Fl] B 8y B GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —It is reported that our own Hast- INGS has been invited to come to Ohio and assist in blowing the Foraker fog- horn. —The fool-hardy Niagara navigator is again engaged in his dangerousadven- ture. The disappointing feature of his performance is that he gets through safe. — The millionaires of New York and Chicago, in their competition for the Columbus centennial exhibition, are not running their hands down into their pockets to a depth that looks like busi- ness. —The President's protracted outings may enable him to shirk the perform- ance of his official duties, but whether he goes to Deer Park, Bar Harbor or Cape May, he can’t escape the annoying attentions of the office seekers. —The ordirary forms of immorality are stoutly combatted by the Chautau- quan moralists, but they have tackled a tough subject in taking hold of that greatest of commercial immoralities, the monopolistic combine known as the Trust. ---The announcement that the Euro- pean wheat crop is 222,000,000 bushels * below the average would be more en- couraging to the American farmers if it didn’t offer such a good chance for char- acters like “old Hutch” to get in their work. —DPrince RUSSELL returned this week from his sojourn among the foreign po- tentates full of details about the way they run their royal establishments, which ‘his pa can utilize after the ‘White House shall have been enlarged to regal dimensions. —California has been guilty of many legal tergiversations, but her administra- tion of law would suffer an unusual dis- grace if her courts should assist in mak- ing Judge FIELD the victim of the re- venge of an adventuress like SARAH ArtHEA HILi TERRY. —Future generations of housekeepers will be likely to build a monument to the memory of Mrs. CocKRAN, of Shel- byville, Illinois, who has invented a dish-washing machine. The elimina- tion of the dish-rag would be a great triumph of human ingenuity. —The ovations that have been accorded to SuLL1ivAN and KILRAIN by the peo- ple of the State whose peace and dignity they are charged with having disturbed, clearly indicate that prize-fighting isn’t as objectionable to the average Mis- sissippi citizen as it is to Mississippi law. —ANNA DICKINSON announces that she is going to return to the stage. She would make a decided hit if she should go on the boards with a comedy founded on her experience as a Republican stump speaker last year, including the episode of MAT QUAY’s declining to pay her milliner’s bill. —The Ohio Democratic convention this week was a collection of untram- meled Democrats around whose necks the collar of a Boss would have been as much of a misfit as shackles would be on the pinions ot the American eagle. They didn’t have a QUAY to tell them whom they should nominate. —BoyER’s election would be QUAY’S victory. His defeat would be a step to- ward relieving the State from the dis- grace of being dominated by a politician who, if the New York 77ibune and the Philadelphia Press were to be believed a few years ago, would be better suited to a prison cell than to a Senator's chair. —A strange fatality seems to attend excursion trains of the G. A. R., which have recently met with serious accidents. The veterans deserve a better fate than to be ‘smashed up in railroad collisions, but danger must be expected with such a Jonah as TANNER aboard. The old soldiers had better throw him to the v hales. —The Philadelphia Press considers GROVER CLEVELAND a fool for having sacrificed his chance of re-election by his tariff reform message. To a thorough- paced Republican organ principle ap- pears to be a very foolish thing. In its vitiated opirion there is a good deal more sense in the employment of boodle as a political agency. —The condition of Nevada has be- come so low that there is danger that its life as a State may flicker out. There are certain bonanza kings to whom this moribund State is valuable as a point from which such characters as they can be sent to the United States Senate. These interested parties should see what may be done in keeping it alive by the Brown-Sequard process. -~Even the sheep,as they nip the suc- culent pasturage of the meadows, look more sheepish when they think that they belong to owners who are fooled by the Republican representation that the wool interest is benefited by the tariff. Sheep can’t be supposed to do much thinking, but they do about as much as their human prototypes who be- lieve that the prosperity of the country | is promoted by tariff taxation. ‘zette and Bulletin. Democratic VOL. 34. Education on the Tariff Question. Matters pertaining to wool are in a bad, a very bad condition in this coun- try. There is plenty of protection, both to wool in its raw state and to wool in its manufactured form, and yet no one connected with wool in any shape whatever is in that happy frame of mind that belongs to the prosperous. The wool raisers find the price of their raw staple gradually declining, what they get for it in the market being less than the price they received before their business was taken in hand as an in- fant industry and a tariff clapped on for its protection. As to the woolen man- ufacturers, no class of business people could be more completely in the soup. They are suspending or going under the hammer of the sheriff in all parts of the country. During the past month of August—and it wasn’t a longer month than Augusts usually are —more than a dozen of the leading woolen manufacturing firms were