It was meant for another man ofa similar name. —George Stroop, of Bradford, stepped on a plank which flew up, striking him on the “Adam’s apple” The cartilage was fractured, rendering breathing impossible. He died soon afterward. —At Lake Conadokta a few days ago a Ti- tusvilke giri threw a Union City masher into the water. He pualied himself out, and pros ceeded to slap the girl's face, and a Magistrate charged him $1: for his fun. —On Tuesday of last week W.S. “Strickler and Miss Ellen Kennedy, of Shippensburg, were injured in a runaway accident, but they did not let the incident interfere with the wedding they had arrang.d for the following day. —Murs. Jacob Hottert, of Lower Saucon, near Allentown, returned home the other ,day and found her 2-year-old child on the kitchen floor playing with a blacksnake. Two other snakes were in the room, and ail were killed by the child's mother. —Mennonites of Lancaster county selected a minister on Friday by drawing lots. Twen- ty-one bibles, one of which contained a slip of paper, were placed on a table, and the candi dates walked around and each took a book, I'he one drawing the slip was ordained.