fore- ed to stop business. Among them were the Riverside and Oswego Mills; Sut- ton’s woolen mill at North Andover, Mass.; Schepper Brothers’ worsted mill in Philadelphia ; Hutchison, Ogden & Co., of Manayunk; the Brunswick Company, of Troy, N. Y.; the Pioneer Woolen Factory, of San Francisco; Da- vid Crowthers & Sons woolen mill at Germantown ; Phenix Woolen Compa- ny of East Greenwich,R. I.; I'horndyke worsted Company, and Vandermark Brothers, woolen manufacturers of Brookton, N. Y. All of these estab- lishments were forced to stop business because they could no longer go on without the free raw material which Grover CLEVELAND in his immortal tariff reform message said was abso- Iutely necessary for the success of our woolen manufacture. Although distressing to the unfortu- nate parties,there was something langh- able in the failure of Vandermark Brothers at Brookton, N. Y. They belonged to the class of business peo- ple who last year got under the singu lar hallucination that everything would zo to the eternal bow-wows if Harri- soN wasn't elected and the monopoly tariff perpetuated. They worked hard for IarrisoN and coerced their em- ployes into voting the Republican tick- et by saying that a reduction of the tariff would cause them to suspend operations. While a prominent Dem- ocratic campaign speaker was at Brookton last fall, to show the fallacy of a high tariff; one of Vandermark Brothers called him a d——d liar for preaching such an “absurd doctrine.” After the meeting he made his way to the platform and said: “Unless Har- rISON is elected our firm cannot keep running. A Democratic administration will ruin ns.” VaxpErMARK Brothers have learned a good deal more about the effect of the tariff than they knew a year ago: Quite a number of other people are learning a great deal op that subject. In fact there never was such a period of tariff education. And Grover smiles serenely as he thinks of the instruction which the school that he opened in 1888 is imparting to the people. The bloody shirt politicians will have a difficult tas < in explaining how it has come about that the three can- didates on the Virginia Republican State ticket are fellows who shot at the old flag during the late unpleasant- ness, There wasn’t a rebel who was more perniciously active in that bad business than Manong, the nominee for Governor, while the other two on the ticket did theirshare in the treason- able attempt to destroy the Union. To what process will the bloody-shirters attribute the conversion of such con- spicuous rebels into loyal Republicans whose election to office is necessary for the welfare of Virginia in particular and of the country in general? It will be rather embarrassing for them to wave the bloody shirt in the interest of such bloody rebels. a LE The Protection and Free Trade wings of the Democratic party are flop- ping violently now.— Williamsport Ga- ‘Will out esteemed contemporaty be explicit enough to state where this violent flopping may be seen going on? It might also be worth its while to give a curious public more definite information as to which is the protection apd which the free trade wing of a party whose special purpose is to "reform a manopoly tariff, The State Treasurer. It is of importance that the Democrat- ic nominee for State Treasurer should be a man upon whom the party vote can be united. To secure this the choice should fall upon the candidate that is best known to the people and in whom is united the indispensible quali- | ties of competence and inteority. These | are the qualifications that will ensure | people of their color. popular strength. The Democratic nominee will not be the selection of a boss. Among those who arz mentioned in this connection Mr. Epmusp A. Bicrer of Clearfield seems to be the most prominent. In ad- dition to excellent personal qualifica- tions his name is associated with dem- ocratic antecedents that are greatly in his favor. His prominence in this connection has been sufficienttoinduce opponents to circulate the report that Senator WALLACE objects to Mr Bic- LER'S candida=y for the alleged reason that it wguld interfere with his own can- dicacy for Governor next year. The Senator has made an unqualified denial of the cruth of this report, speak- ing in high terms of Mr. BiGLer. As to the question of a candidate for Gover- nor next year he said: “We will let the “future take care of itself. We must “now act for 1889, and the Democrats “of Pennsylvania should nominate a “clean cundidate for State Treasurer, “and say what they think about the “issues of the hour. It will be time “enough to talk about 1890 when it “arrives.” This is the right spirit in which to treat this question. Whether the nomi- nee shall be Mr. BicLER or some other man, the requisites of good character and ability should be kept in view. As the creature of a boss, the tool of the corporations and the enemy of the la- bor interests, of which he gave abund- ant proof in his position as Speaker of the House, the Republican nominee for State Treasurer is a vulnerable candidate who can be defeated by a Democrat of the right kind. Tt should be the earn- est purpose of the State convention to select one of that kind. Why They Weren’t There. The workingmen of Indianapolis showed their dislike for Mr. Harrison by absenting themselves from the cere- monies of the laying of the corner stone of the soldiers’ monument in that city, last week, of which he was the central figure. He was brought on as much to parade him in his official character as to make the occasion more impressive by the presence of the President of the United States, and there were plenty of office-seekers and party hangers-on to swell the crowd, but the Indianapolis workingmen, who are acquainted with Mr. Bansamiy Harrison and have had an opportunity of thoroughly under- standing the sentiment he entertains toward people of their class, refrained from paying a tribute to the soldiers that would have involved a tribute to the man and official in whom they have no confidence as a friend of the work- ing people. They did not support him at the election that placed him in his high office. Boodle carried the State over their opposition to the monopo- lies. He has done nothing since his inauguration to change their opinion of him, and they have reason to look for- ward to a consummation ofa policy that will make his administration more in- teresting to the wealthy beneficiaries of a high tariff than to the toiling masses. The working people of Indianapolis are not mistaken in their estimate of Brx- Jamin Harrison and did him no un- justice in declining to take part in a demonstration which in a great meas- ure was intended for his glorification. —The convention of the Grand Army of the Republic at Milwaukee thig week is reported to have been an im- mense affair. Such a gathering offered a good opportunity to remove the im- pression that is fast taking hold of the public mind that the magnificent pa- triotism that saved the Union is degen- erating into a mercenary greed for the contents of the public treasury. —The miners of Clay county, Indi- ana, in their plucky resistance to a re- duction of wages, say that the county can bury them before they shall surrender. Last year when they were asked to vote for Harrigon and the tariff it scarcely occurred to them that they were being invited to a funeral. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL | UNION. BELLEFONTE, PA., AUGUST 30, 1889. | NO. 34. | The Embarrassment of a Pious Official’ The good Postmaster General is ex- | periencing a peculiar embarrassment in disposing of the post offices in the South. The colored brethren rightfully demand a liberal share ofthe spoils con- nected with the postal department and threaten to go back on the old party if the post offices are not largely filled by As 90 per cent | of the party in the South is composed of negroes, it is easy to see the loss that would attend a revolt of those who con- stitute the Republican strength in that section. : On the other hand the whites are bitterly hostile to having their mails pass through the hands of negroes. They are the only part of the popula- tion that, to any extent, receive mail matter, and they don’t want to have it handled by the darkies. Pol tically they are not in a situation to prevent such an indignity, but they are begin- ning to threaten that if WaNAMAKER shall inflict colored postmasters upon them they will boycott his big dry goods concern in Philadelphia. He has alarge trade in the South and his drum- mers in that section are being notified that if their employer shall yield to the demands of the negroes who want to handle the mails he will get no more orders for goods from the South. Asa well known Southerner remarked some days ago, “it isa question of calico and ready-made clothing.” This is certainly an embarrassing situation for the pious head of the post office department who wants to dispose of the post offices in a way that will keep the colored Republicans from kicking over the party traces, yet at the same time is averse to driving custom from his big Philadelphia store. Such an embarrcssment may be expected to arise when personal gain is made a leading feature in the pgzformance of official duty. The whole administration seems to be run on that plan. Still Prosecuting Their Weary Work. The three judges who are still pros- ecuting the weary task of taking testi- mony in the contested Judicial election case in Lycoming county, meet at regu- lar intervals and go on with their work that seems to be endless. It is now nearly a year since they began piling up this pretty bill of cost which the taxpayers of the county will have to pay. The witnesses that have been examined liave been numerous enough to form a small army, and yet sufficient evidence has not yet been seeured to make it clear that the Democratic can- didate who had a majority of the votes should step down and give the bench to the minority Republican candidate. Upon its face the case bears the un- mistakable appearance of a design to steal a judgeship. The dull proceedings of the court of inquiry were enlivened the other day by a question that arose concerning the printing of the evidence. Complaint was made that the printers were be- hind in putting this voluminous stuff in print, and one of the learned judges threatened that if the Williamsport printers couldn't come up to the re- quirements of the emergency it would be necessary to have the printing com- pleted in Philadelphia. What a nice item in the bill of costs the printing expenses are going to be, and taking it all together the taxpayers will have a pretty sum to pay as the result of this Republican scheme to seat a judge who waz not elected. \ i ———————————T1 A Bungling Compliment. m The act of the Legislature providing for the transportation of certain of the old Pennsylvania soldizrs to Gettys- burg on the occasion of the dedication ofthe soldiers’ monuments on the bat- tle field is not giving entire satisfaction to the veterans. The discrimination that has been made, by which this fa- vor is confined tc a certain class of veterans, is the cause of the dissatis- faction. 2 - Those who were in the service fight- ing gallantly elsewhere, cannot see the Justice of excluding them from this ex- cursion because they did not happen to belong to the regiments that directly participated in the Gettysburg fight. Although they did not contribute to the result of that engagement, it was only because they were doing gallant and valuable service elsewhere, and they argue that as free passage to Get. tysburg is intended as a recognition of gallantry and a compliment to those who fought for the old flag, the dis- crimination’ made by the act consti- tutes an invidious distinction. The Legislature showed but little tact in this matter. Their object evi- dently was to flatter the old soldiers and to pander to a military sentiment for the sake of a political advantage, which is the obvious purpose of all such acts, but they made such a bungle of this particular case that more of the old soldiers have been offended than pleased by it. Getting Their Eyes Open. The convention of the Prohibitionists of this county was quite plain in its denunciation of the treachery of the Republican leaders on the prohibition question. The resolutions, which we publish elsewhere in this issue, charge those leaders with double dealing in putting high license forward to divert votes from the amendment after having pretended to be sincere in their inten- tion to have the question of prohibition fairly submitted to the people ;and they are further charged with being audaci- ous at their last State convention in throwing Prohibition aside, as if it was an issue dead and condemned for all time, and offering high license as a substitute that would answer the moral requirements of the temperance ques. tion. The Prohibitionists appear to be get- ting their eyes open to the deceptive purpose of the Republican leaders in submitting the amendment and their treachery in treating it when it came before the people. Everybody except the honest and enthusiastic cold-water advocates saw into the deception which the Republican leaders were practicing in this matter. That they ar: Eso see- ing it at last, is an indication that they too are getting an insight into the ras- cality of the machine politics of Penn- sylvania. ——— A Flourish of Eagle’s F eathers. The members of the constitutional con- vention of Washington Territory, after they had completed the framing of the document that is to regulate the new State, signed it with pens made of eagle's feathers. This was an act of sentimentality that had a patriotic look, but it will amount to mere fustian ifthe requirements of the organic law are not more closely observed than has been the case in some States that we could mention. Eagle feathers will fail to exercise a talismanic influence against corporate and plutocratic encroach- ments and abuses if those to whom is delegated the duty of legislation yield to the money power that is reaching out on every hand to bring State legisla- tures under its control. We hope that the signing of the Washington consti- tution will amount to something more than an empty flourish of eagle feath- ers. Such a parade will prove to have been very ridiculous if the new State shall send a couple of Pacific railroad magnates as its representatives in the United States Senate and a supporter of the thieves’ tariff to the lower house; and if its Legislature shall turn out to be the mere tool of incorporated mo- nopolies. — Speaking of the vacation which the President has so freely indulged in this summer, the Philadelphia Inquirer evidently thinks he is entitled tosuch re- laxation when it says that ¢Presi- dent Harrison has worked for nearly six months with tireless energy in the exalt- ed office to which he has been chosen by the people” And to what other work than dividing thespoils among the office- seekers has he devoted his tireless energy since he came into his exalted office? There hasn’t been a thing done beyond this. One should think that the effort required to provide his relatives with places would ia itself be enough to tire his Excellency. It has certainly made the people very tired. The “Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin says that President Harrison “has commenced the work of blocking out his message.” Is he using any blocks-of-five in this work ? We should think they would greatly: add to the interest of the message. ——The farmers are learning that the tariff is a tax. Spawls from the Keystone, —Ashland is suffering from an epidemic of typhoid fever, and three persons have died. —Joseph Marquet, of Reading supplies twen- ty ealoons with water-cress, getting 5 cents a plate. —The people of Brockwayville, Elk county, are excited because they can’t find their bor- ough charter. —On a farm at Fruitville, Montgomery coun- ty, is a sign-board spelled as follows “No Tres. passing Aloud.” —A huge field of huckleberries found on Broad Mountain, Mifflin county, has glutted the adjacent markets. —John G. Pries, 81 years old, was kicked to death by a horse in his stable at Conestoga Centre on Saturday. —Claude Mowerer, aged 16 years, was drown- ed at Watsontown on Saturday while attempt- ing to swim the river. —The tobacco crop of York county is mak- ing rapid and vigorous growth, and some far- mers have begun to cut. —Dayid Coleman, a Columbia barber, has a robin that can mimic a mocking-bird, and whistle “Little Fisher Maiden.” —In many parts of Lancaster county the earth is bestrewn with prematurely fallen shell-barks, as if it were October. —The Honesdale Citizen says that of over twenty tanneries in Wayne county twenty. five years ago only two remain. —Samuel Moser, 84 years old, fell from a crab-apple tree in South Bethlehem on Wed- nesday and received fatal injuries. —John B. Gerst has shown the Pottstown Ledger a tomato of the rouser brand that snaps the scale at two pounds and a quarter —David Shaw, of Greensburg, may die from the bite of a distempered horse, which nearly nipped his finger off about ten days ago, —Jacob Voltz, of West Chester, says: “The skin of the still-born calf makes the finest shoe leather, but it is the most expensive.” —Hayes Jacobs, of West Chester, has dyed very prettily a white leghorn chicken with aniline. The hen has a peculiar pink color. —Corn indicates an enormous yield in Ches~ ter and adjoining counties. The stalks are thick, and some are so tall as to be out of reach. —C. Hoyt, of Osceola, Tioga county, is the possessor of a cane which is made from a piece of live oak that was once a part of Captain Paul Jones’ flag-ship Alliance. —A dealer in Providence, a Scranton suburb is awaiting trial for having sold “corn beer,” which tasted strangely like ale, but which he claims was merely a soft drink. —Ezekiel Musselman, a farmer living near Centre Valley, on the North Penn Railroad, displayed a lot of white blackberries in the South Bethlehem market on Thursday, —A little child of Edwardsville, near Wilkes- barre, who swallowed a $20 gold-piece a month or more ago, is still alive, but is wasting away, and the doctor thinks death inevitable. —Henry Davenport, a farmer of Erie vicine ity, set a trap a few nights ago for a supposed white skunk, and the next morning found a genuine white woodchuck held in captivity —The Liberty Cornet Band, of West Chester one of the first colored bands in the State, which disbanded in consequence of most of its members joining church, isto be reorganized, —The family of Uriah Dean,of Seitzville near Easton, has been poisoned by paris green, which had been inexplicably placed in the cistern. Mr. Dean and a daughter are quite ill. —A Bethlehem man who promised a cent to each of his children for each weed pulled from the garden has withdrawn the rate, as last evening three bills of $4.06 each were pre- sented to him for payment. —An oil tank in a Lake Shore Railroad freight train at Erie exploded on Thursday, badly burning Engineer John Loftus and De- pot-master Samuel B. Kennedy, and destroying the engine and $30,000 worth of property. —The Youghiogheny Manor Land Company composed of Philadelphia capitalists, is build- ing a railroad through Fayette and Somerset counties to Garrett county, Md., which will open up 15,000 acres of oak timber land. —H. J. Shaff, of Mills, Tioga county, was acs cidentally struck beneath the chin a few days since by an iron bar, and the force of the blow shattered the plate of his false teeth and drove fragments of porcelain into the gums. —Lloyd Lewis, of Edison, Bucks county, hooked a large bass to days ago. It flung itself ashore, and hit against a log, which freed it from the hook, but likewise knocked it so senseless that he readily caught it by hand: —A large fish-crane that for two weeks had been hovering hungrily above Amos Snyder's carp dam at Pricetown, Berks county, and had been missed by several marksmen, has been shot by Webster Brown, and is being stuffed, ~The Williamsport Gazette says the aggre. gate sum received by that city from the State Flood Commission thus far is £100,000, and that if this were distributed to the losers it would only amount to an average of 1per cent. to each claimant. —An organized band of Pittsburg thieves has a boat that plies on the Alleghany and makeg regular trips to the country to carry oft the booty. During the week 200 chickens have been stolen from one man, and many stores have been entered and plundered at Tarentum, —A littie daughter of Mrs. Captain Kelley, of Chester, thought she saw a piece of money shining behind the stair-stepsa day or two since and pushed her hand into grasp it. The hand swelled, she could not draw it out, she raised an outery, and neighbors with a crow-bar pried her free. —On the farm of Benjamin Garman, in Up- per Rapho township, Lancaster county, is an ancient house, which bears on its door the date of its erection—1700. Tne Manheim Sun says: “When this part of the house was builg Philadelphi awas but eighteen years old and not as large as Manheim.” —Henry Rodman while picking berries near New Holland, Berks county, was bitten on the wrist by a copperhead snake. He ran for the nearest chicken, split it, thrust his wrist into the body and tied it shut. In fifteen minutes the chicken turned green with the absorbed poison, and Rodman’s life was saved. —The cleansing of the Lancaster reservoir a day or two since was such an excessively dirty job that it afforded keen delight to fifteen boys who fairly wallowed in it. Their clothing, hats and even their hair was full of mud, yet their revelry was unconfined. How they will ever become clean again no one knows. —Two young ladies visiting in Tyrone were informed by a gypsy that it they ate a raw chicken heart apiece before retiring at night they would dream of their lovers. They fol. lowed the prescription, unknown to their hos. tass, and the household was thrown into ture raoil in the middle of the night by two unace countable cases of cholera morbus. . iH